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He's also a jungler rather than a proper AD carry now.
Oh hey the video breakdown I requested awhile back
@Lord_Gareth I'm enjoying it and it almost makes me want to learn Fate. I will have some roommates this summer, I might just do it.
@Yuuki because it's a movie that isn't actually designed to show how the game is played I would say XD
You mean that beating fragile women is not how the game is played? Dang
@trogdor Although Rengar straight-up deleting the ADC at the beginning of a teamfight is pretty accurate.
fair enough
@ShadowKras Nope. Instead you beat not so fragile women :p
@ShadowKras Leona = "fragile woman"... does not compute.
@Adam Beating up Illaoi? How cruel.
The guy's muscles are larger than her torax if that's the girl im thinking about.
@ShadowKras Leona is the sword and shield one. Ahri is the fox lady
disclaimer: not a lol player.
@Zachiel She ripped out my soul!
A thing I liked was seeing BESW try to understand what was going on, without knowing, for instance, that Ahri has an attraction spell that literally makes enemies draw near.
Also, fragile she may be, fox lady hits hard.
@Yuuki Dunno, I stopped playing competitve matches before she was out.
@Zachiel Whoa, dissin' on LoL? It's a fun game, or can be.
@Yuuki It depends on how you define fragile. The women in the game either straight up destroy your face, or can take a sledgehammer to the jaw without flinching
@KorvinStarmast The fun you have with League is inversely proportional to how much you care about the outcome.
The definition of "hits hard" at my time was LeBlanc. Only thing I didn't understand was my friend's strategy at her: "and then you score some killa and you buy the big wand, gg"
@Adam Or if you're Poppy, both!
@Adam the initial joke was on my part. I meant they are visually fragile looking. In game terms, they could have more hp than the guy with 5 times her apparent mass.
@Yuuki And this is why I quit the game :p
@KorvinStarmast What Yuuki said. I absolutely don't like getting humiliated and killed in lane, but I also love "who cares about the tower, he's not getting away with 14HP left"
@ShadowKras Heavy armor + slim frame: still not that fragile
@Adam There's something indescribably joyful about getting 3-man tower-dived and making it out with a triple kill though.
@Zachiel My son plays competitive, I play for fun, and have not played PVP for over a year. Mostly a now and again random comp stomp with weird builds or characters I"ve never tried before. Silly fun.
@Zachiel If that armor is made of a light material, sure.
I have a bad habit of accidental tower diving.
Gimmick builds are fun. I built for speed once on Quinn and I could cross the map in five seconds.
@KorvinStarmast I tried Coop.
@Yuuki Yup. It's a glorious feeling. But for every one of those, theres 2 others where you end up a misplaying and having the whole team immediately give up, talk trash on you for 15 minutes, and then lose while your teammates spew on about the fed top or mid or crap jungle or whatever.
What usually get me on the game is that a weird gimmick like doom bots shows up and we got to have fun with that.
@Yuuki this was my favorite thing
There's a gamemode on right now that revolves around hooking and pushing people into the center of a small map.
I used to play Ashe and go full snowball mode with snowball items and fastest boots around, ganking the AI in all lanes and scoring lots of "KS" - I mean, I did care for them but I was just trying to set a higher record
@Delioth I'm still trying to find a group I can play Fate with. Unfortunately 100% of my player base is a single guy that I can't access right now
I'd sell a kidney to get a group >.<
I used to love public game random team dominion. But that's a few years ago. Not sure if Dominion is even a thing any more
Heard rumors that a lot of "people" were actualy "bots"
@KorvinStarmast Nope, sadly. Dominion got canned last year (?)
Twisted Fate.
Still not sure what the 'right' way to play Fate is, but he's fun to play.
Then , I played a 3vs3 and the other guy took the guy with the spear, what's his name? He soloed top against 2 enemies, killed them 20 times and also found the time to travel bot lane and also kill out single opponent. It was inglorious.
Well, it was bot haven. TF was too high skill quotient for me.
@Zachiel Xin Zhao?
@Lord_Gareth But would you get up at 9am UTC on a Saturday?
Yeah, on threes he's sorta tough. Sparta guy?
I've recently been playing a lot of big hammer girl Poppy.
@BESW If I wasn't a wage slave, sure
@KorvinStarmast That would be Jarvan, I think.
Sounds Like it was Xin Zhao, Jarvan, or Pantheon
Jarvan's the prince, Pantheon is who I was thinking about.
Does he have a shield?
I enjoyed some Jarvan in Dominion, but truth be told my fave was Gangplank before the rework/lore change, barrels.
Jarvan = Ezreal = Graves = Gohan
I never really liked lol, too much useless complexity, but TF was my favourite
Gohan? Isn't that Japanese for "Food" or am I forgetting something?
> Ezrael
One day
I will find Ezrael's VA and make him understand how much his performance made me despise that character
I've seen Ez snoball like crazy. I was never too good with Ez.
I can't play Ezrael with the sound on
I hate his voice too much
@Lord_Gareth Yeah, there is that.
Pick Garren. Spin to win.
@Lord_Gareth It sounds like you belong in a museum.
@MadMAxJr Dude, Garen was my fav. I freaking loved Garen!
@Yuuki My vengeance will be extended and to great excess
Heck, I still love Garen
Rule 1: Be Huge. Rule 2: Never stop spinning
I also liked Quinn.
@Adam Xin Zhao
I think the first champion that I played a lot of was Yorick.
@KorvinStarmast Gohan is a Dragon Ball Z character. His voice actor in the Funimation Dub also voices Jarvan, Ez, and Graves
Buggy as he may have been, it was fun.
@Adam Ah. not a DBZ player
First champ ever used was wonder woman ... grr, why have I forgotten her name?
I switched to Corkie for ADC after I got the Red Baron skin for him.
@KorvinStarmast Sivir?
I played Ashe at first, then Twisted Fate until "Hmm, maybe Fate isn't good in all matchups."
@Zachiel Yeah, Sivir.
The I got Graves and started complaining a lot about rate of fire.
I have a passionate love affair with Quinn
Quinn and Swain
There was a time that I did a lot of Gangplank Jungling ... but then they changed him.
@KorvinStarmast I liked playing Sivir but... needing to continuously cast her bounce was hard. In DotA, Luna does that as a passive.
I'm sensing a theme here.
How do you feel about Azir?
And.... Whatshername. Top hat, rifle.....
@MadMAxJr Caitlyn.
Never "got" azir, though when I see him play well I tip cap
That one. Her ult is better than I expected.
Gangplank. Consumption of oranges increases.
I've been recently trying out Quinn jungle.
I'm partial to Braum and Sion
I was always most partial to Jinx when I played ADC
@Delioth Caitlin is only good as a bait for drawing Vi in sight ;p
Only in bot games though so I can work out her jungle path.
I usually play Quinn top
@Delioth Garen, Braum, and Sion were my 3 favorite champs
When Jinx came out EVERYOEN played her. I stopped picking ADC and went GP top usually
so many oranges.
@Lord_Gareth If I can get the jungling down pat, I can flex her mid, top, and jungle.
She bullies mages really hard with her level 1 combo.
Quinn Jungle ... intriguing idea. I had thought the meta went away from junglers a year or so ago?
She bullies everyone really hard with her level 1 combo.
Miss Fortune. Oh you're behind the minion line? That's cute.
@KorvinStarmast Nah, teams lose too much income if there's no-one in the jungle, and Baron+Dragon have become very important
@KorvinStarmast The meta's starting to shift back towards damage jungler and tank top.
last time I played, there was still a lot of jungle meta
Man this conversation is making me go play some League
Ah, the wheel turns yet again. Last few times we played my son tried to get me focused on "when to get dragon" and clock watching
If y'all need me I'll be assuming my true form as Lot's Wife
it could have switched out and back in any number of times since then XD
@Yuuki If you're good, you can play Quinn anywhere (though playing quinn support might get you flamed)
"Oh hey someone's playing that new--- And I'm dead."
Is Darus still playing Top, or is Bruiser Top not selling these days?
@Delioth The problem with Quinn ADC is that while it isn't impossible, she doesn't have good matchups against the other ADCs.
Dude Darius is a monstrosity
Dude wades into teamfights like "WHAT UP"
And then just
The Darius Dunk.
Yeah, I've seen a well played darius wreak havoc.
They either outrange her or outscale her.
> Buy Spirit Visage
> Tank damage down to 10% HP
> Heal back to 75% with one Q
Never played her, but I detest Annie. Stupid Tibbers.
The Dunkocalypse has claimed many lives and will claim many more. Darius strides through the broken bodies of those upon which he has Dunked and has no pity upon them, no mercy for them. There is only the Dunk, beautiful and terrible, as perfect and pitiless as a falling star
I've played here and never quite liked the way she feels. Mostly in threes.
@Yuuki Yeah, though she does work pretty well in kill lanes. She's got the combo that a coordinated quinn+Leona lane will kill one or both enemies at level 2.
And from there it's just snowballing
Then there was the three months I played the little cat ninja guy. All about electric charge chains.
Pathetic early game, beastly late game.
I need to log on and find out how many heroes there are that I have never seen.
I once carried the bottom lane with Dr Mungo
Seeing anyone not Rekkles trying ADC Kennen in pro games and then getting completely shut down is always fun.
Let's say it was sorta weird.
Kennen, thank you.
@KorvinStarmast Do you remember the last champ released? We can try to give a rundown
To be honest the baseline champs - the ones that are 400 IP or so - have been fairly evergreen
They're still all pretty solid
No, I don't. Cat fish? Cook?
@KorvinStarmast Tahm Kench. Well, they added Toph from Avatar after him.
Yes, yes, I am going to escape this, I am going to live, I am slaughtered by a flaming teddy bear.
@Lord_Gareth They've been getting some reworks recently.
Hmm, need to log on with the secondary account and find out what I missed. When they changed the mastery tables they began to lose me, though son says he likes that balance better.
Like Ashe is more of a utility pick than she used to be, although she's still really good.
Warwick just got a rework too
which feels so good
He's a lot more werewolfy than he used to be
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, the masteries are set up better now, and aren't "this is always the best set," but you can pretty much set them up how you want
Really? He could be fun to play in threes. Need to check him out
@KorvinStarmast They turned his point-and-clicks into skillshots.
@KorvinStarmast They reworked him to be more chase-y
Which is freakin' great
And his attack speed roar is a delayed fear now.
OK, must log on this weekend
@Lord_Gareth oh nice, I used to play him, he was always smaller and somehow less hairy than I would have expected
I guess Shako gets no more love ...
And he runs around on his four paws now.
@KorvinStarmast Well, his ult drops three boxes when it dies now.
@KorvinStarmast He got a little love, they changed him so AD and AP shaco are roughly equivalent, but you don't buy IE anymore since his stealth doesn't crit
That's sorta neat.
@Yuuki ah yeah, that too, running around on two feet was silly
When in doubt, I play Sona and support ... or Karma.
That lets all of the twitch fiends go to town on high twitch killers ...
@KorvinStarmast I actually really liked playing Sona
very relaxing compared to most other characters I played
So, has anyone here played Iron Kingdoms?
Yeah, but I still need to improve on my use of recon/scout facet of support.
(That was about Sona).
@KorvinStarmast The good thing is that they've rebalanced the load of that role.
@KorvinStarmast like wards and stuff you mean?
@KorvinStarmast Yeah. Now everyone has to buy wards since each player can only place a certain amount.
When I've watched some of the big competitive matches, ward placement is key
Oh yes, vision is most definitely key.
(OMG, been two years since we watched any of the world championship matches ...)
@KorvinStarmast that's what I deeply hate about LoL. I just want to smash faces.
The number 1 team in the world can pull some really ridiculous team comps and strats because they have impeccable vision control.
if you see someone heading to your lane in advance, you can definitely waste the time they spent coming to gank you
Must say, LoL and SC2 shoutcasters make me turn the sound off ....
maybe even counter if your team actually helps XD
@trogdor One thing I need to get better at with jungling is counterganking.
@KorvinStarmast I can't stand them
@Zachiel Have you tried Heroes of the Storm? It's much more face-smashy.
HOTS is a hoot.
@Yuuki I loved running in as Warwick to countergank, then again, at least at the time, his ult was easy mode for that
Mosstly played Raynor, but early on enjoyed playing Diablo. Have not played in over a year, hear a lot of new toons are out.
@KorvinStarmast It is a lot simpler, with more emphasis on playing the game, instead of micromanaging your inventory
I have no idea if they changed that
@Delioth Yet also somewhat more objective-based. I do like the map variety.
@Yuuki I still don't know when to gank, so I just end up outfarming my midlaner since no-one calls for ganks or lets the enemy push for me to gank. And that's how I end the game as a 200 farm Sion Jungle
@GreySage I dunno, I feel like they just shifted item micromanagement to the talent choices.
Blizzard scored on that one.
@Delioth I don't like it, sadly.
I also liked Shen, and people sometimes wanted me to jungle as him, his ult was also hilarious for breaking ganks upXD
I was just recently checking my facebook albums and found some custom paper pawns that i created for iron kingdoms few months ago. #1 #2
By the way, 20 free HotS heroes right now
Yep. Gotta pick those up before the 22nd
@Zachiel I can't say I disagree with you. It just feels shallow to me (Pick any hero, pick talents to do what you want; my method? Pick malfurion, 100% objective control with mooncall (?), win game with objectives)
Whoa, must see. I didn't know there were tha many.
@KorvinStarmast They just released a really big update
Amazon finally in the game?
Hmm, might have to check that out.
I got Protoss Probe a week ago.
Played mostly amazons in D II.
Now I can pylon rush in two games.
@Yuuki Probius is fun, but I wish you could build more cannons at once
D.Va is about to come out too
@Lord_Gareth Nerf this!
Son tells me StarCraft One for better video cards is soon to come out. My old version requires a lot of screwing with screen res to even play.
I think it's already out.
It's also free.
Hmm, must check, been mostly playing Hearthstone ... need to check account.
Best wishes all, must be off
@ShadowKras I have played a few IK session
Ugh, I really don't want to drive an hour (and maybe a half) in traffic to play D&D tonight.
But I missed last week's session.
@Yuuki ugh. I don't envy you.
Similar situation here. The only nice shop is on the other side of town, hour drive there in commuter traffic.
It's about a 20-30 minute drive on weekends with no traffic.
So I should probably find a group then instead of on Tuesdays.
Ugh, I have no motivation to go today. Or any future Tuesday.
hey there @KorvinStarmast and @Yuuki
also hey there @RollingFeles -- just saw your ping
I think the fact that I haven't left work yet and am still poring over code is a sign that I probably shouldn't D&D on weekdays.
Or at least at that particular location.
@Lord_Gareth in "good" news, I'm most probably getting myself banned from that game.
@Zachiel o.o which game?
@Shalvenay The one I've spent 11 years of my life on.
@Zachiel oh. how's that happening? O.o
A friend of mine got fed up with the game, so she wandered off to some other games. basically, someone else got praised for her efforts. One of those games, which I suggested, she told other people about, the staff realized, they asked her to tell them who else did the jump - she said none that she knew of, but they already know that was not true. Later they accused her of drawing people away from their game to join the other, and remove her from the staff of the first game (she had a minor roile).
@Zachiel To be frank, I have no pity or sympathy for you here. That game was awful and you dragged its awful into other communities on a constant basis.
You should have left years ago
Move on wit'cher life
Well think I completely screwed up my Cleric the last two weeks. Didnt get the prepared spells part. So with Wisdom of 16 (+3) at level 1 I should have 4 spells, 2 slots. I only had 2 and 2
@Lord_Gareth you're not helping, but I didn't expect this to happen, so... whatever.
And that's the most polite thing I can say.
@Zachiel To be honest, I can't recall any positive things you've said about the game. I know that we see a skewed view of it here because it's a truth that people vent about problems way more than celebrate things going well. It still seems from here like there's not much gained from that game apart from sunk cost. If you were thinking about joining it today for the first time, would you?
Morining all
@KorvinStarmast tbh, this question was posted on someone else's behalf, and the goal (I believe) was to just apply it to PvP/1v1 combat at first.
Allo @Ben
@Zachiel @SevenSidedDie to be honest, I don't know if I'd join my current group again. I like the group, but I dislike the DM.
@NautArch Yeah. It's less a “if you answer no, EJECT EJECT”, it's more, “hey, answering this question can lend perspective, and help re-evaluate one's current position in life on a subject.” It's a useful thought exercise, especially when I'm starting to feel “stuck” about something.
My current GM, while fine, has some issues.
One of the main ones is that he leaves out a lot of detail. Yes, you can't expect the GM to give everything away, but when you're trying to come up with a plan for something, you might want to give us some relevant information :/
Mine is much too much of dm vs players. It's his story, his rules (which may change or be punishing), and your characters in it. Try to beat him.
But at the end of the day, the combat is great and we have fun with that.

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