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@BESW That could work...
are you a playtester, too?
Alas, no.
my plans for this semester: possibly play Kingmaker...
that is, I shall GM it...
5 hours later…
Playin 5e CoS. Party got bit by werewolves. I told them the moon was waxing well before they even headed towards the werewolves, so they're going to shift in a few nights when it's full, if they don't get cured. I'm thinking they'll be able to make a Wisdom save to try to control themselves. I don't want to completely remove control from them.
Luckily my players are fantastic and if I told them they couldn't remember who they were and were consumed with bloodlust they'd roleplay it out and have a good time still.
Highlights frm tonight's Spirit of the Century (Fate) game: NPC: If you betray me... Me: We just met, sir. I never betray on the first date.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest](http://www.modiphius.com/star-trek.html "STAR TREK ADVENTURES - Living Playtest Sign up");
[blog](https://rpgbotch.wordpress.com/ "Share your RPG botches and learn from ours!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions
For Halloween weekend, I'll be running a one-shot in Morts.
Anybody got experience in that?
I think I have a new hero.
2 hours later…
everyone is the main character of their own story
@trogdor but imagine the person who isn't, who is a secondary character even in their own story
let's hope they're not meta-aware
well, how do you define them as not the main character in their own story though?
@trogdor Prufrock Syndrome.
even if it is a boring story told by them, where not much happens that isn't done by other people, it is still their story, therefore they are the main character
> No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.
that reminds me of a very neat, slightly old, Japanese movie I saw. It involved a man who was arrested for theft or something and brought to the Daimyo of the lands he lived in because he looked exactly like said Lord
so he is hired as a body double to confuse spies and such
I don't want to spoil any more than what happens at the very beginning, but it is very much recalled by this whole idea
Have you ever met someone who acted as a supporting character for someone else? I have. Sometimes they're toadies or sycophants, and sometimes they're just happy to be in the orbit of someone they consider to be better than themselves.
@BESW I,... have
it happened once in Elementary School, and there where some people in Highschool as well
it has not happened too much that I recall since those times
strangely enough, only bullies had these people around them, in my experience, even though a few of these people themselves were often much nicer in conduct
the guy in ES turned out to be like,... literally a really relaxed and non-agressive/mean person after the "influence" was gone
and a girl in HS, for example, was actually always nice even when the less nice girl (and by this I mean like,.... really not nice at all) she hung out with was around, but they also didn't seem to clash with each other
inexplicable to me personally, but I have observed it
I still don't know that everyone in that position would describe their life that way
Think also of Remains of the Day.
I am not saying (anymore at least) that I don't understand it, but plenty of real life people who look like they are not living a life of their own story, might not entirely see it that way themselves
@trogdor is that Kagemusha by Akira Toriyama, or another?
@doppelgreener this yes
I was trying to find the name
that movie is a good example of this thing
I googled "old Japanese movie about a body double" haha
I thought maybe you knew it and had seen it
I do reccomend it if you are looking for a movie that has this concept in it
also just because I really freaking liked it myself
I've heard of this one, but I know Akira Toriyama from some of his other work
yeah he has done some things
for sure
there are a few different things you could know him for
BAH. Wrong name. Akira Kurosawa!
Akira Toriyama is the one that did dragon ball.
Anyway. I saw his Seven Samurai, and he did The Hidden Fortress which people claim Star Wars IV is based on, etc
@doppelgreener And Rashomon, which is the foundation for every "unreliable narrator flashback" sequence since.
@doppelgreener hee, I didn't even notice the mistake XD
7 hours later…
hm, any hints for running the Kingmaker Campaign? tomorrow we'll do either chargen in the club, or we play something entirely different, but I am mostly prepared... I hope... (Ultimate campaign for the end of the first module...)
3 hours later…
Ugh, is there a way to only show questions that are related to 5e?... I sometimes find an interesting question I would like to give an answer to, but then I realize that it's from 3.5e or pathfinder..
They sometimes have things in common, but I can't give an answer to a system I've never tried out before..
(I mean, I could always press on 5e from the tags before looking at the questions.. xD)
Nvm, I'll just try to think on doing that, i don't think there's a setting that would allow to do such thing
1 hour later…
saw this question and all I could think was "MIGHTY TALOS"
Q: Talos 5e (not an aspect of Gruumsh anymore)?

GhilterasI'm setting my campaign in 5e Forgotten Realms and I have a cleric of Talos in my group. While I was dusting off my knowledge of the Forgotten Realms (I skipped the whole spellplague and 4e stuff in the past years) I discovered that in 4e Talos was merged with Gruumsh, being basically his aspect....

@CédricAntunes "edit profile and settings" (the third "tab" you see if you click on your username/rep/badge counts) -> "preferences" (left sidebar) -> scroll down to "tags" -> list tags you don't want to see under "ignored tags" and select "hide questions in your ignored tags."
That'll suppress the listing of any question that contains one of your ignored tags.
(I, however, prefer just to "grey out" such questions.)
@CédricAntunes Yeah follow nitsua60s advice I have 3.5 and pathfinder hidden personaly
there are sometimes weird clashes if a question contains both a favorite and an ignored tag.
I ususally see it if it contains a hidden tag
IIRC if you've got the "grey out" option then a cross-tagged Q will get highlighted as favorite; if you've got the "hide" option then the cross-tagged Q gets suppressed?
Some people tag like 3 editions
(3.5, pf, 5e is a combo Ive seen)
good to know might need to test this
usually if someone is tagging 3.5 and PF with 5e and you want 3.5 and PF hidden I dont think you'll miss out on a question that is usually about importing/using a3.5/PF character or monster in 5e
@JoshuaAslanSmith I might be wrong-it's been, like, a year since I've thought about those settings.
I only think about it when it takes the javascript (or whatever) an extra few seconds to remove the offending questions from the list
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for :3 I'll gray them out too, you never know if there's something interesting to read and rate up after all.
@nitsua60 @CédricAntunes “Ignored Tags” can contain wildcard characters, so with a * in there you can blanket-ignore several things at once
I think it used to be easier to find, like on the RHS of the question overview?
Ah, it still is, if you click “edit” by the “Favourite tags” there.
@besw love that as an insight into the systems/topic you want nothing to do with
I do keep them greyed out rather than removed, partly so I can help moderate more fully.
So it's more like "These are the things I probably won't be able to help with on content."
@BESW you have a [chronicles-of-darkness-1e] in there you might benefit from changing to [chronicles-of-darkness*]
since there's now a 1e and 2e tag
Space junkers might be a fun near-future campaign concept.
@CédricAntunes I think I'm not the only person in this room to have scored ridiculous amounts of reputation by answering a question tagged with one of my ignored systems... it's worth being aware of them all, even if it's nice to be able to quickly, visually filter out many of them =)
A lot of my rep comes from systems I haven't played in years, or never played at all.
I don't dare to pick into systems I've never tried out myself.. Even if they could be close to what I'm used x:
Partly because they're readily available online, and partly because a lot of questions don't actually need much system mastery if it's a certain school of questions about a certain school of systems.
(If you've seen one d20 System social contract question, you've seen about 2/3rds of them in brief.)
yeah -- my highest rep answer is in V:tR (which I've never played) and my 2nd highest rep answer is for SR (which I've also never played), but #1 was a lucky Simulationist gambit that had mostly to do with the workings of modern tech and #2 was a simple story-development question that really kinda was system agnostic in a way ;)
@CédricAntunes I feel the same way, personally
The key is that the question tagged with a system isn't always about that game... or at least not about the game described in the system's books.
that is true, though I personally prefer answering questions about mechanics I have either looked at or used before
that is to say, I prefer mechanical questions over,... just about all other types

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