Hiya--is that a Wonder Woman symbol you threw out there? =w=
@Anaphory @BESW @SevenSidedDie and other Dungeon World advisors--how crazy would it be to not convert my group's characters? Just print off the move sheets but use their 5e stats/modifiers? At elast for a session or two?
It's a Japanese-style emoticon. I have a weird lexicon of both American and Japanese emoticons that I use out of strong habit to communicate specific emotions. I try to reduce it in places like this, but I'm not very good at that. If I'm talking casually... I'm probably using emoticons.
I think it worked--me interpreting it as wonder woman in reference to you having, in a past life, mastery of fighting forms long-forgotten stuck the landing pretty well!
@BESW Yes! I think, generally, most people use =w= to express contentment.
I usually don't, though I'm not sure if my usage of it is widespread or if it's just a weird thing I've picked up. =w= in my case is often wry, because the eyes look tired to me. Compare to =o=.
@Zachiel Everybody starts somewhere. :P Though in my case, I actually started when I was 9 years old. I've just managed to forget everything I used to know. =w=
@trogdor DW modifiers live in the +3/-3 ranges, right? And moves really just stem from the narration and only ever reference the modifiers? So... maybe we can spare the trouble of re-building while we experiment?
I myself was definitely "middling" at fighting games
@nitsua60 I suppose so? it seems like it would work wherever there is overlap, but in any place that the moves they have don't fit exactly with what the characters can do, I don't have any idea how that would work
that being said, when you put it that way I also don't necessarily see exactly how it would be a problem
@trogdor I wouldn't actually say that I was great at them. If I'd gone up against someone truly skilled, I probably would have lost a lot. But among my close friends and siblings, I did pretty well. xD
I was ok at Tekken too, as I may have mentioned, but because I actually got attached to characters like Mitsurugi, Lizardman (of course) Talim and Voldo, I practiced with those specific characters a lot
and technically Lizardman was just a re skin of Cassandra, and or Sophitia
@trogdor I'm between Soul Calibur and Bloody Roar for my best. I forgot Bloody Roar skills more quickly, so that years later, when I picked it up again to play my then-boyfriend... I lost EVERY time that day. xD Yet, at one time, it was the game I was feared most in. :P Because my sister liked Soul Calibur too, I played it a lot more and for a lot longer.
@trogdor KoF is probably my favorite, though not my best, series. I got really into character design as a kid, and KoF has nothing if not fun character design.
@trogdor Easy to do, since KoF is called King of Fighters and also has a King. xD You might like this character in the upcoming KoF XIV though, if you liked Tekken's King:
It wouldn't have worked against anyone who was actually good at the game, obviously, but in casual play with friends I got a few controllers thrown at me.
I doubt there's a kid alive who played fighting games and didn't do cheap stuff at least on occasion, though. :P I remember Mai's fan in KoF being used to great effect amongst us...
Can't remember if I did it, but it was definitely done to me. xD
I can't remember who, but at least one or two people in my group used him at least on occasion. I didn't usually play him against other people, and I wasn't fond of him as a character, but there was something gratifying about whacking AIs with a big stick.
Talim was my main, with occasionally Ivy and later some Tira when she was introduced. My sister played Mitsurugi and I think Sophitia and Taki, but she played her custom characters with their styles more often. That was the really fun thing with SC.
@Pixie I have bad memories of custom characters; I wasn't the one who owned the console, and whenever someone used a custom we universally agreed they were overpowered.
part of the Raphiel thing for me was that that mostly happened when I hadn't yet decided on favorite characters yet, and that is distinctive because that was around the time I started to be at my peak at the game, AND I could split my practice in between them with a better balance
instead of just playing someone random or who I knew cheesy tactics with
like the emphasis on more than one combatant, a slightly (but only slightly, and only depending who you ask) less high skill ceiling, upward and downward mobility, defeating people in a way other than reducing hp as a main mechanic
@Miniman Hmm, I don't know. There can definitely be balance issues in fighting games. I can also vouch for the fact that the items used to build custom characters could skew things one way or another.
Actually, there's a thought: Most videogames involve fighting in some sense. Therefore, when we say "fighting game", we actually mean "game that falls into the genre commonly labeled as fighting games".
Which makes it even more arbitrary than most genre distinctions.
(Please don't sidetrack into politics, it's just an example. Please don't sidetrack into politics, it's just an example. Please don't sidetrack into politics, it's just an example.)
I didn't mean to imply anything about anyone, and in fact I was careful to word my statement to be neutral about my position (which I hold strongly). However, I understand that some people fixate on political issues and can't help themselves when there's an opening.
anyway, classifications of games can be loose, and that's a good thing; it allows for "like this but with a neat twist", instead of "yet another clone"
Smash Bros. is a bit of an oddball; I'd say it's got elements of fighting game, brawler, and platformer. Anyway, it's fun, whatever anyone wants to call it. :P Been years since I played it, though.
The fighting games I remember playing most were KoF, Mortal Kombat, & Street Fighter. I loved MK's ninjas - Scorpion's harpoon & Sub Zero's freeze were both very effective followed by an uppercut.
I never played Mortal Kombat. I did play some of the older Street Fighters occasionally, but not often enough to remember them much at all. I didn't own them, and I was usually playing King of Fighters or Tekken or Evil Zone with the friend who did.
The idea of dragon rock stars from space has somehow combined with a song I've been listening to tonight. I am now imagining popstar rivals calling down the dragon gods of rock to battle (of the bands) one another.
Me being me, I'm envisioning something a bit like Symphogear except with ridiculous rock dragons descending from the heavens (partial nudity warning for the video, kind of a magical girl transformation).
@trogdor It's pretty neat. It's about girls who control ancient techno-armor with their voices to fight an alien invasion. It could be a little too fanservicey for my taste at times, but I still enjoyed the first season and might watch more eventually.
It's like, you had this great fight scene (or whatever), you put all this work into it, it's got all this cool stuff going on, why are you drawing attention away from it?
(I decided that the Animetal version of the Rose of Versailles theme was the default feel for his raging song, because it totally fits his image. Imagine someone coming at you with a longsword while singing like this about things like ~roses dying beautifully~. AMAZING lung capacity.)
@BESW That's amazing. I really, really need to watch more Gravity Falls.
@BESW I love what I've seen, but it's been a very long time. Last I checked, there were no DVDs, and it wasn't on Netflix or Hulu or anywhere (but maybe that's changed). Hard for me to keep up with like that.
Looks like I can get it on Amazon streaming, but it's kind of expensive. The first season is only $25, but the second season is $46. $46 is a good collector's DVD set kind of price point... ah well. Hopefully DVDs will come out eventually.
@mxyzplk in re these comments I've just been responding and flagging for deletion. Since they're not using the chat room I can't ping them from there to try to drag the conversation into chat. If you've got any advice on how to better keep things clean without wasting you-all's time I'm all ears =)
@nitsua60 I think the standard line on that is to leave a comment saying "Let's take it to chat" with a link to the room and then not respond to them in comments anymore.
@eimyr vegetarian recipes--yup. Aahhh, that's why. I wasn't quite sure wherefore I was pinged; I couldn't remember divulging any of my views on lentils here =)
@eimyr that was a pretty excellent one. We should make up a playlist of all those bands... "Here we listen to some music that was, some music that is, and some music... that has not yet come to pass."
Seeing an eleventh answer come in makes me wonder: do we have a query for most-answered questions? I assume they're probably up there with top-voted questions?
@trogdor It's just like those ninja dragon riders. Which is ninjas riding dragons, but also riders of ninja dragons. Because you can't go wrong with dragons and with ninjas.
@nitsua60 if there needs to be proof of my character's specialty being bones (and tendons), I have "photographic" proof. I must warn people around here she's very scantily clad - risquée trapeze artist costume is what I would call it - and as such, not really safe for work.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):** [BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!"); [ENnies!](http://www.ennie-awards.com/blog/the-2016-voting-booth-is-now-live/ "The 2016 Voting Booth is Now Live!! -July 21-"); [fateSRD](https://plus.google.com/+Fatesrd_roleplaying_game/posts/ByEgqY1bEHn "Fate SRD has been updated with all the new content from Evil Hat’s Fate More KS.");
It's crunch time for the @EnoughSpaceAnth #kickstarter. Help bring this unique take on sci fi to life! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1638576966/enough-space-for-everyone-else-an-anthology
I will have to confirm with some native speakers whether it's common or at least not unknown. I stumbled upon it in a dictionary, and found it used to name a ton of blogs etc.
But the thing is, where “defenestration” is transparent (hur hur no pun intended, but recognized), “kokkerellen” is opaque to me as to why it should mean that/be built like that.