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@nitsua60 They had a bundle with all the original adventures that were converted for Yawning Portal. Looks like it was a time-limited thing, because I can't find it any more.
1 hour later…
ugh... trying to sign up for a DnDBeyond / Twitch account, and all my usual usernames are taken
@Adeptus Yeah, Twitch has that issue worse than most places, because they never retire accounts and lots of people make multiple accounts.
FWIW, it asked me for a new name for the dndbeyond site after logging in with Twitch, so I don't think the site uses the actual Twitch display name.
So if that's what you're having trouble naming you could go with whatever if you don't intend to use the twitch part of the account.
(I signed up within the first like 5 minutes and grabbed a 4 letter name, woo!)
Even when I know no-one's going to see it, I still feel weird picking a username I don't normally use.
I do like it when people use the system like battle.net does, where you can name yourself whatever and it'll autoappend a 4 digit pin to the end.
@CTWind They might not require unique display names - most sites don't.
True, I have no idea if that name needs to be unique. (Though I don't see a way to change it either)
@CTWind @Adeptus Well, if you try to set your display name to Miniman, we can find out. But I can't find a way to change it either, so you might be stuck as "Miniman" forever.
I'm gonna stick with my 'Wind', I think. :-P
I think they might be unique as they're how you look up member's profiles (I.E.)
Ah, right.
hey there @CTWind and @NautArch
how're things going?
Good, getting used to a new mechanical keyboard. (Haven't had one in years)
ah. OK here.
@CTWind yeah I like this too, that way you can pick what you want, and still like, be picked out as an individual by the people who you want to be able to do that (and not so much anyone else XD)
@CTWind Oh yay, it uses gravatar
@Adeptus The first time my avatar popped up on a non-stackexchange site, it freaked me out, but I've come to really like gravatar.
hey there @Dom
@Shalvenay Hi what's up?
not a whole lot, as for you?
(been doing a bit of campaign planning here)
Eh just hanging out.
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay Heya! How's things?
alright here, working up some campaign notes for if I want to parlay my dungeon into a follow-on campaign, as to how they're going over there?
Just got an answer for my arqade question by asking someone through a PM elsewhere. Apparently, answering it won't give useful information so am thinking of deleting it
yeah, just zap it at that point
because the odds of success vary from server to server. The mods tweak it, as I understand. And in my server they really gimped the odds so it's not a useful answer
I do have a math question I'm really struggling with now that I have my data
nasty DM thing -- kobolds inventing self-relocking door locks ;P (no magic needed, either, just sneakily placed mechanical parts and stiff spring tension on the core)
Also wondering if Dice, Camera, Action episode 30+ is still running curse of strahd or some sort of homebrew campaign of Chris Perkins
@Shalvenay so, open it > step through > close > re-locks?
but then if youre inside, you can just open it right?
the idea is that if it's unlocked with a key, that allows the lock to turn fully and then it latches in the unlocked position when the key is removed
nifty. what uses will it get?
as to inside? delayed exit hardware :P
Kobolds trapping people in their lair ;)
ah so its for the main entrance? not just every door?
main entrances, special trap chambers, that sort of thing
yeah, ok, but why go through the trouble? to avoid forgetting to lock up after?
to foil lockpickers, partly
basically, its a lock that makes you think you've unlocked it, only to lock back up on you
hmm... it would surprise you exactly once, I think
when the PCs figure it out, theyll bar the door open with a door stop or something
well, this is the kind of thing that has to work only once :)
make it count! haha
but if you could make leaving the door open detrimental or unfavorable, it'd be a minor annoyance
that's easy -- drafts ;)
@Shalvenay i dont quite follow.
@daze413 i.e. making it so that leaving the door open creates a large, unwanted air movement through said door ;)
especially if it's cold air coming in
"Why the heck are you leaving the door open? It's FREEZING in here!"
@Shalvenay but if the alternative is the possibility of getting trapped inside, I know I'd let it open. At least it's not as frigid as being outside?
@daze413 hrm...yeah, you might have a point
and itll probably be only cold in the first room. As you move in deeper, the cold will disperse
that is a point, yes
ooh, have them being chased ;)
from the inside or out?
from behind
these kobolds have ways to get around ;)
so... from outside going in?
oooh, sneaky kobolds and their little tunnels
got some ideas with stenches and smoke clouds as well
going for a Tuckeresque theme with my kobolds xD
(in more ways than one, too -- particularly cunning Kobold leaders in my world are given the nickname "Tucker" after a famous general who engineered a key victory in what basically was the Kobold equivalent of Stalingrad)
speaking of worldbuilding things -- I need a neutral magic deity (preferably from the FR pantheon) that could reasonably be worshipped by crazy elven witch-hunting cultists
@Shalvenay Given by whom? humans who have survived them?
@daze413 hrm...I'll have to think on this :)
@Shalvenay because if the kobolds give it among themselves, they'd give the award to any kobold who's not a half-wit because of pride, and a crippling inferiority complex
@daze413 haha
@Shalvenay kobolds are a dark mirror to my country, actually. It's sad... Ohp! just got real there for a sec.
yeah, Kobolds make a good fit for a Southeast Asian type environs
as a "native biome" sort of thing
@Shalvenay i can totally relate to them and know how they think haha, but ironically have never run kobolds
yeah -- in this case, the party's encounter with Kobolds is with a merc unit that's off wrapping up a training and civil engineering deployment
especially with the insights in Volo's? the kobolds are pretty well-rounded society
yeah, Volo's did a great job with bugbears and kobolds
really went one-note with gnolls and orcs tho
(speaking of orcs -- that's who hired the Kobolds for that civil engineering job. xD)
right now btw -- I only have three races -- Orcs, Elves, and Kobolds
@Shalvenay I liked that passage where that researcher delves into the mind of gnoll? really cool. I mean, you cant really get a lot of depth for Chaotic Evils, correct me if I'm wrong
@daze413 yeah -- I'm used to a more...balanced portrayal of gnolls (actually have a gnoll PC laying around from the meatspace 1e campaign I was in)
Gnolls in 1e weren't demon lord-spawn?
@daze413 well, mine was raised from a kit by a local monastery and wound up following St. Cuthbert as a result
@Shalvenay did 1e give them the hunger, as described in volo's? or the rage of gruumsh, or the like?
not sure, haha. our DM was pretty freewheeling in terms of character choices
I also never got how Gnolls reproduced? How do a handful of survivors of a warband end up replacing the lost numbers in a matter of... months?
@daze413 prolifically, that much is certain xD
I mean, if you think about it, Gnolls in 5e probably have the most inefficient kind of reproduction?
maybe. I know some material for 3.x has done a much more balanced portrayal of Gnolls, that's for sure
they need (1) live hyenas- how well do hyenas reproduce?, (2) a slain corpse by Yeenoghu himself? (3) eat the slain corpse, (4) bulge a bit and transform into a gnoll. Unless the transformation yields several gnolls to a hyena, that's not very fast
yeah, that's a serious O.O
if I was setting up gnolls for my world, they'd be far more...standard in their reproductive means
(if I ever get to play MonsterHearts though -- I think I'll be playing a gnoll for that)
so maybe yeenoghu can delegate the slaying corpse thing to a Fang or a Flind, they'd still be limited to the amount of hyenas they can put out.
I'm also someone who pretty automatically tosses One-Eye out the window
Ok, so apparently 8 pups in a birth. And 3 years to mature
yeah, that's a lotta gnolls
and yikes. I thought it'd be more like 8-10 years to mature!
my gnoll's actually pretty old xD
no, I meant the hyenas
oh. haha.
the gnolls are 1 hyena = ?? gnolls. They also probably start as adults already
O.o at the last part
if I may ask...what "monstrous" races do you run @daze413? (the comment about not having run kobolds before has me curious)
@Shalvenay Yeah, I wanna freak out my players when they witness gnoll birth. And when they see like half a dozen fully-grown gnolls come out of a bloated hyena, thatll prolly freak them out good
@daze413 If you have Out of the Abyss, there's a scene you might want to read.
@Shalvenay Aside from published adventures, I've run Bullywugs, Lizardfolk, Orcs, and the standard bandits/thugs
oh, I love drow
@Miniman yeah, am planning to use that scene xD
@daze413 Nice.
@Miniman oh wait, no, this is the one in the Labyrinth?
Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of.
@Miniman that's canon right? So that's how gnolls reproduce?
It's even more inefficient as I thought! No wonder Yeenoghu can't beat Demogorgon!
@daze413 Well, it's also in the Monster Manual, so I assume it's canon.
@daze413 Gnoll fangs can also do it.
@Miniman but the issue is they're still constrained to the number of hyenas that are following them
@daze413 ah. my short-form experience GMing so far has had bandits/thugs, and some more exotic monsters (gremlins, elementals, a tumblespark, an ooze), as well as experiences that were entirely environmental hazards, and some...off-key encounters
@Shalvenay off-key, how?
(once had the party run into an Orc family driving a herd of sheep. :P)
@Shalvenay that is adorable. were they friendly?
@daze413 more or less neutral
@daze413 You gotta remember, D&D doesn't really care about questions like "How can a gnoll population possibly sustain itself?" - what it cares about is dramatic scenes like that one.
but yeah -- I've never really tinkered with bullywugs as a DM before
(nor with lizardfolk, but that's primarily because I have a view of lizardfolk that hews far closer to Argonians or the original Saurial than the typical MM lizardfolk writeup)
@daze413 -- also. I wonder what a swine princess to go with your swine prince would be like. :o
@Shalvenay they're great in swamps- ignore difficult terrain by jumping over them. Hiding in puddles for ambush, they lack a solid ranged option though so I homebrewed a poison dart Bullywug
@Miniman Would be even more dramatic if the hyena bursts 3 or 4 gnolls out of its belly after some time
@daze413 ah. I don't use swamps much as a terrain type (if I did, it'd probably be more of a rice-paddy type of environment that'd favor lizardfolk due to being hot and muggy all the time)
also homebrewed a thuggish bullywug, my players aptly named "Swolellywugs"
@Shalvenay wouldnt fit the tone of the game, sorry. It's cool but the lack of a lower body would just disappoint the swine princess
@daze413 haha, perhaps you can describe it to me?
@daze413 hahahaha. quite, I'm sure. and if there's anything that's true, it's that pissing off Miss Piggy is a bad plan if you want to be around at the end of the day ;)
hey there @RollingFeles
@Shalvenay hi! :)
how're things?
It has been a couple of months since last time I visited this chat.
alright here, been tinkering with a dungeon lately and even working on a potential follow-on campaign with mercenary Kobolds, courtroom shenanigans, and crazy cultists with pointy ears all rolled into one ;)
Sounds fun!
as to how you've been?
it has been -- been playtesting the dungeon lately and it's definitely a different experience, that's for sure
(as always, when you describe your shenanigans or plans for them :P)
Well, I have 51 hours overtime in this month. But that lead to sucessful product presentation yesterday.
got a short-form game coming up soon, although the 1e campaign I was in at the FLGS went kablooie when the DM got yoinked by his $workplace
@Shalvenay Imagine a bigger bullywug that can tank a few hits and has higher strength for grappling. I made that right about the time I really got into theangrygm's monster building
@daze413 ah
Yeah. Also, I bought Nintendo Switch with Zelda and a couple of games. And I'm very happy about it.
@Shalvenay campaign with St. Cuberth kobold ? :)
@RollingFeles i'm glad theres a positive review about the switch. I keep hearing bad things about it :(
@RollingFeles s/kobold/gnoll
@Shalvenay ah, sorry.
@daze413 I think a lot of issues are typical for such launches.
And it's all just hype talk.
yeah, all the latest bugs!
the bad news lately was that I had to endure a rather chilly most of a week last week or so
Freshest! Just right from under programmer's fingers.
surge fried the furnace control board and partially fried the thermostat
they're both replaced now, and the weather's turning the corner to spring, too
but man, that was annoying as heck -- never knew a thermostat could brown out a gas valve like that before
but yeah -- dusting off my dragonborn for the short-form game, and also introducing a couple of players I ran with in the past to a couple folks from here :)
hey there @ben
Quick question - I need a list of "trap" spells (i.e. spells that can be set off by other people at a later date) that a level 5 Warlock may have access to.
D&D 5e
@Ben There are none.
@Miniman Dang
@Miniman none in the 'Lock list, or none whatsoever in 5e?
@Shalvenay None that a level 5 Warlock has access to. There are 2 (total) in 5e.
The Ranger has access to one i can think of
@doppelgreener I'm not tackling this one. Someone else's turn =)
@Ben Oh, I forgot that one. OK, 3.
@Miniman glyph and symbol?
@nitsua60 Ayup.
(Always nice to get the answer without looking it up!)
hey there btw @nitsua60
@nitsua60 ...that's off-topic is it not?
@Ben no different from this one...
@Ben It's not off-topic, it's just a crappy question (IMO). The solution is obvious and simple: look through all Dragon Magazines from the timeframe. Just because it's laborious and you don't feel like doing it doesn't mean it requires expertise.
@Miniman For non damaging ones, Alarm (limited to 8 hours) and Magic Mouth (until dispelled) might count, but yeah I wouldn't necessarily put them in 'trap' category. And I guess Mirage Arcane can hide traps? Possibly some other illusion spells too.
@nitsua60 Yeah, this.
@CTWind There are a few other niche ones like Guards and Wards, too.
I should have said there are only 2 useful trap spells.
@Miniman -- it depends on what function you want the trap to perform :P
Q: My DM insists on rolling a single save for groups affected by AoE save spells. How does this affect my odds of successfully affecting the enemy?

LegendaryDudeAs the title question, my DM rolls a single d20 save for groups affected by my area of effect spells that require a save, in order to save time. I can't help but feel like I'm being ripped off by this as a wizard with primarily AoE save-or-suck spells. I don't know if this is just a feeling or ...

btw @nitsua60 -- I take it you saw ^^ already?
9 hours ago, by nitsua60
@LegendaryDude I'm one section away from finishing, just saved an update. Unfortunately I'll not be getting it done today, but here's a sneak preview:
@Shalvenay @Ben If you come up with anything, this question could use some more answers.
@nitsua60 gotcha, cool
At first I wasn't interested, but then I remembered a really nice trick that the GM could be using. (Look a few messages down from the one I quoted.)
@nitsua60 ah, I see :D
that is clever
I've been working on the campaign notes for a follow-on for the dungeon I've been putting together, btw
@Miniman [remembers getting into a pretty deep and drawn-out fight with someone about this a few months back... this is why I'm moving toward your camp:
Mar 15 at 2:26, by Miniman
Ah, yeah. I used to try to comment every time I downvoted, but I got sick of arguing with people.
got some world background and about 5-6 story threads so far
@Miniman For the most part you've got it pretty well covered. My only other addition is make friends with Kobolds haha
The only other things I can think of, but probably don't really match the quota are reaction spells.
@Ben Trap construction: "hey, Fizban: just sit in this hallway and fireball anything you see coming!"
Luckily that question included criteria that rule out that sort of thing :P
Animate Dead can be traps. Animate zombies and leave them there. Kinda. Warlock doesn't have access to it, though, Im pretty sure
@nitsua60 Well, yes - but I was thinking Counterspell or Hellish Rebuke, etc.
@Ben don't forget: any readied spell is cast as a reaction. Or cast as usual and released as a reaction? Or slot consumed but not yet cast, then cast, costing your reaction?
@nitsua60 b and c
It gets weird in my mind, because of targeting.
Q: Can a spell be readied to trigger when its intended target comes into view?

nitsua60Can I ready witch bolt, for instance, with the condition of attacking "the first goblin to come out of the cave" if I cannot see the goblin at the time of my (Ready) action? To be perfectly clear: at the time of the Ready action, the goblin is around a corner, in darkness: not targetable by witch...

I would assume that is the point of most ready actions isn't it?
"wait to do a thing I can't, or shouldn't, do right now"
if it didn't work that way I would question it even existing as a mechanic
@trogdor Oh, absolutely. I just think they were a little clunky in wording it all, so that I get a tiny headache every time I come across the situation.
like 3.5 grappling
@trogdor Yeah. How're you supposed to grapple 3.5 opponents with only two hands?
@nitsua60 As a commenter on this answer to another question points out, there's some amount of conflict between the sage advice cited by each (though I think the written one is the more official of the two).
Some days I wish Jeremy would study Greenspan's and Bernanke's public speaking styles: "say as little as possible, as precisely as possible."
(Yelen, of course, seems to be an iota more talkative.)
Oh, dear... Comey's testimony today went over 5 hours. This is going to take a while...
Night, all!
@nitsua60 Cya!
@nitsua60 Especially that half opponent... unless they've been cauterised, they'll be slippery from all the bleeding
@Adeptus Halflings
@Ben That's still one opponent, just a small one
Well, it's in the name :P
Hey guys, I hav e aquestiong probably mainly @Miniman and @Shalvenay since they have heard about my shades, if I have a super hard hitting deadly encounter with the fighting equivalent of 3 PC clones as enemies vs 6 PCs, whats a good opening distance. Druid Fighter Wizard 2xPaladins and Rogue, vs. Druid Wizard and Paladin
everybody's opinions are welcome though
It advantages the party to be closer, since they have melee-only characters.
So it's a question of how much easier or more difficult you want to make it.
Thats what I was thinking too, but I wanted to start at a very long distance and give them a chance to close the distance fast, Im planning on the shade druid and paladin closing in really fast as he'll ride the druid as a giant eagle
The Wizard and his shade have spell sniper btw
The closing the distance fast is the part I'm not sure about
The central battlefield is going to be striped with shadows in the full moon, and I want to make it so the shades can jump into shadows but they are stuck only in the shadows that overlap
ill require that they dive into the shadow on the floor
5 hours later…
@doppelgreener you up for madness?
(as in check email)
@eimyr i shall check & get back to it this afternoon, busy cramming on project work (and doing things like making a topical meme in spare moments, apparently)
@doppelgreener NOOO, you're free! You can do this!
come on, over a month of failure...
Folks! I have a playtesting request! Could I ask you to do the following:
Pick up a random novel in historical/fantasy/whimsical genre. Fairy tales are OK.
Roll a d4, d100 and d20. The d4 shows the hundreds digit – if your book is too thin, roll 1d4-1 or 1d3-1 instead. d100 shows the tens and units digits, with "00" being "00" and not "100". Open the book and turn to the page rolled, and then find a line shown by the d20.
Post the contents of the line to http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/55732/eimyrs-book-gibberish-room . Do it 6 times if you want to be super-helpful.
Pretty please.
Also, if you happen to not have any of such books (really?) get any other one, but let me know what the genre was.
If you want to get playtesting credit, let me know.
hey guys, to calculate the CR of a treasure hoard are you taking the CR of everything the party defeated to get there (5e)
I just ask because if thats so when I tally up the hoard I need to make for the dungeon the PCs are finishing I'm at about 120 CR...
compared to seeing charts talking about CR 17+ and stuff...
d4 d100 d20
Q: What should you do if a question already asked doesn't provide a satisfactory answer?

WhinjaI asked How are Animated Objects created? and it was suggested that it was a duplicate of What are the rules for making constructs other than golems?. I can see that they are indeed very similar but I was not happy with the answer on the original question so believe it is right to ask a separate ...

@Skyler I can't answer your question, sorry. All I could do is to whinge about why on earth you'd like to give treasure based on CR and not on perceived other criteria
@eimyr im definitely doing perceived other criteria, just trying to figure out if my criteria is batshit crazy
> When determing the contents of a hoard belonging to a single creature, use the table that corresponds to that creature's challenge rating. When rolling to determine a treasure hoard belonging to a large group of monsters, use the challenge rating of the monster that leads the group.
> If the hoard belongs to no one, use the challenge rating of the monster that presides over the dungeon or lair you are stocking. If the hoard is a gift from a benefactor, use the challenge rating equal to the party's average level.
@eimyr well, not to check my email right this instant, but i'll be free tomorrow evening for the game
@doppelgreener sounds of sighs, weights hitting the floor, pressure escaping through emergency vents, reactors stabilising
@doppelgreener Where? I don't see any hoys!
... in my language, that's a very rude joke you made there
I'm sure @Magician will also see the above.
So I'm seeing lots of new faces around here. Good! Has there been an outreach campaign or what?
@eimyr Sorry.
Just kidding. No offence caused.
It's like the UK vehicle license plates. DVLA (car authority) says they are not issuing ones with letters forming obscenities even in foreign languages, but they can't eradicate all of them, so from time to time you see one
...not quite the correct spelling
@eimyr That seems like an impossible task, especially when you consider 13375p34k.
not quite, but recognisable, eh?
in Polish this is exactly a form of a well-known maritime joke. "Ahoy! - A hoy do you want?"
I'll stop now.
I woke up this morning to a 37-upvote post, which wouldn't be impressive on RPG.se but this is on a beta site that's not even doing that well, and the answer just sources Wikipedia
@Skyler That gold-to-XP problem is one of the reasons I quit D&D
@eimyr Do you know about the dangerous Polish driver wanted all over the UK?
@Spavel Not me!
...I hope...
(my laptop is having trouble playing video this morning, I hope that's the right one)
@SevenSidedDie For interest's sake, that article both of us were trying to remember a while back about classifying player behaviour as various animals was eimyr's.
LOL, I love the fake Prawo Jazdy on the screen which is nothing like the real thing
It might be a thing about not being allowed to copy documents
There's a similar law for US currency, I think
but there are document example facsimiles available
Maybe the British respect Poles that little
Also, nobody looks that good in a driver's license photo
In mine, I look like an axe murderer
Yeah, I look like a screenshot from Papers, Please
awww, Jorji
@eimyr are those genre-listings OR- or AND-joined? I.e. are you just interested in Terry Pratchett-like works, or would Jean Auel (historical) OR Robert Jordan (fantasy) OR David Lodge (whimsy) work?
@eimyr: most of my books are not in English (and I guess that would be a problem for your experiment), I will try your thing later (then i should have access to English books) if you still need it.
@nitsua60 or joined
When I get back home (~12 h) I'll drop a few entries in there.
I wonder if I could convince my GM to let me have profession (Businessman) Be INT based...
@AnneAunyme it can come from a book in a foreign language, but unfortunately I need to see it in a language I can understand, so English or Polish - otherwise, a translation would be necessary
Cause I mean lets be honest when's the last time you saw a wise businessman
Especially in a tabletop game
@nitsua60 Thanks!
@Aaron a clever one is pretty rare too :)
hey, i'm a businessman!
it should be on Charisma, it's a con job after all
@NautArch are you in a tabletop game? =D
even a representation
Representation: Businessman, that sounds great
I don't get the "not remembering" part of this question. I mean, I'd totally get forgetting to even make the roll in the first place, or never thinking of anything more interesting than "you see tracks of... uh... some animals you can't identify."
@nitsua60 in my head :)
@nitsua60 I don't get it, either. that's a bizarre question.
wtf with this question?
@AnneAunyme I suppose arguments could be made for both. The way I play my character though it's more of both.
@Aaron: I played a campaign of a home-made rpg where bureaucracy was in the "arts" section, and that wasn't even the weirdest thing
Arts? Uhhh.
Interesting but confusing
@Aaron Bureaucracy is an art.
How else could you create something so vile and soul-sucking and yet self-sustaining in its dysfunction?
There was also "religion" under the "science" section
Well that I could see if you were playing tabletop. Most deities are actual beings so you could technically measure their feats and such scientifically.
Yes, it made sense in-universe
as the virus which made people change into gears mad sense
but in the absolute, it's still weird
Yea, in a world with magic that could easily be scientifically explained. Magic is just another form of science in such worlds
There was this dragon born with a prosthetic arm
Like born with it already attached?
a mechanic prosthetic arm
how does that happen?
it was an allegory or something
if i remember well, the dragon symbolised hope
but i couldn't explain how it yielded to this
I have a character that is literally hope
She is the emotion elemental of hope.
what does she look like?
a hopper?
i know a character which is the elemental of cuteness, but it is on a silly campaign
@DForck42 Hope of mornin to be more precise :)
In the world they are in elementals are formed via phenomenon similar to mini black holes. They suck in an element and the first one they absorb of a certain amount is what they are. If there is enough emotion energy in the air rarely an emotion elemental will be formed
Hope was formed after a BBG was slain and the people were celebrating
That's adorable!
the dragon was named Spera (hope in latin)
I thought about trying to use hope in another language but decided against it. Hope was hope, no reason to try to get fancy :D
Though Spera is certainly a nice name.
Hope is not that a rare name
you have for example one in xenoblade X
and i'm pretty sure that's not the only one character named Hope
Right, that is another reason I didn't see to make it fancy. Hope named herself after all :D
but "Espoir" (hope in French) seems way weirder
At the time she woke up it was moringtime. She knew what she was and that she had awoken in the morning. So "Hope of Morning"
Also she is simi-based on the song Hope of Morning
Do opposing emotional elementals consider themselves siblings? Like, if there was a despair elemental, would it be, all creepy "Hello sister..." if they met?
can there be two hope elementals or can it be only one of them?
Yup. There are four others right now in the world. Rage, Sorrow, and Love
Only one of a certain emotion
They absorb too much of that energy type for more to exist.
Oh, yea they 'eat' the ambient emotion energy people give off.
are they all PCs?
Fun things in IT Security happened today. Earlier this year, Firefox started displaying warnings on login forms that weren't HTTPS. Someone with an insecure HTTP login form on their site complained to the Firefox bug board.
They said the warning was unwelcome and making their customers worry and business suffer, and that their login system was perfectly secure and had never been breached in 15 years so the warning was totally unnecessary anyway. Within hours the entire database had been hacked and dumped via SQL injection and deleted.

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