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hey there @GreySage
and @Anaphory too
@Miniman Betamax, of course
hey there @Adeptus
how're things going? also hey again @nitsua60
OK on the RPG front. Had the first "proper" session of the new campaign on the weekend. We had a shorter session than planned, due to some of the players being late, and we have two paranoid/obsessive type characters in the party, so things took a bit longer than expected. But they still got one combat, and a little exploration.
Hopefully their paranoia will help them avoid the potentially deadly traps that they'll find next session...
alright here I suppose
looking for a bit of help formulating a potential mainsite question though @Adeptus
and hey yet again @nitsua60
hey there @Emrakul, what's up?
hey there @ThomasWard
how're things going?
and hey again @Emrakul
@Shalvenay what's the (potential) question?
@Adeptus ah. "how can one make a 'search-for-a-character-to-perform-a-specific-job' scene responsible to player decisions (i.e. not railroaded)?"
basically, the campaign ideas based off the dungeon I'm working on have the strong potential to include a scene where the party goes to hire a lawyer on behalf of some friendly NPCs, and I don't want it to be something where the party just stumbles upon one somewhere who agrees to take the case and that's that
err responsive, not responsible
hey @Magician
how're things going?
Not too bad. Working on my board game. So close, yet so far.
ah. looking for some help with question workshopping here...
Well, to answer the question I'd say offer them a choice of several (three) NPCs, with fairly obvious advantages and drawbacks.
@Shalvenay Why? That is, the party needs a lawyer. Why not just walk to the nearest sizable town and find the ink-and-quill sign that says "barrister" underneath it? Is there an underlying story, verisimilitude, or gameplay reason not to just do that?
@JoelHarmon basically, it feels like I'd just be presenting them a NPC on a platter then -- and that seems anathema to the general theme I have going so far
@JoelHarmon it's also a case of "who they pick could matter greatly down the road in terms of effectiveness of representation + any potential collusion issues"
two reactions to that first statement: first, a "this is too easy" vibe can help put PCs and players on edge; second, easy to find does not mean easy to hire. Perhaps the only lawyer in town was already hired by the opposition, demands outrageous fees (or, better, favors), or refuses on some other grounds
@JoelHarmon those are all good points re: complications in lawyer-selection (although the party does have the option of going without one if they feel they can handle it themselves)
ok, time for me to head out. Talk to you later.
@Shalvenay hiya. First thoughts: in-game, they've got to be in a place that would have a bunch of choices. Like, a dozen (or more) different lawyers. And they've got to have some way(s) of gaining information--reliable or otherwise--about them, so that they can make a decision about the "kind" of lawyer they want to get. Out-of-game: the players need to know that this is something important, and which will have long-lasting effects, and that's why you're devoting 'screen-time' to it.
(Implicit in the in-game advice is that you have to prep a dozen different lawyers, and their relationships to the larger plot, knowing full-well that eleven will never be called upon.)
(Implicit in the out-of-game advice is the assumption that your players are looking for the sort of game that's as much--if not more--exploration, info gathering, puzzling things out, and social interactions as it is hack-'n'-slash.)
Putting all our questions that start with “So” into context:
A discourse marker is a word or phrase that plays a role in managing the flow and structure of discourse. Since their main function is at the level of discourse (sequences of utterances) rather than at the level of utterances or sentences, discourse markers are relatively syntax-independent and usually do not change the truth conditional meaning of the sentence. Examples of discourse markers include the particles "oh", "well", "now", "then", "you know", and "I mean", and the 'discourse connectives', "so", "because", "and", "but", and "or". == Definition == In Practical English Usage, Michael Swan...
so,... so starting out a sentence is a Discourse marker?
3 hours later…
@doppelgreener I was thinking about the fee they take on each sale.
@AnneAunyme oh right, i was thinking only of the costs involved before you start making sales
@SevenSidedDie oooooo. Didn't know there was a word for this.
@doppelgreener So, actually, then. Because, well, you know.
@SevenSidedDie I knowed it was a snake afore I put it in my pocket.
(Looking at the ensuing conversations, I suspect the primary underlying motive was the concern that the remaining comments made the original poster look foolish. No amount of explaining can change that, and I'm not sure any assurances that it's not the case would have assuaged their sense of Someone Thinks I'm Wrong On The Internet.)
@PaulF [wave] What's new?
@BESW the nearest other interpretations i can think up are contradicted by their own statements and their list of satisfactory outcomes.
Do they feel both sides of an argument must be preserved proportionately on principle? No, their demands don't meet those terms, they are "keep everything or delete all of it". Do they feel the mods are pushing an agenda regarding "established" policy (their quotes)? No, they clarified early on they did not think the moderators are deliberately doing anything wrong.
Tonight I'm making brownies from a mix, but substituting pumpkin puree for the oil and eggs.
:3607606 Mad cooking experiments! Let me know how it turns out?
I've done similar things with cookies using pumpkin puree and/or applesauce, but cookies are a bit more forgiving than brownies.
Well putting pumpkin in brownies is itself a daring move, i think. :)
It sounds like it could be really tasty though.
@doppelgreener Well, the spoon-licking yields promising results.
@BESW This is a good test indeed. But better test again to be sure. :D
@BESW did this turn out well?
@trogdor It's cooling now.
Verdict: definitely pumpkin brownies, but more on the fudgey end than the cakey end of brownies. Good taste.
Next time I'd probably use a better mix, but I couldn't find any small box of Ghirardelli at the nearby stores.
There'll certainly be a next time, though.
...but the rest of this can of pumpkin is going into coffee cookies for Naw-Rúz.
i like pumpkin in things
so I am glad this other application that I had never thought of seems to work XD
I think you could probably use most any other fruit puree with a similar consistency, like maybe applesauce.
I find it so hard to believe that the 5e SRD hasn't been translated yet. Crazy.
@BESW We do lots of pumpkin-substituting, and have generally been happy with the results. Often the end-result we'll like even better than the recipe on the box.
We, also, often find things are very moist with the pumpkin-substitution.
One can of pumpkin and one box of chocolate cake mix--no other ingredients at all!--makes an amazing chocolate cake!
Pumpkin brownies turn out to be seriously dense and rich and wet.
Like, there is no way it should be tasting richer than normal brownies when we took out all the eggs and oil.
Kinda moussey.
I prefer my brownies more cakey, but it's definitely worth further experimentation.
@doppelgreener Are you sure that question was talking about the feat and not the archtypes?
Looking at the feat it does seem to fit though.
@Aaron they used the word "feat" themselves, i didn't add it.
Oh I misread it
All sorted? :)
yea. I thought they were talking about the archtype originally
good [time of day] folks
@LegendaryDude good [Fatal Error: DateTime Overflow Exception. Process exited with code 5.
@doppelgreener ]
@doppelgreener By metaphysical store, they mean a store that sells New Age paraphernalia; whether it is online or brick and mortar, who knows?
@LegendaryDude oh i see. i initially read it as indicating the store is abstract and conceptual. :D
I'm not sure how or when metaphysics became associated with New Age paganism and other occult stuff but it did happen.
@LegendaryDude yeah [admitted discourse signifier], I did a double-take on that one, too.
What a beautiful story imgur.com/gallery/jVXtP
dreaming in memes can be fun, i guess
never happened to me yet
@Aaron that first comment response is pretty appropriate
Indeed. I was fooled right up till the end. I upvoted the first four comments cause they summed up my thoughts lol
1 hour later…
Q: What's a frame challenge?

AlexSo there's a ton of questions about how to present a frame challenge, or how not to frame challenge, and I've had people mention it on the comments on questions of mine in response to others' comments...and I have no idea what it means. I did a quick spin through meta but couldn't find a direct a...

1 hour later…
3 hours later…
hullo @nitsua60
that bounty-check arrive yet?
@nitsua60 No, but I did spend 2 hours shoveling snow yesterday. grumble grumble
On the plus side my Dungeon Crate subscription box arrives today. We'll see if it contains enough to keep me interested for another month.
On the minus side we have a bard in the party and I'm a wizard. I'm trying to choose spells for class levels 2 and 3 without having too much overlap with the bard. I wish the spell lists were slightly more distinguished. Bard seem to have access to mostly wizard spells with a few spells of their own or from other classes.
@LegendaryDude What level are you looking at?
@diego class levels 2 and 3
So two level 2 spells, two level 1 spells
I already have... Alarm, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Silent Image, Sleep, Shield
@LegendaryDude What does the bard have?
I intended on adding Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Mage Armor for Level 1 spells, and not sure about Level 2 yet.
No clue, all he's used so far is Vicious Mockery.
@LegendaryDude That is the only offensive cantrip the class gets so not super surprising.
I was going to suggest Mage Armor and Identify, but Tasha's is also a good choice
His other cantrip is dancing lights
Oh right, he's got identify covered, also.
So that's one I'm never going to worry about having.
For level 2 Misty Step is always useful, and Scorching Ray or Shatter are pretty good for damage is you want to do that. Hold Person would be good if you don't want damage.
I think hold person and web for level 2 spells, then add misty step and either levitate or scorching ray at 4th level.
I'm leaning towards battlefield control and tactical advantage over direct damage.
And I guess if the bard takes hold person also, well, that's just one less guy we have to worry about (and maybe an increase in the DM's blood pressure)
I was never a fan of Tasha's Hideous Laughter
never really saw a way to get that to work right
It's a pretty good level 1 spell that never loses it's usefulness (at least in 5e).
My more goto spells for my bard at level 1 are Dissonant whispers and faerie fire
we didn't have a cleric so I also had cure wounds/healing word
Incapacitates the target for up to a minute, WIS save ends.
Dissonant whispers must be one of the few spells not in the OGL for 5e.
I do enjoy Dissonant Whispers, especially since I'm in a melee heavy party
open game license
SRD content
yeah, DW with melee characters is the bees knees
@LegendaryDude Basically it does some psychic damage (half on a save), and if they failt the save they use their reaction to move as far away from you as they can
although i feel like every time my melee guys have finally lined up, i use it and even at level 1 it ends up killing the guy without need for the OAs
We have a lizardfolk monk, half-orc barbarian, half-elf druid, tabaxi wizard, and a tiefling bard.
i also tend to roll damage well :)
we lost our monk. he walked away because the player was getting bored with the character.
Druid is Circle of the Moon so he counts as melee too
party is now a swashbuckler, arcane trickster, bladesinger and bard with a 2 level warlock dip
that group we do rotating DM. it's...interesting.
This is my first 5e game as a PC. I've been DMing this group for a year or so.
Mine is 2 paladins, a monk, a moon druid, a abjuration wizard (that wants to be in melee sometimes), and a bard (me)
A melee abjuration wizard is not totally weird.
I'd expect that character to MC into fighter or something at some point though
Or he's really asking for a quick death, even with the abjuration ward thingy.
@LegendaryDude No it isn't (she got the idea from a post on reddit), she just went Monk to be able to use Dex for unarmed attacks
@diego Yeah, that works too. Plus unarmored defense so you don't have to pay the slot tax on mage armor.
Of course mage armor also fills up the abjuration ward so you'd need something else to start the day off with anyway...
@LegendaryDude In theory it can do that, but I don't remember how good her Wisdom is, plus setting up the ward is always nice
@diego Ah, true. I was thinking of the lizardfolk natural armor, which is exactly as mage armor: AC = 13 + DEX mod.
did I miss the big convo on the reveal of the new dnd tool wotc is releasing in beta?
@DForck42 I don't recall a conversation, really... just Adeptus' link on the starboard.
@nitsua60 ahh
saw both love and hate going around on the facebook post about it
people are assuming that you'll have to pay full price for each book in the new app, however from what I've seen there hasn't been any pricing details stated yet
@DForck42 Dunno. I'm in the (upcoming) beta, so I'll let you know whatever I can, when that time comes.
@nitsua60 I've signed up for it as well
have they sent out emails to those that are in the first phase yet?
@DForck42 I really REALLY hope there is a way to prove that you own the books somehow and just unlock all of that content. I already bought all of the books once. I'm not paying for them again just for convenience.
@Adam I'm kinda especting it to be more of a subscription like they did with the 4e app
I could see that. Though I'm not sure I'm on board with that either. I already own the access to the content. I'd rather a one time fee for another product that will help me out.
This for me ^^
In case they ever ask, I'd be willing to pay on-the-order-of-a-hardcover for the tool that lets me more-easily use the info I already have. I'm not doubling my investment just to get the same stuff again, and I'm not paying more than a hardcover for a fancy version of a handful of spreadsheets and fillable pdfs I've already got. (Some via PWYW on DMs Guild.)
I'd expect it to be subscription based considering Curse is running the show there.
But I'd expect it to be a reasonable subscription, and not pay for content like Fantasy Grounds or Roll20's official D&D content
That would bum me out.
honestly, if the year subscription was the equivalent to buying 1-2 new books, I'd be down for that. ie, if it was $50-100 a year ($4.16 - $8.33 / month)
if I remember correctly the 4e subscription was in that range, maybe slightly over
but, I'm assuming that subscription gives me access to everything, and all new added content
I'm in the same boat.
@Adam Trust me, there won't be. No WAY they'd lose out on that money.
Any more than about $7/month and I'll probably pass
It won't be the same cost as the book, but it won't be $2 either.
Assuming they don't go with a subscription model (which they'd be insane not to).
hey there @nitsua60 @DForck42 @Karelzarath
What I would expect is some semi-nominal fee to gain access to the book and then a monthly subscription in order to use the tools at all.
@Shalvenay hai
That kills the piracy market because you have to pay to play and can't just trade around cracked files.
@Karelzarath I would not be down for that tbh
It also means a steady money stream for WotC.
how're things going?
@Shalvenay good
OK here, been doing some dungeon playtesting lately
@DForck42 Nor would I, but I expect enough people would opt in to make it financially feasible to go that route.
Hero Lab goes the opposite route: pay a (frankly ludicrous) amount of money for a book or set of books and you can use the content forever.
I'm dying to see if WotC is going to yank Wolf Lab's license for their 5e content.
@Karelzarath The 5e content in Hero Lab is all OGL material so AFIAK they couldn't do that.
@LegendaryDude I haven't read the 5e OGL, so I can only speak to the 3.5 one: there's a clause in there that allows only print use and all software must be explicitly allowed. If the 5e license has the same clause (and 4e's was soooo much more restrictive than 3.5), they absolutely can revoke it.
Now I'm curious.
hey there @Ben
@Karelzarath I don't see anything in the OGL text in the 5e SRD regarding software.
how're things going?
Could be worse.
Planning to move this weekend, so hopefully it all goes well.
@LegendaryDude You are correct. Hmm.
Oh, crap, I was thinking of the d20 license, not the Open Gaming License.
I have to think that it's because software wasn't at all the same when the OGL was included with 3.5.
d20 License was OGL
The d20 License was much more restrictive than the OGL.
For example.
eTools (waaay back in the day) was specifically blessed by WotC, for example.
@Shalvenay hiya
"(Please note: We are also still pursuing an official license with Wizards of the Coast to support the entire D&D 5th Edition product line. If an official license can be secured, anyone purchasing the SRD option for Hero Lab will be given the option to upgrade.)" From the D&D 5th Edition SRD page on Lone Wolf's site.
I'm guessing that's not gonna happen now.
Sorry for dominating the room, it's just something I'm heavily invested in and near and dear to my heart. >.>
@Karelzarath No worries--it's definitely on-topic, and plenty of others are chiming in.
@doppelgreener I like the addition of a meta tag.
@DForck42 It's not a lot to go on, but one of the developers tweeted that they're not going to make people pay for their books again.
Which immediately makes me more interested in the product, because Fantasy Grounds has a $200 price tag to be of any use at all.
Ugh... this GDrive outage is causing me problems =(
how're things going @nitsua60?
@Shalvenay alright in most ways. Hopefully this prompt to restart means the GDrive fix has been pushed to me... (afk, rebooting)
@Miniman I'd believe that. I read that their new adventure book will contain the monster stat blocks for any creatures that appear in both the adventures, and in Volo's Guide to Monsters.
Just based on that, they get a thumbs up from me
@Adam Well, WotC have been doing that all along - any monsters or magic items used in an adventure have been released in a free online supplement.
See, I've never actually read any of the WotC adventures, so that was news to me :p
Yeah, they've been good about that. But the Fantasy Grounds software was something like $50 to buy, then $50 (PHB), $50 (MM), so $150 minimum to get any use out of it, plus potentially another $50 for the DMG and $50 for each published adventure.
Which might've been OK if we didn't already pay that for the books.
It's seriously $50 per book?
@Karelzarath About that. A bit more for some, a bit less for some.
Sheesh! For that, FG better {inappropriate comment} the whole group.
how big are these books?
@trogdor It's not about the size.
well, it is if they are actually like, big enough to warrent the price
or even if they aren't, XD
The sourcebooks are all roughly 200-300 pages I believe. At least they are in their material form
Stick all three together, and you have 1 college textbook...maybe
yeah, that is pretty expencive
though to be fair, college textbooks cost too much too
That's about average for physical RPG books that size.
I want to know why FG is charging so much, personally.
especially since they change the edition excessively often
@trogdor You're not actually buying the books, though. You're buying the content in order to use the software without having to create every monster from scratch yourself.
@Karelzarath and I don't disagree with you there, it really is too expencive
@Miniman yeah,.... but I mean, that doesn't make it better does it?
@Miniman That's some seriously expensive data entry, then.
@trogdor Well, no, it makes it a whole lot worse. I just thought it was worth pointing out that we're not talking about actual books here.
I'm willing to pay $50 for a book, because I really love having the physical books. But 150 for some PDFs is...meh. I mean I guess there is all of the convenience, but isn't that what the cost of FG is for?
@Miniman fair enough
@Adam Not to worry, you don't get PDF copies. (That would be, yanno, actually useful.) Just the ability to use their software.
May I ask a procedural question?
@Miniman That's a slap to the face
@TripSpace-Parasite Sure! Ask away!
@Adam Printing costs are outrageous for RPG books (all pages glossy and full color), so the physical books are expensive. PDFs really should be half to a third the physical cost.
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/96609/… is on hold, but the user has edited it to make it more clear, and I think my answer still mostly applies, but I want to make it better. Should I wait until the question is taken off hold to make any changes?
@TripSpace-Parasite You're going to take all the parts of hundreds of possible questions and create a semi-random but deterministic question from those?
jeez, that is worse, 50 for a PDF is ridiculous
@Karelzareth the blender is just sitting here unused...
"Next week on Will It Blend, the English language!"
Actually I've forgotten how to make a readable link in this variant of chat.
hey there @TripSpace-Parasite
Just learned that today, myself.
@nitsua60 thanks! it's some super specialised terminology so i figure it's pretty useful to have a tag making searching for info about it easy.
(Damage over time - Dungeon World [on hold])[rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/96609/…
@TripSpace-Parasite [link text](http://example.com/)
Whoops. Had it backwards. >.>
It's a common mistake.
Our meta URL is now rpg.meta.stackexchange.com (it used to be meta.rpg) as part of the HTTPS rollout. Read more here.
^ @BESW Pin pls?
I still get the text link thing mixed up myself
[ meta ] is definitely the way to go
Anyway. I actually have to take off in a few minutes, so by the time I get back, the question may have been taken off hold.
oh hey, i didn't know [meta] worked in chat too.
Huh, interesting.
[ main ]

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