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@SirTechSpec what short rest classes do you have in your game?
@NautArch Tough to say exactly with the open table. Last week was the first one and we had a pally, rogue, and wizard. I'm working with two other players to roll up a ranger and (probably) bard, respectively.
(Not that I'm regretting the switch - I can reassure players who boggle at having 12 classes to choose from more easily than I can explain how to spend 150 character points. :P )
@SirTechSpec I'm not familiar with 5e enough to say, but the only edition I ever felt like I could do that in was 4e--and even then it required a LOT of work.
I actually moved from 3.5 to 4e in large part because of the problems I had balancing encounters.
I mean, I think I'm safe in cranking up the difficulty, considering how easily they cruised through HotDQ (I accounted for having 6 players where I could, but didn't really realize until recently that I also needed to account for the rest thing, especially since I was removing fights to make the game go faster.)
@SirTechSpec -- btw, I've been curious about where to start re: GURPS -- it just seems like such a huge blob of a system...
There weren't a lot of levers I could pull to fine-tune the difficulties; it was roflstomp or cakewalk, often differently for different PCs in the same party.
@Shalvenay The core concept is very simple: roll 3d6 and try to get less than your target number (usually your skill, plus or minus modifiers.) So actually playing is fairly easy.
The trick is character creation, which, as in Linux, brings complexity with its flexibility.
@Shalvenay If you literally don't know where to start, I suggest GURPS Lite. It will show you the basics.
Heck, if you're around in the evenings GMT-5 (like now or a little earlier) and have a camera and mike (or smartphone), I could take you through a quick adventure sometime.
Here's how I introduced my players to it for the first GURPS game I ran here: docs.google.com/document/d/… Probably longer than it needs to be, but I do talk about why different things are important a fair amount.
That game was 3e, not the current 4e, but that really doesn't change anything but the numbers as far as this is concerned.
@SirTechSpec I am around in the evenings GMT-5 more or less. is video absolutely essential though? (I usually prefer to do voice only, not video)
No problem
did you have any genre or other properties in mind for the adventure btw @SirTechSpec
You a Star Wars fan? That's what I've been using GURPS for lately
@SirTechSpec not really
the SW verse missed a few spots when it came to space combat, and they wind up glaring at me hardcore
Fair enough
Any ideas?
The daring scoundrels of Roll20 Presents take on #BladesInTheDark by @EvilHatOfficial at #Roll20CON - One Night in… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/874039351721607168
@Shalvenay I gotta get to bed but think about it, and let me know if any setting ideas come to you, perhaps while perusing the skills in the booklet
@SirTechSpec I can roll with a variety of fantasy settings and some speculative/SF stuff, not so much supers or post-apocalyptic though (too many holes for a modern setting IMO)
hey there @JasonC
how're things going?
Slow day but ok how about you
OK here
2 hours later…
These are the noises baby dragons make in my silly dragon mobsters universe 😌 https://twitter.com/kirayusa/status/873656162138431488
@BESW As warned in prophecy, I rise once more
What's new?
Son is here for his yearly visit, trying to wrap up this class
Pro tip: don't change your name schemes at the last minute
You will live to regret it
Gah, need reference fast: What if a demilich uses the Deck of Many Things and draws The Void?
@Papayaman1000 Which edition, and can you copypaste the complete text of the Void for your edition?
@Lord_Gareth 5e, and:
The Void: This black card Spells disaster. Your soul is drawn from your body and contained in an object in a place of the DM's choice. One or more powerful beings guard the place. While your soul is trapped in this way, your body is Incapacitated. A wish spell can't restore your soul, but the spell reveals the location of the object that holds it. You draw no more cards.
well a demilich's soul isn't in their body
GM decides if the text is literal or exemplary.
Probably based on how much weight the GM puts on the Deck as a campaign-trasher.
Hrm. See, in 3.X backwards a demilich is a kind of construct left behind by the sorcerer in any event so...
So, here's the deal
A lich's body is a 'mech, and its consciousness pilots it
When the body is destroyed, the lich ejects to a new one
@BESW ok so do I pull your trick with the demilich in the Portable Holding dimension or just outright kill the poor guy
or just say nothing happens or
So you could argue that the lich's phylactery, the actual home of its soul, is its body
Well, why did you put a Deck in the game?
(Supplementary statement: who did you dislike enough to put a Deck in the game)
(Besides yourself >.>)
Long story. Poor decisions were made under the influence of grain alcohol.
I think the lich'll just incinerate. Bye, demilich PC.
Thanks, bye
Why do people use that accursed Deck
That is not self-love
@Lord_Gareth why do people get drunk?
I hate my players
@Shalvenay It's the only way I can communicate with my dread masters that exist in the hollow spaces at the edge of human consciousness. They sing to me and in return grant me strange powers of drunken Mario Kart
ok, so what if a demilich's body is slain by an avatar of death
This is a not a thing we can help you on with RAW
because there were three and dammit they just dont learn
You dug this grave, go lie in it
so, kill the demilich, then?
thanks again
and the last one pulled Ruin
so does his phylactery count as wealth
it is gem-encrusted after all
New house rule: Anyone who knocks a glass of grain alcohol from the current DM's hands before they take a sip, without damaging play implements, is awarded Inspiration
Buddy if you can't GM drunk, don't drink
I can GM drunk. But not drunk on grain alcohol.
Just like I can abstain while drunk. But not while drunk on tequila.
"Make some Riot Juice", they said. "It'll be fun and taste great", they said
Drunk is drunk, broseph. Take it from an alcoholic >.>
'Beer drunk' or 'quila drunk' are myths
You're okay or you're not.
It's more potency
Grain alcohol is pretty strong. Defanging it with bright, fruity flavors worsens the issue.
I had a GM who awarded XP to anyone who could say something in character that'd make him spit out his drink.
@BESW That's... not common practice?
anyways I gotta go
DMing while simultaneously clearing grain alcohol from the liqour cabinet
Moon: You are granted the ability to cast the wish spell 1d3 times.
where do I get a d3
I'm thinking of just pretending the last half-hour didn't happen and obliterating the deck
actually, I'm threatening the player who just got wishes with rocks fall if they don't
good night
@Lord_Gareth I can see why this made you think of the sorts of things Fate-like games do.
Each character gets an individual one too
Which affects multiple expeditions
I feel like it might be a game better suited to mechanics with lots of piles of different-colored tokens or dice.
That's not a game category I have a lot of experience in, what with one of my regulars being a Skype head.
But @JuneShores has a lot of good thoughts about games with interpersonal themes that go out of their way to avoid physical conflict as a primary competence mode.
I mean, RE does have plenty of scraps and outright battles
Almost like you're members of an English society going to faraway places and robbing them or something
I've only played a little bit of it so far, but I loved it.
In the last expedition I tried, I tried to befriend a giant ape. It beat up my entire team as smaller monkeys mocked us.
10/10 would be nice to enormous primates again.
@Magician When I faced that down the first time I ended up in a tense bullying match but eventually I broke its spirit and remanded it to a zoo
Monkeys are shockingly competent at breaking souls
It probably would have been easier to do that, but I got so close to befriending the beast... Just one more action would have done it.
You can do it!
(And then there's expeditions with Bea as your captain. She is a cruel and merciless goddess and only death can slake her lust)
(She gives 10 campaign & gets permanent bonuses whenever you finish a boss off Aggressive)
(So her Crews end up as these really fighty serial killers looking to find as many bosses/expedition as possible so their leader can REAP THE SOULS OF THE LIVING)
The souls of the living are so much more useful than the souls of the dead.
Oh @BESW you might like Ivan
Dude is a massive, super-friendly Russian guy often found reading books and offering teddy bears to his enemies
His Captain perk is kinda hard mode though; he starts with 1 less Resolve, but after you complete 2 Expeditions your Supplies goes up
So if you can survive the early days he blossoms into a really sustained leader
@Magician fantastic takeaway from that experience
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: There are numerous other by Amy jon on rpg.SE
@Lord_Gareth I hardly play computer games, but this sounds I should at least see it. What does RE stand for?
@Anaphory Renowned Explorers: International Society.
I'll have a look.
@Anaphory It's been on Good Old Games' summer sale.
I don't follow these things. I have played maybe four computer games in the last 12 months? Undertale, Crusader Kings 2, Rim World, King of Dragon Pass, Armello, oh, and bits of Darkest Dungeon because I wanted to see how it compares to Torchbearer. So, 5-and-a-half, actually. That means that random grabbing games in sales isn't worth it for me. Strong recommendations, however, may get me to playing.
I had such a fun session of D&D yesterday.
My players were in a Hunger Games like situation where they had to collect tokens from other competing players, and their plan eventually involved them disguising one of their team as the competition organizer and convincing other groups that thanks to mysterious deaths (one of their team simply lay on the ground in order to help sell it), the competition was cancelled, so please hand over your tokens and make your way to the East side of the island where you will be taken home.
The really stupid thing is that it worked, right up until the point where other competitors needed escorting to the East side of the island. At which point, they caused an explosion and legged it with the bag of tokens.
The really funny part is that they were trying to impersonate a half-Orc woman, so naturally, they dressed up the PC half-Orc male in drag. It was only afterwards that our Bard remembered she could cast Disguise Self.
Did someone at least have proficiency with disguise kit or did they put a mop on his head? :)
@Szega Our Bard had the disguise kit, which is why it was so funny when 5 minutes later, she's like "What does Disguise Self do?". I was crying.
2 hours later…
ignoring irritating people is a kind of intelligence
Hi hi.
idk, I've known a lot of irritating people whom I would've been unintelligent to ignore outright.
Wonderfully tactile #medieval die aching to be thrown in one of the >600 dice #games known from the period.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/873809911435718656
@godskook gah, you ruined it
I so wanted to say "Apparently people here are 'kind of intelligence'" but that would have been a response and be a self-contradiction.
@godskook Well, ignoring the irritating may be good for your overall happiness, but you may miss an opportunity to learn something or even help someone else if you simply ignore those that don't fit with your worldview (either in opinion or friendliness)
@NautArch, moderated attention to irritating people has definitely improved my happiness as well.
@godskook Yes, moderated attention>ignoring. But I agree, less irritation=more happiness.
My main campaign is on hold for a bit, which is a kind of a bummer. On the bright side, I get to play my Bard that I absolutely love :)
I have perceived I would get angry only because I hear and understand what irritating people say. If I can ignore them or treat what they say as what I can't understand, like a foreign language, I wouldn't get angry at all.
@CaptainBohemian But the world is an irritating place. If you stay within your safe boundaries, you lose opportunities to grow as a person.
No, some people are just so irrational or unintelligent that I feel they words just irritating.
for example, some people just take money as the highest value and say those disciplines which can't lead to make money is useless. If you by chance love such a discipline, often hearing these people looking down on that discipline irritates you much if you can't ignore it.
@CaptainBohemian Are you in school now? (This is not the first time you've mentioned career vs. course-of-study matters.)
@CaptainBohemian Unfortunately, that particular way of looking at life /career is not uncommon - nor is it necessarily wrong. Understanding that when choosing a career some may be more difficult to sustain a certain lifestyle or actually find a job that pays should be considered. Life is not sunshine and roses and trade-offs should be understood before decisions are made. Looking at the problem from "Money is everything" is just as valid as "Money isn't everything.'
Interview with Dresden Files Accelerated’s lead author, Pamela Alexander, at: http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/the-gauntlet-podcast/episode-103-dresden-files-accelerated-with-pam-alexander
@BESW Aww, nice!
@BESW I really should read those books. Loved the show.
Now I know what to read while nursing this hangover.
Well, listen to. Better.
The novel series got too mean-spirited for my taste after a while, but the first few books were fun.
I don't think the setting translates well to Fate style RPGs, but it's not a problem if you ignore some of the series spoilers about the higher-up workings of the supernatural world.
@BESW Not dismissing your opinion, but how, exactly?
@Papayaman1000 Still suffering from that grain alcohol related event?
@Papayaman1000 The author has outright stated that he chooses his plots based on the most suffering he can possibly inflict on the main character.
It shows.
@NautArch Yeah.
@BESW Ahh, I see. In that case, I can kinda agree.
@Papayaman1000 I stopped drinking about 10 years ago. Really don't miss the hangovers.
@NautArch It's rare that I drink much at all. Especially now that I have a kid. But once in a blue moon, when the only venue the party could pick up was a bar...
@BESW Suffering is part of the "Hero Cycle". Is it JUST suffering, or is there also redemption and growth?
It's also got some of the usual gender/race blind spots that come with most genre fiction, and which I have less patience with if I also have to deal with an emotional gorefest.
@Papayaman1000 HA, i've found my need to pursue...relaxants...has increased with children :)
@NautArch Oh, Harry regularly gets beaten to a pulp.
I want my recreational reading to be fun, damnit.
@NautArch As have I, but I don't want to blunt my dad reflexes ;)
@BESW What most people find fun is how Harry escapes the impossible situations. The occasional deus ex machina is a bit obnoxious, though.
@Papayaman1000 one or more kids?
@NautArch One kid. My son. He's been around for a good while.
I'm sorry, "occasional"? Deus ex machina is the only reason that his ridiculously contrived suffering hasn't caused the end of reality as we know it on multiple occasions, because Armageddon hangs in the delicate balance between spoiler--a balance which can be pushed either way by seemingly minor unrelated events, and would have been many times if it weren't for the author orchestrating otherwise. That's about where I dropped the series.
@Papayaman1000 hehe. I found that I was less worried once #2 came along :)
And this is also why the higher-level lore of the setting is anathema to Fate-style gaming: Fate needs PCs to be able to enact paradigm shifts without accidentally ending life as we know it.
My biggest problem with series is that I keep starting unfinished ones.
Still, DFAE looks like a solid entry in the Fate canon and I've already yoinked its new approach phrases for my SG-13 game.
how much has WoTC kept lore between editions? I'd lke to answer the undercommon question, but I don't really know enough about lore to say something that was in 3rd edition remains the same.
@AnneAunyme doesn't cure light wounds also assume that all undead are hurt by positive energy?
Yes, it does
but it stays coherent even without admitting that it is a general rule
also apparently the rules for creating an undead race specify that they will be hurt by positive energy
undead and half-undead.
but the undead creature type never states so.
@BESW they're super.
my problem with assuming that positive energy does not harm undead are all the rules that state "as undead" but do not specifically say they are hurt by positive energy, those also will assume that they are not hurt and will get healed.
yes, but on the other hand if you consider it does there is a whole new world of ambiguity about what is positive energy and what isn't
that ambiguity exists regardless of that.
a year ago positive/negative energy rules were unplayable if you decided to stick to RAW. They errated them so now it is only very clumsy
if you only apply different effects only when it is stated so (and not as soon as you seen the words "positive energy" and "undead"), you don't care to know if that precise effect is positive energy or just holy light from the sky/the power of nature/whatever.
so the ambiguity becomes non-relevant
except we will have creatures that should be damaged by positive energy that arent, like the two corruptions i mentioned (ghoul and lich).
I agree that "healing" is not exactly positive energy unless stated so, as we have examples of non-positive heals (infernal healing).
Hey @June. :)
Oh hey.
@ShadowKras and you also have example of non-heal positive energy (like the first part of Energy Body)
does that mean it should behave the opposite on undead and heal them? Seems silly, right?
maybe you can let necrotic damage heal undead
concerning your examples of corruptions, I don't get where it is assumed they should be damaged by positive energy
@nwp It's about Pathfinder, as far as I know there is no "necrotic damage" in Pathfinder, but there is negative energy
Yeah but on energy body we have a precedence, it says: you can transform your body into pure life energy. Life energy is defined as originated from the positive energy plane.
This is pretty confusing.
About the corruptions: Stain: You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy as if you were an undead creature. This means your behavior against positive energy doesnt change, as a living creature positive energy could hurt you already.
Why not just say, "Effects that would heal oher creatures damage undead"?
@JuneShores because undead can be healed.
positive energy here is what necrotic damage is in 5ed
That's not how my JRPGs work!
Breath of Fire lied to me!
you just can't heal them with the regular heals
that by default hurt them
the discussion here is because it is not written in the rules that positive energy (usually generated by healing spells) harms undead. There are healing spells that says they harm undead, but not any text saying that positive energy does.
@AnneAunyme i did check several threads on paizo's forum about that issue and decided to not include it on my answer because there is no official answer (afaik) about positive energy vs undead.
and there are rules wordings that seem to assume it is written in the rules, even if it isn't, for more confusion
which system's this in?
there are people defending strict raw and those defending logic raw.
Ohh, I see.
But it's an issue inherited from 3.x
i remember there's some inconsistency in that one around positive/negative energy and its relationship to life/unlife
developers assume that undead are hurt by positive energy, but the rules have nothing saying so.
the basic idea being life is positive energy based and unlife is negative energy based, so you get healed by the corresponding energy type and damaged by the opposite energy type
there's things like that, little but significant mechanical gaps left in.
i bet that if we walk into their office and ask that question, they would go "its obviously X", but we dont know.
Hey Green, do you want to work on our fantasy game together later? I'd like to get a playtest document written.
@JuneShores That sounds great to me.
Also, what do you think about targeting play-by-post/chat?
@JuneShores It's very limiting, and I'm not sure my goals would be consistent with targeting it as a primary platform.
@ShadowKras I recall there's the positive energy elemental which heals you when it hits you, gives you temporary HP when you're fully healed, and makes you explode horribly if your total (normal + temporary) HP exceeds double your ordinary maximum HP.
But then there's no mention that the positive energy plane does that specifically, or anything other than the positive energy elemental.
@doppelgreener, afaik, that's a property of the Pos-energy plane in 3.5
the positive energy plane does mention that.
@AnneAunyme Oh, there we go!
> However, a creature must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each round that its temporary hit points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy, which kills it.
And @AnneAunyme covers the PF version
That is glorious...
@ShadowKras, CLW does damage to undead
There's a line from invader zim I wish was available on youtube, in which someone's warning another person in dramatic voice that their head will explode
You channel positive energy to cure 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25) on each selected creature. Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage.
@godskook yes, it does because it specifically says so
Oh I see, the contention is the extrapolation to positive energy by default.
@doppelgreener I found a relevant clip. youtube.com/watch?v=_DGiD0tHQy0
@JuneShores YES. :D
that bit's really suitable for the positive energy over-healing topic, haha
@doppelgreener "Hey! Thanks for the help! Um..unngh...uh...can you please stop? OH GOD, PLEASE STOP HELPING!"
@doppelgreener is this SE equivalent of "Help piling?"
Is there a way to disable ticker feeds?
@NautArch Yes.
The drop down thing that I keep dismissing and that keeps coming back.
@nwp There's probably a userscript for that.
Hmm, adblock it is.
hey there @eimyr
Hi y'all. I have a very opinion-based question that is probably not worth asking on the main site. Mind if I raise it here?
In a recent game session (where I am a player), the GM tried to do a "cutscene" but there seemed to be some communication issues. Apparently, prior to this, the GM and one of the other players had planned a scripted sequence: the BBEG appears unexpectedly and achieves their plan, but this triggers a magic deal that the player's PC had made, and stops the BBEG.
But what actually happened is that all of the PCs (including my own) weren't aware that this was meant to be pre-scripted, and started interfering when the BBEG appeared. The result was a total mess and we basically had to OOG retcon our actions so that the event would go as planned.
Was there a proper way to implement this, from the GM's perspective?
@MikeQ Right! That's a question right up my alley. There is no GM's perspective.
A "cutscene" can happen, but everyone, the GM, the privileged players, everyone else around the table has to buy into it.
Well the rest of us didn't know that the other player was privileged (i.e., the magic deal was made in secret between the PC and an NPC)
You also don't seem to know it was a cutscene at all.
@MikeQ Did the appearance of the BBEG automatically equal "achieved plan?"
So yes, there is a way. You tell the players there is a pre-scripted BBEG scene and one of the players made a deal to stop him and you want the game to not be about the BBEG but about the magic deal and resulting fallout. If the players excitedly agree, you can proceed. Otherwise it's a railroaded, hamfisted GM-as-god situation.
@NautArch That's what it seemed like. The BBEG appeared, became god, and started rebuilding the universe. But then there was a moment where the BBEG looks at the other PC and is like "No, impossible, what have you done, blah blah". Then some bizarre magic stuff happened, and an NPC appeared and killed (?) the BBEG.
@MikeQ the proper way to implement that uses the same technique as teachers use to keep their students quiet while they explain the class.
@ShadowKras Threaten your players with punishment if they don't sit quiet and listen? </sarcasm>
In other words, either you take the reins of the class and convince them that you have something important to say, or they won't let you explain it at all.
@Adam thats a valid option!
If you say "the bad guy shows up" and pause, every single player will roll initiative.
@MikeQ If I was the DM here, I'd have done a narrative explanation for what was happening. Without a request to roll initiative or anything else, the events unfold as narration by the DM. Just like when a DM narrates a scene before battle. Same thing, but something epic happens instead of rolling initiative.
How would you prevent the players from interrupting?
if someone goes ahead and say "i attack him", as the GM you have to somehow tell him that its not his turn and return to your narrative.
Try to discreetly mention Solomon's Ruling.
@Yuuki What is that?
May 31 at 18:09, by Yuuki
The King Solomon Ruling: If you disagree with the DM, you and the DM take opposite ends of your character sheet and pull.
@MikeQ I really don't think there is a way to. I think the best way to handle this situation would've just been for the DM to say "no, this is happening, you can't do anything"
@MikeQ, by ignoring their actions, by giving it a pause so they can talk (they are excited afterall) then continue your narrative. By asking them to wait a second, you are explaining what their characters see, etc.
But all depends on you and the deal you have done with your players. Some GMs will politely ask "guys, only make your actions when i call your turn" or "dont interrupt me while im explaining, please".
At best, you can have every player become trapped by some magic (high level hold person, Dominate Creature Spells, etc) so that the players are paralyzed and are forced to watch in game.
Me, i say "thanks for interrupting me" and keep my cutscene.
I'd leave that game. No offense to you. But that isn't fun. You've taken away the only thing in the game I have control over, my character, just for a cool scene from a book or novel.
@MikeQ As a DM, you ask nicely. How often do you/your players interrupt the DM normally?
I could care less, we dont know each other.
My friends know me, so they know what i mean.
@Adam Eh, I'm willing to lose some player autonomy for a cool cutscene.
As long as that loss doesn't mean the DM is taking actions for me.
@Adam what you just described on that last phrase, you described on the previous one you gave as a suggestion: paralizing the entire group removes the only thing in the game you have control over, your character.
I don't mind not being able to do anything but watch stuff.
Yes, i can tell them "you are all paralyzed, no save, such it up"
@ShadowKras Yeah, I hate that solution too. I hate the concept of "cutscene where characters can do nothing"
or i can ask them to wait until im finished with a scene description.
@ShadowKras @Adam It could work sometimes. In this situation, the BBEG was a god and so it's plausible they could paralyze the PCs.
But if you're going to do it, you should at least have an in game excuse for why the characters can do nothing. Instead of de-rezzing them for the duration of the cutscene
@MikeQ if deities are involved, then its much easier to handle
"you all make a will save"
"yep, none of you can act"
@ShadowKras It's exactly this. THere's no combat/initiative/player turns because the DM is narrating the scene. Would you demand to roll initiative before the DM finishes their description of what's going on?
"now let me explain what happens while you watch"
@NautArch if i were a player on that table, i would wait to even touch the dice.
Personally, I don't like the heavy-handed "make a save that you can't pass." This is DM exposition. Let the DM do their thing, there's a reason for it!
If something is worth a cutscene, i doubt i would want to be the first to draw his attention.
@Yuuki If every player in the game is okay with that, then go for it. The problem comes in if you have players like me who are diametrically opposed to such a thing.
@NautArch But then how do you justify the players not acting? Or at least, communicate to them that something is happening outside of their control?
I mean, we dont know how did this cutscene go. Did the GM completely remove your autonomy to act? As if, said what your character did instead of asking you?
1) was it like sephiroth killing aerith? or
2) a speech before the final battle?
@Adam I dunno, I feel like there's a lot of lost storytelling opportunity when players feel like the DM is obligated to allow them to stop any BBEG at any point in the game.
And the main reason I don't like them is that it breaks the suspension of disbelief. If you give me an in game reason why my PC can't do anything, or why all their attempts fail, I wouldn't mind as much. If the DM starts telling me what my player does for me, or says "no, you can't do that! I've planned out this scene for months and I won't break from the script" then I get furious
@ShadowKras Nope, we were all able to do things, since we were out of combat. It was more of a conversation between the BBEG and the PC who had made the secret deal.
@MikeQ They're not acting because there's been no call to action. The DM is setting a scene and interrupting because YOU want to do something isn't...nice.
Like the way you describe it, you seem wholeheartedly opposed to the idea of an unwinnable battle.
@MikeQ in your situation, i would probably allow you to do your actions, then return to the speech. But that depends on who this BBEG was.
Another heavy-handed option is to ask everyone to roll initiative, but DM puts his card first. Players don't know modifiers, and they may have had a +20 to their initiative roll because of this set-up.
when you realize the BBEG is ignoring you to have a conversation, you might feel powerless, which is the same result as if you were paralyzed in the first place. So there is no easy way to solve this.
@ShadowKras The problem with that is that the other players tried to kill the PC (who had made the secret deal), thinking that they and the BBEG were in cahoots.
@Yuuki If done improperly, I am. Obviously there are caveats based on context. And in a certain situation with a great DM, I'm sure it could work. But the why is so important
But when we realized that events were scripted, we had to pause the game and retcon the past few minutes of player shenanigans.
I see, it seems the scene wasnt properly explained at first.
aah, scripting. seems like a good idea, until you do it.
@MikeQ Why did the DM allow player actions if he was doing narrative. I think that seems to be the bigger problem. He allowed things to happen he wasn't yet ready to have happen (apologies for the male gender assumption.)
@Yuuki For example, unwinnable battles because the party made a bunch of bad choices that ultimately led to that situation is an example of verisimilitude and consequence. Unwinnable battles because the DM has an NPC that they really really want to play and show everyone else how cool they are and how they can save/destroy the party with a thought is a waste of my time and, I think, anti-fun.
@MikeQ It seems like the DM just failed to communicate clearly.
@Adam What about unwinnable battle not because of party bad decisions but because it really needs to be illustrated that you're up against the odds and there's something emotional about a last stand?
this BBEG was a god? He could have let you guys identify him as such. Whenever they attacked the player, they would get some kind of divine intervention preventing him from being harmed.
"Should we "fire" our DM" woah
@Yuuki Depends on how you put it together. If you dropped me as a lvl 3 fighter against Primus and said "you're up against the odds" I'd be pretty annoyed. I can't answer that without more contex into how that situation was set up.
it seems also that you guys wanted some pvp to happen, or you wouldnt have attacked the traitor so quickly.
@ShadowKras What is accepted policy on editing question titles to be more inline with the content?
Like in mainstream war movies, there always seems to be that "last stand" set piece where the characters are picked off one by one, each of them pulling off sacrificial heroic acts that while ultimately futile are still emotionally moving.
@GreySage i avoid editing titles unless they are completely wrong with the context.
That question is just asking to be closed in my opinion.
@ShadowKras This one in particular, the question is "How do we fire the GM", but the title is "should we fire the GM"
@ShadowKras I feel it's probably a duplicate, but a fine question.
@GreySage my problem with that kind of question is that they tend to recieve several different answers, none are correct or wrong per se, but will have different ways to handle the issue based on personal experience.
@Yuuki These set pieces require a good campaign with depth and emotional investment on my end that, if I just don't feel, are wasted. These deep connections, I think, are formed by having this situation be a result of realistic consequences to the actions that the PCs are involved in. If those feelings are there, then I could see myself having fun with it.
But if they aren't there, it falls flat and has almost the exact opposite effect where instead of thinking "that was awesome and satisfying" I think "That was ridiculous and cheap"
@ShadowKras It seems Dopplegreener had the same idea as me
@GreySage @ShadowKras - It's a "Should" question right now, and the question seems to expect that people will say yes and justify it. (e.g. "I kind of feel like things may be getting toxic? I dunno...")
I may have not been clear enough in that I'm diametrically opposed to DMs saying "No, this is happening, get over it" for a selfish reason. Not that I'm opposed to unwinnable battles or feeble attempts because of a plausible and satisfying in game reason
@ShadowKras Ah, nevermind, the title has been changed.
@MikeQ I honestly think that all the details in the question are pretty much useless. Without knowing the people all we can provide are general suggestions, and while those suggestion are valuable and useful, could be provided to a question that literally consisted of the sentence "How can we politely get rid of a DM" and nothing else
@GreySage Or at least shorten the details from a narrative rant and into a bullet-point list. Context can be relevant.
@GreySage we're also only getting one side of the story.
@NautArch If we had the "other side", what additional information would be relevant to forming an answer?
@MikeQ with the update...none? He's not asking how to fix, he's asking how to leave.
Hey, how would we "invite" a new user to the main chat? THe guy with the problem DM could probably benefit from being here.
@Papayaman1000 I think we can't. Only way is for comments to autogenerate a room.
then he has an invite as the querent.
@Papayaman1000 Post a comment suggesting he come to chat?
I'm trying to think of a way to say "hey, this question has a place on the site, but you'll get a bit more help from Chat" without implying that the question isn't a good place to look for that answer
@GreySage Ok, done.
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