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Despite "EDIT:" syntax, the edit makes this question a lot closer to useful, IMO. I threw OP an upvote to try and get them over the chat-hurdle. Only one to go.
hey there @nitsua60
@Anaphory yeah Harn is super detailed. I have the Harnworld map - it comes with a book detailing not just the kingdoms & civilisations, but also weather patterns, ocean currents, etc
@nitsua60 I'm pretty sure I saw a similar question. It had answers that linked to the Same Page Tool and expectations of the game and the kind of game youre playing/running and the GM being allowed to have fun (despite players).
flex fingers and starts searching*
Similar experience: First ever game I ran (Lost Mines of Phandelver for my friends), they were ambushed by goblins and player Bob says: "I jump on the wagon and start playing my bagpipes."
DM: "are you casting a spell?"
Bob: "Nope."
DM: "Are you giving inspiration?"
Bob: "Dude, I just wanna play my bagpipes"
DM: "The four goblins pepper you with arrows first and you topple to the ground unconscious."
why does he want to just play his bagpipes right when goblins attack?
I mean, I feel bad saying that
cause it's what he wanted to do,.... but still
I get that player, he just wants to see the world react. Even now, almost 2 years later, he jumps on the back of the warlock and rodeos him because the warlock has a ring of water walking and the water beneath them is icky. Surprise! A shambling mound appears as you both topple to the floor.
I use the word topple a lot in my games, now that I think about it.
it's a good word
hey there @daze413
I mean, I probably would have made the goblins look confused first
heeyyy @Shalvenay yy
what's up?
@trogdor maybe some of them cover their ears or look annoyed when they shoot the arrows, right?
if it felt appropriate I probably would have made him lose a turn and them lose one too,
or at least some of them
but then maybe people could abuse that too much
it would certainly depend on your group
@daze413 that is certainly a hilarious response
@Shalvenay nothing much. Chinese New Year coming up and it looks like we have no work this saturday. Was hoping we could play but family matters came up, it was a stretch to play twice a week anyway so I wasn't very hopeful
@trogdor yeah, aside from the abuse, I don't want to have to put up with that sort of thing every time battle starts. Does he just ALWAYS play his bagpipes? You know, there are spells you can cast while playing the bagpipes.
have you talked to him about it?
@daze413 ah. adapting to a very adversarial DM in my in-person AD&D game. also, trying to work out scheduling difficulties with the online 5e game I'm in
@trogdor yeah, he said he wanted to see the world react and was not disappointed. Apparently, he does stupid things and expects to be punished. Kinky.
well if that is his viewpoint I see nothing wrong with your handling XD
@Shalvenay hm. I don't get to play as often but the last time I did, I also had an adversarial DM. It left a sour taste in my mouth as I left the game. Still haunts me since. How bad/good is it?
I personally would have a hard time doing what he did, getting the response he got, and then saying "yeah I wanted that to happen"
@daze413 I'm still feeling my way around the game -- having to be paranoid about NPCs is the biggest thing that's shown up so far
but everyone is different, I guess
(i.e. you can't tell the ranger you run into in the woods about the cave you're going religious-artifact-hunting in because they might run off and organize a party to jump the PCs)
Successful games in the adversarial style tend to pivot around mutually accepted rules--often the system itself, but also around "gentleman's agreements" about what is and isn't good form for the various parties to do.
@BESW yeah, I suspect I'm the odd man out in that this is my first experience playing with said DM
@trogdor because you wouldn't do the stupid thing in the first place, I totally get it. haha or did I miss it entirely? I mean, it's all in the intent of the action.
hey there @IanFinnigan
@BESW I would imagine it would need to work that way, yeah
I think the best examination/deconstruction of adversarial style is Old Man Henderson, where the GM's failure to adhere to the players' expectations of good form led one player to exploit the GM's assumed gentleman's agreements.
@daze413 well, either I would not do that thing in the first place, or I would have only done it if there was already a tacit understanding of what the consequence would be
I have, for example, played a Cuthulu dark game where my character went progressively insane in a way that he didn't have to that got him killed
but I went the whole way doing things I didn't need to do, knowing full well the final action would cause the character to die
@Shalvenay expect mimics in every room. Care to ellaborate on the NPCs? What makes you paranoid of them?
also, my first Great Ork Gods game had my first ork die after the first thing he tried to do
not quite the same thing because I had no way to know that just trying to walk would kill the ork, but at the same time similar enough because I mostly understood that any action could have caused the ork's death
@trogdor well, you don't have to investigate the cthulhu idol in the first place. And Cthulhu games have different expectations. It's fun to play madness and phobias and manias :D
@daze413 well, it was more a matter of exactly how I role played
@trogdor wat. Haven't played that game but thats... how do you even pull that off?
I was playing an actor, and he took issue with this weird stuff happening because he was obsessed with proving it was all faked
he ended up attacking a monster, which I as a player knew would involve him just dying with no roll
but because I knew that would happen before I ever said anything, that was more than ok
I still had full player agency that whole time
@daze413 In Great Ork Gods you get bonus points if your Ork survives the session.
its different when theres suddenly barbs or suddenly a pitfall trap with poisoned spikes at the bottom
@daze413 it is a very lethal game
The point of the game is to subject "acceptable targets" to lethally slapstick comedy.
@daze413 Yeah, certainly if the question is "how do I set expectations for the group," we've got a lot of ink spilled on that one already.
explain how an ork could die with any action he attempts?
@Shalvenay hiya
@daze413 he tripped down a steep incline and hit several otherwise inocuous objects on the way down
@daze413 Well, not literally any action, but Orks tend to put themselves in dangerous situations and the GM can call for a roll vs death at any time it's justified.
A lot of that justification is failing other kinds of rolls.
When you take an action, you roll against the god who oversees that kind of action. And the gods hate Orks.
@daze413 I may have exagerated that slightly, but the point is that in said game any roll you end up failing could end up also triggering a roll against dying
So when Trogdor's Ork charged down a hill, he rolled against the god Flailing of Limbs and failed.
...meaning he tripped in a gopher hole and rolled the rest of the way down the hill. That seemed dangerous, so I called for a roll against the god of death, That Which Guards the Gate.
failed that too
therefore death XD
He failed, and hit a rock on the way down.
@nitsua60 how're things going?
(study hall duty, getting some grading done)
(GOG expects your Orks to die mid-session, and penalizes you if you take more than five minutes to roll up a new one.)
the point of that being, I had bought into playing a game where I could concievably die on my first action, that happened and all I had to really say, more or less, was "ok guess I expected that,... at least a little, on some level" XD
(Usually the longest part of making a new Ork is naming it.)
@nitsua60 trying to deal with scheduling muddlery that's throwing a monkey wrench into the 5e game I'm in
@nitsua60 hm. Went to the question. It's deleted. Did the OP get closure?
So, the orks, what were they trying to do aside from not dying? is there a goal in mind? Who comes up with the gofer hole, does the game have like, random tables?
I made up the gopher hole, as GM.
Orks have one primary goal: to be as Orky as possible. Usually a game starts with the GM offering an activity like "Make the gnomes stop singing" or "Burn the elf village."
But it quickly devolves into counting coup by doing the most impressive, daring, "hold-my-beer" stunts possible.
...and trying to backstab Orks with more "oog" (Orkliness) than you have, because that's a great way to advance in the social pecking order.
We once attacked the North Pole because Santa was anti-naughty.
@daze413 It got put on hold, then a few comments, then self deletion. (Despite the four upvotes, one of which was explicitly commented as purposed to allow OP into chat to workshop the Q.)
@nitsua60 yeah -- he dropped into chat even, I greeted him, but he bailed on chat for reasons that are utterly beyond me
@Shalvenay To each....
@daze413 more that I've been told by a fellow player that this DM is a schemer (also, in later conversations, I referred to Tucker's Kobolds, and that brought up the topic of a kobold army with spears of disintegration)
@BESW hahaha that sounds awesome.
@nitsua60 I hate it when that happens. Hopefully, he's still willing to be around the site.
User retention is best accomplished by interacting with the user. Positive or negative interaction matters much less than just whether or not we ignored 'em.
@BESW We trap our trolls with loooove =)
(For some reason that ^^ just looks like it sounds like "Loooooouvre" to me.)
@Shalvenay must be nothing. You're fine. Everything's fine.
@BESW at your leisure you can probably unpin my oneshot message. For the last week nothing's come across my bow (except stars).
Sorry, I tried to come up with a reply, but it's a very nebulous sort of thing.
I mean, I like 5e because it's like 3.5e but requires much less work to run, and can be taught to new players over the course of hours not years.
I find it to be the better halves of 2e and 3.5e mashed together with some simplifications on top
which again, makes it very hard to highlight the high points in a standalone one-shot
@Miniman It's interesting--a lot of the comments have been along the lines of "does X better than Y". Comparisons, rather than absolutes. Which (a) I tend to agree with and (b) are really tough to imagine highlighting.
you have named that pokemon!
@nitsua60 I was talking with someone who's been out of the RPG loop for a few years, and he asked what 5e's accomplished.
Pretty much what I was able to say is, "It's less controversial than any other edition."
@BESW based on casual observation around one FLGS, enough buzz from old-timers enjoying it to help bring in lots of new players, too.
It's D&D: the Blandening. The edition people who can't agree on edition can agree on.
@BESW I would almost say that it's the accomplishment of lots of the design goals of 2e. (Core 2e, before all the powers & whatevers).)
@nitsua60 those being?
Yeah, it hasn't really invented anything new. Just stitched together a lot of stuff into something people like.
@Shalvenay So 1e, certainly 1e + UA, was getting rather clunky. Lots of lookups, diverse mechanics, not a lot of system-level streamlining. I mean, each individual piece you'd look at and think "yeah, I can see what they were trying to do with this," but taken all together it was sometimes an unplayable mess. (Anyone else remember looking up weapon modifiers vs. armor types--not classes--and ranges?)
One stark highlight you can measure is its ease in character creation. It takes a lot less time to make a character in 5e. Maybe you can design a oneshot that is super deadly to highlight the ease in making characters (kidding!)
So 2e comes along with the explicit goal (read the 2e phb foreward) of basically making 1e playable, while keeping as much of the fiddly-bits as possible.
i mean, you almost wanna always pick variant human just so you have other options during character creation aside from race and subrace.
More subtly, 2e also takes a bit of a tack away from the Gary-centric "mother, may I?" style toward "let the players play some, too." Nonweapon proficiencies, for instance, were a way to let the players have some more control over character competencies and do some more-interesting signaling to the GM "here's some of the game I'd like to play."
But it was still a little too fiddly--who loves THAC0 =) --and, given its close-compatability with 1e/UA and the proliferation of splat, it ended up being twice the system at half the complexity, for no net gain.
(That's just my experience of it, at least. Wold be very interested in other experiences.)
In any case, if you check out the 2e foreword by Zeb Cook, it's almost like Mearls et al read that and thought, "yeah! It would be cool if someone did all that!"
(afk a bit)
@nitsua60 yeah, and 1e/2e had multiple ways to do the same thing which sometimes caused mass confusion (wait until you have a character that's built half using standard class-based construction and half using Skills and Powers at your table :P)
I stopped playing 2e just before S&P, so have only heard tell.
my first 2e game had a character at the table who we suspected was built that way
gave the DM all kinds of fits
From the 2ePHB foreward: "the goals: to make it easier to find things, to make the rules easier to understand, to fix the things that did not work, to add the best new ideas from the expansions and other sources, and, most important of all, to make sure the game was still the one you knew and enjoyed."
@daze413 Great Ork Gods is available free as a PDF here. It's a whopping eleven pages, complete with a cover page and two page sample adventure.
Magical trolling tip #702: Key your portal's deactivation to the phrase "We've gotta get out of here."
@nitsua60 I have a favorite character I named Thaco (despite very limited experience with 2e)
@BESW Magical trolling tip #425: trigger an anti-magic field upon anyone saying "I cast..."
@Magician Magical trolling tip #6: talk to 'em until sunrise.
...how meta-troll of you
@nitsua60 Magical trolling tip #844: Ghosts with levels in Spellthief
MTT #12: install guano detectors in each room, flooding the room with fire extinguisher foam.
@Magician Hey, I pay attention to every one of Dumbledore's tricks.
MTT #1: animate gazebos.
@Magician I hear arrows work well
@JoelHarmon thanks and downloaded.
Gotta love free, small games.
@daze413 welcome
4 hours later…
Experience-based questions are fine, right?
As in, questions asking mostly for experience with same or similar circumstances.
That's... probably not a very useful way to frame a question.
Generally don't ask for a particular kind of answer. Describe the situation and why it's a problem.
Good answers will support their solution somehow, and often the best ones use personal experience or the experience of others learned through blogs, podcasts, etc.
But don't limit your potential solutions by making assumptions about what is and isn't going to be useful. Trust the answerers to be experts.
Well, my problem is that I want to run a solo Fate game and I don't know if having less skills/aspects/stunts than usual from the start (to leave more room for character progression) would be fine.
Alright, fair enough.
Yeah, I think it's gonna be hard for an answer to that question to not draw on experience, and if folks give bad answers we'll downvote 'em.
But I'd be loathe to discount possibilities just because I haven't thought of them--that's why I'd be asking the question, right? Because I want things I haven't thought of.
Q: Would having a Fate character start at a lower level in a solo game pose problems?

Urist McDorfI am planning to run a solo Fate game inspired by videogames (Legend of Zelda in particular, since I've been playing that a lot) and their long progression from a no-name hero to a world saviour. It is intended to run for a long while, and as such I'd like to leave a lot of room for character pro...

I've probably worded it badly. Always had problems with that :P
It's a skill, takes a lot of practice.
...I love tag synonyms.
(I tagged it , the system knew what I meant.)
I didn't know there was a tag like that
Probably would've checked that first
It's a lovely tag.
I can't answer this question officially because I haven't tried it in a twosie, but personally I tend to throw out incremental Fate milestones entirely.
Start the game at the level you want, and keep it there. Use smaller milestones to change the character laterally rather than vertically.
Swap skill ratings around, change aspects as the story requires, but don't just pile more and more and more complexity onto the character for its own sake: instead grant and take away stunts and extras as the story demands.
Yeah, I prefer horisontal advancement myself (it's why I think Legend of Zelda in general is a better RPG series than anything with levels)
(gods I hate levels)
@GiamPy Hi!
@UristMcDorf I've thrown vertical advancement out of my Fate games almost entirely.
Considering the fact I'm inspired by LoZ, actually, most of the stuff will be contained within items. I like Fate's so-called fractal approach in that regard.
Yeah, that works quite well in my experience (but again, not really much experience with twosies there).
@BESW are you drafting an answer to that FC level question?
No, because I'd want to challenge the frame of the question and since I can't speak from experience with twosies I'm not sure it'd be really righteous to challenge the frame.
fair 'nuff
just thinking, they're using the word "level" for what the game would call a skill cap
I'm using the word "level" as in "level of power"
@doppelgreener [gestures above] We've been chatting about this.
As well as level of complexity, actually
Since it's not just skills, it's less stunts and aspects (at start, anyway)
@BESW I have now read above and I realise now the very author of the question is here. Hi @Urist!
Hi @doppelgreener
Dop works fine :D
I need to add a clarification to the question, I think.
Mechanical chat note: @ pings work with incomplete names. @d would ping everyone pingable whose name starts with "d."
@UristMcDorf Just bear in mind that quantity of stunts is directly proportionate to one's ability to accrue and spend fate points, which then goes on to have a significantly proportionate effect on one's power in the game. If I had two different characters I'd keep them within one aspect's difference of each other (or at an equal number of aspects), I'd just have the newbie non-hero say less heroic things about themselves.
An increase in power, status, etc can then be expressed as changes into progressively more heroic aspects which reflect the story so far, rather than as a strict addition of aspect slots.
Forgot to mention a thing, edited it in.
Are you interested in Fate system specific answers, or would a more system-agnostic one be helpful? — Sardathrion 8 mins ago
@Sardathrion Naturally an answer to handling this situation in Fate Core would require some Fate Core-specific experience and guidance in order to be a useful Good Subjective answer or a useful objective fact-based answer. That would mean there wouldn't really be system-agnostic answers. — doppelgreener 2 mins ago
that's the first time i've been able to decently articulate that set of thoughts, hooray ^
You know
You guys are a great community
I always love to see people say that
I just didn't expect that when I came here. Wanted to just ask a quick question and be done with it
But now I see everything is pretty deep
Also I'm an achievement whore and the reputation level unlocks are a hell of a drug
I'm dead serious
no I am sure
I am extremely proud of having just one gold badger
And that's with less than 1k rep, no less
So a very quality over quantity thing
The Stack's gamification is very finely tuned. [grin]
What's the badge anyway?
Oh, I see. I couldn't find where to check that in the profile
You can scroll down to the bottom of the user's main profile page.
Ah, I was looking at user profile, not rpg.se-specific.
Ah, yeah, that gets confusing.
There's a chat profile, a network profile, a profile for each site the user's associated with, a meta profile for each of those sites...
@UristMcDorf aw :'D
and it's a badge that could easily be either easier or harder to get than one might expect
and it shows specifically what I like doing, which is mostly hanging out on the site at least a little bit every day
I hawk for 4e questions
Will probably be doing it for a while
I used to, but the frequency of them appearing is a lot lower than when I first came to the site
plus I have not used my knowledge of the system for a while, so I am pretty rusty
Yeah I notice the low frequency
Hence the hawking
For tonight's dinner we have a special guest: fresh tuna! Marinated in soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, garlic, ginger, and red pepper. Fried in olive oil with some black pepper. Served on sautéed onion, green beans, and carrots, with toast and slices of cucumber.
we had some tuna from the co-op a couple days ago
then my mom cooked some red cabbages and onions, and seared some small fajita bread with it with some lemon, cumin, and some taco seasoning
it was fantastic
@BESW Bon Appetit!
1/3rd of visitors to the Fate SRD are using mobile devices. Enjoy gaming at the table folks. 📚🍕🎲😃
@BESW they did such a good job of making that site mobile-friendly, too
and the developer's been super appreciative every time i've reported an issue (which was only 3 times i think), and took my advice the one time i had a suggestion to make, which was pretty great. :)
3 hours later…
If I'm reading it correctly, this is an idea generation question (VTC): rpg.stackexchange.com/q/93862/1204
It does seem that way.
5 hours later…
That DSA guy needs a tour, I think
Q: Introduce Players to TDE (DSA)

NarusanI have a few friends that want to test a RPG game for an evening. We are using the German game system TDE (The dark eye, or "Das Schwarze Auge"). (1) Since there are no introductory scenarios (only campaigns that last quite long) provided for an aspiring GM, I decided to create something myself. ...

I think he should've edited the first question but I dunno if that's how it works
He should have edited the first question, but the second question seems fine on it's own, if a little wordy.
Maybe suggest he delete the first question and just roll with the second?
Ooof, making sign language pictures is time consuming :(
@UristMcDorf I suggested he ask the question that he asks in his new question
But I didn't suggest he ask it separately
I really meant for him to edit his original question to ask the new question
It's okay, he basically copied the text from the first version of the first question, cleaned it up and made it an answerable question
The old question is deleted so it's not a duplicate
And users with the privilege can still view it if they want to see the history there
Q: Should I Delete My Answer If I Now Think It's Wrong?

PyrotechnicalI had posted an answer to this question: Can a druid get out of wild shape to avoid an opportunity attack? Which I think was rightly refuted. After some consideration, I considered my answer to be completely wrong and deleted it. Is it preferred to leave the answer, edit it, or delete it?

1 hour later…
A lovely out-of-context answer elsewhere on SE:
A: Can I talk to my rubber duck at work?

A ELeave the duck at home, put on a phone headset and talk to the duck's voicemail. Fellow software engineers will understand what you're doing, sales or HR people will think you're on the phone (which you will truly be) and won't be weirded out.

And it's amusing even with the full context!
I like this one, which just arrived today:
Q: Does the elephant get bigger when I bring in the ballista?

Tim BFairgrounds Trumpeter: At the beginning of each end step, if a +1/+1 counter was placed on a permanent under your control this turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Fairgrounds Trumpeter. Walking Ballista: Walking Ballista enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it. If I bring in a new...

A valid concern:
Don't forget, classic Doctor Who taught us vampires got large enough that one could drain an entire planet.
(Though, as with everything in classic Doctor Who, it was probably Rassilon's fault they exist and they may have been a peaceful race he spread propaganda about in order to justify their extermination.)
@TripSpace-Parasite Hi!
oh wait, so we never saw one that actually attempted to drain a planet?
@trogdor No, we saw one that could have, but it got stabbed with a spaceship before it tried.
@BESW Would't "rammed" be a better description?
@Ahriman "Impaled," maybe, but I'm not sure "rammed" is quite the right word for crashing a spaceship nose-first and straight down onto a vampire clambering out of its enormous grave.
@BESW Surely you mean "staked"?
Don't call me Shirley.
Gives a new meaning to yelling for "Impaling speed" on your spacedeck...
BESW, sorry, I was distracted by the link to the Old Man Henderson saga in the sidebar. :)
[grin] No worries. It's a tragic and hilarious story.
The sort of thing that can be accomplished only with the dice on your side, I think, although maybe I'm underestimating players.
There's definitely some luck in there, but really Henderson's player was capitalising on the imbalance of the implied social contract.
The GM didn't understand or value what the players wanted out of the game. Henderson's player DID understand what the GM valued, but the player didn't value those things himself--at least, not enough to prevent him from exploiting the GM's values to get revenge for having had his own rejected.
Oh yes.
It would still have worked in the end, but it might not have made such a good story if it took the lives of multiple characters to pull off.
So the player put the GM into positions where the dice didn't really matter, because the GM has obligated to "let" things happen according to his own idea of how the game should be.

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