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@Anaphory Am I reading the last word of that first sentence correctly? Does it start \gamma\delta?
I think so, I was wondering about that as well. It's Google translate, and I just found out that the Axou speak Imperial=English, not Aξου=Greek anyway…
So no Monty Python reference for me.
@Anaphory I mean, I don't know squat about Greek; just sounding it out courtesy of my physics degree =) But \delta\theta just seemed like a strange phoneme sitting there.
@Anaphory out of bed so soon?
@Anaphory try "I'm sorry, I don't speak this language, but fortunately I was taught this one explanatory sentence."
@JoelHarmon Hi!
oh hey, @Miniman
chat question: once I've created a bookmarked conversation, where does that "live"? I.e. how do I get back to it?
@Miniman: @nitsua60 and I are double-teaming a new guy at the moment, but I would like to talk about that other question
@nitsua60 Ok, the link was right, but oneboxing overwrote it. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/11/…
@nitsua60 Wait, that broke.
@JoelHarmon So, one thing I should say first: I don't think your answer is a bad answer. It's a good answer, and I upvoted it. I just think it could be a better answer :)
that's what I'm here to ask about
my reading of this question is "I've already decided there is a magic shop, and it's now part of the world. Period. Also, how much does stuff cost?"
I'm interested in how/why you consider the existence of the shop important, when I read it as simply DM fiat
@Miniman hah! Okay--it's room info (tiny link just above the avatar list) and then "conversation" tab, right? Thanks.
@nitsua60 Yep.
@JoelHarmon Ok, so, coming from 3.5e, it's a natural assumption that players can buy magic items. More importantly, it's an assumption that I don't think the querent actually realised they were making.
So your answer answers the question, but leaves the OP with a magic shop where they negotiate all the prices.
that seems likely (though as a note, the querent never mentioned 3.5; I did)
I am totally unfamiliar with Hoard, so I just assumed it was part of the module; perhaps that's part of my perspective issue
@JoelHarmon Good point! I actually hadn't noticed that.
@JoelHarmon There's my assumptions tripping me up - there's no magic item shop in Hoard as published, and I guess I assumed everyone knew that.
I took a shot in the dark assuming OP might have experience with other systems, and threw in that line just in case it might help them gain perspective
I know Hoard is 5e, either 1-5 or 6-10, and probably features a dragon of some kind
Another point to consider is that you're not just answering for the OP: anyone looking for a magic item price list is reasonably likely to stumble across the question.
hmm, OP seemed uncomfortable enough that I didn't think they'd throw in a magic shop on a whim
So even if the OP deliberately put a magic item shop in, it's still worth a note that they aren't normally a thing, for the benefit of other, more confused readers.
I agree with the other seekers, which is why I explicitly referenced the table and how to look up things by rarity, as well as where to find rarity in the description
@JoelHarmon I suspect what happened there is that "They stumbled into a magic shop and asked for a Bag of Holding." Actually means one of the players said "I go to the magic item shop and buy a Bag of Holding" and the DM just went with it.
Especially likely if the player was more experienced than the DM, which is often the case.
yeah, he's mum on any previous experience for himself or the players
Essentially, I'm just concerned that the OP might be coming in not realising that the idea of a magic item shop is fundamentally foreign to D&D 5e, and helping them with this specific difficulty is only going to lead them to different difficulties in the future.
I suppose in the end I answered the actual question asked, and made the assumption that OP knew what he was doing, other than this one point on the rules
I think that's pretty fair
@JoelHarmon As I said, your answer's a good one.
@JoelHarmon in re: one of your comments on the background/starting equipment question...
I'm happy to leave it there; I don't think you need to change your answer at all. Just that it might be a bit better with a small change.
did you know that if you type [chat] in a comment, it'll auto-magically convert to a link to RPG General Chat?
@Miniman I'm inclined to leave it, especially as another higher rated answer covers it; my main goal is to improve how I read questions so I can communicate more effectively in the future. Thanks for your feedback.
@nitsua60 I did not know that; thanks.
@JoelHarmon Thanks for not reacting defensively :) giving feedback is always a bit risky on the web.
that, plus the fact that text loses all tone and inflection, leads to many a misunderstanding
@JoelHarmon Aye.
ok; time for a walk. Nice talking to you guys.
@JoelHarmon Cya!
@JoelHarmon have a nice $LOCAL_TIME
@nitsua60 You know, this question really exemplifies the problems of having the name of an edition be a strict subset of the name of another edition.
@Miniman which are you thinking? 3 and 3.5?
@nitsua60 <b>D&D</b>3.<b>5e</b>
Ok, that didn't turn out too well, but you get the idea.
got it--and nice gestalt-editing there =)
watching as you edited made it perfectly clear =)
Huh, HTML only works on main. Oh well.
Just wait 'til we petition overlords for MathJax in chat
Also: always-on 3rd-level spell? If it's haste, no price is too high.
@Miniman it's weird; there's actually a 3.5 spell he wants to duplicate. (See comments.) So it won't be cut-and-dry, but it's right up the alley of my favorite sort of "well, we don't really know, but here are all the things in that neighborhood that you should consider when working with your GM" research-project-cum-answers =)
Okay, I feel stupid for not knowing, but what's the name of the 5e spell that lets you breathe water?
@nitsua60 Water Breathing.
@Miniman I figured "go 20 levels in druid and live out your days as a
The colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, from Greek mesos (middle), onycho (claw, nail), and teuthis (squid)), sometimes called the Antarctic or giant cranch squid, is believed to be the largest squid species in terms of mass. It is the only known member of the genus Mesonychoteuthis. It is known from only a few specimens, and current estimates put its maximum size at 12–14 m (39–46 ft) long and weighing possibly up to 750 kg (1,650 lb), based on analysis of smaller and immature specimens, making it the largest known invertebrate. == Morphology == Unlike the giant squid, whose arms...
@Miniman thanks
@nitsua60 I'm heading towards "True Polymorph into a Marilith" as closest to what he really wants.
ten creatures! (Water breathing, that is.)
@nitsua60 Yep, but the items that provide it always-on only provide for one creature.
@Miniman yeah, still not "cheap" by any stretch. This is clearly a 3.x-era crafter who doesn't yet have his head around 5e.
@nitsua60 I mean, if, hypothetically, you were looking into always-on items for some reason.
@Miniman right; which is why it's not a great comparator for this research project =)
@nitsua60 I dunno, I'm inclined to suspect it's a casual Googler who's read a lot of 3.x stuff and not realised it doesn't apply to 5e.
(Not like I'm looking at the Cap of water breathing and the L3 spell water breathing with both books open... I've already found detect thoughts*/*helm of telepathy and jump*/*boots of springing)
Anyone who's delved into the depths of 3.x item crafting is way too much of an expert to get editions confused.
@Miniman gotcha.
@nitsua60 I know I don't have to tell you, but it's impossible to answer in general for any 3rd-level spell. (Beyond the answer "it depends", obviously.)
yeah, but I'm curious if it'll be possible to set some sensible guidelines/boundaries
@nitsua60 While I remember, the Scimitar of Speed is worth a look for you, too.
or just say "hey, look a these dozen things which are the only that are in your ballpark.. and there's no rhyme or reason so it's all you and your GM"
@nitsua60 I think you need "Welcome to 5e" on the end of that :P
@Miniman I'm also curious if the sane magic item price index will actually reveal some useful scheme, where the horrible four-category 5e "costs" are so useless
What the [filth] and [foul], I'll [filth] and [foul]... he'd already read the relevant page. Good night, all.
@nitsua60 Yikes.
dang it, @nitsua60, you post a good DW question when I've loaned out my book
@JoelHarmon I'd get it back if I were you - I think there's more questions where that came from.
there are
I am pretty sure XD
unless he already posted more than 2 or 3
then I have no idea
but it's a tougher call than that; I trade-borrowed it for a copy of The Worst of Grimtooth's Traps, and I haven't finished that yet
maybe a better answer is to buy a second copy, so I can foist the game off onto my friend group
@JoelHarmon $10 pdf bundle from DTRPG?
@JoelHarmon Careful with that - I almost bought a book specifically to answer a Stack question, but I pulled myself back from the edge of that particular precipice just at the last moment.
I am out of time for now. For the record, @nitsua60, my answer started off with "Monsters should never act on their own. Just like the rest of Dungeon World, the monsters react to things the player characters narratively do." Soft moves should lead to hard moves, and remember 7-9 can force a Tough Choice which may include damage
@JoelHarmon sounds reasonable. I guess my reactions need to be more dangerous and more frequent?
@AlexWigand you should be able to chat now--20 pts is the magic number, I believe.
Nice answers, @Sebkha =)
@nitsua60 I'm flattered. ^_^
People get so focused on magic items and class features that they sometimes forget how much fun it is to command minions to do your bidding, rather than sullying your high-level hands.
@JoelHarmon Some of my father's friends thought it would be hilarious teach him how to say "I'm so sorry, I don't speak Japanese" in flawlessly accented Japanese.
...they were right.
@Sebkha I once designed a 3.5 necromancer who could control at least 25 times her HD worth of undead.
She rode a skeletal Nightmare in the clouds above her army, escorted by a squadron of gargoyle zombies.
Ooof, it's hot today. And I'm about as stereotypical a nerd as you can find, so that was unpleasant.
@BESW just in case flying by itself wasn't enough, classy
I mean, in a world where people can fly with the right spell, it is a good precaution
@Miniman is there anything you can wild shape into that can grapple more than 2 targets, though? I looked at that briefly, but even the octopus just grapples one target. Marilith and Roper looked like the good True Polymorph targets, getting 4 and 6, respectively.
(Also, the pizza mention got you a spot on my "bounty this once it's old enough" list.)
Anything with paralysis could count as a lot of grapples....
Deploy a dozen panicked cockatrices and see who's left mobile. :)
(you and your minions...)
@nitsua60 That's a good point - for some reason I remembered the Giant Octopus as not having that limit, but it does.
@Miniman yeah; strangely enough you can grapple less as an octopus than as a human.
(Maybe it's because the MM drawing only has one tentacle?)
@nitsua60 I suspect it's a case of WotC forseeing the 8-person grapple abuse and shutting it down before it happened, but going a bit too far.
Maybe they expect you to play a Swordapus instead of a Gapplepus.
So yeah, I think polymorph or shpaechange->roper=6 grapples is the best that 'e can hope for.
(Short of sebkha'ing the thing.)
@nitsua60 True Polymorph, not Polymorph, though, since Polymorph is locked to beast-type.
@Miniman sooth.
certainly a dwarf song, yep
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[vote ENnies!](http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/the-2016-voting-booth-is-now-live/ "The 2016 Voting Booth is Now Live!! -July 21-");
[fateSRD](https://plus.google.com/+Fatesrd_roleplaying_game/posts/ByEgqY1bEHn "Fate SRD has been updated with all the new content from Evil Hat’s Fate More KS.");
Good morning.
1 hour later…
@Miniman that "none of which count as weapons" is a really confusing thing for the rules to say.
@doppelgreener Yeah, unfortunately, whenever D&D tries to fix a broken rule, they create a different broken rule.
it's like... "instead of using a weapon to make a weapon attack, you can perform one of these actions, which aren't weapons." (sorry, are you implying actions can normally count as weapons?)
@doppelgreener Closer to "instead of using a weapon to make a weapon attack, you can perform this action, with one of these things, which aren't weapons"
@Miniman oh, yeah, but it's missing the "with one of these things" statement. A punch is an action, a fist is presumably the non-weapon in question.
but it's saying the punch isn't a weapon?
@doppelgreener Ah, right, I see what you mean.
they're not anyway; fists are the weapons you use for a punch! :P
Like, I said, it's broken.
2 hours later…
oh well
I tried changing my avatar
it didn't work
It takes time for it to populate across to chat.
yeah, it isn't an immediate thing
usually takes about an hour or two, in my experience
I see.
@eimyr Your avatar has updated, incidentally.
bask in my tentacly glory
Oh yay. So, my new GM is complaining to me (since he's never GM'd before but I have) that people are asking when the game will start but they haven't given him characters yet. I told him to just say directly that the game will start once he has everyone's character. I've never been a huge fan of making characters at the table myself. It's easier for me to make mine alone, and I feel like it's a wasted session when I sit around waiting for other people to think of something.
@Fibericon oh, the eternal struggle
players can't make characters because they don't know what the game is going to be about, GM can't prepare a campaign because there are no characters
We did get a world synopsis. I was able to make a character, get it reviewed by the GM, and make a backup in case it died. I think I'm with the GM on this one.
@eimyr nice :)
@nitsua60 Fiddled with things until about 5am my time :(
At least I have an explanatory sentence with IPA transcription in most of those languages now!
@eimyr I found that the uconvtool can automatize polish-orthography-to-IPA transcription
Yay for polish having a nice orthography!
Yeah, that's a thing. For a given ortography there's only one pronunciation, but the process is not reversible.
5 hours later…
@SevenSidedDie what is that DWgazetteer you link to in a few answers? It says "based on the work of..." but it sure looks like "a copy of the work of...." Is it something official? It sure is handy, but I don't really want to rely on it if it's "unofficial" and might just introduce new problems (like my accidental use of DWhack starting sheets rather than "official" DW ones).
@nitsua60 It's 3rd-party, but based on the official open-source text at the Dungeon World GitHub account. "Based on" in the sense that all the formatting is missing from the official source, so it takes some transformation to make it fit for the web. I'm 99% confident it's unchanged content-wise.
@SevenSidedDie GitHub... oh, wow. [pokes around]
I also prefer it to the "SRD" (despite the awkward navigation) because it has more faithful formatting (a formatting error in the "SRD" actually caused a question here, IIRC), and because I'm personally offended by the misuse of the technical/legal term "SRD" for a game that has no SRD because it's not OGL and is actually released in full instead of a partial "Reference Document". ;)
Yeah, Sage is super into information freedom.
(I'm on my phone, with all the terribleness of the chat UI on phones, or I'd dig up links.)
@SevenSidedDie Who/what is Sage?
@SevenSidedDie (no worries)
Author #1 of DW. Sage LaTorra and Adam Kobel.
(I can't even *find* chat on my phone. Just mainsite questions.)
(And I'm not fishing for a tutorial--I don't *really care. I mostly just use it to browse HNQ while otherwise occupied.)
@SevenSidedDie Gotcha--thanks.
(It's a pain to get to, unless you get a ping showing up in your main site inbox. :D )
6 hours later…
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[vote ENnies!](http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/the-2016-voting-booth-is-now-live/ "The 2016 Voting Booth is Now Live!! -July 21-");
[giveaway](http://www.evilhat.com/home/review-giveaway/ "Review Fate More products to enter an Evil Hat raffle. -July 31-");
@nitsua60 The easiest way is just to bookmark chat directly.
hey there @Emrakul
Disney Moving Ahead on ‘Castle Hangnail’ with Ellen DeGeneres http://bit.ly/29xI6ij
@Shalvenay Hey there!
@Emrakul how're things going?
They're going alright! How're you doing?
@Emrakul alright here -- hoping to start up a Traveller game with nitsua this weekend
Huh! What's Traveller?
@Emrakul old-school spaceship/scifi TTRPG
going to give it a whirl as it represents a genre I haven't dealt with in TTRPG form, but have a fair bit of liking for
Oh, cool! What's the system for it like?
Leaning toward gritty mechanics, or more freeform?
It's got a reputation for supporting hard SF, and has been published under several different engines including GURPS and d20.
@Emrakul the original engine is definitely more towards the former
(Classic Traveller characters don't always make it out of char creation in one piece)
Oh man, it's one of those kinds of systems.
Sounds like it could be a fun game, though, honestly!

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