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10:08 PM
hey there @KorvinStarmast @NautArch
Hi shal, what are the odds of getting the impromptu group together? When? I can't make it tonight, but maybe another night?
For your con adventure you were talking about the other dya.
@KorvinStarmast I actually have a group going for that :) (that's about 2/3rds of the way through), but I can see about pulling together another one :) so yeah, have a 5th and a 7th level char on standby for that
@NautArch what was the error in the runthrough charsheet?
OK, glad you have it going. Later.
@KorvinStarmast That'd be an interesting perspective to get, yeah.
10:30 PM
@Shalvenay can't use a shield. I can drop warcaster since I haven't used it and swap for the +2 dex to get +1 ac.
@NautArch oh, oops!
is there not a feat you can take for shield prof?
I could, but no bladesong then.
@NautArch ah, bladesong doesn't work if you have a shield in the offhand...
@NautArch nods yeah, reupload it
hey there @Ryan
10:44 PM
hi @Shalvenay
how are you?
how're things going?
OK here I suppose
alright here
I got more friends to sign up for my Apocalypse World one-shot :)
I need to go to bed now but I wanted to share these good news with you!
Bye everyone
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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