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this question makes me sad
I'm baffled how a DM allows this to happen...and why the warlock would constantly waste a spell on that...
@Miatog I'm confused by it myself
if I was the DM, I'd be poking the Warlock's player asking them just WTF is up
The only thing I can think of other than "the warlock player is a soggy biscuit" is "the barbarian player is a far soggier biscuit and plays a Chaotic Stupid character"
and I'm pretty much as freewheeling a DM as it comes (I let someone play a wolverine with Rogue levels in a 3.5e dungeon)
Unfortunately the asker is providing precious few details on a question that needs them this badly
once may be funny, but every session? that's just not nice.
we've got an upcoming campaign planned and one of the characters has a 3 INT, which I do intend to abuse with minor illusions every once in awhile.
how did they end up with a 3 int?
@sevenbrokenbricks did a straight 3d6 roll (in order) for stats.
Is 3 INT even enough to speak? :P
@ACuriousMind we decided probably not.
And the player's fine with that?
oh yeah, that's totally up his alley.
we're starting the campaign with pretty much zero inventory (basically in a prison-gang)
so I'll need to find a sheep so I can start messing with him :D
hey there @Erics
@sevenbrokenbricks aye, it's pretty bad on that front
@NautArch Nice, then that has potential to be glorious ;) Most players I know wouldn't enjoy not being able to talk in-character.
@ACuriousMind i think he'll enjoy it - if not, rocks fall.
rest of his stats aren't great, either.
Well, that's what you get for rolling ;P
hey, if the player's fine with it
yeah, we always roll - but usually do 7x 4d6, reroll 1s and drop lowest die and lowest score.
@ACuriousMind Actually - yes.
At least in 3.5, loads of 3 INT magical beasts speak languages, sometimes several
3 on 3d6 is 2.3 SDs from mean, which is an IQ of 75 points.
interesting. I'm not entirely sure how he's going to play him - we're not yet done with his campaign :)
A creature with that intelligence and a sufficiently high Wisdom might decide not to speak too often, however, as it's aware that others will consider it stupid
definitely not a high wisdom
@NautArch welp
yeah, he rolled poorly :)
Ah, the joys of ironman rolls.
@NautArch What ed you playing?
Does he at least have a good Charisma?
meanwhile, I've got a gnome wizard with 20 INT and 17 CON :)
@SPavel nope. pretty sure his best stat is STR at like 14 or something.
@Miatog 5e
@NautArch Sounds like this character is going to die very swiftly and be replaced with a better stat array
@NautArch Then I do not believe that's enough to speak as I believe that threshold is 6 INT
Sounds like you're going to have a blast with that game lol
@SPavel And it will be awesome
maybe, but probably not. We knew what a 3d6 straight roll might do. He'll play it until it legit dies.
Is there a roller in this chat? I want to try a 3d6 array for funsies
there is
@SPavel and here I was about to suggest anydice
doesn't let you do multiple rolls
as far as i know
hi yes excuse me, mr dice service san
I would like to report a problem
i do get to play my one-off monk1/druid2 tonight.
@sevenbrokenbricks Seems to only show probabilities
In the end I had to go to the d20srd dice bag, like a peasant
10,12,16,10,14,11 - very happy with these rolls
Decent cleric - good survivability, not bad Wisdom
didn't want to type 3d6 6 times?
@NautArch Didn't want to spam the chat
we love spam
spam spam spam
egg and spam
@NautArch We love manual, hand-crafted, artisanal spam. Spam with a soul. Abusing the dicebot is nothing but mass-produced, bland, banal, heartless, and capitalist spam.
@SPavel oh that's beautiful
@sevenbrokenbricks You can "star" posts that you like and they will appear in the sidebar temporarily for others to see
why are some stars in the sidebar outlines, while others are full stars?
@sevenbrokenbricks the outlines are the pins
outlined ones are moderator pins
Gotcha, thanks
@SPavel my gnome wizard has 9 str, 10 dex, 17 con, 20 int, 8 wis, 12 cha
@eimyr or room owner (cc: @sevenbrokenbricks)
@NautArch =\
@nitsua60 not your kind of sheep
awkward :D
@nitsua60 thanks
@NautArch yeah, wizard is the only real choice with a spread like that
Though I have known people who were proud of having wizard characters with 12 Int
@SPavel was considering mystic, too
Like, they had NPCs that were archwizards of great renown - with Int 12
but i've been wanting to play a wizard for awhile
Because rarara roleplaying not rollplaying
There is an abundance of pins right now... I'm tempted to take off my spoiler message, but it keeps getting starred... I've been watching that number climb every week.
And the holiday/welcome/guidance one is still relephant for a week or so....
i finally saw it on sunday
would love to talk about it :D
still need to see it...hopefully Thursday....
@Miatog won't spoil...but i'll say that i enjoyed it
All I've seen of TLJ is porgs
what're porgs lol
oh that answers that one GOOGLE
I don't want to say in case people who have a hard line on spoilers get all upset
2 hours later…
hey there @SPavel and @eyecosahedron
have you ever noticed how disco Blaziken's pants are?
he would slay on the dance floor
Also, looks like you can use these hats to disguise your name
@SPavel I've heard an anecdote that a D&D 3.0/3.5 playtester was exactly that.
Which, if true, would explain a lot about D&D 3.x.
hey again @ACuriousMind
ahoi again
@SPavel And yes, I always wanted those pants
how're things going?
@BESW that probably would, actually
@Shalvenay I believe it was something about roleplaying vs rollplaying and being proud of not needing perfect stats to play a good character, which--fine, but it's a playtest.
Anyway, I can't easily dig up confirmation of the anecdote, and although my source is usually pretty reliable in the broad strokes they are prone to some exaggeration in the details, so take it with some salt.
hey there @Acts7Seven
@Shalvenay Confirmation, and of course it's on a thread about that.
(Warning: Paizo forums.)
@Shalvenay hi
Question . In answering a question... Can I post a photo of a page in DMG if I crop it to just that item?
Or can I type the contents of that specific item?
@Acts7Seven probably better to type the contents of that specific item in a quote box :) that way it's searchable, screen-readable, etal
Thanks. Is posting the image allpwed?
A: Does this question have too much quoted text?

wax eagleHere's my strategy for writing answers on all SE sites: Use only as much quotation as is absolutely required to make your point. It's almost always better to summarize rather than to quote giant chunks because your answer needs to be tailored to answer the question. Use integrated quotes when p...

A: Can non-open-license rules be discussed, or not?

SevenSidedDieYou'll notice, if you look around the site, that most of your concerns aren't reflected in our answers. Rules are discussed, quotes are posted, and knowledge is transferred. Copyright-enforcing mods don't regularly jump out and discourage answering. This example is an exception, for reasons which...

A: Copying Potentially Copyrighted Images

SevenSidedDieImages that we might want to use here are almost always going to be copyright violations that have no Fair Use protection, since using an image simply as an informational reference isn't protected by Fair Use. Other transformative uses like parody, that are protected, just don't apply to our site...

It's almost always better to only quote exactly where necessary and to otherwise paraphrase and summarize with citations so users can look up the context of the text.
The Stack is about providing expert answers, not reading the book to people, so answers should focus on explanation and interpretation through the lens of experience and syncretic insight.
hey there @eimyr
@Acts7Seven why post the image if you can quote the text instead, unless there's an actual picture or diagram involved here?
@Shalvenay ey whaddup
@eimyr not a whole lot, as for you?
@Shalvenay not much changed, didn't we talk earlier today?
@eimyr maybe a bit :)
@Shalvenay ^^
@Shalvenay reason being it's quicker to snap a photo of the text and crop it than to type up even the important part.
Anyone know how to add quotes to a post when on mobile?
@Acts7Seven ugh. just knuckle down and type it. everyone else will thank you. images of text are a scourge of the web. and just use the markdown > blockquote syntax
Precede the line with a right-angle bracket. (I.e. >)
The page describing mainsite markdown can be a bit hard to find.
@Acts7Seven If you do that someone will come along and fix it. Nicer, though, to be a thoughtful stackizen and do that work yourself (possibly later, when you have a moment) than relying on others to clean up after you.
@Shalvenay yeah. I ended up doing so. Just that im grounding from using my computer while on break. (Compromise with my wife) so all my typing is on phone.
> thanks all
We've been playing LMoP for 7 sessions. No problem giving it to them. Do you have any suggestions for how to give it to them? I mean right now it seems like "a magical unicorn was flying thru the sky and dropped the exact item you needed. Any thoughts on how to introduce the item? — Acts7Seven 15 mins ago
Just as a heads-up, @Acts7Seven, your last request for "any thoughts on how to introduce" is the sort of thing we like to keep mainsite clear of, but are happy to see happening here in chat or to redirect to a discussion forum.
To help that along you can use the magic text [chat] in a comment and it'll provide someone a link to this room. So I suggest something like "I'd be interested in hearing thoughts on how to introduce the item--come find me in [chat] if you have a moment."
See also this meta (and those it links) when you've got the time:
Q: Where should I ask discussion questions?

ZachI've been wanting to ask a few questions that are focused less around getting a ruling or asking for help with a problem, and I'm not sure where I should ask them. I know Meta is for questions concerning the forum itself, but I'm not sure if the questions I want to ask would be best asked in a f...

hey there @Asteria
hey as well @JuneShores
how're things going?
Going alright.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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