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[call to 5e experts] What are the ways to reduce a PC's stat(s)? Shadow's strength drain, intellect devourer'll wreck your brain, wish could always work.... Not near my Volo--will illithid do the trick? Psionics? Diseases?
Feeblemind's another.
BOOM! 30 days. Nice. Thanks.
hey there @nitsua60 and @CTWind
how're things going?
Quiet. "Napped" after going out to dinner, woke up when the fiancee went to bed, expecting a wakeful late night now :-P
@Shalvenay Ugh. Just spent an hour or so checking in on a couple of Adventurers League DM facebook groups. And someone to whom I tried to point out that not everyone who asks a precise question is trying to abuse the system decided that I'm intellectually dishonest and that I produce nothing.
I don't think I'm built for the internet.
@nitsua60 yeah :/ the assumption that "caring about the details = trying to abuse the system" is way too rampant in online-RPG circles
(This may also be why I check in so infrequently that when I do, FB sends me a "welcome back, here are some things you missed" e-mail.)
hey there @KorvinStarmast
Hi, back up, I missed being wrecked by about 25 miles, as the crow flies.
ah. glad you are still afloat :)
Most neighborhoods are still without power, I am very lucky to have power. And internet.
Cell service still whacky, I am sure a lot of towers went down.
Flood peak of the Nueces river is expected Tuesday, 5-10 feat above usual, but as I do not live in/near its flood plain I no worry. House has minor damage, max winds near the house just reached hurricane force. At airport, 63, downtown, about 80-90, depends on who measured it.
yeah, doesn't sound any worse than stuff I've seen here (albeit not at the same time)
Have a friend who worked the Emergency Operations Center for the last 48 hours. He's exhausted, but as I had AC/power, I let him crash here.
@nitsua60 I worry about stuff along those lines sometimes; I know a lot of rules minutae, and I worry bringing it up when relevant or asking the DM how a corner case would work for them when I don't know how something would interact makes me sound munchkin-y when I'm just curious.
His house still dark/no power.
@CTWind I personally don't mind because taking advantage of the rules of your world is part of the fun of it all IMO
@CTWind I'm pretty lucky: my AL GM for the last year-plus is a contracts lawyer, so he's just happy to have someone as into the details as he is at the table.
@nitsua60 hahahahaha :D
(Contrast with the table's wizard: "I cast hex." "No you don't." "Aww....")
Y'all be good, it's been a heck of a ride, and our friends to the north are looking to get wet. Best wishes all.
@KorvinStarmast cya, and stay dry :)
@KorvinStarmast Stay dry.
Be safe!
Apologies if this has already been discussed here recently, but the new D&D survey went out recently and it really stoked my hunger for a Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights style game based heavily around the 5e ruleset. I'm sad that even if one's coming after Sword Coast Legend's lukewarm release that it's probably years out.
It'd really take the edge off my altaholism with D&D characters to be able to experiment with them in a game >_>
then again, having a computer for a GM can be kinda limiting
@CTWind I liked the question about "what type of setting" would you like to see. Not just "which of {DS, DL, Eberron, Greyhawk,...} do you want us to do next?"
@Shalvenay Yeah. I totally admit to getting tired of CRPGs quickly because it's 'not the same', but if I can trick my head into viewing it as a digital sandbox for experimenting with future characters it might actually work.
yeah, I got into RP via multiplayer CRPG type stuff
which is probably part of the reason I came out so...strange as a RPer :o
@nitsua60 Yeah. City of factions was nice to see as an option, would lend itself nicely to intrigue. I've been hoping for a "Plane Shift: Ravnica" article someday, though a new setting (or the reintroduction of an old one I'm unaware of) would be cool too.
(Though I also totally voted for Eberron, Planescape, and Spelljammer.)
Wonder if they'd do it as a new setting, a new city in an existing setting, a deep dive on an existing city (Waterdeep, Sharn, etc.), or something else.
@CTWind Me too to literally all of that.
4 hours later…
I need some inspiration for game counters
I wanna play a dungeon using maps and like, tokens or something, so that the players can follow the dungeon (it's going to be a little labrynthian, and they can choose their own paths), so I want to use counters for players and monsters as they go.
However just using like, magnets it whatever is a little bland, and not very immersive.
@Ben I mean, I love these, but they're not the most practical.
3 hours later…
Dumb question: how do I choose which episode to watch in a series? If I want to go back to an earlier episode, how do I do it?
Found it. Gotta say: dumbest system ever
Here's some more rpg pets! Happy #NationalDogDay (and one cat) https://t.co/rJFbvj1I8Y
3 hours later…
@BESW What do you use for images? (He asks, hoping a professional graphic artist can boil his trade down to "three easy steps that even you can use!")
2 hours later…
Eyup! For some reason I'm stumped again for one-shot games I desperately want to try. Which interesting, crazy, solarpunk, novel or deep games should I currently consider adding to one of my to-be-played lists? They should fit 3 or 4 players (maybe 5), they should not be horror or psycho-thriller, and they should not be PbtA.
4 hours later…
@nitsua60 For Gnome Stew minis? it's usually "Search Deviantart" or "Browse wizards.com galleries."
@Anaphory I'm a Pretty Princess!, Danger Patrol: Pocket Edition, Follow, Dammit Roger!, Great Ork Gods, Lasers & Feelings, Spandex, Owlpooh, Microscope, Lady Blackbird, Hot Guys Making Out, InSpectres, Dog Eat Dog, 14 Days, Fiasco, Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple, Big Chiefs, Bubblegumshoe, Wildlings, Chronovore....
Thank you! Some of these are are on it already, but the others I'll have a look for.
Oh, Golden Sky Stories.
Definitely put that on the list.
Not all of those are designed for one-shots, but I think they're all playable as one-shots especially if you make characters beforehand or use the pre-gens.
...maybe Og?
I found it to be a disappointingly mundane implementation of a novel idea.
what's Og?
Yes, I have no particular interest in Og.
@trogdor A caveman game that enforces limited vocabulary and charades.
oooooh ok
I have heard of that before
there are just soooo many games and it was not at the forefront of my mind anymore for a while now
deadEarth chargen is definitely crazy, and can take long enough (and involves enough dice) to count as a session of its own. Just don't actually play the game.
seems like a bad idea to actually play it
dying at chargen is funny and hilarious, but marks your game as quite possibly unplayable
@Anaphory May I ask why not PbtA? In the kindest way possible, just out of curiosity.
It's just on the list already in various variants, so I don't need a reminder of it!
@Anaphory Ah. Sometimes I forget that some players see a "PbtA constellation" the same way I see a "Fate constellation".
What do you mean?
You said you have PbtA in various variants, which seems to imply that you treat them as similar.
I assume if you thought that each PbtA game is incomparably different, you'd probably accept PbtA suggestions in case you missed one.
Hm, I'm fully aware that there are very different PbtA-games. But I there are certain similarities, in particular inside the circle outside of which are things like Murderous Ghosts, and I was specifically looking for other things. I don't mind PbtA games to be recommended to me, though!
@Anaphory Goblin Quest, Kobolds Ate My Baby, Kill Puppies for Satan, Mouse Guard, Honey Heist, The Indie Hack, The Black Hack
@Anaphory Most of them don't really shine as one shots though.
@eimyr Oh, Grant Howitt was someone I wanted to try more of, including Honey Heist.
(Mouse Guard and Dungeon World are our current campaign-like things)
Try The Warren
or Sagas
@eimyr Aaaand now I'm imagining a game called The Warren Orr Sagas.
@eimyr Sagas I was considering – I own it, and we did have a good Fiasco session with the Blood Saga playset.
@Anaphory Night Witches, Monsterhearts?
@BESW [sound of a joke going over my head]
Yup! Night Witches I do want to definitely try, Monsterhearts has made it from my personal list onto my game group's list conditioned on the new player – who would MC – daring it with us on a personal level.
I'd also recommend Dialect when it finally comes out.
@eimyr I may also try that Sign Language game of theirs, maybe with some of my Sign Language Research buddies mixed into my gaming group.
Hello vampire spam, I haven't missed you.
@Anaphory Yeah, I'm not sure how this other game works, but Dialect deffo looks promising
"Good posture" as a selling point for vampirism is a new one to me, though.
@Anaphory Also, don't you dare miss Lovecraftesque (full disclosure: affiliation through social ties)
@eimyr No horror or psychological thrillers, or my list would've been half again as long.
I'm not sure if that's a proper horror... it does generate some anxiety but it's also fairly well detached
It's a horror game, even if it's not trying to blur the line between character and player emotions.
And Lovecraftesque has been discussed before, and I may actually wrestle myself into playing it with my current set of players.
@BESW lol

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