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melee with a backup ranged option is probably simpler for new players -- ranged-first chars tend to have trouble when they get into melee-only situations
2 hours later…
@Trish As far as I remember, they needed a special ritual to convert Vitae into something they can digest
hey there @Fibericon
@Shalvenay heyo
@Fibericon how're things going?
I'm so glad SE chat is responsive instead of using a separate mobile site
Not bad. On my way to a VTM game
So I'm channeling my inner edgelord by listening to Lacuna Coil.
Toreador emo band lead singer is my character. Dumped everything into presence. Outside of combat, I'm really helpful!
I wonder how the Flying Toreador concept I have kicking around my head would work out in a typical Vampire game
You can't just say words like that and not provide details.
@Fibericon ah, sorry, I thought I'd mentioned it to you before. it's a Toreador who works nights flying cargo jets -- real nice-guy-next-door type (if you were to pidgeonhole him into D&D alignments, he'd be Lawful Good), treats flying airplanes as an art form of sorts
That's pretty cool. My dude's art quirk is that he doesn't consider an existing piece to be art. Paintings, statues, etc are the corpses of art. The act of creating them is art.
@Fibericon that's kinda cool as well -- art as process instead of as product
He's technically chaotic evil, but he's kept on a tight leash by his retainer ghoul, because he constantly seeks her approval. It lets me play CE without being a thorn in everyone's side.
one of the big things I'm not sure about though is if a vampire in VtM could live without having to consume human blood. (Crew Resource Management is hard enough without your co-pilot worrying about getting bit!)
Probably the most evil random thing I've done is fire a pistol blindly into a crowd of people as they were running. I had one die and botched, so they were all okay.
Don't some vampire bars have distilled vitae? Carry around a flask of it.
@Fibericon yeah, I was thinking he'd have a Thermos of something drinkable
(I was personally wondering if pigs' blood would be close enough to human for a vampire to consume...)
I think so. Otherwise, 10 humanity would be impossible.
@Fibericon yeah, he'd be a 10-humanity vampire for sure
I somehow manage 6, mostly because I bumble my evil and don't want to leave a trail.
Fluffy, the destroyer of worlds. I demand to be taken seriously! Stop petting me!
what concerns would you have with me taking said Flying Toreador to an actual Vampire game? (my thinking is that some Storytellers would find him not grimdark enough)
I'd mostly be concerned with party integration. It kinda sounds like he has his hands full.
@Fibericon he has enough seniority, I'd think, to swing some time off (although rrrrriiinnnnggg "Must be crew scheduling...." would be a good way to disengage in case RL intervenes on the session :)
1 hour later…
Noooope. Nope nope nope.
In that situation, the thing to be worried about is the other players not noticing.
@Miniman yeah, because then the RP would kind of get swept under the rug, never to be noticed again :P
Having tried to do character development before, I feel reasonably comfortable saying that if you're subtle about it, no one will notice. You want to be dropping clues like crazy.
Or just tell everyone, but that's probably not a suggestion that's going to do well here.
@Miniman that's consistent with my experience, people will miss backstory cues like crazy
Sorry BESW, making you uncomfortable?
I like how my group is so incredibly bizarre that I tend to show up with some of the hardest questions. Whether ripping off your face to remove a cursed mask would work, how to change probabilities that in some circumstances exceed 100%, and now this. Hehehe.
@Papayaman1000 more like "why in the world are you doing this, this works way better when the group's in on what's going on"
@Shalvenay We like worldbuilding, secrets, lovecraftian horror, storytelling, and candles. This would be excellent to pull off and we generally let difficulty and minmaxing take a backseat to the former category. Questions?
Still, always fun to saunter into chat and see people brainstorming about what I ask. It's fun to use your brain sometimes.
@Papayaman1000 well, BESW's definitely into his storytelling and lovecraftian horror (and to some extent worldbuilding too, but dunno on the candles man)...and he's the one (even more than me) who would much rather have your group in on what's happening to your character, so they can add onto it
whereas, I'm the worldbuilder who enjoys smashing things together in strange ways :P
Oh, they'll certainly find out eventually. I'm trying to sow the seeds quietly, though. Subtle foreshadowing, hilarity in hindsight, et cetera.
As for smashing things together in strange ways, I ought to make a Python Large Genre Collider app.
@Papayaman1000 :D HAHAHA
No, seriously. It'd be a nice tool. Help create things like "Victorian Comic Horror"
I want to do a 3d rendering of a dragon getting the ol' scrub-a-dub-dub from a couple of ramp workers, while a bunch of the Aviation.SE regulars look on from various vantage points
(just as an example of me smashing things together in strange ways. another one would be the 3.5e dungeon I keep around -- "electropunk magitech smashup" is the genre it's in)
Ooh. That sounds fun. Anyways, the LGC is operational... "Western Cyberpunk Fantasy Shonen Comedy" is the result for the 5 genre test. And that sound fnuk'n amazing.
@Papayaman1000, welcome. Want to talk about your probability question?
Oh, hey Novak. Sure.
Okay, let's do it. I have a ballpark idea of what you want, I think. It's the over 100% stuff that breaks the question. When you say probability > 100%, you mean something that can't fail, and that has "headroom" to not fail, right?
Headroom, buffer space, slack space, anything like that.
Right. For example, if a character has a +10 on a 10DC, then the probability would be 150%, counting the d20.
...Like fingernails on a blackboard, that is.
I think it's a case of asking for the details to a solution you've already come up with, rather than asking for any solution which meets your goals.
Try describing your goal in terms of what it feels like for the gameplay, rather than in maths.
My goal is to ensure that the character who needs a nat. 20 to succeed still has a scrap of chance, while the one who would auto-succeed twice over before the dice come into play isn't affected.
We already found a good solution.
Although I thin that's still not right. +20 on a 10DC would you you headroom, but we'll come back to that.
I cannot type, apparently.
By + the d20, I mean the 50% a raw roll has of succeeding on a dc10.
Okay, so any probability better than 0% should map to something else that is smaller, but still greater than 0%. Yes?
And any probability that is actually 0% (automatic fail) should map to 0% (still automatic fail) yes?
Basically, our solution was doubling the potential numbers, while keeping the successful numbers a constant.
Okay, good. Here's the part that probably matters. Anything that is 100% (automatic success) should.... Map exactly to 50%? Always map to something less than 100% but greater than or equal to 50%? Or is it possible to be so freaking awesome in some cases that you still end up with 100%?
(Or something else I'm not seeing.)
For example, if a creature needed a crit on a d20 before the debuff, then after they'd need a crit on a d40. Likewise, if they need a 2 on a d20, it becomes a 22 on a d40.
In other words, add x to the dc, (dx) then roll a d2x.
I think there's a confusion in terminology regarding hard ceilings on success.
@BESW yes, there is. I'm confident one of the solutions posted is what what @Papayaman1000 wants. I want to edit the question so it matches the answer.
That's where the percentage thing causes problems. I think you're talking about changing the variables which determine the percentage of success.
The hard goal is making sure bonuses that overshoot the DC still have effect beyond those that match it.
Okay, but I'm having trouble understanding that.
Addressing that issue has been the biggest challenge.
Regardless of a little bit of static, a lich king should always defeat a bottom-dollar city guard.
And having a series of tails on a coin shouldn't be the only condition to make it otherwise.
Okay, so think about a DC10 and an Amulet of Insane God Power +100. That will never fail. That's, I dunno, something like 550% (I am dying inside, typing that) chance of success.
Should that map to another automatic success? Or something else?
Right, still automatic success.
Target DC 10 on a d20+10 roll gives 100% success. Target DC 10 on a d20+20 roll gives 100% success. Reducing the probability by half would give them both 50% success. Reducing the variable by half would give 75% and 100% respectively.
Okay, now we're getting somewhere!
That's the kind of change he's after, but he has some rather undefined "not too complicated" requirements.
But a more marginal case, like a DC10 with a +15 (say) should not be an automatic success.
Yeah... it's the agony of programming, but with more judgement than a segfault if you screw up.
Okay, now I think I know you want:
1) Auto fail maps to auto fail
2) Something not auto fail or auto succeed gets success chance chopped in half
@Novak It's unclear if he wants auto successes to remain auto successes, or to map to "very likely."
3) Auto succeed maps to something never worse than 50%, and can range all the way from 50% all the way up to another auto succeed.
I think those three capture it.
But yeah, that's my understanding.
The tough goal is that we can't just slice the bonus in half, because that +15 on a dc35 should still have a chance of success, but the +70 should have no chance of failure.
But yeah, that's the gist of it.
No, no, don't worry about the mechanism, just tell me if those three conditions are what you want.
Yes. Perfect.
Yeah, the problem here has been that you keep talking about the mechanism in order to try explaining the goal, when the mechanism as it stands is flawed in attaining the goal.
I will meditate on this, mainly because I am tired and don't want to make a mistake, but I am pretty sure that the d20 with a coin flip to subtract 20 from the result is the correct answer.
Which is actually the one Jasper put down that you accepted.
The issue is that all autosucceeds remain so.
Wait. What?
You are saying you want all autosucceeds to stay autosucceeds?
Never mind. Perfect.
Those three conditions are perfect.
Okay, I'll edit the question tonight or tomorrow to reflect the new understanding.
What Jasper's method is going to give you is something that maps autosuccess to autosuccess but *only when you have a bonus that exceeds the DC by 20.
Sorry to bust your chops on this, but probability is something I care about maybe a little too much. Occupational hazard.
I get it. I'm a theoretical mathematician. The realm of the formally impossible is my plaything.
I'm an electrical engineer and a computer scientist. The formally impossible gives me hives.
Heh. Unfortunately at times, Python sides with you.
Now, Grand Patriarch Cthulhu, Glory and Reverence and Fear All Be Unto Him, on the other hand, is a good friend and shares my thoughts.
I don't know, my students seem to get impossible results from python all too often.
Ehh. A little recursion limit here or there will balance that out.
Anyways, I live in GMT -... uh, does daylight savings count? Erm.. GMT -06:00. Time to sleep.
About the same here.
Good night, and check the board tomorrow.
2 hours later…
@trogdor That's very sneaky, trying to hide your return behind a new avatar.
what, hide? what do
I wasn't so much hiding as not saying anything because there were no conversations going on
and I kinda felt like changing my Avatar when I got back from my little trip
I still like the other one but I have the urge to change it every once in a while
4 hours later…
@Papayaman1000 The problem is, you're asking a mathematical question and being imprecise while doing so. Like "crit on a d40." There's no such thing, because in the game you're talking about "crit" is a defined term, and it's defined w.r.t. d20. So you've got an idea in your head of how this-all is supposed to work, but you're not expressing it clearly, then you're railing against those who try to help.
2 hours later…
@Baskakov_Dmitriy yes, some kind of vitae-refining rite that had little to no rules anywhere I could remember...
1 hour later…
hey there @Papayaman1000
@nitsua60 "Crit" is pretty much synonymous with rolling x on a dx, albeit usually used for a 20.
@Papayaman1000 In the game most discussed (currently) on site, "crit" is often 20 on a d20, but not always, because it's a defined term with its own rules. So you've imported very popular terminology to mean something other than what it means in its most-popular usages. But you don't make that explicit.
@Papayaman1000 sorry to be the one that tells you, but it's probably just local lingo in your area / web zone. Here in my real world area, a crit is a 20 on a d20 (even if in the game it's a 20 on a subset of d20 rolls)
If you're going to point to your being a theoretical mathematician as some sort of credibility, you should follow the best practices in that field. When you're discussing some idea that's not well-defined, don't just use nearby words and hope everyone will magically grok your understanding; define some terms precisely, then use those terms consistently. Don't call your idea of 120% success "probability;" name it something else.
@Zachiel Whereas at my tables "crit" stands for "whatever it takes to make a critical hit in the game currently being played." So sometimes it's 20-on-20, sometimes it's more than that (5e champion fighter or assassin, anyone?), sometimes it's the successful hit roll after the threatened crit. And lots of times the term just isn't used, 'cause there are no crits in Microscope =)
also hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 what's up?
@Shalvenay I should leave chat. I wrote something while cranky, and it's already gotten two stars =|
@Papayaman1000 example for Pathfinder: Rapier. Rapiers have a crit range of 18-20. any 18, 19 and 20 is a crit.
@nitsua60 3.
@Papayaman1000 You might call the 120% the "Skill level", and it easily could balance out 'penalties' of up to 20% and still guarantee a hit.
So... in VTM today I ghouled Trent Reznor.
@Fibericon hahaha
1 hour later…
@Fibericon Hmmm, which Vampire you would annoy if you ghouled the president in spe?
@Trish what if you couldn't ghoul the president, because they were already a vampire?
Anyone got ideas how well Dungeon World works with unstable groups?
I'll probably take it to the Board Games Cafe tomorrow, because one person there looked at my flyer and asked about D&D (I said “Not gonna do that one, but…”) – and in case that goes to “I LIKE IT! ANOTHER!”, I'd like to start in a way that supports a fluctuating group.
From my haven't-played-it-at-all level of experience, that may run into trouble with that would need to be worked aorund.
Such as, new bonds are created as needed.
@Shalvenay, @nitsua60, @BESW et al may be able to give you some advice, but I don't know how fluctuating their group has been.
I have memories that @Magician may have played it but I don't know whether they're accurate.
Okay, how do I turn it into a main site question?
I have started typing and hope that the site will do it's job of telling me what's wrong about it.
Do we have something like ?
It doesn't appear so. Should we have ?
@Anaphory might be sufficient?
Definitely tell us about these things: the situation you'll be running the game in (regular game with irregular attendance at a game shop), what you're concerned about (that DW may not work well), the research you've done so far (or whether it's been hard to find anything) and issues you're aware of that are giving you that concern.
@doppelgreener Most of these are in the question already.
I get quite a few search results for “attendance”, with adjectives “fluctuating”, “irregular”, “fluid”, (“variable-size group”, “missing players”), “patchy”, “spotty” (of an individual), “flexible”, “varying”, “variable”, “low” (of individual players”. “Variable” seems to be frequent, “regular” is often negated and “irregular” appears a few times.
I think I might go for or .
@Anaphory We can always synonymize them later.
Q: Dungeon World with an unstable group

AnaphoryI'm starting a role playing game group, and I expect (and specified in my “looking for group” ad) that people will be attending irregularly. In particular, I am very much going to run it at a local games cafe (taking the “host” job of me, leaving me as organizer and at least initial GM), which m...

hey there @Zachiel
@Anaphory I definitely think "variable" works better than "unstable" =)
So did I, but only after oneboxing it here!
Question looks good, btw, and I hope to see some good answers come in. Sadly (for you) all of my DW experience is with stable groups =)
hey again @nitsua60
@Anaphory On the matter of bonds, I'd look into flags instead.
(But I haven't run them, so can't craft a proper answer on that basis.)
@Shalvenay Hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@Shalvenay Nice. Yesterday my wife and I went climbing together for the first time since our oldest was born. An excellent way to celebrate ten years' partnership =)
@nitsua60 They sound interesting.
@nitsua60 nice.
@nitsua60 hoping the schedule works out for a FLGS trip this upcoming Friday night
@Shalvenay OTOH, we were climbing indoors; it's different enough from the outdoor climbing that's been my mainstay these last eight years that I'm reminded of a greener quote:
Nov 22 at 0:31, by doppelgreener
@Shalvenay Would that be the same table as last time? PFS?
@nitsua60 probably not
The boulder gym is still open for 2 hours. I'll be playing games tomorrow instead of going there, I should go now! Thanks for reminding me.
See you later!
hey there @ToshinouKyouko
@Shalvenay hiya :)
@ToshinouKyouko how're things going?
@Shalvenay i'm a bit sick unfortunately, other than that though - good, you?
@ToshinouKyouko aww :/ get well soon. I'm alright here
good 2 hear :)
@Shalvenay Heya
@Zachiel how're things going?
Mildly well
@Zachiel ah, OK here
I have that play by forum starting in a while - we need to find a place now that eimyr can't be part of the game anymore (and I might explore the idea of using discord, as doppelgreener suggested), but good (bad?) news is that the guy who wrote the adventure pointed me to a guy who has a lot of experience DMing it online, and now this second guy wants to spectate.
Second, I really should buy a silver weapon for my character since we're going to fight lycans and we know it, but that would need me to get in touch with a gamemaster and ask him to create me the item, and I don't know if I really want to bother them.
Even if not bothering them will probably get me a "you knew you were going against lycans, why didn't you prepare?"
If that happens, I swear I will link the DM to this conversation XD
@Zachiel at least your character doesn't have to worry about being overrun by frolicking werewolf puppies xD
@Zachiel we'll see how some of the campaigns I'm in go re: lycans, though
@Zachiel also, why would a silvered weapon be a mandatory custom-create sort of thing? you'd think such things would be available on a semi-regular basis if lycanthropy is non-exotic in your world
Oops, here I am again, it was only one hour.
@Shalvenay Well, we have all sorts of weapons available as items in our database, each in regular, masterwork and five progressively more magical versions. Adding new versions of each weapon for each special material (silver, cold iron and adamantium are the most common ones) would be a tedious job since the DB is not object-oriented, so only the specific weapons that one asks for are implemented. Not many users chose a heavy warpick as their weapon (not many worship my same god).
@Zachiel ah. database design fail :p
Most often, the weapons are not implemented at all. You just buy a regular weapon and the DM adds a note by hand in the notes field for the specific item.
@Shalvenay I tried to have someone who wanted to open a similar site design an item system that could handle this, but I got told "have you got any idea of how bad your design is for comuptational speed and number of operations?"
@Zachiel item handling is a pain-in-the-arse, really
Our game has two kinds of items: some like shields, armors and weapons can be customized by adding special properties to them, all other items only have a single version (or if there are several versions, they have been implemented as separate items, e.g. bracers of armor +1 to +8 are 8 different items)
So, where should I stop preparing RPG theory stuff for the RPG session I'm going to do tomorrow? Playbooks and rules sheets and some scribbling paper and dice, sure. Index cards and notebook, sure. Big black pen for X card, yep. Same Page Tool with tick mark spaces? A social contract reminder, stating @BESW's core rules of “(1) Don't let harm happen (2) Have fun, unless 1 (3) Play the game you decided to play unless 1 or 2”?
A plush dragon?
Ah, it's at a board game cafe, they have excellent cinnamon buns.
@Anaphory hahahaha at the plushie dragon, part of me wants to get one my own self
@Anaphory Dragon of Discourse? Sounds good to me.
Which game is it?
Dungeon World, to start with.
I was asked “Do you have the stuff to run D&D?”, so the answer was “No, I don't have that or do that, BUT…”
I've recently started using dice bowls.
To roll in or under?
In. Helps keep dice on the table.
Cheap chopstick bowls for each player's set of dice, which helps reduce dice-fidgeting (and thus dice dropping), and a wooden salad bowl for rolling in.
Big folder of random tiny RPGs, to showcase?
I like to keep a few one-shots around, at least. You never know when that'll come in handy.
Danger Patrol, Lasers & Feelings, Great Ork Gods, that kind of thing.
Let's see. For a public space you probably won't be bringing music.
I sometimes like to have a hand-held-size whiteboard, a stand to prop it up on the table, and some magnets.
Hand it off to someone and have them help track stuff like hit points or plot points.
Index cards and A3 paper, don't have a whiteboard at hand. (I did have one at some point, which house did I live in then?)
@BESW I mostly have a stack of role playing poems, Lady Blackbird and Sundered Lands.
I find fun light-hearted stuff is best for one-shots, but YMMV.
Pencils. You haven't mentioned pencils.
Pencils, a big eraser, and a sharpener.
never fill out a character sheet in pen
When I had an on-the-go GM bag, I had some lightweight boards for people to write on, because I wasn't always sure there'd be suitable table space.
But it sounds like you can be more confident about your space.
@Anaphory I have a guide to GMing that has been linked before on this site but it's easier if I just drop it in your Skype
...to which you're not connected. Fetching a link.
@Zachiel Am now.
@BESW I do generally have 2 pencils in my satchel, one with sharpener in my wallet and one in my RPG folder. But more is always helpful.
Nevermind, the file I have on my PC is the Italian translation of this: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3269630/dwdotcom/eon-guide/…
It is on the download pages of the official site, so chances are you already saw it.
Yep, I have read that one.
@BESW Ideally, at some point I will find people to play the serious stuff with starting from the group I now collect. But until I know them, I won't drop Montsegur or Dog eat Dog or Shock or things like that on them!
Depending on your process, consider lists of people/place names, event ideas, etc.
@Shalvenay easy points!
@nitsua60 I'm not sure, isn't that "read me the manual"?
A: What Do We Do With "Read The Book To Me" Questions?

doppelgreenerThere's at least two kinds of easily confusable questions here though: I hear the DMG has rules for X. I don't have the DMG. What are the rules for X? Are there rules for X? What are they? #1 is a deeply problematic question that asks us to engage in violating copyright: the person should buy...

@BESW sort-of in this case. the PHB chapter on combat is rather scattershot re: the things someone'd need to know for their first combat encounter, so it probably would be good to have a bite-sized summary answer for this question.
@nitsua60 Be sure to link to the free ruleset
@Shalvenay I would think the expert answer to this would be to describe where it's found in each of Starter Set rules, Player's Basic Rules, SRD, PHB; along with which is easiest to follow/most complete/&c.
@nitsua60 I can give PBR and PHB page numbers off hand here
I could edit in Starter Set rule references later, if you wanted.
@BESW It is, but I tend to be a little forgiving of those in D&D-land, since they're so notoriously bad at explaining their own product.
@nitsua60 I don't have the Starter Set handy, so that'd be helpful yes
But others' opinions may vary, so I could easily imagine this getting closed as off-topic, too!
I guess I'd just expect a little bit of "I tried, and here's where I failed" in the question.
I assume there's "I tried reading the bleeping rules but they make no sense" lurking back there, but I may be projecting that, rather than reading it =)
@Shalvenay another! You can have that badge soon!
(Hint; active contests, contests against passive scores, DCs; all GMs call, all somewhere around p.237 in DMG)
@nitsua60 don't need it, just need to get this answer down and I should get the badge
@BESW i am also very interested in Nitsua60's comment
@FrankHilary Do you have Lost Mine from the Starter Set, or did you get your hands on it in some other way? If from the Starter Set, there's a second "Beginner's Rulebook" in there where chapter 2 covers combat rules. (I have to give my kids dinner right now, but if nobody else's been by in an hour I'll grab my copy of the beginner's rulebook and quote you the relevant portions.) — nitsua60 28 mins ago
Hm. Time travel hypothesis: the earth is traveling around the sun, which is traveling around the galaxy center, which is itself traveling through space somehow. (It's thought that the foucault pendulum can measure all of this.) Also, the earth wobbles metres in its orbit. The hardest part of time travel is ensuring you land in a useful position, specifically on the earth (and not in the cold void of space) and not 2m underground or in a wall.
I have heard this thing before
personally, I feel like it makes time travel either too much more complicated, or less interesting
in the context of a story, not if it turns out to work like that in real life
In an RPG, at least, I think the best use of this theory is as fodder for narrating failures.
(Rather than as justification for introducing extra failure.)
that could certainly work
@Shalvenay While this is true, initiative and opportunity attacks are both way out of scope of the question that was asked.
@Miniman you may have a point re: initiative -- OAs are weird though because you can't really talk about reactions without talking about either OAs or readied actions as those are the two "mundane" reactions in 5e
He's only asking about how to resolve an attack.
You're adding in when to make an attack.
@BESW, what do you think about the following explanation sentences on The Three Laws of Gaming?
1 - A gamer must not harm others, or through inaction allow others to come to harm.
Or themself! Use appropriate techniques (X-Card), Speak up, Take a Break, and Remember this is a voluntary thing and you can always just leave or ask someone to leave if the game is bad for you.
2 - A gamer must ensure the enjoyment of others, unless doing so would violate the First Law.
Enjoyment comes in many forms, but we are doing this for (some definition of) fun. Remember what wasn’t fun and give feedback, Speak up, and Remember we can always do something else that is more enjoyable.
@Shalvenay Only your "Hacking and Slashing" section is answering the question.
@Shalvenay Yeah, there's no reason to talk about reactions here - not only is it out of scope, it's just going to confuse the OP further.
@Anaphory Nice.
I'm terribly amused that my off-the-cuff joke structure has Become A Thing.
The three step structure is actually very helpful, for a similar reason that Asimov's laws are so much-quoted, I guess!
@Shalvenay Looks good.
@doppelgreener I've always imagined there's a really steep portion of the PE vs. timespace-location curve that helps shunt people into an appropriate landing area. Kinda like I can jump from my roof onto a trampoline and might hit it, might miss and hit the ground, but am exceedingly unlikely to end up below the original surface.
hey again @nitsua60 -- I wound up condensing the answer down from a full combat-tutorial to just focus on resolving the attack roll
@Shalvenay The appropriate page numbers from the Starter Set Beginner's Rules, if you want them, are 11-12 for attack resolution, 12-13 for damage. If you do out them in, I'd recommend editing your headers to be something like Hack and slash (SS 11-12, PBR 73-74, PHB 193-195); three reference sources would be a loot to keep looking back and forth for which is which.
@nitsua60 PE?
@nitsua60 yeah, and I pared down an awful lot too -- heck, I didn't even mention crits!
@BESW potential energy
@BESW sorry--(p)otential (e)nergy.
@Shalvenay that's where I tend to go crazy with footnotes =)
@nitsua60 yeah -- footnotes aren't a good fit for the Stack format I find
@Shalvenay sez you!
Nov 17 at 11:34, by Anaphory
@doppelgreener That is, there are no footnotes. There are just things that look like footnotes.
what I'm saying is that people who aren't already exposed to reading writing that uses footnotes/endnotes will be confused, and even some folks who are would treat their use as too pretentious for online discourse
One pseudo-footnote on the same screen is fine. The problem is more that they are structurally not footnotes, you cannot just jump there and then back to where you before if that needs scrolling.
@Shalvenay [Snooty laughter]
@Anaphory yeah, that's a major problem as well
@Anaphory Except they are structurally identical to every footnote written in the history of writing before hyperlinks =)
(That is, they're set apart a little in space, a little typographically.)
Nope, they are more like endnotes, even worse, because they are somewhere different.
@nitsua60 He means you have to scroll to see them.
(With endnotes you can at least keep your finger on the page.)
@BESW Which means you lose of where in the text you were.
@BESW I guess I don't see the huge difference between that and my eye having to leave where it was in the parent text on a printed page.
@nitsua60 Manual movement is an order less efficient than ocular movement.
(And, thus, an order more likely to disrupt the flow of the reader.)
@BESW Fair point.
I love footnotes, but without hyperlinks digital footnotes quickly become obstructive.
OTOH, I assume (though I don't know--any experts here?) that ocular+screen is already less speedy than ocular+printed page in hand, so that would mitigate the "loss" factor?
And unless you scroll with PgUp/PgDown, the look of the page changes. If you read something on a single physical page, the location you started from looks similar (is the same as) where you want to continue reading.
@nitsua60 This is hotly debated.
[clears throat]
[channels college roommate]
Nov 22 at 15:09, by nitsua60
Now I'm imagining the raven from Poe's The Raven taking a Philosophy 101 class and upgrading its vocabulary.
You'll note, of course: nowhere have I contested the assertion that they're too pretentious for online discourse =)
@SevenSidedDie I'm tempted to re-title this question something like "How do hit dice factor into attacks?" It's got the title of the question you just answered about LMoP, but it's not really that question, it seems to me. What do you think?
@BESW Then looking to meet a lady named "Bess"?
@Anaphory Only point I'd make is that "come to harm" sounds like physical damage, but in reality the first priority is to ensure everyone feels safe -- which is also about feeling comfortable with the people around them and their environment, feeling not unduly confronted by the subject matter, ensuring they do not feel bullied or harmfully pressured or so on.
I would riff off the first law's structure but with terminology more appropriate, such as:
> A gamer must ensure the comfort and safety of others, and must not through inaction allow compromise to others' comfort and safety.

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