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@Pixie [wave] Heyo!
What's new?
oh wow
long time no see
@BESW Not too much. I'm not sure if I mentioned moving into a full time position at work when I was here last..? I got promoted recently since someone retired early. Other than that, fandoms ate me. How have you been?
@trogdor Heh, true.
hey, real life happens XD
and also consuming media
like Wizardry 8 has consumed most of my free time
Working a day job means falling asleep a lot in the evening, too. Yesterday I came home like, "It's the weekend! I'm going to respond to all the messages people sent me and play some video games!" Then I fell asleep at 7 PM or so and woke up at 4:30 AM like "..." xD
I've mostly been playing Danganronpa, and I'm practicing in King of Fighters 2002 UM and Skullgirls while I wait for the new KoF next month.
hey there @Pixie!
@Shalvenay Hey!
ah fighting games
I don't have my brother here to play those with me anymore, so I kinda have not done that in years XD
@Pixie just came back from my first con xD
@Shalvenay oooh how was that?
and which one?
@trogdor it's the main local convention around here, and it went pretty well
@Shalvenay Nice! Did you enjoy it?
Oh wait, I just saw trogdor asked more or less the same. xD
@Pixie saw some pretty sweet costume work -- hopefully I'll be able to get a cosplay ready for next year's event xD
@trogdor I haven't really done it in years myself, so I'm reeeeally out of practice. Relearning KoF is a bit frustrating. xD
@Shalvenay Nice! I'm thinking about what I want to do for my next one, in October. If nothing else, I'll probably throw together a Lorelei from Pokemon, and I'll likely do Shuu from Hatoful at least one day again, but I could also try to do something more adventurous.
I used to be ok at like, Tekken 4 and Soul Calibur all-of-the-ones-I-had
I was pretty decent at Soul Calibur. They were my sister's favorite, so we played together a lot.
And I was much better at KoF and Bloody Roar than I am now. xD
@Pixie yeah -- me cosplaying my EVE main I think will be a hoot -- I could see some real sparks flying (tip: don't dismissively handwave someone whose civilization is higher on the Kardashev scale than yours)
@Pixie I'm going to start running a Bubblegumshoe game!
@BESW Ooh, nice.
I don't have much happening on the RP front, but Exalted is starting up again soon (maybe tomorrow? or next week).
@Pixie cool. I'm going through a drought myself actually
but I have Traveller starting up-ish tomorrow with nitsua60
and also one of my D&D DMs is close to being ready to run a custom world of his
I am excited about one of the projects my friend is working on, but it won't be ready til some indeterminate point in the future, so I must wait. =w= He wants to do a queer tabletop podcast. I don't have many details yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
@BESW I didn't! I'll check it out. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can help, since I've done most of my gaming through friends and friends of friends for a long time now.
In fact, I would be pretty interested in good answers to this question. xD
Hmm. Might eventually be able to work up an answer that meets my own standards, but it's going to take some reflection. It just gets a whole lot harder once you step outside people you already know. I'll have to think about what I've done to minimize the issues while seeking and running games. It's also probably about time I look around again, 'cause I need more games. :P
What I've done in the past also gets a little more complicated since I spent probably more than half of my RP career not realizing/questioning my sexuality, which sometimes made it harder to pinpoint and deal with things that made me uncomfortable. I didn't quite realize I needed queer-friendly spaces, although I really, really did. xD So I wasn't able to be as up-front about it as I would be now.
Makes sense.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though.
On an entirely different note, Kirby + tabletop.
oh god
who allowed him in there
@trogdor He just got in. They couldn't stop him. He's mad with power.
he is impossible at parties
he eats all the food immediately and then spits it at everyone
@trogdor This made me laugh really hard because I didn't understand where you were going with it, but it just seemed like an excellent follow up to "he's mad with power."
well he has to be
he can literally steal other peoples powers by eating them
that kinda isn't going to leave you well adjusted
Yes. "All the food" includes "all the guests."
I wasn't even thinking of that one when I said it XD
I think we've got a new song in the style of They Might Be Giants.
> He just got in
They couldn't stop him
He's mad with power
He is impossible at parties
I am all for that XD
if only they would make that song
(if it weren't for like, copyright issues)
> He's eating all the food
He's eating all the guests
No one knows what to say
He's bad at small talk
interestingly, copyright just showed up in another chat I'm in; I replied with this
9 hours later…
needs one more VTC, no system specified: rpg.stackexchange.com/q/83881/1204
@Pixie Good to see you. Just yesterday I was (for reasons unknown) re-reading the "jerk" thread on meta and thought "gee, where's Pixie been these last couple months?" Glad to hear it's good things keeping you busy.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 [waves]
@Pixie hey again
@Pixie You do mean it is possible to learn fighting games from scratch?
@Zachiel Everybody starts somewhere. :P Though in my case, I actually started when I was 9 years old. I've just managed to forget everything I used to know. =w=
On a different kind of game: I had some more internet disconnections yesterday and I ended up trying to play the Witcher 2, easy mode. Every mission I try to do, I get killed. Selling all my potion recipes because "f-word consumables!" was a bad idea.
@Pixie speaking of games -- have you ever looked into Ex Anima?
@Zachiel Eek. Best of luck with it. My internet's been dicey as well lately. No fun.
Since I already asked something really similar in the past and got 0 answers in main chat - I'm going to turn a D&D timed adventure (end in 3 hours or fail) into a play by forum. Of course combats can now be measured in round and so can general interactions with the scenery, but searching for traps and secrets looks like something that could take the same time in-game whatever the starting point and an inane amount of rounds if someone started from the wrong tile.
@Shalvenay I haven't heard of it, I don't think.
@Pixie ah -- it's a rather different beast and I though you might appreciate it
@Pixie I have no idea if you know hearthstone, but there are "you must lose as few games as possible" modes. And disconnections count as a loss.
Ok I re-read that and it makes no sense. I mean the same amount of time at a table and a very different number of rounds in a play by forum where time is rounds-based
@Zachiel unconditionally? is it not possible in Hearthstone to deduce who is in a winning state at the time of the connection failure? what if some router pukes and drops both players in the bitbucket?
@Shalvenay It does look interesting. Not the kind of thing I normally play, but I might give it a shot sometime.
@Zachiel I've thought of trying Hearthstone, but I haven't yet. That is unfortunate, though. P:
@Zachiel So to clarify... you mean you're measuring the 3 hours in round times, IRL or online, but you think it would take less rounds IRL?
Or is it that you're measuring actual time IRL?
@Shalvenay It sometimes happened that I won games after a disconnection, Maybe the opponent had no chances to win, or he had disconnection problems as well, but what usually happens is that if you disconnect, you lose. So that one doesn0t disconnect on puropse, and to discourage disconnecting, you know.
VTC opinion based, 1 vote left: rpg.stackexchange.com/q/83883/1204
Usually the games askyou to use a three-hours timer and the players need to act fast in order to end the dungeon before time is off. This won't work in a play by forum: how do you measure it? Number of posts? The closest thing I can use is number of rounds.
At the table, saying "we search the whole wall" takes almost no time. It would be fine if it took the same number of rounds in the play by forum, but it's going to change wildly as players decide to searche all the wrong walls before checking the right one. It is an unfair loss of precious, scarce "time"
@doppelgreener VTCed, for different reasons
@Zachiel Yeah. I'm not sure how easily you're going to be able to adapt this because "x number of real-time hours" and "x number of in-game rounds" are measures of two different things. Number of posts isn't analogous either, I don't think.
@Pixie My idea was to find a time measurement that was applicable to all (virtual) tables just as real time is applicable to all (tabletop) tables
I do not care if the two do not perfectly align.
@Zachiel Ahh, so is the goal not to adapt a specific adventure, but figure out a method to have timed adventures?
@Zachiel Real-time days/weeks?
Number of posts? Assuming the forum has a cap on post length etc?
Although that is likely to go in the opposite direction, towards very careful weighting of options as opposed to frantic scrambling for actions, so actually not an option.
@Pixie well, in this case it is about adapting specific, existing adventures. I know very well that it would be easy to just remove search rolls from an adventure to eradicate the problem, but I want to keep the adventure as similar as possible to the original. But maybe, searching a wall only takes one round no matter the lenght in my forum game.
@Aether Too varied across groups based on the schedule of people
@Anaphory I tought about this too. But you know, this makes it hard to discuss back and forth about options, or has players suddenly declare lots of actions in a single post hoping to twist the timer, plus what you said already.
@Zachiel In that case, the first thing I would do is step away from the time and rely more directly on number of rounds. It might take some trial and error to figure out a round number that would make things challenging but doable, so you may want to test it out a couple times before you do an "official" run. I'd also do as you suggested and boil some actions down.
@Zachiel But the discussing back and forth is precisely that costs time at a real table as well, isn't it?
One thing that has to be said is that the original timer is meant to introduce some tension in the game, while the play by post timer would only be used as a measure of success.
Say, when someone is searching a wall in a room, they're automatically searching all walls, and it takes some-predetermined-number of rounds.
Or not part of a wall, but the whole wall.
@Pixie This is a good idea. Searching the wrong place is no more a problem, because everyone who tries it spends the same amount of time. I do agree on the trial and error, but that's why I'm trying to run a test game
@Anaphory another good point.
@Zachiel A test game is definitely a good idea. That way, you can see what places people get hung up on/take much longer than they do IRL, and figure out if you need to condense those actions.
I guess I will divide the rounds spent in rounds of combat, exploration and interaction and keep a table ready to see which values fluctuate the most among groups.
@Zachiel Whatever you try, a real-time timer leads to an entirely different type of tension than some other conceivable ways of putting pressure on the players. So I would start thinking about what kind of pressure or tension I consider the most important, and then wonder how I can model that in a forum.
@Anaphory As I said, I'm not sure I want to apply some pressure other than succeed/fail
That answer does not fit what I meant with my comment, so what do you mean? I'll try to put what I meant in other words, as well.
Or I should reread your comment and try to understand it differently! That works as well!
@Anaphory Is that what you did? Did it work?
I think so.
Now I need to think what that means for possible suggestions.
I first read your “measure of success” as “I want the pressure not to come from a frantic scrambling towards the end, but from different runs of the game competing with each other, succeeding better or worse, and I want a measure reflecting this better or worse”.
Well, not entirely.
I got that now.
But in the original play style, when the timer is up and you have not succeeded, you have failed, as well, haven't you? So what's the difference between the pressure in the real vs. the pressure in the virtual game?
I mean, I want a timer to be there and I need to compare several adventures to figure out what this timer might be and how long it should be allowed to run before shouting "time is out!", but I do not aim to replicate the same "quick, quick! Make bad choinces and risk because there's no time to think" of the original game, because play by forum is slow and it kills this kind of thrill, or worse it spreads over a long time making people worry between posts.
That makes sense.
I've had my share of time where I was worried about what would happen next in D&D and it monopolized my mind, and I think it's bad for one's health.
I'm spending far too much time these days trying to get some copies of a LARP prop done to contradict you there. Even without worrying or anxiety, I should have slept more some nights.
anyone missed me?
@eimyr Me. My aim is really bad.
As a matter of fact, yes, I wondered about pinging you earlier.
Hail Hydra.
that or holidays.
Hail Holidays.
My guinea pigs couldn't care less though.
So what's the chat been up to?
Since about when?
Also, I should invent something that I might have for dinner, so I'll be afk for a bit.
last week
@Anaphory do you take suggestions?
@eimyr So far, I'm boiling potatoes and have a few bits of broccoli that I decided will go in there. Anything from there, yes!
(Subject to availability of ingredients, unfortunately.)
Into the taters?
You're mad.
What else do you have?
I mean, if I had tats and broccoli, I'd steam broccoli to crispness
Sweet peppers, sour cream, old beetroot, chickpeas, brroad beans, cheese,
this screams falafel
though if you already have broccoli...
Falafel are on for tomorrow.
shame you've already started boiling potatoes.
Could stick them in the fridge and fry them up at another time.
are you vegetarian?
Yes, outside Christmas and LARP, essentially.
how does that sound to you?
Silesian dumplings (Polish: kluski śląskie, Silesian: gumiklyjzy, Silesian German: schläsche Kließla, Klöße, Polish: kluski śląskie) are potato dumplings with a small depression in the center. They are very popular in Silesia and in neighboring regions. Also called białe kluski ("white dumplings/noodles"). == Preparation == The dough for white dumplings is made of boiled and then mashed potatoes (moderately cooled, but still warm), potato flour and a little bit of salt. The ratio of potatoes and flour is about 3:1 or 4:1. In some recipes, a whole egg may be added to the dough (this helps shaping...
What do you eat them with?
they are usually eaten as starchy side to some sort of goulash or other sauce-rich meat side
Don't have any mushrooms, tofu, veg meat, aubergine, courgette or anything I would use for that thing.
If you're vegetarian I'd grab mushrooms, onions and whatever non-starchy veg you can spare, boil them to... right.
But it's good to have another member of the gnocchi/Schupfnudel/potato dumpling family in mind.
It's much like gnocchi but more soft and chewy
sticky texture goes well with sauces, but they are a bit dry on their own
Oh, from the last week, I think Conan the Librarian, the youtube link pinned on the right, is the most relevant chat result.
@eimyr That's what I thought.
peppers, tomatoes (lots of both), onions, perhaps fresh cucumber sounds like a good beginning of a en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lecs%C3%B3
It's actually my favourite summer dish, though I add kielbasa as main meaty ingredient for smoky, rich flavour.
That sounds like something very much to keep in mind! And next time I should ask you before I start cooking.
I'm just inspired at this moment. I'm not usually this imaginative.
It's BESW who keeps a log of his dishes on RPG.SE
My cooking in general is strongly governed by what my weekly organic veg bag contains, but I love trying to cook new things.
@eimyr When I was thinking about food earlier, I was thinking about pinging him, but then I thought that my available ingredients are of the type where I should just look at them, start cooking some, and then think what else to add.
@eimyr I think I've eaten something like that when in.... was it in Prague or in Budapest? Too starchy for my tastes. Bread and pasta being what we usually eat here in Italy (and gnocchi, but gnocchi are somewhat different in texture and taste)
Normally when I go shopping I get what I think I need plus a random thing that keeps well which I have no idea yet what I'll use it for.
@Zachiel My bet's with Prague.
I usually shop for specific dishes.
But I haven't lived in this place long enough yet to have done that often enough to look into my cupboard and think “Oh, these two things look fancy, what do I do with that?”
@eimyr I very rarely do.
The chickpeas are such a random buy. The broad beans are from my veg box. So, tomorrow I'll do some specific shopping and get the rest of stuff I need for falafel, like fresh parsley and mint and stuff.
Yes, you said. Haven't made them for some time, and never with cooked potatoes, so I'm strongly considering it!
Take a look at the placki ziemniaczane with cottage cheese and sour cream with chives, herbs and summer veg relish
the idea is to peel and shred raw taters, add an egg and some cornflour (salt, pepper) and fry them in deep-ish oil on a pancake.
I do know my Reibekuchen and Rösti, that's very similar.
For the cottage cheese relish I'd strongly recommend sharp-tasting veg, like horseradish, bell pepper, cucumber (the small, gnarly kind)
@Anaphory what are your thoughts on cabbage?
Cabbage is nice! Decided that I'm getting very hungry, so potatos, broccoli and a pepper go into a pan to be (re-)fried and eaten with a bunch of oil, herbs and spices.
I'll make a Pole out of you.
… vegetarian.
Are you ready to deal with Grandma?
Because that's what it takes to be a vegetarian Pole.
Can I visit Babcia only on christmas? As mentioned, that's when I'm not vegetarianing that hard.
Major mistake.
As a matter of fact, Wigilia is strictly vegetarian.
So that would not be an issue, as Babcia's feeding frenzy will be soothed by then.
It is the other times, such as Every Sunday that she might object.
We can swap those, it's not a matter of principle that it's christmas, it's just that that's the time when I'm home and fancy food is cooked and as a matter of principle, I value the cook's pride more than moping about food choices.
@eimyr … with mushrooms, mushroom gravy and red cabbage. How do you make red cabbage? Cut finely, soak for a day, cook with apple, cloves, vinegar?
depends on your angle...
you can also do it with a bit of vinegar and well-soaked raisins instead
but your recipe sounds good
HOWEVER! You must beware whether the red cabbage in question is to be fresh or preserved
or perhaps SOURED
I generally cook from fresh.
Leczo with potato pancakes an option?
you'll spoil both
leczo is best with a fresh baguette or some other fluffy white bread
placki wouldn't suffer, as you can't really spoil them, but they already hold the smokey frying flavour, you don't need anymore
So for them, the “cottage cheese relish: sharp-tasting veg, like horseradish, bell pepper, cornichons” which is an interesting thing I haven't tried even remotely?
the proportions I would recommend is for every 300g of cottage cheese 3-4 horseradish, half a pepper and half a cucumber is probably enough\
alternatively placki are great with the same cottage cheese but without veg and with jam or honey instead, blackcurrant or other tangy jam would be best
I know horseradish in large roots or as prepared glasses. Neither would I want to take 3 or 4 of to a mid-sized pack of cottage cheese.
oh, and not cornichons or pickles - the sour taste might not interact best with (truth be told) quite bitter cottage cheese. just fresh ones are fine
Ah! That's a very important comment.
oh shit
no wait
that's not horseradish
my English betrayed me
while you could use horseradish (I recommend) as a condiment on top, I was thinking of regular radish
The radish (Raphanus sativus) is an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. Radishes are grown and consumed throughout the world, being mostly eaten raw as a crunchy salad vegetable. They have numerous varieties, varying in size, flavor, color, and length of time they take to mature. Radishes owe their sharp flavor to the various chemical compounds produced by the plants, including glucosinolate, myrosinase, and isothiocyanate. They are sometimes grown as companion plants and suffer from few pests and diseases. They germinate quickly...
the red bits
Ah, those.
Ẃhat's the even bigger thing called then…
ha, not like daikon, the european kind
@eimyr That may be a thing Polish workers took to the Ruhrpott. I know potatoe pancakes with twarog and sugar beet syrup was a favourite food of my dad's when he was little.
for the cheese avoid the ones with added cream - you're looking for crumbly, dry-ish cheese that doesn't run. The veg juices will thin it sufficiently and if not, add some cream yourself. It's not a supposed to be a spread, but rather a mash-like texture.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Quark or twarog, not whatever the British and Dutch think cottage or soft cheese should be like.
cooktoria.com/recipe/creamy-cucumber-radish-salad - e.g. this one is overdone on veg and with a creamy cottage chees, not quark
don't forget the chives/spring onion
Duly noted.
I'm pampered for attention here.
I like trying and combining (… what would one use instead of bechamel sauce in a leczo lasagna?…) new food things far too much to not pay attention.
Chilli sauce goes well with leczo
about the leek thing, I use different proportions. 2-3 leeks (depending on the size), 6 sour cucumbers (gherkins, not cornichons or pickles, the ones that are soured by fermentation not by being dipped in vinegar), 4 large eggs, standard size can of green peas, about 300-400g of cheese (emmental, edam, gouda or salami) and 150g of mayo. finely chop everything, season with salt and pepper, mix well (and now important) leave in the fridge overnight. Eat with fresh bread.
well-filling, long time supper/breakfast favourite, could be good for dinner as well.
Breakfast is the only thing where I tend to eat – and not mind – the same thing every day. Müesli with oats, raisins, seeds and some kind of fruit, yoghurt when I haven't forgotten to buy any.
Dunno how I manage to eat that every day, when for all other meals I find the idea to eat the same thing again the meal after abhorrent.
@eimyr You mean the one that starred in DragonBall, yes?
haven't seen DB, can't comment
Some characters are called after vegetables. Radish is one of them.
Do they share any characteristics?
(I assume edibility isn't one?)
1 hour later…
@Anaphory I have no idea. We have kaharot (carrot), radish, vegeta(ble), (vege)table, (as)paragus, broly (broccoli), several anagrams of japanese names of vegetables... and their evil boss is called Freezer. >_>
2 hours later…
My digital battlegrid is taking form :)
A door is always a good thing
Seems to be a nice software
@WilliamMariager what software?
How do you quote a message? Since he said "My digital battlegrid is taking form :)" I assume he is coding it, and what you see is work in progress
37 secs ago, by Nyakouai
How do you quote a message? Since he said "My digital battlegrid is taking form :)" I assume he is coding it, and what you see is work in progress
@Nyakouai Use the dropdown menu on the message to get a permalink. When a link to a chat message is the only content of a chat message, chat will onebox it for you.
> How do you quote a message? Since he said "My digital battlegrid is taking form :)" I assume he is coding it, and what you see is work in progress
@Nyakouai Alternatively, you can use the quote formatting from main: "> " (The space is important!)
Note that when quoting like this, the quote has to be the only content of the message.

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