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@MikeQ all work and no play makes @MikeQ a dull boy
next thing you know, you'll be chopping down a door with an axe
@NautArch -- will you be available to play 45mins to 1h from now?
yeah - can play for a couple hours
until 11PM Eastern
@NautArch okiedokie
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 what's up?
@Manner you around? Sorry--just back after a dinner. I'm on for the next few hours if you're interested in homebrew/balance thoughts.
@Shalvenay Study hall duty.
@nitsua60 NM here, wondering if someone wishes to stand in for MikeQ and finish the playtest him, NautArch, and I had started tonight
Q: Encouraging positive thought out answers rather than starting with "No"

JacobA negative trend As a new member of the community, I am concerned by a trend I have seen in the tenor of answers on this site. Some of the answers are pure gold, and while I suppose it is somewhat expected that such answers would be rare (like gold itself) I fear that many of the answers could ...

@nitsua60 hey there, I really need some help with those homebrews
@Manner I'm here! So are smarter people!
First question: why are you worried? What do you see going wrong if you somehow "mess up" with these items?
(I.e. what are you trying to avoid?)
Future exploits mostly, for now they don't have much game breaking spells, but this can change quickly
@Manner Can I ask a clarifying question?
hey there @THiebert
I'm assuming this is about this question?
But what happens if something turns out to be overpowered? Could the group just have a discussion around "hey, I think this is getting out of hand, let's rein it in..."?
can you save messages in here?
Yeah, that question
@THiebert there's the starboard, why?
@THiebert you can link to individual messages, or you can create a link to a conversation. What're you looking to do?
and in this case, one of your players GM'd for a couple of sessions and handed out a bunch of homebrewed items?
@THiebert They're all saved, whether you like it or not :P
I think i had something a few weeks ago that I tried to save and i want to find it again
Yeah, they aren't jerks, if something feels way too overpowered they'll agree to change
@Manner Heh, didn't think they were. Do you often hand out magic items?
@NautArch that's right, the armor is also a perfect fit for his character.
@Manner Then my best advice would be to say "buddies, I'm not sure about some of these. But if you like them let's try them with the proviso that we might have to re-think it. And here's how we'll decide that the re-think has to happen."
(Or "how do you think we should decide whether to re-think them?")
No, I'm pretty strict with them, I'm DMing for the first time, so I'm being extra cautious not to handle too much stuff for them
@nitsua60 I think you were involved. it was about planning out weather and encounters in ToA before you begin. can't remember if it was in here or the ToA channel
@THiebert the two closest things to saving something in chat are the star bar and perma linking. I reccomend keeping a permalink if the saving you want to do is just for your personal use
@Manner I may be overreacting, but it seems that while not actively being jerks, some advantage was taken of with the power they were given. I think you can start off with @nitsua60's suggestion, but you are going to have to build much harder encounters to counter the newfound homebrew items. You're kind of in a catch-22 here :(
I thought I grabbed a link, but I'm not sure it was on this computer.
@Manner that said there are items that raise an eyebrow for me. And if you want to share that with the players, we can go through those.
I gave them a lot of attribute points instead, I wanted them to feel like they're powerful and they shouldn't depend too much on magic items
@THiebert -- are you going to be around for the next couple of hours?
no, starting a game in ~10 minutes
@THiebert ah well if you remember what It was and who said it / posted it you can search it
or when the pizza gets here
@THiebert aaah :) I see
@THiebert I'm not seeing anything here. I base mine off of Guam's historical data (Sep-Dec of 2016), if you're curious.
I know that some items ARE way too powerful, the items were handed at the end of the session, no one used them yet so I think it's best to balance them before there's a problem
@Manner IMO the big one is the dagger.
First off, there's no indication of when Stunned ends. Stunned is huge. Second, it's a lot of complexity, and it's not clear what-all that much complexity is getting you.
@nitsua60 For me, it's the dagger, the bow, the mantle, and the plate
(Dagger, staff, mantle, for me.)
I'm going to harp a little more on "needless complexity": in a couple of places you've got ones with different attack and damage bonuses, and it's not clear what that gets you. "Flavor" isn't enough, in my book.
The dagger doing 1d3 damage. Why? Is the 0.5 damage difference worth remembering that there's this one dagger that does d3 rather than the d4 that every other dagger in the world does?
Doubling modifiers rather than doubling dice... again we're doing something differently than everything else in the game, and it's not clear what it gains you.
@NautArch Personally I'd go ahead and make the bow require attunement and match the attack and damage bonuses (probably at +0) and be tempted to run with it. I'm not too worried about it. But I might be missing something?
@THiebert I see a couple things nitsua said a little bit ago that could be what you are looking for by searching the chat archives for just the word "weather" but I am on my phone and can't copy pasta the perma links
For the mantle, I kinda like the idea of the wizard wading into a mob and self-centering meteor swarm.
@nitsua60 I think my concern was a lot of these are giving class abilities out. A single Bardic Inspiration Die isn't much, but it takes away if there is or will be a bard - same with the bear totem-like resistance.
@nitsua60 I love that, but it's also the evocation wizard's schtick.
@NautArch good points, both of them.
@nitsua60 @manner that's my biggest issue with them - along with your plan to NOT give stuff out like this this early.
The bow is going to the bard so I'm not that worried about it, I'm going to make it need atunement and spend the reaction to use it just like an inspiration
I think overall what bothers me is the complexity of some of them: lots of stuff that seems like it could be achieved in more "standard" ways. And then the non-standard nomenclature/notation makes things seem (to me) like they'll increase cognitive overhead. (Even if I didn't care about balance I'd be bothered by those things.)
I'm kinda pissed with the armor, he made the armor for his own character...
@Manner It seems like the real question is how can you walk this back without insulting him?
Yeah, what're the prospects of hitting the reset button?
Oooh! Idea: Why not scale back some of the items (with our help) make it a quest to get ONE of them?
I made it pretty clear even before he started to DM that everything that is Homebrew is subjected to adjustments
So I'm kinda safe here
Based on what you've said, you aren't playing in a high-magic setting. I'm in a similar campaign and I didn't get regular Plate until 5th or 6th level.
You kinda seem to have the opposite of this problem:
Q: Managing a Medieval Low Orbit Ion Cannon

T. SarSometimes I hate my players. My table is currently composed of five diabolically inventive players. They come from a mixed IT/Engineering background, so more often than not, I have to deal with some really weird solutions that they create for the problems I present them. This is one of those c...

You want to keep playing the same campaign you started, but someone managed to shove it in a new direction.
Yeah, I told them that I would made their characters strong so I wouldn't have to worry about magic equipment
I did have them a bunch of utilities
Like magic rope, hat of disguise and a smoke jar (not sure if that's the name)
eversmoking bottle?
They always had plenty of options to clear the challenges
Yeah, that might be the name
I'm having a hard time not suggesting retconning those magic items :(
and ir eally don't want to say that
I'm worried that with a bunch of magic items they'll turn into murdering hobos
Well, that's a whole different can of worms.
If you're worried that being powerful will make them murderhoboes, well, you're not going to stop them from getting powerful.
There better be something else stopping them from murderhoboing.
Q: How do I get my PCs to not be a bunch of murderous cretins?

mxyzplkMost RPGs teach you that casual violence is the best solution to all your in-game problems. This is so well established a part of the vast majority of RPGs that there are entire satire RPGs like Greg Costikyan's Violence and John Tynes' Power Kill dedicated to showcasing the issue. Even now that ...

They aren't stupid so they won't just get into a city and start killing everyone
But they might just start charming some key NPCs and get away with murder
yeah, they now have the option to do both extremely well
That's why I wanted to at least limit the disadvantage from the staff to damaging spells
your life is going to be much more difficult in encounter creation
which is fine if you are on board with that, but it ups the ante for them, too
I'm new to DMing so that's another big problem to me
@Manner I'd like to hear what @nitsua60 suggests, but I think you need to talk about how you built the world to be less magic-item focused and instead went with stronger abilities and that you'd like to roll back those items...but maybe they'll make (an altered) appearance as they progress.
I don't think there's a wrong path. Well... having concerns and not voicing them could be a wrong path.
But whether the items stay or go, whether the campaign's high- or low-magic, whether they're murderhoboes or agents for good and right... you can have a good time playing any of those. As long as you're all in some agreement about what game(s) you're playing.
Jul 15 '16 at 23:47, by nitsua60
@Nyakouai This is why I always assume that at a table of N people there are at least 2N+1 distinct games being played.
Yeah, I'm pretty confident that I'll sort things out without much problems
I just wanted the opinions of more experienced people as I'm pretty new to this
hopefully we were helpful :)
My friend also kinda pulled a dick move with all these items and he kinda also know that
Yeah thanks guya
Drop by any time! There're always people in here to chat games =)
I'll do that
Didn't even knew this existed until today
Thanks for the heads-up
(In fact, feel free to stay. I'm just going to tease @NautArch a little bit about the excellent session of mine he missed last night!)
@nitsua60 noooooooo
3 sea hags: frightening visages: 7 of 8 PCs frightened. Paladin: turn the faithless: two of three sea hags turned.
Pure Scooby-Doo =D
@nitsua60 awesome!
@nitsua60 the meta question I think is referring to this question
@nitsua60 i'm a big fan of hags - they're a lot of fun to play as NPCs
Hmm. That's an interesting one, if that's the case. Because it looks to me like "system's working!" Votes will out, and your answer--which goes well beyond "NO!" and explains why, how one might modify/work around it, &c.--gets upvoted.
Eh, enough speculation.
yeah, i'm not sure what I did to frustrate them :(
I've been trying to answer more in that style. But my lede still follows my RAW thoughts.
Until/unless they point to it, I wouldn't assume it's you.
@nitsua60 true, but I'd be pretty surprised if it isn't.
@NautArch I doubt it's what you did - my cynical self immediately pointed out that they have an answer on that question which isn't exactly prospering.
@Miniman Maybe, but no answers there are really prospering. :) He removed some comments on mine that make me think it's partly about me.
but I might just be sensitive right now
@NautArch Fair enough - I guess we'll see what happens.
Gah, I'm an idiot. I looked to see if the meta poster was the same as the querent, saw it wasn't, then moved on. Never thought to look at the other answer =\
@NautArch Full disclosure - the reason I haven't upvoted any answers there is because you've gone to the (rather silly, but that's not your fault) "PCs can't have nice things" rules from the Enlarge spell, and not the (even sillier, but that's not my fault) "NPCs with privileges" rules from the DMG.
@Miniman hmmm. I may need to rewrite. My goal wasn't PCs can't have nice things, bu tmore of the mechanic of enlarge needing a larger weapon, not just a larger body.
I haven't upvoted any answers because I'm still unclear on the question.
@NautArch I think what I'm really looking for is an answer that says something along the lines of "medium creatures have two-handed weapons and one-handed weapons, big creatures have big two-handed weapons and big one-handed weapons", if you see what I mean.
@Miniman yes, that's what i was trying to say in a much more long-winded, confusing and unclear way :P
@NautArch Ah, good to hear! Then yeah, if you rewrite, I'll reread, and hopefully vote!
attempted. :)
@Miniman facepalm thanks.
@JoelHarmon was that to me or miniman?
@JoelHarmon All good! Interesting how it was just that one line :P
@NautArch miniman caught some embarrassing spelling/grammar issues on an answer I just posted, and it seemed too off topic to thank him in comments.
@Miniman I can only guess that I was looking at my book at the time.
And also hang my head in shame, I suppose.
@JoelHarmon Nah, that's why we all have the edit privilege :D
@Miniman Oh sure, and I've sent that around before. Only fair that it comes around once in a while.
i think we wrote our answers at the same time @JoelHarmon
@NautArch Seems pretty likely
nm, you beat me by 5 minutes. didn't see you had answered whilst typing
@NautArch I think we've all been there before.
most definitely
@JoelHarmon fixed :) I didn't even consider the bonus action requirement :/
@NautArch Well, I can't immediately think of a way to prevent someone from having a bonus action but still have a regular one, given that Slow still gives you the choice. But if you can do it, that's a way to prevent summoning a bound weapon.
yeah, slow was the first thing i thought of
Other stuff like Petrify prevents all actions.
I haven't combed through all the spells in the ~20 minutes since the question was posted, so I can't say whether there's another loophole in there.
other than being incapacitated
but that's already covered
it does seem to be condition related. which is also the only other way to prevent the summoning
More or less, yeah.
Then again, I'd rule that Friends could prevent that, for about one mintue, so I hesitate to make blanket statements about what is or isn't allowed in D&D.
Friends could prevent summoning? Advantage to convince someone not to summon?
It was intended as a joke, but also to imply that you can prevent someone from summoning their weapon if you convince them there's no reason to summon it.
Heh, feeling literal (as usual). You would need to know in advance of the summoning plan, though.
Oh sure. But that was the first mind control spell that came to mind that wouldn't also immediately cause a fighter to summon a weapon.
They could still summon it, but it'd hurt.
although it's a suicide move anyway so a little pain before an ancient red eats you isn't a big deal
That's... odd. I'm not sure it's necessarily a suicide move per se. Red Dragons don't seem to have any explicit ability to track the fighter down or teleport to him or anything like that. Implicitly, their horde may have something to help out, but a cursory reading turned up little utility, just combat and flavoring.
yeah, was just noticing that they don't have any spellcasting
i made an assumption based on the original question
Ditto, or I may have frame challenged as well.
I added a bit on it.
also failed to make a "this is my weapon, this is my gun" reference to the bond and to make a faulty towers joke in the answer.
With regards to Fawlty Towers jokes: you started it.
@JoelHarmon you vicious bastard
@NautArch Hey, you invaded Poland.
3 hours later…
What's the geological name for a very wide mountain crevice, bordering on being a (narrow) valley?
A Chasm or Canyon maybe?
Yeh, that sounds more like it.
>A dwarven town nestled in a chasm in the Bleak Mountains, straddled by many stone bridges, the chasm sides riddled with balconies and terraces. There are many external paths and stairs, but none that stretch the whole length of the crevice.
Chasm = a gap formed by the sides being pulled apart.
Canyon = a gap formed by erosion and weathering.
Hey, guys, a friend has a question: What's the best RPG system for a game about hockey players on and off the ice?
Character drama and brutal sports action.
2 hours later…
@BESW (Speaking as someone who doesn't follow sports) : I'd lean towards DramaSystem for that. Possibly also an Apocalypse Engine game, I know there's a wrestling game out there which might provide some inspiration.
@BESW Sounds awesome. Check with June too, she might know a couple.
she knows hockey rpgs?
@trogdor she knows a whole bunch of awesome RPGs I never knew about 'til I met her, and there's probably one that could do, or already does, hockey in there.
fair enough
I think she is the one who first mentioned the existence of Golden Sky Stories
so I have that to thank her for at least
it's a nice system when you want that exact experience
She's also very fond of Blades in the Dark, which I'd like to try sometime somehow.
what is that one?
@trogdor it's a non-Fate Evil Hat game, and this page is the limits of my knowledge about it. Other than, also, June recommends it's a fantastic game for new people to start with, and a friend of mine went in cold with doubts to play it with their own group and had a blast.
has June mentioned why it's specifically good for beginners ?
and by that do you mean beginners to RPG's or just beginners to the system?
@trogdor beginners to RPGs specifically, and she hasn't mentioned. that'd be a good thing to ask. (and experience!)
fair enough
it definitely seems interesting
I do wonder what those archetypes and crew types mean
like, I imagine shadows prefer to sneak around, but then what difference from them do the Whispers have?
I definitely would be up to trying it with you sometime
Given hockey's reputation for bone-crunching brutality combined with genuinely sweet players, I'm kinda thinking a Katanas & Trenchcoats hack would be hilarious.
@BESW that sounds brilliant
it has potential at least
@trogdor good question. o:
@trogdor yay! \o/
I have a soft spot for sneaky stuff
and this looks like a game that focuses on sneaky stuff as much as anything
I'll see if I can GM a game. @BESW, would you be interested?
I am concerned about group size in it
it seems like it is built for a gang, which I would assume would usually mean at least a small handful of people
It might be you're more of a two-man "specialist" "organisation"
as long as it works
i'll check with June about whether it might work for 2 players + 1 GM
it says 3-6
so not that it couldn't possibly work for less, but it seems like it assumes a slightly larger group than we usually have
yeah, theoretically technically doable with 3 people and I trust Evil Hat, though small groups can require some special handling
like 3-6 could be "please have five but technically you could do it with three if you really wanted to"
@doppelgreener Sure!
@BESW Yay!
It's occurred to me I need a suitably halloweeny costume for the holiday, so I am changing my avatar back to Space Ghost.
don't give me excuses to change avatars XD
@trogdor 👻!!
how did you do that?
@doppelgreener you monster
this is happening now
Here's a fun exercise: guess when this game was designed, based on this single line from the rules:
> One of the strangest things about this game is that only the characters actually have attributes.
um, 1982
@BESW either last year, or early 90's.
For the answer, mouse over this text.
oh, ok
fair enough
maybe I overshot a little XD
Tonight for dinner I made this pumpkin pasta sauce with added onions, vegan sausage, and walnuts. Served on whole wheat spaghetti.
why is there vegan sausage?
eh wtv
Because Tofurky's Italian "Sausage" is actually pretty tasty. I dice it and use it in stir fries.
@doppelgreener I seeee you ghost man
I didn't realize I missed space ghosts goofy face
aww :D
@trogdor i think i did too
such ghost. very face. goof.
that is ok, the game was a little rigged
@BESW Hi, I have a öitt
Rats, stupid mobile keyboard.
I've never had an öitt!
I will claim öitt is something Scandinavian and awesome that I am very proud to have.
But I was going ask you about Colonypunk...
@kviiri I will believe you.
What's your question, O Öitt-possessing One?
What is the inspiration for the idea that the relationships in the game are all friendships in one direction and rivalries in the other?
Hmm. Colonypunk was interesting, in that I didn't design it so much as exorcise it.
It's an attempt to codify a handful of nebulous thoughts I had on the subject and see what I agreed with.
So my answer probably won't be especially satisfying.
Communities have very complex relationships between their members. Small or narrowly defined communities all the more so. Within the tiny word limit, that was my attempt to represent how the members of an indigenous community might be bound up in complex ties of reciprocity and competition.
That is a satisfying answer on its own, I guess :)
If I were to revise the game now I'd make some significant changes--and probably have to break the word limit.
You could call it Colonypunk 2000 and make it ten times as long!
oh, what is this color?
doppelspooker XD
it's not even greeeeeen!! oOOOooooOoOOOOOoooOO!!
line up to be spooked
@kviiri brace yourself, spookoween is destined to get even spookier
When a Space Ghost turns orange, does that mean it's ripe?
Anyone here about to participate in nanowrimo?
I'm going to try, but I have little hope in success because it's also going to be my mathewrimo (master's thesis writing month)
Ah, NaNoWriMo, aka National Novelists Taking To Twitter To Reassure People It's Okay If Your Writing Style Isn't Compatible With NaNoWriMo Month.
@doppelspooker yep, we are just the,.... two horses,.... something, spookpocalypse,.... yeah that's the ticket
@BESW lol
@kviiri I keep wanting to, but I always end up not able to for some reason or another
this year it's my wedding and honeymoon, lol
Ursula Vernon does NaNoFiMo.
> Actually, I rarely actually finish anything in November, but what I try to do is slam a few more thousand words on existing works and get them a little farther along. My work method involves keeping a dozen stories going at any given time, abandoning for months or years, coming back, working on them more.
Recently, I have mostly written letters and news for my RPG universes in terms of fiction. And most of my ideas for novels are actually meant to be RPG settings.
That's a challenge.
Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
The needs of a novel and the needs of an RPG setting are often violently opposed.
@BESW lol
[he said from bitter experience]
@BESW I am well aware, yes :(
I like RPGs with action, danger and drama, but novels with deep themes and contemplation.
And I can't even imagine how I'd write a good action scene in a novel...
@kviiri it's easy. first you write a paragraph, and then you pull out a gun
Mar 4 '14 at 10:29, by BESW
Good games usually range wide, exploring this and that and the other, with a fairly flimsy plot holding them together. It's the continuity of player which makes a campaign cohesive.
Mar 4 '14 at 10:35, by BESW
Gaming doesn't lend itself to the same kind of structure and foreshadowing that novel-writing does. Depending on the kind of narrative time you want to depict.
@DForck42 The most lethal thing I own is a wicked kitchen knife (2-harm hand)
@kviiri I don't own a gun either, lol
Hey @DForck42 how much tomato puree do you put in your chilli?
I realised I got a couple of little 140g tins instead of big ones
@doppelspooker I usually go with a 6oz can (looks to be ~170g)
@doppelspooker you making my recipe, or just borrowing elements?
@DForck42 making it. phew, i've got a good amount then.
@doppelspooker neat! you'll have to tell me how it turns out for you
@doppelspooker can I have more explanation about what you call a "help pile"?
are you doing the slow cooker method?
@AnneAunyme it's when a BUNCH of people, usually 4 or more, throw in trying to help a person. basically, a post that has issues causes the OP to get overwhelmed by people trying to help
and why you consider that a sentence without a verb makes sense
@AnneAunyme ten different people give a newbie fifteen different requests for clarification, five of which the newbie doesn't even understand. possibly, again, repeat the process.
A: How is the community doing?

nitsua60Well-intentioned help-piles are occasionally problematic. First, the mea culpa: I have been guilty of this as often as anyone else I've seen. Here's the problem, generally: New user posts a poor question. Downvotes and close-votes come quickly. This is proper: we should close unclear or OT que...

it tends to freak people out and make them give up and leave.
was there other people than me suggesting improvements?
@AnneAunyme yes, yours was the only comment i removed. it was asking to reformulate a sentence that looked clear enough.
seriously, you find it clear?
and besides that there was other questions in this comment
"I tried to have a couple of npcs show that not all the settlers weak, murderous, blights upon the land (his words), but states that is not enough. "
^Am I the only one to find this unclear?
@AnneAunyme I'd have ot see the context
If you want the real context, scroll to the original version
@AnneAunyme there's a slight grammatical error, where he's missing an "are" and "of". so it would be: "I tried to have a couple of npcs show that not all [of] the settlers [are] weak, murderous, blights upon the land (his words), but states that is not enough. " while this could be made clearer, to me it's obvious he's talking about settlers in the nation-building that's taking place in the campaign
to me it was the settlers who were stating that it was not enough
@AnneAunyme ahh
also is the "vet" a player? a PC? is he a doctor for animals or a war veteran?
again, it could be made clearer, but I don't think it's inherently wrong
@AnneAunyme again, could be made clearer. I read it as "veteran player", ie someone that has played this particular game for a long time
it is wrong, the sentence lacks a verb
I read it as "a doctor for animals", and that made no sense at all
@AnneAunyme lol, yeah I could see that
I also asked for how many players there was
well, tbh, the question is highly problematic, despite it's grammatical errors
it states that the one guy is a problem, but instead of trying to figure out a way to handle him, he's looking at just ending the whole thing, without providing any real reason why he's jumping to that conclusion
basically, there's a lot missing from this question
there is a good reason for why it is closed
but to me it doesn't justify the comment deletion
@AnneAunyme I think, to defend @doppelspooker, to him the sentence DID make sense, and it DIDN'T make sense to ask for rewording a particular sentence in a question that already has numerous issues. I udnno if there are other comments that were deleted, but there are 3 comments above yours, all trying to help the asker make their question work
and @doppelspooker was trying ot prevent it from getting out of hand
mine was the first
i don't know how many were posted after that
anyway deleting a comment only because of opinions feels like very bad manners.
@AnneAunyme also, I'm not saying that @doppelspooker was correct in this instance, just trying to output what the intention was
actually @doppelspooker told us a few messages above that mine was the only deleted comment
@AnneAunyme I missed that
"•Keep your eye on the prize: getting the question good enough to be on-topic/reopened. We can fix the small things later, focus on the big things while closed." - from @nitsua60's post that was linked
I get the intention, I don't want to hold a grudge or anything, but I also want to make sure it is known that I don't accept it either
@doppelspooker hah! looks pretty similar to my set up
so far so good. it's quite thick so i'll be cooking it on low heat.
to me getting the question to be on-topic needed for me to understand it first. The part about the number of players was because I suspected the OP to be playing with way too many players that what is maintainable for a beginner.
@doppelspooker it's not a bad idea to add some extra water, I have accidentally burnt mine in the slow cooker
@DForck42 ta. :)
@AnneAunyme my thoughts are for how the receiving user is being handled above how any existing user (including myself) feels. i had to head off earlier to receive someone and also do some cooking, so i didn't follow that up with some explanation -- had the comment included suggestion about how they should reformulate, what's unclear about it, or any pointers along those lines, it would've stayed.
however, several helpy comments (probably more incoming) plus "rewrite this sentence" meant that last one was over the threshold and i took it away. a later reading might show what's going on.
@doppelspooker how long until you try the chili?
@DForck42 about 3-4 hours. i'm going to leave it on a simmer until then to work away some of the water i added.
i added a cup, and then about a quarter-cup more so i could swirl out the diced tomatoes can. it worked out to a lot.
@doppelspooker neat
@DForck42 thanks for sharing that recipe, I'm really looking forward to seeing how it goes.
how do you prefer to serve it? i've often had chili con carne either straight-up or with rice.
@doppelspooker I love dairy, so I tend to add sour cream and cheese to mine
crackers (saltines) are also an excellent food delivery mechanism, and are also good crushed up in the chili
my fiancée likes it spicier, so she adds shiracha
i've had lightly toasted pita bread before used to make wedge crackers for this stuff.
@doppelspooker that sounds good
2 hours later…
why does this channel have a jeff tag?
@THiebert We are all Jeff
Really? I've always felt like more of a Jim
Jun 28 at 16:15, by BanjoFox
Side-topic: What is the "jeff" tag all about? I get a 404 when clicking it.
@THiebert There is a long and storied history behind jeff, which I don't know
Interestingly, [rpg] and [pen-and-paper] also give 404 errors
@GreySage yeah, it's cause you can put tags in the description, but there are no "chat" tags, rather they link back to the main site
we've got these on the movies chat: identify-this-rage, mod-rage, sarcasm-at-its-finest, sardonic
@GreySage Take the link by DForck42, read the reply to that post.
1 hour later…
@DForck42 That assortment sounds like it could also use be-nice :P
@kviiri lol, probably
Dec 1 '16 at 10:35, by doppelgreener
something is weird with my site shortcuts in my browser:
@doppelspooker how was the chili?
@DForck42 delicious!!! i'm considering adding more of the spices i used.
the predominant flavor was the beans and the beef, but that's pretty good imo. :)
Inspiration, where art thou?
@doppelspooker good!
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