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@Adam Bwahahaha, so true.
And he dual-wields, like a Ranger.
Survival and Stealth are key Riddick traits too.
something something claudia black?
@godskook Sure he isn't a rogue with 2WF and that insane throw anything skill? or a MONK? He killed people with a cup!
@Trish beastmaster when he calmed the hell hounds?
So he is an insane multiclasser?
Hmm... Judging for personal experience, is Riddick some kind of lost heir to a long-forgotten house of royalty?
Yes, it's strange but every single Ranger that I've played with has had this storyline.
no, Riddick is a criminal forged in the fires of a hellish prison, refined on the planet of Pitch black, refined in a lightless prison deep underground, then sent out to slaughter singlehandedly several hundred soldiers invading a different planet and finally becoming emperor or a warrior race by merit of killing their emperor...
@Trish Honor and fear were heaped upon his name and, in time, he became a king by his own hand...
wait, wrong franchise :p
@Trish So... "I didn't see the light until I was a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding"?
never watched the 2014 riddick, but it looks a bit conan-like: bored of being a king, he goes out on a quest....
@Trish i don't remember seeing it either - but i may have. I've been a sucker for the riddick movies.
The last Ranger I played was a falconer baronial bastard, that just happened to be good enogh to be sent out to reclaim some boardermarsh. Chose the Bow as weapon... and her bird was a bit bigger: a teeny weeny baby Roc...
@NautArch It was much closer to Pitch Black than Chronicles of Riddick. Except with the monsters came out in the rain instead of the dark
@Adam Hmm, this is not ringing a bell. Must watch.
that sounds analogous to monsters coming out after an air raid siren
i also need to watch the johnwick movies.
@NautArch Saw John Wick 1 a few weeks ago, and I loved it. Haven't seen the second one yet
Pitch black synopsis:
some Planet in a trinary system sees a crashlanding ship, that happens to have abroad the following: a pilot, a drug addict ranger, a girl in boy cloths, a preacher, an artifact trader, some others and Riddick. They find a mining colony with an astrolab that shows them there will be a total, planetary eclipse lasting some eternity! It comes, monsters awaken and start to nom away all the people but Pilot, Riddick, Girl and Preacher, one by one. Then Pilot dies as they try to escape.
@Adam Second one doesn't disappoint. It's very good.
@Trish Spoiler warnings please! ;)
The film is out for 18 years or such!
@Adam -- To be fair though... if you haven't seen it by now ;)
Do I need to put spoiler warnings on the Odyssee or Illias?!
@Trish I mean, those are considerable older than 18 years.
You could conceivably have been in a coma since before Pitch Black came out and wake up today.
for 18 years? unlikely.
I'm not sure if anyone's been in a coma since before The Odyssey was a thing.
@Trish Unlikely but still nonzero probability.
@Yuuki Homer's The Odyssey?
close enough to zero... but acknowledged.
@NautArch yes, the total about 2500 years that thing is old.
@Yuuki unless you are a predator or frozen at the northpole, unlikely you missed Homer.
@Trish I was just being sarcastic :) That being said though, that means that the film is entirely new to everyone who was around 3 years old or younger when the movie was released
@Trish That's a rather Eurocentric view of the world.
@Yuuki he isn't taught in the US?
@Trish Was speaking more to China and other parts of Asia.
@Trish do you think he IS taught in China or India?
Cause those two alone amount to a rather dominant portion of the Globe's population.
@Yuuki oh, I hnow he is haught in Japan... not sure on china, probably in india too (just besides "Alexander was the idiot europeen we repelled first, we jsut took our time with the tommies#"
I'm a big fan of the Riddick franchise, but it's rather like Mad Max in that continuity is loose enough it's easier to consider each iteration a story told about a legendary figure, rather than accurate depictions of real events all experienced by the same man.
(Also like Mad Max, there's often a significant genre shift between installments.)
jeebus.... 775 pages of Masks o.o.... The original was hard enough to swallow XD
Hell, if I'm heared right, the newest Mad Max wasn't even "about" Mad Max as much as it was about another lead.
@godskook That's was true of the previous two Mad Max films as well; Max is the point of view character for all of the films, but only in the first is he the central figure of the film's story.
@godskook -- mimicing @Adam Thanks for the spoiler alert :p
In the others, he's a loner who wanders into a settlement and gets caught up in its problems, and usually only helps them because it benefits himself in some material way. When their story is concluded, he walks off with little to no character development.
In that sense, Fury Road is MORE about Max than Road Warrior or Thunderdome were, because participating in Furiosa's story arc helps him change as a person.
was Mel Gibson in the new one also?
He wasn't Mad Max in the newest one.
just curious
yeah, they cast a different actor as Max. Which rather reinforces the notion that the films are presented as tales told about a legendary figure, alongside the changes in his backstory and the setting from film to film.
nice :D
I thought Fury Road was a "reboot"
"Reboot," "sequel," all those labels are very specific and George Miller doesn't care.
@godskook i still haven't been able to watch all of the latest mad max.
It's another story about Max Rockatansky, and that's all we need to know.
@NautArch I haven't watched it at all, nor do I have spoiler-level knowledge about it. I'm 99% sure everything I know is derivable from the trailers.
@godskook the bard is about as much as i know :) because i love bards.
@Ryan MM(1e) has things like Ape, Badger, Bear, Boar, Buffalo, and Bull mixed right in there among Ankheg, Basilisk, Beholder, and Blink Dog. There's no "type" in a monster's stat block, do you're just using natural language to decide whether something's a beast or not. (Ditto the MMII, though it's got proportionately fewer beasts. I didn't look, but assume you'll find no beasts in the FF.)
Note, though, that a 1e druid doesn't shapechange into a "beast," but rather a "reptile, bird, or mammal." (PHB 1e p.21) Again: all natural language here, pun not intended =)
@NautArch One beautiful thing about the Mad Max films (possibly barring the first) is that it feels like every side character, every voiceless extra, is interesting enough and developed enough that the film could've just as easily focused on him or her instead.
George Miller is great at okapi butts.
@godskook If I'm reading you right, it's per-stack. I.e. you can repcap here and still gain rep on foo.SE (subject to a repcap there).
@nitsua60 That's....a point of clarification I didn't have. I'm wondering if rep-cap is set per-stack?
Or if every stack has 200 Rep as a cap
@nitsua60 thanks! I'll keep the shapechange in mind. Won't have that for a while but want to get started with Animal Friendship immediately.
It's 200 rep everywhere, and always has been.
@BESW Thanks
@Ryan Yeah, that comes pretty far along in 1e--I was shocked, frankly, when at my first 5e table it hit me that druids get shapechange on, like, their second day as a druid.
@nitsua60 but it seems like Animal Friendship got nerfed as the game progressed. In 1st edition you can get a good number of friends and they're permanent unless abandoned. In 5E its 24hrs.
@Ryan Yeah. Part of the wider shift in D&D to have more focused on/bundled with the character than under the GM's control. Look at the sorts of things that happen at "name level" in 1e, or the various "followers" tables in 2e.
A friend just passed me Dragon 119's article on druids which is pretty interesting.
(pg 12)
@nitsua60 Out of curiosity, what would you say is the old-school design goalsl behind Druid, moreso? Shapechanging, Nature-Caster or Animal-Lord? Or has it always roughly had 3.5's even-ish mix?
@godskook you should check out the PDF I just linked, its largely discussing what you just asked
@Ryan Can't until later.
Killer orientation comic for Fate Core: http://www.uptofourplayers.com/fate-core-rules/ Support the hell out of these folks: https://www.patreon.com/ut4p
@Ryan Since that's pretty-clearly copyright-infringing, do you mind if I just edit that message to indicate issue and page, but unlink?
@nitsua60 sure thing
@godskook 1e into 2e the Druid is like a nature-based cleric, beholden to Nature rather than any deity. (Remember, deities used to be important, too.) Shapechanging was a fairly high-level ability, acquired 'round the same time magic-users got to polymorph. So I'd say mostly beast-friend, nature's protector, nature's wrath, utility role.
@Ryan (d'oh! Forgot you're a mod, too, and could have just edited it yourself.)
@godskook I'd point you to Douglas Niles' Moonshae Trilogy for the exemplar of what a druid "is" in FR canon, except the writing's pretty rough. If you're willing to read some badly-written brain-candy with a whiny protagonist (ftr, not dr), it might be worth an hour or two of your time.
Badly-written how?
If you like watching live tabletop RPGs, Nash & other great people did a thing this weekend. It got uh, interesting. https://www.twitch.tv/d20live/videos/all
@nitsua60 its okay, I was driving home anyways
@godskook Two big things stand out: the protagonist of the trilogy is kind-of a whiny snot who doesn't ever really get any less schmuck-like, and Niles reuses six times in a row (across the two trilogies) the same structure where he sets five or six parties in motion, all to arrive at the final confrontation serially, each tipping the conflict in their favor when they arrive.
It works once, but knowing that the last fifty pages of each of the books are going to follow exactly the same pattern's a bit... underwhelming.
@nitsua60 I mean....depends? I generally only get bored with story structures when they belie belief in some critical way with minimal justification. Such as the "he's only really good because he's the chosen one" archetype that backs Harry Potter. I can't take too many of those stories because in bulk, they're simply unbelievable.
@nitsua60 I guess you don't like the Da Vinci Code (or any later book by the same author), then XD
@godskook If you're a fan of brain candy (and I know I am, as about twenty linear feet of DL and FR paperbacks will attest) then I'd absolutely say grab the first one. It'll cost you an hour, and net you a decent bit of early D&D/FR lore. Then you can decide to continue or not.
But if you're of the "there are too many good books on my shelf to spare time for anything of dubious quality" bent, be warned =)
@Zachiel They're fine for what they are. And I'm no snob, the opposite really. (A girlfriend's mom once coined the term "book slut" for me: "he never met a book he wouldn't take to bed.") I'll plow through a dozen Lee Child or Stephen Hunter books in a week. I just don't want to present Douglas Niles as anything other than tier-two pulp.
well now im sad. Was thinking a Hawk and a Frog. Hawk doesn't exist in MM, Frog can't be friended, and Eagle is too smart
@Ryan Hawk is in MMII. P.64, under "Falcon (Hawk)"
Intelligence is "Animal."
@Ryan Wait, what? My world is shattered.
@BESW Reports of Frog's and Toad's friendship are FAKE NEWS!
@BESW I know right, next they'll tell me Monkeys aren't curious
A lion or even a mammoth are both common and of the appropriate intelligence to be friended. Meanwhile the closest (at least in MM1) I see to a Frog is a Lizard. There's 4 types of Lizards; only 1 is of the intelligence to become a friend and its rare. :(
@nitsua60 do you read any webcomic serials?
So I can become friends with a Lion or a Mammoth easier than I can get a pet lizard
@godskook OotS and Gunnerkrigg Court are really the only ones.
oh but I can get a Froghemoth. I'll have to find a Swamp and spend a couple of days/weeks searching for one
(And I've got to thank whoever in this room dropped a Gunnerkrigg link in here a year or so back--I've loved it. May buy the whole run and donate to my local library in the hopes a kid discovers it some day.)
@nitsua60 Not Erfworld or Girl Genius? Or Bob&George, 8-bit, Dominic Deegan or DrMcninja, for retired stories?
I like the Dan Brown books despite the plot being predictable. I really like the curious details about technology, or art, or history (even if some are probably fake) that come up during narration.
@godskook Erfworld... ah, why isn't it still season 1? I loved season 1.
@Zachiel It'd probably be easier to list the details that aren't inaccurate.
@godskook Correct. I'm pretty up-to-date on C-SPAN, though.
I consider Dominic Deegan, especially, to be a quintessential work on a "good necromancer" archetype.
@BESW (I figured so)
@BESW It's a nice example of "truthiness" befor ethe term was ever coined.
@Zachiel "Season"?
@godskook Arc?
I was drawing a parallel with TV series.
Also, Erfworld is in a bit of a "Lost, Season 3" section for me. The story has sold me a bill of goods, and I'm still trusting that I'm going to, eventually, get that bill of goods. But....I'm also a tad concerned that the author might not know exactly what story he started writing.
Aside from the stuff that's just typical conspiracy theory nonsense which some simple scholarship would clear up (like the idea that Mary is depicted in The Last Supper; the Apostle John was at that time typically portrayed in ways which to our modern eyes read as feminine), he fails basic vocabulary (the difference between a line and a stanza) and geography (read their chase scene through Rome with a map of Rome to follow along).
@godskook Remind me: season 3's the freighter?
@Zachiel the story is literally measured in "books", so....either you're using "season" as a synonym(and we can drop the conversation about that) or you're trying to imply something I'm not catching.
@nitsua60 Season 2 was when they first met the "islanders", I forget Season 3 exactly, but I remember I was in a denial-stage at that point.
By the last seasons, I hated myself for having watched farther than the writers' collective genius, but I was too far in to just drop the show, knowing there was an ending to see.
@BESW These are things that bother me about almost any movie set in DC but obviously shot in LA. Disjointed stock shots of DC landmarks cut together with back-lot car scenes that make my head spin trying to piece it all together.
@nitsua60 There's a late 90s Canadian TV show, Due South, which takes place in Chicago but is shot in Toronto. When an episode took place in Toronto, they went to Chicago to film it.
@BESW There's a certain... nobility? to that.
It's that kind of show.
@godskook I just couldn't remember which terminology that webcomic used.
Good night, people. Got my first 200 rep/day (daily maximum) and the Mortarboard badge.
Seems like my little problem has shown up again. :D
(It's a Canadian show about a Mountie who fits all the Canadian Mountie stereotypes so hard, the Mounties get sick of him and send him to Chicago on a flimsy pretense.)
@Zachiel That's fair.
@BESW I think I missed the vocabulary part because I've been reading translations and maybe something was fixed.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy I noticed how close you were when I was reading a comment of yours earlier today. I almost held off on an upvote, but then my conscience (vote the post, not the user) got the better of me =)
@BESW It's the one with the canadian officier and his dog, right?
@BESW damn, ninja'ed. By several minutes.
Quick: someone post a question that requires I read all 80s Dragons so that @Baskakov_Dmitriy can shed some rep!
The deaf half-wolf that can read lips.
@BESW I read that as "half-dead wolf" for some reason...?
Too many 'f's, I think.
@nitsua60 Only for season finales.
@nitsua60 Every exterior shot of the Canadian consulate in "Chicago" is actually the American consulate in Toronto, so... yeah. They totally did that on purpose.
@nitsua60 BTW, should some comments here perhaps be moved to chat?
https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/104497/what-class-archetypes-can-replace-a-witchs-spellcasting-ability I am afraid they will just be deleted otherwise, but I want to keep the messages just for the record and for the history.
@nitsua60 How many times is it possible to bounty the same question?
So....my D&D group came up with an awesome new fantasy animal: The Dire Battle Ram(Huge-sized sheep). Trained much like Elephants by the tribes of the foo race, these massive beasts provide many of the usual benefits of an Elephant of equal size. Where they differ is in Wool production. A Dire Battle Ram produces significant wool growth year round, allowing trained groomsman to sheer year-round wool, despite the frigid climates these Rams normally call home.

This unusual feature also provides a battle function, as the Wool of a Dire Battle Ram is thick enough to hide a number of medium
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Could be--they're not obviously veering off-topic or chatty, so I'd usually wait a day or two to move them. But if you think they're over-and-done-with go ahead and flag them.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy There's no restriction, except that I think you can't have two active on the same question at the same time. However, if you're thinking of the last bounty you offered, can I suggest you spend an evening questing for other worthy recipients? There's got to be some other answer you like out there =)
@nitsua60 Will do later then, as soon as they don't get deleted otherwise.
@nitsua60 Maths imposes a restriction - subsequent bounties have to be 2x, which even Jon Skeet would have difficulty with before too long.
@nitsua60 Is there... a problem with my current behavior pattern? :)
@Miniman True--I forgot about that. (Ran into it the first time I wanted to bounty multiple answers on a Q and made the mistake of bountying the one I liked better first.)
@Baskakov_Dmitriy No problem, just that I hope you "spread the love."
@Miniman Bounties cannot exceed 500 rep -- my both bounties on the Dragon magazine answer were +500 rep, and I am able to start a new +500 bounty.
@nitsua60 2 things: 1)Which way does 2e rules state on that question about easy-encounter XP? 2)My assessment of OP is that he's wanting a simple and clear "DMs are (pick one: never/sometimes) right to deny XP for an encounter that was too easy, in some system", which can be easily established using 3.5 rules and 2e rules can't possibly contradict me on that point.
@godskook I'm not saying they'll contradict you. I'm saying if you answer "3.5 says this unambiguously" and I answer "2 says this unambiguously" (and let's stipulate we're both factually correct) then how do we ever arrive at a well-sorted Q&A?
Why have this weird "I have a question about something in a game I played, but I'm also curious about what would be the rule in a completely different game*" structure on the site at all? When "I have a question about something in this game I played" and "I have a question about another game" is allowable? And, I argue (above), preferable?
* Or any different game, given the most recent edit.

Case 1: Our answers agree. This is handled how agreeing answers are always answered. Why would this particular question be different on this regard? Best upvoted answer "wins".

Case 2: Our answers disagree. If my assessment of OP's question is correct, then my answer is, imho, *objectively* the correct answer to his question, despite your contradictory answer. And the Stack is designed explicitly to handle such cases, isn't it?
@nitsua60 well....now its down to just 2e
So...that's a closed discussion branch.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Huh, you're right. I could've sworn I'd seen, like, 2000 pt bounties before. Weird.
@godskook Sorry--got sucked into an Axis & Allies game. Will be back later. (Teaching son to take over the world.)
@godskook That's awesome.
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