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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Dear chat profile updater: Why so slow?
doesn't it have to change,... it everywhere?
My chat profile's avatar is keyed off of my rpg.se profile's avatar, but they're different profiles.
The chat profile checks the other periodically.
no I mean,... all through the chat logs
Ah, that's simple: the chat logs reference a "current profile image" object.
I too wonder why it always takes quite so long
in fact,... sometime it kinda doesn't take that long
Yesterday it updated almost instantly.
it did for me too actually
Hooray, new detective.
@Miniman Troggy has now seen Big Hero 6.
yes, I have indeed
just yesterday
Cool! What'd you think?
it was good
there is nothing I can nit pick besides,.... only one person in this huge group of supposedly smart future scientists cared at all about workplace safety? which was weird but didn't ruin the movie or anything
it was very cool action, nice concepts, and hit the emotional buttons it wanted to hit very well
also, I feel like they could have introduced spoiler into the story earlier in a way that doesn't just blindside people that they exist
whoops forgot that part for a second
just a minor thing, but whenever you have a mystery element, even when you really just want people to believe one thing and then have it switched up on them later,... I feel like it is nice to actually include all the elements of the mystery early
I'm not sure the whole identity subplot was necessary at all, really.
It felt like it mostly existed because they couldn't figure out a way to avoid the trope.
they don't even have to run into spoiler, they could just see a picture on a certain desk
@BESW this is fair but,... just a little bit of extra work if they do this
adding a few frames with said picture would have made me drop the whole point
and it isn't a huuuge detraction from the movie or anything, I just want to point out how it could have been easily made just a little more awesome
at least in my opinion
my only issue with it is, that they way they did it basically makes it entirely impossible to use any clue to figure out what is actually going on in that subplot of figuring out who the bad guy is
it would have been fun to have any chance of guessing that
as is, no actual clues were given until the reveal actually happens
all red herrings
as far as I could tell
anyway, I still really liked it, I just have a habit of nit picking stuff like that
1 hour later…
@trogdor re: meta... I said no hat-chasing, not no hats. =P
Shirley it's not your fault if someone just gives you all these hats.
I do have a serious quandary: I have a naturally-occurring question I intend to ask. If I ask it on the hour I get a hat. But I can't un-see the clock that's just sitting there on my desktop. So do I roll a d60 and just post at that minute...?
I think the question is, will exerting no effort to get one hat cause you to want to exert more effect to get more hats, or will exerting more effort to get no hat help you resist exerting more effort to get more hats?
@nitsua60 Ask it on the hour - you're our representative on the global leaderboard.
Get thee behind me, Miniman!
@nitsua60 I am behind you. That's kind of the point.
@BESW I'm not sure I'm smart enough--especially at this hour--to answer that.
Just ran a 3.5-hr session--I'm a little tapped =)
Ooof. The one you were talking about last night?
@nitsua60 lol
@trogdor I'm thinking about how to represent Ajani's werecat and hybrid forms in a Cthulhu Confidential game, and I think a lot of them would be easily modeled as "reduce the difficulty of tests by two."
Like, the hybrid form is a warrior form, so combat tests are easier.
And as a full cat, it's easier to succeed at tests to avoid being noticed.
(I got this basic concept from Mutant City Blues, as it's something several mutant powers grant.)
And you'd have an Investigative ability like Hearing which is only available in cat form.
ok, I am cool with this idea
...I'm kinda thinking also the cat form would give you the Investigative ability Observe Dreams.
And to "balance" it, maybe have switching into a cat or hybrid form cost one point, while returning to human is free?
where do points come from?
Ah, that's the Pushes.
ah ok
@Miniman Yeah. It was fun.
Actually, on reflection, shifting may not need any cost at all.
It's just a set of narrative restrictions, many of them social.
As a werecat you're... just a smart cat. You can't talk, you can't use tools, you can't carry stuff...
But you're inconspicuous and agile and have excellent senses.
fairy nuff
As a hybrid you still don't have really good fine motor control and you're very conspicuous, but you're physically formidable... and you're clearly a high-ranking representative of Bast, which has its own ups and downs.
4 hours later…
Is there a list for mage artifacts people came up with online?
@MaikoChikyu Depends what you mean by "mage artifacts".
I mean things a mage can craft using quintessence.
So you're talking about Mage: the Ascension?
Yes i am.
Did someone say "Mage the Ascension"?
I did
I am looking for a site that lists artifacts crafted by mages
Actually, it was Miniman, but I'm interested anyway
@MaikoChikyu why?
@MaikoChikyu Actually, you didn't - you're far more likely to get the information you want if you lead with key phrases like that.
I tried that. I couldn't find a site that lists them.
Are you having trouble coming up with artifacts, looking for ones canon in the metaplot?
I am having trouble coming up with artifacts.
Also, do you mean Imbued Items, Artifacts or Wonders?
I mean artifacts through wonders work too
Well, the difference is quite important, as one of them can be used by sleepers and the other one not. Beats me which is which though.
Wonders is the general name for everything magical. Artifact is mage only. Imbued items can be used by sleepers.
I mean any wonder works
I am making a virtual adept in a different system and i am trying to convert artifacts to it
I'm also pretty sure Imbued ones don't really have much power. Anyway, there are sites like that, reddit etc.
hm? what system?
It's a homebrew system my friend made.
based on anything?
ah, and there are also Talismans
urgh, Mage really sucks when it comes to stuff like that
I'm just looking for a list of wonders. The system itself is unrelated.
I literally googled "mage ascension reddit artifacts" and then followed links on relevant discussions on onyxpath
Well i am looking more at the scale of hundreds. Ayway i guess i'll keep googling
I am, however, and I say that without the intention to brag, an experienced Mage Ascension GM and worldbuilder, so if you have a desire to have wonders fitting a particular theme, I'd be happy to play a little generation game.
as we often do here with Fate stunts, I like to come up with rpg bits and pieces
so, what kind of wonders are you looking for?
and are you familiar with wonder generation rules?
also, which edition?
I'm not. Also revised edition
Revised is no fun
guys, what would do if you had a great one warlock in 5e with actor who wanted to use his telepathic abilities to imitate an enemies teammates.
Say you are about to attack and you want to use your bonus action to imitate a teammate of his saying "watch out behind you"
In DnD 5e?
@Skyler I would order some pizza.
@kviiri yea
Well, my first instinct would be to make it a contest between the Warlock's Charisma (Deception) and the target's passive Insight, with the Warlock having an advantage if the target isn't aware their opponents have telepathy.
On a success, the attacks against the target are under advantage until one hits, or until the target's next turn, where they spend their action noticing they've been bamboozled.
It's about cantrip-level strength, appropriate for a bonus action class power.
Unfortunately, as with every other illusion-like ability and deception trick in DnD, it's pretty squarely the GM's responsibility to come up with something sensible.
2 hours later…
hey there @PeterCooperJr.
hey there @ATaco
Y'all are great at boopin' me as I come in.
how're things going?
Alright, Still thinking about what to do with my Magic Initiate Feat.
@Shalvenay Hi!
@PeterCooperJr. how're things going?
Just fine and dandy.
@PeterCooperJr. you should look into a system that a friend of @eimyr is publishing any day now. I playtested it with my kids and they really liked it. A character that fits on an index card, only uses a few dice... it's lightweight enough that I can run a game while driving. But there's enough meat there to keep both my 5 y.o. engaged and my 9 y.o. interested.
I've heard jump a few times now.
I'm probably gonna roll Produce Flame - Druidcraft - Jump
@nitsua60 Thanks. I know there are some kid-targeted systems out there. We're having a lot of fun with what we're doing now, but it might be fun to try something new at some point
(To be fair, a couple of those have been me--don't give it too much weight!)
Nah, I've heard it across a couple of mediums.
Unless you're also on the Discord I'm on.
@PeterCooperJr. I've been generally-unimpressed with kid-specific systems, but this one really hit a nice spot both for me and the kids.
My 8-year-old absolutely loves looking through the 5E Monster Manual.
@ATaco Angry's?
Just called, "Discord Tabletop"
@PeterCooperJr. My kids call it the "Dragon Dictionary," since they started browsing it before they could read the cover =)
It's torn between Jump and Entangle.
If I get Jump, I become Bouncy the Barbarian, which instills fear in the hearts of Dragons, but if I get Entangle, I can be useful.
I have to find my 2E books at some point, if only because I know he's love that Monstrous Manual as well
@ATaco Concentration, though...?
Why is any useful Druid Spell Concentration :<
As a bard player, I can relate.
Bouncy the Barbarian appears to be the solution.
Absorb elements is a little bit interesting, allowing you to boomerang some damage.
I'm not really fighting enough enemies that deal AOE damage, probably due to the party composition being mostly far apart.
Earth tremor? Finding yourself prone next to a raging barbarian is pretty scary.
I'll be able to long jump 42 feet with jump.
And that's after already moving 10 feet.
When it was my turn to GM I gave our barb a magic axe that allowed casting various L1 and L2 spells upon destroying an enemy, including jump.
The tactical utility pleased the player.
Magic Initiate as a feat. allows me to gain two cantrips and one level 1 spell per long rest.
And after discussing with the DM, I'll be taking it in Druid, due to Character Stuffs.
@ATaco Or snag a concentration spell--use it when you're out of rages, or when it seems it'd be more useful than raging.
That would be almost redundant at level 20 with UNLIMITED POW- RAGES.
The usual DnD barb quite easily gets into "hit enemies normally or with reckless attack". Having some life outside that is good.
The way I play seems to mostly be "Hit with reckless unless I already have advantage"
Yes, that works too.
I wish 5e had kept 4e's powers. Fighter and Barb had some pretty nice variety there.
The ranged option with (admittedly it's a bit pathetic) Produce Flame is nice to have, and Druidcraft is great for Flavour.
But Crowd Control and Distance Closing is pretty important as a barb.
hey there @ACuriousMind
hey as well @eimyr
@Shalvenay mornin'
@ACuriousMind how're things going?
@Shalvenay Sliiiightly hungover, but otherwise pretty well
'tis the season.
@ACuriousMind OK I suppose. thinking of playing a Pally for the DW game :)
I was at company pikkujoulu at Tallinn last Friday. I had the poor luck of opening our games of eight-ball with some really lucky shots that looked like raw talent and then following up with my usual performance...
@Shalvenay Ah, right! Paladins are awesome (all the classes are though, really ;) ) Did we set a time?
Paladins are rather strong in DW too. The quest thing can grant serious boons and flavor!
@ACuriousMind 4PM Central
I need to get going now, we're making a ton of candy today.
@Shalvenay Alrighty
@kviiri Nice, what kind of candy?
btw: can I kvetch at the graphic designer who thought it was a good idea to make the DW playbooks require full-bleed printing to print correctly?
Heh, yeah, they're not printer friendly
well, got what needed to print absolutely right printed absolutely right (or as close as my printer will come: the top of the Basic Moves sheet got cut off because my printer is a bit hit or miss about full-bleed printing it seems, but it'll do)
@ACuriousMind -- got some questions about weapon options btw
@BESW I feel like I've heard you talk about some ooze-centric shenanigans that might be relephant? vv
Q: How to give an Ooze an Intelligence score

Abu DhabiIs there some legit way of giving an Ooze an intelligence score in 3.5e? I mean, without resorting to GM handwaves, or creating custom statblocks.

@Shalvenay Sure, shoot. If you want to use a different (but roughly equivalent) weapon than what's listed under possible starting gear, then that can certainly be arranged
@ATaco Level 20? I don't really believe in that =)
@ACuriousMind was thinking sword-and-cloak instead of sword-and-board for the char's fighting style, but wasn't sure how that'd be modeled in DW
@Shalvenay "Mechanically", I think you could literally just cross out "shield" and write cloak in its place, but of course you then are actually wielding a cloak. That is, where with a shield you might go "I block the greatsword with my shield", you'd have to do something else then - of course that opens up other options, too
@nitsua60 [starts an ingame religion advocating the concept of "level 20" which one can reach through sufficient adventuring, in the name of the Overdeity known only by D.M.]
@doppelgreener That I could get behind.
@trogdor will never believe me, but I just had breakfast, folded laundry, sat down to write a question, placed the last peroid, and hit "submit" on the hour--all without ever looking at the clock.
why am I the only one who won't believe you?
@nitsua60 and the question you asked is impressively relephant to that given its nature
@trogdor I don't think you're the only one, just that you certainly won't.
@trogdor i agree, how come i don't get to be someone who won't believe you either :P
that is an interesting theory
@ACuriousMind right -- I actually have a resource I can try asking :)
the no hat resolution seems to be going very well :P — trogdor 12 hours ago
that I just won't believe something you say you did XD
well the question is whether there's a fitted sheet in that laundry
No, but there were socks to sort. Many socks. For many people. Of many different sizes.
@ACuriousMind btw, what weight would a heavy cloak be?
everyone knows the ungodly rituals required to fold a fitted sheet require at least an hour just to prepare components and sacrifices
Apropos of nothing, I've never seen a Sunday-go-to-meeting hat look quite so nefarious:
@nitsua60 angry sheep
@doppelgreener headcanon: that's where the mates of single socks go.
@nitsua60 lol
@nitsua60 i could buy that.
@doppelgreener There's rituals for that? And here I was just doing it by hand when I could've let a demon do my work!
@ACuriousMind you mean a daemon right? ;)
@ACuriousMind More importantly: you haven't been using spell slots on fitted sheets, have you?
@ACuriousMind !!!!!!!!!!!!
@nitsua60 I like that way of wearing that hat a lot
@Shalvenay Probably 1, I'd say
what kind of deal have you made to be able to fold these things by hand!?
@nitsua60 No, I have definitely not let Bigby's hand do my laundry ::whistles innocently::
@trogdor It's... a curious one. I don't know many whose avatars are pictured from a top-down perspective.
how so?
@trogdor That's the top surface of a pink hat we're looking at, right?
With ribbons flowing off of it?
I thought it was the front side?
@nitsua60 it is not
@doppelgreener Whuuuuuut?
I don't remember what it was, but someone linked an image of it
Is it some sort of insane pink headdress? Does one's face go through a hole in the middle?
and it was literally a silly thing some lady wore on the top of her head
@doppelgreener yeah that
it was a fascinator worn by Princess Beatrice of York, which earned global attention on account of how freakin' weird it was
@doppelgreener Ah, so the answers to my last questions are "yes" and "no, but that might make more sense."
How is that adhering to her skull?
@nitsua60 yes. XD
@nitsua60 it probably has hairpins and/or a headband and/or a clip. Note the oval in the center of the ring is inclined toward her head, where it probably grips her hair.
tell you what though, as far as fascinators go, it was very true to its name
So... it's, like, cantilevered out in front of her face, anchored to hair. Interesting. Dare I say... fascinating?
I'd have assumed that was some sort of punishment, or hazing.
Headcanon: It's an alien parasite trying to masquerade as a headdress but didn't quite understand how these work
@nitsua60 it's ok though, I legitimately thought it was a harness for reindeer
(Which, in her defense, is how many would describe my putting a noose around my neck every morning, in different festive prints.)
after I learned it was not that, I still wore it like that for my pony avatar at the time
We're seriously down on pony avatars these days. I remember when you couldn't spit in this room without hitting a pony.
sorry, I got on a whole Scullgirls kick, and next I think I might be going for a BoF 3 dragon transformation
maybe after that another pony XD
@ACuriousMind quoting my source: "You sort of flick the cloth over and around the blade, trying to entangle and knock it away", considering we're talking theater-curtain-weight for the cloak material here and maybe a kilo tops for a 1h blade and a couple kilos and change for a 2h...
@BESW I'm loving the detectives so far. :)
@doppelgreener @BESW ditto very neat
sleeps times nowz though
1 hour later…
Dear web designers: please don't put important information in a page footer that keeps getting displaced by "infinite scroll" when I try to look at it.
@nitsua60 yeah, that's not cool
hey there @Skyler
@ACuriousMind Cream candies (well, vegan cream candies).
hey there @ACuriousMind
@Shalvenay heyhey
How are we gonna play, by the way? Voice or text? SE chat, roll20, Discord?
@ACuriousMind Discord works, voice and text both should be options but we'll have to wait and see what works best for @Pixie
do you have a server you want to invite us to, or do you need a server invite?
@Shalvenay I could easily set up one, but you can invite me, too, I don't really have a preference. My Discord nick is Dr. Earn#2830 (not an actual doctor ;) )
discord.gg/HGXXsN @ACuriousMind
got it? :)
@Shalvenay Aye, I'm there :)
1 hour later…
@BESW @trogdor ↓
Okay this is dope https://www.facebook.com/CBCVancouverisland/photos/a.449402836496.234034.280550026496/10155141747081497 "Stormtrooper helmet designed by Andy Everson, a First Nations artist from Comox. The art is inspired by his Tlingit and wakwaka’wakw heritage."
hey there @Yuuki
@Yuuki how're things going?
Making grilled cheese!
@Yuuki tasty :) OK here. how goes the house reassembly?
I think we're taking a break this weekend.
@Yuuki ah.
perhaps some time will free up for D&D sometime during the week then?
@Shalvenay Maybe, my weeknights, oddly enough, are typically more busy than my weekends.
But sometimes I have days where I'm not doing much.
@Yuuki we'll see :)
hey there @GaelL
how're things going?
@GaelL Hi
hey as well @Rubiksmoose
I'm here to discuss further with @Rubiksmoose about the following confusing situation. Care to join the discussion ?
@Shalvenay hello!
I don't really have a thought on it, although you may wish to poke @nitsua60 (he's an AL DM)
OK so I can totally see both sides of this. It is fairly ambiguous.
Ahh, yes, as I'm mostly playing AL games (and building a character concept out of being authorized to do what's in the question, amongst other things), having an AL DM's opinion would be very nice.
So, I know that, in a fantasy world, trying to explain things with logic doesn't always work so well. But let's try here.
First, let's start by trying to understand why of all thrown weapons, only nets prevent you from using further attacks. I'd say that a net is tedious to open, position and shoot properly compared to other thrown weapons, hence the required "time".
Yeah that was kind of my thinking as well
But how would you imagine, from a RP standpoint, the proceeding of a Commander Strike ? Does the Battle Master simply say "hey buddy, do your thing, I'm lazy", or is it more of a complicated gesture that also would require time (hence the spent attack & bonus action) which would not be possible due to the "time" required to throw a net ?
yeah that part is super tricky to even consider what is actually going on here in a real world setting lol
The other maneuvers are fairly straightforward to explain (disarming = hit the hand holding the weapon, for example). But Commander Strike ? I don't know.
I didn't include it in my reasoning, but my thinking was that the intent with the net was to make sure it took up all your attack time by using it. Then (no matter what kind of hijinks the commander's strike uses) it simply wouldn't be intended to use some of that time to do your.... commanding lol
And I also kind of take issue with the fact that it seems like a work around using vague wording. Ie I want to make additional attacks, but I can't while using a net so I'll just fudge this and give an attack to my buddy.
Hmmmmm.... I think we would need a third opinion on this.
I mean, it's a strong combo for a very specific situation (considering that nets, by default, give disadvantage in all situations).
I feel like there is a good counterexample of a case where you could potentially have another attack but it wouldn't make sense to use it for commanding strike.
But I cannot put my finger on it.
How do you feel about this " the Loading property of crossbows means you can only shoot a crossbow once, even if you have extra attacks, but I would say you could still use the extra attacks you don't get to swing or shoot with to do other things, like a Companion attack, Commanders Strike maneuver, etc"
Well, by default, if you have Extra Attack, you can shoot with the crossbow & swing with a weapon. It's not the shooting that takes time, but the loading.
Oh yeah good point, so maybe not the best example for what @PhilBoncer was trying to say
(Is there any other ability that lets you spend extra attacks to do things)
And yeah I have no problem with the strength of the combo or whatever. Strong combos exist in the game and it is fun and rewarding to fun and use them
Yeah, and to make it worthwhile to use a net, you kinda need either Sharpshooter or Crossbow Expert (to cancel a disadvantage), and Archery fighting style, and a good DEX.
And as someone playing a fighter that doesn't do any damage but enables his allies to do plenty (by proning, restraining enemies, etc.), such a combo would be just perfect for me if it does work.
Here's an interesting thing though. If you somehow used the net as a bonus action (is there a way to do this?), you couldn't even use the attack action additionally right?
OR is it saying that I can't make additional attacks WITH THAT ACTION?
Yes there are ways to use a net as a bonus action : War Cleric level 1 feature (WIS times per long rest), and Eldritch Knight 7/18 & Valor Bard 14 (if spell cast as action)
ok neat. It's clear you've really done some legwork on this concept :)
Why not throw a bounty on the question when it's elligable?
Might get some more attention
I'll have to think about it some more. Maybe some really good example or rule snippet will come to me lol
hey again @ATaco
@doppelgreener wow,. would not have expected this
@trogdor there's some more in replies! :D
yeah I looked
it's pretty cool
I love that he is wearing his helmet with a shirt of his helmet
somehow it does work very well
Speaking of my muffin head ?
Ah wait, nervermind, i didn't read properly
@Rubiksmoose yeah i'll put a bounty on the question.
hey there @BESW
Posting it again just in case : if anyone has as opinion on the following tricky question, it would be much appreciated : rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/111959/…
Hey @Rubiksmoose please take a look at this reddit post : google.ca/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/4kutv3/…
@Shalvenay what's up?
12 mins ago, by Gael L
Posting it again just in case : if anyone has as opinion on the following tricky question, it would be much appreciated : https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/111959/can-a-battle-master-with-extra-at‌​tack-do-a-commander-strike-when-he-throws-a-net
@GaelL is this the net+commander's strike one?
@nitsua60 eeeyup
Okay, reading....
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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