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@kviiri early on they do, but with magical secrets (and additional magical secrets for lore bards) they can pick up some good ones. however, since you have mostly free reign, it's better ot pick up in wherever your party is lacking
but what do you mean Identify can be circumvented with a short rest? @NautArch
however, I would argue almost every bard should pick up counterspell. making a bad guy's spell just not work will almost always be in the party's favor
@Ryan in 5e, anybody can identify an item by focusing on it for an hour over a short rest
seriously? like a barbarian with no intelligence or wisdom could sit there and stare at a magical scroll for an hour and then suddenly know what it means? that makes no sense
@Ryan Yup.
i should stick to 1st edition :\ lol
Or well, that's the default rule - the DMG does explicitly tell the GM to change it if they dislike it.
That being said, you would then have to spend another hour short rest to attune to the item if it requires attunement, so Identify has it beat on speed. Identify can also detect if an item or creature is under the effect of any spells, or if an item is cursed.
Also, I think some parties like our own implicitly assume it's something only adventurers do - a general shop's keeper or a random peasant probably wouldn't.
And like Kviiri says, there are optional rules in the DMG that you either have to experiment with the item to discover its properties, or have identify be the only way to learn what an item does for sure.
that was more what I was looking at it for since I know Curse of Strahd has some, but ill ask the DM when I get there and if she says she plays with the rule you all just mentioned ill pick something else
I'm short :( 5'3"
for a human
guess you dont roll for age in 5th
@Ryan I mean you can
there's nothing keeping you from making a completely random character
I did 15 + (d8*d4)
@Ryan In general, I think 5e is more geared towards the whole adventuring biz than running other sorts of magic to money -schemes. Although to be fair, my understanding on 1E is based on second- and third-hand knowledge likely distorted by a fair degree of caricature.
@kviiri in 1E we're playing the city of Greyhawk so I'm modeling my character after the Medici
in other 1E modules there's very little city action
Yeah, I mean more on a rules level.
Although maybe it's for the best if I don't comment too much, knowing so little about 1E.
So, I have a PF character concept and half-a-build in my mind, is there someone proficient in PF that's willing to doublecheck a pair of things with me?
@kviiri oh making gold from business dealings in 1E wouldn't give XP if that's what you're referring to. That's only from finding things while adventuring depending on whether you keep it or sell it
@Ryan Ok, I have been misled then :)
Seminar paper advanced to 7 pages... I'd much rather write RPGs ;_;
@Ryan [wave]
We're playing Bubblegumshoe from @EvilHatOfficial over at http://thearmchairadventurers.com/therecordings check out the Mystery at Saint Cuthbert today!
I have no idea if people are purposedly ignoring characterbuilding pleas from me, or if it's just that the PF crowd is dead right now.
@Zachiel I would be glad to help but I don't know much about Pathfinder at all :(
Everything I Know About Pathfinder I Researched To Answer A Silly Question About The Survival Skill.
@BESW Wolves
(I've been paying attention. XD)
Cool murals on old grain silos in the town of Hämeenlinna.
So, I guess if your PC is a wolf who specializes in basic survival competence, I'm your guy?
@BESW Unfortunately, my PC is an old Core 2 Duo. XD
Oh, I had one of those, but it multiclassed into Expensive Brick.
(There's a [Windows] XP joke in here somewhere but I can't find it.)
@BESW It's right after the E of eXPensive.
By the way, I upgraded it from XP around a month ago. It doesn't work any better, but at least the SuperUser chat won't balk every time I talk about that PC anymore.
@Zachiel That's an episode of The Gifted, right?
Right, but I need to leave. So that, you know, you can say that I left. Goodnight!
@BESW by the way, I didn't even notice at first, but I hate the hamfisted naming conventions they are using for episodes
hey there @Ryan and @THiebert
hey as well @NautArch
Howdy @Shalvenay
how're things going?
About to put the kids in the tub
ah, OK here. got another dungeon I could use playtesters for :)
Should be available in a couple hours.
ah. hopefully we can find a couple more folks then :)

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