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Yeah, proclaiming to the internet that your website is secure is basically the equivalent of walking into a bar and telling the room you can drink anyone under the table, AND you'll pay for the drinks to prove it.
@Miniman The top comment on the reddit thread, posted after an hour or two, was "I am going to bed now. I fully expect this site to be either defaced or offline when I wake up."

Randy1987 15 points 2 hours ago
Join in tomorrow for episode 2 - "What Backup?"
@Aaron that's fantastic.
@Miniman How to lose a fight 101: Step 1 - pick a fight...
If you pick a fight online you've already lost
@Aaron "Sure we have a backup! We made one when we established our site, never had to use it in 15 years!"
@eimyr In my experience that is about right.
online opponents have regeneration/-
Security professionals tend to never think about breaches as an "if" but as a "when". It will happen; your job is to just make it take an awesome amount of resources before it happens, and to make breaches give people nothing useful when they happen.
I worked support for a company and found out they had backed up their system once... when they made it.
@doppelgreener and the restoration to be as close to instantaneous as economically viable.
@Aaron also called "the restore to factory defaults backup"
I nearly ripped my hair out cause we were having issues and the reason we were looking up the backup was to see if we could just rollback a few days x.x
@Aaron rip in every single pepperoni
@AnneAunyme I have a coworker named hope, lol
@doppelgreener oh my
I am still stunned about how the details of this story
I worked for such a company, and I can't blame the developper
I'm not even the best programmer and even I know how to at least stop SQL injections
Hasn't been hacked in 15 years my arse
if your manager is very very bad, you can be as good as you want, you won't stop SQL injections
(i am speaking about really bad managers, not just mildly bad ones)
(the kind who tells you: "nah, don't spend time on this, that's not important")
("but, sir, security is important...")
("are you suggesting the guy who worked on it before you was incompetent? You don't want to get fired, do you?")
@AnneAunyme or "stop finding critical bugs! you're delaying the release!"
yup, that's it
"We'll just patch it"
@doppelgreener Honestly I would probably just quit on the spot if I heard that. It would murder your reputation working for someone that forced you to put out shitty applications
@Aaron well, or plan to leave the job ASAP and start looking for new work that evening. :D
Yea x.x
check this out
DM:"The dragon rests on a hoard of gold." PC:"We gather the town's wealth and add it in. The dragon will surely create jobs now." #GOPdnd
@eimyr O_o
Player: I'm the best dice roller. Nobody rolls higher than me. My stats are all 20s. DM: Can I see your character sheet? Player: No #GOPDnD
Something something single-cleric healthcare
Is there a dice statistics site that would accept this equation and spit out the stats for me? (2d20D1+13)/10*(1d100)
have you tried anydice?
PC: “A temple! We can get healed!” DM: “12,000 gold each.” PC: “We don’t have that much gold.” DM: “You have *access* to healing.” #GOPDnD
@SPavel ^^
I'm trying it now but not having much luck. Looking through their documentation now
I think their syntax is different but I'm not holding my breath
@Aaron When you are on an internship you don't have the choice
the best you can do is try do do something not too bad to validate your year of studies
Man Anydice is complex I think I can do what I need but it'll take awhile lol
what does 2d20D1 mean?
also, is it xxx/(10*1d100) or (xxx/10)*1d100
@Aaron how fluent are you in programming?
@Aaron Is this what you are trying to do? anydice.com/program/b192
@eimyr was just gonna ask that
Got it x.x
output (([highest 1 of 2d20]+13)/10)*1d100
Once I figured out the highest function I got it.
@Aaron what's this supposed to do?
Hmm. Can I set it so it tells me the chance of the dice being over 50 specifically or do I need to use the table and figure it out on my own?
@Aaron Click the 'At Least' and 'Table' buttons
A PC may attempt to sell and item or service at full retail price to an NPC if the item's price does not exceed the settlement's Base Value. To do so, use the following steps.
1) Make a Diplomacy Check (or Intimidate Check). Crit 20 is an automatic pass. Crit 1 is an automatic fail.
2) Add Fame (or Infamy if using Intimidate)
3) Divide the result by 10
4) Roll 1d100 and multiply by the result in step 3
If the end result is 50 or more, you've successfully sold the item to an NPC.
Selling items to NPC at full price.
It's a bit roundabout but it's what he setup
@diego Ohhh. Thanks!
@Aaron so, you're function's off then
Nice even if I only use 1d20 I have a 70% chance to hit over 50. With the 2d20D1 I have a 75%
at least, the version you linked only shows results of 0 - 3
I didn't link that, that was someone else.
@DForck42 That was mine, and I had the parentheses messed up
@diego ahh ok
@Aaron You seem to have encountered a narrative that D&D doesn't support! Choose one:
a) create homebrew (this increases system complexity)
b) use existing rules as much as they fit (this might yield unpredictable result)
c) ditch the system, pick a better one
@diego Thanks for trying to help at least :)
@eimyr Yea, I think it would be a lot easier to just have a flat DC but hey I'm not the GM XD
Well, technically it IS a flat DC.
I meant without all the extra math, just a normal Diplomacy check
It would be a lot easier if the game itself... yadda yadda
@eimyr True
I just let PCs sell at full price always, to keep WBL even
It works fine
WBL isn't a thing in this game I think.
We are doing a kingdombuilder/downtime rules game
Ah, downtime rules
We all pretty much do whatever we want so I could just stay lvl 1 and build up wealth by buying and stuff. That isn't what I'm going to do but I could do that
I try to avoid that as much as possible - spellcasters can do so much ridiculous crap when given days to do it
/me is a wizard crafter
Not even crafting - just things like wall of salt -> sell for full price because it is a trade good -> move on to a different city before you mess up supply/demand
it's just a weird formula. since you have a high diplomacy check, if you roll low on the d20 you still only need 50 or higher on the d100
Allow me to spam:
4 hours ago, by eimyr
Folks! I have a playtesting request! Could I ask you to do the following:
Pick up a random novel in historical/fantasy/whimsical genre. Fairy tales are OK.
Roll a d4, d100 and d20. The d4 shows the hundreds digit – if your book is too thin, roll 1d4-1 or 1d3-1 instead. d100 shows the tens and units digits, with "00" being "00" and not "100". Open the book and turn to the page rolled, and then find a line shown by the d20.
Post the contents of the line to http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/55732/eimyrs-book-gibberish-room . Do it 6 times if you want to be super-helpful.
The only whimsical fairy tale I have access to at the moment is my company's product release roadmap for the year
@SPavel hah!
@LegendaryDude done. Man, I'm so far behind, because I didn't take the day off of work yesterday =(
I will say, I do think that my scheme is way better than "take the expectation value every time."
Slowest gun this week....
so, we mostly finished rolling our villians and vigilantes pc's last weekend
So, this question feels to me like it could be boiled down to "What methods do you guys use to remember the rules?" Is the question in a form that should stay open?
@Adam I still can't even wrap my head around what they're forgetting.
I think that if he rolls a 2-3, he's supposed to roll for a random encounter, and then narrate that the party finds the kinds of tracks that you would associate with that encounter
That's clear.
But what's OP forgetting?
But the problem is that when he rolls a 2-3, he just says "not a random encounter, nothing happens"
That doesn't really seem like an on-topic question
Basically, his chart goes from:

1: random encounter
2-3: tracks
4-6: nothing interesting


1: random encounter
2-6: nothing interesting
But why is this an RPG question
He knows what the rules are and how they work
But how? He's forgetting that there's three possible results? That just makes sense to me.
And he's forgetting the most common result?
If they were forgetting to make the roll in the first place, well... I do that about every ten minutes.
@nitsua60 exactly. Basically when the time comes to roll the dice for the outcome, he always forgets that 2-3 is not a "nothing interesting" result. It just slips his mind. He wants some help either with a method to remember that he has extra work to do on a 2-3, or for a less complicated system for generating a similar set of results
@Adam I must be missing something in the realm of human experience. I can get forgetting to make the roll, I can get making the roll and having no idea what the result means so needing to look up the result, but I can't get what OP's saying.
James Comey (FBI director) just testified under oath that he's "not made of steel." WHERE'S THAT HEADLINE, MAINSTREAM MEDIA!?
I gave an answer that's basically "customize the die" - that seems like the best thing to do
"footprint" for signs, "monster" for encounters
@SPavel That's a good call. Unfortunately, OP'll be back in three months with "I remember to roll for encounters, but I forget to use my customized encounter die for it. How to remember?"
@nitsua60 You know how in 5e, You're supposed to make an ability check if the level counterspell is cast at is less than the level of the spell you are countering? Imagine if there was a question that we recieved which said "I always forget that you're supposed to make the ability check! I always just let counterspell work. How can I remember to call for the ability check?"
@nitsua60 Then the solution is to duct-tape the die to your hand
@Adam But forgetting to make a roll makes perfectly good sense to me. It's remembering to make the roll, but forgetting one of the 3 outcomes that makes my head hurt.
It's the same concept. "I can't remember this rule during play, what can I do to remember it on the fly?"
@Adam well, the PLAYER should be asking if they need to make the check or not
this is why I have all of my spells printed along with my character sheet
I think the querent is forgetting something different...
@nitsua60 lol
consider this: he rolls 2-3. He says "oh, you spot tracks of 3 trolls. They are a few days old at least." Players buy anti-troll potions. Then, half a session later, he rolls a "1" and his encounter is a group of bandits - because he forgot he said anything about the trolls.
Be nice guys. How would you like it if you asked a question like that and then jumped into the chat and saw this fly by?
i thought about the customed dice too, but as he asked specifically for something I already tried...
@eimyr That seems very likely though
@Adam seconded.
@Adam true
@eimyr That would make complete sense.
If I go outside and see a days-old puddle of dog urine, am I expecting the next thing I see to be a dog
@SPavel could you please Be Nice your remark about Roll for Shoes?
Really, I just wanted your guys' opinion on whether it would be reasonable to start a close vote on the question, at least for now, since it seemed like a "suggestion generation" type question
I'd go for a close with "addintional clarification required"
@eimyr a whole new world of understanding is opening right now
@Adam I've held back on voting in any direction (except on SPavel's answer) out of confusion.
@Adam as it is asked, it falls under Good Subjectivity
The question is not necessarily poorly asked either, as it there is a clear meaning
@SPavel the idea of "next thing be a dog" is a very fundamental one. GMing isn't a competition (unless OSR) and a good GM gives players hints about the environment. It creates player agency if the players have information and can act on it. So, if you spot a puddle of troll urine, it doesn't mean that trolsl are around the corner, but it means trolls will be relevant, in whatever fashion, later on. See Chekov's Gun.
Yeah - later on
Not the next encounter
@AnneAunyme I suppose so. Perhaps I was unnecessarily boiling the question down to its most basic form, which would be far too broad for a reasonable answer.
With eimyr's light, I can see two interpretations:
That sounds like a cleric or paladin battle cry - "With eimyr's light!"
Come on. I forget rules all the time. Same with story elements. The answer is obviously "keep good notes and look at them frequently"
yes, and you don't need to ask here about how to keep these notes
@nitsua60 I do like your proposed solution rather than just affecting the average number of targets.
@AnneAunyme But that's kind of what the question is asking, isn't it? How do you guys take notes to remember things?
I find this whole idea of "OP too stupid to play" quite offensive really. Is it honestly that difficult to forget how a rule works or a story element to be implemented?
Simply using the expected value seems to me no better than rolling once for all targets.
I mean, come on. You're picking on a person that recognised a problem and came to the problem-solving place to fix it
i don't say he is too stupid to play
Really? Is that what is supposed to happen on this chat now?
@Adam as it is asked, yes, but in a very bizarre way
@AnneAunyme with all due respect, musings about mental handicaps possibly present are damn close.
@eimyr No. Had I known that things would spiral like they had, I would've just pondered it myself. I was just looking for input on whether the nature of this problem or the way that it was phrased fit the site
some people have big trouble reading simple texts, some doing even simple additions. It doesn't mean they are not worthy of playing, nor that they should be shamed for that in any way
which is fine! but I'm trying to put my foot down here, this is one of the nicest places in the webs and the above looks like a reddit feed. I won't single out who has been offensive and who hasn't. I just ask: please stop. Continue talking about question's suitability if you must, not the querent.
@eimyr agreed
@AnneAunyme Is English not your first language?
@LegendaryDude yes
French, right?
You guessed right
I have a friend who actually is mentally handicapped in medical terms (he is dyslexic and possibly dyscalculic). On top of that he suffered severe brain trauma about a decade and a half ago and suffers from permanent temporary amnesia.
(I assure you, permanent temporary amnesia is a thing and not a ridiculous 90's sitcom plot)
But, I would never refer to him as having a mental handicap or use that language to describe him, because as a native American-English that usage is considered quite rude
Just putting some perspective on it, and trying to explain eimyr's objection to such usage based on some big assumptions about that question
language barriers...the most bitter and ruthless of all foes
I'd also posit that a non-handicapped person would also find it quite offputting if that was RPG.SE reaction for a basic but relevant question.
@SevenSidedDie Huh. What's with the force deletion on my answer? The reason doesn't make sense
Warning: Answers not based on experience with this situation will be deleted. Assumptions about how well/badly this would work are not admissible as support for answers to this question. — SevenSidedDie ♦ 5 mins ago
So added a post notice 6 minutes ago then deleted my 7 hour old answer that gave a valid answer to the question?
He deleted about 6 answers from the question, all for the same reason
@TimB Also, the banner on your deleted answer: "Some of the information contained in this post requires additional references. Please edit to add citations to reliable sources that support the assertions made here. Unsourced material may be disputed or deleted."
The usual Good Subject/Bad Subjective reasons. Everyone has an opinion, but opinions are for discussion forums.
It wasn't an opinion. It was a clear statement of options. You could use the setting with a different ruleset. You can simplify the ruleset. How is either of those an opinion?
This question asks for experience. (From experience, I know that running a game where the players don't know the rules is quite different than what I and others assume before trying it. It requires experience to talk about meaningfully)
@TimB Everyone has an opinion on what the right options to try are too. Unless those options are generated from experience, it's not a useful answer.
that response is so blinkered I'm not even sure we're having the same conversation
All options are generated from experience or synthesis of experience. I've not done exactly what he's trying to do but I've done several similar things (for example introducing people who've never played before and teaching the rules as we go). Based on that knowledge and experience I presented two options that might help him solve his problem similar to but not identical to a problem I've faced before
@TimB That's cool. If you can edit the post to provide its experience-based support for why it's the right answer to the situation, then it can be edited and it would be undeleted.
What we're not going to have though is a stack of everyone's ideas, from the comfort of a distant armchair. To separate the armchair theories about what's a good idea from the advice from working experience, we can only look at how well the answer supports itself, academic-style, with citations to personally experience evidence or the experience of others.
what I don't understand is why this arbitrary higher level of required support for answers has been applied to this one question 19 hours after it was originally asked. I haven't seen all the other answers so I don't know if they were all rubbish or something but it feels like there's a certain level of overkill here
and I've certainly not seen it required in many other q&a on this stack or others
@TimB This standard was applied before: two answers were deleted yesterday already. Today it hit the Hot Network Questions list and gathered a bunch more “I think…” and “you shouldn't…” and one literal “Disclaimer: I haven't done this…” answers.
A: Remembering to add tracks and signs of wandering monsters

eimyrIt's always easiest to remember the critical effects of any roll. Everyone remembers rolling a 20 is a crit, right? Get into the habit of putting signs and tracks everywhere Since you mention your worlds can be a little empty, start every single random encounter as a give-more-information cue. ...

two birds, one stone, folks ^^
I mean all I need to do is edit the answer to put "in my experience" at the start and it meets this arbitrary new bar. That doesn't actually improve the answer though.
@TimB Faking it doesn't tend to work. :)
@TimB That doesn't really meet the criteria for "back it up."
And it's not a new bar. GS/BS is older than RPG.se.
@eimyr Nice. That's what I tend to do too. One of my most spectacular failures to start an old-school sandbox game involved forgetting to give signs…
@eimyr Sorry for this, I really didn't meant to be rude. I'm not fond of these language taboos but not enough to want to fight for that and completely agree not to speak about this here anymore.
@SevenSidedDie there you go, edited the answer. added some more detail and formatted it a bit since I was in there.
@AnneAunyme Weighing in as a mod: it is not appropriate to speculate about whether a fellow site user is mentally handicapped in chat. It's not a language taboo, the problem is that it is turning a conversation about a question's content into speculation about the personal details of the person asking.
@eimyr Niec answer, I like that :) Good way to add flavour. Although I'd not be keen on forcing actions on my players "one of you turns away". I'd go with something more like "the smell makes you feel nauseous" and let them respond
@SevenSidedDie please, if you want me to stop talking about that, stop talking to me about that.
@TimB That's… barely supported now. One section doesn't mention experience, or even why it's there. Actually… that's the biggest problem with the answer: it doesn't even appear to be answering the question. The question is “Is X feasible?”, but the answer is “I would do Y or Z.” As a frame challenge, it's not acknowledging the question or explaining why it's challenging the frame. As an experience-based answer though, it barely clears the bar, tapping it on the way over, but it's back.
@AnneAunyme *eyebrow raise* No, I'm speaking as a chat moderator, informing you of the problem, and why those messages are now deleted. That's not an invitation to continue the conversation, nor should it be taken as one.
I wrote that so you would know for the future what the problem was, and how to avoid it next time.
@TimB OFC that is up to your personal taste. I'm now in the storygame-indie mindset, which assumes there is consent for nonimportant actions to be decided by anyone, GM or player. I'd say "turning away" is not important but if your game works differently (as OSR just might) sure. My message was to use "what do you do" and "details first, decision later".
I already apologized for that, you are just acting ungentlemanly
@eimyr Sure, it's a difference in style. I was just interested to discuss it
I wouldn't particularly say "you turn away" a moment before a troll attacks.
I wouldn't mind saying "you turn away" if this changes literally nothing in how the PCs act further
@AnneAunyme I'm sure the apology was appreciated by those who were involved in the conversation. As a moderator however, it is important for me to explain my moderation actions. It's also important to explain what is and isn't appropriate. Since the apology misunderstood what the problem was, it was required of me to explain what the real problem is, and what would cause it again in the future.
and if a player says "I stab Mike while he's turned away" I'd just dismiss it, saying the turning away is not to be mechanically exploited.
@SevenSidedDie Just to let you know. I really appreciate you weighing in and I wouldn't like for it to come across as targeting a specific person when the problem had a few involved, unless there is a good reason for it. Carry on as necessary, no response to this expected.
@SevenSidedDie Fair points, I've added a bit more context.
@eimyr Interesting. So it's more a co-operative storytelling including reactions of their characters etc. As opposed to the more ((not sure the proper word here - egoist? simulationist?)) approach of my providing the world but then the player characters are entirely driven by each player within the world
@TimB the word you're looking for is "trad"
as in traditional?
traditional games, and OSR games specifically, assume clear line between GM authority and player authority
@TimB Thanks, that's improved.
GM narrates the world and players narrate their actions, all subject to game rules
under a more modern, indie or storygame paradigm, both GM and players have common authority over a story even if their roles are somewhat different
Actually, I'm quite pleasantly surprised by the sudden influx of new answers. They're all citing experience… and coming to different conclusions. That's a much more meaningful field of answers to read than what we had before, with all the opinions cluttering it up.
@TimB so, in a recent game of Night Witches I had my GM ask me "who spotted your character and how's that trouble?" when I was stealing some stuff. I responded with "Cpt. Dubieva spotted me, but said nothing to leverage that information against me later."
because the game assumes I consent to GM imposing some changes to my character and me imposing some changes to the story
@eimyr Oooh, night witches. Maybe that's a game I could pitch to myself and then to my group…
@Anaphory why would you pitch it to yourself? It's the best PbtA game out there, for some even better than AW itself.
@eimyr Because that's what I heard, I just haven't managed to get myself any evidence of it :D. Yet.
also, very historically accurate and unafraid of heavy topics
on session number 3 I (as a player) made choices that killed an NPC who was helping us which prompted a three-session long narrative fallout. I was devastated as a character but saw only benefits as a player
as in: the whole game is about dealing with realities of war and it guides you to make choices that reflect that.
@eimyr Thank you for this--I'd stepped out for lunch or I'd have seconded it earlier.
Example one: my character gained experience when people around me die and ALSO benefits if her actions force people to take risks
@LegendaryDude Thanks. I use simulated mass-results all the time at the table, and the only comments I've ever gotten from players is curiosity and interest from those who want to steal my methods themselves.
@nitsua60 pay me back by playtesting!
@SevenSidedDie Yeah, I like the one that starts saying "focus on the story".
@eimyr I like it, but it doesn't seem to address the stated problem: when OP rolls and gets a 2-3, they don't remember there's a reason to say anything other than what you laid out for 4-6. I'd be tempted to upvote if your answer either addressed that forgetting-point, or talked about how this approach will ameliorate the effect of the forgetting.
it seems weird that they don't remember tbh. They just rolled a dice...taking the action indicated by the dice isn't then easy to forget
it reads to me more that they are can't think of a good idea/think "oh it's not that important" and skip it rather than they actually forget
Sounds like we're coming full circle.
For that question, and any question really, we can only go on what the author tells us and the background knowledge of the game/system rules. If the querent says "I often forget to use the result..." then we have to take them at their word.
@eimyr Absolutely! Just out of curiosity, does it need to be the d400, d20 method, or is "select a randomly-determined line from the book" sufficient? I.e. are you trying to test something about the die method, or would looking at the page-count (N) and running RAND(1,N),RAND(1,28) (if, say, there are 28 lines per page) work for you?
so, I realized while looking at my sheet that I hadn't updated the amount of temp hp inspiring leader gives for the last 3 levels
I seem to have a serious lack of accessible books of the right type.
that's easily over 100 hp left on the floor
@nitsua60 it removes the problem. If you have given the details first, you're now thinking "ok, what do these details do...". The worst that can happen is the GM forgetting to ask "what do you do?", which is a different beast (player agency challenge). Also, by just doing this differently, you're reminding why there is a change in the first place...
@nitsua60 erm... the d400 is not important, but the d20 is - if you roll to a blank page, image, page with too few lines, a "crit" happens
@eimyr gotcha. So in that case we should return #ERROR?
can do
it's not massively important
@SevenSidedDie thanks for the edit. Writing a long answer like that, including moving blocks around at various times, I was sure to pick up some unreadabilities =|
can I @ tag more than one person in a single message?
@eimyr In chat you can
@eimyr As Legendary said in chat yes, if you're leaving a comment on a question/answer, no.
SO is failing me, anyone here know javascript?
@GreySage If SO fails you, I don't think I can help. My JS is very rusty.
@GreySage Failing in the “searching and can't find an answer” way, or failing in the “closed as duplicate but the duplicate doesn't answer my question” way?
@SevenSidedDie In the "searching and can't find an answer" way
@Anaphory SO is strangely hostile to JS questions. It's a known problem. :/
I have what I think is a super trivial, simple, almost embarrasingly easy problem, but I can't find a solution anywhere
@GreySage My JS is very basic, but maybe my search-fu is better. What's the problem?
I can give it a shot too
I have data in various .csv files. I want to access this data in my javascript.
Seems simple right?
@GreySage no
I don't think js was intended to read files
I don't need to parse it (i know how to do that), there are no headers (so d3.js won't work), the files are in the same directory that my html and .js files are
are you using raw javascript, or jquery?
@GreySage Is preprocessing or converting it into JSON not an option?
I have been preprocessing it, but I would like to eliminate that manual step
I've been reading the files in python, and outputting a json file.
@Szega I was looking at that same question
@GreySage Are you accessing them as a URL or wanting to access them locally? Is exposing them to the 'net not an option?
I would like to access them locally (to the server, not the client, so no fileLoader stuff). if I can't find a solution using XMLHttps is an option (which I already know how to do)
I prefer not to use jquery, although I will if I have to.
@GreySage I don't think you can, since the JS isn't running locally. As I understand it, the security model just doesn't work that way (i.e., JS isn't ever trustable, and is running in a remote client browser anyway).
Man, why the jQuery hate? ;)
@GreySage there seem to be some jquery libraries that will solve the issue for you
To build on SSD's comment: where is the JS being run?
@GreySage I believe you'd have to run a separate process on the server, and expose its behaviour as a light API, if you want the access and processing to be local.
Honestly it's mostly just pushback against the general consensus that jQuery is required to do anything with JS and if you don't use it you're a moron. I don't like that an 3rd party library is considered 'essential'.
(Though this is getting way outside my JS experience and just into my theoretical knowledge.)
@GreySage Not essential, no. Very useful, but not essential. :)
@SevenSidedDie Especially when you're coding for multiple browsers. That's a LOT of headache you don't have to deal with.
@GreySage it's cause raw JS isn't easy to use. third party libraries, such as JQuery, extend it and make it a lot easier to use.
My wife does heavy JS coding for work and laments that their environment necessarily can't use jQuery because of the way their code gets deployed to their clients' sites. But that's also an excellent demonstration of why being good with raw JS is useful, even though jQuery is useful.
@DForck42 To be fair though, a lot of the new additions to JS are comparably easy. At least I think so. The problem is that they are new.
@SevenSidedDie ok, I understand better your messages, but I still consider it is mostly a problem of different cultures around language and that "be nice" doesn't mean the same thing for everyone
@Adam I haven't followed JS in a long time. what new additions?
Well, thanks for the effort. I'll look into one of those alternatives.
@AnneAunyme That's okay. Because I have to walk this line myself every day as a mod, I sometimes forget that it's not obvious. I use this rule of thumb to help avoid problems: discuss content, not people; discuss behaviours, not people. :)
@GreySage javascrpt's biggest issue, honestly, is that it's initial implementation did NOT foresee how extensive it was going to be used and the types of things people were going to want to do with it
@DForck42 so much this
HTTP/1.0 suffered from the same problem. As images, styling, scripting, etc. became more prevalent, it quickly became obvious that single-use connections were no longer sufficient. Content wasn't just text anymore.
it looks like they FINALLY updated the standard to include for loops...
Loops? More like the devil's flow control!
You really should unroll your loops for optimization, anyway.
@DForck42 sounds like a certain other scripting language
A real programmer can write fortran in any language, anyway
@DForck42 Once you get the hang of them, promises aren't too bad, constants, static class members, substring search functions, that kind of junk. Useful stuff that you can just do in other languages that you can just do now in JS too
@SPavel REAL programmers use Map
I'm not a real programmer so I don't know what that is
I just flip bits manually using a magnetized needle
@SPavel That's one way to do it. Just be careful you don't accidentally flip neighboring bits.
@SPavel Needle! Fancy. When I was a kid we had to use a single iron filing!
I usually don't, except that one time S3 went down
@nitsua60 Iron filing? You were the lucky ones. Back in the day we had to use a diamagnetic piece of metal to flip bits!
@GreySage At least you're not the only one having the problem...
inb4 "in my age we didn't have metal, only stone tools"
(from the stack-wide tag usage guidance page)
@SPavel Back in my day we had to rely on the iron in our own blood!
@LegendaryDude which one?
@DForck42 I was picking on perl
@LegendaryDude ahh
Look at this fat cat, having blood instead of haemolymph
@SPavel heh
@LegendaryDude Blood! With iron-rich nuclei! In my day we diffused our oxygen throughout the body! Then came the chordates, ruining the neighborhood....
back in my day, everything was just hot
@SPavel (oh. sniped)
@nitsua60 Reading that brought back all my 1st year biology...
Breaking news: FBI director Comey just testified under oath that he hates the New England Patriots. 4:04:30 into his testimony, and I think he's finally cracked.
Kids these days have it easy with "biology" and "classes"...in my day, we studied alchemy by apprenticing to an alchemist and then inhaling fumes from his experiments!
(Now we'll get the true stories on Spygate and Deflategate, which are clearly Russian false-flag operations.)
@nitsua60 And maybe finally we'll figure out who took Tom Brady's jersey!
@LegendaryDude Plumbers. It's all coming full circle.
@nitsua60 my fiancée is a HUGE patriots fan
@DForck42 Back in my day we didn't even have heat, and all matter was in equilibrium. that was before... the big one...
@LegendaryDude lol
> Today, we’re announcing an exciting step in making sure other D&D fans around the world can enjoy fifth edition as well. Wizards of the Coast has partnered with Gale Force Nine to localize Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition tabletop RPG content into multiple languages. They will start with the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and the D&D Starter Set, as well as accessories created by Gale Force Nine (such as spell cards and Dungeon Master’s screens). The first translations will be French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Polish, and Portuguese, with more to follow.
Yes, just saw their FB post about that.
Still waiting for those updated GF9 spell cards they said they were doing this February. :|
It makes me sad that a lot of RPG terms translate very poorly into Russian
@nitsua60 O.O Woah! That's some huge news.
For example, there is no word for "punch"
Though weirdly there is one for "kick"
(psst... star it so others will see)
@SPavel weird. how does one describe the striking of another person with a fist in Russian?
The power of @nitsua60 compels me... @.@
@nitsua60 what's that?
That's what you say - strike with a fist.
удар кулаком
@nitsua60 wife and her family are pats fans. Hard being an eagles fan. Harder being an eagles fan in western mass.
@SPavel does "hand-kick" work as some sort of kenning for "punch"?
@SPavel interesting
@nitsua60 No
@SPavel It would be pretty awesome if it did though
Thus, the dwarven word for "punch" in my worlds will forever be translated into common literally as "hand-kick"
Thanks @nitsua60!
@SPavel Thought about it and we don't have such in hungarian either. We use "ökölcsapás", which would be "fist-strike" in english. Would that be better in russian?
I'm not sure what you mean by "better"
@Adam Wouldn't dwarves be more likely to call it a punch, and a kick a "foot-punch?"
And a headbutt a beard-punch
@SPavel sounding better
(I am assuming that dwarves do not differentiate linguistically between the hair on the head)

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