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@nitsua60 Wow, I thought you had a bunch of interested people.
@Miniman A bunch are interested in lurking/observing; once you start talking about what times people are available, we're looking at three players right now. That wouldn't be a bod number for DW, but it does mean that the moment one can't make it we'd cancel rather than play one-down. Four or five is a nice spot, I think.
Btw got your e-mail about TP. Good points in there. I've just not thought about it very much, because I just don't really get around to playing 17th-level and above =)
@nitsua60 Yeah, TP is one of those damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't things. You can make it do what it says on the tin, but you open yourself up to abuses and shenanigans.
(I've never actually played with 9th-level spells either.)
@nitsua60 I added a section for DMs, cos I realised that the last paragraph was only useful for players.
@Meta4ic Hi!
@Miniman I feel like there should be a disclaimer before the L9 section of the spell lists....
@nitsua60 Or you could just cut the L9 spells down to foresight and call it a day :)
7 hours later…
Can't you use Baleful Polymorph for that?
@Riley Doesn't exist in 5e.
Good day all o/
What's new in the chatosphere?
Slow long weekend, chatwise.
It's a typical monday morning, everything breaks
Abroad while new housemates moved in, I wonder who they are.
I had a really interesting morning myself. Went to the opening lecture of a class (was 1/3 ok soft science stuff, 1/3 course organization, 1/3 of slightly overkill anti-plagiliarism message) and then hopped to <first bus heading downtown> to get to work.
On the way there, I noticed this bus took a rather lengthy detour very near a geocache I had meant to pick up since weeks ago. Hopped off, logged the cache, and took the scenic route to work by the seaside.
Flexible hours, you made my day.
@kviiri Today I woke up and groaned that I don't want the school to start. My GF reminded me that I'm 28 and an idiot and that I should get up and go to work like a normal person. I obliged and only a while later I realised I was right all along - apparently every kid in this country gets a lift to school in their parents' huge black 4x4.
@eimyr youtube.com/watch?v=iQyXZkN_5ZM me in the morning
@eimyr so no buses or anything?
@trogdor I'm driving to work. The traffic was worse than usual.
Heh, seems like I couldn't have made it for the DW game anyway. 9PM Eastern US is waaay too early in the morning for me!
hey there @RollingFeles
@Shalvenay hey! How are things going?
@RollingFeles alright here, have the day off. as for you?
I'm working now. Last 30 minutes. Have you played with nitsua? Or have you found a game for yourself?
@RollingFeles we're working on setting up a chatizen DW game
chatizen? :)
It's like Chat + Citizen.
Or "denizen"? Dunno, I'm not native.
Chat part is understood. What does citizen means in the DW context?
Nothing in particular - it's a SE chat term, not a DW term :)
So, it's just would be a game played in chat?
More likely, by Chatizens in some other medium better suited for real-time communication.
Discord, if I understood the idea right.
Voice chat then? Yeah, I saw discord invite earlier today.
@RollingFeles yeah, we're using Discord for the voice chat stuff
I see. Thank all of you for explanation :)
I'm bit slow today. Too much love with postgres.
Ain't no biggie, I'm having DB issues too.
And I know it slows one down.
@kviiri I'm taking a break from databases this week, instead struggling with Octave/Matlab/Scala translation issues.
Yeah, especially when you're developing extension that would be used by DB :) Even though it's tiresome to work with, I find it very interesting to see internals and some solutions implemented there. Postgres devs are great, although there are several things that they decided they'll never change that creates pain in the neck.
@RollingFeles at least you don't have to deal with Orrible!
That monster that ate the Sun?
@RollingFeles yes...some days, they make me want to send railcars full of coal their way for Christmas.
We had practices at Uni with old oracle dbms. Too many issues. Those who managed to deploy it at home were considered a heroes. Everyone else just worked in the class.
Although using it wasn't that much of a problem. There was some old development/design kit. Which allowed to move design from ER scheme to deployment at real DB.
@RollingFeles LOL. I wouldn't even consider trying to use Oracle for teaching purposes
SQLite or Postgres -- either one would be good for a class environs, but Oracle? NO WAY.
Yeah. Me too. But our teacher is great nevertheless.
He was first that introduced us and tought us how to design data models. And he did it very good.
@Shalvenay yep,yep,yep. 100% agree.
Well, I must beg my leave. Happy roleplaying!
@RollingFeles If only!
2 hours later…
Just a casual question to the DnD guys here - hwo do you handle it when a party member dies and needs to be resurrected? I know it's a common procedure in DnD to raise your dead instead of creating new characters, but none of my DnD friends has done it and I wonder what the player of the dead PC does in the meantime.
@kviiri How did he die?
@Riley Oh, this is just a thought I've had for ages that popped back. Not related to any particular death, but I assume it's more relevant in non-plot -important deaths like in routine combat.
While I don't have any experience with it myself he could've done either mundane things in the meantime of even try to get revenge
Provided he has his memories or not
Maybe have him haunt the party like some sort of ghost
@kviiri You mean, what the player does between the character dying and being resurrected?
"OOOoooOOoooOOooo, you guys suck at fighting"
@kviiri Well, it depends on the group, and the player. Sometimes players will be totally OK with it and keen to try a new character. Other times, you might want to get a resurrection as quickly as possible.
If you have NPCs lying around, that's one way to fill the gap. You can also let them control some of the enemies.
But generally, I try to (one way or another) minimize the time period where a player doesn't have control of their own character.
@Anaphory Pretty much, yeah.
@kviiri you may find this interesting: theangrygm.com/death-sucks
As for your question: scroll to "Dead Player Playing" paragraph.
Turns out I totally read that question wrong
@Riley Which one?
kviiri's, I was thinking about the character the player was playing instead of the player him/herself
Ah, right. Well, the 2 are pretty inextricably linked.
If the character's still doing stuff, then you'd assume what the player is doing is controlling the character.
I sort of like how DW handles character death. Like, failing one's death save gets one "marked by death" which means they're about to die. The GM can withold the actual death until it's convenient.
hey there @Ash
@Ash how're things going?
It's a holiday Monday so today so far is excellent and lazy
@Ash aye, definitely :) say -- are you available Mondays 9PM EDT, and interested in some chatizen DW?
@Shalvenay possibly!
@Ash poke @nitsua60 next time he's on then
6 hours later…
@kviiri I go into heavy hysteria crisises.
In my group, it is a usual procedure to roll new characters, because they enter the game with the same amount of money the old one would have except they don't need to pay for the resurrection spell.
hey @SirTechSpec
I need something for halflings to ride that on initial blush is goofy and hilarious but upon encountering becomes the most terrifying thing anyone has ever witnessed. Ideas?
@Zachiel "Hysteria Crisises" would be a good name for a Mad Max character.
@DampeS8N A large goose.
@Pixie Dire Geese, pretty terrifying to begin with. But somewhat humorous.
@BESW How does this become terrifying?
@DampeS8N I find that people are divided into two camps on geese: "why are you afraid of geese" and "geese are evil embodied"
@Pixie Or swans
I find that people are divided into two camps on evil: "geese are worse than swans" and "swans are worse then geese"
@kviiri I've had this happen only 3 times in my campaigns (all other times were within easy access to ways to revive the dead such as spells other PCs had) and we handled it these ways. 1) The character temporarily inhabited another PC's sword and whispered to him. 2) The PC took over an NPC that was travelling with the party and got that NPC killed shortly after. 3) The PC got to play the monsters in all the combats until they got revived and was brutal.
@DampeS8N large goose or swan, definitely -- angry waterfowl are no joking matter.
@Shalvenay I agree, though I was hoping to set it up so that everyone thinks it is just a joke and then encounter it and only on dealing with it themselves do they really get it. Sort of how new players don't really take rust monsters or gelatinous cubes seriously until they have to cope with them.
@DampeS8N haha.
@DampeS8N serves @DampeS8N a baby gelatinous cube in a bowl
Example of something I did in the same vein. I had them encounter a bunch of dwarf stonemasons armed only with mallets and chisels. They started tossing the chisels at them (the party being almost entirely in plate) and the chisels just sort of stuck to the armor dealing no damage. Then the dwarves rolled up on them and started pounding the chisels through the armor dealing huge amounts of damage.
Went from goofy to serious real fast.
@DampeS8N hahahaha that's pretty priceless
jumbo badger could be pretty nasty, yes
They could just be called the Badger Brigade and the PC's assume it is a nickname. Then they get bowled over by an army of halflings riding dire badgers. That could work.
@BESW I thought of badgers, too.
And it goes from silly to horrifying when they start popping up under them.
I once had an army of dwarves riding in force-field spheres inside gelatinous cubes.
@DampeS8N Popping up like... this?
It was kind of amusing, until they started feeding the cubes potions of fly and haste.
@Pixie I mean burrowing under them and popping up like whack-a-mole.
...that brings to mind somehow making mounting bulettes to work
@DampeS8N I figured. (But were it me, I probably couldn't resist unleashing a large, dangerous serpent at the crux of the battle, no matter the risk of having dice thrown at me.)
Platypuses have very painful venom; giant anteaters can kill humans.
@DampeS8N I went to Crystal Palace park in London today. This reminds me of some of the crazy dinosaur reconstructions they had there.
(Except the dinosaurs did not have baloons.)
@doppelgreener For your condition slot consideration, a condition sheet inspired by Star Wars Rebels.
Working on a Scoundrel character sheet for my SW hack. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rt80ckns2lpegzs/Screenshot%202016-09-05%2012.47.14.png?dl=0
hey there @Sandwich
and hey as well @nitsua60
Hey Shalv, long time no see.
@Sandwich how're things going?
Pretty good I guess.
alright here, hoping to end a RP drought here soon
A game I was running failed and ended because I had someone in the game who played his character quite literally retarded. He never took the game seriously so when I finally got around to telling him I was tired of his antics and kicked him out, three of the other four players left because they were friends of his
@Sandwich ouch :/
That escalated quickly.
my problem is that one of my DMs got ate up by a mixture of school and worldbulding, another couldn't focus on DMing due to work reasons, a 3rd a while back had to give up due to RL health issues :/ and hasn't been really heard from since
and the 4th? he's completely, utterly MIA and might as well be chained up in some dragon's lair for all we know (if you're wondering, that'd be @waxeagle we suspect is chained up in some dragon's lair)
Probably a Harpy's lair
@Sandwich well...we had just started on Rise of Tiamat, hence the dragons
OTOH -- I do know of one or two folks on Aviation.SE who'd be able to make a righteous turkey shoot out of @waxeagle's captors if it was the dragons who kidnapped him
Gonna grind out my last 300 rep
Then be a beast with 10k rep
heh, I don't pay that much attention, although I did make it up to a bit over 7k on DIY
@Shalvenay hey, sorry, not really here today, just happened to open the browser window :P
Bundle of Holding has Dragon Warriors! Tempted to buy, just for nostalgia value...
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Fate module](http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/191782/Good-Neighbors--A-World-of-Adventure-for-Fate-Core "In Good Neighbors, players take on two roles: a human who must deal with the politics of this new industry, and a fairy who feels the full spiritual damage of the Industry.");
Looking for Dungeon World players, Monday evenings at 9PM Eastern US. Inquire here‌​.
hey again @Ash
Hello again! :)
@Ash so yeah -- probably even easier to drop by the linked channel if you're still interested in that chatizen DW game, btw (sorry for pointing you the wrong-ish way earlier)
@Shalvenay No worries!
I've never played Dungeon World before. Is it any good?
@Sandwich have you played any of the other Powered by the Apocalypse games? (Apocalypse World, for instance)
Can't say I have no. Most of the experience I have is playing Pathfinder and 3.5
because it's basically a fantasy-themed PbtA game -- somewhat OSR thematically, even, but with the light-weight, narrative-first approach that is characteristic of the PbtA engine
basically, you narrate what your character is doing, and your DM makes the calls on what mechanics that translates into, instead of you having to translate your character's actions into crunchy mechanical bits yourself

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