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@LegendaryDude re: the ring of beaurocracy--have you luxuriated in the octopoid embrace of these legal postulations?
hey there @nitsua60
hiya. How're things?
thinking about an archer bard for Sunday morning...
a bardcher?
(there's got to be a polearm named that, come to think of it)
yeah -- probably with a STR/DEX heavy build
and a seriously heavy bow to match
@Shalvenay today's Angry article might have some tidbits in it that you'd like, in re: the charisma-conversation of the other day:
> There is a GREAT benefit to divorcing skills and ability scores. It allows people to play to their strengths and apply their skills more creatively and it creates more options for engaging with situations. This is especially useful in social situations, where the skills are poorly defined and only characters who specialize in Charisma will ever have any options in social interaction. It allows an Intelligent character a chance to persuade with reason rather than personality or to deceive with complex verbal puzzles and doublespeak rather than personality.
@nitsua60 that's...a fairly sharp break from D&D's past, albeit quite a meritorious idea if you ask me (it'd move the D&D skill system closer to how Fate Core behaves AIUI vs. something more like Fate Accelerated)
and yes -- he makes a very good point about how fuzzy skills-to-ability-scores is
someone might be able to finagle small parts with ease, but couldn't hit the side of a barn with a bow
yet both of those would be DEX-based from D&D's perspective
[amused] It's only a sharp break if you ignore 4e completely.
@BESW ah. how did 4e do it?
4e was pretty traditional about its skills, but for all of its defensive stats it let you use the better of two: Reflex was modified by the better of your Dex or Int; Fortitude by the better of your Str or Con; Will by the better of your Wis or Cha.
AC got to add... I can't remember, but it was conditional on not wearing too much armor and there WAS a choice.
So yeah, D&D has been comfortable with choosing from multiple ability modifiers depending on how your character does a thing for about ten years now.
And don't forget that it was 2e's NWPs that introduced the tying of a named skill to a single stat. (If I'm remembering correctly.) Before that it was "sometimes call for an ability check, which ability TBD through dialog."
@BESW I believe AC was the same as Reflex
That sounds right.
(And between the two of us, Troggy is the one to trust on remembering 4e mechanics.)
@nitsua60 ah, yeah
@nitsua60 So this is less 5e embracing a new idea, and more a gradual slope back toward D&D's roots.
@BESW yeah, except it's not 5e doing anything--it's Angry suggesting some tweaks that decouple skills from "assigned" stats.
from what little I understand of 5e, it incorporates a lot of old ideas from the previous editions, possibly just way too much even,... because the older editions don't really all work together well
So 5e did that "we're going to ignore the cool stuff 4e toyed with and go back to a 2e/3.5e mashup for ya" thing with ability modifiers too?
that all being said, I know hardly anything really about 5e
Though 5e does mention this idea in the DMG, I believe. Angry's just saying "make the default process (a) think about any relevant stat, then (b) think about any relevant skill rather than the default process being (a) identify skill--which has an assigned stat already written on your sheet--then, if you think of it (b) consider whether a different stat would actually be more suitable."
He's giving the fluidity/flexibility/reasonableness a little more prominence.
@BESW With near-zero knowledge of either 3.x or 4, I can't really confirm or deny this.
All I can say, coming from 2e straight to 5e, is: looking at the book (the art style, in particular) I thought "what the hell is this--I'm not playing WOW." Then I played and ten minutes in it felt like I hadn't missed a beat in the intervening 20-plus years.
@nitsua60 I think he just means what he mentioned, 4e let you use one of two stats for each defence, while 3.5 always tied everything to specific single ability stats
@nitsua60 That initial "I'm not playing WOW" feeling seems to be one of the only things they imported from 4e.
Angry is saying: break any idea of a "default" linkage. They're nearly orthogonal, and should be independently judged every time the resolution mechanic comes up. So it sounds like that's going even further than 4e did, further than any edition. (Since the ones that did focus on judgment and flexibility that much didn't even have skills/NWPs.)
@BESW I may not have communicated that well. I mean that looking into a 5e book for the first time made me fear that I would be stepping into WOW. But then the play-experience disabused me of that fear.
I was raised on Easley and Elmore, not this guy.
@nitsua60 Yes, pretty much that. A lot of people rejected 4e out of hand as "tabletop WoW" without giving it much of a chance.
Tubey faire, one of 4e's great mechanical innovations WAS superficially WoWlike.
@BESW Couple that with its reputation as one of the best tactical-minis games out there....
But it was less "WoW as D&D" and more "Tome of Battle as D&D."
@BESW whasthis?
Toward the end of 3.5e, Wizards released a splatbook that was seriously experimental. It provided a set of martial-flavoured classes with a new mechanical overlay comparable to but not actually based on spellcasting: each class had a series of powers they could use, but had to follow rules for refreshing them after each use. The rules for refreshing them gave each class its flavour.
And picking from lists for the powers as you leveled up, not unlike spell picking, let you customise the class to your liking.
It was a significant blow to the wizard/fighter power imbalance plaguing 3.5, and everybody I knew hated it.
@BESW at-will, encounters, dailies?
No, more like "use a black power to refresh a red power" or "when you've used all your powers, pick three to refresh." But looking back, it's very clearly the first tentative step toward 4e's universal refreshing-powers mechanic.
They were thinking about how to make martial classes awesome without making them casters, and poking new mechanics which blurred the lines between magic and skill to make everybody more pulpy.
To my mind, Tome of Battle was the first public playtest of 4e, sadly shackled by the constraints of an older system.
And if that's true, looking at Tome of Battle indicates "WoW-like" was not a 4e design principle.
If anything, WoW stole Tome's use-a-power-to-refresh-a-power gimmick for some of its later classes.
But I think it's all just convergent design.
Plenty of games have been using cool-down mechanics for decades, too.
Aye. Visibility counts for a lot.
And I admittedly get a little ruffled that D&D 4e gets so often ignored and forgotten when people talk about the progression of D&D design. It's a fascinating blip.
@daze413 I'm with you, I think, on the mute-player question. I feel like some edits have gotten out over their skis, as it were, given we haven't heard from OP yet. (cc: @mxyzplk ?)
Whatever one feels about its goals, 4e was a game with clear design goals that it met head-on and didn't get distracted by side quests or the temptation to be all things for all people.
@nitsua60 Yeah, it's kinda gotten all over the place :/
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heya! Phew, hectic night last night at work. How're things over there?
OK here
is there some way you want us to notate our characters for Sunday btw?
or is that up to me?
@BESW I hate that people use that as an excuse to dislike 4e and never try it, just for the record
@Shalvenay Do you mean if I wanted to see your character sheets?
@daze413 yeah, partly
obviously, 4e has its own mechanical flaws, but so does literally every edition ever
@trogdor I'm also fond of "I played the pre-pub adventure and it didn't have enough customisation choices so 4e is like WoW because you don't get to choose your abilities."
@Shalvenay no, I don't need to see it. It's not going to be a lasting campaign, anyway :) How are you keeping, anyhow?
@BESW lol
@trogdor HERETIC!
Jul 28 '16 at 3:26, by Adeptus
@Miniman But D&D 105e isn't real D&D... The last real D&D was 102.7e
@nitsua60 and proud of it too
(Yes, I've actually seen people judge a game's span of customisation options off its pre-pub material... from a company famous for constantly releasing expansion material to supplement the primary release.)
@daze413 I wasn't sure :)
if this is heresy I don't want to be devout
(spoken like a true heretic)
@daze413 but it seems like I can just dig up the form fillable PDFs, or maybe give Myth-Weavers another chance
@Shalvenay just use whatever is comfortable for you. Piece of paper? App? Myth-weavers?
@daze413 if you can throw me the link to the latter please?
@daze413 I've got an index card with a line down the middle. #old-school-ftw
@nitsua60 what's the line for?
Two characters, remember?
@nitsua60 heretics are people too :P
@nitsua60 ah! I though it was to do something... else? Idk heh
some might forget, the word only has horrible meaning because people decided to give it horrible meaning
@trogdor heretics are people too?
Or "heretics are people too?"
heresy is just a word for not practicing the same beliefs as you XD
Oh, man, the myth-weavers sheets really throws me back... Looking at all the characters I made for play-by-post
@nitsua60 I don't understand the difference between those two
In my religion it's usually "heretics were people. Before the burning."
But I don't miss play-by-post one bit :/ too slow
@nitsua60 You know he's a heretic because he burns juuust right
@nitsua60 well, yes, because they were burned for, gasp shock, not believing the same thing
certainly a horrible practice
(what's the net-term for "laugh out loud, but really uncomfortably, because joking about your religion having a multi-millennium history of burning/quartering/twisting/drowning anyone they didn't like is actually kinda horrifying"?)
Ahh, got it:
@trogdor Yeah, thankfully we, as a society, have grown past that. Now, we just condemn people for using the wrong pronoun. hehe
so...I was reading the question about lycanthropes being executed on nonmagical guillotines...
@daze413 we still have a long way to go, for sure
and it brought to mind a much more powerful, yet still mundane, source of massive damage...a turbofan engine
@nitsua60 it's ok though,
@Shalvenay kinda reminds me of drowning witches in nonmagical water.
@Shalvenay i, personally, say to not be able to kill them... Otherwise my world's ordeals would make no sense.
(CFM56 does oh, 30k RPMs at idle)
it isn't like you were even around to participate or stop it at the time
and will happily mincemeat anything fleshy it ingests
@trogdor you don't know me!
@nitsua60 lol
@trogdor (no, I believe it's "STAHP")
@Shalvenay who's to say lycanthrope meat is fleshy?
@daze413 well, they'll also shred not-so-fleshy things too
(not that the engine won't need a trip to the shop afterwards, but short of rocks, FOD generally doesn't survive a trip through a jet engine intact)
@Shalvenay clearly, modern machines are magic. But wait! Don't modern steels have some silver in them?
@daze413 nah, we aren't even talking steel for the blades, we're talking titanium alloy xD
steel's too dang heavy for the app
@Shalvenay well, clearly, titanium would bypass resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage... right?
@daze413 The best ones are grown single crystals, meters long. Not a single atom of impurity in the whole thing.
If werewolves are like vampires, they may be made of marble.
@BESW or diamonds, depending on the author, amirite?
The metallurgy behind modern aircraft engines is jaw-dropping.
@nitsua60 no doubt
On other news, I have a call coming up tomorrow to serve as a job-reference for a former colleague. Their work was good, really good in some ways. When they could produce. For reasons of disability, though, they were occasionally out of commission for weeks, and everyone else would have to pick up the ball.
I've spoken to a few lawyers and have a good handle on what I can and cannot say, but I'm still dreading the call.
@daze413 well, haha -- I'd actually say that titanium is the closest IRL thing to mithril
@nitsua60 I agree and have reverted the edit.
The OP can say which question they really have; editing in this case is an exercise in guessing.
"Exercise in Guessing" would be a good name for the next thing @BESW's going to say has a good name.
WB.SE, perhaps.
@nitsua60 mind blown
@trogdor Yeah, I didn't realize it at first, but you can really just keep falling through that one.
@nitsua60 it is a thing
my mind is too blown to explain it properly
see the slowmo at the end
@daze413 I actually think it may be a case of "resistance just isn't enough to overcome the sheer volume of hits/s"
it's the difference between Drizzt slashing away at you with his two swords at a swing-a-couple-of-seconds pace and an industrial food processor chopping you to bits with two equally sized blades spinning at thousands of RPM, hitting you a hundred times in a single second's span
@Shalvenay This is why you shouldn't play DnD in the modern world setting.
@daze413 hahaha
never mind that 9 out of 10 dragons hate that Ernst Mach guy :P
(the 10th wasn't available for survey because he made a crater)
(1) The GM is pretty harsh. (2) gameplay sucks, why am I starting at pre-level 1? (3) But I want more strength but dont want to lift weights :(
watches Drizzt skulk around for a while, only to find him skulking onto an airport airside...and try to sneak by the airplane making full power engine runs
@Shalvenay I really want to play out of the abyss again, I wanna pull that scene where you see Drizzt in a hallucinatory fungi-induced fever dream. My players will scream like fangirls
@daze413 personally -- I'd rather watch a pillar of fire come screaming out of the sky and park itself dead-center-bullseye on the deck of a seemingly ghost ship ;)
either that, or see the look on Drizzt's face when he's tracking some fell beast through the deep snows of the legendary Donner Pass, and looks up to see the real king of the pass tearing through the snows right at him...;) (with me driving it of course...say hello to something called a rotary snowplow)
A rotary snowplow is a piece of railroad snow removal equipment with a large circular set of blades on its front end that rotate to cut through the snow on the track ahead of it. The precursor to the rotary snowplow was the wedge snowplow. == History == The rotary was invented by Toronto, Ontario, Canada dentist J.W. Elliot in 1869. He never built a working model or prototype, although he wanted to. Orange Jull of Orangeville, Ontario, expanded on Elliot's design, building working models he tested with sand. During the winter of 1883–1884, Jull contracted with the Leslie Brothers of Toronto to...
looks like a purple worm
@daze413 yeah, kinda :P a mechanical purple worm that chews up concrete-hard snow ten feet deep and spits it out in giant rooster tails ;)
mental note about taming purple wormlings to clear out snow...
@daze413 for SUnday's game -- do you mind if I use one of the half-elf skill proficiencies for a weapon proficiency instead?
@daze413 haha -- it's not like most wagon roads have the kind of snow clearance needs Donner Pass demands these days
@Shalvenay So swap out a skill for a weapon prof?... What sort of weapon?
@daze413 longbow
@Shalvenay dont you already get longbow? But, yeah, sure
@daze413 nope, half-elves don't get elf weapon profs
@Shalvenay what if it's white dragon ice huh?
@daze413 haha. then it might be needed ;)
@Shalvenay There's actually a half-elf variant in SCAG that does exactly this.
@Miniman what does it swap out?
i think it was a skill?
does it give you all the elf weapon profs or just some?
@Shalvenay Skill Versatility for Elf weapon Training, Keen Senses, Fleet of Foot, Mask of the Wild, Cantrip, Drow Magic, or a swim speed.
@Miniman ah
so the two skills for the Elf weapon training
3 hours later…
So... my life has been made complete.
I have a PC in my D&D game I've been playing. A Fighter named Doug Ironhands. He is, basically a tank.
Our DM is actually in the army; cavalry, more specifically.
And now, there is an actual tank, named Doug Ironhands.
@Ben That's awesome! :D Is it an M1 Abrams?
or more like a water tank?
Oh man I wish it was an Abram's! Hahaha
I think it's a T-80
@Ben still cool
Correction - just confirmed. It is an M1A1 Abrams
no more or no less cool :D
Haha. I'm pretty chuffed
5 hours later…
How does one handle spells in roll for shoes? Does the system not allow magic?
@daze413 You use your Do Anything 1 to try to use magic.
Then, if you get a 6, you might gain the skill Do Magic 2.
Depending on the type of magic you use, you might then specialise into Conjure Beer 3.
Basically, it handles magic the same way it handles everything.
That's kinda the point.
As a side note, having an entirely different set of rules for magic is very much a D&D thing, not a universal thing.
@Miniman Ah, I guess it's just alien to me, this system.
So, basically, everyone is a spellcaster if they want to be?
Everyone is anything they want to be.
Thing is, what if the player just says: "I melt his brain with my magic." With a do anything 1.
^ that can happen?
Then, if they succeed, that happens. But remember, the GM decides how difficult something is.
So, basing off Ilmari's answer, 3 d6s... for a brain melt task.
As an example, I played a spellcaster in a RFS game in chat here.
(Although my favourite skill was Taking the Credit 3, by a long shot.)
1 hour later…
hey there @nitsua60
and hey @Miniman as well -- the chars for daze's dungeon on Sunday morning US time were point-buy, right?
or nvm, I found it
1 hour later…
@daze413 -- for Sunday's one-shot: 1) is Sanity something we have to point buy into, or how is that supposed to work? 2) is an evil char (NE btw) OK, or will that be a problem ingame?
1 hour later…
hey there @Ben and @DrPhil
2 hours later…
So I just found about the Undying Light patron for Warlock..
I don't know whether to do Vengeance Paladin/Fiend Warlock or Devotion Paladin/Undying Light Warlock now.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Shalvenay it's a 7th ability score which you point buy along with the others.
@Miniman what's the base value for it?
@Shalvenay 8, the same as the others.
@Miniman got it
@Yuuki Definitely the second one.
@Shalvenay 1) yes, that's why its 30 point buy but, tbh, sanity will not come up until after (its more for roleplaying how I run it) 2) it wont come up, its just a combat playtest with a little RP in the beginning
@daze413 coolio, shouldn't be too big a deal then (even if my bard is really not a nice guy)
anyway, I just stopped by coz I saw the notification. Have to go to church! see ya in... 12 hrs?
@Shalvenay as long as you work together, its no problem
NEs are mercs, if I'm not mistaken, and it makes sense that this game has those, just not the really disruptive ones
as your employer is LE himself
but the cause is good, its just the methods, if applied to humanoids, are really ruthless
anyway, Im looking forward to seeing the bard ranger simulator as NE! see ya for realsies
@Miniman Reasons?
Both builds are rather thematic, so I don't really have a preference.
I think I'd use a maul/greatsword for Vengeance and sword-and-board for Devotion.

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