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@Trish Well, now it's none of that and is instead a designer-intent question and is almost certainly unanswerable.
@Adam TRue, but it is not opinion based anymore.
Agreed. But I think that it was reasonable enough of a balance question in some form beforehand, so now the question has been actively damaged by so many edits.
It went from something that required a certain kind of expert to answer, to something that should not get any answer at all from us and may never actually get an answer in the future at all.
@Adam the damage occured between revisions 3 and 4 - when the "Is this RAW" went to "IS this balanced"
But it was never "Is this RAW" because it said in the first place "The rules as written do not say that enlarged nets can now affect Huge creatures as well, so this is more of a rules-as-interpreted question, or rather a what-would-be-the-best-practice-here "
The querent admitted that this wouldn't work raw in the first place
well, the very first version was ok, starting at 4 it went downhill
The very first question was "should a DM allow this to work." Should is pretty vague, so we said that wording it as a balance concern "is it balanced to do this" could be better footing for a good subjective answer.
If "is this balanced" is too opinion based, then "should a DM allow this" is either unclear or too broad
And now the querent is so utterly frustrated by all this, they've completely given up. And I don't believe it's because the question wasn't stack appropriate to begin with. I can't help but feel that we as peer users have destroyed it by confusing the author. And that really rustles my jimmies
Hi, I am the author of this question: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/111707/… and was redirected here by @daze413 - I would like to ask for what strategies are available to a level 5 party to shut down a young green dragon in combat, i.e. prevent flying/strafing, deal with poison, and in general not get ripped to shreds
A Protection from poison spell is one of the greatest things you can do. I ran a green dragon against a party that had the spell cast on each of them, and the breath weapon did 9 damage on a successful save. It was insanely good.
@user2813274 Not bunching up, having a tank in front of the dragon
@user2813274 Note that the dragon can't breathe every turn.
@GreySage Unless he gets lucky and recharges super often
A dragon? 5e? Shutting it down? I have a solution doable for any party that has enough money: Get a siege weapon and/or explosives, don't attack the dragon but his cave. A mountain coming down on him should be deadly enough.
There's no kill like overkill is allways an option.
The Earthbind spell also can keep the dragon from flying away if it fails a strength save.
@Trish As a DM, I can think of ways around that scenario....Just sayin' ;)
@DavidWilkins hmm... are thee rules for nuclear warheads (or their magical equivalent) in 5e? a tactical one should suffice. :P
@Trish Probably, but probably not in the level 5 price range
@GreySage The converted "irradiate" spell is lvl 3... dungeonmusings.wordpress.com/tag/5e-radiation
@Adam Thanks, that's useful (as is the earthbind)
@Trish I can tell you that my core-rules sorcerer at level 19 could make some impressive fireworks (and deadly)
Hello. I would need help to rephrase a currently problematic question of mine. Here's the link : rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/111786/…
I'm unsure if I should focus on rules-as-written, rules-as-intended or rules-as-interpreted.
(or if I should just close or delete it because it can only be opinion-based)
Rules as intended = Designer reasons, notoriously hard to answer.
rules-as-interpreted = your interpretation?
Focussing on RAW is usually the most safe way.
Would you then suggest me to focus on RAW ?
I am not the non plus ultra, but focussing on RAW always is the "safe" way to ask a question.
Hmmmm, I think I will do that. I'll just wait for a second opinion.
(thank you!)
@GaelL Reading your question now....
Thank you in advance.
I would stick to RAW for that one
(the answers don't exactly match the current state of the question because of all the edits I made to try to fix it)
But since there isn't a written rule that covers it, answers will still be opinion based
So it's kind of doomed to be opinion-based, isn't it ?
Not necessarily
Would this deserve a question-tweet to Mearls or Crawford ?
There's good/bad opinion based.
(to clarify their intent)
it yould - but getting an answer is luck
That might not be a bad idea...Maybe even Perkins if you want a DM's opinion
They're pretty busy, I suppose ?
they have to do more than just answering fan questions - like making modules.
Of course.
What do you mean by good/bad opinion based ?
Nets fall into a category of weapons that are not normal pokey or slashy or smashy
It's really weird
(hence why I like them)
Caltrops do the same thing regardless of creature size, but nets do not
My character concept is to be an efficient fighter without doing damage at all.
(hence why I ask so many questions about nets, shoves, grapples, etc.)
One would think that logically, if a net is limited by the size of the creature being attacked, making it twice as big would potentially negate some of that limitation
I would look at the described size of the net (or opponents it is intended for) and look at the size descriptions in the MM
Yeah, which is why I later edited the question to make it focus on interpretation, but it led to other issues.
I don't have my MM here, so I don't want to post an invalid answer
Ah, that's not a bad idea.
But you get my drift....Is double the size of the intended target close to the size of a Huge creature?
It might not be...
And feel free to use your findings to answer your own question
@Trish There is a shorter version of that post, I think in the FAQ or tour?
I tried and couldn't find it
Last (and only) time I answered a question, it took 10 edits before it started to make sense. I don't trust myself with making answers.
@GaelL LOL fair enough
@GreySage I think so too, but I only could find the original
Here it is:
I think I might keep these references for future questions in order not to goof again.
@Wibbs just fyi, [chat] in a comment will magic-link someone to this room.
Querstion has been edited : rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/111786/…
Is it better now ?
hmm... to me: yes
@nitsua60 you might need to add that flag on "this does target a question before it was heavily edited"
It's my 16th edit now... I think I'll get it right before the 100th ! heheh
We'll see if it gets re-opened. Maybe not, but at least, I'm very thankful for you to have helped me learn how to better make questions.
@GaelL I think your question is pretty solid now. Only 1 more re-open vote needed!
Yay, it got reopened!
@GaelL protip: if you put the link to the question in its own chat-message, it'll onebox and likely get more click-throughs. (Because people don't need to hover or click to see what the question's about.) For example:
Q: Is it against RAW to allow an Enlarged/Oversized net to restrain a Huge creature?

Gael LA net's rules specify that it has no effect on a Huge (or Gargantuan) creature (probably because the net would be too small to bother such a creature). However, when targeted by the Enlarge effect of an Enlarge/Reduce spell, a net grows twice larger, and thus could logically be used to restrain ...

@GaelL Pro badge-hunting tip: if you use the share link at the bottom of your question when doing that, rather than copying the url from your browser, it encodes the link with your user ID and tracks how many people come to the question from your link, and you can get the announcer badge =)
@Trish Not sure I'm following you?
Oh! Let's give it a try :
Q: Is there any sort of mechanical reason to use a trident over a spear?

Davi BraidFirst, let's take a look at the Spear (D&D 5e Player’s Handbook p. 149): Spear (Simple Melee Weapon) Cost: 1 gp Weight: 3lbs Damage: 1d6 piercing Properties: Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile (1d8) I ask this because, when you check the Trident (D&D 5e Player’s Handbook p. 149)... ...

damn it, wrong question
Q: Is it against RAW to allow an Enlarged/Oversized net to restrain a Huge creature?

Gael LA net's rules specify that it has no effect on a Huge (or Gargantuan) creature (probably because the net would be too small to bother such a creature). However, when targeted by the Enlarge effect of an Enlarge/Reduce spell, a net grows twice larger, and thus could logically be used to restrain ...

The key to getting maximum drama out of your villains is to understand their role in your game. The Fate Adversary Toolkit breaks down enemies by type and helps you sharpen their focus - even if that focus is a quick, undignified death. Get it here: https://www.evilhat.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=79&products_id=327
Jar Jar is a sith Lord
@nitsua60 pffff these new-fangled bells and whistles will never catch on ;p
@GaelL Indeed! He was the most evil of them! He turned Palpatine to the dark side!
And Rassilon is the Great Intelligence. Epileptic trees are fun, but I'm not sanguine about how enthusiasts of speculative fiction have come to consider Thermian apologetics a necessary part of the experience. The subversion of the Baker Street Irregulars has become a right and standard.
...Sorry, I'm a bit cranky this morning and the "Jar Jar is a Sith" thing has always felt to me like someone loudly insisting that a badly-painted okapi butt has a Renaissance master painted on the other side, because they don't want to admit they bought a badly-painted okapi butt.
Jar Jar is annoying
I actually found the Jar Jar is Sith Lord stuff amusing at first,.... but at this point I wish people would just drop it
Wait... is there anyone who seriously thinks/argues that?
Or is this pure Poe's Law?
@SevenSidedDie Are we burninating the tag?
@nitsua60 it's an idea I like in a humorous way and is canonically feasible. Yes, people still talk about it/argue it.
That said, I also know they would never do this, so it's not true :P
@ObliviousSage Just taking it off questions where its description says it doesn't belong (or some of them; ran out of steam now). For a while it's been getting tossed onto questions that have where it felt redundant or like a tag tax, and I just noticed that its description specifically says to not use it that way. :)
(I think Lucas actually did intend Jar-Jar to be sith, but backpedaled and replaced him with the Count after the backlash over the hideous character design/portrayal).
@SevenSidedDie OK, just curious.
@nitsua60 for me it isn't the seriousness or lack thereof
it's just annoying to hear too much about it at once now
@ObliviousSage No worries, good thing to ask. I probably went overboard in terms of number of edits in one wave.
Am I the only one that can't help reading it as “hotdog” when a question title asks about “HotDQ”?
@SevenSidedDie Sorry, once someone suggested it as "Hot Dairy Queen" it's firmly stuck in my mind as that.
@Miniman I tried to read it that way just to purge the hotdog, and it doesn't work. ^^; Something about the stroke features of a capital Q being close enough to both an o and a g seems to be interfering with my character recognition.
@SevenSidedDie Well, this just confirms what generations of computer scientists already knew: OCR is really hard.
@Miniman Indeed. Considering how much processing our brains can squeeze out of a small collection of neurons, it's staggering how much space we devote to just visual feature detection.
@SevenSidedDie Not to mention how good we are at it.
Well, except you, obviously.
@Miniman lol
@SevenSidedDie Yeah, it's definitely a Dairy Queen reference in my mind. Specifically this one:
@Miniman I kinda love all the weird optical illusions, garden-path sentences, and other failures of how our highly-tuned cognitive systems work.
@SevenSidedDie Me too!
Having fallen down this particular hole, I'll just mention how much I love Parker Posey being directed by Christopher Guest =)
Katherine O'Hara mouthing Fred Willard's lines along with him may be the single best piece of improvisation I've ever seen.
@SevenSidedDie There's a fast food place here with a roadside sign advertising GRLDGS.
I'm... pretty sure they aren't selling female canines.
Remingtonocetus is an early whale that lived during the Eocene. (Credit: @nixillustration)
@BESW That'd be sexist. They're obviously selling grilled dogs.
hey there @Asteria
Hay hay @Shalvenay
@Asteria how're things going?
@Shalvenay slowly slowly. Getting things together for Blades on sunday. Whats up with chu?
@Asteria not a whole lot, made any more progress with the reading?
@Miniman I think that was the point, wasn't it?
@Shalvenay yeah made some progress last night
@trogdor Oh, it didn't occur to me that that was what they actually meant.
I think it probably was
We like our abbreviations here
@Asteria wb?
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