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go figure, we can fix problems here XD
1 hour later…
hey there @daze413
gonna run my first game of great ork gods tonight. haha as with any new system, I will screw up.
hey @Shalvenay
don't worry if orks die
they are supposed to die XD
though hopefully they have some fun first, and then also have fun while it happens XD
im more worried i might make the game serious. :/ I cant do for-laughs games. This is my attempt at trying
im sure im worrying over nothing. My players will take care of the comedy
that is fair
it might also help to consider it as a "serious" world, in which these not quite so serious creatures called orks just happen to exist
they show up and are horrible, and hilariously have horrible things happen to them
which is allowed to be hilarious because they are horrible whenever given the opportunity to be
I like offering the players the opportunity to narrate the results of their actions--perhaps have the God's player narrate failures, and the Ork's player narrate successes.
@BESW is what I'm planning to do, yeah. I plan to take the seat furthest to the back and just do the barest minimum GMing haha
AND! I might be playing with 8 players so I'll get to test out the answers to your too-many-players question
Ooh, cool.
In an interest to be less political in tonight's #dnd game, we have opted not to name  the 6 trolls after political figures. (1/2)
Instead, the trolls are named 4Chan, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and LiveJournal. #dnd (2/2)
fair enough
Just saw the art for the playable characters I created for #DresdenFiles Accelerated. It's AMAZING. I'm in tears so happy. @EvilHatOfficial
@daze413 Think slapstick. In my (somewhat limited) experience, each player will go through around five orks per session
too quiet.
@Magician eek!
@BESW tell me about it...
silence is golden, therefore we must be having the problems of King Midas
Can anyone recommend a good intro Mouseguard one-shot? Players new to system, DM new to system and DMdom
I'm trying to catch up on my horrendous backlog of design work, and lit.se chat keeps distracting me by finally actually being interested in stuff I know about.
hey there @RollingFeles
So, what little interest I had in the Angry GM died today.
@BESW heheh.
@BESW What killed it?
Apparently his concept of "RPG" requires that the player's agenda and agency overlap as perfectly as possible with the character's agenda and agency.
@RollingFeles did I miss an update on your DW game?
@BESW he's clearly never played Fate. :P
@Shalvenay nor Great Ork Gods
@Shalvenay Oh, I found this out because he discusses how Fate isn't an RPG.
@BESW Then what kind of game is it?
(guys, Google is hard)
I think he'd call it a "story game."
Uhhh... I can try to find the exact fate bashing aricle
but her really bashes fate hard
in almost any article
@BESW yeah -- there's definitely room for some taxonomization, but at the same time, Fate is very definitely a RPG in the umbrella sense
I think you have to prefix it with http://
it is... ah well, its there
Most links don't onebox.
@Shalvenay hi!
@RollingFeles how're things going?
A: Which links and sites are handled specially in chat?

Juha SyrjäläThe current list of integrated (we call this onebox, or oneboxing, ala search engines) sites is: Stack Exchange sites: Questions / Answers / Users / Comments Stack Exchange Chat: Messages / Rooms / Bookmarked conversations Area 51 proposals Posts from the Stack Exchange blog, the Server Fault b...

@JoelHarmon hi! Nope. No more sessions yet. One group took a little break, other couldn't make decision about time or desire to play. Dunno yet.
@Shalvenay fine here. Almost finished off my cold. Yours?
@RollingFeles alright here
@Shalvenay good to hear =)
@BESW as I know first hand -- the narrative-management components in Fate are actually optional
Ugh. Having skimmed the discussion in the comments of that post, he seems to say that flawed characters make bad decisions because that's just the decisions that their players make, through roleplaying. And that's different from bad decisions players force on their characters through aspects. Or something. Ugh.
Yeah, I dunno.
Speaking of bad decisions, though, here's a curious observation. When a character does something terrible in Fate as a result of a compel, the rest of the group tend to be more understanding of this than when a similar action is taken in another system. Because in Fate, you see what compelled the character to do that, and know there's mechanics involved. Whereas in other games, it's just the character choosing to do something terrible.
And thus they could choose to do the same again at any moment.
In 4e, we'd sometimes have someone stop and explain why he was going to do something sub-optimal, and we'd get a glimpse into the PC's thoughts.
But there was no mechanic to encourage or support it, and it was just plain "bad for tactics, good for story," where in Fate we could literally see the player receive a token to use for good tactics later.
Fate also spreads the responsibility for bad decisions to the GM. It's an explicit offer.
And because everyone's not just stuck in the headspace of their character at all times, the group tends to be more willing to work together towards a satisfying story. Not just draw lines in the sand at the first provocation.
Hrmm. Devil's advocate, then:
A role-playing game has each player advocating for the character they play, jockeying for the best outcomes within that character's ability to accomplish.
Stances. Which is a new-fangled story-pass-time bullcrap, I understand.
A story game has each player advocating for the narrative in which their character participates, jockeying for the most satisfying events and resolutions within the group's ability to accomplish.
...I wonder how Lovecraftesque falls into this dichotomy.
Like most things, it's a spectrum, not a strict distinction. And different groups will play the same systems closer to one side or another.
What does GNS have to say about this?..
...no, it's stances, plain and simple.
...I have done a thing.
user image
Is that the story games illuminati mascot?
There's a clue hidden in the empty spaces.
(the original, for comparison)
To be fair, it's less a clue and more a "haw!"
1 hour later…
Loved GF
It's great
2 hours later…
In a past week I saw so many "what if" questions at wb.se asked from curiosity in a no way connected to WB. And I'm not the one who think so. There was comments about questions off-topicness, but nobody cares. Worldbuilding on its way to become fancy Q&A about plausibility of anything.
This is something I've been saying for years.
"Worldbuilding" is about tailoring setting choices to the needs of what the setting will be used for, like themes and motifs or plot requirements.
worldbuilding.se is speculative physical sciences.
"I'm not the one" == "I'm not the only one".
@BESW Yeah, I know that it was discussed several times in this chat and I'm not the first to say such thing. But lately it's just blatant off-topic launched into hot network questions.
They've got a mod election coming up.
Right now they're in the "propose questions to ask mods" phase. You might consider adding something.
I've given it up as a bad job, myself, but maybe someone else can be less cynical.
Can't say I'm worried about wb.se. But I wonder how they react to my "off-topic" flag for this hot question
Last year I had a campaign where the whole world was exposed to series of increasingly powerful EMP waves from solar flares.
Things caught fire.
Actually, this reminded me about SO flags. On one hand there are a lot of talk about site purity, even with massive burninating campaigns. On the other, little-old question, violates rules, litters the site, but any flag "aged away". And no one gives a damn, that it's a first result in google for some querries.
wb.se should be idea-generation.se
There is software-recommendation.se. I think idea-generation could be a thing too.
I was very excited for wb.se in its early days.
Now I haunt its chat and talk about intersemiotic cultural contact zones.
Sounds fun :)
Actually, a lot of wb.se content, even off-topic, is fun.
@RollingFeles Hm. Potential WB.SE policy for its meta: questions that are just asking for verification of plain real world facts without requiring any world building are not on topic.
@doppelgreener help center tells the same, but it looks like this question is publicly accepted. So, I wonder what reaction would be for a flag.
@RollingFeles i flagged it as well.
Ville can you frame your question out a bit? As it stands this is simply a question on existing technology which isn't really what we do here on WB. Check out the help center for more details on writing questions and feel free to visit Worldbuilding Chat and discuss — James 15 hours ago
Yeah, I saw it.
there's this comment but i don't know what they expect
1 hour later…
@BESW I'm not satisfied with that definition because it means any game where you control only one person and try to win in some form is an RPG, including first-person shooter stuff like Halo.
Unfortunately, I don't have a better definition than "I know it when I see it"
@JoelHarmon I don't think it's a complete definition. I think it's one necessary quality for his definition, not a sufficient one.
Personally, I think defining RPGs is kinda like defining the Doctor.
which one?
(which gets to your point, I think)
There's a kind of tag-cloud of qualities, none of them necessary nor sufficient, but when you get a certain critical mass of them together then you can confidently say, "That's an RPG" or "That's the Doctor."
I'll add it to the list of "stuff to think about".
Two RPGs, and two Doctors, may not share any tags in common.
But they're drawing from enough of the common pool that they're both recognisable.
1 hour later…
Dragon Trays kickstarter. Amazing, if pricy.
Those are nice.
Out of my price range, for sure.
Those are pretty ugly to me tbh
Well, half of them are now that I looked through them.
I'm not a big fan of dice rolling trays, in general. I would be interested in dice boxes/storage, though. I've been a fan of Elderwood Academy for a little more than a year now.
I bought my groomsmen each a custom hex chest for helping out with my wedding last year.
@MAgician amazing trays
@LegendaryDude Neat. Yeah, Dogmight do other stuff, I got a chest from one of the previous kickstarters. It's lovely. Though also very expensive.
Unfortunately it loses the value/cost race with other hobby and non-hobby purchases
It's a luxury item for sure.
even among luxury items
for that price I could get... hmmmm
7 decent RPG books
a gaming table with cloth cover
@eimyr That's my primary gripe about them. They look cool... but for $100 for a decorative item that serves minimal functional purpose I'd rather buy a few books or bundle of minis.
half a real sword (well, not exactly, two of these would fetch me a sword)
I built my own crappy gaming table surface a few years back for about $40 in materials
@LegendaryDude Precisely. You get the same functionality with a 10 quid item allrolledup.co.uk/catalog/catalog.html?type=Accessory
and it's easier to store and transport
It's two pieces of 2' x 4' plywood attached by hinges along the 4' side to make a 4' x 4' table-topper.
Surfaced with felt.
It folds up when I don't need it. Except it's in our basement/gameroom, so it pretty much is a permanent fixture anyway.
I don't have a basement therefore I care about portability a lot
I have plans for a real table, not just a topper, but I need to accumulate a few tools first.
I want to be able to put stuff away easily and for my entire RPG kit to fit in a large-ish bag
I bought a pico projector two weeks ago and mounted it to the ceiling for projecting maps onto the table, but I also have a large vinyl battle mat for portability if I'm going to DM at a friend's house.
@LegendaryDude Craft table idea: one with a matte translucent surface (matted ivory-tinted plexi does the trick, otherwise a pane of glass with high quality print paper (not stock) behind it, preferably supported by another pane. Then you put your Pico underneath it and project mirror image.
benefit - matte map, no annoying shadows, gentle illumination of the table, no projector shine from above, no projecting over minis
@eimyr It's one idea I've considered for the table. I'd need a first-surface mirror though because it's not a short-throw projector.
a regular projector works fine for a 120 by 80 surface
@eimyr You mean in cm, I assume?
it's also relatively easy because you can buy a rimless clear glass table, cut clear plexi to shape and put matte paper between. Glue at edges and you're done in 4 hours tops
if youre feeling super fancy you can even buy a matte-clear silicone and spread it between glass panes for super-high-quality matte effect with minimal light intensity loss
I can't get that wide an image with the ceiling mount. Right now it's about 100cm from the ceiling, and I'd have less distance to work with if I were to rear-project from below.
100cm wide image, with the projector on the ceiling, I mean.
that's not a wide angle projector then
It's not
won't work with undertable design at all, unless your primary mirror is about the size of the table itself
Depends on where between the lens and the projection surface you put the mirror
Closer to the lens gives you more room to work with
but then you need a very tall table
Yeah. I don't think rear-projection will work with this projector very well.
there is one hack - you can mount it upside down just under the table surface and get double the distance
might still not be enough
Even then, the keystone adjustment on the projector is garbage. I'd have some portion of the image completely out of focus.
It's a cheap projector. I didn't want to spend a lot in case it didn't work out.
that's a requirement for non-right angled projection
I'm thinking a dry-erase board set flush with the surface of the table
Then I don't have to adjust the projector location at all
I see a problem
dry-erase boards are polished and will give you an occasional reflection
but if it's matte board, it won't be dry-erase
I'd recommend taking a very fine grit paper and lightly rough up the surface to increase surficial scattering
Won't the sanding remove the dry-erase coating?
I could use matte vinyl and wet erase instead
I'm pretty sure there is no coating
but if there is then yes, it would
I think dry-erase just requires highly polished pvc and a non-adhesive solvent based pen
On Saturday we used the back of of our Forgotten Realms map, which I had printed and laminated
the laminate is a matte finish dry-erase surface
The problem with it is that it diffuses the light so the reflection off the white of the poster paper is a little fuzzy
you don't want diffusion on your surface, just random scattering on surface
as soon as it diffuses in the material's thickness it destroys the legibility
I have a roll of white gaming paper that I thought about using the back of
It's semi-glossy, just reflective enough that I think it would work well
You essentially put it through defocussing, increasing focal point to material's thickness. Bad idea. Gaussian blur abounds.
(also @BESW @trogdor @Magician ^)
@doppelgreener I just saw! :D Excellent.
Q: Do I upvote an asnwer I agree in even though I feel the one I posted answers it fully?

John GrabanskiIn regards to this question: Should a player know their mount's exact HP? I'm hesitant to upvote this. I agree with it completely, but feel it doesn't answer the question as fully as my own. Meaning, from my experience the player should know the HP, but in the grand scheme of things, I feel co...

2 hours later…
just realized I hadn't popped in here in a bit
/too broad/off-topic
Really, take your pick
@LegendaryDude self deleted?
@DForck42 Yeah I guess so.
2 hours later…
Does anybody have a clue what the current state of Death or Glory is?
@Ahriman nope
So far as I can tell, "not updated for a year."
@Ahriman Still as good as the first time I heard it.
Oh oops someone accidentally took a screen cap from Fred's workstation hmm weird must have been some sort of magica… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/826539488176320513
mmm, sadlythe download links are dead
2 hours later…
@doppelgreener nice!

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