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It all fits! As far as kits go, I feel ready for my first #fate game on Sep30. What do you think, @EvilHatOfficial… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/910635838236712962
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@doppelgreener We may have an account merge needed here. rpg.stackexchange.com/q/107120/22566
Hi, Shal, how are you? You running for mod at Aviation?
I'd vote for ya. :)
Overheard on the radio, today in The Hazards of Not Really Listening:
"...your own real-life wolverine! It's completely safe and legal in 47 states. Call..."
I am not -- don't really see my self as having quite enough Stackizenry under my belt yet for it re: running for mod @ Aviation
and I'm doing alright @KorvinStarmast
I take it things are drying out and returning to normal for you?
Glad to hear. Our regular group is slowly dissolving due to RL stuff again. Looks like we may start playing sword coast legends.
Hurricane wise, all normal, but a few of my work mates have people in San patricio county who are still in the hurt locker.
Trees hiting houses, roofs very damaged. I feel very fortunate.
bad news is that the game for tonight was a wave-off because the DM's interwebs died on him
good news is it looks like I will be getting a meatspace group once again
Arrgggh! Our last DM loss was due to wife having surgery, so he's out as DM for two months.
My brother's been valiantly hanging in with his campaign, but the job changes of two party members means "same night as usual" is more or less dead.
let me know how Sword Coast Legends turns out to be btw
Ohh, Meat Space group. Goodness.
When it first came out, I had a blast playing it up until the sewers of Luskin, and then we seemed to not be able to find the end of that quest. And then people stopped showing up. So, I'll be starting over with my nephew.
Once I got used to the GUI, I liked it.
it sounds like it hews pretty close to the typical themepark MMO formula though, no?
yes, I think so. Our DM felt it was a lot like NWN or Baldur's Gate in approach ...
ah, I was more asking from a multiplayer point of view
Somewhere, I have a disc of NWN that I never played. I think I need to load that and play it some day. My son played it for a while and then discovered WoW. that was that.
I am actually playing NWN as we speak haha
The plot line is pretty well laid out, and we can play with 1-4 (5?) people at a time.
been over a year.
however, I'm on a (quiet) multiplayer server
Cool. My brother in law, the cop, had a case where (I kid you not) two people met in the on line version of NWN and they then met IRL. And then there was a homicide. Yoiks. (The eventually found the perp. About a decade ago. In Florida).
I need to clean out all of the old PC games I never played/finished, and either donate/dump a few, or load and play them. More likely the former.
My son just loaded Diablo I last month, from an old disc I had. ON his new rig. He loves it.
Hmmm, momma summons me, so I bid you good night.
@KorvinStarmast thanks!
hey there @DForck42
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener I hope it all worked out for our new user, I think there's a good question in there once all of the details get fixed.
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay Hiya. How's the midwest these days?
7 hours later…
@Yuuki Hey, I want to GM! Now go find me 12 people to play with.
1 hour later…
@eimyr lol
2 hours later…
@Shalvenay morning. sorry, accidentally left chat open all night
That's not something I can identify with at all. Nosirree.
how goes it?
allo allo
@BESW I mean...I don't do it on accident.
we had a pretty epic end to a short campaign last night. Final Big Boss warlock summoned Bophomet (homebrew, i guess) along with several other demons.
@NautArch neat! what level was the party?
@DForck42 ranged from 14/15 ish
@NautArch cool
highlight for me was when Baphomet fell prone due to a fumble after he had already moved.
no movement left to stand up, so next turn I cast Bigby and grappled him. Keeping him pinned and prone to the floor.
@NautArch nice
Worked out well for a few rounds until we bloodied him and triggered a shift to some other plane that we had to solve a puzzle to get out of. Took us longer because we thought solving the puzzle was going to do something bad.
that plane shift ended any ongoing magical effects.
@NautArch was this 4e? or did your dm just port over the bloodied mechanic?
@DForck42 5e. Homebrew monster.
didn't know it was bloodied that triggered it until after the fight
still am unsure as to where we went. Only thing I know is that it wasn't Ethereal plane because eldritch blast didn't work.
@NautArch interesting
it was a super fun fight. He built a 3d battle mat for it.
@NautArch oooh, get any pics of it?
@NautArch that's really nice!
The warlock was the guy floating above the amber crystal. The amber was an artifact drawing power that he was using to power the summoning circle as well as the portals. We had to break the green crystals to stop the portals from continuing to deposit demons.
And the artifact crystal, we learned, was untouchable. Magic would dissipate before hitting it and touching it would throw you back and give you about 60 psychic damage.
Our firbolg druid learned that one the hard way
@NautArch lol
he tried to ram his shoulder into it
@NautArch was he at least wildshaped?
@DForck42 nope, and he's one of the UA Circle of Twilight druids
@NautArch I dunno those
I took out a demon and the warlock with a well placed 4th level fireball.
it's a bit OP, to be honest.
@NautArch isnt' that kind of the tagline for UA?
@DForck42 hahaha, probably should be
but mechanically it's pretty cool
@NautArch neat
Baphomet had both legendary saves and absurdly high save and attack modifiers.
@NautArch IIRC, it's OP in specific circumstances.
But not Wizard-tier, "I'm godlike because I can do everything" OP.
@Yuuki very true. but the Harvest's Scythe approaches (and maybe beats) the Paladin Divine Smite.
@BESW took me way too long to put together Twilight Circle from that :)
> Starting at 7th level, when a creature within 5 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to magically substitute your own health for that of the target creature, causing that creature no to take the damage. Instead, you take the damage. This damage to you can’t be reduced or prevented in any way.
I know I'm supposed to be the beefy meatshield of the party, but this doesn't feel that great and I'm considering taking a Warlock level here instead of Paladin 7.
@Yuuki ??
@NautArch I'm musing on my current Paladin.
I'm yet again vacillating between pure Paladin or Paladin/Warlock.
On the other hand, I get Spirit Guardians at 9th level if I stay pure Paladin.
Whereas Warlock levels would delay that.
@Yuuki which oath?
@NautArch Oath of the Crown.
I'm not a big fan of multiclassing paladin, but I get why people like it. Delaying your Aura of Courage and Improved Divine Smite is a tough call.
and reducing your total Lay on Hands pool
I'm wondering how much I should value refreshing Divine Smites on a short rest.
Given that my party is currently half Wizard or Sorcerer, short rests usually don't do much for us.
there's definitely a big value there, but you'd be generating two 2d8 Smites /short rest, right?
that was my next question. How often doe syour party take short rests?
1st-level Warlock only has one spell slot.
@NautArch Not often actually. We either use hit dice or long rest because by the time we'd short rest, the casters are usually low on slots.
And short resting doesn't really help them.
ah, yes. so just 1 2d8 smite/short rest. While Improved Divine SMite (when you get it 4 levels later), will give you an extra d8/attack.
I mean, you need SRs to refresh your channel divinity, too
so it does give another reason to help you to take them
what level do you think this character is going to get to?
No clue. We just hit 4th but we're on a homebrew campaign, so I don't really know how far it'll go.
may be worth asking. If 11 is near the end-point, then you'll get more bang out of the warlock dip.
although the aura of courage is niiice
I might just considering playing a Bladelock next time around.
Bladelock/Bard maybe?
Q: Answers that agree with other answer

SaggingRufusShould we be flagging answers that basically say: John's answer is great and I agree with everything he said, and also this! On other SE sites, this should be a comment on the answer and the person who posted the answer would choose to edit their answer to include it or not. If it should...

@Yuuki My bard has a 2 level dip into warlock and it's really nice. Delays my magical secrets and spell progression which was really painful, but the balance I got in return is pretty nice. Dipping a third level I wouldn't do because I want those 9th level spells at the end (and secrets to steal other 9th level spells)
Kinda annoying that Hexblade makes you choose between Curse Bringer and +CHA to damage.
I mean, it makes sense because having both might be too powerful.
But still.
It feels awkward.
I'm thinking Bard 1/Hexblade 5/Valor Bard X?
Yeah, I don't get 9th level spells...
Hmm... maybe I don't need Hexblade 5 considering Valor Bard gets Extra Attack.
Valor 6/Hexblade 2(3)/Valor X?
@KorvinStarmast ninja'd me on that Warlock question!
@Yuuki I generally don't like the idea of multiclassing with UA. It's already playtest with the caveat and not balanced for multiclassing.
Oh yeah, that's right.
but if you're able to, then go for it
I'm not as familiar with the valor bard. That may do better with progression delays because you don't get the extra magical secrets.
Yeah but as a melee-focused "spellfencer" build, I really need that Extra Attack ASAP. Warlock offers it earlier at 5th level with an invocation but Valor Bard gets it as a feature at 6th level.
So if I take the invocation, I'd be double-dipping for Extra Attack and wasting an invocation.
And you can only swap out invocations when you get a Warlock level.
and you don't want to go bladesinger?
@NautArch +1 to that.
@Yuuki Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide Wizard subclass that makes them able to stand toe-to-toe a bit better.
@CTWind Not a lot of HP, but you're really hard to hit.
and you still get to be a wizard for the casting options
You get extra attack, up to +5 bonus AC, and a few other perks along those lines.
How good is a two-level dip?
Valor 14 allows you to make an attack along with casting a bard spell.
@Yuuki it gives you the bladesong
bonus action to start it, lasts 1 minute. gives bonus to AC equal to INT modifier, walking speed increases by 10', adv on Dex(acro) checks, INT modifier bonus to any CON saves for concentration checks
you also have to be an elf
It's really weird how I default to a rapier build when thinking of spellfencers except when I play Pathfinder's Magus.
you also get extra attack at 6th level with it
Then I try to finagle a two-handed STR build.
@NautArch I was moved to make a comment, but then I decided I had enough for an answer so I did. Your answer is as good, though I don't think there's enough meat in the question as written. I'd like a bit more detail, as my answer feels too general.
@KorvinStarmast I felt that way a bit with mine, too. But I think both of our work because the answer is general to the question. I'm not sure I agree with the closure, unless it is a dupe of the one i found.
If it isn't a dupe, it's darned close. I think that the answer to that question, particularly RSConley's, provide all the material one needs to address that element of the Warlock/Patron relationship.
and argh, rolled my mouse over a spoiler on a deleted question and spoiled a future event in the dresden files for me
Snape kills Trinity with Rosebud.
Spoilers: Everyone dies, eventually.
@Yuuki were you thinking of valor bard but a 2 level bladesinger dip? That's a bit MAD.
Yeah. Bard and Hexblade synergize well because of CHA and Hexblade getting +CHA to damage.
I guess multiclassing wouldn't be a good idea with Bladesinger.
Especially since it's a Wizard subclass.
I've wandered off onto Russian animation again, met this series of shorts called Captain Pronin. They're really... unique!
Or not really unique, it's like Russian version of Nikke Knatterton and Duke Nukem.
@Yuuki and it gives you most of what you're looking for ( i think!)
spellcasting, attacking, melee,
If only I could avoid being a knife-ear... (/s)
but it doesn't give you the valor bard aility to cast and real spell AND attack. Although I guess you could always attack with your off-hand as a bonus action?
There's always Eldritch Knight, I guess.
A: Can I cast a spell and attack in the same turn?

nitsua601. Spell as bonus action, Attack as action You could do this. Certain (very few!) spells have a casting time of "1 bonus action." As long as you meet all of the other requirements for casting such a spell, there's no reason you can't Attack as your action and cast your spell as a bonus action. (...

@Yuuki the EK in our group is kinda meh on the magic side. 99% of the time it makes more sense for him to be swinging and using shield to stop hard hits
Well, I don't want to be too strong on the magic side otherwise there's no reason to swing my sword.
Which is partially why I'm hesitant about picking Bladesinger.
Even with Bladesong, higher-level spells are so powerful that I imagine you wouldn't be wading into melee anyways.
Also, Bladesong doesn't incentivize melee-focused tactics. It protects you from getting blown up but there's no reason for a Bladesinger Wizard to rush up to someone's face when they can do traditional Wizard things.
@Yuuki the scag cantrips let you deal some decent damage and make it very hard for them to hit you. Booming Blade is especially good because you can go in, hit, move away and if they move after you...more damage.
2 hours later…
So, it looks like somebody took my message in chat about people who can't show up to games anymore and turned it into a question. Or the opposite happened.
@Zachiel I would assume you would know if the opposite had happened.
@Anaphory I'm too lazy to check the timestamps
And who was first never really mattered
It's just... very probable that we will go on playing without the guy who said "go on without me, I'll see if I can rejoin the game later" and find new players meantime, and then he'll be back but we're gonna be too many. And I have a horde of "I have things to do for the next two months or so, but I'd like to be back." - If everybody got back I'd have a 15-characters party.
@Zachiel lol
Q: Rules as Written, How Many Grendades Can a Ysoki put in their Cheeks?

Adam WellsI play a ysoki technomancer with Grenade Proficiency. I've gotten away a few times with a grenade or two stuffed in my cheeks, but the question came up of how many grenades could potentially go in there if we really wanted to commit some shenanigans (Most of them involve Raise Dead and Quick Dra...

so I'm part of a dnd 5e facebook group, and some of the advice people give is garbage and often times very petty...
So... like people on Facebook? (/s)
> people on Facebook
Be Nice, Yuuki :D
@DForck42 a guy who used to be in our group was on one of those. Don't know which one, tho.
@NautArch I mean, being generally misanthropic doesn't technically break "be nice", right? I can say "a person is good but people are terrible", right?
@Yuuki that's my personal philosophy of humanity...so i hope so
I wonder if the DC movie universe would be better served if there was a second Superman film before BvS?
@Yuuki Don't we have enough Batman and enough Superman movies out there?
@Zachiel I mean, I think it would flow better with BvS. One issue I have with the movie is that Superman simply hasn't existed long enough in the DC movieverse for the premise of the movie.
as someone that really didn't like BvS, I'd have been happy with anything BUT that movie
If there was another movie where he saved the world, then Superman's BvS conflict of "good deeds don't go unpunished" would make just a little more sense.
And Batman forming the Justice League in response to Earth needing protection in the wake of Superman's death would also make more sense.
It's just that as far as BvS goes, Superman just doesn't feel that important yet for the plot to revolve so heavily around him.
@Yuuki it'd be better served if they hadn't gone with Zach snyder
and them rushing to try and "catch up" to marvel
@DForck42 Well, Zack Snyder is off the DC movieverse project now for just about the worst reason.
@Yuuki has there been any updates on his... daughter?
@DForck42 Umm... she's still dead if that's what you're asking...
i had no idea...that's horrible
oh that's right, now I feel like an a-hole
@Yuuki wait, is the movieverse only the last iteration of movies, I.E. Man of Steel?
@Zachiel Man of Steel, Batman v. Superman, and Wonder Woman.
I was counting all of the Superman movies ever.
depends on how you look at it
Man of Steel is considered a reboot of Superman, marking it in a separate universe (the DCEU)
3 hours later…
hey there @KorvinStarmast

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