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It's #WorldOkapiDay! The endangered okapi is found in the Congo & is closely related to the giraffe. It stands 1.5m tall & is 2.5m long.
Look at all those okapi butts!
What systems would be good to mention to this user if they ever show up in chat?
Lady Blackbird's system of hitting and buying off keys, and Fate's milestones that get triggered by hitting different scales of narrative resolution, come to mind immediately.
(Also I'm pretty sure he's independently invented XP-driven compels; is that a thing in any existing system?)
hey there @nitsua60
hey there @Asteria
hey there @Maximillian
Continuing the 'Willing Undead' thoughts from earlier..
Heroes make it to the bottom of the dungeon. Strike the final blow against the horrible menace, only for the boss to explode into confetti as the illusionary walls fall away, as the Lich and his minions make a passing effort to applaud the party. After a casting of Mass Charm Person, the lich gets them to fill out a participation survey to get their thoughts and opinions of the dungeon.
The Lich then invites them to join his multi-level-marketing plan of organized dungeoneering... Each hero just has to get two other potential heroes to pay the 250 gold recruitment fee...
@Maximillian LOL!
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 what classes in 5e would be good for someone who wants to be a bit more "go off and do their own thing" than being Velcro'ed to the party all the time?
This thread is about an idea I'd like to implement in my as-yet-still-conceptual-woolgathering Solarpunk setting:
This thread is interesting, but I'd like to point up this tweet in particular: cities are all about coexisting in overlapping space without needing to interact. Cities when best functional are cultural-conflict disarmament machines. https://twitter.com/seldo/status/945772094494736386
@Shalvenay Honestly, I'd say ranger, bard, rogue, warlock. Possibly in that order. (I don't really know warlock and bard well enough to state the ordering confidently.)
Druid's not bad, either. Being a stoat or lizard or something's a pretty good way to... slink off =)
OTOH, D&D's not great for "go off and do my own thing."
@nitsua60 that is true :)
@nitsua60 Yeeeah, I made a shade quarterling who had to be retired because if he was doing his thing nobody else could be nearby.
(Quarterling = halfling with permanent reduce person.)
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 have you started getting everyone together for your stack game yet?
hey there @inthemanual
hey there @JuneShores
how're things going?
Going alright.
Making hamburgers for dinner.
ah, cool
introducing someone to RP here actually :)
Aw yeah!
@JuneShores got them through their first couple of skill checks, on a bit of a scavenger hunt atm
cat needs to get off my keyboard
having them deal with a town full of scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells, too ;)
Cool beans. Are they having fun?
looks like it :)
hey there @Asteria btw
Mothpeople, the newly christened Lord Mauth and the Lady.
Vote to delete if you can, and otherwise don't engage; obvious troll is obvious.
Never mind, it's been burninated.
I was about to say I saw the smoke already...
@BESW good response to troll troubles btw ;)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: What does "Hit by X+" mean in cleric's Turn Undead spell? by demi lovado on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
Flag that one as rude or offensive.
@SmokeDetector no kidding
that's one of the worst cases I've seen in all my time as a Stackizen :/
On the positive side, it got Bloodcinder a few upvotes they probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
well, at this point I'm very glad it takes a point or three of rep to chat
@BESW aye :) I was mentioning because the troll turned up in chat briefly but didn't have the rep to talk
Thanks for all the flags, everyone. Even though I was already involved it does help create an orderly paper trail via some automated processes.
@nitsua60 I'm sure I've seen that name on spam before, too. Maybe with a t instead of the d or something.
Yeah, it seems familiar.
@nitsua60 p.s. diamond question -- does a flag ban start counting down from the first or last decline within 7 days?
> Try anything and she'll hand you your butt. She will then certify in triplicate that you legally took possession of your own butt. Your demise shall have a scrupulous paper trail! (source)
@Shalvenay I'm not sure about that. I thought it was a helpful/declined thing that governed the throwing of flags, not a timer. [continues rummaging]
@Shalvenay TIL, 7 days does matter:
A: Allow recovery from flag hellban

Shog9Update: Kevin Montrose makes it happen The hell-ban is no more! Long live the verbose, obnoxiously evident ban! Kevin has implemented (more or less) the system described below. Flaggers with a recent (past 7 days) flagging history consisting of at least 10 handled flags where >= 10% of flags we...

@nitsua60 ah. I discovered that I had a decline I hadn't seen first (a rare NAA decline for me, VLQ seems to be where most of my declined flags lie)
I wonder why I would be offended by a person being an atheist in real life. Is it their atheism that's supposed to offend me? Or the societal tolerance of their atheism? Or that they profess atheism in meatspace, rather than just troll-space? So much to think about before going to bed....
@nitsua60 were you actually offended, or did someone try to insist you should take offense? o.O
I am not offended. Someone asserted I was, and I'm trying to tease out their thinking.
@Shalvenay It was part of the now-burninated troll's attempts to rile up the community into self-doubt about the justice of our policies.
(I'm not, actually. I'm just playing with words.)
It was... kind of a rock salt approach. I've seen better attempts to get the community upset about its own moral stance on curation.
@nitsua60 ah, yeah :) was kinda wondering what the context behind that statement was
@BESW ze troll got trogdor'ed
I think it's actually a good sign for our community that a troll thinks the best way to get us riled up is to accuse us of intolerance and injustice.
...and that we're self-aware enough nobody took it seriously.
And that had no elected moderators been here it would have been resolved almost as quickly. Multiple rude/abusive flags carry a lot of weight in the system, and multiple posts auto-deleted via flags will lower a post-ban onto a user pretty quickly. If I'd already been asleep they'd have still lost the ability to do much of anything pretty quickly.
@nitsua60 yeah, they even tried to join chat, without the rep to chat :P
The System Works.
The System Is Us.
a healthy Stack has a pretty darn strong immune reaction to trollishness
Ahah! It's an old link before the meta/site address switcheroo.
@BESW that's what I was thinking myself
This is an interesting "other side of the curtain" moment for me, though: my first serious troll since I obtained a diamond. Before I had the choice to either not engage or to play nice, if I felt like have some fun countertrolling by doing all the right (Stack) things.
But this time I have the tools to act swiftly and decisively to remove that from all-y'all's's presence, so just "playing nice" until they get tired isn't really a responsible thing for me to do. Oh well.
Jan 15 at 16:14, by nitsua60
@RollingFeles That's what I was doing last night. I had a duty shift where I literally just had to sit in my office in case a call came in. I thought I might organize some papers, but then thought "hmm... a troll in the stack. I bet myself a cookie I can out-patient/-nice him."
In the past I've had some "not sure if troll" moments where I take the time to engage with them and play good-faith-but-not-your-doormat until it's clear what's really going on.
Ugh. "Emergency Driver Duty." That night every few months when you hope that you're sitting restless and bored and annoyed to be at work doing nothing for the six hours.
But as soon as it's clear they're there for trouble, well. Keep the land around the castle clear of underbrush.
@nitsua60 oooh.
I don't think it's outside our moderator prerogatives to mention that this is likely a troll we've seen before, a year ago. Just like last time where they seemed to be constitutionally unable to behave like a civil person when creating sockpuppets to evade their suspension, they seem to be having the same difficulty now flying under the radar. We're likely to see more of them, just so y'all know. But the System Works, so they'll have limited impact. Just might be a colourful time. :)
But now we've got Smokey on our side.
@BESW Yes, and other additions. Our system's stronger than last year, and even last year this troll was unable to make much in the way of inroads.
Mostly they yelled at the mods, but we can take that like water on a duck.
So, what we're saying is they may have gotten a little better at evading detection, but we've also gotten better at detecting? At the risk of offending, I may have to link:
Yeah, I've never seen a troll get very far here unless they were actually doing stuff that was at least arguably within the Stack's mandate.
Thank you for your role in that, mods.
@nitsua60 And if someone can evade a ban while acting like a perfectly inoffensive, contributing user, we'll give them that “win” and enjoy the peace. :)
@BESW Thank you too. We're just the backstop; y'all and our system are the real immune system.
I'm off then. I'm confident the site will be in good hands, human and automated, should anyone new and colourful show up. :)
We know the mods, as backstops, get all the nasty backwash too.
Regisaurus was a carnivorous therocephalian from the early Triassic of South Africa. (Credit: FinwalSMD)
2 hours later…
Top of the morning to everyone
Hi there
[adds a dozen new books to his want-to-read list]
[has less time to read than ever]
I'm re-reading the Danger Patrol rules for the nth time and hoping someone will try it out with me :)
I would!
Would be nice, although I'm really bad with over-the-internet games... my mind wanders easily
Things you really don’t want to meet on a remote path as it’s starting to get dark.
@BESW My brain can't decide whether that's a rocky stream or a rocky path.
It's clearly a streamy path or a pathy stream.
Guarded by a fierce spookroot.
> Spookroot Guardian. Anyone stepping onto this path gains the aspect How is it following me!? for as long as they remain on the path. When leaving the path they must succeed on a Will defense against a +4 attack or gain Haunted by rooty dreams in their lowest available consequence slot.
> Spookroot. Despite having unusually good mobility for a plant, spookroots are fiercely territorial creatures and seldom leave their favorite spots. They are often seen near streamy paths, cautiously judging passing travelers. While spookroots seldom attack humanoids, it is considered prudent to carry a bit of dung or other fertilizer to give to the spookroot to ensure a safe passage through its territory.
Chatizen's Creature Catalogue proudly presents...
Guardian Root Spirit
Judge +3
Scuttle +2
- When unobserved, you can use your turn to move into a zone shared by someone you can see, regardless of how far away that is.
I expect @Magician's next 13th Age creature post to include the Spookroot.
Coming up with new creatures every now and then is good for the imagination.
I really like coming up with very specific "skills" for Fate NPCs.
Mind-controlled D-list celebrities
Stunt double +4
Choreographed fight moves +3
Method acting +1
Stress: OOO
- Prop weapon (function: weapon, flaw: prop). Weapon:2, +1 attack
- Wildly Inaccurate (Shoot). You’re rubbish at firing your weapon accurately, but you make up for it with enthusiasm. Whenever you attack with your laser gun or heat ray, the defender gets +4 to defend. Then, until your next action, if anyone moves into or through the zone you were shooting at, you attack them without rolling and produce a Great (+4) result.
...gosh, that session was fun. Shatner's motive aspect was To live more boldly than any man has lived before.
2 hours later…
@SeriousBri Hi!
Hello :)
is this the right chat to start asking magical secret questions or am i in the wrong place (chat is new to me)
Yeah, this is the place :)
Magical secret questions? You have my attention.
@SeriousBri On your question, you specified that you want spells that work surprisingly well for a Bard. Counterspell is one, at least.
That was the only one on my list so far @kviiri
And yes @ACuriousMind I made a question about good spells to pick and was directed here
Jack of all trades gives a partial proficiency bonus to Counterspell roll, which is something other classes can't do when casting it.
Oh, it's just about a Bard ability called Magical Secrets :( I was hoping for actual questions about magical secrets ;)
Q: What are good spells to select for Magical Secrets?

SeriousBriHopefully this question isn't too broad. Background While reading through as many Bard related threads as I can I came across a post suggesting that Valor Bard + Swift Quiver is a well known example for using Magical Secrets to have a significant positive effect (In this case in combat). Quest...

Haha sorry to disappoint
thanks @BESW
@BESW Yeah, I looked at the recent questions too after this conversation didn't go the way I expected :D
@SeriousBri If you have Xanathar's, Find Greater Steed is nothing short of incredible.
@Miniman I don't have the book but I can use anything that I am able to find a source for, even crazy overpowered UA stuff (We have a Mystic in the party). That spell looks lovely since I already lost my horse and I have only played for 4 hours
@SeriousBri Even Find Steed is pretty great, and Find Familiar too.
Although neither of them are especially good for Bards.
Destructive Wave is in a similar boat - it's not especially good for Bards in any way, but their early access to it is pretty nice.
@Miniman I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the water when a destructive wave came along, much less sharing a boat with it.
@BESW One day my logic will work like that, too many PC games have really restricted my thinking :(
...unless it's, like, an audience wave that gets really out of control.
@BESW It's more a wave of destruction than a water wave that is destructive, unfortunately for your imagination ;P
Oh, wait, that was a pun on Miniman's use of boat
::groans retroactively, then claps::
Thanks for your help earlier with the troll, everyone. Our theory is a former resident troll is turning their attention to this site again. The bad news is they're persistent so it might be an interesting week for us. The good news is they are incapable of subtlety so will out themselves pretty quickly and obviously.
@BESW Gosh I love that dog.
I think it's nevertheless a good sign that a single troll is a noteworthy incident here, instead of everyday business.
Yeah, we get witchdoctor spam semi-regularly, but customized trolls are rare enough to be novel.
...or it just means you're too small a target for the greater trolls ;P
I sometimes wonder about the witch doctor spam... is it because our site has so much stuff about spells and such?
Yeah, absolutely.
We talk about spells, and health, and wizards...
@kviiri I agree with that.
@kviiri Yes. They seem to particularly target questions that mention the words "spell casting", as if they find them via a search engine and post spam to them.
@ACuriousMind Luckily size is not indicative of quality ;)
(to wit, most of our questions that mention those words become Protected over time)
@doppelgreener I predict the next hot spam trend is candy makers pushing their products in posts that mention "fudge rolls".
@SeriousBri I suggest branching out a little into tabletop RPGs outside the D&D paradigm, too. Prescriptive (pick-your-choices-from-a-list) games are great, but descriptive (write-a-phrase-about-the-story-and-attach-a-number-to-it) games can be very brain-flexing.
is a good single-session palate cleanser, and is good for longer-form games.
But even something like 13th Age, which is basically a no-copyrights-were-harmed re-do of D&D 3.5 with lessons learned from 4e and some conceits from narrative gaming, has you do cool stuff like invent your own "skills" and using them to build on your backstory during play.
We also got some Real Vampire spam on questions about vampires! If that is a real vampire brood though, they probably came on a bit heavy...
@doppelgreener [snerk] that was hilarious.
They were curiously hung up on assuring us that vampires have good posture.
@BESW Good posture is extremely important for immortal beings. Years are not kind on their spines.
@BESW Thanks I have been, can't remember the name of last one I played but it was good for creative thinking, going back to both in the new year
BTW, @doppelgreener, any idea if you'll be joining us for Geek Night this time around?
We may be getting a new attendee and I want to know if I should ask how they feel about Skypery beforehand.
@BESW ooh! yeah, i should be OK to join.
@SeriousBri Glad to hear it. RPG.SE has significantly broadened my RPG horizons and I think it's done me nothing but good.
given the events of a few hours ago, now is a good time to make this particular avatar/hat switch.
@doppelgreener I'll double-check that the new person is looking to do RPG stuff.
@doppelgreener Excellent choice.
@BESW If it works out that they're more comfortable without the skyping, I will be happy to not join this weekend & spend the time playing zelda instead. :D
Aight. I'll try to know ahead of time so you can sleep in or whatever.
I did D&D with 'em a very long time ago, but recently it's been more the board games end of the spectrum.
@BESW I hope you have fun, whatever you do! :D
I'd love to have your support introducing them to a simple, fun RPG like InSpectres or Masters of Umdaar.
I'd be happy to provide it!
Troggy's still in Yap, but we should have a Raycia!
And I know she's been dying to play InSpectres.
I'd enjoy playing that one again. :D
@SPavel sir.
How go the preparations?
the preparations?
The preparations for the plan.
We can't very well execute the plan until the preparations are complete.
is it safe to talk here? Is this line secure?
I have had this communications channel vetted by the eggheads downstairs.
If everything goes well, we won't have to deal with them for much longer.
quite true, but i would still prefer the standard cone of silence
Wouldn't we all, but you know how the council is with these things.
soon that will no longer be our issue
hello is this pizza hut
@doppelgreener No this is Pizza the Hutt
Pizza Hut is one door down
sorry i thought i was dialling pizza hut
@doppelgreener Maybe your Stargate is busted, have you checked your warranty
You have to make sure that you have a guy that says "Chevron one...locked. Chevron 2... locked" and so on. To confirm that the chevrons are locked.
@SPavel i voided it by using it to dial pizza hut
Otherwise, they could be unlocked.
And the last time that happened, a planet exploded.
gosh that's true
wait doesn't he say "encoded"?
Although to be fair, given how big the universe is, a planet probably explodes every second.
@doppelgreener My bad, it's "encoded" for one through six and "locked" only for 7
@Yuuki I think it's something like 30 supernovae per second, across the universe
So a lot of planets have a bad day today
@doppelgreener I don't know how you would encode a planet but sure.
"And the last time that happened, a planet encoded."
Eh, that doesn't sound too bad.
@Yuuki hahaha
actually sounds like an interesting scifi concept
encrypting a planet via spacetime dilation wibbly wobbly
"Time lock".
Whatever the hell that means.
@doppelgreener Planet ransomware?
@SPavel "Your planet has been encrypted, please contact [email protected] and pay 3 Lichcoins."
@Yuuki oh yeah!
@Yuuki Fortunately, I have a backup planet I can restore from
@SPavel in doctor who, a planet (among other things) was locked out of spacetime entirely so as to exclude the rest of the universe from the galactic war it was involved in. it could also be used as a protective measure: only those with permission can even access the planet's existence.
Something something stable time loop
@doppelgreener I mean, spoilers for a 4 year old episode, but it was also a lie.
@Yuuki oh, i thought that was an Old Who thing as well
That was Gallifrey right?
Also, jeez the 50th Anniversary was 4 years ago??!!
With the Daleks? Except the Daleks then pop up pretty much every other episode anyway
I'm actually still not clear on whether Gallifrey was destroyed, time-locked, and then the Doctor rewrote history in the 50th Anniversary or whether Gallifrey wasn't destroyed and the time lock was a lie. Although one the Doctor believed was true because of timey wimey stuff.
@Yuuki I thought it was not destroyed, just time-locked?
@SPavel IIRC, it was both.
Destroyed and time-locked so that no one could try to un-destroy it.
I much prefer the time warfare in Singularity Sky because it actually makes sense
@SPavel and then there was an episode where the daleks were invisible, by hiding themselves one second out of sync with the rest of the universe. because apparently that's a thing and doesn't mean you're still present but a second behind or ahead.
Summary: People use FTL to create timelike curves and travel into the past along them, because physics-based FTL is always time travel
Also, the local not-god will blow up your civilization if you try to mess with time within its light-cone, so that you don't undo its existence.
@doppelgreener I think that's the same logic that the North Korean government uses to justify a time zone that's on a half-hour offset
@SPavel That reminds of spoilers for Fallen London although soon to be not spoilers in Sunless Skies.
@SPavel hahaha!
Speaking of spoilers... the request to not spoil The Last Jedi is no longer mod starred. Mwahaha!
a thousand Kylo Rens merge to form a Mega Ren.
@kviiri I mean Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley both got huge exposure and salaries for what was basically their first movie. I think they're already pretty spoiled.
@Yuuki Mark Hamill got fairly little exposure in TLJ. He's wearing very modest robes for most of the film.
@kviiri 640 Kylo Rens ought to be enough for anybody
@SPavel Kylo Rens or Kylos Ren?
@Yuuki "The plural of surgeon general is surgeons general. The past tense of surgeon general is surgeoned general."
@SPavel hahahaha
I'm nearly a full year behind Doctor Who :(
@kviiri does that mean we can discuss?
@NautArch Please avoid
Deckard is the titular last Jedi after Snape kills Trinity with Rosebud. But then it turns out that everyone is Tyler Durden.
@SPavel will do.
but then there goes the preparations.
Q: Is there a tag for "Official rules problems"?

Kamil DrakariI recently posted this question. I was looking specifically for an official source, which I expressed by using the rules-as-written tag. However, it was quickly removed with the following reasoning: [raw] tag is only for strict literalist interpretation problems, not for "official rules" prob...

2 hours later…
> Werewolf form. Gain [Werewolf Form] Aspect with four free invokes until the end of scene. If invoked against you, [Werewolf Form] counts as a Moderate consequence.
@doppelgreener @BESW @trogdor thoughts?
Why is being a werewolf a moderate consequence?
@SPavel ha, you realize that when you type enough to get a linebreak here, your avatar expands and the santa hat covers your name?
@NautArch Why do you think it's positioned the way it is?
I am a man of two things: verbosity, and mystery
"S" isn't even my real name
@SPavel Are you saying that it's not an S? And that on your planet, it means "hope"?
@Yuuki it's this
nobody knows what it means
@BESW It's kind of funny how Atomic is a Style in Danger Patrol, when Rocket City has banned nuclear technology.
Then again, that's an opening for awesomeness.
@kviiri ...wait, you're reading the full rules and setting book and not just the Pocket Edition? Work.
Reading rules is pointless, I just go on the forums, find the meme-est optimization post, and take my character from there
@BESW Yeah :)
@kviiri If someone calls you out on it, say that "atomic" deals with the electrons as well, while "nuclear" does not, so they are very different
if you engage them in debate long enough, the radiation poisoning will set in, and then you win
@SPavel Sadly, this one is on me - upon checking, it says Crimson Republic (a Cold War USSR expy) is obsessed with perfecting atomic technology, which is banned in Rocket City (the main setting).
...It's been two and a half years since I played a system where optimization was really something that mattered at all.
@eimyr "Being treated as a moderate consequence" isn't meaningful, since consequence aspects are treated the same as any other aspect. Also, this stunt is missing a trigger or condition under which it occurs -- you could say you Create Advantage to become a werewolf (and gain invokes as normal), or you could spend a fate point to become a werewolf, or "once per session you can become a werewolf."
@kviiri Doesn't that just mean that the Crimson Republic can nuke the tar out of Rocket City
@BESW Optimization always matters, it just comes in different shapes and sizes. As long as there are rules, you can optimize.
By the rules, Apocalypse World does support all kinds of freaky min-maxing, but at least it's not a system that encourages people who don't want to do it to do it.
@SPavel Maybe they're just really big on cancer treatments.
Freaky min-maxing is the best kind, rational and reasonable min-maxing is just doing taxes, but for free.
@SPavel Hmm, it's not explicitly stated in which state their atomic tech is in. Maybe Rocket City is just awesome enough to not nuke? :P
I mean, perhaps the Crimson Republic wants Rocket City so bad that having to nuke them would be a Pyrrhic Victory.
...or they've got a stranglehold on glows-in-the-dark-AND-the-day watches.
Continuing yesterday's modern Lich thoughts...
Perhaps nuclear weapons just don't work that well. Or maybe Crimsons have poor rockets and no alternative delivery?
So if a Lich digitizes his soul in Lichcoin... What if the crypto currency forks, like Bitcoin did? You'd get a parallel Lich soul, ideally with a slightly improved feature. (In the case of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash has reduced transaction time.)
One lich, with two souls. I don't see that ending well.
@Maximillian Judging by things like the teleport through time drawback and mirror of opposition, a forked lich would be hostile to the original
it will write nasty thinkpieces about how the original Lichcoin is obsolete and useless
In this case, probably try to buy out the original soul.
Or it turns from a phylactery to two holucruxes, making him harder to kill at the cost being cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
@BESW Demiliches can have many phylacteries, without the cocoa puffs clause
Demiliches.. Those are the advanced ones that are usually a gem encrusted skull, right?
However, a demilich is not a good match for crypto, as part of its power is backed by the magic items stored near its phylactery
@Maximillian Yes, but it can be any bone.
Imagine a millenia-old epic wizard pelvis.
My demilich was his left hand.
He maintained a permanent illusion of the rest of his body, making him appear to be a normal old man and confounding most attempts to attack him.
...not that a successful attack would do much. He was also an astral projection with his real left hand in a popped bag of holding with all his stuff.
A lich that you can't physically kill. You have to devalue him on the market.
@Maximillian If it's a crypto lich, then he will devalue himself
This goes up there with the lich that could only be destroyed by being beaten in a chili cookoff.
The best lich is actually a metaconcert of psionic demiliches that together create one whole skeleton
... Some kind of Voltron Lich?
@BESW A demilychee's chief enemy is the rouge angle.
@SPavel Which is a feat to pull off considering that most demiliches aren't the kind of people who play well with others.
Alternative idea to explore later. Nanoliches.
@Yuuki I imagine that after being alive for long enough they will mellow out
@Yuuki that's a lich i can get behind
@SPavel I'd say the opposite. very stuck in their ways.
Fully automatic luxury gay space liches
Demilychee? A fruit-bearing lich?
Lich treants
@SPavel Augh. My brain blew a fuse just trying to mentally shape that one.
You can keep druidic casting as an undead if you're a blighter, right?
Not sure but now I want undead trees.
@eimyr Something like "Spend a fate point to become a werewolf until the end of the scene. Whilst you're a werewolf, you have Tooth & Claw at +3. If you use it at night, you can be compelled to have it last all night -- or on a full moon, to lose control of yourself." could work better.
@SPavel I think I've seen that movie, but I can't repeat the title in chat.
@SPavel Unlike cleric magic, I don't think druidic magic is affected by you being a jerk or not.
@Maximillian That's the terrifying Worst Ending of a Plants vs Zombies game, right?
@BESW Hmm, the pocket edition rules seem quite a lot different from the beta playtest. They're also more recent. Makes me wonder if they found the full beta's rolling rules lacking somehow...
@kviiri I consider the Pocket rules the only rules.
@doppelgreener good point.
The only time I've ever found the full rules useful is when someone used them to answer a question for me.
> Werewolf form. Spend a Fate Point to gain [Werewolf Form] Aspect with four free invokes until the end of scene. When invoked against you, [Werewolf Form] gives +4 bonus instead of +2.
@doppelgreener The above is probably what I meant, excuse my poor rules recollection
@Maximillian Delightfully, the Ghostwalk book in 3.5 has a "monstrous vampire" that can be applied to any creature
So you can have your undead tree cake and eat it too
@SevenSidedDie You win the internet for this one today "it doesn't make sense to ask if a garden salad had the hamburger patty and bun "removed""
> So you can have your undead tree cake and eat it it can eat you too.
Of course, the resulting creature would have a combined level adjustment somewhere north of a bajillion
But imagine how metal it would be to have a vampire with a coffin made out of the flesh of its own species.
(metaphorically, of course, not literally metal)
@BESW Well, the pocket rules came out later so I guess they could be seen as superceding the "full" rules.
(unless you have an ironwood treant)
@SPavel Or what about what you thought was a coffin but is actually the vampire?
@Yuuki Then it would need another coffin to rest in, and you get Russian nesting coffins
Particularly crafty spookroots occasionally masquerade as coffins in hopes a mourning traveler buries one of their dead in it. Precious nutrients.
@SPavel Vampiric Russian nesting coffins.
Ah, yes, bloodwood.
@eimyr Some day I will return to my Fate Accelerated "Hounds of God" write-up.
@BESW agreed
@BESW I'm sure you will. You can do it!
1 hour later…
DnD-5e can't seem to find a clear answer. Level 1 p-300
@Acts7Seven Whats the question?
Once you hit level 2, are you 0 again and it takes 900 points to get to level 2?
@Acts7Seven No, you do not drop back, just accumulate
Or do you start level 2 at 300 and hit level 3, 600 points later at 900?
@Szega okay thanks!!
Is that anywhere defined in the PHB or DMG?
@Acts7Seven It is more that it never says that you lose xp or carry over when you level. You always gain it. I cannot find this as a question here, you might want to ask it.
Oh wait, it is here
Good ol deductive reasoning. Thanks. I must have missed that. Thank uou.
hey there @ACuriousMind @AncientSwordRage@Acts7Seven
@Shalvenay sup.per
frantically trying to cobble together a MTG standard deck for FNM tomorrow
may be quiet
how're things going?
Going good. Finally got to introduce my well of Many Worlds. PCs don't know of the glitch yet. Trying to decide if it should work right and only fail occasionally. Or If I should build a whole campaign around this portal that is always glitched.
Not to be confused with the Well of Plots.
@BESW You mean Lost Plots, right?
@Miniman yes, that.
I'm on my phone at the doctor, not putting full brain into chat.
All good! Just wanted to make sure you were referencing what I thought you were. And good luck at the doctor.
We're trying to sort out the many different ways it's possible to confuse medicine prescriptions.
IR, SA, ER....
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