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They then proceeded to find a way to kill the unkillable shopkeep without a single lost HP
hey there @Chemus
Howdy hoooo [in falsetto]
how're things going?
Alright. Not much goin' on. You?
pretty quiet here. what are you thoughts on D&D 5e btw if I may ask?
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@nitsua60 I still can't get used to the blue. Not that it's a bad thing -- quite the opposite, really.
@Shalvenay It's OK, I really don't have a group interested in it, so it's pretty back-burner for me.
@Shalvenay alright... just-about getting my feet under me from a crazy-busy week.
@Chemus ah. I take it your group prefers the complexity of 3.x then?
@Shalvenay Mostly we prefer the familiarity and support. Plus we haven't been able to get together for ~2y.
@nitsua60 ah. OK here. wondering how I should go about getting a group together for the dungeon I built last week...
Support==amount of options
@Chemus ah. yeah...that'd put a crimp in learning something new for sure
@nitsua60 It's just still a bit odd, messing with my status quo. I haven't been around in a while, so I've not had the same adjustment period.
@Chemus yeah -- I find that 5e has fewer options but as a whole they're more flexible than 3.5e
then again, I suppose it depends on what you're trying to support
Yeah I'm not personally sold on the 'mother-may-I-ness' that was reintroduced. I liked being able to have a real starting point of 'does this work?' Before going in to ask for something. OTOH, with less codified and rigid rules you have more flex in what char's can become/do.
there are things that 3.5e does better IMO (if you want a high-power/high-magic game and are willing to embrace the breakage that results, 3.5e can be very good at that)
Only ever once played up to ~20th (from 1st)... mostly just low-mid level play and at the last a bit of e6 (w/some homebrew PrC feats goin on)
@Chemus yeah -- I've never gotten past oh, 5th-6th level in 3.5?
(I got up to 7th or so at Wax's 5e table before that dissolved)
That's a real sweet-spot in 3.5; it's when 'it all starts to come together' and a concept 's abilities start to come online. I'm told that 5th has mor of that feel throughout most play, but obv, I've not experienced that yet ;)
@Chemus yeah, I haven't hit that very much in 3.5e or 5e
hey again @NautArch and hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heya, how's the tax case adventure going? :D
@daze413 it's still in a shelved state. I feel I'll need to develop how my Elven gov't works more as well before I start in on running it.
(and also will be writing up another major dungeon for that adventure, but I want to playtest the one I wrote up recently first)
@Shalvenay playtest the one with the bandits and Tharvyrion?
@daze413 no, the one I did over vacation
@Shalvenay oh, didnt hear of that one. What's it do?
it's my first try at a high-level dungeon (4-5 5th, 4 6th, or 3 7th), my first attempt at full-custom creature designs, and also a combat-heavy dungeon
ancient-but-still-used-public-works-crypt/mini-catacomb that came down with a case of the zombies
party is tasked with shutting down the zombie spawner before the apocalypse starts ;)
it's not that high level, but yeah, sounds awesome. Anything else in that one that needs more polishing?
@daze413 the whole thing needs a few runs through to establish some sense of whether I need to tweak the monster-math-mash
(or is that monster-mash-math? ;)
I also have to figure out how treasure should be allocated, considering its source is mostly tribute left behind by mourners
@Shalvenay math-mash-monster?
(vs. stuff hoarded by monsters)
you mind showing me some of the monsters stats? :D maybe in the backroom?
@daze413 I can send you a pastebin link to the statblocks in the NAB or such
(or my spoil-lair for that matter as I have one now ;)
hey there @Emrakul
'eyo, @Shalvenay!
the tax spoilers is yours, ight?
@daze413 yes
@Emrakul how're things going?
Not too bad! Puzzling election ended, and I've officially stepped down there. How 'bout you?
@Emrakul ah, have been lurking that place for months now. Didn't realize you were a mod
@daze413 I've been a mod there since it was founded! :P
@Emrakul alright here. LFP for dungeon testing (again -- wrote up another dungeon)
in my defense, I was a member there for 3~ months?
@Shalvenay *raises hand
@daze413 yeah, now to find two more...who'd have the time to put a few hours into it a day over the course of a few days
@Shalvenay would you like a pinned message re: LFP in this room?
(I can givez starz now)
@nitsua60 probably not needed
hey there @Ryan
@Shalvenay hi
@Ryan how're things going?
@Shalvenay well, and you?
@Ryan alright here.
#BehindtheScenes for tonight's game! http://YouTu.be/VoamOZ32ojA 8-10pm EDT @Wizards_DnD #5e in @d20monkey 's #Karthun… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/867162736383471616
@daze413 what does your time availability for play look like in the near future?
@BESW [wave]
@Shalvenay I am available around this time until your monday (I'm at GMT+8). I dont think youll want to play in the mornings like we did with my playtests, right?
What's new?
@BESW how do you get the "timely RPGery" message to both be really long and preserve links?
@nitsua60 I don't. Here's the secret: on the star bar, no one can hear you press "return."
@BESW not much. Debating between leveling Cleric to 2 or Warlock to 3 on D&D5e but I have time. It'll probably take another 2 games before I actually level
and wondering if anyone is going to run for mod but that's another issue entirely
Line breaks are turned into spaces on the star bar, so the markdown is broken in chat but magically fixes itself in the pin while preserving the ability to have all that extra character space.
@daze413 yeah, mornings are not a great time for me.
@BESW aaaaaahhhh...
@Ryan Yeah, I've been watching that out of the side of my eye.
@nitsua60 when do you think your evening schedule will settle down btw?
@nitsua60 How about using the submission links?
Interesting. (Of course, I was testing it in the wrong place.)
@BESW even better =)
(We've got some RPG.SE user entries in last year's block, too.)
@Shalvenay Hah! Week and a half, after graduation. Should be "normal" again. Then late June's got a week-long family vacation.
@nitsua60 sheesh.
@BESW Can you remind me? I think colonypunk made it... any others?
I know Brain in a Vat is ours.
But probably difficult to play on chat, and I think the user doesn't want his Stack handle associated with it.
Did LLKM not make it?
Also The Duel is by this guy.
(Also, do you not want that one mentioned on the [chat-events] qeustion?)
I dunno. He calls out RPG.SE as having been helpful so it's not a secret he's a user--just which user.
LLKM isn't a 200-word RPG. It's two pages and growing.
My second entry this year was Too Much Bubblegum.
@BESW My answer to the [chat-event] question didn't specifically limit itself to 200-word, it jsut says "micro RPGs"
@BESW sooth.
LLKM can be a possibility for the chat event, no problem.
@BESW Hmm... having trouble imagining bubblegum by chat. The secret draws...?
Yeah, you'd need a third-party card-drawing service.
[shrug] I like making tactile game mechanics.
Puppy Day, too... the note passing =\
Which is ironic because almost every RPG session I play these days has at least one telepresence player.
5e question -- can a wraith who has alter self 'ed to a corporeal form commit suicide?
Puppy Day is workable; I deliberately left it unclear whether the notes should be secret until explicitly revealed to a particular person.
@Shalvenay Alter self wouldn't let you do that. It's incredibly limited in its effects.
@Shalvenay frame challenge: a wraith can't alter self to corporeality
(Also, if a wraith wants to commit suicide, they can just sit inside a corporeal object and die of force damage.)
@nitsua60 ah. wrong tool for the job -- seems like I need a polymorph for this
@Shalvenay a polymorphed one, OTOH...
man, I'm getting sniped left and right tonight =\
@Shalvenay what's going on with this wraith?
@Miniman yeah -- I want a bit more of a dramatic scene than a wraith just...dissipating
@Shalvenay In that case, they can "suicide" their polymorphed form, which will turn them back into a wraith.
@Miniman ah. I've left it unsaid for now, so it's probably better left as a MacGuffin
@Shalvenay It sounds like, rather than an existing spell, you want the wraith to have an ability that lets them...corporate? Corporealize?
Why not just call down a moonbeam on themself?
@Miniman incorporate
it's meant to be a bit of a dramatic note as the thing they were after gets destroyed
@nitsua60 Wraiths, Inc. A company built on solid foundations.
@BESW did 200-word submissions require some realistic-looking name given? I'm noticing that the submission links are more "namey" than "handley".
Not really. I think a lot of people just wanted to get recognised for their work, and/or are already known by a namey type name in association with game design.
Hand-made Call of Cthulhu prop: Cryptex
hey there @Adeptus
I think it'd be good for a 3.5 expert to take a gander at this question. I'm wary of a post with four numbered questions, but perhaps the system-savvy can tell better than I how closely/fundamentally related the parts are?
@Adeptus how're things going?
@nitsua60 I'm happy to edit that if you think it's too much like multiple questions. The sub-questions are all closely related to whether the overall strategy works, but it could probably be asked in a way that looks less like multiple questions
Does anyone here get really superstitious when their dice aren't playing nice? Or a fellow player's dice is playing really nice?
@A_S00 It feels a little like a question with partial-answer included. My gut says that the base question "can you avoid demoralization by simply closing my eyes at the right time?" is fine without you breaking it out so much, and that it's the answers that should be doing so. But I don't really know.
@ATaco No. Because I immediately bench them, so that they know what they've done wrong.
hey there @ATaco
"Player, you've got to roll" "Hold on, I'm trying to find a dice that hasn't failed me yet."
@Shalvenay o/
@ATaco how're things going?
Nothing interesting, I'm just at work, doing work things.
@nitsua60 Hm, I tend to include more info than that for Show Your Work reasons, I guess? Like it feels like asking the question without pointing out the relevant rules that I've found while attempting to answer it on my own is a lazier, less complete question/
But maybe it like biases answers toward ones that depend on the rules I've found and discourages others?
@ATaco ah
iunno either. Show Your Work's a good point, too. I'd say just watch the sorts of answers and comments that come in, and if things get out of whack perhaps (but just perhaps) this might be a factor. We'll see =)
(thumbs up emoji)
@nitsua60 I read the question to be: If this works, please tell me how.
@Chemus yeah that was the intended spirit
The '3rd' question is mostly redundant due to the type of action question; action type determines when you can do them, unless the ability says otherwise.
@Chemus I included it in case the answer is "free action that you can take on another character's turn," which is a thing that weirdly exists but I'm kind of unclear on which free actions you can do it with
it could probably be folded into 2 though
yeah I guess all of the examples I know of do specify in their text
removed 3
There's a proposed Cartography.SE
@Adeptus ...those questions aren't very good.
I haven't actually looked, just saw the sidebar ad
> This is asking for an unbound list...
> This exact question is already very well answered over at Worldbuilding.SE.
Because wb.se.
From the most upvoted questions...
"Are there any cultures that developed maps not based on the N-E-S-W cardinal system?" Yes. Including whatever culture you're part of, no matter what culture that is.
"How do you create a map of your surrounding when your only tools are paper, pen and a magnetic compass?" What tools are missing from that list which thousands of years of cartographers had ready access to? Or do you mean "How can I draw a map without a solid writing surface?"
"What metadata should every map include?" The data appropriate to the map's purpose.
I don't even know what to say about "Why were some medieval maps made in Latin?"
"Because not everybody could read Arabic"?
@BESW "It seemed like a good idea at the time?"
@BESW "Because history"
Really, there are M reasons...
On current showing I have get the impression the site will be populated by people who mostly know about maps from xkcd comics.
at least there will be a variety of opinion on what the best projection is?
@BESW You can't be suggesting that "expert" doesn't mean "read about it in xkcd one time".
You're attacking the very foundations of the Internet!
Ew, I don't want to touch those. I know where they've been.
Well, we'll see how folks like my answer on seeing or not.
2 hours later…
I'm (self) published, finally.
@WrongOnTheInternet Congratulations!
Thanks. Thank you.
You're still @WrongOnTheInternet though. FYI. (Congrats!)
XKCD has had cartoons about you... you're already famous!
That's actually where this name came from
Inspired by that specific comic
and now I see the typos that escaped notice before...
I nveer have typos ot fix. HOnest.
There was one hilarious typo in a spell I wrote once though
"This weapon is treated as magical, but the weapon has magical bonuses."
*has no
Gosh it's so much easier to be critical, even constructively so, than to be creative in the first place. Good job.
Thanks, but critical eyes are neccessary. Writing is hard, but editing is near impossible.
...whadja write?
Module for OSR thing.
@WrongOnTheInternet Mhmm agree to disagree?
@WrongOnTheInternet Coo beans. You mentioned typos found. Too late to fix?
If you have to edit 78 pages of your own writing, editing is near impossible.
Nah, just not going to fix them tonight.
I'll change the files up later.
Yeah, 78p of your own work...that'd be tough. Free or for sale?
Although realistically I expect it to be downloaded 100% free, and would be totally happy with that.
The link is in my profile now, so there's that.
@WrongOnTheInternet Yeah, need external editors / proofreaders / "beta readers"
I had one that significantly improved it with his suggestions.
My wife is a self-published author, so I'm a beta/proof-reader by default :P
Nice; how many passes would you say you take over before you guys push out?
@Adeptus I was friends with a lot of non-native English speakers in uni, so I spent 4 years in that role.
Varies. Probably around 10-ish? That includes everything from early drafts to final, though
How much text is that generally over? Also, much less in the beginning, more later?
What she's published so far has been short stories & novellas. 3 shorts + 1 novella = a little under 200 pages. She usually gets me (& others) to read through after each draft (about 4-5?), then again when formatting for ebook, and again when formatting for POD. (And still we've found errors in the printed proof copies...)
@Adeptus Ah, so quite a lot of the editing would be looking for formatting issues, is that correct?
@WrongOnTheInternet In the final stages yes, but also typos, etc
Aghh... still finding orphaned hyphens
@WrongOnTheInternet Better than finding hyphenated orp-hans!
Terrifying. That's like a DRYH monster.
@WrongOnTheInternet 'kill the joke and 'splain it to me plz; my google's broke.
Don't Rest Your Head
It was a storygame with a pretty cool concept and really good examples of horrifying powers.
Also, every monster was basically a walking pun.
I can like puns, but horror hain't been my cuppa' yet.
Well, I tried running it twice, and both times it turned into an over-the-top comedy, so apparently horror isn't my thing either. Hard to scare your players when they have ridiculous super powers.
I'm told that the key to horror is helplessness. Esp helplessness to save others that you can see or communicate with. So ppl on a phone/radio get slaughtered while you're talking w/ them, etc.
The players 'succeed' in killing the monster, which turns out to be almost exactly like them; 'there but for the Grace of God' etc. A mirror caricature.
@Chemus It's easier when the players know that you're indifferent to the system killing their characters. I think active sadism or fudging in their favor might kill the fear quite a bit both ways.
@Chemus What I've found makes the difference has always been not actually showing the horror.
People mysteriously disappearing, creepy noises, movement in your peripheral vision are all effective horror, whereas a big monster in your face is "oh hey, it's a monster". We see too many monsters for them to be really effective.
@Miniman OK, I can see that. I'm not cathartized by horror like some, just weirded out. I don't even watch horror films; I unhappily watched The Shining... 20+ yrs ago, and the 'worst' since then have been on par with The Sixth Sense.
@WrongOnTheInternet That's a pretty good point; 'I'm not out to get you...but something is.
If it can twerk... or it's in a thong... you can't shake... THE BADONKADONK
@Chemus I don't really watch horror films either, to be clear. I'm just talking about what has caused me, personally, to experience a sense of horror.
@Chemus As a player, you feel scared when you see the guy who has been around since session one get nearly drowned by a tentacle, while you play tug of war to try and stop this thing from killing him
@Miniman Nice, I can see where you're comin from.
@WrongOnTheInternet I feel like I'd feel more frustration that I can't win. But I might be worng [sic].
I can't recommend Nightmares of Mine highly enough for understanding and analysing horror stories, especially but not exclusively in the RPG mode.
@Chemus Oh, we won. That guy lived. But it took four of us pulling, plus a 2% divine intervention roll succeeding.
@Chemus One of the most effective horror experiences I had wasn't actually meant to be horror at all - playing a bog-standard FPS, but there was no fighting in the first ~10 minutes. I was so on edge, waiting for something to attack me, it was ridiculous.
@BESW Geesh BESW, I have enough of an issue watching you sleep to have to endure your nightmares as well... ;)
That was a joke kids.
Nightmares of Mine breaks down horror into content, intent, and type, and talks about how horror really isn't a single coherent genre but rather a collection of very different kinds of scariness.
@Chemus Hey, I laughed.
@Chemus If you're Edward, that makes me the real monster.
@Miniman Late-game Portal, played w/o understanding that there are no mobile enemies gave me the willies first time. Jus' sayin.
@BESW Don't think I ever heard it put that way before..
@Miniman HL2?
Oct 30 '14 at 4:14, by BESW
It breaks down horror by its tropes ("The Bad Place," "The Grotesque," "The Serial Killer," and so forth). Then by the kind of scare it imparts ("Dread," "Terror," "Gore,"). Then by setting: high fantasy, sword and sorcery, gothic horror, western horror, UFO horror, and so on.
@Chemus Portal was a bizarre experience for me. I spent about 5 hours going "OK, when is the first chapter going to end so I can close the game and get on with my life." Then the game ended and I had a moment of total discombobulation.
@Chemus Unreal 2, actually.
Oct 29 '16 at 1:49, by BESW
eg, Dread (creeping fear of an unknown quantity), Terror (adrenaline-pumping moments), Gore (being forced to endure something horrific for a period of time without looking away).
@BESW or sometimes utterly natural...
@BESW I think Dread is what I associate most with horror, then. Clench moments. Terror is usually more just Excitement, and Gore kind of has a blunted effect.
@BESW Hmmm, interesting. You know that feeling when you get told something and suddenly a bunch of stuff clicks into place?
It was recommended to me by @mxyzplk some years ago, and it totally changed my understanding of the "genre" and how to run games in it.
Say not the name of a mod, lest they come and wreak..moderation!
@WrongOnTheInternet Me too - Terror works if it's not overused, but it's a momentary thing. I guess I'm just too desensitized to properly appreciate Gore. Whereas prolonged Dread has a definite impact on me.
@Chemus Moderation in moderation can be moderately moderating.
@Miniman This is why I like the concept of a Death's Door table. "Will I live, or will I get splattered? Roll that die."
For me, dread is only useful when I'm actually alone IRL (can be multiplayer over internet, but I gotta be alone) as it gets the superstitious monkey in me lookin over his shoulder into the darkness a lot.
Most horror (especially good horror) uses each of the three, but to different extents depending on its subgenre.
@Chemus I'll have to think about that - I can't recall any strong Dread experiences in company, but I do most of my media consumption alone anyway, so that doesn't prove much.
Now as a kid, I was scared of the dark, even with company. Less so with company though. So perhaps that's it.
@Chemus I have the opposite experience: many of my dread experiences are in company, just waiting to see if someone (in the game) will die.
@WrongOnTheInternet Hmm. Perhaps you have a highly developed sense of tension?
@Chemus I think it's more the games I play these days are tense.
A lot of horror is less about what happens, and more about how.
@WrongOnTheInternet "Doctor, some days I feel like a wigwam, and other days like a tepee. What's wrong with me?"
@Chemus I'm glad you had a joke for that - I was coming up blank.
@Chemus "You have schizophrenia. I'll prescribe some anti-psychotics."
Great Ork Gods has more sudden meaningless death than Cthulhu Dark, for example, but the former is designed for slapstick games and the latter for cosmic horror games.
@Miniman Yeah I have a memory like a... [snaps fingers] like a...
@BESW Is a game scarier if it's actively attempting for a horrific mood, or if it's just an system that propels characters to their doom at the whims of chance?
@BESW I suspect that in GOG, death isn't really an antagonist, and the the players have understudies waiting in the wings, amirite?
@Chemus Blink Dog?
@Chemus Death is actually literally a god controlled by one of the players, but yes.
(Every player runs an Ork PC, but also controls at least one god. Whatever an Ork does which requires a roll, the god presiding over that kind of action determines the difficulty of the roll. And any god can spend Spite to increase the difficulty.)
On the other hand, it's almost impossible to fail any action except attacking a monster in Cthulhu Dark--you just have varying degrees of success and the risk of losing sanity. But losing too much sanity turns you into an NPC, and attacking a monster automatically kills you.
GOG is about failing hilariously. Cthulhu Dark is about it not mattering that you succeed.
@Miniman [While still in languid repose, Chemus winks out and instantly reappears behind @miniman's Poke-avatar-thing and attempts to bite it a bit]
@Chemus A common misconception, but not every small, weird-looking creature that can be defeated and captured to boost your powers is a Pokemon.
@Chemus Just as not every languid four-legged animal is a cat :P
@BESW Yey. Personal horror so gonna be my thing... next life.
@BESW Well, it probably matters to a degree. Horrible abominations might still destroy the world, but you can at least turn the doomsday clock back a few minutes.
@Miniman Sorry. What's your avatar from then?
@Chemus It's a Mars Djinn from Golden Sun. An amazingly fantastic game which I will never not recommend.
@BESW Please don't get me wrong, your explanations have been great and helpful (Oz?) It's just taht they underscore that as entertainment, they're really not for me.
@Chemus That's quite reasonable. I walk narrow lines of fun/not with horror myself.
@Miniman Looks like a Zelda/Chronotrigger-esque RPG from the wiki, I get that right?
@Chemus That's about right, yeah. It's a turn-based JRPG with a heavy emphasis on puzzle elements.
A couple of my players really like horror in situations where they feel safe about it, so I've put some effort into finding the edges of my own lines and veils.
Also, amazing soundtrack, gets more out of the GBA's graphics capabilities than anyone ever thought possible, and great story.
@BESW Umm... this just evoked... uh... bdsm phrasing for me, and I ain't a participant. at least not more than anyone who's turned safe-search off is.
@Chemus So, I guess, think 2D-Zelda-game with Chrono Trigger combat.
A: What do the terms "lines" and "veils" mean?

Alex PDefinitions We all have our limits and boundaries. Lines and veils are different ways to handle those boundaries in play. A line is, well, a line — a hard limit, something we do not want to cross. Lines represent places we don't want to go in roleplaying. "There is no torture in the event...

@Miniman I never got a handheld better than the Classic GB (other than a smartphone now)... so I'd have to emulate.
@BESW Yeah, I caught that; it just struck me, and I, like Deadpool's 'Fat Gandalf' often don't have a filter between my brain and my mouth fingers
In broad outline, you're not wrong: RPGs tend to get people into narrative spaces they wouldn't normally go in casual social interaction, and it's useful to have tools specifically designed to help us remember to respect peoples' boundaries and feel comfortable about speaking up when we aren't cool with what's going on.
Alright, I'm off.
@WrongOnTheInternet Buh bye :)
@BESW We need to get you a tigger pic to put down for that
At 5:40, it's time to go home for me too, see you guys later.
The single most important key to horror gaming is that everybody needs to be actively working to make it happen, or it falls flat or goes sour.
(This is true of all RPGs, but horror gaming is much more fragile than most other playstyles.)
Like this one,
Good time of daily cycle to you folks (I'm still ingnant of where Guam actually is, just that it's west of me... I think) I'm out.
We're in roughly the same time zone as Miniman, give or take a DST.
Today's the final session of my sub-campaign for our DnD round-robin game.
Tunnels, cultists, a defiled cathedral and demons aplenty!
...sounds like the plot summary of Emerald City.
I like doing clichés every now and then :)
heya! how is everybody?
In my other party, which incidentally also deals with a cult, I dropped the slightest clue about the true identity of the main villain. They guessed it almost immediately. Good times!
@AnneAunyme Fine, but busy! You?
the same-ish:)
but it's compiling, so I take a break
The usual. Too bad I'm working with front-end JS now... it deploys in under a second.
last night game was fun but we didn't manage to find the last Miniman's avatar
I'm trying something else with my Party #2, a more Apocalypse World -ish way of plothooks... I'm throwing trouble at them to see how they deal with it, not just the usual opportunities.
Some PC had a plan that required something else, that required something else... etc. When it began to involve flying a floating island through a portal on Mars I managed to convince her to try an other way
They're haunted by a night hag, for instance. Good luck!
i'm not really familiar with AW
what kind of plothooks do you have?
(i figured it was post-apo, and in my head night hags doesn't really go with post-apo, but I may be missing something)
@AnneAunyme In AW, there's Threats - basically anything that can cause people harm. Gangs, diseases, beasts, weird phenomena, even particularly terrible buildings.
Each threat has an associated list of moves that the GM can trigger to narrate something the Threat does to draw the need for the players to react. For example, the Gangs have something like "demand tribute from a population". Whenever there's a gap in action, something like that happens.
In addition, many playbooks (≃ classes) have in-built sources of threat - the Hocus has a cult that can misbehave, the Hardholder rules over a holding of people who might misbehave, the Chopper reigns over a biker gang who will misbehave...
But basically, the idea is that the threats come for the players, where typically in DnD the players go for the threats (because threats have experience and loot!).
I'm doing a bit of both - the players can go on quests as usual, but they're also being stalked by a Night Hag who is going to be a huge pain until they find a way to dispose of her.
i think i get it
basically you are centering everything on the PCs
instead of making a scenario PCs are supposed to solve
Yeah. Apocalypse World characters aren't really expected to be heroes who solve others' trouble... although they often wind up doing something like that anyway :)
(not saying that they should not care for others, but they aren't really expected to - a game works quite well with selfish player characters too)
Regarding this, I wish our AW2e books shipped already. It's been almost a year since we signed up for the Kickstarter, and the original estimate was in Q4 2016.
If the PDF wasn't ready, I'd think Vincent was a hoax.
The only Kickstarters I've ever seen deliver fully on time are from Evil Hat.
Everybody else dramatically miss-estimates something about the production or delivery.
OK, so I've got an idea for a puzzle where there are a bunch of paintings on a wall, and behind each painting is a lever. The only way to open the door is to pull on the correct lever(s), and the answer to a riddle hints at which painting they should be looking at.
So what I'm asking is - does anyone know any good, D&D appropriate riddles?
@DrRDizzle Not exactly a riddle, but Monty Hall - three chests, two of which are mimics. ;)
The third one contains the real solution.
"A half-orc walks into a bar, but the elf ducks and the halfling walks under it."
@kviiri That would be hilarious, but two of our players are "into" maths.
...no, that's a joke.
I had success with this riddle in my first campaign ever.
@BESW When I was a kid, there was a popular joke that I present in a slightly sanitized version: "What doesn't fit over your ears and doesn't make a sound? Soviet-made earphones." A year or so ago, I heard a younger student make the exact same joke, except the "Soviet-made" was replaced by "Kickstarter-funded".
Feb 23 '16 at 13:46, by BESW
In a later campaign, I had a tomb where access to each level was blocked by an angel with a riddle describing previous campaign events in Revelatory language. The point was to get the players to think about what they'd learnt and experienced and put it together, so any answer even vaguely related to the subject was acceptable.
@BESW That'd be good, but it's only our second session.
@DrRDizzle Can you tell us more about these paintings? What are they of, and how detailed are the descriptions to your players? Or do you have pictures to show of them?
Pictures have some advantages, because you can be subtle with them.
This puzzle-shrine may be closer to the sort of thing you're looking for.
@kviiri The paintings are of whatever. I was going to decide on the content of the paintings based solely on what the answers to the riddles are.
(I pulled the verse from Anglo-Saxon puzzles.)
It's going to be the first "test" in a series of trials designed to weed out the weak before it gets too dangerous, so I'm OK with the riddles being pretty much trivial.
@DrRDizzle I was thinking of something subtle like all three paintings being portraits of people, and one facing the different way. You know, they usually don't face straight towards the viewer, but slightly diagonal - make one face slightly left instead of slightly right or vice versa. Extra points because you can throw in something about "turning the other cheek" in the riddle.
@kviiri Ooooh, I like that.
But stuff like that requires, in practice, that you include the actual pictures - because if you say "the painting is of an old man, wearing military decorations, facing slightly left" - that reveals that the facing is crucial. Luckily, plenty of portaits can be found in Wikipedia, for instance. Just pick someone obscure enough not to draw too much attention as a historical figure :)
All I have so far is "what has a head and a tail, but no body" (a coin) and "what has 6 fair faces and 21 eyes" (a die), and the correct painting would be of a gamblers den.
There might be a caveat that the way of facing the painter could be one of those highly standardized things in European painting, at least. Some image manipulation to flip the image can help you there.
@DrRDizzle Is the game in English?
@kviiri Yes.
Good, English has some nice homonyms to use.
Our English teacher in elementary school had something like "I am a flower without a stalk, towards the sea I guide your walk"
You could use the old "iron horse with a flaxen tail" chestnut.
I don't think rockets exist in this world.
@kviiri ?
@DrRDizzle A river (get it? It flows!)
Although it'd best be written out to weed out any objections about the objectionable pronouncement.
@kviiri I like it, that's good.
Got to go, intense work starting :) see you
3 hours later…
@kviiri you think that wait is bad? Chaosium delayed the horror express KS for nearly 3 years.
I kid you not: Estimated delivery Aug 2013 i got my PDFs on Jun 2015, and nearly a year later, the physical content.
morning @Adam @Christopher
@NautArch Good morning
@NautArch Morning. I just hit join fave rooms and I guess I joined here
On drive to work, I thought of another problem with markovchain's locate object reasoning: you can't use a relative location to find something when you don't know where the locaiton of the object it is relative to is (the mona lisa)
a piece of lead blocking my direct path to the mona lisa probably is specific enough to warrant being considered a specific lead object, not a kind of lead object
but if you don't know where the mona lisa is, that description remains unknown.
okay, so it's object Y near Object X, except you don't know Object X.
i still don't think that describing an object's relation to another object is considered a description of that object, though in general.
The concept of describing an object in relation to a different object isn't explicitly in the spell description. Sure, you can argue that the spell would have to be able to find the fixed object first (which it can't in this case) or that the "description" of the object should be inherent, not circumstantial, but neither of those options are forbidden by the spell directly.
> Describe or name an object that is familiar to you. You sense the direction to the object's location, as long as that object is within 1,000 feet of you. If the object is in motion, you know the direction of its Movement.

The spell can locate a specific object known to you, as long as you have seen it up close - within 30 feet - at least once. Alternatively, the spell can locate the nearest object of a particular kind, such as a certain kind of apparel, jewelry, furniture, tool, or weapon.
I think it's an issue if you're not familiar with the lead sheet
I'm never a fan of "if it doesn't say you can't do it...you can" line of reasoning :)
Right, your choices are either "be familiar with and describe it" OR "pick something general"
I think familiarity is pretty well described by the spell. It says "the spell can locate a specific object known to you, as long as you have seen it up close - within 30 feet - at least once." There is your familiarity.
The second paragraph as a whole is qualifying what it means to be familiar with something.
@Adam that seems like a reasonable way to interpret the second paragraph
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