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@nitsua60 Incidentally, could I get your eyes on something? Wondering if I stepped over the line here.
@Miniman ...I...doubt it.
I was looking at getting some spiders & beetles from the prepainted D&D minis range, for US$3 each, plus postage. Had a look in a discount store, and got a pack of 12 plastic spiders for $3. Win!
@Shalvenay Thanks - I really wasn't sure what to say there, especially since he seemed so proud.
@Adeptus Nice! But, since you mention it, is there a way to get specific prepainted minis? The ludicrously stupid booster pack system is why I don't own any.
@Miniman Troll and Toad is the one I see most recommended. Paizo's store also has some, and Australian store Games Empire does too. Games Empire has a flat $9 postage, while Paizo & T&T start at about US$4... so they may actually be cheaper for small orders.
@Adeptus Hmmm, thanks. I'll have to look into those.
:37556833 just figured that out :)
Although, now that I think about it, I basically only run games online these days...hmmm.
I bought about 40 from Games Empire - some D&D, some Star Wars that were monster-y and/or didn't have modern-looking weapons (there's some force-users with staffs or no weapon that can pass as D&D casters, and some aliens with swords/axes/polearms/no weapon)
@KorvinStarmast I'm currently reading the Obernewtyn trilogy (actually, I think there's a 4th book...) by Isobel Carmody. I'm a short way into the second book. I didn't realise before I started that it's a post-apocalypse fantasy. One of those "the old technology was lost" scenarios. Not my favourite subgenre, but I'm liking it enough to keep reading.
@Adeptus So many stories wind up being that, for no reason I can discern.
Recently finished two urban fantasy series(-es) by Laura Anne Gilman. One about a magic-using thief, and a spinoff about a magic-using crime scene investigator.
Heck, the Wheel of Time series qualifies.
@Adeptus Ooh, now I'm remembering the failed twosies campaign @trogdor and I tried to run set in The City from the Thief games.
@BESW Writers feeling the need to justify their worlds beyond "it's another world with different rules", I'd guess.
I was a city guard who'd accidentally been given (highly illegal) druid powers during a botched raid of a druid compound, went half-mad and became homeless.
@BESW In this one, the apocalypse was recent enough that there is some knowledge of "the beforetime", and some factions are trying to rediscover the old machines/weapons
@Miniman Even beyond that, there's a fascination with "things used to be better/cooler/awesomer" and following people discovering how much worse their life/world is now.
Like, Wheel of Time isn't set in OUR future; its past glory is still magical and stuff. But that "we're adventuring in the ruins of a better time" theme is still a major part of the series.
@BESW Interesting when you consider the nature of fantasy/escapism as us reading about how things are better/cooler/awesomer than our mundane lives.
I blame Howard and his ilk.
Even LotR is about a low point in the dip between the civilisation cycle.
I guess that's what I'm noticing: the concept of 'civilisation cycle.'
@BESW Have you read Nightfall?
@Miniman Asimov's? Yes, both short story (interesting!) and novel (boring!)
Asimov tended to be better when writing an idea rather than a plot.
@BESW Well, some of the novel is interesting. The fact that it's the bits which were taken from the short story doesn't change that :P
@BESW Yeah, it's hard to argue with that. In general, too, I think his writing is better in short stories than in novels.
@Miniman Nightfall's perhaps a useful exception to the civilisation cycle rule; most stories work on the conceit that civilisations have their rise and fall built into themselves, that the nature of society is to increase in order until it collapses into chaos only for order to rise again.
Nightfall, on the other hand, presents a cyclic civilisation doomed by astrology astonomy, an outside uncaring happenstance dooming a society to its destructive cycle.
@BESW Yeah, I was sort of thinking about that when I mentioned it. It's an interesting contrast to all the "world razed by a war fought with terrible weapons beyond the ken of we simple folk".
Heh. See the Death Gate Cycle.
That one keeps coming up in conversation here - I'll have to see if the library has it.
It's pretty good. I kept reading other series by the same authors and constantly being disappointed in comparison.
@BESW They're the Ravenloft guys, right?
One of them.
@BESW I never finished Death Gate Cycle... I think I got to book... 4 or 5? Past the spoiler-ish, into the spoiler-ish?
They're better known together as the Dragonlance creators.
@Adeptus That'd be 5.
Book 2 was a real slog.
@Adeptus On the subject of things you've never managed to finish, did you have any luck with NWN?
@BESW I was going to say "that's often the case", but that's more of a trilogy thing.
Death Gate's a seven-book series (with an actual beginning, middle, end!).
@Miniman We're continuing with the main campaign. Still in chapter 1. We don't get a lot of time to play it... and we've restarted a few times. (Got partway through chapter 2 once. I think the savegame got corrupted or something, that time.)
The first several books each serve as an introduction to a major part of the setting, as well as pushing the plot. The last few books move between the setting locations more freely as everything comes together.
@BESW I'd have to start again from the beginning, if I was going to finish it.
@Miniman I certainly don't see anything over the line. You're pretty much restricting yourself to fairly objective "the things there are pretty likely to kill L1" or Good Subjective statements "I wouldn't want to have to run from everything." I also don't quite know what the other person meant by their last substantive line, but they followed it up by a "LOL," so it doesn't seem to me like any harm's done.
hey there @nitsua60
how're things going?
(brb--a kid's up)
@nitsua60 Thanks, and it's good to hear that that last line doesn't make sense to someone else - I was pretty bewildered at that point.
@Shalvenay A touch bummed: I'm here rather than watching my daughter finish up her run as Gretl in The Sound of Music. (My two other kids were fading fast, so I brought them home at intermission.) But, no luck finding a babysitter to be here on ten minute's notice at 9:30 on a Sunday....
@nitsua60 (thinks of whack-a-mole...) Gosh, how did I ever raise a child?
@Adeptus Yeah, I whack 'em every once in a while, too =)
(That padded hammer really comes in handy!)
@nitsua60 Ouch, that sucks. Especially that you couldn't leave during So Long, Farewell.
@Miniman Yeah. Not sure what it would have been referring to.
@Miniman On the other hand, the director's had such a good time with her that he's thinking of doing The King and I next year. (He'd seen it twice with Yul Brenner, then directed it as part of his MFA, and always said he wanted to go back to the well when he "had the right kids.") So that's nice to hear.
@nitsua60 I mean, reading over it, I assume he was trying to say that I was telling him he was doing it wrong. Which is sort of understandable, because I was trying to suggest to him that maybe he was doing it wrong not necessarily creating the most fun game for his players.
@Miniman But you were pretty clear that it sounded like he was doing things that you wouldn't consider maximally-enfunnening.
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@nitsua60 Wow, that's awesome! Is it a school musical, or an outside group?
(There's a ^{TM} on that "maximally-enfunnining," btw.)
Just checking to see if my comment got deleted. It did. Hmm, looks like it will stay closed so no frame challenge.
@KorvinStarmast ah, no time to talk now I take it?
@Miniman The local high school.
Sorry, this is a hit and run. see ya later or tomorrow.
@KorvinStarmast cya
@nitsua60 That's cool, school musicals are can be a really nice thing.
@Miniman Certainly, for a six year-old, it's been a pretty radical event. Hanging out with all her "big sisters." (Kurt and Friedrich do not make appearances in any of her stories.)
My little sister's school charges everyone who participates in school musicals a frankly exorbitant fee. I am not OK with this on so many levels.
I once saw an amazing production of Mary Poppins produced by a private school, in which every student from K through 8 appeared at least once, and they thanked the local big box store for letting them rummage through the back alley for prop material.
@BESW That's pretty awesome.
@Miniman That's pretty not.
The kindergarten chorus was adorable, and the lead actress was very impressive at grabbing her loose lapel mic out of the air whenever it popped off mid-spin.
Alright, I'm'a head out, everyone. Now that we've drawn the curtain on this production I should be around a bit more. Until next time, adieu, adieu, to you and you and you!
@nitsua60 so long, farewell
Anybody here have experience with PlayOnMac?
@BESW If you tell me what it is, I'll pretend to...
I'm considering PlayOnMac vs WineBottler for running Windows programs on OS X.
@BESW What kind of programs?
Mostly GOG games that don't have a GOG-curated Wine release yet.
WinE and the old Parallels, I've heard of. And now you mention it that way, I may have heard/read PlayOnMac. About once. Twice now.
@BESW So performance isn't likely to be a big issue?
Hmm. Those often use a VM... Which games?
@Miniman I doubt it.
@Chemus Journeyman Project 2 and 3; Thief 3; Chronicles of Riddick...
Most of the GOG-for-OSX games I've opened up look like a curated Wine wrapper.
Hmm thief is a 'Stealth-Shooter' performance might be needed...
@Chemus Speaking as someone who had to turn performance down on a VM to get Recoil to run properly, it's probably OK.
Both PlayOnMac and Wine have notes that they supported GOG versions of Thief 3 reasonably well as of 2014.
I'm also looking at The Dark Mod, which has guides for installing via PlayOnMac (that's how I found out about it) but I'm having trouble finding support for via Wine.
@Miniman Cool. My experience with VM's is limited to DosBox (for my old games) and using one trying to get a DB working locally (eventually did it another way)
@Chemus \o/ \o/ DosBox! \o/\o/
(In case it wasn't obvious, it's surrounded by cheering fans.)
@Miniman Or TIE Vanguards
@BESW The 2 minute extensive research I've done looking at the Thief POM page looks like it's some form or linux DL package installer system... that might be rather easy.
What kinda info you looking for @BESW?
Mmm. I'm looking for insight into which is going to be easier for a complete noob to work with, and has better support communities for when I run into problems, vs effective performance of the games.
Well I don't know any Mac users I could ask, and I haven't had a Mac for over 20 years, so I'm out. POM looks dead easy to get started on... but I have no way to test it.
The POM page has a forum, check how active it is?
yeah...I don't know @BESW -- all my work with Wine has been using it directly, and on Linux on that
@Miniman I recently got Dungeon Hack running on my phone in DosBox. Not well, but kind of playable...
(speed is tolerable... bigger problems are screen size and input...)
@Adeptus That's pretty cool. I've also found emulating older games to be a better way of having something entertaining on my phone than the insipid games that make up the mobile market.
@Adeptus I have many of the old SSL D&D Games, Ascendancy, and more on my phone that way.
Things which run Doom include Nokia brick phones, ATMs, and Apple watches.
@Miniman I've had more success with MAME. On impulse, I bought a Bluetooth gamepad, which makes arcade-type games much more playable.
@BESW Because ATM queues weren't long enough already...
This doesn't surprise me. Many ATMs are Windows PCs at heart
@BESW Uhh you already have WinE running, right? POM appears to use it.
@Adeptus Interesting idea, although I find the touchscreen controls poor enough that I stick to turn-based games pretty exclusively. At the point where I'm buying a controller for it, I'd just carry around an actual games console :P
@Miniman Like I said, it was an impulse. I've only used it at home. But, $20-something for a controller vs $100's for a portable console...
@Adeptus True, true.
I should probably clarify that I already have the portable console anyway.
@BESW heheh
I'd love to game on the monitor setup on the Linux workstation @ work
but it's actually not possible to get enough GPU horsepower to drive 3d accel on it
4x 4k
@Miniman I have so far resisted. If I didn't have a non-videogamer wife, I/we might have bought one/two.
28" (oriented portrait)
@Chemus It seems to handle that behind the scenes.
@Adeptus I applaud your self-(well, sort of)-restraint.
@Shalvenay Oh Cmonnn, you can get a LN Cooling system for the Quad-Hex-SLI-GPU setup, can't ya?
@BESW Well then the fora look active, and the system looks relatively mature (5+ yrs) so I'd say go for it if you're lookin to spend a few on GOG anyway I'd say it works.
@Chemus the problem is that the secondary GPU can't use its own PHYs
so you run out of PHYs if you try to drive it using consumer cards in SLI
we use a specialized Quadro card with enough PHYs on it for 4 suitably fast DP links
@Shalvenay I didn't figure I was giving good advice; just joshin'.
but I don't believe that card can be SLIed and no single card can drive that resolution in 3d
@Adeptus Yeah, we only spend $100's on our 'phones'.
Now I have this image of Crocodile Dundee saying, "That's not a phone."
I'm testing POM with The Dark Mod.
@BESW That's the ticket; for Science! ...and steampunk.
I'm curious to see if TDM invokes the same things I like in Thief; that would be a step toward helping me codify what I like about Thief and seeing if it can be distilled into a tabletop campaign.
Hmm... I see thief in the same light as I see Splinter Cell; one-player games. So 2 w/ GM...
I think it's something in the atmosphere which speaks to me.
Also, are a thing.
hey there @Ben
how're things going?
Or... better?
On one hand, my frustration with plugins has been resolved (good news! COM is not essential!) However the deadline for the plugin has jumped forward to 2 weeks from now
ah, I see
good to hear that you don't have to wrestle COM into submission
do you at least have a "Hello World"?
I do. Except it's more of a "Foo Bar"
xD, good
shouldn't be too hard to get to where you need then
@Ben That's the Foo Fighters' new franchise restaurant, right?
The only thing I need to try and understand is how the Adept system integrates. It uses GUIDs, rather than reflection (which is what the Tut that Miniman found uses)
@BESW Yep. Wasn't knockin it. I can see the atmosphere thing. Sorta a toned down Girl Genius vibe?
@BESW how's the "No-gress" on Ogres in the Park?
2 hours later…
@Chemus Mmm, kinda? But with more "nobody knows what's going on," and from the perspective of the people who get in the way of the big movers and shakers rather than from the perspective of the big movers and shakers themselves.
Also not very funny.
Sophie Lagacé is involved in two new Fate projects for Evil Hat. I'm still hoping she'll be able to also produce Sisiutl’s Children.
Q: Should the [fumbles] and [critical-fail] tags be synonyms?

markovchainAs the title asks. The two tags, [fumbles] and [critical-fail], are both highly similar. It makes sense for them to be marked as synonyms.

@BESW :'(
@trogdor I think it was a good learning experience for what Fate can't do--in particular, it can't compensate for a group's unclear vision of what the campaign should be like.
I just wish failure wasn't the price of learning
I was also excited to create a setting with the Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver spirit world in it (though I admit that adding that into our setting was likely part of the problem)
I think the main problem was that we were mashing together a setting I was familiar with and a setting you were familiar with, without understanding of each other's settings.
So it wound up being a lot of implied concepts that weren't well understood by anybody.
well yeah
that is a fair description
@Ben Very successful!
So successful, in fact, that I've upgraded it to not working on an actual unrelated campaign instead.
2 hours later…
So I ended up DMing my first 5E session over the weekend. It went... OK.
People enjoyed the encounters I threw at them, but I didn't give them any real chance to actually roleplay their characters.
So now I'm trying to figure out a way to give them more chance in the next session.
I'm also trying to figure out what the next session should actually be. The story so far is that they're all looking to join the Adventurer's Guild, which they'll have to pass a series of tests for - but I have no idea what those tests should be.
What's the nature of the guild?
Have you ever seen Hunter X Hunter?
OK, well in Hunter X Hunter there is an organisation (called Hunters) that basically just exists to give exceptional people the resources they need to fulfill whatever goals they have.
Some use it to explore, some use it to research, some use it to fight evil, some use it to do evil, some use it to gain riches, some use it to simply have the connections they need to fulfill something even more specific.
The Adventurer's Guild is like that.
Only without the evil part.
An Adventurer's Guild license is basically a really easy way to prove that you're capable. It's an instant path to minor celebrity.
I know that I want the final test to be a boat race, and I think I want the middle test to be a Hunger Games style "survive for X amount of time on an island" type deal.
Okay, so your tests are about justifying your awesomeness (ability), confirming your worthiness (character), and establishing your potential (growth).
That sounds good, I just have no idea how to do that.
I'd probably go for a cooperative thing on the boat race, where the PCs all have to work together on a single boat.
How many PCs do you have? If you go for Hunger Games-esque, it could get problematic if they are separated into small groups.
or would they play it as 1 group?
also, (wilderness) survival is not trivial for all classes
so something like "obtain the chalice of McGuffin" would be better imho
where social skills could also solve it, or subterfuge...
@BESW That's the idea. An almost Mad Max type thing, where pre-established groups attempt to sabotage/sink other boats while attempting to navigate the maps they've been given the reach their destination in time.
@Szega 4 PCs atm, but that might rise to 5 next session. I have a really easy way to introduce new PCs to the group, so that's not an issue.
They'd play as a group. I think the idea would be that they have 3 days on an island, and each would-be Adventurer has a token. Anyone with two tokens at the end of the 3 days passes to the final test.
To be clear, my PCs are competing against dozens of other would-be Adventurers.
I want the first test to a) introduce recurring NPCs that will be allies/rivals for the latter tests an b) be fun, but I have no idea what I want that to be.
Suggestions welcome, if that isn't clear.
@DrRDizzle If you already have rival groups planned, i think that will be ok. If they have different strengths/strategies of their own and the players can (to an extent) choose who to engage.
how assured do you want it to be that they pass?
@Szega Fairly. They might be working as a group, but they pass/fail the first two tests as individuals - it's only the final test that will be an "all for one and one for all" type thing.
Or maybe the first one should be a group and all the others should be individual.
@DrRDizzle So is an outcome where someone does not pass acceptable? (for you/the story)
So maybe start with the sailing race, which takes them to the Hunger Games island?
If you want them to gain access to the guild anyway, the players probably know that too
the stakes could be the position / rank they get
make the first task an easy one for getting into the guild, where 2d100 nameless NPCs fail
I don't have any epic quests planned after they join the Guild, I want them to then decide what objectives they want to meet based on their motivations for joining the Guild in the first place.
then not joining is acceptable?
if a test is dependent on passing the previous one, make it easy or the last
I think the sailing one will be the easiest, so I'll open with that one. They'll meet an NPC who used to be a sailor, so he can "control" the boat while they navigate/fend off boarders.
Then, the Hunger Games-esque island challenge.
the chuunin exam from Naruto keeps popping into my mind
What's that?
they had a test to get the next rank in the ninja hierarchy
3 parts: written test, race/survival in forest
last PvP
written test was to see how well they can cheat, though
with superpowers
Not sure how well that would translate into dice rolls.
would be better at higher levels
with detect thoughts, clairvoyance, ...
suggestion, disguise self
Yeah, that does sound cool. But my PC's are level 1 :P
well, you had the survival idea already, but maybe consider non-lethal pvp at the end?
can be fun
unless not all are battle-oriented
Maybe, yeah. If I make sure the first two challenges set up rivals well-enough, a 1V1 finale could work well.
how concerned the guild is about participants biting the dust?
do they have to sign a paper / pay for their funeral?
It's a known risk. Outright murder is discouraged (these people are meant to be heroic, after all), but you can't guarantee safety.
it is also at lvl 1...
was gonna suggest an evil team going for kills, but at that level it would be risky
how long should it be in real time? 1 session?
@Szega I'm thinking that each test would last a session, which for us is no more than a few hours.
in the forest/island there are many options for encounters:
abushed by another team
finding a wounded team (ravaged by native monsters)
happening upon a fight between other teams
in 1 session you could get in 2 combats and 2-3 non-combat encounters i guess
They're also going to be there for 3 days, so they'll have to find fresh water and food, all the while being wary of other teams and sleeping in shifts.
do they have a ranger or druid?
access to goodberry / create water / purify food n drink?
with that you are placing a heavy emphasis on the survival skill, do you want to do that?
some characters can feel justifiably lost, eg a wizard
The PC's are a Gnome Ranger, a Half-Orc Fighter, a Half-Elf Paladin, a Halfling Cleric and maybe a Dragonborn Bard. The NPC they'll (hopefully) be smart enough to team up with is a Dwarven Rogue.
with the ranger and cleric they should have no problem then
if the players are inexperienced, you could maybe point out the existence of those spells
I think they'll be OK. But it's a chance to give them some real agency.
that will be mostly in their choice of who to engage
finding water is not a choice
Well, it is if they forget to do it. They'll pull up on shore, realise they have no provisions, no shelter, and a short time frame to gain items that everyone else on the island is looking for, and have to prioritize. I think it'll be interesting.
nope, still not a choice. if the other option is to die, its not a choice
do not let them forget it
food and water is not usually tracked precisely in rpg-s, so make it clear that it is part of the task
I will. I'm not out to trick my players into starving to death lol
just mentioned since i am also prone to something similar with puzzels/mysteries
withholding too much
also, if anyone has the outlander background, you might wanna tweak that a bit
since it makes foraging automatic
or make the area dangerous on its own, so he cant just wander off to hunt alone
or make pure water really scarce, so that they find mostly saltwater
makes sense on an island and gives use to purify food n drink
I plan on their just being one main stream on the (relatively small) island, so even if they do find it, they need to be on the lookout for other groups.
I'm thinking I'll divide the island up into squares, and when they move into a new square, have a thing happen that they have to deal with. Only I will know about the squares.
I like the idea of them having to reach a tower at the centre of the island BTW, I'm stealing that.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer: How long can creatures with no swim speed travel in deep water before they die? by user36093 on rpg.SE
@SmokeDetector [blink] Have they given up?
Man, I haven't managed to cast a spam flag in ages. Bloody smoke detectors, coming here, taking our jobs...
top o the morn!
Hrm. POM installed TDM pretty painlessly, but I have to re-download the Thief setup .exe from GOG because POM can't handle running it from the game files.
POM, TDM, too many three-letter-abbreviations
reads links explaining what Smoke Detector is
11 hours ago, by BESW
I'm considering PlayOnMac vs WineBottler for running Windows programs on OS X.
11 hours ago, by BESW
I'm also looking at The Dark Mod, which has guides for installing via PlayOnMac (that's how I found out about it) but I'm having trouble finding support for via Wine.
and you're trying to play thief?
the original one?
11 hours ago, by BESW
@Chemus Journeyman Project 2 and 3; Thief 3; Chronicles of Riddick...
Welp, sorry for eliciting the same styory twice
do you have the list of all the "projects"?
You mean the Journeyman Projects?
OK, I'm being dense today
do you have a list of all the games you want to make work apart from these? or is it all?
Those are the primary ones.
It'd be nice to be able to run the whole Myst franchise on Mac, but that's not exactly a priority.
Mostly I'm focused on Thief 3 and JP3.
I wonder how powerful Mac machines (within the realm of affordability) actually are.
Is there an option to play this-year games, assuming they would be compatible?
A lot depends on whether the game was designed with OSX in mind.
Ported-to-Mac games tend to require a lot more power than they really should.
I see.
Like, I couldn't play Obduction (August 2016) on OSX until they released a streamlining patch about two months ago.
I see.
Some folks with super high-end OSX computers could, but it wasn't pretty. My midrange iMac (purchased at about the time the game came out) wouldn't even try.
BTW, from the selection of games you presented I have a really hard time figuring out your video game tastes
Now it works better on my iMac than on Troggy's Windows laptop.
@eimyr I'm not sure what my tastes are either.
I see stealth-stalk-sneak titles and adventure series.
I see.
I definitely tend away from reflex games.
How do you feel about Tomb Raider, for example?
And resource management games aren't my cup of tea.
@eimyr Haven't played it, doubt it'd be a big draw.
I did love the everlasting snot out of Halo vs and co-op back in the day.
But that's pretty much the only game of its type I've ever enjoyed.
Right. I'm asking because I disliked the originals, (numbered ones), I enjoyed the Underworld series as a straight arcade, but I thoroughly loved the 2013 reboot, even to my own surprise.
I was wondering if you would share the sentiment
Generally speaking I'm not big on over-the-shoulders or platformers.
me neither, and that's the thing
But there are always exceptions: Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are high on my Awesome Games list.
the storytelling and character writing was mesmerising
How do you feel about MOBA's?
Real-time strategy can go eat a packet of pop rocks and chug a Pepsi.
"strategy" - but your answer is delightful
How about things like Overwatch? Does it catch your attention?
Speaking real-time strategy, last week I definitely proved that I'm a better gamer than my 8 year old self by beating the computer on Starcraft 1.
I've tried RTS games, and i'
I'm just not invested enough to learn them to do well
@Yuuki Well done! BTW, I think SC1 is going to be released for free imminently.
It took me a while to figure out the games I enjoy are kinda like Souls: they reward careful patience and skill mastery, and they're challenging in that they make me work for victory, but I know what kind of skills I want to see challenged. I also know I don't like games where the main driver/attraction is moving through a story: I cannot complete them. That means Pokemon, Final Fantasy (anything), and a bunch of other games are out. (Limbo and Braid are not in this category.)
@eimyr It already has, that's why I played it last week.
oh, no, it already is, guess what I'm doing tonight
@eimyr Not really, no. I'm not really into multiplayer online stuff in general, with the singular exception of my WoW days.
The only other RTS I've played recently is Northgard because it's a newer game with a unit production system that I've always been interested in.
(I have to Google most of the things you're mentioning to make sure I know what you're talking about.)
(sorry to put you in the googling situation)
It uses the Battle Realms mechanic where the only unit produced is the Villager unit and you send the villager unit to other buildings to train into a different unit.
And I've never owned a console.
And it's not a pure RTS, it has 4X elements too.
@BESW How do you feel about grand strategy games and stuff in that constellation? Say, Europa Universalis, Total War, Civilisation-et.al, Crusader Kings?
I used the Caesar III map editor to make D&D maps.
Our DM last night created an encounter that involved a deep chasm. It was pretty awesome and the group actually used it to our advantage.
@BESW That's pretty cool! I've spent the last two days watching old streams of Matt Colville making a map with twitch using hexographer. Between you two, now I want to make a map!
> A sickness lies over the Wide Forest. The Woodsmen who live there now call it the Wild Forest and they say...
@Adam Fantastic Maps has great advice and tutorials.
[rummages for some other maps]
Those are pretty much the three eras of BESW's D&D mapmaking.
@eimyr Honestly the list of video/computer games I've played which would inform a positive map of my preferences is probably short enough to enumerate.
@BESW Still all better than me.
@BESW Interesting! Not many people can do that. Wanna do that?
@Yuuki I'm a graphic designer by trade, so... more practice?
@Yuuki Wait... is that... DARGON?
Jan 19 '16 at 11:30, by Toshinou Kyouko
I always thought it could be fun to convince players that they are entering a dragons' lair with loads of signs outside like "BEWER OF DARGON", but actually it is some dude's dog called dargon and the owner can't spell
@Yuuki you map lacks eagles
If I had to be Gandalf, I'm pretty sure the Fellowship would've gotten lost somewhere around Bree.

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
> What should I do with a character that can lift 3 tons?
> Have your party become alcohol traders. Buy tons of liquor and then sell it somewhere down the road for a profit. If your party buys too much booze to carry in the wagon, you're always there to lift their spirits.
@Yuuki haaaaa nice one
i'm very much hoping my wall of stone question works out with that current answer :)
@NautArch Nᴀʏ. [deletes it]
(i'm joking)
@NautArch Rᴇsᴛ ᴀᴛ ᴇᴀsᴇ, sᴍᴀʟʟ Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ. T'ᴡᴀs ᴀ Jᴇsᴛ. Hᴀ ʜᴀ ʜᴀ ʜᴀ ʜᴀ.
i used it like that last night to incredible effect and hope it works out
[doppelgreener is later arrested]
oh and @doppelgreener I nearly had a mindflayer eat me brain.
your brain or your character's brain?
@Adam explain yourself
my brain was eaten earlier by too much inhaled plant life. This was my PC. Our barbarian finished off the mindflayer before it could get me. But I was grappled and only had about 18 hit points left.
@doppelgreener I had used the Wall of Stone mechanic that gives the person enclosed a Dex save to escape to perfect effect. It was a planetar that had just moved onto a ledge with a 160' drop (it was flying before) to attack our Cleric. I wanted to either enclose it or force it off the ledge so that our Sorcerer could Earthbind it - which he did on his turn (and the planetar failed it's saving throw).
It was a no-win for the Planetar - either be surrounded by stone that it'd have to break out of (2 layers thick on most walls) or escape it, but then get earthbound.
@doppelgreener Explain what? I've hardly said a thing in chat today :p
@Adam I am not at all happy with 'your kind'
12 mins ago, by NautArch
oh and @doppelgreener I nearly had a mindflayer eat me brain.
@NautArch I don't know much about eating brains myself. But if it were me, I would consider it a great honor to be providing sustenance to such a perfect being.
@Adam mmhmmmm....
very suspicious answer...
All this talk about eating brains is making me hungry. I should make lunch now I think
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