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hey there @Ash
Unless the answer is "it's just a card"
It's a predator attacking an old, weak Tundra-Dweller (Homo glacis fabricatus), about 2000 years in the future, as illustrated by Philip Hood in Dougal Dixon's Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future.
Somebody added "Season's Greetings" to it. Like it needed to be embellished.
Oh jeez
I for one feel vindicated in my fear
So thanks,.... I guess
@BESW Sooo...you just reverse image searched that, right?
That was one step, yes.
Reverse image search, read resulting pages for context, regular search for confirmation, specific search for details.
Yeah, I just thought it was funny
@ACuriousMind I always thought "BESW" was the name of the algorithm that Google actually uses for image search, no?
j/k, @BESW. I know you're a real person.
[gotta keep the AI happy, people.]
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
how're things going?
mixed bag, you?
OK here. got a bit of follow-up re: ToA ... to the NAB?
@Shalvenay Gimme half an hour? (So I can get in to work and settled?)
@nitsua60 sure
@nitsua60 Yes, keeping AIs happy is in all humans' best interest. ::beeps inconspicuously::
hey there @ACuriousMind
Hey there
sighs, mumbles something about having too many standards to choose from
Spoke to the GM about the game change. "Leave it with me" he says haha
That's usually a good thing for him, so I'm happy
hey there @Ben
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 to the NAB
@nitsua60 I also answered the counter-spell/silence question - but I feel like I may have missed something
@Ben I think what's missing from your point 2 is that the GM is beating herself for not counterspelling silence: the question is whether there was any way she/the NPC could have known that it was silence being cast, which ended up being so devastating to the wizard.
Is there any way to give animated plants the ability to talk..?
@ATaco game?
Well, depends on what you mean
I have a ring that lets me conjure animated shrubs, and I want to light one on fire and make it talk so that I can have the Burning Bush.
There is no practical reason for this.
But it won't survive for long
You need to fire a way to fireproof it first
It's got a huge 10 HP. So no, it won't.
Would a ring of protection from fire work on a plant?
If not, what about a shambling mound..?
If you could get it on there, sure
A shambling mound would certainly work
Although shambling mounds are resistant to fire anyway.
because it's resistance is more than the damage it would take from the fire per round (most likely)
Alternatively I could just try to do this whole thing really quickly.
Then we can have the "Bush that screams because it's on fire"
I mean, if that's your wish...
I still lack the ability to make it talk, short of using a wish spell
Quite true
Idk about 5e, but I do think there are a few plants that can actually talk
that said, nothing you'd be able to get
*I know there are
I can use talking fruits, but I need a seed of that plant to summon it.
@Khyser stop that.
I don't think a cat is a plant, nor are they inclined to talk.
Pussy Willows
There ya go
just reflavor them into plant creatures
Pussy Willows are actually the pets of Myconids
and are used in hunting and scouting expeditions
hello there @Khyser
Potentially the scariest ability of this magic ring is that it can be used to duplicate any fruit. So I've been keeping an eye out for fruit with magical properties, and goblins apparently are in possession of healing apples.
The animated shrub itself is only mildly useful as a minion, as it only lasts 1 hour before deanimating, only has 10 hitpoints and deals 1d6 damage.
Magic Apples.
Are you SURE they're healing?
Because if a gnarled old lady told you that....
well, you know what happened to the last girl who believed her
The nearby town has been eating them for years, so probably.
But I'm a barbarian not a Botanist, so if it turns out they're cursed then so be it.
I always thought magic apples were for tempting people to do stupid things.
Crag needs no tempting, he'll do stupid things all by himself.
-1 intelligence, aw yeah
Wouldn't that be more of a wisdom thing, or did 5e change that up?
Arcana is still Int, Crag is actually pretty wise.
I don't think 5e changed that
(Also I think -1 is usually still well within the normal deviation for human intelligence.)
But as far as Crag is concerned Wizards caused the terrible storms off to the east of the Continent and Healing potions are heresy.
(Usually it's something like 9 to 11, and 9 gives a -1 mod.)
Non sequitur: how have we not had a bookmark for the morse code conversation before now?
Ah, it's an opinion thing. Neither Int nor Wis will get in the way of one's Opinions About Who Is To Blame For All This Nonsense.
That one honestly makes me lolfigsl
I like to think Int is what you already know, and Wis is your ability to discover new things.
Crag doesn't know a lot, he's a barbarian after all, but he's quick to pick up new concepts.
So crag doesn't know if an apple is poisoned or not, but he could probably work it out from context, if he wasn't so stubborn.
> Intelligence measures mental acuity, accuracy of recall, and the ability to reason. [It] comes into play when you need to draw on logic, education, memory, or deductive reasoning.
Wisdom reflects how attuned you are to the world around you and represents perceptiveness and intuition. [Using it] might reflect an effort to read body language, understand someone’s feelings, notice things about the environment, or care for an injured person.
Reasoning and memory vs perception and insight. (source)
The abilities are, of course, quite arbitrary.
"Intelligence is knowing tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad" ;)
Jan 15 '15 at 13:10, by BESW
> Strength is being able to bench-press an owlbear.
Dexterity is being able to hogtie an owlbear.
Constitution is being able to survive either of those activities.
Intelligence is knowing where owlbears come from.
Wisdom is waiting until later to explain that.
Charisma is not sounding like an idiot when you tell people how you got that scar from bench-pressing a hogtied owlbear.
Also, tomato-based fruit salad is great. We call it salsa.
@BESW Traditional reply: I found the bard!
(Charisma is being able to sell tomato-based fruit salad)
Next level I'll get +2 Con and +1 Wis, then I'll have maxed out my Con at 29 and I'll finally have an AC of 18 without armour.
@BESW All of this describes what happens when you play a Hyper-Druid
I've never actually played D&D, all my knowledge about it is from video games
I assume that you can't tell when a hyper-druid uses shapechange because it's happening in higher dimensions.
@Alphaeus hahahaha. the best part is that hyper-druid might just come in a pint-sized package
@BESW Well, I use the term "Hyper-Druid" to refer to any ideally optimized druid build.
@ATaco This is still 5e? How is leveling giving you +3 stats?
@Shalvenay Yes. In an epic-level campaign I played a fey druid that had permanent reduce person on
"The Hyper-Druid uses shape change. They become...a weird cube within a cube changing its size periodically, I guess?!"
@BESW I feel like most of the non-tomato things I put in a salsa are vegetables....
@ACuriousMind Roll sanity.
From what I can tell, my Ability Score Improvement as a Dwarf is +2 Con, and as a Hill Dwarf I also get +1 Wis. Unless I'm reading that wrong.
@ATaco you meant 20 CON right?
@ACuriousMind Planar Shepherd outsider form now available with a sufficient knowledge check: Thor.
@ATaco hmm... that doesn't sound right.
Are you reading the racial ability score increases as applying every time the class table specifies an ASI?
@BESW 1d100 :(
@Shalvenay Yeah, 20.
I'm hitting my next one at the next level.
That works
in Dice roller & formatting tests playground, Sep 1 '14 at 0:57, by doppelgreener
The roller supports: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You can roll up to four sets of XdY using one of those dice, where X is up to 9. X defaults to 1, Y defaults to 6.
@ATaco The ASIs granted by leveling are described in the class description (just like any other class feature).
@DiceService Ouch. I have glimpsed into the abyss
They allow you +2 to a stat, or +1 to each of two, or a feat if your GM is playing with feats. (Increases not to take a stat above 20.)
So what does my Racial ASI effect?
Character creation.
Ah. Well regardless I'm stating +2 into con.
Although putting +2 into Dex would probably be better right now, as it's my lower stat and I've trash initiative, But I want to max my Con, for reasons.
@BESW This is also a skill trick achieved from max possible dex
Urgh, I'd forgotten about skill tricks.
I don't generally use them
But they are an interesting little variant
The concept was good, the implementation was... a little insulting.
+6 to Con saving throws won me 40 gold in a drinking contest.
hey again @Asteria
Hey hey
@Asteria how're things going?
@Shalvenay slowly but surely, just watching the clock til 5 rolls 'round and I can do home. Whats up with chu?
@Asteria evening.
@Alphaeus hay hay
@Asteria Neigh Neigh?
@Asteria not a whole lot here. say, made any further progress on your Blades char?
This is your semi-annual reminder that our chat feeds are chosen by you! Please suggest and vote.
Thank you.
@Shalvenay by progress do you mean an adult conversation revolving around the issues present?
^^I think we've realized that isn't going to happen, @Asteria
@Shalvenay and by a adult conversation revolving around the issues present, do you mean a one-way argument that devolved into me giving up?
@Asteria ugh :/
@Asteria you lie! No one does this! (OK good now they will never suspect me)
Well, that's "progress"
@trogdor (I totally don't believe that you do it and I'm 100% not letting you know that theres an emergency box of chocolate in the filing cabinet..)
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
On a different note, I think I'm achieving power levels previously unknown with my character in a current campaign
I'm a highly optimized Planar Shepherd.
I have an epic-level Leadership score
I took Leadership
My Cohort is also a Planar Shepherd, to a different plane
@Asteria if only I had a key to the one here I could check
Just for curiosity's sake of course
If they all went missing I could not be blamed
@trogdor Blamed? No.
Silently disposed of?
@trogdor wipes chocolate smudge from lip
that's a different story >:}
oh yeah nah it's totally your fault
@Asteria good to know you are extremely trustworthy
@Alphaeus holy rothes. your DM is insane xD
@trogdor ;) always am
@Shalvenay He's metagamed me out of getting XP I deserve by overruling the SRD, Spell references, and even normal action dynamics at will.
So I don't mind doing this to him :P
@Alphaeus wow. why does he do that?
I'd be more concerned about the rest of the group, really.
(nice guy, but he's the one I spoke about yesterday that is way out of his league with the stuff he's created)
@BESW Oh the rest of the group is really powerful too
One player is running 75 AC, for example.
Another is a Necromancer with various leadership feats and augmentations
(and a literal magic fortress)
But also that your response to a GM's poor choices seems to be in-game power escalation rather than social engagement.
I chose social engagement first
His only response was the "Because I'm the DM" line
Ah. I'd probably walk away.
I would, but we're round-robin DMing this, despite him being the main
Power escalation with the GM isn't, long-run, fun for anyone except the bystanders (see OMH).
Well, the campaign runs to lvl 40
Actually, correction: we're supposed to get into divine ranks
So I'm in it just to see what happens, mainly
Our DM, being new like the rest of us, has no idea how to make encounters much harder safely, so he's very much so intimidated by our party which is two levels higher than the dungeon.
Oof, I remember being in that situation. So glad I found more forgiving games.
Who needs forgiving? WHAHAHahahhaaha! 3.7k Feats! 900+ Classes! 7 types of magics! Psionics! MORE! MORE!
(hence why I like 3.5e :P)
96 potential hitpoints at level 3 vs 1d6 damage bites.
@ATaco I'm assuming you mean total for the party
[shrug] The prep time and system mastery needed to reliably achieve even very modest goals quickly became more investment than the payout was worth, given that there are games where I can design the exact same narrative encounters by writing a few lines of prose and not have to worry about spotlighting, gimmicks, balance, or anything like that.
The system mastery and balance gimmicks were fun for a while, but eventually just turned into a chore.
@Alphaeus Nope, 48 hitpoints + resistance to everything but Psychic damage.
I can see that.
@ATaco Ah, I see someone chose "borked" as the class
Now I don't need to sift through thousands of pages to find a thing that mostly fits what I want. I can just make it happen.
@Alphaeus Barbearian + Hill Dwarf is an absolute fountant for hitpoints.
@BESW I get what you're saying, and do find it appealing. For me, however...this is just my personality showing through. Besides, by this point I'm finally reaching that stage where I don't have to think too hard anymore -- I can do a lot of my balancing on the fly (when I'm not deliberately testing out maximum optimization with PlanSheps :P)
Whether I'm using Fate or Cthulhu Confidential or Great Ork Gods or whatever system is best for the shape of the story we're playing... I don't need the designers to have thought of the specifics for me.
See, some other systems seem to have TOO little structure for my taste.
Then again, my degree is in Behavioral Economics, so like I said -- ridiculously complex and counter-intuitive systems are what I do for a living :P
I'm that one odd guy in school who liked the classes everyone else hated
Barbarian is incredibly simple, but I'm enjoying playing it. I feel like the hero my team needs when I'm taking damage that would otherwise one shot them.
"Get behind my muscular dwarvern body and allow me to take this next attack!"
@ATaco hahaha. I actually have been flirting with a big furry (Tabaxi) softy barbarian for ToA, but probably will go nature-cleric instead
Hehehe muscular dawrven body
I stood infront of a goblin archer atop of its cover so it could only shoot me, but missed my attack roll against it. The war cleric then nailed a javelin between my legs and into the goblin's head. It was beautiful.
@BESW don't forget, though: for some the "crunchier" systems also function to describe possibilities and to spur creativity. If someone thinks of a new, cool thing they like to do in system X and writes it up as a feat, and lots of people do it and that gets released as a book... one man's "bloat" can be another man's "idea catalog."
For some, at least.
@ATaco ok you must have done that on porpoise this time :P
Are there any 5e feats that I could use to stop enemies attacking my party..?
@ATaco Sentinel and a reach weapon are a nice combo.
Maybe needs Polearm Master, too?
@nitsua60 quite true about the potentials
@ATaco yeah: PAM + Sentinel is the "stop 'em before they get here" combo.
Just looking at XGtE's racial feats: Dragon Fear is an interesting possibility.
Sentinel doesn't look bad, but I'll need to get into the first first :P
Alert'll do it.
Just grab all teh featz!
I suppose I'll increase my dex with this next ASI, get a better initiative, and it'll improve my AC just as well.
Are there any other benefits to power statting Con as a barbarian..?
Oh right, my health.
So, guys, which would you do:
Take Thrallherd class (assuming it would actually advance casting instead of manifesting), or take Leadership/Epic Leadership?
@nitsua60 -- mind if we talk a bit on Discord?
@ATaco Depending on your way of thinking, the resistance you're often employing during rage either makes the con bump half as important or twice as impactful. Choose your rationalization as you like =)
@Shalvenay a bit--I've got about ten minutes.
If I go con early, I get more health overall, but if I go dex early, I'll help my party more, sooner.
@ATaco I think you've got con increases mixed up, there.
And if I go Cha i'll get more adoring fans.
Q: Is the feat Tough better to get early or later?

TroommateI am making a variant human barbarian and I'm wondering If I should get Tough as my 1st or 4th level feat? Which gives more Hp overall?

^^ is analogous, I think.
See PHB p.15, "beyond 1st level," 4th paragraph.
Con increases are retroactive, effectively.
I straight up get more HP from a higher con though, no? Like it'll be my D12 + Con?
Ooohh, Alright.
So I'll start with Dex to help my party now, then max out Con at my next ASI.
hey again @Ben
how're things going? still slammed over there?
Doing data entry.
I have 4700 records to enter.
I have been at it for 2.5 days and I have completed 280
what is the data source? pieces of paper? or some digital data source?
pdf documents. each is a pdf copy of a schematic drawing, and all have drawing information - drawing number, revision, title information etc.
@Ben OK. where is this information going, and are the PDFs just images, or do they have the text encoded into them?
@Ben ugh I feel that, I have been doing data entry on one project or another for what feels like forever
@Shalvenay images
and it's going into my DMS - Adept
ah, ugh. are the PDFs like scans of paper docs?
I want to sit down and write a better docket/document management system sometime -- basically a cross between a VCS and a DMS even
There is some system my IT folks told me about once
You can scan pdfs and it automatically deciphers texts and images, and converts them into a database per your programmed orders
@Alphaeus heheh. OCR isn't that hot, really :P
@Alphaeus optical character recognition
Ah, I see
That explains why my computer has never had it
@nitsua60 Been there, done that... much better in systems that weren't 3.5. The desire for a functional a la cart design is what drove us to 4e.
Yeah 4e was good for that
It's also what made DFRPG a great transition system from D&D into Fate for us.
Though I feel like 4e was the last straw for our group on D&D
And one reason our group latched onto ARRPG.
Mm I still crave crunch sometimes
Yeah, 4e's solid mechanics helped us see the constants across editions which ultimately make D&D of any flavor a bad fit for us.
But I definitely don't feel like I actually need it anymore
@BESW yes good way to put that
I do think that I wouldn't like completely free form games with absolutely no mechanics though
Well, correction
I don't need it to be heavy crunch but I like the guidelines and such that come with mechanical territory
As relates to actual games -- no, I don't think that would even really be viable
Alright, night folks
@Alphaeus You mean gaming? It's totally a thing. Some of our users had it as their primary RPG experience for many years before even trying mechanical systems.
@Asteria Ugh you always have to one up me don't you? :P XD
@trogdor excuse me, I do believe you only did one i. I did three. So really, I two-upped you
how dare you belittle my....uppityness?
Oh sorry my mistake XD
Idea: Universe of Adventure for Fate. Start a campaign by making all "World of Adventure for Fate" material available for character generation, and figure out an amalgam setting based on what people want to use.
Careful, that way Savage Worlds lie
Or, horror of horrors, GURPS.
5 hours later…
Adventures in Cooking Math: a bag of cornbread mix only gives directions for using the whole bag at once, but part of the bag has already been used. We know the total weight in grams of the original content, and the current amount in cups.
I asked Wolfram|Alpha for grams of cornmeal in cups, and grams of flour in cups, did some dirty math, and converted the recipe for the current amount.
Aquilops was a tiny prehistoric herbivore from the early Cretaceous that weighed just 1.5kg! (Credit: Brian Engh)
what a cute little guy
This querent may show up in chat looking for recs on systems that make it easy for a GM to predict how long a session will take.
And lo! Hi, @Malkev!
Hi! I recently put a question (rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/110897/…) and I am beign informed that can't ask for system recomendation, so here I am.
All the systems I know that make it pretty easy to tell how long a session will be... it's because they're very strictly designed to tell a certain kind of story a certain way, and that takes a predictable amount of time.
Oh, thanks for the anticipation ^_^
Otherwise it's mostly in how much you zoom; that is, how much detail you give each element, in terms of mechanics and table time. In movie terms, it's the difference between having someone say "It took us two hours to find him," showing a 45-second montage of people searching for the guy, or making a whole two-hour movie about the search.
Well, it's for an introduction to rpgs, so I can take that strictly design. The main objective is making it short and fluid so the players go home with a sensation of success and having played a "full" adventure.
Some games, like D&D and WoD, tend to not really talk about zoom. They assume a pretty constant "level of focus" and it's up to the GM to fiddle with it on their own recognizance. Other games like Fate make it an explicit choice supported by mechanics.
What sort of tone are you looking for in your game? Light-hearted pulp adventure? Grim noir gangster? Superheroic save-the-world?
Do you want to run a specific adventure? With systems that support a high level of plot improvisation from the GM, I usually just come up with new threats for the player characters to deal with or defeat until the session is at its target minimum length at which point I let my imagination rest and the players deal with the remaining problems in the world.
(Aside: if you're curious about why we don't do shopping questions, well... we tried, even though most Stack sites don't do that kind of question. The effort to maintain minimal quality levels vastly outweighed the actual useful content it was adding to the site. After four years of trying to make it work, we retired the topic.)
So, examples: systems or adventures I've used where a session can be a contained adventure of moderately-predictable length:
- A Penny For My Thoughts
- Aeon Wave
- Cthulhu Dark
- Cthulhu Confidential
- Danger Patrol: Pocket Edition
- Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple
- Dog Eat Dog
- Golden Sky Stories
- InSpectres
- Lady Blackbird
- Lovecraftesque
With "sense of success" as a criterion we can cross out Penny, Cthulhu Dark and Confidential, Dog Eat Dog, and Lovecraftesque right away.
DP:PE probably isn't an RPG in the sense you have in mind as an introduction to the medium.
@BESW I prepared one Light-hearted for the Adventure time rpg, who is really simple to play, but I am not sure if can be enjoyable if someone didn't see the tv show
I'd recommend Do: Pilgrims, Golden Sky Stories, or Lady Blackbird, personally. They're fun, strong systems that are easy to pick up and use to tell fun, satisfying stories with in a relatively short period of time. Pilgrims would probably let you tell several stories in the time you've got.
I think a classic magical adventure is the think that everybody expects when play an rpg for first time
InSpectres is also great because, like Pilgrims, it's got a built-in "end of session" timer in the mechanics.
Then subverting expectations a bit may be in order!
If you want to have something simple but supporting of whimsy, Roll for Shoes is also always an option.
I've used Roll For Shoes to introduce people to RPGs in a loose, fun way that lets us play with all kinds of non-mechanical elements. But it's totally on the participants to tell and wrap up a story in a given amount of time, and the longer it goes the more unwieldy it gets.
Thanks for the recommendations, I take a peek on everything when I arrive home.
Lady Blackbird has the added benefit of being totally free.
And all the rules fit on the same sheet as the pre-made character!
So convenient.
Roll For Shoes is free too, and its rules fit on an index card. But again, it requires a strong hand on the tiller to give it structure or it'll go careening wherever the group's whim takes you.
Aeon Wave is a fun (also free) pre-made adventure that I've usually been able to wrap up in a couple of hours, but I can see it taking a lot longer.
Lots of Worlds of Adventure for Fate come with short pre-made adventures in the back. Any of them could do you. I highly recommend Masters of Umdaar.
(And again, the Worlds of Adventure are all free, as are the Fate Core/Accelerated manuals they build on.)
@BESW though, that can also be a desirable feature :)
@doppelgreener Absolutely! It's awesome. But maybe not what Malkev's looking for right now.
@BESW Yep that's fair
The problem I have is that I didn't know who gonna play until one hour before the event. So I have to make it easier as possible.
yeah Roll for shoes does not equal the best starting point
as much as I wish it did
Yeah, the thing with really simple systems is that they also tend to give the players less to rely on when they're feeling uncertain about themselves or about their characters. Might be hard for beginners who are unsure how this whole role-playing thing works.
I've had great success using RfS as the first game I play with newcomers
Lady Blackbird makes it really easy to just start playing because it's got pre-made characters you can pick and play quickly, and a starting scenario that gives obvious hooks for "what's next?"
Roll For Shoes is easy to start because your characters are blank slates and you learn about them as you play.
Both require the GM to help the players find a stopping point, though; there's none built in.
Masters of Umdaar requires some simple character generation (or you could pre-gen characters for them beforehand), and its rules are a bit more complex but still reasonable to explain on the fly as needed. It comes with a pre-made adventure that's awesome and easy for a lot of people to engage with, and it has a clear end point.
Masters of Umdaar is probably also pretty close to the "kind of adventure you'd expect" without just being a D&D clone.
I'm sure other folks here have other experiences; I've never run a con game, so other perspectives may be more useful.
I've run a con game, almost got away with it too!
Hey everyone.
Hey Adam. How are you?
Also i'm sorry if this chat is focused on discussing answers. This is my first time dropping by.
Nah, it's a very general-purpose RPG chat.
Also, welcome
I'm doing well. How are you?
@kviiri That being said, it's not uncommon for the chat to drop everything to help somebody coming in with a question
I'm okay. Planning out my game at the moment.
By the way do you guys have any tips for running a game of Nobilis? This will be my first time using the system so i am a bit nervous
I'm not familiar with the system, what's it like?
It doesn't have rolls in it. Instead you succeed at a task if you are able to succeed and if you can't succeed at it you use consumables called miracle points in order to succeed.
You regain your points when a handicap you chose hinders you. For example if you are unable to lie and a lie would be useful you get a miracle point
Naturally it is more complex than that but that is the gist of it.
Alright, sounds cool
It's a pretty unique system which is one of the reasons i'm nervous. I am used to playing/DM'ing D&D and WOD so i feel like i might cause my players to be unable to progress or progress too quickly due to being used to rolling dice.

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