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[5e experts] major philosophical notes in 5e design: bounded accuracy, ...? I'm trying to pull together a canonical list of sources for "here's what 5e's all about". Bonus points stars for links to pre-release articles/AMAs/&c.
Pillars of Play, making Proficiency matter?
(I feel like Inspiration and (Dis)advantage got lots of hype, but they strike me less as philosophy than "let's simplify it, folks." Which, itself, might be a philosophy they talked/wrote about?)
I mean, simplification is kind of a 5e philosophy.
@CTWind Yeah, I can dig that. Thanks.
Q: What are the stand-out features of D&D 5e?

Magician5e is described by its marketing materials as: The core of D&D is storytelling. You and your friends may tell a story together, guiding your heroes through quests for treasure, battles with deadly foes, daring rescues, courtly intrigue, and much more. You can also explore the many worlds of D&...

@CTWind Thanks! (I was just about to ask for help tracking down the archived copy.)
Do you just put a (now dead) link into a search box at archive.org and let it crank?
Yeah, usually.
@Magician Thanks--just read that one this evening. I've trawled through much of RPGSE's posts on the matter and, sadly, find few stable links to primary sources. It strikes me as passing into folklore at this point, and I'm on a quest to preserve history. (Read: don't feel like grading the test I gave today.)
Sometimes you can luck out with archived page/search results in a search engine and do something like site:wizards.com/DnD/Article.aspx in google and find terms you're looking for, then get the archive of the actual page
(Also, some of the comments in the archived page amuse me given the relative positive reception of 5e)
Ooh, a possible treasure trove of 'lost' articles here
@nitsua60 Yeah, WotC "reorganizes" their website every few years.
Decent quote here.
> Whenever possible, we've tried to make sure that the basic functionality needed to make your character work takes up few, if any, of your choices.
I'm still somewhat miffed they quietly dropped their initial design goal of modularity that would let players customize the system to a desired degree, and potentially play 4e-style characters alongside the newer simpler ones. It was a lofty goal, it's understandable they couldn't make it work, but to my knowledge they never just said "sorry, no can do".
@CTWind How would you name the bit of "philosophy" this captures? "No irrelevant character?"
Yeah, something along those lines. Hard to make a bad character. Basically requires ignoring what primary stat they use.
@Magician Yeah, I've got a very close friend who's (a) a 40-year player, and (b) still pretty sour on 5e because of that. He, like you, will admit that it was a huge claim to try to stake, but is sad they didn't do more.
Was speed of play ever discussed much? (I came back to D&D right at the end of Next playtesting, from 2e, so I'm not super-up on what the discussions were like.) How 'bout back-compatibility?
Personally, I took it as a turning point from "we're trying to do something different to 4e but you can still play the game that way if you put some effort in" to "4e never happened".
Backwards compatibility was discussed a bit, at least there was a big implication of conversion methods from any given edition to 5th. I think that mostly just ended up being a PDF released a while back, though
This article kind of discusses a newer philosophy for how they're maintaining 5th as a development studio, but doesn't so much go into actual 5e gameplay philosophy.
@Magician yeah, as someone who liked 4e a lot I wish they wouldn't go that route
I'm on team 'call it D&D tactics and let it live'. Honestly, the D&D board games do kind of feel like a distilled 4e in parts.
I played the Elemental Evil board game recently.
That's because they are essentially simplified 4e.
@Magician @CTWind do you mind if I grab some of these links and use them in my little research project? With public thanks to you, of course.
Go right ahead! They're public, if a bit obfuscated :-P
Thanks--I've found the archive.org listing of the Legends & Lore archive--I'll probably spend the next few days procrastinating educating myself on that little bit of history.
Yep! Looks like the archive ended shortly after 5e came out (which is probably around the time they switched to the new site), so I think it should cover a good chunk of the 5e development timespan.
Urrrgh anybody have experience using ViolentMonkey?
I'm trying to install some scripts on Firefox with ViolentMonkey instead of GreaseMonkey and it's just not working.
@doppelgreener Is it acceptable to post legitimate answers to questions without RAW or canon, when the OP has requested them. Even when simple logic seems to handle the situation without needed to resort to RAW or canon?
@GypsySpellweaver Not really, cuz "they asked for RAW/canon" is the only thing keeping that question open, and ought to be respected. Otherwise it'd be "you're doing homebrew so just keep homebrewing".
Kinda thought so, that's why I didn't make it an answer. No problem with it being deleted either. Each stack has it's own culture and I not one to buck that.
Ideally, an answer that wants to circumvent the question requirements ought to also answer the question. For example, a good answer would say either "This rule here says not needing air means you can't drown" or "all the monsters that don't need air also can't drown" or "there's no rules at all, here's what I checked, but here's what would be logical, choose whatever."
Back in the AD&D days it was almost all "homebrew"
FWIW I agree with the logic you posted.
@GypsySpellweaver Well, you could offer a different kind of answer. But because they asked for RAW/canon, you need to explain why you're ignoring that before you head off in a completely different direction.
And that explanation needs more rigor than folks are usually willing to put into what they consider obvious (your "simple logic"), so it's easier to simplify the policy into "no, probably not."
@GypsySpellweaver Thanks for respecting that. Our comment policy enforcement is unusual. It's the default but other stacks are far more relaxed with comments so people are used to ignoring those rules, but we can't afford to do that because then the site would be 10% answers 90% unceasing vitriolic religious warring.
I may not know the rules of the road in a foreign land, but when the mounties give me a ticket, I can't get out of it by saying "I'm not from around here." I did know enough to come to chat with it than make a soon to be deleted comment chain about it.
@doppelgreener Yesterday I got notifications of comments from another Stack, and it turned out to be someone reviving a three-year-old (and completely tangential) discussion that somehow got tacked onto one of my answers.
hey there @GypsySpellweaver
@Shalvenay o/
how're things going?
kewl. Have I encountered you elsewere?
probably not elsewhere, but you've probably seen me around Stackchat once or twice before
In chat I sometimes (~50%) notice user names, on-site, I almost ignore them. Qs and As get read, names not so much.
First time in here, though usually in a couple other rooms, (CSE and IPS). Doing a computer R&R so this is ephemeral for the nonce.
Having done my Gypsy-ish-ness for the moment I'm off to continue my installations. This is off of KNOPPIX, so it's soon to cease to exist.
@BESW whoa huh.
@GypsySpellweaver farewell! Good luck!
If you've held out on @EvilHatOfficial 's awesome Karthun setting, it's part of the @DriveThruRPG sale for $10! https://buff.ly/2jBFPeW
1 hour later…
> That's only one round in D&D. [Usain] Bolt is actually faster than a wood elf monk using Step of Wind, if you do the math.
A pub I just went past was called Pour Choices.
Nice lol
4 hours later…
Q: Using FATE Core to play a TITANFALL storyline

DubhlaoichSpecifically I'm looking for any advice on adapting FATE (or any generic RPG system really but I own FATE) for Titan combat. Thank You!

For some reason, I have the feeling that question may actually be closer to answerable than it seems on the surface...
@kviiri Well there's probably something there somewhere, but it's far down beneath the surface in the deep-black. Between there and the surface is something they can ask on a fate forum but which wouldn't work on the Stack.
@doppelgreener Oh sure, it was good for closing, but I think it'd be answerable if they put in a few more words on the gamestyle they're seeking and asked if Fate was a good fit for that.
(because by what I've understood, Fate doesn't do tactical combat well, and it seems to me that's much of what Titanfall is about)
We've recently played a game in Fate about military actually being put in combat situations and it's worked fine. What matters is where the heart of it is. If you want chess tactics (or D&D 4e tactics), Fate's the wrong game. If you want a dramatic story about flawed individuals fighting tooth and nail and it's about them and their experiences, that's fairly friendly to Fate.
Stuff like Star Wars and various war movies feature what are ostensibly tactical combat situations, but it's not really about the tactical combat, it's about the characters and their experiences and etc.
Yeah, exactly
Then again, it's hard to get people new to RPGs to describe the experience they want because a lot of the stuff one wants comes through experience.
At that point the "I maneuver to this grid space and use this special move and this special item to take out three guys" is not the interesting part; it's "My girl runs through that tightly packed passageway and takes a gut shot to reach the lever that will take those three guys out of the picture to save her friends."
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/64030/… I think it'd wind up overlapping a bit with this
@kviiri Yeah! And it's hard to recognise the playing field you're in -- what kind of stuff is actually available, what you can describe to usefully say what you want.
@Magician I just came back across this answer of yours, and it says fate struggles with immersion. Is that still your perspective? (I feel it's fine, and that not staying in the character's head the whole time helps with immersion.)
One of the first actual concrete desires I had for a RPG was "not the same" after some ten sessions of DnD 4e we played with little idea it was meant to be a combat game :)
Immersion is a weird thing. Some people say they lose it if they have to think about the rules even for a moment, but several friends of mine find author mode and transparent rules more immersive.
I guess it's a personal subjective thing, but in games where we've got a good shared understanding of the story, we can awesomely explore our characters and feel immersion, and stepping out of character to examine the rules and how we'd like to apply them isn't an obstruction -- I slip right back in.
"Immersion" is one of those words that means so many different things it starts to become... less than useful.
OTOH, I've experienced powerlessness and suffering and frustration in D&D games and all but physically disengaged from the game -- all because I'm not in any position I can ever really discuss the rules, or feel I have any power to re-examine how I want them applied. At that point I might look like I'm still immersed, but I'm miserable and just going through the motions.
In our case, we tell more story-like stories by slipping into author mode pretty frequently; avoiding author mode may make you feel more like the character in the story, but it'll likely lead to a story that's not very story-like.
I guess how it works for me is because it's hard to disassociate anything that happens in the opaque sphere of the GM's head from the personality of the GM.
(And frankly, immersion is often at odds with system mastery--though it doesn't have to be--and that creates a whole new set of problems.)
@kviiri Trepanation is the obvious solution.
@BESW Nice, I learned a new word today!
And a new GM technique!
Seriously though, I know the pain of GM/world conflation on both sides of the table and so far I've found the only solution is to draw back the curtain in some way.
Yeah. It helps me as a GM, too. It's easier to feel fair and trusted when there's open principles to lean on.
In D&D, I talked about my choices and explained why I was doing certain things from a GM perspective, and showed how the NPCs justify the choices I was making for them in different ways from how I actually made those choices.
For example, the Keep on the Shadowfell adventure was pretty terrible in a lot of ways. Plot-wise, it depended on each miniboss having some clue about where to go next that they obviously shouldn't have had.
As a player, I can't help my immersion breaking if I roll eg. d20 to see if an NPC lets me inside the castle and they don't despite my result seeming good. It instantly sets me in the "so my GM didn't want me to get in" mode instead of "so the NPC didn't want me to get in".
So I re-wrote it to have each miniboss holding onto a note from their leader giving them instructions and then telling them to destroy the note. Obviously they didn't.
@BESW Hah!
Turned out some of them were double-dipping with a different enemy, and some of them were just dumb. The big boss got to make a little rant about being surrounded by fools.
The best kind of rant :)
@kviiri Ah, yeah. That's....
Oct 9 '14 at 2:04, by BESW
Personally I think if there's an all-encompassing Rule 0 which can be applied to every RPG ever, it's "don't touch the randomiser unless you're okay with any result it might spit out."
But, again, there's a kind of "immersion" which means the GM "should" always call for a roll even if it's impossible.
@BESW DnD also has that thing where even "success" and "failure" aren't really defined, so when rolling for a NPC to let me inside the castle which is off-limits, a success could mean anything from being directly lead to the central chamber I was hoping to reach to being refused entry but nicely.
I think it's partly a failed attempt to appear even-handed by invoking the rules as the cause of failure, but another reason (more legit in my eyes, but still kinda weird) is based on the feeling that rolling dice is how you do things: even if you can't succeed, you didn't actually DO the thing unless you rolled the dice.
@BESW That's well summarized :)
I need to go out for lunch now. Catch you later!
In that paradigm, "doing a thing" triggers rolling dice. Always.
@kviiri Thank you! I was not consciously of this perspective until we started playing games where rolling dice only ever happens when the GM says so, and there's no way for the players to accurately predict if the GM will say so.
My players kept picking up dice and rolling them after each action they narrated, without checking with me first.
It baffled me because it made complete sense to us and yet it obviously wasn't how the game was supposed to work.
I think this is one reason "talking is a free action" became a mantra for a large subset of the D&D community, actually--it signifies an action with no dice, no success or failure, a sacrosanct space in which the rules (and by extension GM fiat over the rules) are perceived to have no power.
I do think talking taking no action can be taken too far,... but also like, you could do a certain amount of it while attacking or moving or most of wtv else you are doing
so it makes some sense at least
BTW, @trogdor, while you're here. I'm liking a lot of the potential for a Miami-based game, but given how much more work GS121 adventure building already is compared to my recent prep loads... a fictional city might be easier.
I was liking the idea of Miami myself honestly, but we can figure out a fictional city
It can be Miami-like.
maybe give it a similar influx of people like Miami had
@BESW yeah exactly
just not BE Miami so no one can complain that we got it wrong XD
A slightly alternate history Miami, perhaps.
And I shall call it... Saint Martha.
(Ponce de Leon originally called that area Santa Marta.)
Let's call it a small city near Miami, somewhat newer even than Miami itself.
works for me
Any further thoughts on cryptid/non?
I have actually been thinking cryptid
it was not as easy a choice as it might sound by that though
Oh, I know.
A cryptid who can pass, I assume?
I was even thinking I might sorta go all the way on that in a way
like a cryptid chameleon or something
That could be fun.
What about a Mystique kind of deal? Can't pass naturally, has to be other people in order to investigate among humans.
yeah something like that
so that it isn't just "oh look I can just walk around all the time no sweat"
I wasn't even thinking specifically of Mystique but she seems like a pretty good example
@trogdor What if you went for a parasite thing? You can control another person, who has no memory of it.
though to be fair I don't know much about her other than the silly movies that probably don't quite get her character completely right (though to be fair in those she isn't given too much personality?)
@eimyr certainly interesting, but what is to stop me from just jumping to whoever I want all the time?
and stealing everyone's info straight out of their minds and such?
@trogdor What's to stop you from chameleoning from John Cena to Bill Gates?
Well, I didn't assume you'd have access to the contents of their brain, just the body.
@eimyr people would question why those guys are hanging around?
@eimyr fair enough there
Back from lunch.
just, I figure if the character I make has to literally pretend to be specific people, that in itself makes it harder to walk around and do whatever he/she wants depending on who it is that is being impersonated
especially if that person runs into me
but also if they are not supposed to be where I am going, or wouldn't ask all the questions I am asking, and so forth
I think I'm going to hack in Mutant City Blues rules for this one. Which means I'm going to have to read Mutant City Blues.
Okay, this could be interesting.
So, let's go with invisibility as our core talent you want to have. That means you could also have (pick two):
- Illusion
- Light control
- - Night vision
- - Light blast
- - Telekinesis
- - Teleportation
- - Earth Control
- Alter form
- - Impersonate
(double dash abilities require the single-dash ability above them to be your other choice.)
oh, so Impersonate needs Alter Form?
You divide 5 dice between those three abilities and treat them as General abilities.
is this a thing in the same system?
It's from Mutant City Blues (a Gumshoe game) using the hack rules suggested in Cthulhu Confidential.
so sorta
If you want, you can also trade any of the standard Investigative abilities (like Forensic Accounting) for a mutant Investigative ability at the same dice level, provided it's near the General mutant abilities you chose.
In this case, depending on choices, that'd be X-ray vision, thermal vision, microvision, or spatial awareness.
(Mutant City Blues is kinda complicated to type out.)
So, MCB's powers are laid out in a relationship web.
Here's the bit of the web around invisibility.
so are there like,... weaknesses you take and stuff?
General abilities are in white without a magnifying glass, Investigative abilities have a magnifying glass, and the black boxes are, for the purposes of Gumshoe One-2-One, the Problem your character starts her first scenario with.
For a Gumshoe mutant, you pick three adjacent General abilities (hop Problems and Investigative abilities for free) and assign them five dice between 'em.
You can also switch out any of your regular Investigative abilities for a mutant Investigative ability that's adjacent to any of the powers you picked.
And you pick one of the black boxes adjacent to an ability you picked, and that's your starting Problem.
You can download the whole web here: site.pelgranepress.com/index.php/the-quade-diagram
@BESW But what if I want just that one page?
@kviiri No such luck.
We don't have to adhere to it rigorously since we're not using the Mutant City Blues setting or themes, but it's the closest thing to a cryptid power mechanic we've got without making up one ourselves.
So, if you want to make up some powers and Problems that's no biggie, but use those as guidelines?
seems fair
....I found your power.
You blend easily into crowds and small groups, leaving little impression when you’re present, and remaining profoundly unmemorable after you depart. It’s not that you’re invisible; instead, you seem so boring that no one thinks to engage with you.
there it is, yep
don't need to be a mutant to have that one
I gotta say I'm not a fan of all the Hollywood Mental Illness drawbacks they're throwing around.
yeah real weird there
Yeah, it's odd.
Some of the full descriptions are okay if you take the Actual Real-World Thing label off 'em.
Others are just Not Cool.
also, especially multiple personality disorder,.... why is that in a Role Playing Game?
it's bad enough that it is a mis-representation of mental illness,... but what place does that have exactly when I am playing a character who is the only thing in the game I can control?
I say it that way because the Hollywood "multiple personality disorder" thing would imply,.... not being able to control what I am doing when it flares up or something like that
[reads text]
It starts out with mood shifts and talking to yourself, then to your imaginary friends who you get to describe, and eventually the GM can force a check to see if you shift personalities under stress but you get to play all of them.
And if it goes too far you retire either to get psychiatric help or because another personality takes over completely and doesn't want to be a Mutant City Cop.
still a little weird
@ChanseHarry Hi! You'll need 20+ rep to type in chat, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
I do suggest you read the meta post Erik linked you in the comments; it should be helpful regarding topicality here. Stack Exchange is a Q&A site, not a traditional discussion forum; there are a lot of forums which are great for open-ended discussion, while this place tries to handle a different set of questions which forum threads don't handle so well.
Please also take the tour and check out the help documentation, they're useful introductions to the site.
Whoops, sorry, got two new users mixed up. My bad.
Oh, well. It's not like they're bad things to read.
this is true
but the "you did this thing" might be confusing
or in this case "someone specific linked you something somewhere" when it's the wrong person XD
Take a look at the Quade Diagram for inspiration on your cryptid.
The General and Investigative powers look solid, at least.
will do
looking at it now even
....I kinda like Analytic Taste as an Investigative power.
But yeah, think about how your powers will inform your investigations, and the kinds of investigations you're good at.
Analytic Taste?
like lick something to know what it is made of?
Yes. Does what it says on the tin.
And think about your character. You're not a hard-heeled detective or a well-bankrolled federal agent, you're the kind of person who chooses to write passionate (but probably poorly edited) articles about your community instead of having a job that actually, you know, pays money or has advancement opportunities.
How does your cryptid nature inform or subvert that?
(Your community is not the radical New Left, it's probably some kind of immigrant neighbourhood, but I think that video is a useful benchmark for a lot of the kinds of attitudes I'm imagining.)
@BESW oh wow telekinesis and Autism, thanks guys
@trogdor Yeah, that made my eyebrows shoot right off my head and across the room.
That sounds like something Telekinesis could do, yes.
The eyebrow thing, I mean.
I just don't know why they would feel the need to connect the two things
Yeah, it's strange.
and using Autism as some drawback in an RPG feels like a personal insult
Yeah, I'm getting a bit deadEarthy vibes from that.
It's very... Autism Speaks.
I did not know that was a thing
it is sounding just a little like that X-men movie with the mutant cure thing
only a little, but still disturbing to some degree
I mean, to be fair I have been evaluated as "high functioning" but treating this as a disease rather than a difference from other people is disturbing to me
You may have seen the Light It Up Blue banners around Guam earlier this year? Autism Speaks was behind that. It's an autism advocacy organization which puts all its money toward a cure and very little toward actually assisting people affected by autism, has nobody with autism on its board, and is generally known for being condescending to people with autism and just nasty in its advertising.
yeah that is some of what I have been reading
not exactly encouraging
like we don't have enough trouble with people assuming we are just "worse" than other people somehow
with labels like "high functioning" being maybe the best some of us can look forward to the general public gracing us with
not bitter at all
it isn't always the case, but every once in a while I am reminded that a lot of people would rather put me (and of course other people) in a box
and yeah, a lot of these disorders on here seem kinda,... gracelessly placed here (not the least of which because some of them don't technically exist) but when Autism or Asbergers or wtv name is getting used is put in something I can't help but start to actually take it a little personal
and one of the powers is induce mental disorder? wtf?
they are really on this thing
Yes, well. I can't be too surprised. This is Pelgrane Press, the guys who made their name in gaming with a traditional-style Lovecraft Mythos RPG.
I don't expect a lot of sensitivity about mental issues from folks who publish uncritical Mythos material.
fair enough on that point
I wonder if this enrages someone who actually has, say Arthritis or Asthma in the same way
Mythos insanity works for me because it's nondescript, party supernatural madness that doesn't even attempt to represent any particular mental condition.
@kviiri this is fine when taken this way yeah
but naming it is an issue
or at least naming it after an actual disorder or fake-but-popularized-disorder
Lovecraftian madness is not that, sadly.
does a good job of separating mental issues from cosmic realisations, but most Mythos material does not.
Heck, even the Laundry Files fails that test.
...this is one reason I grudgingly respect Alan Moore's The Courtyard. It successfully depicts Mythos madness as completely unrelated to traditional mental conditions, but rather as the kind of overpowering change of perspective which is the effective core of Lovecraft's concept.
(The sequel stank like a dead Innsmouth local, a full return to familiar Alan Moore Sleeze.)
I have never really looked too much into his work
which is probably just fine
His time on Swamp Thing was pretty awesome.
so mixed bag overall?
Everything else... well, Watchmen isn't exactly the pinnacle it's made out to be, but it's a fine display of fine.
I think Watchmen had some really cool bits, but overall I felt a bit of a hype backlash on reading it.
well, just from the movie, Watchmen seemed like it might be a pretty cynical and sleazy story
Notably Watchmen was more of a collaboration than purely an Alan Moore Spectacular. The more he does things on his own, and the older he gets, the more his works tend to progress from crazy-like-a-fox to crazy-like-a-sleazeball.
But the cartoon version is a classic.
obviously I don't know exactly how true to the origional thing it was but,.... it was weird
And sometimes just plain "Okay, Alan, I think you need a nap."
@trogdor Oh, it definitely is that. It does have its share of optimistic moments though.
V for Vendetta was... surprisingly good, actually. The film ripped out its weirdly optimistic soul.
@kviiri I mean, there was certainly a theme of sticking to principles,...... at least at some points
Still sleazy and often more allegory than story, but weirdly fun.
but I don't know how much I am comfortable saying "that made it ok"
@trogdor Yeah, particularly for certain characters
@kviiri yeah not for all of them for sure
but even like, Rosharche stuck to his principles, but his principles involved,...... some horrible stuff mixxed in there
like, I agreed with him on some points
I think it's the main shtick of Rorschach
but on others I wondered how he could hold those thoughts and never question them even a little
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a great concept, but I felt the execution was sadly pedestrian--it just didn't double down on the premise hard enough to let me try looking past the sexism and racism one comes to associate with Alan Moore.
I probably won't ever truly get Watchmen though, because I'm not a Cold War era kid.
@trogdor What really bothers me about the movie is how much more sense the ending made.
@Miniman how much more it made than the comic?
( I ask cause I never read the comic, and I am assuming that is what you mean)
The Killing Joke actually kinda eeeeh until the very last page, and it's not worth it for that.
@trogdor Yeah. The comic is better in most aspects, but the ending of the movie is so much more logical than the ending of the comic, and that really bugs me.
@Miniman fair enough, that sounds like a thing that could bug people
And then there's From Hell, which.... explained a lot, actually. [shudder]
I haven't ever read much of those comics. They aren't that big here, and are more of an "America-phile" thing than geeky, I'd even say.
@Miniman I will also say that the ending of the movie was my favorite part, it seemed like the right way to go, but it was not out of any comparison to the comic (cause again, didn't read that)
But the Franco-Belgian comics are pretty popular here. Astérix, Tintin and so on.
@trogdor If you ever want to, you'll have to wait for Jake to bring it back before you can borrow it from me.
@kviiri Same here, although I don't really read comics much in general.
@BESW I could give it a try sure
@kviiri Man, I read so much Asterix as a kid.
I can also do that waiting too
And some Tintin which I quickly got bored of :/
@kviiri Tintin's a very good read, especially to see the progression of Hergé's ethics over time.
The plots are a bit formulaic, but O the art.
@BESW Yeaaaah... the Blue Lotus is a very good piece about how silly the European stereotypes about the Chinese are, but as for the poor Japanese...
(although the historical context probably wasn't very kind for the Hergé's perception of the Japanese either)
My favorites were Astérix and Lucky Luke.
One of my friends was worried about her kid reading Tintin because of how racist especially the early ones are, but it was a teachable opportunity to study how Hergé changed his mind about groups of people after he actually met them and what he did to come to terms with his past works.
I'm not sure if links to non-sexual nudity is ok here, but there is a rather, err, artistic take on the racism in Tintin in Congo called Tintin au Congo à Poil (Tintin in Congo naked) which is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.
So I'll let you google that on your own.
That's kind of great. I must notify Literature of this immediately.
@BESW Yep!
I love this chat so much.
We love you too :) or at least I do
@KorvinStarmast re: recent flag on the dueling/zweihander question: it seems to me like your recent comment wouldn't make sense without the context of the comment(s) that precede(s) it. I went ahead and deleted a handful, then saw your comment and undeleted the ones that seemed necessary to understand it. How's it look now?
@trogdor As someone with Aspergers, that sounds about right.
Creepy painting face is creepy
@BESW Alan Moore just seems like one of those guys who likes to stick it to The Man without having a clear idea of what "The Man" is. Or at least that's how I felt with his "adaptation" of Harry Potter in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
He also seems like one of those guys who thinks grimdark edginess is "true art".
@nitsua60 checking ...
Happy talk-like-yer-a-pirate day everyone
@nitsua60 Looks good to me, you can bin my comment on versalite. Doh!
@KorvinStarmast Happens to all of us. (I assumed versalite was some experimental plastic that would function as bludgeoning when wielded 1H, but slashing when wielded 2H.)
so I'm writing up some homebrew rules variants that I plan on tacking on when I run Storm Kings Thunder. One thing I really want to play with is Exhaustion with the intent of the players focusing more on down time and in-between activities (ie, I don't care how long the module takes to finish, if we finish it at all)
I've got 3 things that I'm adding so far: When a character is out of Hit Dice, they can take a level of Exhaustion to regain Hit Dice equal to half their level, rounded up. A character cannot use this ability again until they’ve finished a Long Rest.
When a character is out of Spell Slots, they can take levels of Exhaustion equal to an Expended Spell Slot to regain that Spell Slot. A character cannot use this ability again until they’ve finished a Long Rest.
and then 3 tiers of poison where they give levels of exhaustion. here's the minor poison: Affected creature takes a level of Exhaustion. After every long rest the creature can make a DC 10 CON Save. On save the Poison is healed, on fail the creature takes another level of Exhaustion. While Poisoned a creature can’t heal Exhaustion levels from Long Rests.
I'm wondering if that's more than enough, or if I should add other ways for the players to obtain exhaustion. I want it to be a threat, but I also don't want it get too bnoxious
@DForck42 I wonder how this will affect the balance of Sorcerers, who have this as a class feature.
@Yuuki they can take exhaustion to regain a spell slot?
or sorc points?
Sorc points.
But I think they're the only caster that can recover spell slots without resting. Wizards get a few on short rest while Warlocks get all of them. But they both require resting.
And so they would "benefit" less from this homebrew than another caster.
@Magician a modular dnd system, I think, just wouldn't look like dnd. I think it'd end up looking a lot more like FATE, and they probably didnt' want to diverge the game that much for this edition
@Yuuki hmm. remind me, does a sorc point more or less equal a spell slot level? ie a level 1 spell slot = 1 sorc point, level 2 = 2 points, etc?
I havent' played a sorc so I don't know them that well
@DForck42 I like that you're picking things that players can opt into or enemy debuffs. Tacking homebrew onto already existing things is something that I feel can cause a lot of problems.
Especially when it's a clear penalty like exhaustion.
@Yuuki yeah, I kind of want to make it more of an opt-in thing, or something that isnt' THAT common
So, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
@Yuuki so, what if I changed it to say "When a character is out of Spell Slots or Sorcery Points, they can take levels of Exhaustion equal to an Expended Spell Slot to regain that Spell Slot or equivalent Sorcery Points. A character cannot use this ability again until they’ve finished a Long Rest."
so a sorc of appropriate level could take 5 levels of exhaustion to regain 7 sorc points
Maybe? I mean, I don't even know if the original wording would cause issues.
I'd say, test out your original wording with a party that has a sorcerer and see how much they use the homebrew in comparison to another caster.
and i'll let my players know that I'm open to comments and criticism
@Yuuki I've got a couple of other variants that I've been playing with, mainly in regards to magic items drive.google.com/file/d/…
@DForck42 I have no clue about item balance but does this mean that crafting a minor alchemical item (does 5e have tangleroot bags?) takes longer than a basic simple weapon?
What about reducing the crafting time if you have exceed the DC significantly or increasing the DC for crafting multiple items at once?
@Yuuki it depends on the rarity of the alchemical item, but most likely yes
@Yuuki I might have to explain that better
basically, your Total DC is something that you work towards over time. If you get an excellent roll one day then you got a lot of work done that day. if you didnt' roll so well then maybe your concentration was off
@Yuuki my comprosime for working on multiple items at once was the beign able to spend 2 hours on an item, but you roll with disadvantage
basically, the more you concentrate on a single thing, the faster it's made, whereas working on multiple things at once will generally take longer
I might need to change the wording of "Only one item can be crafted at a time" to something like "only one item can be worked on per time interval spent" or something like that
ie, you could either spend 8 hours on one thing, 4 hours a piece on two things, or 2 hours a piece on 4 things, and anywhere inbetween
Okay. Because an issue I had with one system (I think it was Pathfinder?) was that I had a plan to make an alchemist character but the crafting of minor alchemical tools like tangleroot bags and smoke rods took so long that it wasn't worth it.
I would expend far more tools than I could replace in any feasible sense no matter what level I was.
@Yuuki if it's small, common, and made from common materials with this system it could be made in 2 hours, as long as you dont' crit fail
so if someone bought all of the materials, they could sit and make up to 4 health potions in a day
@DForck42 What's a "level" of exhaustion?
Is that a 5e thing or your homebrew?
@godskook In 5e, there are 6 levels of exhaustion. If you get hit by something that adds exhaustion levels, you go down by that many
So get hit by something that adds 1 level twice, and you are at level 2 (Speed halves, Disadvantage on ability checks)
Level 6 is death
Are the penalties based on a table, or easier to deal with?
@godskook There is a table
Taking 5 levels of exhaustion would be pretty risky, you are at half hp, disadvantage on most things, and can't move. And if you get hit by an ability that causes exhaustion, you die.
Since your hit max is reduced by half, it's also significantly easier to die from massive damage
@godskook it's a 5e thing
@Adam isnt' massive damage a variant rule? I wasnt' planning on running with that
@godskook it's a table, which I plan to have printed out for ease of access when running the game
@DForck42 It's not a variant, but it is hard to trigger. An attack has to reduce you to 0hp, with enough damage left over to exceed your max hp
@GreySage ahh, to make you dead dead
@DForck42 massive damage in the sense of "Damage which drops you to 0 hp, and the damage leftover is equal to or greater than your hit point max" is vanilla. I really should have called it "killed outright" since there is an optional rule called "Massive Damage"
@Adam ahh
afk, food time
The massive damage variant rule is something like "If a creature takes damage equal to or greater than half its hit point max, it has to make a con save or suffer some system shock"
Luke's first words to Rey: "Oh hey, are you from Toshii Station?"
@Yuuki "Are you finally delivering those power converters I ordered?"
I mocked up a monk-rogue tortle... and now I wanna play it...
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