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hey there @Adeptus
The paladin, on raising her Charisma score: "I wonder if this is what it's like being Chris Hemsworth."
@BESW Nah, he has a class feature that lets him add his Strength mod to all Charisma checks.
@Shalvenay hey
@Miniman I feel like a lot of people in real life have that, we just don't all have that strength score
@trogdor You make a good point - maybe it's a racial ability rather than a class feature.
as in Australians have it?
for me, they have a feat that says their accent adds to their cha
I do love an Australian accent, for some reason
I actually just meant people - it wouldn't have occurred to me to classify Australian as a race.
I just thought you were being funny about it because he is Australian
I don't know if I would have said it is a racial ability,... but maybe it is
not all other creatures on this planet equate muscle as the big defining attractive feature that many of us do
@Adeptus how're things going?
some animals even seem to prefer fat
@trogdor "fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round"?
@trogdor Well, it's true. It'd also be reasonable to say that D&D-style ability scores just don't hold up even within D&D-style games, let alone real life :P
@Shalvenay no, that is just a preference, I mean how some animals, like certain kinds of seals, need to build up a certain amount because of the temperature of where they live
also whales and soforth
Historically, in many cultures a pale, body fat has been very attractive: it means you're rich enough to stay indoors and overeat.
@BESW not sure if this is one of your "tiles" entries in the KS list: kickstarter.com/projects/1084069684/… - they're working together with Reaper Minis, and have EU & AU hubs to reduce shipping costs
@BESW yeah, but obviously that is a thing that has been capable of changing
and it differs between different cultures
Wasn't until recently that tanned skin and muscles became a sign of disposable income.
yeah, the idea changed
@trogdor well, I'm just saying that some humans prefer fat too
(and I am sure is capable of changing again)
@Shalvenay yes, I am aware
and it varies in degrees and where they prefer it to be too
so there is that
but my point there was that some species don't seem to use muscle as a factor at all
in fact, I couldn't personally prove that most animals that typically do have a lot of muscle necessarily use that specific thing as a measure of attraction
though I would say it would at least probably factor in in some way, just not necessarily in a visual way, like most attraction elements do for us
> Inventions tend to be bulky, weighing 10 pounds per level of discovery. Held, carried or worn inventions typically take up two body slots, chosen from the list in Chapter Ten of d20 Modern...
> 1 headband, headset, hat, or helmet ; 1 pair of eyeglasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, or goggles ; 1 amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, necktie, or scarab ; 1 suit of armor (archaic or modern) ; 1 robe, jacket, windbreaker, or coat ; 1 cloak, cape, poncho, sweater, or mantle ; 1 vest or shirt ; 1 pair of bracers or bracelets, or 1 watch ; 1 pair of gloves or gauntlets ; 1 pair of earrings ; 2 rings ; 1 belt ; 1 pair of boots, shoes, or sandals ; 6 tattoos
Heavy tattoos
@Adeptus quite :o
3 hours later…
Does anyone remember the Blog Overflow post about "questions" that just describe a situation without actually asking a question?
I most certainly don't
but I wouldn't be the one to remember something like that anyway
Some weird questions pop up here
Which apparently get deleted before I can read the probably hilarious content.
Check out the "Awesome Ninja Action" section on this blog post. I'm really liking two-sided aspects.
I am not even looking at questions as often as I used to
@trogdor I dont. But it popped into my feed, and the title looks funny, albeit weird.
I usually cant answer any of the questions anyway, since most are about D&D, which I have only played in the form of Neverwinter Nights / Pool of Radiance
yeah, I have only played 3.5 and 4E
and technically even if I saw a lot of 3.5 questions I couldn't answer most of em
but 4E questions pop up so rarely now that I have mostly stopped checking
Reminder that your tags can be filtered at the bottom of your preferences page.
Yeah, I know :)
yep I know that
I have a couple things turned off in it, like 5E and Pathfinder
cause I have no clue about those systems
and no interest in sorting through them since I can't really answer questions in them
10 hours later…
Oh boy. The group I was playing Fate with just asked me to GM Shadowrun 3e for them. I can do it, but they're not going to like the shift in rule focus.
2 hours later…
Fine day, chatizens!
And the same to you!
2 hours later…
VtC dupe; skill checks are ability checks
1 hour later…
@Fibericon -- yeah, SR is a messy system at best from what I've heard of it on this Stack
@Fibericon Oh my.
I need to try the Shadowrun-in-Aγων hack that I found somewhere again at some point.
Last time, it was very spontaneous and I had only too vague recollection of Aγων and of what I wanted the Run to be like, so there's room for improvement.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[VtM bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/books/vampire-masquerade-rpg-bundle "Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised Edition) books--lots, cheap! -Aug 11-");
[playtest](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
@nitsua60 Right back at you. I could not help myself, I had to try a second answer on how to one shot Demogorgon in 1e with a fireball. I blame @heyIcanChan for leaving me that juicy bait ....
hey there @Anaphory and @KorvinStarmast
I never played a high-enough level spellcaster in 1e to ever worry about those things =)
(I was more of a martial-assemble-enough-followers-to-start-playing-the-kingdom-building-game 1e'er)
Just the other day I was thinking about you, @KorvinStarmast; even though we're both well on our ways to 5e gold about a year in, I feel like we rarely overlap on questions...
[tries writing SDSE query to pull questions on which two users specified by parameter have both answered]
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
R20 after my kids are down?
@nitsua60 I think that works as a plan

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