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I'm still kind of in search of a system myself -- want to try Microscope sometime as well
What kills you isn't the paralysis, it's the coup de grace when your wizard is behind a hard corner and couldn't cast anything but Create Pit to save you.
Also, the Ratfolk rogue was having a one-on-one with a giant octopus and was also mute, so he couldn't tell us why he wasn't helping.
@Shalvenay Got caught up in preparing a presentation for some time soon, otherwise I'd have tried to organize something. But now I need to go to bed.
1 hour later…
hey there @GuidingLight
how're things going?
Bit restless.
@GuidingLight rather the same here. kinda quiet tonight :/
And some more #InternationalSlothDay #FossilFriday giant sloth fossil footprints https://t.co/ueblhjJtCz
@GuidingLight -- what systems do you play btw?
I am currently in some mixed 3.5/Pathfinder games. I don't have much experience with other games. A friend might be running Pokemon Tabletop United. Gareth's currently running a Changeling quest over on 4chan.
@GuidingLight ah.
I could use another regular table myself, perhaps...
but I'm not sure what system it'd be
of course, it doesn't help that I tend to smash setting-pieces together in strange ways when I'm trying to come up with an idea for a game
Speaking as someone who spent six or more years with single-system groups as the normal, I'm baffled at how that still seems to be the default assumption in this age of hundreds or thousands of easily-accessible systems with low sunk costs.
7 hours later…
And then I learned that a bunch of anime and/or manga were canon to MLP, in a limited capacity.
You mean the IDW series?
Oh, you mean the other way around.
I'm trying to see what you were thinking and there's not enough coffee.
IDW produces a number of officially licensed MLP:FIM comics, which could be described as "manga" in a loose stylistic sense, which have a flexible relationship to the series' television canon.
And then I realized that there was a better room to discuss this, whoops.
The new Thunderbirds episode synopsis has me thinking about Lovecraftesque scenarios.
@G0BLiN Hi!
1 hour later…
Anybody here familiar with Psychedemia?
...or any other Fate treatment of a boarding school?
for a second I thought you were talking about Psychonauts
that's all I got
Psychedemia's a World of Adventure for Fate that's... basically Ender's Game by way of psychic alien UN.
But I'm looking for something a bit more along the lines of--actually, @doppelgreener's suggestion in the Spoil-Lair about Little Witch Academia was pretty close to it.
Human-Steve! It is the anniversary of your hatching! https://tmblr.co/ZygV8x2DlQtPn
Aliens: an apology is great as well :D
1 hour later…
[pokes Codex]
hey there @RollingFeles
1 hour later…
hey again @RollingFeles
@Shalvenay hey! :) Sorry. I hoped in for a second here and then I left my office :)
@RollingFeles ah. how've things been?
Good. 7 days of work in a row. 5 more are coming. 10 hours today and maybe after 1-2 hour break I will sit and work few more hours at the night.(it's 10 PM here) : )
@RollingFeles yeesh. that's a busy time of it. things are alright here, I'm starting to get the hang of DW I think
And yours? Have wax eagle returned?
I see.
@RollingFeles sadly no, @waxeagle is still MIA
:0 I hope everything is ok.
I hope so too
(although we may have to do a RP of rescuing him from a dragon sometime :o)
Maybe he is a dragon himself?
That would be a twist!
hahahaha :P
more like quite the bureaucratic nightmare :P
First words from campaign:
Welcome to the Dragon Affairs Department!
@nitsua60 Hey! =) Thanks for edit!
@RollingFeles Hiya--no problem. I was surprised to see we don't already have something like that, so it's a good addition to the repository, I think.
so...may I ask what other systems you've played in @RollingFeles?
also hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay warhammer fantasy rpg, but GM hide all mechanics from us and it was some kind of freeform. It was my first experience. And I tried to run RFS for an hour :) That's all.
@RollingFeles ah :p I actually got my first full game of RFS in last week, and it went rather well actually
@Shalvenay we tried it during lunch. My players made game very vulgar. They wield a very... exotic weapons. That was stupid(fiction, not system), but still very fun! I'm looking forward to play more later.
@RollingFeles haha. we did a game where we were players trying to find an AWOL DM :P and then found him on a date at the local coffeeshop, then a recursive RFS game sprung up ;)
@Shalvenay that's a neat idea!
Also, It looks like you have specialization at finding lost DMs ;)
haha :P
I don't believe I'd be so up for rescuing one from a dragon, though -- I mean, I'd certainly want to take a good course in Air Combat Maneuvering and find myself a suitable battlewagon before taking a dragon on xD
And so you will leave poor wax eagle to his dragonic doom?
@RollingFeles no, I'd have to see if I could get the Rhino Driver over to deal with said dragon :P
I'm not sure, but I think you've told me about him earlier.
@RollingFeles may have
aviation.se, huh.
Sometimes I really hate hot network question panel. Because sometimes when I google programming questions and read answers on SO I stumble upon awesome questions(and from aviation too) and I start to read it and then I see new hot questions and so on...
Well, It's time to go to sleep. Good bye! :)
hey again @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
ugh. working. don't wanna.
@nitsua60 aw man
(weekend duty)
Spent seven hours in the hospital yesterday with a girl who somersaulted off her horse. Thankfully she's fine (though I'm sure she was very stiff and sore this morning!) and, despite being a half-day behind where I'd like to be on some things, I'm reminded that these un-planned-for events are the meat of our work.
Gotta run--be back this evening. Then I'll be less rude and ask how your weekend's going!
2 hours later…
hey there @Anaphory
I have been staring at various representations of sign language all day, I think I can do with a chat!
how're things been going otherwise?
I've been alright myself, albeit pondering whether to throw another fantasy-weaponry question at wb.se
Otherwise things are alright
good to hear. mind if I toss what I was considering asking on wb.se by you first?
I have no idea how wb.se ticks, but sure!
basically, it's "how would you make a dagger designed to implant some small object into the unsuspecting victim?"
hey there @Seyres
put a syringe in it
"how do you stab someone with a thing and put a thing in them" has been long answered by medical professionals (and biology)
though i think medical professionals were working in the other direction on that one
or have a small break-away barb component that will slide in beside the blade just fine, but when you draw it back out, the barb catches and snaps off.
Break-away barbs sounds like the natural (including in the literal sense) way to do it.
the other one's more the mechanism of venom-injecting fangs or stingers
break-away stuff is things with spines (cacti, hedgehog, etc)
Yep – “small object” sounds more like barb than like syringe, though.
@Anaphory that's true
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest](http://www.modiphius.com/star-trek.html "STAR TREK ADVENTURES - Living Playtest Sign up");
[blog](https://rpgbotch.wordpress.com/ "Share your RPG botches and learn from ours!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest](http://www.modiphius.com/star-trek.html "STAR TREK ADVENTURES - Living Playtest Sign up");
[blog](https://rpgbotch.wordpress.com/ "Share your RPG botches and learn from ours!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions
Sorry, one of the Kickstarters had been cancelled.
1 hour later…
i am still stunned by the size of that thing
Heh, and I'm leaving out all the miniature-focused and map-focused campaigns.

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