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"Senile Wizard NPC" sounds a lot more awesome when you assume they mean this kind of NPC.
1 hour later…
4 Heist RPGs Ready To Steal Your Love http://geekandsundry.com/4-heist-rpgs-ready-to-steal-your-love/ https://t.co/LhK75bAp8n
Can I get a quick re-read on my qestion to verify the edits help?
Yes, that's much clearer. But you might want to edit the bolded bit to clarify you mean applying ad and disad to separate parties.
hey there @nitsua60 and @JoelHarmon
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
Literally sweated through my shirt tonight co-GMing a table of fourteen teenaged players.
It's going to take a while to unwind.
@nitsua60 haha...wow. did they make your life hard, or?
I imagine it's like herding cats.
thanks, @BESW, I'll look into it
Or nailing Jell-O to a tree.
@Shalvenay No, not at all. They were great. For example...
@nitsua60 awesome xD
I was confused because the first answer seems to have gotten it right, but subsequent answers missed the intent
After they spent an hour and a half (barely) killing the way-above-their-weight messenger of good who just walked up to lead them to safety--having never let him get a word in edgewise--one new player says "we killed him? I walk away Judd-Nelson style with raised fist, and the whole place freeze-frames." And she walked out to get back to her dorm for check-in.
@BESW It definitely helps having 2 GMs.
mainsite question proposal time -- thinking about putting something together about "is there a way to treat narrative management as in-character?"
Go for it. What's the worst that happens? You pick up some downvotes or a closed question? Just be sure to clearly explain in non-jargon words what you're asking.
@nitsua60 yeah, its that last part that makes it hard
@BESW how about "Does this mean the DM should (or must) choose either one or the other for a given circumstance, or can the DM choose to have one circumstance simultaneously apply advantage to one party and disadvantage to the other?"
@Shalvenay I've been using Matlalihuitl's bardic lore as a kind of implied "genre savvy" ability.
@JoelHarmon Nice.
@BESW right, but at the same time, I see "genre savvy" as something totally different and disparate from narrative management
But I've been using it to justify narrative management.
eg, at the beginning of last week's session Matt walked up and totally wrong-footed the priest to move on to more interesting scenes instead of spending the whole session arguing with the priest.
@SevenSidedDie I'd like to double-check that my advantage question suitably covers your view point from the Gnome vs. Goliath question
@JoelHarmon as to the two grappling?
@Shalvenay yep
sigh im still not used to writing questions on this site...my question got put on hold again
i dont even think it was that opinion based
@Masakan post a link here and we should be able to help workshop it
Q: How good are Bards as Thieves?

MasakanIf you had to rate Bards at how good they would be in terms of stealth and thievery, and compare them to rogues, what would you give them and why? Are they Equal? Worse? Better in some ways? what?

@JoelHarmon the way I see it -- I'm not sure if I'd even give the Gnome disadvantage or the Goliath advantage -- my vision involves a very gimpy at best Goliath at the end of the day, though...
(human joints do not appreciate being forced beyond their limits of motion)
@JoelHarmon I think so!
@SevenSidedDie sounds good, thanks
@BESW this is true
so...whats wrong with my question?
@Masakan are you stuck with a Bard and trying to make him perform as well as a thief as possible? Are you trying to decide between the two classes? Are you wondering why the Bard and the Rogue are considered different power-level-wise at least by some?
basically, we need more context, as right now, the answer to your question depends on context we don't have
@Masakan so, first off: what's your answer to Korvin's question? What problem are you having? Tell us a little about what has you wondering about this, and we can probably help.
(i.e., exactly what Shalvenay just said)
@nitsua60 -- also, is now a good time for you to hop on voice on Discord?
basically im trying to figure out if i absolutely NEED a level in rogue in order to make a good thief or if i can get away with all levels in bard
BUT thankfully A_Soo more or less answered my question
and now my build layout path
is Rogue 1/Bard 7/Arcane Duelist 2/Heartwarder 10
does that look about good?
define "thief" -- are you talking catburglar, fraudster, highwayman?
@Shalvenay I'd rather not--I've just been on my feet and talking through/with the aforementioned rabble's cacophony for three hours.... I kinda just want to enjoy some silence.
@Masakan Experience has shown that it's best to ask about the specific challenge you're facing. Asking a general question often gets generic answers which aren't useful to anyone, and asking a question about the solution you think is best will make it hard for people to suggest other solutions to your problem.
@nitsua60 got it
@Masakan (BTW -- what @BESW is pointing out is something called the "XY problem" if you want to research it more)
@Shalvenay well in my case its mostly fraudster and some catburgler
And we appreciate your perseverance. The Stack's Q&A format is kinda weird and takes some practice to get used to.
@BESW (you should probably mention the "XY problem" term as a parenthetical in that explanation next time -- it'd provide a nice cue for people to find out more about what the deal is there)
basically what im going for is someone who would rather use her silver tounge and cunning
over her martial prowess
more silver tongue than stealth and skill too
But we're still missing one piece (I think): what problem are you having?
@nitsua60 basically "do I want to dip Rogue or not?"
hmm see i've been working on this particular build for months heres a description of her personality
at least, that's what I gather so far
Performer, enchantress, Silver tounged thief
personality wise she would be a very outgoing person not afraid to show skin
pretty much refusing to wear anything that doesnt expose her midriff
very easy to get along with and a doubles as a negotiator and investigator
but shes also very rash, impulsive, terrible with money and loves jewels
she's also prone to tantrum and is ever so slightly vain(edited)
which is fitting considering she's a sunite
and i wanted a build path that reflected this
yes im very anal like that
but yeah i was super divided whether i should dip into classes and how i would do it
Hmm. D&D 3.5 isn't very good at mechanising personality traits.
i tried battle dances but it was way more trouble then it was worth
well i done it before with 2 other characters
@Shalvenay That's not a problem, though. A problem would be "I'm considering the 1-level dip, but that costs me A while gaining me B. I think that a [good|bad] tradeoff in terms of my priorities X, Y, Z, but I don't really know how to evaluate that."
this one just proved to be a real challenge about it
yeah im terrible at vocalizing what im trying to ask
@nitsua60 right -- that might be the key to my question as well -- framing it as a problem
@Masakan That just takes practice. It's a skill like anything else.
i know...
well regardless mechanically did the build path i mention look good?
We're happy to ask questions to help you identify your goals and obstacles, though you're lucky to find this many folks active in chat on a weekend.
i think its nice for a bardic thief
is the chat really that barren?
no, it just has cycles
It's a very active chat most of the time, but it gets a noticeable dip in activity on weekends.
turns out that roleplayers like to spend their weekend playing roles
You can see charts of the chat's activity here.
so should i just change my question to sound less opinionated?
no, you should change it so there's an objective way to compare answers
how would i do that?
often that comes in the form of "how can I make this number the biggest" because numbers are easy to compare
basically for me its "in a narrativist-heavy environment, it is considered inappropriate to leave narrative management by the side of the road. however, I find the tools of narrative management lie in the out-of-character sphere, which makes it difficult for me to maintain immersion when they are employed. how do I bring these tools in character so that I can employ and interact with them without breaking immersion?"
@Masakan -- at the very least, it's a good idea to provide information about the campaign/world the character is going into, and perhaps their partymates as well
(again, that helps all of us avoid an XY problem trap)
well i try to make it so they can fit anywhere but what i can tell you is that i usually make characters to fit most easily in the forgotten realms world
as it stands now there is no set campaign she will be going it
its more of a character building exersize
i will say this much bard has been without a doubt been the single biggest headache for a chassis i have ever had to deal with
@Masakan oof, groan. there is no "fit anywhere"
repeat after me. there is no "fit anywhere"
well i try to make people not just throwaway characters i come up with in 5 mins
im sorry if thats just bad to a lot of people
maybe i should
say fit without issue or immersion breaking
what I mean by that is that campaign worlds are simply too diverse to have a universal character, so to speak
well i know that
someone designed for a place as high magic as faerun
would probably struggle in a place like ebberon
and it's not just a high magic/low magic thing
@Masakan another way is if the problem is "I have blah-blah-blah for these reasons, but I don't see how to achieve this one last goal--what is the way to get it that least disrupts what came before?"
ok let me see if this works i think i got something
I can tell your character would find herself quite in over her head in the campaign world I have part-developed
yeah she's more designed for a campaign filled with intriuge and social interactions
any encounter with creatures bigger then large
is gonna give her a rough time
she was designed to be the party face
the charisma junkie
with everything else being secondary
One thought about the existing question: I don't think that's your real question. It seems to me that you know a Rogue makes a better thief than a bard, but you want to know how much worse the bard is. Because you want to be a good thief without taking any rogue?
and that's not a matter of magic or running into outsized foes, but of social norms -- herdsfolk take an extremely dim view of thief types of any sort, and the Orcs in that campaign are herdsfolk by and large. winding up stuck with every NPC in the area hunting you and your party would make for a bad day, I suspect.
I wanna see if i could? but it sounds like the answer is no as trapfinding is WAY too important
oh...yeah i take it this is a campaign out in the country side?
yeah mah gurl is a city slicker
sorry to say
Q: Is a single dip in Rogue worth it on a Bard?

MasakanI want to make a bardic Thief type character, and I was wondering if a single dip in Rogue would be worth it?

does this look better?
I think the current edit is much worse. Waaaaaay too vague. "Is it worth it?" Worth what? You need to clearly state your objectives and constraints.
The correct answer to the current question is "taking a level of rogue gets you some things and loses you some things, and I have no way of knowing which of those things are important to you."
@Masakan that area of the campaign world is plains with scattered towns, yeah.
one example valid answer to that question is "no, you lose a level of spellcasting". Another is "yes, you get all the skill points"
ok um
More detail is almost always better than less.
but voters would have no way of knowing whether or not a level of spellcasting matters.
ditto the skill points.
It's the detail which lets voters recognise which answers are useful.
how would i make it clear?
cause like i said my current set up still has it so i still get level 6 spells at level 20
@Masakan But you haven't told answerers whether or not that's important
Describe in the question what you've told us about your vision of the character here in chat: her competencies, her place in the party, etc.
so tell them what i told you guys about how she's like?
you should never worry about writing a question that's too long
@Masakan exactly
whew...ok before i do i still need you guys thoughts
Rouge 1/Bard 7/Arcane Duelist 2/Heartwarder 10
mechanically would you guys say this is a good build
or would you have an issue?
How do you envision her taking action in the world? What's she good at? This part is a good chunk to include.
23 mins ago, by Masakan
Performer, enchantress, Silver tounged thief
personality wise she would be a very outgoing person not afraid to show skin
pretty much refusing to wear anything that doesnt expose her midriff
very easy to get along with and a doubles as a negotiator and investigator
but shes also very rash, impulsive, terrible with money and loves jewels
she's also prone to tantrum and is ever so slightly vain(edited)
which is fitting considering she's a sunite
(just wanted to stop scrolling up and down)
um the entire purpose is to make her as SAD on charisma as possible. Specializing in Enchantment, Illusion and Divination spells, specializes in using a whip and providing support for the party while being the party face and diplomizing them out of trouble
basically a headon confrontation is impossible for her
it may also help to consider why you wouldn't just take 20 Rogue levels and fill up the Perform(whatever) skill
because i like the idea of inspire awe as a softener for enchantment and illusion spells
thinking about that leads you to the fact that your question doesn't indicate combat support at all
@JoelHarmon [not knowing the system...] is it also worth considering the other bookend: 20 levels of bard with skill points pumped into sleight-of-hand &c.?
@nitsua60 good observation
well i kinda have how she's gonna fight more or less figured out
i just wanted to kinda glue it all together
Then that's part of the information in your question too: the bits you've nailed down are important so answers won't be useless because they don't know it.
@Masakan that should be included, too, then, or you're certain to get an answer that says "easy, do <flubgrub> and you'll get everything you want," whereas you'll be thinking "no, <flibgrub> costs me <wichywig>, and I need that for my combat plan."
so would the title...help me finalize the concept of a bardic thief work? or is that still to opinionated?
@Masakan work on the body first--we can sort out the title last.
ok one moment
Q: Is a single dip in Rogue worth it on a Bard?

MasakanSo I've been working for months on a concept for a Bardic Thief Type Character. Here is the basic character concept. Performer, enchantress, Silver tounged thief personality wise she would be a very outgoing person not afraid to show skin pretty much refusing to wear anything that doesnt expos...

ok how does this look?
@Masakan it's improved enough to get my reopen vote to get the ball rolling
sweet it would be nice to get more input but i still wish someone would tell me if my current build path is decent
@Masakan expect it to take a little while to reopen though -- there is no reopen hammer akin to the mod or gold badge closehammer :p
@Masakan Only thing I'd add is the (perhaps obvious, but it never hurts to state...) fact that your single ability you're shooting for is CHA.
alright that should do it
@Masakan it would also be polite to drop a comment on the existing answer to the effect of: "thanks, that was good information. I've significantly re-worked the question and added some constraints; you may want to edit your answer."
I can't help with build advice at all. It's been five and half years since I did anything in D&D 3.5.
actually the guy who mentioned it is in here right now
hey A_SOO!
He may want to leave the answer--a single level of Rogue fits within your constraints.
But there's now a lot in your question that the answer doesn't address, and that might strike future voters as a weak answer for it.
@Masakan you need to preface a name with an @ to ping, like @A_S00
yeah all in all i actually like how it looks
@A_S00 hey you here?
one should be enough
my only complaint is that it takes so long to get charisma to AC but i suppose you cant have everything
@nitsua60 -- feel up for a bit more workshopping/question review? I decided to post the question I had re: pushing narrative-management IC:
Q: Is there a way to frame narrative management as in-character?

ShalvenayFirst, for those who aren't familiar with my situation, this stems from the same environment as this previous question and its predecessors -- a largely freeform, mostly realtime online persistent world, in other worlds. That environment (like others of its type) attracted quite a few narrativis...

@Masakan I would always check the sources, but are you familiar with the X to Y page?
yeah thats where i got the idea in the first place
only other option is battle dancer
and that thign gave me too much of a headache
@Shalvenay I read that and it just means nothing to me. I'm clearly not as steeped in the jargon as you are. A dullard like me can't tell at all what your actual problem is from reading all of that.
I'm very confused by his use of jargon as well.
@BESW yeah, I don't know how to explain it without the jargon though
it's "I'm trying to convey a specific thing and these are the only words I have for it"
@BESW ...where should I start, even?
plain english
@nitsua60 ...I have no plain english for these concepts!
can't he just break the 4th wall?
i mean its a common narrative tool
Communication = exchange of ideas using a common vocabulary. I'm telling you that you're not communicating your problem, at least to me, because you're not using a common vocabulary.
@nitsua60 I can try explaining the terminology more, if that'd help
@Masakan His game is filled with people who dislike breaking character for any reason, and in some cases believe it's a sign of poor roleplaying ability.
i personally find it funny
some people hate that kind of joke
@BESW furthermore, I find that breaking character in order to advance the story is very distasteful and disruptive myownself -- it is a great way to make characters seem "hollow" to me
making sure everyone agrees on the social contract for an RP is very important; I recommend you not be dismissive about it
is this a full campaign? or just an RP?
@Masakan now that I've taken another look at your question, it looks like the title could use some work. Reading the body it looks like your question is basically: "I'm going to use 17 levels this way, how can I best spend 3 levels to achieve the character described in italics?" In which case the title shouldn't be "is a 1-level dip worth it" (because that artificially constrains answers to only consider 1 level, and only rogue), but rather "how can this bard best spend 3 levels?"
@Masakan my situation? a persistent world -- so any number of story threads may be in play, but there is no overarching goal, unlike a campaign structured RP
neither, really. I think he's talking about the game Eve Online, which is a more or less free form game that some people choose to use as a backdrop for RP because it supports player to player chat
night, all
@nitsua60 how does this look?
@JoelHarmon different game, but same idea
@Masakan it seems like you're on the right track now
finally wow i didnt think this would be so hard
It gets easier, and we're happy to help.
One of the secondary goals of the Stack Exchange is to provide an environment that forces users to improve their communication skills.
good lord do i need that
It's a never-ending journey.
@BESW -- where should I go with explaining myself more?
I really can't help with that right now. Takes a different brainspace than I'm in and more time than I have.
should I poke SSD...?
Masakan's stuff is the kind of situation clarification I've helped with dozens of times and can practically do in my sleep--it's just asking a lot of questions and pointing at the stuff that's helpful to add.
Your situation needs a lot more personalised attention because it's touching on things I don't have as much experience helping people articulate.
@BESW yeah -- there's a lot less scaffolding around what I'm trying to express :/
1 hour later…
@Masakan 'fraid I was gone by the time you pinged me, sorry. I've gone and updated my answer to your question though.
3 hours later…
This world starts trembling.
I'm a 20k user now T_T
Congrats. Could someone tell me where I can go to play DnD online? Or does it not exist?
@Skye do you mean with other people in real time over the internet or on play by post forum?
@Skye Well, do you mean D&D Online, the MMORPG, or how to play some tabletop D&D with people on the internet?
@Skye Or possibly, do you mean how to play D&D as a videogame with other people over the Internet?
2 hours later…
Well this is an interesting question. I disagree with the close vote it has, because it's a question about role-playing even if the medium is a video game. However, it requires setting specific knowledge of a non-RPG product...
@kviiri Actually, it probably doesn't - we just really need to know which setting it requires knowledge of.
@Miniman NWN 2 has its own pantheon (nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/Deity)
@kviiri That's the Faerunian pantheon.
Wow, some of those god names are Finnish.
@Miniman Oh, and that's a DnD setting or something? I think the question is salvageable then.
@kviiri If that's the pantheon he's asking about, then yeah, that'd be fine.
I'd guess, but best wait for confirmation.
"Mielikki, god of forests". It literally means "favorite" and is so old-fashioned name I guess there's more cows with the name than people :P
@kviiri Lol - I suspect the authors didn't even know that much when they nicked it.
Huh, apparently they did their homework. She's an actual pre-Christian Finnic god (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mielikki)
Turning off chat to avoid distractions for a while o/
2 hours later…
How successful was Operation Avoid Distractions?
I made some progress implementing my poc in TCP instead of UDP.
Apparently UDP would be fine since it's expected to only work on localhost, but apparently UDP over localhost isn't 100% reliable either.
The TA has been moving goalposts to a constantly easier direction I feel, but I think implementing things right has value in itself.
[eyes glaze over]
You implemented your prisoner of conscience in three card poker instead of the Universidad Diego Portales, even though the Tartan Army probably doesn't need you to. Got it.
Keke :P
Hm, the NWN 2 question has 4 close votes already. I guess people are a bit overzealous about the video game thing.
@Wibbs @Zachiel @Miniman The tabletop DnD with people on the internet. Sorry for late response.
@Skye are you familiar with roll20.net?
@Shalvenay no? I'll look it up now?
You may find the tag useful.
Are you interested in real-time games, or non-synchronous games? Text-based, or with voice chat?
Are you specifically looking for D&D (which edition?) or just generally interested in the online equivalent of tabletop roleplaying?
Real time games with preferably text-based chat and as you said, the online equilavent of tabletop rpg
I can't believe I never found roll20 before tho
@Skye Fantasy Grounds is the other giant player in the field of virtual tabletops. I've never used it, but from what I hear it's worth checking out.
hey there @nitsua60
@nitsua60 It's US $39 0_0
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@Skye So it's 39 dollars to be a licensed/registered player, but you don't need to be a registered player to play, depending on the GM and how they've set up the game. (I believe.)
@nitsua60 Thanks!
@Shalvenay heading out to a soccer game
@nitsua60 aah
@nitsua60 I did play a bit of 5e, and it ain't a bad one compared to my experience with the other editions.
@Skye Don't let that deceive you - to be useful without requiring an enormous amount of work on your part, you need to drop somewhere in the vicinity of $100-$200 to get the actual content.
@Miniman What do you mean enormous? Importing maps, scaling them, making tokens and readying macroes for the character sheets?
@Zachiel Also manually creating every spell, monster, or character ability you want to use.
@nitsua60 I'm not looking for the style of fantasy adventure from back when I played AD&D, because those Good Old Times never existed for me (I started with Midgard, the oldest German RPG, then had a big break and picked up with many different things, mostly simulation heavy like Hârnmaster), and I have Torchbearer, Dungeon World and Fate Accelerated to fill similar play style gaps today.
But I do appreciate that 5e is something where I can join for a session without seeing it as a last resort and without explicit “I want to try X”, because it's closer to my default likings.
@Miniman My idea is to use roll20 as I used map tools and just place tokens, all the rest I manage from the chat.
5 hours later…
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 what's up?
@Shalvenay Today's workout was sprints: 10 x 100m. Already feeling it in the lower back =|
@nitsua60 ah. will you be available to talk on voice in a bit?
@Shalvenay Nope--cooking dinner right now.
I need a map for a temple
Any suggestions?
for which game?
Need to have squares?
Not really
Ok ok then, a generic church or ancient temple map found on the internet might do.
A: Pre-built square-grid maps?

BESWWizards.com itself has a massive collection. Finding exactly what you need can be tedious, but for sheer volume it's hard to beat the wizards.com galleries and archives. The Art & Map Gallery and the Map-A-Week Archive are both free, and give access to most of the maps published in D&D 3.5 phys...

if i google "temple map" there's no shortage of them in google images
I panicked
As always you guys saved the day
Here goes nothing on the 5 layers of fear model.
Tonight: We Frighten.
good luck!
break a leg!
I'm not sure how that model will hold up in a system with D&D's level of agency, nor if it's still as effective stretched over multiple sessions. Curious to hear how it works.
Yeah we'll see
"break a leg" actually seems like a very appropriate thing to wish a GM who's about to run a dungeon
I'm going to take some liberties, I don't know what they are yet
My general DM philosophy is "Keep it loose, make em laugh"
The problem is that misses the "Keep the story coherent" part lol

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