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hey there @nitsua60
Howdy @Shalvenay
hey as well @NautArch, how're things going?
Not bad, got stuck in North Carolina after those storms and had to rent a car to drive 14 hours home. So there's that.
@NautArch awww...how were you supposed to get home?
Q: Should a question be put on hold because a moderator fears in advance that respondents will go off-topic?

Daniel R. CollinsThis question was actually answerable by a yes-or-no response with some backing evidence. The OP even grants that an acceptable answer ("no") was provided by a moderator in the comments. Nonetheless, said moderator put the question on hold -- with no other votes -- as being a "shopping" questio...

1 hour later…
@Shalvenay that's not a Delta problem
@NautArch oh. they didn't rebook you onto another flight after the cancellation?
@Shalvenay next available flight was Sunday night.
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@Shalvenay Howdy.
how're things going?
Slow weekend, just finished some cabbage rolls from a place that opened recently. Mucho delicioso.
sounds tasty indeed
weekend's been OK here
Been playing a bit of Hearthstone, the new deck/meta is sorta different. QUests during a game that give OP bonuses ..
In other news, our D&D group is playing again, and this time I'm a monk.
ah xD
@KorvinStarmast what subclass are you considering?
Either open hand or Drunken Master. DM says Drunken Master is OK, as we have had to create a "god of beer" for the world we will be playing in. Also, it's not all that much stuff ... probably gonna go Open Hand. ]
I like open hand, too... But drunken master looks fun
Well, we are a bunch of beer lovers ... my general objective is to stun/set up enemies for our three martials to kill: barb, paladin, EK. The other player is Wizard.
That's a great party makeup. Heavy combat group.
Holy hell. I just read possibly the greatest epic of our kind. It's a looooong read, full of betrayal, action, and suspense. It's about a LARP, and how one frustrated player decided that he was sick of the dictatorial co-GM's bull. Read it here, please.
@NautArch Our concern is healing, we'll see how it goes.
Paladin should be good for the group. Short rest hit die and healing potions :)
@KorvinStarmast devotion paladin?
vengeance. And healing potions, yes, short rest healing is a bit of a false friend in a melee heavy group. That is why I want to play controller so they get hit less.
They say the best defense is a good offense
yeah. Nite.
@NautArch AC 30 probably would suffice
Hey guys, if I've been doing DM in a cycle game for a while and my teammates have been accumulating magical items, is it reasonable to give my char a magical item or two or have the next DM do so when my character "returns" to the party
Also, whats a reasonable way for me to sort of force a near death experience on a level 9 rogue as collateral damage from a rampaging silver dragon (this is a plot point to stop the dragon from rampaging and also does something for said character)
6 hours later…
oh no D: the back room is frozen
...which back room?
Do you need it thawed?
yes please :D
we're gonna playtest in a few minutes
thank you @ACuriousMind
@daze413 np :)
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heyo! glad you could make it
now...we just need an @Miniman
@nitsua60 ... you should make it a d10 :D
2 hours later…
@Yuuki I can't believe nobody posted this when you were talking about M:tG
Someone did.
hey there @Yuuki
how're things going?
Pretty good I guess.
How about you?
alright here -- excited for session 1 of the PF campaign I just joined (that's tonight)
a bit tired though from having to alarm-clock for daze's 1shot playtest (ah, the joys of timezones :P)
I think we're starting our 5e campaign today.
what sort of campaign?
I think it's going to be homebrew.
ah, still don't know much eh?
also, kind of gimpy from a 5e perspective :P (PHB's at the bindery getting fixed)
hey there @Trish
Yeah, I think our DM is trying to cobble together a workable campaign from our backstories.
Doesn't help that I finally finished mine on Thursday.
I'll still take hellos XD
@Yuuki yeah -- I'm playing a half-elf druid who was hired on by an Orc caravan at oh, 15? and mentored heavily by the caravan's shaman
how're things going?
@Zachiel yay for Blue and Orange morality while remaining black and white morality XD
I've realized that I'm basically playing aasimar Thorin Oakenshield.
At least backstory-wise.
@Yuuki offspring of ancient family, going out to try to reclaim family territory and wealth?
@Trish Pretty much. Prince-in-exile (though not first-in-line) attempting to find his family and rebuild his homeland.
haha, sounds like he'd be a good pairing for Jherala indeed xD
@Yuuki prince in exile archetype is not thorin all the time... Lelouch in code geass is a "prince in exile" too, but his way to "rebiuld" the homeland is intrigue and destroying whole countries.
My current listed flaws are "can't see the forest for the trees" and "loyal to his family (and king) above all".
whereas Jherala got sent out to deal with diplomatic stuff at first, and just kept wandering from there xD
I'm trying to figure out how to do the latter without being Lawful Stupid.
Well, the ideal of "the duty of the people is to their king and the duty of the king is to his people" might help.
@Yuuki yeah
Or at least prevent me from doing Lawful Stupid things if the king is Chaotic Stupid.
@Yuuki you mean "can't draft a proper edict to save his life?" :P
I'm trying to figure out whether I want to give the DM certain plot hooks or give him freedom so he can surprise me.
I do wonder if we'll find a way for our chars to meet @Yuuki
I could always remake him for another campaign.
xD of course -- Jherala's actually hopscotched between a few different games since the DM had to drop the campaign she was created for due to time shortages
might have to transcribe her into Myth-Weavers or somesuch so that I have a perm record for her
One plot I have in mind is this: of the remaining royal family (although they may all be alive, who knows?), he's the only one who actually wants to retake the homeland.
@Yuuki out of curiosity, how'd he get kicked out?
Everyone else is fine living in exile, building a home and (maybe) minor nation somewhere else.
@Shalvenay Well, everyone is living in exile, the kingdom was taken.
I mean -- how'd the royal family get dethroned?
I'm leaving that up to the DM, although with the caveat that it wasn't a peasant rebellion.
heheh...schemes in the court
Could even go full Thorin and make it a dragon.
(Never go full Thorin, kids)
hahaha...and in walks Jherala, with Teovanth the wyrmling gold dragon nipping along at her heels ;)
@Yuuki naaa, the duty of the people is to obey their king. The king's duty is to pay his keys to power.
@Trish There's a slight semantic difference between "duty" and "requirements".
A ruler is certainly required to keep his keys happy if he wants to stay in power.
But he has no obligation to make the people happy, unless the people are a key to power.
Also, this is a character's ideal.
if his ideal is "people are a key", sure. some of my characters ideals are not that benevelont
Well, I already have plenty of conflict in mind for him, I don't really feel like adding "being bound to obey an obviously malevolent king" to the pile.
well, started the D&D 5E Adventurer's League. It was fun but I definitely think Homebrew would be a lot more fun. I'll keep playing though, seems a good way to learn at least
re: duty: code7700.com/1982_fuel_leak.htm (caution: mildly coarse language as it's a military story)
@Ryan ah. keep your eyes peeled around here, there are sometimes opportunities that pop up in chat from time to time, whether it be campaign seats or more often, short-form playtest openings
hmm maybe. I was playing at an actual game store not online.
thanks for the info though! I'll keep it in mind
right now I'm reading up on how to level up my char since we ended last night with 325 xp
not bad for a first session
may I ask what sort of char you're playing?
I wanted to do a Gnome Paladin but another guy was doing a Goliath Paladin already so without really looking much into it I went with Dragonborn Warlock
@Ryan ah
which patron did you pick?
the Goliath Paladin was second time ever playing. I was first time ever playing but then the third person in our group plays 4 days a week. He was a nice guy but bit frustrating when the DM was helping me make a character because he was trying to tell me all the "must have spells" and dictate what to do
@Shalvenay the demon one. I felt bad that it was taking so much time to make the character so by the Patron and Languages and religion and stuff I kinda just picked quickly without thinking much
@Ryan Does that guy play D&D 3.5e by any chance? I think I need him.
@Zachiel no idea. I could ask him next Saturday. You mean the Goliath or the experienced guy?
@Ryan ah
there was another group of guys at the store playing 3.5 Pathfinder. They play every other week so I might check that out
@Ryan I was half joking on the experienced guy. Apparently, how I played D&D and the D&D I want to learn to play are two completely different things, and always being the DM never taught me how to manage day by day resources.
But no, that was not intended to have you actually ask.
@Zachiel what do you mean? are you wanting to play a faster D&D or slower D&D or what?
i think i need to buy the Player's Guide already. Looking this stuff up on a PDF is a pain :\
our D&D is like "I cast a fireball and move there" "Ok, I move there with my boots of flight, then attack him using Poer Attack".
The D&D I saw is "I cast combustion, with distance spell for turning it into a ray, split ray, duplicate spell (it's 4 rays), quickening it with sudden metamagic and maximizing it with the level 1 rod. Then with my other action I cast a mazimized twinned death ray of doom, but I spend charges of my rod of absorption instead of using my spell slots, and then when he tries to blast me back my contingent spell casts duelward on me which allows me to counterspell out
ah okay. Yeah the more experienced guy was kinda like that second one. The Goliath was was like your first one. Meanwhile I was like, "I say, 'You're a cute one!' to the Goblins" since one of the two languages I randomly picked was Goblinoid.
They ignored me making any attempt at having fun with it :( like at the start of the quest we were in a pub and guy approaches and we accept the mission. And then I wanted to sit around drinking and chatting. The DM was having none of that and just ignored me and moved on to the next morning
@Zachiel something tells me someone was a munchkin there.
@Trish in some games though, munchkinry is the normal and expected state of affairs
@Shalvenay Exalted :P
@Zachiel if a spell says "The target must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or ...." does my Wisdom make it harder for them to succeed or how does that work?
they are rolling against your casting DC, which is a set value for your character (8+CHA mod + proficiency bonus for your char, since warlock casting is CHA based)
@Ryan that's 5e, right?
@Zachiel AL so yes
@Ryan I guess there's a bit of "let's skip the parts that are not important for the grand scheme of things and go straight to where the story is"
okay so I'd roll a D20 to see if it hits. Then I'd roll my 1D8 + 3 (char). They'd then need to beat my 1D8 + 3 with what size dice?
no, if a spell calls for a save
they roll a d20 + their WIS against your spell save DC
and then you go from there depending on if they succeeded or failed at their save
if you're rolling the d20 for a spell, it's a spell attack and always lands full damage on a hit barring some other rule coming into play
they don't have to roll any dice on a spell attack
so my Spell Save DC says 13. So if they roll anything higher than 13 nothing happens and I don't even have to roll a dice?
Or do I still roll a D20 to see if it hits. Then if it hits they roll a d20 + Wis to see if its higher than 13?
@Ryan equal or higher
@Ryan No, the first one
Except special cases where the spell tells you to attack and then grants a save, but those should be spelled out.
okay I think I need to switch Burning Hands for Command then. Seems like a much much better spell
I missed with Eldritch Blast so many times yesterday. Rolled natural one twice too and wound up confused
2 hours later…
@Ryan If you're in AL the rules state that you can "rebuild"--re-choose everything about your character except its name--until you're through level 4. More in the AL Player's Guide.
@Ryan I love command. It's an incredibly powerful and controlling spell.
@NautArch heheh. Command is pretty brutal -- my Gnoll in 1e Commanded a werejackal to sit and then one of the party archers shot it execution-style with a silvered arrow before the round finished.
My paladin commanded an adult green dragon to grovel. That was a pretty awesome moment.
@NautArch haha, that's awesome
Dm thought, "oh, first level spell? I don't have to use a legendary resistance on that!"
one twenty-sider later...
hey there @JackStout
Heya, @Shalvenay!
how're things going?
Perdy good. Game day...
Cat on Monster Manual. :(
Ever feel like a TPK would be convenient?
not particularly, but generally in my book, it's up to the party whether they want to TPK themselves or not
I'm banking on at least one mount getting eaten, today.
@JackStout by who or what?
Might be a beefed-up ankheg waiting antlion style.
I let the players experience will-o-wisps a few sessions ago, so now I can use them maliciously.
They're also likely to run into some a-hole centaurs that wrongfully believe that they have an inherited right to the desert.
@daze413 Our trap room is coming along nicely. Art assets are nearing completion, leaving only documentation and printout slicing. It may also warrant a modified slime type.
@Shalvenay or anyone really that is familiar with Warlocks in D&D. I started with 2 basic weapons and 2 daggers. Looking ahead to level 3 there's an option for Pact Weapon. Which I take it is like a conjured magical weapon. What's its advantage though over regular weapons?
@Ryan someone else will have to take that as I don't have my PHB handy to look that up
The other thing I've been trying to figure out is what is "advantage" and "disadvantage"?
"If you hit an undead target, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn"
But I can't find what that disadvantage means
advantage means for some reason, you have a better chance than normal, disadvantage is for some reason, you ahve a worse chance than normal
in both cases, you roll 2 d20s instead of one
oooh I think I saw that happen once or twice yesterday but didn't know why
so advantage is taking the higher of the two and disadvantage is taking lower of the two?
ahh okay. Thanks!
hey @dosentmatter
@Ryan The pact weapon counts as a magical weapon, meaning it can harm creatures that can't normally be harmed by mundane weapons. It's also available at any time, without having to carry anything. No need to sneak a weapon into that meeting.
@Ryan You would probably still want to carry a ranged or thrown weapon of some type.
@Ryan More simply, it's a step between a regular melee weapon and a +1 Magic Weapon.
@JackStout well, you do have Eldritch Blast...
and yeah -- the pact weapon can get mildly ridiculous in intrigue contexts -- imagine someone suddenly summoning a greatsword or halberd into their hands in the middle of said meeting
@Ryan there are a bunch of small benefits to the pact weapon that (IMO) add up pretty nicely. As has already been mentioned: it's magical damage and you can summon it from nowhere. Also:
You're proficient with it, so you've effectively just picked up proficiency with martial weapons: if you create a pact greatsword you're proficient with *that* one, even if you're not generally proficient with any ol' greatsword you pick up.
It's nice that if you find a *+2 whatever* you can enpact it. You don't have to choose between a pact weapon and that sweet magic weapon you found. (Though enpacting a
I always hated that I had no gold. I kinda stopped posting for like 6-9 months and now I have 2 gold. :|
@nitsua60 @JackStout are the stats on Pact Weapons the same as Martial? So like a Greatsword is 2d6 slashing. A Pact Greatsword is also 2d6?
@Ryan Yup. It'd take the stats of whatever weapon form you choose.
And I understand Finesse is Dexterity. Any weapon that doesn't say Finesse is based on Strength correct?
@Ryan Finnesse means you can choose either DEX or STR
Melee weapons are STR, by default. (Finesse allows DEX.) Ranged weapons are DEX by default. (Thrown requires STR. Unless it's also finesse.)
(I'm looking at you, dagger!)
(I'm not looking at dart, 'cause who'd look at a dart?)
originally I was going to do Charisma then Strength but the others talked me out of it and had me do Charisma followed by Constitution and Dexterity which are equal.
Maybe I should change one to Strength while I can
@Ryan I think the most important question to ask/answer is: "what would you like to be good at doing?"
(And if the answer's "I'm not sure," that's fine.)
I told them I wanted to be casting spells in one hand and beating things with a melee weapon in the other
they talked me out of it because they said I'm not proficient in Heavy Armor so I should just stay back and cast Eldritch blast. So that's what I did which was incredibly boring
@Ryan Ahh... the eternal conundrum of D&D...
A: Can I cast a spell and attack in the same turn?

nitsua601. Spell as bonus action, Attack as action You could do this. Certain (very few!) spells have a casting time of "1 bonus action." As long as you meet all of the other requirements for casting such a spell, there's no reason you can't Attack as your action and cast your spell as a bonus action. (...

@Ryan Warlocks get quite a few defensive buffs to make up for not having HA proficiency
I think I'm going to make the warlock into a melee guy. Seems they'd be kinda cool at it with Misty Step, Mirror Image, and Hellish Rebuke
Here's the deal (IMO): if you want to sling around spells and swing a weapon, pact-of-the-blade warlock isn't a bad way to do it. That's exactly what it's intended to do, after all.
they definitely can be preferable to a EK yes
You just have to realize that you pay for that versatility by not being quite as good at either as a character that's narrowly focused on either.
(E)ldritch (K)night, a fighter archetype
@Ryan don't forget hex.
oh and Jack or Nitsua or anyone else really if you didnt see I did make an actual question for this:
Q: What are the benefits of Pact Weapons in D&D 5e?

RyanFromGDSEI just started D&D 5E through Adventurer's League. I'm only at level 2 but see at level 3 I'll be picking a Pact Boon one of which is Pact of the Blade Pact of the Blade states: You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon...

@Shalvenay you should take it--free points =) ^^
@nitsua60 oooh so Hex I can do and then still do another spell or attack??
but I guess I have to do the Hex after the Action so it wouldn't register until the next turn
@Ryan Nope, you can sequence Action(s), bonus action, and move-portions however you'd like.
(Except when they specify in them selves. "Immediately after taking the Attack action you can bonus action to..." for instance.)
So you can cast hex then take any other action you'd like. (Attack, likely.)
Just remember that if you take the Cast A Spell action, it'd have to be a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action. (PHB p.202 "Casting Time: Bonus Action")
Misty step will also work this way: it's a bonus action to cast, so you can move, misty step, and attack, all in any order.
(Or move, misty step, cast a 1-action cantrip, all in any order)
Do metal shields give advantage for Shocking Grasp (if it's not wearing metal armor)?
That is worth a mainsite question.
I'm of two minds about whether shields are armor. They're in the Armor table (PHB p.145), so maybe they count as armor? But the heading's "Armor and Shields," so perhaps there's a distinction to be drawn?
> The Armor table collects the most commonly available types of armor found in the game and separates them into three categories: light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor. Many warriors supplement their armor with a shield. (PHB p.144)
That ^^ seems to support distinguishing (body) armor from shields.
But on the table "shield" is an entry in the column "armor."
@Yuuki So I know I'd rule that a metal shield grants advantage from shocking grasp, but I would never argue with someone who ruled the other way.
@Yukki guess I should've reread shocking grasp, like this poster did!
@nitsua60 that's interesting. Although who says shields are all made of metal?
Got my gameday coming up Tuesday. It's been 3 weeks and I've got the shakes!
@NautArch right -- many shields IRL and some in fantasy aren't
Even though we have those crazy fumble rules, I'm going to take sentinel rather than lucky.
Will definitely level this session
@Shalvenay depends... what time and space are we looking at? Heater shields are fully metal. Pavaises don't necessarily have any metal in them (unless they have a stand), but most post-early-medieval-europeen shields do incorporate at least a a considerable ammount of nails or metal parts to reinforce the shield.
yeah -- there are quite a few metal and composite (wood+metal) ones as well
composite as in metal over wood? yes, that was a very common build for some times, especially all the Phalanx had this (brass or bronze on wood, while the spears were steel tipped)
but phalanx is antiquity.
metal sheathing over wood, or metal-reinforced wood
@Trish this was in relation to shocking grasp + shield (which doesn't work because of wield vs wear, but composite or wood might also further complicate if it od
Did worm
metal reinforced is actually the most common type for lots of shields.
*did work
@NautArch that answe ris semantics... I would reword shocking grasp to equip, if I would want to target shields too.
@Trish the game is semantics :) words have specific meaning here
and mathematics.
Damn those maths
@NautArch Nobody--the PHB explicitly says they can be metal or wood.
@Trish except that "equip" isn't a term of art in 5e... =\
@nitsua60 thx...didnt have my phb handy. Can druids wield shields?
@NautArch yes -- but they must be hide or wood, not metal
@Shalvenay cool. Knew the no metal thing, but didn't know if they had the wizard problem with shields and casting.
@Shalvenay other shield materials that are proper: horn, ivory & bone (are part of some aftrican shields)
@NautArch nope, they are divine casters, no "arcane spell failure" for them.
@NautArch ASF is dead as a dodo in 5e anyhow
you just need proficiency with a type of armor to be able to cast in it
@Trish ya know... I either never read that or simply failed math and didn't out 2 and 2 together. Grazie!
arcane spell failure
@Trish Yeah, that's not a thing in 5e: source of magic doesn't matter. Any caster, whether as a class feature, feat grant, or magic item, needs to be proficient in any armor they're wearing in order to cast the spell successfully.
@Yuuki with the metal shield thing...the semantics do feel cheap. Another way of thinking is that you aren't targeting the shield, you are targeting the person who is encased in metal armor.
... that's a lot of votes...
@Yuuki the truth is harsh
No, I meant that I'm surprised at the amount of upvotes I got for that question.
@Yuuki it was a good clarification
@nitsua60 Yes. The stats are the same.
@JackStout Not sure what you mean.
Hey guys, anybody have any recommended reading for making a dragons lair, 5e
What kind of dragon?
@Miniman yes, very important. you could have a dragon whose lair is actually part museum collection and part trade-warehouse for old airplane parts :P
@Skyler seriously, what flavor of dragon are we talking about here?
@Shalvenay Or it is a horse stable with a gunrack... wait, that is a dragoon.
@Miniman silver
@Skyler different dragons have different tastes. Silver... how old?
I'm leaning towards a lost city type area, players are suppose steal multiple items
adult, apporaching ancient
this is that quest to recover that dragons personal affects from his ex
Elder dragons have more elaborate collections - and more delicate safety features... The lair is of a silver... who is the Ex?
@Trish a brass dragon, younger by some but also solidly adult
the PCs dont know that though
@Skyler Hmmm. I can't think of any good example silver lairs off the top of my head, so if it was me I'd just start with the Monster Manual and then go to the Draconomicon.
Silver Dragons like relics of history
Pulling up the PF bestiary...
Theyre ice based, I want to make the lair an icy mountain peak, perhaps the entrance of some dwarven ancient ruins in the middle of something like a frozen Lake Baikal
hmmm, only a tiny splat: "Of all the dragons, silvers are the most courageous, holding themselves to a chivalrous code to help the weak, defeat evil, and behave in an honorable manner."
Yea, they also tend to like humans a lot so she's going to not be way too angry at the humans for being roped along by her ex
the plan is to cause a near-death experience during the course of a heist in the lair to our rogue, the brass dragon is seemingly an uber adventurer to them who claims to have "interacted with" this dragon on many an occasion now with a dragonslayer blade, so he will "distract" it
unrelated: what's a pithy term for something that follows the body plan of a drider, but isn't actually a drider?
Chivalrous, history... maybe the silver one froze the city thelselves, preserving it in its last moments when a horde of evil threatened to overrun it. The roads are cluttered with ice skalatites, and the occasional fighter/evil being frozen over?
if you want to go for creepy: some of the frozen over statues miss an arm or leg to be found somewhere else...
Hi hi.
I have an encounter as their working their way up the mountain I want to do, based on this pic:
Penitentes are areas of spiky ice which can be as high as 4 metres! https://t.co/fgKIopVgsA
@Shalvenay Centaur?
Then I want the brass dragon to split up with them as he goes through the fron tdoor, while they borrow through tunnels within the frozen lake like this twitter.com/NaturelsWeird/status/849607827932971008
So they enter through a an ice tunnel within the lake into part of the lost ruins under this almost completely frozen over lake
One of the most important item they are retrieving is a golden warhammer (actually the key to the brass dragons lair)
@Miniman well...spider-centaur?
hey there @JuneShores
how're things going?
Going alright.
alright here, albeit a bit tired from having to alarmclock for daze's playtest
But anyways, what are things I should have on my dragons lair checklist for security measuress
@Shalvenay Queelag?
I checked out the new-ish PbtA game, Farflung, and... geez, it gets some things right but it's overall a mess.
@Miniman interesting, I'll have to look that up
Quelaag, but closer -- mine is fey-powered not demonic though
@Skyler Well, for a silver, ice-themed, but non-lethal...I'd be looking at traps that freeze people solid or otherwise capture them in ice.
@JuneShores what's the theme?
@Miniman also, any recommendations for the city design on things to read, first time really setting up a dunugeon perse
dungeon city thing
Hmmm, ruined underground dwarven city...
I can't think of any good examples off the top of my head. The Shackled City had a pretty cool ruined underground gnome city, though.
@Shalvenay It's surreal sci-fi. Adventures at the end of time, and all the PCs are these bizarre sci-fi concepts. Like, there's a playbook for Thanos.
@Miniman that works
@Skyler A lot of its elements were based around a "magic running wild" theme, though, so they're not necessarily applicable.
@Shalvenay But the game doesn't build in any setup and its moves don't concern any core conflicts, so there's not much actual structure.
@JuneShores ah, fail :/
@Miniman like what?
@Skyler For example, every time you open a door a random minor magical effect goes off.
Probably not something you're going to want - you'd be more looking at doors being rusted and frozen over.
@Miniman yea
@Shalvenay Yep. I've found this to be a regular occurrence with sci-fi games, even PbtA ones. I think Lasers & Feelings is the only one I've read with setup rules that serve my needs for situation design.
Also Firebrands.

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