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@JoelHarmon hello! Hope you're getting sleep. (At this point in my first child's life I was starting to tell people he was sleeping 5-6 hours at a stretch. Only years later did my wife inform me it was at this point that I was sleeping 5-6 hours at a stretch!)
@nitsua60 ...This sounds familiar.
(you mean, I've told that story before? Or in your own life?)
In my own life.
Wanna hear a bad joke?
What's the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead trombone player in the road?
What is the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead trombone player in the road?
The snake might have been on the way to a gig.
Ba-dum tsh.
Speaking of percussionists...
What do you do with a snare drummer who can't keep time?
Take away one of their sticks and move 'em up front!
I have now =)
It's pretty excellent.
1 hour later…
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[LCQ comp](http://blackarmada.com/lovecraftesque-competition/ "Write a short (~600 wds) Lovecraftesque scenario and you can win the adulation of your peers and a copy of the game! Nov 07");
[playtest](http://www.modiphius.com/star-trek.html "STAR TREK ADVENTURES - Living Playtest Sign up");
@nitsua60 yeah, I don't get this at all
@trogdor (the conductor)
Here's an easier one:
How do you know when a viola's out of tune?
oh, ok I was thinking "front row of other musicians" not "front of everyone"
when the N is missing
The bow's moving!
I am not a great audience for this
@nitsua60 How do you keep your violin from being stolen?
Put it in a viola case.
What's the difference between God and a pianist?
God doesn't think he's a pianist.
I have actually heard that last one before
I think actually during piano classes
Alright, my last one for the night:
What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?
A vocalist.
[aaand... that's a wrap, folks.]
What's the definition of an optimist?
A musician with a mortgage.
afk a bit
What do you call a musician who can't read music?
What DO you call a musician who can't read music?
The drummer.
That one's a little offensive, of course - you're not supposed to refer to drummers as musicians.
How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?
How many?
None; there are machines for that now.
hey there @nitsua60
Q: Should we be answering the question, or the question posed in the description?

PolisurgistMost specifically referencing this: Does a natural 20 on an animal handling check do anything special? The stated question is more general than the one asked (and answered) in the post body. In this case, we have a general question, then some context around it, concluded with a different questio...

@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@Shalvenay Not too shabby. You?
@nitsua60 alright here. still grinding away slowly at getting the family PC back going
What's the name of the old Greek paradox about the boat that's had every single part replaced?
@nitsua60 gah, can't recall that one
The ship of Theseus, also known as Theseus' paradox, is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Life of Theseus from the late first century. Plutarch asked whether a ship that had been restored by replacing every single wooden part remained the same ship. The paradox had been discussed by other ancient philosophers such as Heraclitus and Plato prior to Plutarch's writings, and more recently by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Several variants...
yeah, that
(Should we wiki-vandalize it to the "PC of Shalvey"?)
@nitsua60 I can tell that it's me sleeping ~5 hours during the week by the way my wife doesn't let me do that on weekends
@BESW Which I've always looooved.
@nitsua60 My grandmother recited bits of it at the slightest provocation.
@JoelHarmon smart woman =)
And you're getting scary-good at doing things one-handed, I presume?
@nitsua60 hah, case and hard drive aren't getting replaced, nor are the WLAN or sound cards, or the power supply
hey as well @JoelHarmon
@nitsua60 added a suitable comment ;)
disturbing as it is, I'm now reasonably comfortable holding her in one arm, even when that arm isn't directly holding the baby to my chest
@Shalvenay In chat and comments, use --- instead of <strike>.
@BESW ah
@JoelHarmon I always liked the "lying prone on forearm sleeping with chin cradled in hand" hold.
@BESW I don't think --- works in comments. (I tried it ten minutes ago on the black/red sorcerer question.)
Oh? What about <s>?
I know something works in comments.
hmm... wasn't <s>
(Actually, I guess I tried <s>...</s>; I assumed that's what you meant.)
Yeah, that.
Wow. That was ~286.5 Krep mustered to close that question in under 5 minutes. Good job, establishment, at keeping the man down.
the establishment is keeping the man down now? I think that metaphor got a bit mixed
> You know who wants me to be sane? THE MAN!
@JoelHarmon yeah, and I was about to try to turn it into a halftime locker-room talk, further derailing this flight.
yes, pesky THE MAN, wants you to stay sane, not murder or steal, and such like that, so pesky that THE MAN
he doesn't even want you to know his name you can only call him THE MAN
(Source is extra-funky.)
3 hours later…
hello folks
yo, any D&D 4e players in here right now?
I need a quickie question answered for a friend and don't have my books handy.
3 hours later…
anybody have a picture with a bunch of white hooded figures, i need something I'm going to do some photoshop for for a campaign
You may find this hard to wrap your head around, but NEW LOVELACE & BABBAGE! The Copenhagen Interpretation, Part 1! http://sydneypadua.com/2dgoggles/the-copenhagen-interpretation-part-one/
Trapdoor tech, the folks who were contracted by WotC for that Morningstar app, have closed down.
RIP, sad to hear.
@doppelgreener I just saw that - wish I could say I didn't see it coming.
Yeah, having a company based around one project that gets cancelled, and being unable to sell it on, won't do good things for that company. :(
I'm still confused why they couldn't deliver Morningstar, it probably would've been a very good and helpful thing for D&D 5e's players -- better even than the D&D 4e compendium was for 4e players.
It's weird - both Morningstar and Sword Coast Adventures delivered decidedly half-assed products and then got shut down.
I mean, I guess it's not that weird.
Wizards knows how to pick 'em?
I guess so.
And now we have Fantasy Grounds, which works fine...as long as you're willing to shell out $250 to get the content for it.
I'm getting distinct Adobe vibes off Wizards.
@Miniman The vibe I get off the WotC D&D wing is they're a perpetually at-risk part of the company without an enormous budget -- so for any app, they may need the moon so as to deliver something people will use, but not be able to pay enough to get there.
That might have them turn to less capable web development outfits, or not pay enough to capable development outfits to let them deliver a fully functioning product in time.
6 hours later…
Q: Question on opinion based posts criteria

JPicassoThere is currently a question on the board (with a bounty even) that is asking how to make their game interesting for a specific character combination. Oddly enough, a similar question from the player side here was put on hold. While I think the question about the witcher and apprentice has me...

Q: Why is an answer being downvoted without any comments?

SevenSidedDieAn answer has multiple downvotes but nobody has left a comment explaining what's wrong with the answer or why they downvoted. Why hasn't anyone explained their downvote?

(it got fixed, disregard)
hows everybody's day goin?
Welcome @Zachiel
Hello @user507974
I'm fine, and 4 days at home are right ahead of me
just fine :D
@Zachiel that sounds like a pretty nice position to be in
anybody feel like giving some critique or advice to a one shot im thinking of doing
Which system?
(I give good advice, I swear, I'm just bad at following it myself!)
@Zachiel If I were able to follow advice as well as I gave it I'd be a much happier person.
@UrhoKarila Or maybe my advice is really horrible, but I'm better at following it than I would think...
@Zachiel warrior rogue and mage
if you havent heard of it very simple system, i'd say perfect for one shots since you can easily make characters out of it
my bad
make classes (it doesnt have its own predefined)
characters also die pretty frequently
and so for a one shot im basically going to make a several classes people pick from then we play
So I have my story elements in place but dont really know how to link a bit of it together
Ever playing class is a summoner of some kind, with mixed backgrounds from knights to mages and even assassins
> Warrior, Rogue & Mage is a simple, lightweight roleplaying game that allows a group of players and a game master to experience epic adventures in a fantasy world filled with wondrous magic.
There is a special class of summons called Errants that people can draw on by lowering the maximum of their Summoning Points (a stat I made up tied to MP). These units are essentially much like the class containers, humanoid (but still kind of lacking that spark of life we attribute to humans called emotions).
These guys are especially effective at destroying other summoned creatures (called Abberations)
Basically the campaign boils down to a dragon that is going to destroy the world and the players have to defeat it
As a dragon IRL i find this stereotype to be offensive and overdrawn. We dragons are kindly, gentle creatures, and if we wanted to destroy the world we'd make sure you didn't notice it happening.
massive dragon, with untold power to summon other Aberrations
once the dragon dies I actually want to start having the world fall apart at the seams
(I am, of course, a green dragon.)
and aberrations run amok
I just want to point out that this question manages to be entirely gender-neutral throughout its example and I find it rather impressive.
Alex. And Sam.
What next, Sasha?
and the power of the gender-neutral singular "they". :D
basically at this point the players can enter a rift forming in the world where a sea of infinite possibilities flood their senses, if we are ahead of schedule i might have them repeat a memorable sequence from earlier in the day in one of these slightly different universes
And from here I want the players to be able to make one of 4 choices each (basically 2 choices to pick from then 2 more choices), but im not sure how to introduce the last choice properly
basically the heroes are come face to face with the Gods, who offer their reward for destroying the dragon: the option to live in an idyllic world of their dreams that exists somewhere in the cosmos, or to forsake everything and to fight these gods
[Nevermind, cross-posted]
not party wise
the rewards arent listed in the beginning, but the gods are seeking an end to themselves and the dragon was a trial to find worthy replacers
for the party members that choose to fight they come to a room with people in white cloaks, and when they disrobe they come face to face with their own faces (the actual players faces), whom they must now defeat
so heres the elements i dont know how to link together
basically ive made errants strong so players will likely find an errant they like and stick to it
all humans are in fact much like errants, but their souls were given the spark of life by people who instead of accepting godship sacrificed themselves
this act creates a new "soul" to add to this endless cycle of multiverses, so the choice becomes you can become a god of this infinite expanse and live in an endless cycle of death and rebirth and recycling of souls
or you can create new life by rejecting your godly rights
the dragon is how when these gods are finally bored they will find new replacements for themselves since "in the end, all would choose death"
so it sounds like the cliffnotes version is: world involves lots of summoning, a dragon wants to destroy it, summons lots of aberrations, the players defeat the dragon, the world starts unravelling anyway, the players can enter a rift, and gods let them either live their lives in peace or challenge and replace them.
yea, basically
all of that is pretty well organized
i suggest you find a compelling reason why the world unravels anyway that will placate players who defeated the dragon to stop this happening, and i do not personally find the choice offered by the gods compelling: idyllic world sucks (campaign ends and idyllic worlds are boring), and "we fight you!" feels entirely unjustifiable.
but in the end I want to somehow introduce that players may reject the godhood for an alternative
if all the players who chose to fight choose to do this the cycle is broken once and for all, the Errants all receive life (your PC spirit inhabits your favorite errant) and a new world is created where people are free to determine their own lives
it may be better if the gods just skip to the buck and directly oppose the players, forcing the players to respond in self-defence. if the gods are defeated, their servants pass on the message the gods were looking for worthy replacements.
@user507974 foreshadow it and have people other than the gods themselves indicate what's really going on. besides, foreshadowing the gods' involvement somehow is healthy.
who could foreshadow it effectively in a narrative, ive left the opening details open to figure that out
also another ending is if all the players die to the gods from them all another dragon is created and an all too familiar exposition is repeated
i could have a priest, a wise sage and ex-summoner, or some kind of Gaunter O'Dimm mysterious figure who randomly bugs the players
Any other programmers in the room? I'm trying to work out the best way to simulate rolling on tables?
I am one.
What's the task exactly?
You may already know this (depending on your level of experience), but just about every language has some kind of random function available. (In some languages, you need to seed it first, which people usually do with the current system time in milliseconds.)
I'm writing a GM assistants tool. Rolling on tables is something that comes up a lot obviously.
Yeah, I've got randomization
The problem is with non-uniform distribution
i.e. 1-4 sunny, 5, cloudy, 6 rainy
The easiest solution I can think of is just an array that duplicates values
It sounds like you're providing a tool for yourself or others to define arbitrary tables to roll against, and you need to prepare for scenarios like that, right?
Basically, yes
Interface-wise, you can either get the user to enter that value against multiple rolls, but that might become very boring and tiresome. The alternative is to let them specify a single number or a range. You could have an input box that intelligently recognises that "1" is a number, but "1-4" is a range. (And "1-" or "-4" might be interpreted as "one and up" or "four or lower".)
Oh sorry, no that's not actually what I was talking about.
I'm not trying to take user input
Implementation-wise, you can either duplicate possibilities across an array, or have a way that supports your code actually recognising ranges.
Yeah, that's what I'm looking at
In OOP, you might have a LookupTable class, which has Entries, which each have a Range they recognise and a Result. You'd check LookupTable.Find(some integer), and it'd look through its Entries to find the appropriate Entry or Result for you.
trying to figure out the best way to store
If your LookupTable kept its Entries sorted by the first digit in the Range, you could potentially make looking up very large tables very fast with a binary search.
Ok, yeah that makes sense. I was hoping for an pre-existing solution, but it doesn't look like there is one in .NET
hey drew
how about this
so basically this why not just have an array of variables
im just calling it DC for now
Yeah, that's my backup plan
cuz when you have a binary condition you only need 1 variable to represent passing (like a DC save)
so the array is 1 element long
I found a blogpost about implementing a range list, I'm reading now
send it my way too
amatuer programmer here and more data structures is always good to know
Yeah, data structures are something I wish my classes had covered better
A solution I used previously was enums
on the front end though it sounds like youll always have one of two scenarios for how rolls correspond to scenarios (har har pun)
either it will have a specific value, or it will fall in a range
That worked well when the value table just returned and integer instead of a string
For example, how many jump gates in a system : JumpTable = { 26, 66, 79, 89, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 };
so example scenario, someone attacks: on a 10 they tie, below they miss (1 being crit miss), and above they hit, 20 being a crit hit
so an array you could write to contain all this info is [1, 2, 10, 11, 20]
Yeah, that'd work but then you need to map the indexes to the result
its a kind of intuitive way you can script your front-end
of course, but what exactly are you picturing this be used for
unless its for a very specific thing youll have to script some results
example here is [crit miss, miss, tie, hit, crit hit]
Well to use your example, crit miss, miss, tie, hit, crit hit would be the return values
That's what you'd display to the user
so I'd be looking at having a table like:
1, crit miss,
2, miss
10, tie
20,crit hit
and sometime like
txtResult = hittable[RollDie(20)];
ok, and all your tables are predefined right?
are there tables that deal in ranges or they all map 1 to 1
this example being:
Ranges unfortunately, otherwise it'd be easy
But that article I linked looks promising
1 M
2 m
3 m
4 m
5 m
6 m
7 m
8 m
9 m
10 T
11 h
12 h
13 h
14 h
15 h
16 h
17 h
18 h
19 h
20 H
oh ok
well why dont you just chop the lower bound from each table
@Drew :33191352 :33191351 then you'd get tables like these
(cant quote the whole thing i guess)
lower bound from each range value
basically something like
and just iterate that over all your tables
@drew was i making sense there?
no, I'm not sure I follow
oh, wait
I think I do
and then you'd have a method that was something like:
Alright, yeah I see what you're going for
then find the value in stringTableHeader that's closest without going over
yea, for that the way i think of it is like when you insert a new element into an ordered array
you check if your argument is greater than the reference value, then move to the next reference until it is less then run your function
even though i doubt any of your tables are long enough that computation time matters I think that is linear in time so its a pretty efficient algorithm too
the only rule is that the tables are ordered/monotonic
Well, tested out RangeCollection, and it looks like it works pretty well
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