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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

in every home you could find a basket weaver in some cultures - daughters and wives usually.
^^ This
Weaving itself was more common in cities.
What tech level are we talking about, anyways?
@nitsua60 the league was living from importing food and dictating prices on what would be best described as 'trading outposts' - I work on maps for my exalted game.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Sure! But if you could easily feed two people from the work of one, the idlers might specialise in things like that, if no other handy supplies are abundant. Which is a way I could imagine towns growing out of fertile land without initial trade routes.
I think its helpful to think "How many skilled laborers are there in this culture? How many unskilled? Is there a guild culture?"
@Trish My only point was that political factors in the League--particularly a coordinated trade policy unique in its world at its time driving down the need for military-defensive expenditures--make the members outlying examples in human history. I.e. I wouldn't necessarily draw many conclusions about how to structure things in my world around those examples unless I'm willing to import the rest of the League's policies.
@Anaphory Making baskets is not worth specializing. Wine making? There were specialists, but you don't need a lot of wine makers. Moreover, guilds had restrictions of how much wine each master could make, and it was very hard to get the title of master. Blacksmiths? Well, it was very hard to become a good one. The demand was always high (the whole history of human kind is full of wars!).
@Trish hexographer?
That is probably the one mapping tool I dont have
@Trish What are you using this map for?
light is free, it is ok, but export takes sooo long.
Road crosses river = city. Road ends on coast = city.
and the trade outpost makes the 4th large city... oh, wait, got a small one more.
oh, actually the league had one of the largest standing militaries at its time, because any boat floating was part of their navy if they would have needed it. And they were constantly in conflct with the royalty and dukes, because they were free cities.
Two roads meet = city.
hmmm, too close to the capital, more a town...
@Trish In your first map, there is a coastal hex right next to a river and road crossing. A city would definitely be there.
@Trish It is quite close, so why does the road go there?
@Trish Right, but unlike most political entities at the time, they actually had a viable alternative to conflict-in-arms: coordinated trade restrictions/sanctions. Anyhoo, this is well off-topic. Cool maps =)
Middle road is in competition with river. Needs some reason to be a big road, because otherwise for 150 km, I'd use the river.
@Anaphory there are major joad junctions in germany where only a 'minderstadt' was placed. Neumünster on the Ochsenweg was a toll station - some 50 km north and south there were junctions in it, and both had only tiny settlements, despite that being the biggest trade route from hamburg northwards.
hm, you mean the tiny branch to the woods? or the 'long road' that follows the coast?
(after the river crossing)
@Trish Toll station on the main land route north makes sense: you need to assess goods to value the toll. That increases the importance.
@Trish NW out of Yesen, then turn right North and East and take the right path to the river.
The river might be troubled with a moody river god
Oh, well. That IS a good reason to not navigate the river.
which would make the road the more favorable route for some seasons, also roads are much better to transport troops over.
Transporting troops over hundreds of kilometers might come with other logistics issues.
There are plenty of rivers which are too shallow/rough for most vessels, but are still used to transport, eg, raw logs.
the branching at NW of Ye'sen... I guess there might be one of the 45 towns.
oh yes - logs are also good,
well, the 'long road' is roughly 20 hexes long, which is like 400 kilometers.
Keep in mind that rivers become roads when winter comes.
@Trish It's not straight! It winds, that gives you quite a factor on top, quite likely.
And you can use boats to travel them in summer.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy not if the river god gets angry.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Wrath of the Khans, my friend. "Let's wait until winter to attack Russia!"
Aye, was thinking of that.
Mmoody river god" is the only explanation I can think of for what that river is doing at the northeast of the map. Unless there's a moody gravity god up there.
We don't really have any depth in the map, BTW
@BESW That's not a river up there--just the Moody Blues.
@Trish In that case you should pacify him... And we all know the best way to pacify someone. :3
I suppose particularly steep and erratic terrain might make a river do that, but wow.
The exalts may do that possibly
@BESW Funny, I read it as really flat, swampy jungle. Everglades- or bayou-like.
The river passes north of some hill land, it springs from that wet jungle, which is a bit lower than most of the flatlands south.
I should put a cliff at that spot where the river bends away from the coast again.
@nitsua60 Hmm. I guess that could work.
some moments, putting up the next revision... total overland map...
@BESW And so could your read--just interests me how radically divergent they were, looking at the same image =)
I need to think more about flat geographies with a near-surface water table, as our current game is set in that kind of area.
@BESW You mentioned legal digital tools to search 5e spells for keywords. What did you refer to?
Tata for now, all y'all!
@BESW most of Jütland (denmark to hamburg) is pretty flat, the water level is usually no deeper than 10 meters. It is basically covered with either sandy flats (deep water level), wetter areas with a higher water level and rocky parts
I'm really not interested in giving more fuel to the conflict. You got a downvote you disagree with. It happens. If you don't get random weird downvotes, you're probably not being seen. If anything, this just shows why people shouldn't have to leave comments justifying themselves: it invites overblown confrontation about a minor event, drawing in lots of other people and wasting everyone's time.
[4yo daughter, sitting at Fischer-Price mock laptop.] "Daddy, I'm studying." "Oh yeah, what're you learning?" "I'm not learning, daddy, I'm studying!"
Oh, they grow up so fast. Ready for college so soon....
@BESW ? No, I am wondering what tool you refer to. Like, the name of the tool, so I can buy it and search spells in there.
You asked a few days ago why people think you're "fighty." It's because you demand that people act faster than the system is designed to, you see personal agendas where none exist, and you respond to disagreement by escalating to public trial by crowd rather than going through the proper channels to deal with a problem.
@BESW What are you talking about? I don't want to discuss all this stuff, this will only get seven mad again. I am looking for the name of the tools you mentioned so I can check them out.
If you have a personal problem with me, sure, air whatever you want, but I really would like to know what you were referring to.
And if it turns out I'm wrong, that those tools don't allow the extensive spell searching you think is necessary to prevent nitsua60 from having advocated piracy (which he's addressed multiple times already)? Will you go "oh, well, that's not a resource I can use," or will you use it as new fuel for the vendetta? Because I'm sad to say the last few days haven't given me a lot of confidence in that direction and I don't want to be part of it.
Seriously? I asked a question to find out how to search spells.
This is obviously a problem I have.
Sure, you don't have to help me, but .. well.
Too bad, thanks anyway.
I'll dig up the resources when I have time.
But you'd do well to ask why so many different people are reading your site interactions as more hostile than you intend. There are specific patterns, focuses, and phrasings you could work on.
I will read what you say, but I won't respond on topic to avoid further mod punishments.
(eg, if you're interested in how to search for spells efficiently, don't spend the majority of the question on the math of how a particular claim that it's possible must rely on illegal resources.)
Mala, if you want to search spells, there are several ways for D&D-like games: check the SRD, it has many of the most important - 3.5 is to be found d20srd.org/indexes/spells.htm 5 is media.wizards.com/2016/downloads/DND/SRD-OGL_V5.1.pdf page 105 onwards
(And if you think a moderator is acting inappropriately, don't ask for crowd justice with a meta question: flag it for other site mods to review or bring it to the attention of the community moderators--they're the elected mods' bosses.)
paizo has all their pathfinder spells all searchable in their prd, core spells for example paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/spellLists.html
@Trish It's about 5e
@Mala then check the Wizards link, there is the SRD, it has all the spells in the spell lists.
@Trish only PHB
@Mala This is where "ask the question you want answered" comes in. By focusing on Nit's comment about searching the PHB, you gave the impression you wanted a resource for searching the spells in the PHB. Is that not the case?
The original question clearly stated that I am interested in all 5e materials produced by WotC, but I was forced to change it multiple times.
Searching RPG.SE for terms like "5e digital resources" or "5e spell search" gets me questions like this and this, which link to the SRD and a number of other isolated collections of spells. They also link to dndclassics.com, a search of which revealed purchasable character building programs which claim to contain all the spells in the game.
wizards is not as nice as paizo, they don't allow all content to be viewable on their own site.
I own FantasyGrounds and it does not have useful functionality for that
It allows to search for Monster Names etc only
In the midst of the kerfuffle I also saw a link to an apparently complete fan site compendium which claimed to be adhering to the WotC Fan Site rules.
@Mala Then that wouldn't be the program I saw. It was designed for players, not GMs, to build their characters.
@Mala Your original question also obscured that by spending more than half of its text on analysing an (apparently irrelevant) anecdote about searching the PHB. The skill of writing good questions includes learning how to identify superfluous information which obscures the important stuff.
You can learn from this encounter to improve your future posts.
The sad thing is that a simple main site question that says "What's the quickest way to search through all the extant 5e spells for specific parameters, like damage types?" Then we could just say things like "use 5esrd.com/spellcasting/spellfilter"; without all the drama
The fan site link is probably gone if it was in a comment; personal attacks tend to lead to all-cleansing fires that sweep away the useful and the detrimental. But if it was in chat, a search shouldn't hard to do.
That's SRD only, and you know as well that the question would be tool-rec
@Mala Nah, it's not tool-rec just because answers would probably recommend tools. The difference is that it hasn't pre-supposed that a tool is the best solution.
Ok, not answering to this one.
It seems like a nit-pick, but experience has shown it's an important one.
@Mala we may not give information about illegal sites, and according to the OGL you may not put SRD content into the same page with pay content.
@Trish Yeah I know, what's why I got into all this trouble. Because I did not want to support piracy.
@mala and wizards is notoriously bad at giving digital stuff. The only reference they keep up to date is the Magic card database.
@Trish I know!
Alas, the 4e Comendium was surprisingly competent in that regard.
They kept it up-to-date within about two months of new publications.
and... took it down completly if I remember correctly.
They seem pretty incompetent when it comes to digital tools :(
They could have offered a 4e SRD, let people develop open source tools for that, and then put the full 4e behind a paywall
using the open source code with private data
I suspect Hasbro was behind the game engine's privatision. And to be fair, the d20 bubble/bust wasn't exactly a fun roller coaster to be on, much less to be responsible for.
Well I paid for the 4e tools until they didn't want my money anymore
Quick question to folks who watch the Timely pin: do you care about tiles/minis?
> __====@_____
Apparently, nobody who's reading the chat now reads the pins :(
@BESW I like minis and maps, but I only play with them very seldomly, actually only pathfinder, which I play on cons and chats only. And in the later case, it is digital maps...
@Mala, you just got off a site suspension for creating a mess in a crusade against a specific user, and you're right back at it in this chat room the next day. I'm suspending you from chat for a week. You can still use the main site right now; that allows you the opportunity to show that you can turn over a new leaf and leave off from the compulsive witch-hunting.
@SevenSidedDie in that new user's defense, I feel like a lot of people probably start reading a question around here and have the "What game is this, how does everyone know what game he's talking about? Oh tabletop dnd...." reaction =)
@nitsua60 Yes, I'm meaning to leave an answer there (mod comments still ping them +/- an hour of the delete), but I suck at multi-tasking. :)
@SevenSidedDie (I'm not really defending, just amused at what was a clearly-inappropriate but probably-not-uncommon reaction.)
@nitsua60 Agreed, I expect a lot of people have that reaction. I suspect we provide a lot of bemusement and amusement for the rest of the network via HNQs.
@RollingFeles This is excellent--thank you for linking it. You've just saved me a lot of work on my "aeons-old giant citadel buried in the mountain."
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[VtM bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/books/vampire-masquerade-rpg-bundle "Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised Edition) books--lots, cheap! Aug 11");
[playtest](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
Pin updated with new content, but without minis or tiles because I'd have to add another letter to my name to keep that up.
Remember, you can always suggest things to add to the Timely pin.
hey there @nitsua60
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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