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But it's SATW so I might be mistaken...?
Q: Should the Zendikar expansion races be counted as "official WotC" races?

nitsua60In re: What are the official (WotC) playable races in 5e? One recent user edited in races included in WotC's Plane Shift: Zendikar supplement. Another user contends that those aren't official races. Rather than individual editors unilaterally deciding on the in-/exclusion of these races, can ...

@Magician I hope you don't mind me cross-posting my botches to my personal site?
Of course not. It's your writing, you can do whatever you want with it.
I feel that a botch starting with "I started GMing a game set in World of Darkness..." could end right there and then.
"I once ran a game in WoD" - gasps, horrified looks; "...as written" - stifled sobbing, someone faints; "...with full crossover and everything allowed" - people scream, jump out of windows.
@eimyr IIRC, historically, when building a house, the first thing you get up & running is the sauna
Also, I think it was the most popular room of the house for childbirth
@UrhoKarila I can see why.
@Magician "I allowed players to bring homebrewed expansions" - nuclear apocalypse starts, remnants of human civilisation refer to this moment as "Confession: the GMing".
@Miniman I think you bury the lede on that meta answer: I find the disclaimer--and its resemblance to UA disclaimers--more convincing than the logos, personally.
@eimyr close enough!
@UrhoKarila this is true, although it was usually a separate building (which is still common for Summer cottages or older buildings)
is it wrong to ask a question and then list what you think the answer should be?
@AlSun Some people frown upon it but overall it's fine
Q: Should there always be a check (stealth vs perception) before someone can be surprised?

Al SunAccording to PHB 189: The DM determines who might be surprised. If neither side tries to be stealthy, they automatically notice each other. Otherwise, the DM compares the Dexterity (Stealth) checks o f anyone hiding with the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of each creature on the ...

thanks - Im trying to make sure I have the correct understanding
I'm going home, see y'all later.
Blah...always leave it to Nitsua60 to give me answers I dont want
@AlSun I know you specifically counter-indicated unofficial sources, but I still want to recommend to you--personally--5 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenaged Skill System by AngryGM. While rude and vulgar, Angry writes some of the best explanations of D&D-thiking that're extant. (IMO.)
@AlSun plenty of time for other answers to come along. It's possibly an edge case, where the PHB says "the GM will" but the DMG says "hey, let's think about this thing...."
find, but dont get angry when I dont choose your answer =)
my understanding of the "GM will" is that his job is to do the checks and see if anyone is surprised
My two biggest peeves in 5e both come from skills: (1) players calling for skill checks or--even worse--just rolling and saying "I got a 23 on my Persuasion check [which was never called for]"; (2) GMs calling for checks when really they should have had DMG p.237 in mind.
Not decide if he thinks ppl should be surprised or not
@AlSun My understanding is the exact opposite. In any situation the GM should first decide whether a check is even called for (again, this is DMG p.237, a page I've referenced so often I don't even need to look it up anymore =| ), then start thinking about which checks, whether they're opposed or against a DC, &c.
should have put that in your answer =)
@AlSun put which part?
; (2) GMs calling for checks when really they should have had DMG p.237 in mind.
@nitsua60 Wow, persuasion critical roll! The guard still won't let you in, but now he is hitting on you.
Hmm... I don't think your question needs to serve as an invitation for me to rant. Especially since you were pretty firm about wanting to hear about rules, not rulings.
well take him around back and let the other party members get in
(Problem is... the rule is "make a determination as to whether a check is called-for.")
@AlSun Don't have my DMG with me at the moment -- what's the jist of p.237?
@nitsua60 ok - please no more
@nitsua60 Cool, thanks
@AlSun Sorry. Still (apparently) a bit annoyed that last night my GM asked for a check to see whether my character could shimmy 15' across a taut rope tied between two sturdy objects without falling. Oh, did I mention the Sailor background?
@AlSun OTOH, you could definitely post the competing position as its own answer, I think. The site improves when there's reasoned debate, not just group-think. And I do think there's daylight in the PHB's "GM will call for a check" argument. (Just be ready for the lawyers in the room to come at you with "it doesn't say shall, it says will!")
ok - Ill reword my questions description and post an answer
@AlSun Good question, btw. +1. I especially like Jack and Jill =)
@AlSun Have I been crushing your dreams a lot? Sorry =(
haha - its all good. Just dont be mad if I dont pick your answers =)
@nitsua60 Eh, "not legal for AL" doesn't mean "not official" - aarakockra and winged tiefling say hi. The part where it doesn't have D&D on it anywhere is much stronger in my mind.
@Miniman Good point. (I'd forgotten the flyers, since most all of my 5e is OP.)
@nitsua60 OP?
Ugh, our newer student actives forgot the laminated sauna song sheets at the clubhouse. /me activates speedy fetch mode
@Miniman Sorry--"organized play." None of my play is overpowered =)
@kviiri haste targets kviiri =D
@nitsua60 Yeah, I didn't think that's what you meant, but the only other OP I could think of was Original Post, which makes even less sense.
@Miniman I still have a hard time shaking Ocean Pacific--a brand of shorts I wore as a kid--from the top spot in my mind's "decoding acronyms" routine. Even though it's been thirty years since I've seen a pair =)
@nitsua60 Wheeee I'm going fast!
OP is a Finnish bank cooperative.
ok, now I just need to get ppl to like my answer
@nitsua60 u are not allowed to vote against my answer as I didnt wote against yours
Some good ol' boys club pulling strings, manipulating votes!
well I think ppl just vote Nitsua60's way just because he's so influential. besides im just asking him not to vote against me =)
@AlSun I actually find it an interesting question: I didn't post my answer because I'm convinced it's right, but because I think it needs to be one of the options considered by voters. I'm curious what some more RAW-minded citizens might think about the "PHB says there's a check, so GM's gotta call for the check" argument. You won't get any downvotes from me =)
@kviiri Literally "back-room dealing"!
1 hour later…
@AlSun s/influential/talkative
@nitsua60 Don't you need another '/' at the end of that?
@UrhoKarila I forget. It's been over a decade since I actually used regexes =\
@nitsua60 I only just started this past month
They're plenty confusing
@SevenSidedDie btw, don't get any ideas from that recent meta. The mice are staying =)
nerdly obligation...
1 hour later…
Miniman's criteria for official are, IMO, solid. OP shorts had an old joke that went with them. OP stood for "Oh, Preppie!" (with an eye roll)
@UrhoKarila Depends on the dialect. sed will complain, vi won't.
(Evening, all!)
@Anaphory Gotcha! I was thinking in sed-terms
(and even in those cases, it probably depends on the dialect, setup etc.)
@KorvinStarmast I think @Miniman's probably got the right of it, but I think it's worth letting the meta Q acquire eyeballs and opinions for a day or two, then apply it to the "playable races" question.
@nitsua60 yeah, it's not like we have a deadline and the boss is fuming over there in his office. We can let this ferment.
@nitsua60 @Shalvenay I'm still in and mostly free. Just let me know when/how we're doing this. :)
2 hours later…
Today I learned about the Curta.
How did I not know this was a thing?
1 hour later…
@AlSun I'm happy to discuss those three situations here, but I think it'd be inappropriate on the mainsite post.
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