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Learning English is easy - I speak it much better than most native speakers, if the Internet is any indication...
It's just that you can't learn it by relying on rules, only through immersion
hey there @SPavel, how're things going?
@Miniman I suppose that's a fair point.
Things going good
Weekend running out
Gotta knock back a few more beers to meet the weekend alcohol quota
@nitsua60 [waves both arms in the air while wiggling fingers] Of course it is!
@Miniman [this, coming from a guy who set himself on fire. Am I right, star board!?]
Ridiculous gestures are basically half of Jackie Chan's power
The other half is not wanting any trouble
Only if "mugging for the camera" counts as a ridiculous gesture.
@SPavel I think that might also apply the other way around for some of us who grew up with English
What do you mean?
well, I have had trouble learning other languages through means other than immersion
and I wonder if maybe it wouldn't be so hard through other means if I didn't start with this particular language
that is what I mean
@BESW I think that does count, but it isn't the only one he makes
he uses his hands a lot too
I think the issue with learning English first is that it's kind of basic
yeah, I have trouble with the rules of other languages
For example, even though English is a Germanic language, German has a lot more reliable rules
learning basic words isn't the first real major roadblock
So I think it's easier for Germans to learn English, or Swedish, or Dutch, etc
Words are easy, English stole most of theirs from the mainland to begin with
@SPavel it's more than that though, it has latin languages mixed in with it too
Hence the stealing
I think it's easier to learn German than French if you're English based though
Plus it's way cooler
like, Spanish has some words in it that I almost immediately was able to piece together because I knew the equivalent word in English
@SPavel I don't disagree there XD
@SPavel Well, it's more like various waves of people coming from the mainland brought their languages with them.
Anecdote: When I first moved west, and the teacher asked me to spell a word out loud, I was confused
between the two I would rather learn German myself
Because in my mother tongue (Russian) every word is spelled the way it sounds.
There's no need to ever spell a word letter-by-letter
And I had trouble doing it for a few years
Not spelling correctly, spelling words out loud
@Miniman yep, not so much stealing as kinda needing to learn the language of the conqueror
multiple times XD
I don't think Roman Latin stuck that much
It was mostly Norman
And even then, the language of the peasants did not change
Because who cares about the peasants
The best part of history is being able to muck about with it in CK2 anyway
Convert the city of Rome to Welsh culture and Norse Pagan religion!
Baptize Genghis Khan as an Aztec!
Turn everyone in the world into a horse!
DMed for a bunch of strangers last saturday, it went well. They murder-hoboed the first tavern they went to, but who doesn't do that playing for the first time, right? Right?
@daze413 I've never seen anyone murderhobo a tavern. Most players instinctively recognise the cosmic fundamentality of taverns.
LOL -- that's impressive @daze413
how're things going otherwise btw?
@Miniman should I have said "murder-hobo mode?" Yeah, they tied up the innkeeper and went on their merry way (only because I fast forwarded them, if left on their own, they probably would have left the place brning)
@Shalvenay getting less and less sleep these days, because of (1) trying to self-answer a question on arqade. (2) playing Horizon Zero Dawn
If someone upvoted your question once, can you still get the tumbleweed badge?
@daze413 don't believe so
@daze413 LOL. I'm sure there are parties who'd have flipped out at the first inn scene I ran in the only long-form game I've tried to run...
@daze413 I was going to say no, but then I realised I have no idea whether the activity-free week has to be the first week specifically.
No, wait, it must be, or Tumbleweed wouldn't be crazily rare like it is.
walk into the inn and lo and behold, there's a black-as-night Sun Drow (or Dark Elf, depending on how you think of it) behind the bar. xD
@Miniman I think it should be. Otherwise, questions that are "resolved" auto-get tumbleweed
@Miniman flashes two tumbleweed badgers @ Miniman
@Shalvenay Almost 1/8th of the total on this site!
@Shalvenay ... You do not...
@Miniman actually, they're one apiece off DIY and EE
and electronics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/21/… (this question got its sole upvote this last week, even)
@daze413 Tumbleweed does only require zero score, so if you get a downvote to go with that upvote you can still qualify.
@Miniman ah, true, good point
@Miniman nah, it was a lone upvote. And given the amount of traffic in arqade, it'll stay buried
@Shalvenay but why do people do that, though. :/
@daze413 Well, if you really want the badge, I can go downvote it for you :P
@daze413 in my case, it'd have been "DROW! KILLLLL EEETTTT!"
@Miniman nah, it's fine haha I'm pretty sure a week has already passed, too. I think i posted it last weekend. Am trying to self answer it by doing my own research.
@daze413 I can't remember who wrote it or where, but a lot of people, freed from the restrictions of videogames, well go on a bit of a "freedom rampage", just doing a bunch of random stuff that you can only really do in the tabletop RPG space.
@Shalvenay THAT. is understandable. Firebolt-ing a guy right after he tells you his sob stroy of how his daughter already left, but swears she'll come back for him so they can both go to waterdeep, isn't.
Exploring the metagame boundaries of the new environment, as it were.
@Miniman good point -- I really didn't have that when I was intro'ed to TTRPGs because of my prior RP background
@Miniman I dont know, should one entertain that? Or do you do something else?
@daze413 I'm not great at this stuff, but I'd suggest that the way to proceed is to let them do whatever they want, but make sure it has appropriate consequences.
Does saying "ok, hypothetically, yeah, you could firebolt the guy for no reason but that would be a crime and derail the whole game into an "escape the cops" adventure, and as much as I want to have several manhunters after you, that's not what we're playing"
we didnt have time to prepare much except make characters. no session zero, no lines and veils, no same page tool, just hurried character sheets
@daze413 Depends on the group - I've played in groups where there was an unspoken "let's go along with the plot rails" agreement, and groups that had the same thing but spoken, but I've never actually been in a group that rejected the idea.
@Miniman i guess we could put it down to a vote... "OK, group, show of hands, who wants to play fugitives-and-manhunters tonight as your first TTRPG experience?" haha
I knew we had a question about this somewhere:
A: How do I deal with these crazy PCs?

MMMNew players are usually excited about the freedom in roleplaying games. Players who are used to playing video games (which, for obvious reasons, are usually more streamlined and allow less freedom than tabletop roleplaying games) get quite excited about the fact that they can just tell you what ...

...I'd just send the party off to deal with the vat of soap stock that got a bacterial infection :P
@Miniman thats a good question. Is the 4e tag necessary though.
(j/k about sending the party, but I am serious about bacteria growing in a vat of soap stock. once happened to a tank car of the stuff even, as related to me by a colleague @ work. turns out the solution is to add a 55gal drum of bleach.)
no joke
@Shalvenay I have actually wondered if that had ever happened
uh, did what I said just above get doubled for everyone else too?
@trogdor yeap
ok then
how strange
is trying to tell us something?
@daze413 lulz
So what happens when a tanker gets a bacterial infection?
well, sounds like you have to bleach it
@daze413 the pH of the soap stock drops quite dramatically -- our folks were pumping alkali into it like crazy. but yeah, they called the manufacturer afterwards, and the answer was "throw a 55gal drum of bleach in"
@Shalvenay but what happens when it's left alone?
@daze413 ah. the pH drops dramatically, and you also get gas production which causes pressure to build up
you also get, quite possibly, new strains of bacteria that you probably don't want to exist
that would suck
@trogdor would be an interesting game of Plague, Inc. though
@daze413 it would probably be too easy XD
unless Madagascar just closed it's borders e-freaking-mediately
@Reibello -- you about?
@trogdor Madagascar and Greenland. If a bacteria that resulted from unattended soap stock wiped out the human race except those two countries, I'd still be impressed... Dead. But impressed.
yeah, all the places that had no land route were a little too over-aggressive in closing borders in that game
that's why I usually started with one of them just to doom them first
@Shalvenay how was your dungeon? You playtesting?
@daze413 yeah, wrapping up last night's playtesting hopefully soon here. seems OK so far although there's still more to flesh out I'm sure
@daze413 I do kinda like it so far though
@daze413 That reminds me, has our piggy friend had his time in the spotlight yet?
@daze413 it seems that our swine prince could use a swine princess even ;P
@Miniman not yet, they haven't even went to the area to even investigate; they think the sewers and aqueducts are gross and are terrified of stories of swinemen. Chicken PCs >_<
@daze413 Chicken characters would be at a disadvantage against pigmen - it's hard to fight against the natural farmyard hierarchy.
@Shalvenay Last I checked, you were having @Reibello escorting the tax collector, and as I understand, the encounter got a lot tougher
@daze413 Reibello's plan was to carry a letter back actually
@Miniman I think TSP has had enough play testing. And despite @nitsua60 's suggestions to make a 2-phase battle play out, though it sounds interesting, I'll keep it simple but I will introduce something else for the PCs to do than to whack TSP
@Miniman And I have another "boss monster" to playtest. The mechanic is kinda difficult to equate. It involves spawning additional creatures and relying on opportunity attacks from those creatures to whittle down PCs HP.
@Shalvenay I thought I read something that the tax collector was with them, and also the elf girl from the museum?
@daze413 Ooooh, sounds interesting. Well, if you're looking for playtesters again I'd love to participate!
@daze413 yes, but they're in the dungeon at this point :) Aelar hasn't yet made up his mind on what he wants to do about the situation
@Miniman I need to get the stats up, but I dont think I can reliably get a close estimate of a DPR of this thing, given this mechanic. So I'll just settle for the minimum requirements for a creature- actions, HP, AC, and playtest it from there. The "adds" will have to be adjusted if theyre too tough/weak.
@daze413 What's the fluff?
@Shalvenay By dungeon, does that mean the museum has finally revealed its disgusting little webby secrets and now Aelar is trying to stop them?
@daze413 no, hardly :)
@Miniman This thing, I want to be totally deadly- The PCs will get multiple clues before deciding to do something stupid: multiple dead adventurers around an eldritch altar (does one of them have a magical sword, and still died? something like that). The altar seems to bend light toward it- as if to consume it. And its core seems to swirl with a crimson energy that looks like airated blood.
@daze413 And this is what they fight if they do...something with the altar? Or just for hanging around near it?
@Miniman If a light source is put within 5 feet of the altar, they are warped to the astral plane, where they meet an Aberration that siphons blood to the Heart of Darkness (I believe there's something in the lovecraft lore about the Heart of Darkness?)
aaand most likely, they'll die.
I want their curiosity piqued but their caution and fear to keep them from actually placing the torch on the altar. If they try to get over their fear and do it anyway, then I want to teach them a valuable lesson that sometimes you shouldnt stick torches on eldritch altars that sucks light out.
Sometimes, it's ok to be afraid, right? And that player who's paranoid and didnt want to do it gets to tell the party off: "I knew we shouldnt have done that thing! Now we're all dead."
Well, I have no idea how to go about creating any of those effects. But I'd love to help make a totally deadly (but still possibly beatable?) boss monster!
@Miniman yeah, it's totally beatable. Just really really tough. I have trouble pulling off juuust the right amount of Deadly, with DnD as well. The real problem is that I don't know yet what the PCs need to beat this deadly boss. Maybe if I put in resistance to mundane BPS damage? And the PCs need to have +1 weapons? Idk, still working it out
@daze413 That doesn't really make it a tough fight - it either doesn't make a difference, because your PCs can ignore it, or it makes it impossible, because they can't. There's a grey area there, of course, but a fight that makes one of your party members feel useless while everyone else is doing stuff isn't really great.
@Miniman I am reminded of a critical role episode where they get into a fight with a kraken and their gunslinger became useless because his guns dont work underwater. That was painful to watch.
@daze413 Yeah, those kinds of fights are really frustrating for the victim.
hmm, so im currently planning a pretty deadly encounter myself
@Skyler system?
but im just not sure, my party seems pretty dumb a lot of the time
@Skyler cool, PC level? Oh, yeah, sometimes the DM's work is cut out for them and the party just TPKs themselves hehe
@Skyler Then it'll probably be pretty deadly :P
Basically I did a preview fight of this by using my PC (we are shuffling DMs) and making a shade of him
@Skyler Ah, this is the evil doppelgangers fight?
@Miniman yea, and its particularly tricky because the majority of the PCs failed their personal trials
3 shades vs 5 party members
Hmmm. Classes?
druid paladin and wizard
And level?
lvl 8
@Skyler how did you make the shades?
@Skyler vs druid, paladin, wizard, and ... ... ?
@Miniman the two that passed their trials are a fighter and rogue, so no shades of them
Yikes. You're probably looking at a TPK.
@daze413 my shade was literally me using my character sheet and fighting, though I bumped his HP from ~70 to 100
the only extra ability I gave him was the ability to hide in shadows and move between them
As a suggestion, consider including some sort of trick - for example, in Secret of Mana when the party fights themselves, a party member dying results in their doppelganger disappearing.
thanks, another thing I was thinking is weakness to radiant damage
That makes sense, although only the paladin will be able to exploit it.
Another example trick, from KoL, the only way to damage your evil shadow is by healing yourself.
@Skyler I was gonna suggest the Avatar of Death in the DMG, but its kinda lame, now reading it
wait, last session another paladin joined as well, I was kind of blind sided with that so its 6 v 3
@daze413 Yeah, it's the Avatar of Enemies Whose Epic Fluff Just Doesn't Hold Up Once Their Crappy Stats Come Into Play.
I also am thinking maybe I shouldnt make the battlefield a stripe of shadows and lit areas
@Miniman so disappointed... This could have been more. But to be fair, it is kinda hard to make it applicable to every possible character that can draw a card
I was kind of thinking of having the druid shade turn into a giant eagle and have the paladin shade ride it. I want to get this team thinking about how to work together after all
@daze413 I think the big problem with it is that they called it the Avatar of Death but didn't want it to actually be capable of killing people.
@Skyler oooh, sounds good. The dark mirror teaches the PCs how to effectively do things? Cool. Though not riding the druid might be a personal choice for both players, because it might just be awkward for both of them
@Skyler Yeah, that's an awesome way to get them thinking about tactics.
@Miniman perhaps a reaping scythe that scales with PC level?
@daze413 Honestly, if you're calling it the Avatar of Death, why not just make it a CR 30 enemy? It's not like "Don't mess with the Deck of Many Things" is a bad lesson to teach people.
When I was player I was the one who tried to get combo plays through the team, mainly because I multiclass dipped and chose some feats to work as a team in combat, plus i hoarded and crafted items (blacksmiths apprentice lost in the wild background)
not really crafted as much rudimentarily combined i guess, glass vials with gunpowder and rocks
A reaping scythe that does 1d8 + an extra d8 for each level of the PC divided by two, sounds brutal enough.
@daze413 give a fighter that and its gg
@Skyler If you add PC features to it, yeah. But if you stick to the Avatar of Death stats, it's pretty safe.
Oh, the paladin who has a shade is based on a character who acts pretty stupidly. Smites at the right time but makes bad decisions
@Skyler I think it's awesome though that you create direct mirrors to the party, PVP is pretty tough, and your playtest can get you some interesting insights
@Skyler how so?
He literally will come up with a stupid idea as he is playing and then decide to roll intelligence on his character to see if he thinks its a good idea
he does this of his own volition
@Skyler LOL
i feel like i need to give him inspiration dice more often
also the wizard is greedy and self-serving, so im not sure how i can incorporate that into the battle
but if i can make their weaknesses as PC into weaknesses as the creatures maybe that'd be pretty cool
its just that I know if they act with half a brain cell at the opening of the battle i can kill the PC the first turn since the wizard can just AoE a shit ton of damage, I have to lowkey find a way to tell these players to not act retarded
paladin with extra attack both smited could OTK a shade
@Skyler Yeah, a big problem here is that PC damage vastly outstrips PC HP.
@Skyler if they win initiative, and if it hits
The opposite is true for most monsters, which is why the rare exceptions are so feared.
@Miniman that is true. I suggest just straight up make creature stats as best you can. There's some on Volo's you could use.
Volo's necromancer saved me a ton of time for creating a necromancer from scratch
Actually, Volo's mage creatures saved me a ton of time creating archmages for my mage's college, in general. So thank you, Volo
@daze413 it looks really good
@Skyler Yeah, there's a lot of really cool stuff in it.
@Miniman The champion is kinda lame, though. Don't model your fighter after it, @Skyler
@daze413 There are only 3 shades
since they are the characters who failed the trials
@daze413 I'm not a big fan of the new character races, either. (Sadly.)
druid paladin and wizard
@Skyler I think there are stats for all of those in Volo's. But if you use them, you wont be teaching the PCs the tactics that you said you wanted to show them
If I went with Giant Eagle and Paladin it could make sense to limit paladin to one attack per round but with advantage, he tanks the damage the eagle would take as a stupid decision since if the transformation dies the druid returns with full health. The druid is inexperienced and may take his lead. Now trying to integrate in the wizards selfishness into how his shade would fight is a tougher question.
@Skyler he fireballs, without regard of injury to his allies?
@daze413 hahahaha
whats the wizard's school, btw?
coz if its evocation, then he's just CLEARLY being a pain
@daze413 true, though he's more of a fan of lightning and if there is one thing this wizard does every battle, its aim spells through his teammate but have them not take damage
@Skyler If you really want to show off his selfishness, he could use Vampiric Touch to (incredibly inefficiently) steal HP from his allies.
@Miniman from the DRUID! He reverts to full HP anyway
exploit found
@Skyler thats about the extent of an evocation wizard's good tactics. You could drive home the idea that AOEs are less efficient than focusing on a single target?
so far those two havent gotten along too well, but it does help mitigate damage dealt per turn by the shades
btw @Skyler -- I'm curious as to the kinds of trials you cooked up for these chars
@Shalvenay originally i knew 4 characters were going to be there, one was rolled up and new (the druid) from a friend who just got into it
@Skyler the tests that determined if they'd get a shade or not, that is
@Shalvenay yea
so yeah, go on :)
then about 5 minutes before I get there I learn that another new player is going to join us
@Skyler right
it was about the most awkward time to start too because our two noobs (both women) joined in the day after a campaign where I literally ended it with the PCs staring into a harem with multiple succubi (who had set up a magic seal that basically made it almost impossible for the PCs to pass saving throws)
oh yeah, the harem trials...
So the druid entered actually having automatically failed her trial, her characters background was about trying to become powerful because her phoenix worshipping clan has lives that are bound to said phoenix, if they are seen as weak or undeserving the life is just cut and a new birth follows. Her fear comes from living in submission to this will, so I started her as an indoctrinated handmaiden of the succubi who led the party there
interesting xD
Since the party is very gungho about asking to do perception checks and bad with insight, everytime they did a check the perception was obviously what they were seeing =P
other skill checks hands would come up and draw attention away from their focus,
btw, forgot to mention this but before the beginning of this day I asked the PCs for memories from their backgrounds
since this is the rogues trial I started to infuse his perception with memories of the farm girl he had sex with on the day he was expelled from his town and priesthood
Once the rogue passed his trial, I had the paladin (new women character) make a heroic entrance and destroy the main source of the seal.
did any other of the original chars give background memories?
So I kind of had set up a backup plan since at that point the only person who become all the wiser was the rogue
@Shalvenay the paladin, those were central to his trial actually
or was this trial set up for the rogue specifically?
@Skyler ah. what was the paladin's memory and trial?
@Shalvenay this was rogue, since Lust is what did him in
The one interesting point to note was that when I broke the seal I had the players do charm checks, and the male paladin remained under succubi control
but his character actually crit failed 3 times in the course of the fighting so he did probably most of the damage to the succubi
what Oath on the two paladins btw?
4 succubi total
one is vengeance, i forgot the new ones
if its ancients that would be nice, lets me go to town with the mage more
passive spell resistance iirc
yeah, and fiend turning
although the "traditional" one can turn fiends too
@Shalvenay Abjure is pretty nasty. Watch out for that
@daze413 Abjure?
so the thing about her is i have no idea what to do, she literally said she wanted her character to be flung from millions of years in the future back to try and prevent some event that leads to the planet being destroyed
she (the paladin maybe ancients)
@Shalvenay The Vengeance paladin can either vow of enmity, or abjure enemy. It's a single-target hypnotic pattern
(if shes ancients taht would actually be really funny)
@daze413 ah, that is nasty
so anyways
but yeah -- fiend turning could cause all sorts of havoc in the succubus-harem
for the male paladin i got 3 memories with a decent level of detail
but go on
so they entered some ethereal chamber where there was a pedestal
(tiny bit of backstory, there was an evil crown we retrieved before that currently has a LotR style hold on the paladin)
@Skyler did none of them do Divine Sense?
nope, though when we interacted with the crown earlier (first boss battle) at the end he failed the check and the crown kind of latched on to him
so he's obsessively fixed on it
so what I did was make the pedestal have that crown, and he immediately bolted from the rest of the party to try and grab the crown
and he got stuck in some chamber of force isolated from the rest of the party.
They couldnt reach him but a portal appeared and they entered his memory
here I had him kind of co-narrate some of the memories, and once the memory was finished the PCs had free roam of his memory, needing to retrieve something under his guidance
his character basically was basically shamed from his position of power out for his stupidity and ran away following that
so the first memory is the day his dad tells him flat out "you're retarded, unfit to lead, give me your (family heirloom weapon)
The PCs end up in the fathers tent with the weapon, but instead of going for that the PC tells them to grab a family locket because he wants to look at something
Since he was actually kind of noble in the first memory (I set it up originally with the weapon being the item to find but liked the new direction). I mixed up the planned memory sequence a bit and had the other PCs enter the third memory while giving the PC a chance to revisit an encounter with a quazocatl he had in his second memory
Here I corruped the memory with a bright ball of light he had instead descending into darkness and becoming the crown, but I said that his decision was not effected by crown and he could choose to deny it here.
He decided to grab the crown...
So first failure
The other PC (the wizard) had his trial follow, since he lost most of his memories I went with this time he kidnapped a marquis's daughter, cut off her ear and sent a ransom, and then when the plan backfired and they were high-tailing out of town he shot her as the dwarf was falling behind and said to ditch her.
I had her revisit as they set up for a short rest in a room filled with armor. He awoke from his trance with a girl with an arrow in her back and a missing ear asking him why it hurt so much
He had an very significant doll to him from another little girl that was one of the only things he sort of valued. As I kinda creepily tried to retrace the brutality of her last day I had her tugging onto him with a mighty strong grip, and the 6 armor sets in the room came to life
as he ran away she was tugging him and he decided to hold her and run off, and apologized for the circumstances around her death
As she started to forgive him that little doll he had started to transform so that one half of it looked like this girl, and the living armors all fell into shambles.
It looked like he passed his trial, but this is where I got surprised and had to really improvise.
He got really angry at the doll changing and started doing everything in his power magically to prevent that, the girls spirit now popped out and she fought him as a banshee while the rest of the party awoke to flying swords around them while the wizards body was sitting there in a trance.
He instead now had to fight a banshee on his own, and failed to her wail, waking up with a missing ear
@Skyler egad!
At this point the guy who plays the fighter got home and wanted to join us, but it was already getting really late and the only thing I had left planned was fighting the shades, his character is a barbarian who dreams of being a bard but isnt exactly witty enough
So I just decided to give them a chance to set up camp, and I said that after a player got 3 strikes they could take their long rest. You get strikes through interesting interactions with other PCs
That ended up actually being hysterical, with the bardarian really driving a lot of the comedy
i keep saying fighter or barbarian btw
but i mean barbarian,
half orc
(with no actual levels in bard)
After ~45 minutes of great back and forth (some of these characters are really just meeting after all), long rest, and they woke up, enter a large chamber with 3 shades, a druid, wizard, and knight
and i stopped the day there
I'm actually rather curious how the trials thing'd work with some of my characters...although they probably aren't as heavy on backstory hooks as you'd want for this sort of thing
im still trying to get down DMing so opinions from what you heard
it sounds quite interesting (albeit probably not particularly compatible with the way I design/"develop" characters)
I kind of used the setting to override typical mechanics in a couple of places and make things simpler for myself and decisions more realistic for PCs
I think, with that kind of background and drama, no matter how mechanically unidentical the shades are with their respective PCs, it'll be a memorable battle
as long as its kinda similar
Another thing I need to think about is what rewards to give the players for winning
no magic items?
The place they're in is actually kind of this magical realm i can only describe as mythological
perhaps an Epic Boon of your choice?
So they can magic items
I also want to give PCs who passed trials some kind of non-item reward
like a personal insight or talent
but, you know, what sounds the most appropriate reward is experience (points)
true that
perhaps a ton of it
the way our campaign played earlier we kind of would just level up rather than dish out experience
(given the prior DMs lack of experience)
how about a regeneration scroll for the guy who lost his ear
I kind of gave them a forewarning levelling would slow down but for sure a level up is in vogue here
@Skyler Yeah, its difficult esp for rotating DMs to adjust on how the last guy did things
i like lvl 8-14 range though
feel like most of a campaign should be spent there
yeah...I've had maybe one campaign get to the low end of that (it was wax's 5e campaign)
@Shalvenay yea, the highest i got was lvl 9 in another campaign but it was already getting really fun
and i dont want to be DM and come back with my character and miss this sweet spot
I might see about using the dungeon I'm working on as a campaign basis though (I have ideas re: that. If I do so, it'd definitely have some urban-intrigue elements to it, something I haven't really tinkered with much before.)
man, i started making hotdogs with no ketchup
maybe i should make some ketchup too
@Shalvenay yea, i should probably start trying to do play tests here and there
i just improvise pretty often you know
4 hours later…
How good is @RobinDLaws HILLFOLK? I've used principles inside it to break my last TV shows. I had similar techniques but he summarized well.
I was just retreading HILLFOLK because I'm breaking a TV show, yes. Also, LIBRARIANS was built with some Fate tools… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/843672796215435265
2 hours later…
Tonight I fried salmon burgers in ginger-wasabi teriyaki sauce, and sautéed onions and mushrooms in honey and pepper. Served together on whole wheat buns.

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