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New #TemptingFate tomorrow! Catch up on our first two episodes here: https://tinyurl.com/y7zsn3xw
3 hours later…
Afternoon all, on this lovely Sunday
I guess it is Sunday now
I am still all turned around
[Covers your eyes and spins you around]
Sometimes you have to make it worse before it gets better :P
I didn't know that was a thing for jet lag and time zones
Well Time Zones are always evil
moving through time zones definitely sucks, but at least it's a little over a week till I have to do that again
So are you meant to be awake or asleep right now?
@Miniman you said you didn't have a Facebook account, but I wanted to check - if I gave you a direct link, would you be able to read the posts?
Anyone else that does not have a FB account can also let me know? That would be appreciated :)
@Ben [opens link in a private tab]
So, basically the only way around this to make the "Group" a "Page". Problem is, you can't simply convert one to the other.
I can copy everything from one to the other (with some work... not sure how moving all the posts is going to go), so that non-members can watch or get updates or whatever.
The other option is I could Print to PDF... Not sure how people would feel about that though :/
The other option is to basically copy/paste it to a word doc- Like so. Let me know what you think?
cc @Miniman @daze413
2 hours later…
@Ben awake
the jet lag doesn't seem so bad honestly
it has way more to do with timezone difference itself
I have not had too much trouble specifically sleeping at the right time
@Ben a Page would be a better idea, it's more 'out there'.
but, yeah, it sounds like ... a LOT of work by the rate you guys post comments and replies in the game thread
Kevin Crawford did an AMA and this response is everything.
@nitsua60 it's gone! noooooo! I liked that character sheet, why'd I have to put off getting it so long?
@trogdor that's good :D
@daze413 I would agree, the problem is that if we started a page, we'd have to start over (it's looking that way anyway) so this is likely what we'd have to do, regardless.
You can't just switch from a "group" to a "page" on facebook :(
@Ben If you start a page, do you plan on still playing on the page?
No. You remember the story I posted before? That's the sort of "summary" I want to post instead, on an encounter basis.
@Ben ah, yes, so that's your medium moving forward, I don't see why you should create a page?
So that story was from a Dark Heresy campaign (WH40K), and I want to do that kind of quality, but split it up into individual encounters, so one post isn't huge. That doc would probably be split up into 8, or perhaps 9 individual posts, as an example.
@daze413 It's looking that way :) It'll take a bit to set up - but it's safe to say we have everything we need. We have a pseudo account (the "Dungeon Master") that just so happened to have a Google Account, so we can post the Encounters there, and post the links to them on facebook :D
@daze413 I am happy to go back through and re-format the encounters, so that going forward, people can get context. I'll likely number them as well, so that people don't get lost
@Ben at least copy pasting the posts in the group, you can take your time.
@daze413 I think that would take more effort XD
@Ben wouldn't that mess up the timeline? And I haven't used this feature in facebook lately, but I remember it being capable of handling "notes" of some sort
@daze413 How so? And I have heard of any notes... I'll have to look into that
@Ben I remember trying to post something super long, dont recall the exact character count, but if it gets too long, facebook will suggest to post it as a note
wait, let me check
@Ben aha! go to www.facebook.com/notes and you should see "My notes" or "Write a note" in the upper right hand corner
Ok, that might actually be useful! Thanks for that suggestion :D
Oh wow that is actually brilliant!!
Apparently it's also available on groups as well - they're called "Docs" for some reason lol. But they look exactly the same apparently :)
Glad I could help :D You also gave me the opportunity to review my old notes and cringe at my younger self haha
hey there @daze413 and hello as well @Patta
@daze413 Ergh... They're really hard to work with :/
how're things going?
and hey as well @Anaphory
Hey! There was a small convention in town yesterday, and I got to play some new things.
Fine, I guess :D Cleaning up the house is no fun :D
nice :) such as? and I'm doing OK here, pondering a few things related to a couple of campaign ideas I've been chewing on for a while now though
Masks (PbtA teenage superheros, very nicely written), Spirit of the Century (with a mix of Fate Core rules in there, and a GM only slowly starting to use compels and invokes towards the very end of the session, though the setting was appropriate), Fiasco (not new, but with an unfamiliar playset – Eclipse Fiasco – by choice of the other players, which also gave insight into that setting), Blades in the Dark (Generally convincing, the dice result description does feel somewhat clunky)
ah. I still want to play Dungeon World again sometime, and perhaps run it
Dungeon World is really high up on my "want to play" list. Blades, too.
want to hear about the campaign ideas btw?
@Shalvenay I am :)
so yeah -- first one I'm (still) trying to figure out is how best to run a plot arc centered around a court case that has more to do with "what does this piece-of-junk law/edict mean?" than "whodunit?" -- at this point, my questions are:
1) "what should I do about worldbuilding a legal system at the level of detail needed, given that trying to improv doesn't provide the consistent precis or the referenceability necessary for documents to be written based on it?"
and 2) "how do I keep a 'background' arc from falling off the radar when it's mostly taking place through paperwork, vs. having scene time in the game?"
I'd suggest ditching a full fantasy setting and instead go for a historical setting around an actual case.
Or, at the very least, a low-impact alternate history version of an actual historical case.
I can see where you're coming from, but that wouldn't integrate particularly well with the other threads in the campaign concept in question
wb @Anaphory
@daze413 Interesting. I wonder why. Maybe it'd become too much to support...?
hey there @Papayaman1000
and hey again @daze413
@nitsua60 hm? What does that mean, and how does that happen?
@Shalvenay heyyo! just checked in before going to sleep
hey there @Zachiel
@BESW That's exactly where I'm at with my "Return to the temple of Elemental Evil" update for optimized parties.
@Zachiel how're things going?
My daily income in one game is based on if I played a certain time recently, but there's nobody I can play with. In my other game, nobody in my town in there to play, and I have no idea why my character would go elsewhere.
So, on the gaming part, it's going pretty poor I guess.
aww :/ no time to wrap up our dungeon either?
On the other end, I'm looking for experienced D&D 3.5e players who can guide me into character-building-with-every-first-and-second-part-material-ever-101
I have time for the dungeon, but if it was possible to level up in either of my usual games I'd be happier. Nothing personal, it's just that I get to keep those other rewards.
@Shalvenay I'm loading the dungeon
ah :)
I can do the dungeon for a bit :)
1 hour later…
@daze413 I know that for a while the author was providing updates to keep up with UA offerings, new backgrounds in APs, the races in Volo... and I just wondered if ahead of XGtE they might have decided to retire from the "supporting everyone else's habit" business =)
@Miniman and any other SEDE experts: would it be easy to whip up a visualization of how many comments/time a user is leaving? I have a sense that a user is leaving many more comments recently, but perhaps it's just that I've noticed one and now I keep noticing the name?
@Shalvenay see ya
Q: What exactly is a playstyle?

nvoigtSo we agree that we embrace all styles of roleplay. Recently I answered a question and made a remark about "good roleplaying" or "good roleplayers" being people that would play a role, seperating character knowledge from player knowledge. Now, telling people whether something is good roleplaying...

6 hours later…
@Ben thanks, being able to sleep is indeed always good
hey there @nitsua60
hello there @TylerH
how're things going?
@Shalvenay Hiya. Tchaikowski and Prokofiev tonight. Lots of playing, lots of chances to take little sips of air, not much time to get that air out.
Good; working on leveling my first dnd 5e char to level 4. Hit some confusion in the hit die section
@TylerH [cocks ear]
what's troubling you?
@TylerH what's the build btw?
1 sec, firefox is agonizingly slow on Win10
@Shalvenay I seriously considered last night throwing out there an announcement that I'd like to run an online campaign of Tomb of Annihilation. That's how much I didn't want to do my grading =\
Okay, sorry about that
The PHB says, for Hit Points at Higher Levels (Page 57 - Clerics) - 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st
My Constitution modifier is currently 3. I rolled a 4 for my 1d8, so am I correct that, when leveling to level 4, I would add 4+(3x3)?
Nope--just the 4 your rolled + 3 from CON.
Your CON modifier gets added once each level.
Okay, it's the "per cleric level after 1st" that confuses me
@Shalvenay What do you mean by build?
So they mean that if you wanted to create a 9th-level Cleric from scratch you'd go with 8+CON for first level, then 5+CON for each of the subsequent levels.
Think of it as {[1d8 OR 5] + CON mod} per level, maybe?
@nitsua60 ouch
@TylerH classes and levels
@Shalvenay A fighter, level 7; a warlock, level 9, and a cleric, level 6. We had a ranger earlier on, but the player was disinvited to the game several sessions
I joined late, so the recent experience boosted me a couple levels
@nitsua60 yeah, makes sense. I could see it going either way, I just wanted to be sure... I felt like a total possible jump of 17hp from level 3 to level 4 was a lot :-)
The shortcut is that you end up with (half-die-rounded-up + CON mod)*level + (half-die-rounded-down) as your HP at any level. (If using the fixed values, which I do.)

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