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hey there @nitsua60
first! hey there @Shalvenay
Hey @Shalvenay , how's tricks?
@daze413 how're things going?
@Chemus alright here, what's up?
Not lots, goofin' off. You?
@Shalvenay just ran a Darkest Dungeon game yesterday night. Ended pretty late so I'm still feeling sleepy :p The 2 guys who showed had fun tho. Too bad they couldnt take on a boss-quest coz they would have been doomed, being only the 2 of them...
I basically said: not enough party members, go back! lol
@Chemus alright here
@daze413 heheh, part of the reason I didn't feel comfortable doing the playtests with less than 3 -- too easy to get overwhelmed in some parts of that dungeon I reckon
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
much grading....
@Shalvenay IKR? I felt so anxious: "please don't die, please don't die..." I gave em the high ground and a chance to prepare for the fight, so that helped a lot, tho
@nitsua60 such teacher. wow.
Grading is like broadcast-spawning: you throw out hundreds of comments and suggestions and corrections in the hope that one or two make it into the brain of the recipient....
Sorry, room. That ended up kinda a grossly-mixed metaphor =(
It's great that you put in the effort to spawn hundreds of comments when grading. Most of our teachers here just give back numbers and %ages
> "Eh, just give them all B-"
Oh, I do. But I've got to make it seem like there's a reason.
- Voldemort
@daze413 yeah. we'll see how things go tomorrow for that matter
hey there @Papayaman1000
I need to crawl into a corner and cry. Possibly indulge in a stiff beverage. Aaagh.
what's wrong? :/
@Papayaman1000 what happened?
why do anchors have to be so difficult to script with
@Papayaman1000 Page anchors?
I've been smashing my head against this for like five hours
<a href="what.ever" onclick="function () {thisIsntGonnaHappen();}>muhhh</a>
sorry man, can't help you much there :/
On top of it all I haven't been able to think straight for a good three weeks now and I'm still not sure why. Probably stress or something.
@Papayaman1000 So, just to check that I've understood, you want a link that, when clicked, acts both as a link and as a button?
@Miniman basically
@Papayaman1000 What do you want the onclick() to do?
I'm making a quiz-style thing, and each link leads to the next question (or the end), and clicking the correct answer also increments a variable stored in window.sessionStorage.
At least, that's the goal.
But the sessionStorage item remains at 0, the value it's initialized to. I'm not sure if the value carries over or if it resets on each page. I'll have to check in a moment.
So, I haven't done a lot of scripting lately, but couldn't you have the answer just be a button with link css that increments a variable and then go to the next page?
Hi hi.
@Miniman Maybe? But I'm trying to work out the link part.
hey there @JuneShores, how're things going?
@JuneShores yo!
Going pretty swell.
@JuneShores oh that's terrible :(
My stretch goal on the Cortex Prime Kickstarter got funded!
@JuneShores Woo!
cool, things are pretty nice over here -- got started with playtesting the 5e dungeon I was working on last week
also, is now a good time to start discussing a Stack Monsterhearts game?
@JuneShores oh thats great :D
Hmmm, probably a good time, sure.
@JuneShores I continue the hunt to find the source for your profile pic
cool. what times do you think'd work for such a thing, and would you be game for running it, first off?
Oh! It's Cucumber Quest.
Just backed Termination Shock by @GregStolze http://kck.st/2rP2rI3
@JuneShores I had this sneaking suspicion...
@Papayaman1000 I've been agonizing over attempts to make a Cucumber Quest RPG for a while now. I may go for an OSR hack for my next attempt.
@JuneShores Well, definitely let me know. Sounds like an excellent project :)
@Shalvenay I maaaay be down to GM it, but my teenage years were a bit unconventional. The high school setting would be difficult for me to run.
@JuneShores mine were too, so I was thinking a college/university setting would work better. It'd also make life somewhat easier for my character concept in that Gnolls grow up like weeds xD (a 15-20 year old gnoll is well into adulthood)
@Shalvenay College may not work. The high school setting is basically a secondary antagonist in the setting, since it throws everybody together into an oppressive environment. College is nowhere near as bad.
@JuneShores ah. mind expanding more on the "oppressive environment" aspect of the Monsterhearts setting and how it fails to comport with your HS experience? I'm curious, partly because my HS experience was viewed through IDEA-colored glasses...xD
@Shalvenay My high school experience lasted half a year until I went back to home schooling. I just haven't had enough high school experience to internalize the setting.
@JuneShores aaaah. what drove you back to the homescholed environment?
also, perhaps there's someone else on this Stack who'd be better suited to DM it? if so, who?
@Shalvenay I was being crushed under the weight of the expectations of a magnet program and honors English as well as undiagnosed learning disabilities.
@JuneShores ah. yeah -- the "undiagnosed" part would be especially sucky
@JuneShores -- would you happen to know of someone on this Stack who'd be a better fit for running it?
Nobody comes to mind, sadly.
I'll have to ask around a bit I suppose. Does Monsterhearts elaborate at all as to what it's seeking from its setting, beyond the "oppressive, communal environment" already mentioned?
@Shalvenay @nitsua60 teaches high school.
Also hi @JuneShores!
@Shalvenay I'm still chewing through the book. I'll skip ahead to the talk about high school stuff and get back to you.
In my experience, Apocalypse games tend to leave a lot of their design goals implied in the mechanics.
@BESW that is a point, yes :)
(My own HS experience didn't exactly conform to the typical stereotypes either, and my preferred HS storytelling mode right now is Bubblegumshoe.)
Page 157 has some advice for playing older characters.
Or rather, in settings besides high school.
"While the immediate social context can shift, it still needs to echo the emotional realities of high school. The main characters need to be in the midst of an uncomfortable life transition, experiencing alienation both within their skin and from the world at large. They need to get sucked into petty social politics, and have it be difficult to simply walk away from dysfunctional relationships. They need to be talked down to by most of the adults in their lives, despite the fact that they are capable and powerful in their own right.
@BESW (on a good day)
@JuneShores Now I'm thinking about how Dog Eat Dog could expose the underlying assimilation context of the American school system.
@JuneShores so -- petty social politics, forced groupings, petty authoritarianism, alienation from within and without...
@Shalvenay Yep.
@BESW Please unpack this, it sounds delicious.
@Shalvenay I resemble this remark!
@JuneShores So, Dog Eat Dog is a short-form RPG about colonialism and assimilation. One participant plays all the people associated with the Occupying group, and each other participant plays a single Native.
@nitsua60 hahaha. I was hoping someone more familiar with the PbtA family of games would be willing to run MH for us here on the Stack
Scenes revolve around the Natives trying to carry on their lives while navigating the unspoken rules of the Occupiers, the first of which is always "The Natives are inferior to the Occupiers." At the end of each scene the Natives define a new rule about how they're expected to relate to the Occupiers, and both natives and Occupiers gain or lose tokens depending on how well they followed those rules of conduct.
The key is that the deck is completely stacked for the Occupiers. They lose a token if they don't show up in a scene, and once they're in a scene the scene is all about them.
Ahh, I see. Yeah, that would be pretty appropriate.
And I'm thinking about how that'd play out in the context of the American school system being originally designed in the 1800s as an engine for cultural assimilation of the children of immigrants, and how it retains that skeletal structure today.
@BESW and now functions as an engine for cultural assimilation into the culture of American schools...
@nitsua60 heheheheh
There's a particular school on Guam which advertizes itself as a prep school for kids who want to go to the best mainland colleges. In practice it turns my friends into elitist jerks who think they have to act like they're super affluent even if they aren't.
@BESW Are you imagining the Native would be the staff/administration, or the upperclassmen, or the "cool kids"?
(Any of the above?)
@JuneShores -- say, what all do you play for RPGs even?
@nitsua60 The Occupiers would be the staff/admin and cool kids.
@Shalvenay I'm playing a game based on quarter-hour cartoon shows that a friend and I are designing, and I'm gearing up for a short, Fate based Pokemon campaign starting this weekend. I'm generally down for Apocalypse World games and of course I'm all about Cortex.
(oh, yeah. I totally didn't just flip-flop Occupiers and Natives in that one...)
For values of "cool" where... well, one of the interesting things about this application is that its categories will have to be examined closely.
@Shalvenay So I lean fairly narrative, though I have some love for old school D&D in my heart.
@JuneShores ah. perhaps you'd be willing to try running DW for that matter?
@BESW why do I know that name?
@JuneShores ah. I tend to swing somewhat simulationist myself (mainly for not "getting it" re: the way a lot of narrative things work as I didn't learn well about the whys of narrative structure in school, and don't get that stuff from my reading partly due to my hypertechnical reading tastes)
@nitsua60 The Daily Show?
@Shalvenay Maybe. I do love me some Dungeon World.
but I do love the exploration aspects of oldschool D&D games as well
@nitsua60 The White House Correspondents Dinner?
@BESW yes!
@JuneShores ah. that would work better than MH then for giving us an idea of how feasible online (voice chat) PbtA play would be then. Say, what times would work well for you? (I also want to loop @nitsua60 in on this if at all possible)
@Shalvenay don't talk to me about new games until after graduation and family Disney trip--July, basically =)
@nitsua60 ah. alrighty then :) July it'll wait until I suppose
how does that work for you @JuneShores?
(I'm not saying I'm in in July; I'm saying I'm not even thinking about anything until July!)
hey there @NautArch
howdy @Shalvenay
how're things going?
Just my fourth Monday in a row :P
@Shalvenay I have some misgivings about DW, though. Mostly in the weak setup. Eac character class in Monsterhearts changes the setting quite a bit and that's missing in DW. I'd want to hack that back in.

So July sounds good, actually.
@JuneShores ah. given nitsua's situation I guess we'll have to play it by ear then :)
@Shalvenay My life is messy right now. I'll have to get back to you with a good time for me.
@JuneShores no worries
@JuneShores Ever played Monster of the Week? I'm curious how it stacks up compared to other PbtA games, since it's the first one I played and it seems to be non-standard in several ways I don't understand.
@BESW MotW is... alright. I've never played more than a session though, and never actually got to the end of an adventure.
Apparently a lot of its rule explanation assumes you already know PbtA from some other source, which was problematic for my group using it was an introduction to the engine.
But I think some of the classes do that same "we change the world by our presence" thing you're talking about.
Which I like.
@JuneShores mind unpacking how the classes in Monsterhearts change the setting some?
@BESW Yep. Great AW games define the world by the characters and their conflicts as much as the core object of play. So both the moves and the world lock in sync to create character conflict.
(On reflection, I had too much of a planned game in mind for that adventure.)
@Shalvenay I'll retrieve an example.
A couple pages into this doc are the character sheets. Each class (or rather, playbook) has all its rules on the sheet, right there. That's not the setting changing part, it's just neat. https://buriedwithoutceremonyblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/reference-sheets-and-core-skins.pdf

First there's the Origins. Each one says something about how you came to be, and so that implies things about how all monsters like you come to be.

There are also certain moves, like the Infernal's _Soul Debt_ or the Queen's _The Clique,_ which define NPCs.
@Shalvenay DW doesn't have very much of this. The core character classes don't influence the setting at all, they're more about various D&D-like competencies.
@JuneShores I see, yeah -- even the DW Immolator is a self-contained entity so to speak. Contrast this with D&D 5e's emphasis on pact and patron in defining the Warlock...
btw hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay hello :D
@JuneShores reading that does make me wonder what a Gnoll in MH would look like haha, though
@daze413 I take it you got my replies to the feedback you lfet me btw?
@Shalvenay no, I did not... :o
that's weird. I didn't leave the room except I did log out
@JuneShores (my thinking is an adjustment of the Werewolf fluff to be always in the primal form if you will)
@Shalvenay That may get tricky, considering the tone of the game. Always being a hulking dog kid makes normal peoples' reactions an issue, since being a monster is assumed to be unnatural to muggles. People don't know that werewolves exist, so a real life werewolf is terrifying. If it's normalized, that messes with the core assumptions of the game.

My first character was a fairy, but I ended up playing her super awkwardly since I basically did the same thing you're proposing, reskinned a class to fit the concept. The whole game was a series of record scratches whenever I had the spotlight.
I'd recommend taking a playbook, not changing a thing, and drawing out a character concept from the class. It'll go much smoother.
@JuneShores ah. I see...my vision of the tone of the game was a bit different -- it's a problem I had with DW as well and with DW's Druid specifically
I play Druids as empiracists instead of spiritualists
@Shalvenay Yeah. The playbooks encode a lot of that sort of information into the character.
@JuneShores which leaves people like me who tend to treat character classes a bit more like Play-Doh in a bit of a quandary
welcome @Scriven
@Shalvenay Yeah. My best advice would be to set aside any expectations about what your character will be like, look at the "Playing the ____" section, and see what concept catches your eye. Then fill out the character sheet at the table with everybody else and see where it goes.
@JuneShores yeah. I think part of it is that pretty much anything I play will wind up bending somewhat in my hands
@Shalvenay That's okay. It happens as a matter of course. Usually, RPGs require you to come in with a concept and expect you to build to one. Apocalypse World games tend to have a lot of juicy concepts baked into each playbook though. Like a section of a campaign setting guide, but with blanks. The best thing would be to find the blanks and bend there.
@JuneShores yeah. I just don't have a feel for where the blanks are because the classes are so...not explicit about the assumptions they're making
A good place to start is their mundane life. Who are they in all the things that aren't written already?

But don't worry too much. It doesn't break easily. The problem only comes up if you change or contradict what is explicit.
@JuneShores yeah, and I'm not sure if "monkish, physical self-disciplinarian" fits into any of the MH playbooks to be fair
@Shalvenay Check out the Hollow.
@JuneShores hrm...perhaps.
the monkishness does seem to run contrary to the implication in the Hollow that they're trying to escape their past...
I'm not sure what you mean by "monk-ish".
@JuneShores ah -- the Gnoll that's serving as inspiration for this character was a LN Monk/Cleric from an AD&D game I was in
Ah, I see.
@Shalvenay Ascetics have many reasons to become so, and attempting to hide from your past or atone for it are tropes of modern monks/nuns.
@Chemus nods I think it's more "hiding from the monster within" in that char's case -- the default Gnoll is extremely CE in most D&D setting incarnations (to the point where it's the only race that Volo's gives a chapter to, but no PC racial info)
I gotta go do some stuff. It's been fun. Bye bye.
@Shalvenay Speaking as someone who suffers terribly from this - it seems to me that you're very attached to your characters.
@Miniman I'm in this weird state where I get said to be both "too attached" and "too detached"
I picked that char as it seemed to speak to me about the whole "misfit in a modern world" theme that the concept behind Monsterhearts as I understood it was pointing me towards
@Shalvenay Yeah, ever since I can recall, gnolls have been straight-up two-legged hyaenas. Not even having any extra coats of paint or polish, just a Furry in DND form. So yeah, I can see not showing them as PCs. It's unimaginative, but not outta step with DND History.
@Shalvenay It's hard to explain why this is a problem, but I'd really encourage you to make a new character for each campaign you play in, and, as much as I struggle with it, making them different to the characters you've played before.
@Chemus which is funny because hyenas are actually intelligent, relatively eusocial animals
@Shalvenay Only within their clan. They seem to be jusst upright animals, in most of DND (except Flinds are more intelligent)
In particular, when you're looking at a new system, it's going to be a lot more fun for you in the long-term if you make a character whose concept grows out of that system, rather than coming in with a concept and trying to make it work within the system.
@Miniman That's good advice; keeps you stretching...
@Miniman the problem with that becomes a sheer bookkeeping one -- I do spin off lots of chars and char concepts, even, but if I go too far in the direction of spinning up chars, I'll wind up losing track of stuff all over the place and the resulting RP becomes a bit of a mishmash
@Miniman that's the thing -- I don't know what concepts the system really embodies until I've been playing in it for a little while
so trying to build a character for the first play of a system whose concept grows out of the system winds up putting the cart before the horse, oops!
@Shalvenay If you're playing in so many campaigns simultaneously that you can't keep track of your characters, you'd be having this problem anyway. Worse, really, since instead of remembering "half-orc barbarian with a drinking problem" and "nerdy, clumsy, librarian", you're remembering "Jherala" and "Jherala, but at level 7 instead of 9".
@Shalvenay You read stuff before you start playing, right?
@Miniman I do, but it often flatly fails to communicate how things should work to me. I don't read tone/theme/...cues well at all!
@Miniman what happens is that I'll start mixing the half-orc barbarian with the nerdy, clumsy librarian :P
I'll have trouble remembering the various personality bits that get attached to various chars
@Shalvenay a clumsy half orc barbrarian? :D
@Shalvenay Is this a problem you've had, or one you're anticipating?
@Miniman more precisely -- what happens is that I'll wind up with characters that sort of systematically evolve instead of organically developing, at best. even when I'm trying to be an adversary to my own characters, its extremely hard for me to sort of...displace them significantly, if you will, despite being able to throw them around like ragdolls in sickening ways
@Miniman I've run into it in spades in my past experiences in the persistent-world sphere
@Shalvenay You might just be playing too many games at once, I guess.
@Miniman yeah, and the lack of distinct contexts for each char doesn't help -- I suspect it's easier at campaign scale
@Shalvenay Ah, you're talking about multiple characters in the same game?
@Miniman yes.
@Shalvenay Then, yeah. Campaign context helps a lot, especially if the character is a property of the campaign.
@Chemus (it's even possible to sort-of-tame hyenas IRL)
that aside though -- I think most of what gets perceived as me being attached emotionally to chars is more of a control factor
Like I said...I can throw chars around like ragdolls, but at the same time, it doesn't seem to have much effect on the character
@Shalvenay With this, up above, you were reading about the Hollow and went "nah, this is someone trying to escape their past, not the concept I'm trying to make". All that I'm talking about is reading the Hollow and going "OK, this is a character who's trying to escape their past", then building from that.
@Miniman right. I'm actually not sure if MH was what I was thinking it was, come to think of it...
@Shalvenay Yup. Just like with other social animals they adopt you as their pack. You're not a hyena, you're either food, enemy or scenery. Still not outta CE territory, though a lotta that is perception of ignobility that their rep as scavengers engender(ed).
@Chemus canines are the same way, just more predator less scavenger
@Shalvenay No, sorry. I think you're emotionally attached to your characters because you introduce Jherala and your Gnoll Monk to conversations at any opportunity. Or even without any opportunity. And then, thinking about a new system, you were thinking "How can I build my Gnoll Monk in this system?"
And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's something to be aware of.
part of the problem is that I wind up with characters that are effectively homeless, so to speak
@Shalvenay We all do. Stick 'em in a drawer and move on.
remnants of prematurely terminated campaigns that did not reach the strong visions that drive the character concept
(This is an outgrowth of "Kill Your Darlings" - no-one likes it, but everyone's gotta do it.)
@Miniman on the flip side, I don't want to get into a character churn situation
@Shalvenay taking an ostracized race and then ostracizing a character from that race can do that... if that's what you were talking about.
I mean, I'd keep the idea and the concept. But the details can be left to die, yeah
@Chemus no, as in the campaign they were from was terminated by some unfortunate scheduling mishap, and as a result the character vision is left behind, seeking a campaign to attach to
@daze413 that's the thing -- I can't keep the concept by itself -- it's a vision not a singular concept, and rearranging pieces of the vision is like trying to put a puzzle together wrong.
@daze413 I wouldn't. Which is to say, I would, but I know I shouldn't. The halfling/gnome kleptomaniac wizard that I've made in 3 different campaigns needs to die, and I need to move on.
Is [designer-reasons} the same as [RAI] in the stack's current understanding?
@Miniman because that can happen for me as well -- I can start throwing characters around like ragdolls to the point where people don't want to keep up with the degree of adversarialness I'm pulling out
and that can easily lead to a character churn situation
@Miniman "halfling", "gnome", "wizard", are all part of the details. I'd keep "kleptomaniac", or "wizard". Basically, strip down to whatever it was that made you wanna play it. Then you can have a skeleton that can fit better
@fectin Personally, I'd say no: RAI means "Even though RAW Monks aren't proficient with their unarmed strike, it's obvious that they are intended to be."
D&D 3.5
essentially, yes, youd be making a new character but there are just some ideas that you really wanna pull off. I also do get the point of killng your darlings, I think it's a good way to stay sane.
@Chemus that's a common reading elsewhere; here "as intended" usually demands evidence of designer intent.
@fectin If you have an answer, why ask?
@daze413 and yeah -- what'll happen is I'll have a concept and then wind up churning through many iterations of it when I'm in ragdoll mode
feeling it out before posting on meta
@daze413 I mean, I'm not saying "I'm never going to make a kleptomaniac again". I'm just saying "I should really stop making short people who use magic to steal stuff".
@Miniman ahh, yes, that's a really good way to approach it
@daze413 there's also the issue that I had in my previous experiences where I had OOC/metagame reasons that I needed to hang onto characters, and that'd cause problems with retiring them.
@Chemus but yes, I know what they mean generally :) I was looking for whether there was some non-obvious distinction in the tag use, under current practices.
@fectin Looking to make an RAI Tag?
...huh. I could have sworn there already was one
I was looking to make them synonyms. But with no [RAI], this is moot.
I think my Def on RAI up there is kinda considered "Baseline" and nobody needs to search out q's that specify it. RAW separates things as does Designer Reasons
@daze413 (If nothing else, it's a really unoriginal character concept.)
yup, agreed on both points.
@fectin I'ma mention something that I find funny: 'moot' def. is 'debatable', but everyone everywhere seems to use it for 'settled, or not worth arguing' (Not knocking you @fectin, it's just me...)
"moot" is "worthy of discussion at a moot, but not now"
It's roughly like saying "above my pay grade"
Huh, I always thought "moot" was "we don't know, but it doesn't matter". When a bear tries to eat you, whether he is hungry or territorial is a moot point.
It strongly implies both "interesting/meritorious" and "not immediately relevant"
@Miniman Barring Drizzly-elf clones, what's bad re: unoriginality in RPGs?
@Chemus the same thing that's bad with Drizzly-elf clones
Hmm. Is it also wrong with Shakespeare's plots? O:)
my thing is that I'll wind up slamming things together in...stranger and more prone-to-breaking-traditionalists'-worldviews ways
@Shalvenay Well, Drizzly-elf-clones have additional problems, but yah.
@Shalvenay But having a character to emulate is so much easier...
That search is gooble's def of moot showing that your usage means the point is unsettled :)
@Chemus re moot -- I think that the usage of "moot" for "meeting" is obsolescent/archaic?
@Miniman I haven't made my characters have personality yet.... goals, but not pers.
@Shalvenay I didn't bring that def in, @fectin did. (It wasn't me it was the one-armed man!)
@Chemus Tbh, in games which don't talk in-character (all of the ones I've played in), I find it difficult to define personality beyond goals and actions.
yeah -- my problem is I often don't have a good enough sense of the game world to define goals that are actually workable
@fectin How dare you malign the Bard! Have at thee varlet! [draws a baguette]
either they'll be too mechanized or too divorced from what's intended to be workable in the game in question
Not obsolete exactly, just rare. A moot a governmental body, like a thing, a parliament, or a town council. Not many places use moots anymore (I think there's a place in switzerland?), but its still the current and correct way to refer to those mostly-historic meetings
@Chemus hm, I use moot that way. :o I have a few answers to edit
but I need sleep...
@daze413 every journalist and author I've ever read uses it that way.
@Chemus Like, my ex-convict dwarf who's struggling to gain legitimacy through fighting doesn't really have much of a personality beyond that, but based on his actions in-game, he's terse, straightforward, tries to do the right thing but often finds it easier not to, and so on.
Just like "Diet" isn't exactly obsolete (it sure wasn't the "Congress of Worms"), it just doesn't see a lot of use.
@Shalvenay No. Stay. with. ussssss..
@Miniman >gain legitimacy through fighting...
@Chemus ?
Moot as an adjective refers to something which might come before that deliberative body, and carries both of those common meanings (meritorious and irrelevant)
@Miniman the phrase just struck me; I must be on a mind-code/language kick tonight. But trying to gain legitimacy through fighting what? Legit w/ whom? etc.
This board has probably seen moot used before: before attacking Isengard, the Ents met in a moot to discuss it.
I think Jordan's Ogier also had moots, but it's been a while
@fectin I understood your def, but it's almost exclusively misused in what I've read.
well, the only synonym which similarly covers both I know of is "OBE", and acronyms don't have the same zippiness.
@Chemus Well, it's not necessarily sensible or rational, but in his eyes, if he's successful enough as a mercenary, that will eclipse the stigma of being an ex-con.
@Miniman Rockin' I can see that easily enough.
@Miniman Isn't that a van Damme movie?
@nitsua60 LQOL
(I'm gonna go with Lionheart and out myself as having seen way too many van Damme movies.)
@nitsua60 Probably? I've seen almost none of the Van Damme and Seagal category of action movies.
@nitsua60 Isn't that every van Damme movie? [FTFY]
(That might not be an actual category, but it always seems like one to me.)
@Miniman Add in C. Norris
speaking of making characters based off of movies, once had a halfling ranger that was responsible for a stampede that killed a wolf alpha, now he raises the young wolf pup to be chill
@Chemus Frank Dux was no ex-con! (Kickboxer Bloodsport reference, there.)
@daze413 So it's Pumscar? Or Scarmon?
@daze413 ??? I missed that one...
@Chemus The Lion King. I assume.
@Miniman Pumtiscarmoneba
@nitsua60 Yeah, not all my jokes are accurate. Just hilariously funny. Obv.
@daze413 You know, that's not even close to the dumbest name I've seen in a D&D setting. Just sayin'.
@Miniman it's not even close to some of the "unique" names I encounter IRL :D
And I'm strangely excited/confuddled: I might get my first bounty.
@Miniman "Another Bob" when the player stopped even caring to keep track of the numbers. (After "Bob," "Bob II," "Bob III," &c.)
know a guy who named his kid "Xzyc". supposed to be pronounced "zaik"
@nitsua60 Wait, What About Bob?
@nitsua60 Was this a primarily aquatic campaign?
@Chemus He's sailing! (cc: @Miniman)
@Miniman what makes you think that?
@daze413 Why not just go full-on Zep and name him Zoso?
@daze413 Cos it seems like there was an awful lot of Bobbin' around.
but, no, this is IRL. his kid's name in the birth certificate is Xzyc
@Chemus Zoso Zozo theme music 4 lyfe!
Led Zeppelin IV
@mxyzplk :þ
I mean 'Hi' ;)
@Chemus sup
Not much, but Shalvenay decided sleep was more important, so I kinda took the greeter position.
sleep would be nice
[shambles like a zombie toward @fectin] One of usss. One of usss.
Baby needs to be fed in an hour or so, and I need to get homework done. So, awake fill two needs, sleep fills one. soon, that will invert
@Chemus Reminds me of an urban fantasy I read. Protagonist is a guy who can see ghosts. Ghosts mess up electromagnetic stuff. His box of music cassettes in his car has "protective runes" on them (which are the runes from the Led Zeppelin album). They don't have any actual protective ability, they just help him discourage the ghosts from touching
That's cool. Dunno if I ever read that one...
>:( Blue screen.
it also features racecar-driving elves... who use advanced materials, because they react badly to ferrous metals (not just "cold" iron)
@Adeptus Aha. I may have read that. I know I was only mildly intrigued by the blurbs in Dragon and on the cover at the time...
@fectin Heat issue?
could well be. I wasn't doing anything exciting though.
@fectin When'd you last dust out your heat sink?
@Chemus dust vacuum
@Miniman When I use canned air, I call it dusting. It's about the only dusting I do
not real recently. The fan didn't spin up like it was overheating though
vacuums suck for getting dust outta fans and HS's
@Chemus Fair enough - just thought I'd make the point that a cloth or a duster doesn't really do much.
@fectin OK cool. Well it was just a thought... my fan kinda blows ATM, and heat can be a cause of BS's
good thought, and I do need to clean it.
@Chemus Vacuums suck generally. It's their purpose. :P
@Adeptus Oh. Ooooohhhh. Thanks. I didn't catch that. ;)
3 hours later…
hey, @Papayaman1000 if you ever wanna hammer out that idea about a GM improv showdown, I think the party room would be a place for that, I'd be more than willing to help. :)
3 hours later…
@nitsua60 Reminds me of the Thursday Next books. Every time the big bad's minion Felix dies, the baddie recovers the face to be grafted onto the next minion (who is then renamed Felix). He just really liked the original.
1 hour later…
@EvilHatOfficial What a collection of rolls. There were some re-rolls taken from invokes after this. https://t.co/9rMBPdeNzX
@Adam You're right about Lightning Arrow and I adjusted my answer accordingly.
@NautArch And I just upvoted accordingly :)
Ladies and gentlemen, the system works
too bad american democracy doesn't.
I definitely didn't read it like that initially. It still doesn't work - just in a different way :)
@NautArch shots fired!
It does make me wonder if there are combos like that out there that will work
I have a very conservative friend (especially by Finnish standards) who is pretty much the only defender of the general workings (first past the post, two-party system, gerrymandering, winner takes it all, no universal vote for citizens) of American elections among my circles. I think even he only likes it when the Republicans score well.
@NautArch Politics.SE is over thataway ----------------------->
I still want to play/master a political drama RPG at some point. Exaggerated to a healthy degree, of course. Like Ace Attorney, but with politics instead of legal proceedings.
@kviiri that sounds marvellous.
i'd play that.
@kviiri "No taxation without representation!" breath weapon
"I roll to filibuster... hmm. Eight, so soft hit?"
GM: "Yep, so you do it, but you'll have to make concessions. Make a compromise with the other party or suffer three points of popularity damage."
Picking Gencon events is a struggle. I want to play this game and attend this seminar, but they're at the same time, augh!
The political drama RPG might wind up in my "perpetually unfinished projects" file at some point.
@KorvinStarmast Not gonna go near that...nossir.
@kviiri "Make a compromise with the other party or and suffer three points of popularity damage."
<sarcasm>Only weak politicians would ever compromise. All or nothing baby!</sarcasm>
grave new world
1 hour later…
@MadMAxJr Why not play? Rumor has it that Mearls is running a few sessions for a charity. Then again, if you usually run a game, why not do that?
@KorvinStarmast don't apologize--I love it when someone tees up a long-answer-worthy question for one of the grognards =D
(I will say that the order in your "Previous Editions" section seems a little strange: 1e, 2e, 0e, 3.5e.)
@KorvinStarmast It's my vacation, and since I haven't worked the industry in 10 years, I want to try new things, not run what I know.
Not really interested in 5E. Trying to see if I can land a Starfinder session or some other oddball RPGs I want to try.
Pondering playing a round of Scythe, but that's four hours.
@BESW Graphic Design needs a moderator.... I know you need that like you need a hole in the head, but I thought you should know, at least =)
Darn. No Kingdom Death events on the registry for Gencon.
ohgod, i mixed up effects/affects. i need this week to be over.
I meant to say: brains
you don't want mine today. I mean, if you wanted them at all.
You're already in long-weekend mode?
@NautArch If your brain knows the location of a deck of many things, I think I do actually want it. Otherwise, you can keep it.
@GreySage no, just been a loooooooong week
@Adam um...it's in the DMG :)
@Adam page 162 in the 5e dmg
moar brains
or less, it depends on how you look at it
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