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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@KorvinStarmast Heh. We think very similarly, except I think you generally give up a bit more lattitude than I do :)
@godskook What I use is a map image, then load it in GIMP and can do whatever I want with it on a flatscreen monitor my players can see.
@NautArch I don't think pinning somebody's hands -> incapacitation. It's limiting, but not necessarily all that limiting
@Adam Ill do an edit to add what I put in the comments. The end-goal of the barbarian to prevent spellcasting. Since pinning doesn't do that (they still can do verbal and possibly a material with a focus), that leaves removing their Action. Is that incorrect?
@NautArch Is disarming a fighter and throwing his sword off a cliff removing his action? Same sort of concept applies here.
@Adam Nope, he can still attack. This wasn't about removing a material/focus (which is an equivalent to the fighter question). A better equivalent is how to stop the fighter from attacking.
Except the spellcaster can still cast spells. Plenty of spells have only a verbal component
Ugh. nevermind.
I feel like this question is clearly "primarily opinion based" but the community seems to disagree. Why is that?
deleted my answer, I like @KorvinStarmast answer It's what I meant to say :) ALthough I did like my bit on turnaround is fair play (which another answer had as well.)
The objective question in the title is already answered in the question and the rest is speculation how a DM might rule or opinion of what answerer's would rule.
@nwp that's a good point- although i also don't see anything wrong with the answers (except for one of them.) to help guide the querent
@nwp, the title question is the only question he's asking, so I don't see how you can say its answered in the question.
A lot of questions are opinion-based, specially for 5ed. But some are objective enough so they can be answered.
@godskook The question acknowledges that there is no such mechanic in the rules and asks if it should be done anyways. It essentially asks how to apply the rule of cool without breaking balance.
The question sits on the good-subjective/bad-subjective line. My gut feeling is that it's good subjective, but I can see the argument for the other side of things. And I can't really explain why it doesn't scream "opinion based" to me
@nwp, as I understand it, the question was never, in anyway shape or form, asking about a mechanic, and therefore, acknowledging that there's no such mechanic does not "answer" the title question.
@nwp, and we have the homebrew tag, and can answer "is this balanced" questions on this site.
well, if you think its opinion-based, you can cast a vote and others could agree/disagree.
I don't want the question closed. It apparently is a decent question. It's more about calibrating my sense of what is allowed.
"Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise." <- can the question be answered based on facts, references or specific expertise (good knowledge of the game system i assume)?
@NautArch amigo, I liked your answer on the grapple thing. Why did you delete it? I thought you did a good job of presenting some of the balance problems ..
I'm not exactly "mainstream" about what's a good question around here, but here's my opinion:

"What should be my favorite color" - bad question, as every answer is equally good.

"What colors go best with #f7e4c9" - good question, as some answers are better than others, and useful links, facts, references, and expertise can be brought to bear on answering it.
@godskook I think that is it. The question is basically a homebrew/balance question in disguise (I may just have rolled low on insight here).
Although the line between homebrew/balance and opinion is a bit fuzzy for me, but that will probably solve itself over time.
@nwp Part of the reason that I answered was to illustrate some of the balance issues that is in the game, such as the feat, though some of what nautarch posted illustrated that better. I am also a fan of inspiration, so I wanted to plug that. 8^D
@nwp, imho, this isn't homebrew, or even houserule, just someone trying to understand the rules of the game as they're printed, but in this case, the distinction between that and houserules/homebrew is rather thin, so....w/e?
@KorvinStarmast Now I'm not so sure anymore. "I am also a fan of inspiration, so I wanted to plug that." is exactly the kind of thing an opinion based answer attracts and the reason they get closed.
@nwp because this is a perfect scenario to apply inspiration to overcome the disadvantages I recommended due to how the grapple feat and grapple rules differ significantly.
The recommendations were built on how the mechanics of grapple and the feat do work.
@nwp since the question is from a DM, and a number of us have noted that a lot of DM's don't seem to dig that deeply into the DMG, and inspiration is explained there, it's an aid to the DM embedded into the answer based on common DM questions and concerns.
@nwp The other reason I bring that up, from an "experienced/expert" perspective is that a lot of questions try to examine things in isolation. Well, a party fight has a lot of moving parts, and if your party has a bard, that can make something hard less difficult. (So too could a guidance cantrip cast on the barb right before he tries it).
@KorvinStarmast That sounds like "The question is vague. Let's answer with general tips on how to DM" to me which is not good.
@nwp Not at all. The question is about a particular scenario "making grapple do more" with the anser being "this is what grapple does and 'this is what the feat does' and by the way, here is how to make that which is difficult less difficult. Rulings over Rules is the 5e theme ... hence the entire answer based on a ruling with logic backing up why.
The inspiration point is bonus material, based on common questions and concerns expressed. (and witnessed)
What I liked about @NautArch's answer, sadly deleted by owner, was how it addressed the potential for simply allowing this "easy button" shut down of a caster to overpower what grapple is, mechanically.
@KorvinStarmast I can undelete it...i just don't like it because I didn't fully read anything today and missed that he wasn't looking to fully prevent spellcasting, but just material/somatic.
@KorvinStarmast ok...it's back. with some changes :)
3 hours later…
@June helped me make a new avatar for the month and it is so damn pretty.
... soon it will load into chat. Soon.
avatar avatar!
I really like how you can mess around with it in here
I have had so many that I really liked
I'm glad you like it, @doppelgreener.
@JuneShores my only issue is I like it so much. too much. it's too damn pretty.
[refreshes impatiently]
I don't know if refreshing helps or not
I have tried it quite a few times myself
but I totally know how it feels to be impatiently waiting for the skin to load in XD
@doppelgreener I see it now! I see so many colors!
@doppelgreener B-but-- you're our blue diamond! Our also-green blue diamond!
@Papayaman1000 This month I am rainbow diamond
@doppelgreener Never mind, fair enough
@doppelgreener I recall that, yes
5e isn't 3.5. Most of these things are covered under improvised actions. — r256 6 hours ago
maybe if I leave, clear my cache, and come back, I might finally see it
Idaho's trying toughest that "if it's not defined in the rulebook, you can't do it"?
Oh... wow
Is this trying to suggest***
Oh. That's what it looks like.
@Ben I don't like the tone of that suggestion, so I'm removing that comment and leaving r256 with a suggestion to take it to a new answer.
It's... it's beautiful...
hey there @Papayaman1000
@nitsua60 wait, how do you see it? I still don't see anything
@trogdor I went to the parent profile on RPG.SE
hey there @Shalvenay
ah ok
fair enough
aw yesssssssssssssssssss. there it is.
oh, or do that
And because I'm the cheeky b_____d with the proper browser extension, have the high-res one
still not the full 500x500. Darn.
I'm still not seeing it.
@JuneShores chat avatars take a while to update.
@doppelgreener It's like someone cast diguise self on you =)
@nitsua60 prismatic disguise self! the worst variety of disguise self.
@doppelgreener yeah, a lot of time XD
@nitsua60 ...great use of the ticker feed, pal.
[no seriously, that was a masterstroke]
@Papayaman1000 callbacks, it's all callbacks. At a certain point I'll hit saturation where every thing I say is a thing that's been said before. "Time is a flat circle," and all....
@nitsua60 Really? I thought you'd just hit the lolfigsl Singularity, where every time you mention lolfigsl, you lol so hard you get more strange looks.
hey as well @JuneShores
@doppelgreener OK. I was mainly confused because primarily, the answer is the same as the rest of them (saying that very roughly)
@JuneShores Whee! The avatar's showing up now!
@doppelgreener nice
It's like looking at an aurora when reduced to single-line size
Oh, @BESW, have we talked about Tails of Equestria yet?
@BESW d'awwww.
@JuneShores Noooo, we have not.
I like how they're obviously all such different textures!
oh my gosh wait whaaaat
i never noticed before but rainbow dash's stripes correspond exactly to the pride flag stripes
She's not just the fanon lesbian because of her tomboyish personality.
RD is pretty rad.
say @JuneShores -- I've been pondering an idea for a Monsterhearts character if you want to hear it
@Shalvenay Shoot.
(...and then there was that episode where her jerky ex came back town...)
vampire who grew up in a vampire family and thinks of herself as the pretty-little-princess sort of girl, haha
In a stuck up way, or a naive way?
@JuneShores a little of both? :)
Have you gone through the vampire creation in the book?
Q: Our custom off topic close reasons need updating to HTTPS

doppelgreenerI found a spot on our site where links haven't been updated to HTTPS yet: our custom close reasons. The links in them still point to HTTP:// locations. Here's an example:

@JuneShores no, not in depth
@doppelgreener ...you're aware of what a rainbow is, yes?
@GreySage Not all depictions of rainbows are identical, no?
You might be interested in the history and significance of the particular colors on the contemporary pride flag.
OK. Your concept is alright. Just don't overdo it. I'd suggest going through the playbook, making your choices for the options in there, and then filling in the blanks with stuff like what her family is like and who her friends are.
@GreySage Google 'rainbow' and you will find many, many different representations of rainbows, commonly including pink beside the purple, or two blue shades (one of them being indigo), or only five colours, or so on. That Rainbow Dash has the exact configuration found on the pride flag is noteworthy.
@BESW Pretty much every rainbow I have ever seen depicted has followed the same pattern as real life rainbows: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. The pony's hair follows this.
@JuneShores OK :) I'll keep the concept on the shelf then
And yet, that's not ROY G BIV.
ROYGBIV or Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. A rainbow spans a continuous spectrum of colors; the distinct bands are an artifact of human color vision. In ROYGBIV, the colors are arranged in the order of decreasing wavelengths, with red being 650 nm and violet being about 400 nm. The acronym is memorable because Roy is a common male given name, so Roy G. Biv sounds like a first name, middle initial, and a last name. == History == In Classical Antiquity, Aristotle claimed there was a...
@BESW I reject Indigo as a colour
You are free to do so, but that is notwithstanding to the correlation.
So, yeah, RD's coloration could be a coincidence, and I imagine Hasbro's marketing team leans heavily on that possibility whenever distressed mothers call them up.
But it's a pretty durn coincidental coincidence if it is.
There's canonical evidence that Fluttershy is trans and it makes my heart warm.
@doppelgreener I just find it odd that you find that two depictions of a rainbow are correct noteworthy
@GreySage ?????? i don't know where you're going with that, since I never said that.
It's the equivalent of seeing 2+2=4 in 2 different novels
I'm going to disengage now.
@BESW Ah, yes, that kind of distressed mother. The worst kind of distressed anything.
(Partly because I don't care for this conversation, but also because I have to sleep.)
Goodnight y'all, have a fabulous day and/or night.
Yeah, I gotta go check out a dementia day care. ttfn
G'night, doppeldoppel.
Good night, @doppelgreener
Conan made the sign of the sickle as he left the office. Mayhaps the ward against evil would keep his manager away tomorrow as well.
"Conan Salaryman"
I can now die happy.
Let's make D&D monsters that don't fit in an established taxonomy
@BESW McDonough's First Law: "correlation doesn't imply causation. But c'mon: don't be naive."
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