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@nitsua60 [wave]
I'm not quite so present these days during your peak hours as I usually am, but I sitll want to be able to answer your practical questions.
hey there @nitsua60
3 hours later…
Well that's a little weird - an edit made over a week ago just came up in the Reopen queue.
@Miniman Edit 2: Review Queue Boogaloo.
@Miniman The question has "reopen (1)" on it, so that reopen vote probably tossed it into the queue
I'm confused on how to act on that review myself. On one hand, the questions we asked them in comments have been answered relatively thoroughly. On the other hand, it's like someone picked up Fate and said "this game's pretty cool, I think it's perfect for what I want. Only I don't really like fate points, or aspects, and these skills are pretty lame, and stunts aren't great either."
@doppelgreener I thought about that, but it definitely showed the edit as the reason for review, not the "nominated for reopening" message that you normally get when someone kicks it off with a vote.
@doppelgreener Also, I voted to stay closed - it's clear what he's asking, but I think "How can I make this system behave completely differently to normal?" is still a very broad question.
@Miniman mm, if it gets reopened it might wind up closed again for that reason
I disagree.
He's pretty clear, I think, about what effect he wants.
He explains what he's dissatisfied with, and what he wants to see.
Absolutely - I said that just above.
It's clear, just that the kind of effect he's talking about is going to involve large, wide-ranging changes to the system.
So, given the specificity of the question, the only way I can see it being too broad is that it'd take a small book to answer.
Maybe not a small book, but it seems to me that an essay is likely.
that's not a close reason though
we do have essays
too broad is "too long for this format" which literally means "the answer won't fit in our answer field"
@doppelgreener so what, all they actually like is the idea of collaboration? because I don't see anything else that is left after that XD
@trogdor idk man
@trogdor There was something about the setting...
@Miniman which Fate setting was it?
@trogdor Oh, I meant the actual question.
@BESW oooooh ok
I was really confused at first when you said that XD
I don't see this question making noise in that sense: it needs a lot of text to address a very specific problem, while "too broad" is for cases where you need a lot of text to address a very unfocused problem.
@BESW I can see your point, and I don't disagree with it - I'm having trouble articulating the exact problem I see with the question.
Oh, I think it's best answered with a frame challenge. It's not a great question.
But I don't think it's too broad, and I'm not sure it's got any other reason to close it either. It's just weird.
@BESW Off-topic because in heavy disguise?
...That way lies madness.
I know, that was .
I'm sure a ton of folks have experience with aggressive *World hacks to accomplish things the Apocalypse Engine was never intended to do.
I say let's see if any of that experience can be brought to bear on the situation.
@Miniman I suspect the best answer would be a game-rec answer. Which is still totally legit, we just can't ask game-rec questions. It'd show why hacking *World to fit the querent's needs is formidable to the point of self-flagellation, and then point to a couple of other systems that do it better out of the box.
@BESW (savage worlds, not an apocalypse world game)
(this is confusing to me too)
Sorry, I get them mixed up every other time.
Oh, hey, people who play Fate are here, what a pleasant surprise. I've redesigned the Brainstorm mechanic, and was hoping you could offer your thoughts.
I have +2 on my roll to create an advantage with Opinions, so I can't add a thought to the brainstorm this round.
Prognosis: doubtful?
So, first. What was wrong with the original? It was (IMO) too structured, interrupting the natural flow of the scene. It was strangely antagonistic, with PCs fighting each other to be right. It front-loaded the reward in the form of a weirdly applied self-compel, then used up 3 successful CA actions to give you one meager invocation on the resulting aspect. My players said it almost felt like punishment.
Some of this can be alleviated by having something other than the brainstorm happening at the same time, with PCs choosing what to contribute to each turn, but that doesn't always work out.
I do agree that the antagonism hasn't thrilled me.
Anyways, Brainstorm 2.0: a mystery is encountered and brainstorm is initiated as before. There are 3 facts to establish, with typical difficulties of +3, +5, and +7. The facts are aspects that can be invoked only on establishing further facts. If the party manages to get all three checks in one round, good for them. Once all three facts are there, together determine how it all fits together, resulting in a solved mystery aspect with 3 invokes.
Each round after the first, one of the PCs has to invoke their own aspect to give the group permission to keep pondering the mystery. A different angle they bring into it.
Possibly even the first, not sure.
One thing I've been after is a way to stretch brainstorms out over multiple scenes/sessions, to turn it into a full mystery investigation mechanic.
Like, requiring whole scenes or sessions to position the PCs to be able to make the next check.
This isn't that. And I'm a bit wary of session-wide mechanical structures, those tend to be clunky.
No argument there. It's probably a pipe dream.
Another angle to take on brainstorming I've been thinking about lately is the Danger Patrol Pocket Edition's section on danger.
> Then tell the other players what’s dangerous about your move and grab 1 or 2 danger dice (d6). Is there more danger? Each player can tell you another dangerous thing and give you an additional danger die (up to a total of 5 danger dice). Now roll all your dice to see how it turns out!
It's a straight-up invitation to each player to add something to the scene.
What's the incentive to add dice?
You need at least six successes (4 or better) on a single roll to defeat a threat.
Rolling 3 or under adds danger going forward, but doesn't keep you from stopping the current threat.
@BESW @Magician The antagonism has lead to people "ceding" to each other, as well. "Okay, sure, we both rolled about equal, we can pump in a lot of fate points, I have something I really want to say but I guess I'll let you have it."
I prefer the Mission Briefing mechanic; it's more like DP:PE's danger dice.
@Magician [catching up] Invoking for effect, I see.
Both of them are adding to an established scenario, not inventing a new thing, but I like to think their philosophy can be brought to bear on brainstorming.
@BESW Honestly I think this is just "playing out a mystery story, with a focus on discovering things." You don't need a particular structure like brainstorms to tell you "okay, I think with these clues I'd like to create an advantage" and now you have the next stage of the mystery.
@BESW I just realised that if you nearly defeat a threat and leave 5 dice around for the next person to use... they have 5 dice which might result in 2-3 danger. :D
@BESW Mission Briefing?
@BESW it is a pretty nice mechanic to enforce some PC ideas being added into sessions, among some other things
Apr 14 at 10:22, by BESW
The RPG's expansion Majestic 12 has a Mission Briefing mechanic released as part of the ARRPG OGL.
> Mission briefings, like brainstorms, give players a concrete way to collectively steer the narrative. However, instead of answering the question “What’s going on here?”, a mission briefing asks the players “What stands between you and your objective?”
During a mission briefing, the players take turns inventing expected obstacles and resistance they expect their characters to face in the course of achieving their goal. They also indirectly tell the GM what sorts of things they’d like to do during the mission by choosing what skills will be especially relevant. This also generates a supply
(It will be added to fate-srd.com as soon as the site's curator has time in his life again.)
Good morning.
We've only done mission briefings once or twice, but I really liked it as a GM.
@lisardggY Yawp.
@lisardggY good morning to you good sir
Hello, Guamamites.
@lisardggY Ah, Guamamites. Eternal enemies of Vegemites.
Both of which are orthogonal to Mennonites.
@Magician Everyone still remembers the dreaded Yeast Wars of the South Pacific.
@lisardggY The pacific ocean is still 33% fermented
it'll take years to sober up those fish
@lisardggY Why not Guamites?
@Miniman More fun that way.
Reduplication in linguistics is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word (or part of it) or even the whole word is repeated exactly or with a slight change. Reduplication is used in inflections to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality, intensification, etc., and in lexical derivation to create new words. It is often used when a speaker adopts a tone more "expressive" or figurative than ordinary speech and is also often, but not exclusively, iconic in meaning. Reduplication is found in a wide range of languages and language groups, though its level of linguistic...
TIL that there's an official grammatical term for the construction "Curiouser and curiouser."
@Miniman What is it?
@lisardggY "Comparative reduplication."
About two-fifths of the way down the page.
Oh, I skipped to the Hebrew and the Australopacific languages.
Hmm. Shm-reduplication is enough of a thing to warrant its own page.
@lisardggY Own page, shmown page.
It's not like Wiki is exactly fussy about the thingness of articles.
English-language wikipedia, anyway.
Hebrew wikipedia is a whole 'nother barrel of fish.
Um. So. @BESW @doppelgreener any obvious issues with my brainstorm rework?
@Magician lol
The invokes on our facts have a clear role, which is good. Our brainstorm results in three free invocations which is frankly fantastic - our investigation has some guaranteed lasting advantage and relevance for us beyond "we know what the thing was".

"If the party manages to get all three checks in one round, good for them" makes it sound like three different players can just branch out and each create one fact (one for the difficulty 3 fact, one for difficulty 5, one for difficulty 7). That makes sense to me. It sounds like if there's five players, there might still be competition over on
"Once all three facts are there, together determine how it all fits together, resulting in a solved mystery aspect with 3 invokes."

I like the free-form approach of the party simply talking it out, as that's what had ended up happening anyway when we brainstormed.
I've noticed one problematic effect of brainstorms that comes up from time to time: players buying in who aren't sure how to actually contribute. It's possible to have a scene where things are going on other than the brainstorm: we had a fight where Jessie Farman was distracting some spider-bots, while the rest of the team self-compelled themselves into a brainstorm about what was going on, and notably, self-compelled themselves out of the fight. They couldn't help Jessie for four rounds.
It's easy to have a scene where there's nothing to do except brainstorm. So, naturally, everyone buys into it. But one or two players - sometimes myself - can't imagine how we can really justify contributing.
I often come up with something though if I'm forced by a good die roll, so maybe that's just OK?
@Magician Okay, cool. So we talk and share our theories about what it is, then decide on something together?
And in a group of 5 people, someone wouldn't have an idea on how to contribute and someone will fail the roll and we'll still get our facts established. If the rolls are good, we could get them on the first 3 actions, in which case, jolly good job, moving on to the next scene.
Not that different from a Challenge.
@Magician Yeah, sounds great. One person's fine with sitting out because the whole thing could be over in a minute, and they could actually still contribute to creating the hypothesis. "Hold on a minute, this all sounds an awful lot like this thing I once read about in a botany book!"
Not sure if buying into this brainstorm is needed at all - it's mostly there so you can choose to fail - a notable feature of the original rules.
I'd be okay with that too. I figured the self-compel was largely just an excuse for giving the players fate points to spend in the brainstorm, but I won't miss it.
I'd still do away with "someone has to invoke something to justify continuing" though.
Oh, wait. Unless that invoke can come from free invokes on facts?
Hmmmm. Maybe? I dunno, I liked the idea of tying the PCs' specialties to the scene.
Okay, something to playtest and ask about.
But yeah, it's a clunky extra bit to remember, distracting from what the scene is actually about and forcing players to think about fate point economy and whether they want to spend to get the check now, or spend to have a whole round later. Out it goes, I think.
I'm not sure how I'd go with the notion that someone has to pay up a fate point so everyone can continue. Diffusion of responsibility might also mean everyone thinks everyone else should be the one to pay. Sounds... counter-productive to getting their heads in the game and working together as a group having fun together, and a potential for upset? ("I'm always paying the extra fate points just 'cause I'm a science guy, someone else do it.")
But that could just be me worrying about it and it could turn out to be fine in practice.
@doppelgreener I think it'd work fine in our group, but that's a good point in general.
@Magician Have someone just say why they're still able to ponder and investigate, if it's important to have that. :)
Unlike a Challenge, investigation and thinking is not usually fraught with peril, so failure on a roll or three doesn't normally result in disaster/move things forward. Absent an external pressure, there's nothing stopping the party from slowly and methodically rolling their way through this brainstorm. A cost to each round solves that.
Something to try either way.
@Magician If you want to introduce a cost to taking multiple turns to solve the mechanic, people are going to try and slam-dunk it in the first round, and they won't be able to use their free invokes on their facts on anything because there won't be later rounds to use them on. :P
I'd alternately suggest that a complication gets introduced by unsolved facts, but that would also add pressure to solve everything immediately.
This could be fine if that's the desired gameplay result.
Well, I think it makes sense to try and solve things rather than muling about.
Sure, yes.
Give players a maximum of 2 or 3 rounds to solve the thing in that case. If you go for 2 rounds, difficulties of 3/5/7 are good - people will try to knock down the 3 and the 5 quickly, and team up on the second round and use their previously-established facts' free invocations for the 7.
I think this whole thing is overcomplicated, but there's bits I'm struggling to simplify.
I'm getting nebulous notions that aren't quite word-ready yet, much less formed into coherent structures.
Maybe require a fact needs to have been established that round to continue to the next? Otherwise, the team has sat around too long without progress and has hit a wall (narratively and figuratively)?
Okay, so what I've got are some questions about structure, form, and goals.
(Which essentially leads to @doppelgreener's solution in practice...)
(1) Is it okay to finish a brainstorm without an answer to the question which triggered it?
(2) Does everyone in the group need to participate?
(3) Should the conclusion be determined by a single person?
(3) Is participation reward enough, or is a mechanical benefit for success necessary?
(5) Is brainstorming interesting enough to stand on its own?
(6) What happened to four?
(7) What kind of question does brainstorming answer, and how specific/limited/broad can/should it be?
Something that occurred to me is that the final hypothesis roll, once settled, says "everyone shut up and listen to this player. They have the right and privilege of saying what's going on."

*Without* a hypothesis roll, well... game groups tend to have louder people and quieter people, and they sometimes have people who will let others walk all over them, and they sometimes have people who are happy to walk all over others to get what they want. The hypothesis roll is an equalizer: "NAY!" it says. "NONE OF YE SHALL BE THE ONES TO SPEAKE, EXCEPTETH IF THOU ART THE ONE WHO SUCCEEDS ON THE HY
(8) What role should randomisation have?
(8b) Is there anything about brainstorms that obviously shouldn't have randomisation?
Damn. Looks like I've started a good discussion, but have to run. Apologies. Will read (much) later tonight.
In our game group, it's quite probable Ben and Raycia would loudly discuss the hypothesis, you @BESW would sit back out of concern you don't want to domineer the game, you @trogdor would be quietly processing things and might not find your chance to speak up before the group's apparently decided on something, Dan might be too shy to say anything at all or say anything like "hold on I have an idea", I would be struggling to be heard over Ben and Raycia. :P
The hypothesis roll at that point is pretty helpful.
It also says who gets to win when two theories are in conflict and the group can't decide for various reasons.
@doppelgreener yeah, they are great to have in the group with all of their energy, but that can also be an issue XD
I've got notions toward a different structure for brainstorming, but I want to see discussion about these questions while it percolates.
@BESW An alternate resolution mechanic stemming from this is the Hypothesis roll happens, one person says what the Hypothesis is, then each player can insert an additional tidbit (an "and" or "but") if they can think of something interesting that relates to what's already known.
@doppelgreener I'm working on something combining Danger Patrol and Mission Briefing.
But with an added anti-goblin-dice twist.
@BESW I will look forward to seeing the draft once you're comfortable sharing it.
@BESW Four is a doppelganger!
But which one's the real three..?
Working on a DnD 5e homebrew class, anyone feel like helping me if I spinball a bit? Need someone to keep me from making it too powerful
@Eidolon108 I'd enjoy that!
@Miniman Here's what i've got so far. It's supposed to be a half-caster class that gets spellcasting kind of like a warlock, as well as some invocation-like thingies flavored as runes. Haven't done the rune-invocations yet, just fleshing out the archetypes. PDF incoming
bah, looks like it got JPG'd
let me upload it elsewhere
yeah it's unintelligible :'(
Here's a dropbox link
Also haven't done the spell list, but would appreciate any advice on what spells to put on it / limit from it. Would definitely want things like magic weapon / elemental weapon and any glyph spells, but spells like Fireball or Burning Hands might be kinda questionable.
@Eidolon108 Re: Rune Weapon, in past editions, class features that are bound completely to one individual specific weapon have been generally regarded as so problematic as to be garbage. This is a class where that's a primary feature. You have a section on transferring the runes, which is good, but the ability to do that is so fundamental that I would make it just be a thing you can do (like a wizard changing their spells) and it is not at the GM's option.
Your section also talks about "transferring the runes" - I suggest you might instead want to say something like "bestow runes upon a new weapon", which neatly accounts for the scenario where the old weapon has been destroyed or lost (plot/GM said so, or it was stolen and they can't get it back now, etc) and the runeseeker hero of the story finds a new one to make his own.
That makes sense. I wasn't anticipating destroying the weapon since I'll be DMing for the player i'm designing this for, but on principle that's definitely a good point.
So, a few thoughts: Having both Cantrips and Extra Attack is a fairly rare combination in 5e. I don't think it's dangerous or overpowered in any way, but it is pretty unusual.
Yeah. If this is something you distribute, something to bear in mind.
Given the issues connected to being tied to weapons I'd even consider just loosening up and saying: "After a long rest, you can bestow a weapon with runes. They fade off the old weapon, if it still exists." Okay, now you've got a guy who can use a sword as his Rune Weapon today, and a Mace tomorrow if it's needed then, and then switch back to the sword later; the sword didn't crumble after all 'cause that isn't a thing. (@Miniman what do you think of this? You're more 5e-savvy than me.)
Giving a spellcaster proficiency in Constitution saving throws makes them much less likely to lose concentration - not overpowered, but definitely powerful.
@doppelgreener There's very few situations where switching your weapon is a useful thing to do, so I'm not too fussed either way.
Like, if you know you're going to be fighting a bunch of skeletons, then yeah, it's nice to be using a bludgeoning weapon.
But that's the only example I can think of.
@Miniman Ah, I hadn't even considered the Con saving throw for concentration, very good
@Eidolon108 The Sorcerer is the only spellcaster who gets it atm, (I'm not counting the Eldritch Knight), and I know a few people consider it one of the Sorcerer's main features. Just something to be aware of.
@Miniman Cool, okay. Up to a matter of what kind of feel you want to give the class then.
@Eidolon108 Ok, so. Finished reading, and the thing is. This class has a lot of features. Like, a lot.
There's no individual feature I'd point to and say is too powerful.
But it gets all these things, it's going to get some version of warlock invocations, and it's also going to get spellcasting?
@Miniman Yeah, I can hear that. I'm a little worried about it being bloated as well. The original homebrew my buddy sent me was even worse, but I liked the idea. What do you think should give?
@doppelgreener I've got a really rough draft for an alternate structure. I'm not sure if I like all of it, but it's definitely... different.

 Fate chat and game room

Good questions raised here should hit the main site too! Fudge...
@Eidolon108 I'm not sure. I'd definitely go through it side by side with the Paladin - I think that's the most similar class, and the Paladin is in a pretty good place balance-wise.
Oh yeah, one other thing you might want to consider is what it means for your weapon to have blindsight while you don't.
@Miniman I think I'm going to keep cramming features in until I'm done, and then do that and eliminate them or boil them down. I might just completely remove spellcasting in favor of invocations, would have to change some things like the elemental burst
@Miniman Yeah, since the weapon can only communicate with emotions at first it's less useful, but once it has telepathy it's basically like having blindsight
@Eidolon108 Do you still have disadvantage when attacking an invisible target? I'd assume yes, but you'll need to have an answer ready when it comes up.
@Miniman Oooh, good point
@Eidolon108 I'd definitely be inclined towards scrapping spellcasting - it's not nearly as thematic as customised features. I'd also be inclined to convert some of the existing features into invocations.
@Miniman Thanks to you and @doppelgreener for the feedback, I'll probably be back on friday or saturday with some revisions.
@Eidolon108 Sounds good! I'm generally around.
@Miniman Will point out, just in case - an alternative is "at 7th level, you gain blindsight while holding your rune weapon." Either flavour works, but this one might be more straightforward for players.
@doppelgreener More straightforward, but also more powerful.
@Miniman fair point, though I imagine it playing out more or less identically at the table.
Oh, wait, ability to use blindsight with targeting.
2 hours later…
I found the GM's notes from the practice FATE game we played to get a feel for the mechanics.
1. Frozen north with barbarians
2. Evil people doing lab experiments
3. John Cena
4. Law Enforcement
...your GM had notes? [grin]
These were the game elements that we introduced while creating characters, I think.
Ah, that's excellent.
But yeah, it does seem like these games make the GM come up with a lot on the fly.
The first time we tried Fate, I said, "Fill in the blanks: one of you is a Gunslinging ____ and the other is a Martial _____."
We wound up with a Gunslinging clown and a Martial mime being ambushed by a mafia hit man in a roadside bar.
The clown used squirt guns to ruin the hit man's well-tailored suit.
@BESW Hello
@eimyr Wot snu?
Not much, what's updog?
"Updog" is a commonly documented but poorly understood canid gravitic anomaly.
Should that be part of your Weird World game?
I lost a book title.
I'm very unhappy about it.
Oh dear. Where did you see it last?
Did you check under the couch?
It's just the title.
I was planning to buy this book and never did and now I can't remember the title - or Author for that matter.
Well, where did you learn about the book? What do you remember about it?
I had it written down, but that is definitely not under the couch
It's a history book, strictly non-fiction, about courts in Medieval Europe.
The author is alive and published more than this one book, read by reenactor community eagerly.
The author has a Wikipedia page, but the book does not seem to.
[pokes Internet]
Recently published?
> "Nobles, Knights, and Men-At-Arms in the Middle Ages."
Maurice Hugh Keen. 1996, Hambledon Pr; ISBN 1852850876. 14 essays originally published between 1962 and 1993 covering ideas of chivalry and warfare and the relationship between them, including brotherhood-in-arms, courtly love, crusades, heraldry, knighthood, tournaments, and plunder.
@eimyr We're talking royalty-court, not legal system-court, right?
@lisardggY correct.
> "The History of Chivalry & Armor With Descriptions of The Feudal System, The Practices of Knighthood, The Tournament & Trials By Single Combat"
Kottenkamp, Dr. F. trans: Lowy, the Rev A.. Portland House NY 1988. ISBN 0-517-67107-7. Over 174 pgs, 60 color plates, 4 foldouts. Despite the promising title this work presents only a compilation of colorful period prints from jousting and heraldry.
Oh, there is another bit - the book is written in English and the author (I think) is a Brit.
The list I've got right now is a bit heavy on the "arms & armour" so I'll move on in a moment.
Yeah, that was definitely not a warfare kind of book
> The Princely Court: Medieval Courts and Culture in North-West Europe, 1270-1380
by Malcolm Vale
That's all I can give right now.
Alright, thank you very much!
My search keywords included: ~medieval court ~reenact resource reference bibliography
Mostly I was angling for lists of recommended reading.
(Not trying to get the book itself in a search result)
Anyway, these lists have some very good resources
and The Princely Court looks like a good substitute, save for its £70 price tag
And if you get a little time, I'd like input on the mechanic I've drafted in the Fate room.
@BESW DO you havea direct link?
I'll repost.

 Fate chat and game room

Good questions raised here should hit the main site too! Fudge...
(Input from others is, of course, also welcome.)
2 hours later…
Long time no see
How has everyone been?
i been sleepy as of a few minutes ago, and should go tend to that!
but i've been alright.
Same here.
I stayed up a bit too late last night so I'm sleepy myself
Why are Nazi Zombies such a compelling idea?
Because they have so many trouble aspects.
@eimyr Are they?
@Miniman Are they not?
@eimyr I mean, I don't find them particularly compelling. There's some game developers who do, obviously.
Nazis and zombies are two of the contemporary age's remaining "acceptable targets."
If you're looking for guiltless violence, they're common go-tos.
There are also various social patterns which make them apt reflections of the societal subconscious--a rise of authoritarian nationalism, of polarising mob mentality, of fears of physical and ideological infection, etc.
And speculative fiction is most successful when it reflects unspoken fears and passions of the society which consumes it.
@BESW Did you just say that being bitten by a Nazi Zombie might turn you into a zombie or a Nazi?
That's golden plot point. Authoritarian nationalism as a bite-transmitted disease like zombie-ism, but instead of becoming a mindless non-human you start to see others as such.
Have you seen BrainDead?
Just Dead Snow
It's a new TV show about alien parasites that take over politicians' brains and turn them into radical partisan bigots.
I just read the description.
It's kinda... on the nose.
Also, it has MAry Elizabeth Winstead AND Tony Shalhoub.
@BESW Do they have an uncanny resemblance to the world's worst toupee?
@Miniman Not quite that on the nose.
@BESW Well, you can't have everything.
It's set in contemporary 2016, though, so the actual US presidential candidates get name-checked regularly.
Really though, in modern narrative application both zombism and Nazism are shorthand for "infectious inhumanity." That makes it ripe for all kinds of use and abuse.
(See: The recent "Hail Hydra" kerfuffle.)
@BESW (I think I need to invent a punctuation mark for whenever I ask a serious question expecting insight to differentiate from times when the question is rhetoric and aimed at generating some amusement)
I'm thinking of Zalgo.
So how goes?
a fellow WoD fan
Yea, my first RPG :)
My 2nd
I mean technically it's my second. I had a one time encounter with D&D at the same High School RPG club.
Have you tried Mage: the Ascention? puts on the campaigning hat
But it was terrible and lasted one session. Basically the DM had all the new players create a character, keeping in mind this was Pathfinder so it took most of the three hours we had. Then he had all the new players "wake up in a room with a sign that said, only one may leave". I rolled lowest on initiative, then the guy next to me. Says he attacks me and rolls high. One shots me. I die, that was my experience. The next week the guy who ran WoD scoped me out because the D&D section was huge.
Also no never played Mage, just Vanilla, Masquerade (variation), and Werewolf. Although we had a bit of Changling in one of our games
Oh, you said "vanilla". That mean, you're thinking of the nwod, currently called cwod, is that right?
Yea it was New WoD.
The Masquerade we played was a mixture of NWoD and old Masquerade rules. Since some stuff was a bit imbalanced in Masquerade lol.
"some" stuff
you're right
I've never played the nwod ones - I like the rules, but not the setting, and one doesn't support each other very well if hacking the two together
I think the guys more took the story from old wod and merged some rules from nwod which was more balanced.
@Francisco I'm running Mage Ascension now
I have 5 experienced players and some adjusting to do, but I find it very enjoyable
@eimyr That's great! Never got much into Mage really. We had a brief encounter with it during one of our stories. But he was there for just a session. And it ended up being a bit of a clown fiesta that story.
Didnt like the GM at the time really. He just catered the story to people he liked in the group. I wasn't exactly one of those people
5 hours later…
@waxeagle game tonight?
@JoshuaAslanSmith sorry forgot to get back to Gruber,no game this week, have to work. Cc @Grubermensch @Shalvenay
danke I will in form @kmallory
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest Follow](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
@besw lol that charmed image
on the 5e condition cards
I'm going to assume they couldn't get the rights to Uhura doing a fan dance.
@BESW tablecloth link 404'd
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest Follow](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
@Tophandour Thanks for the catch.
No problem
@JoshuaAslanSmith I like the Petrified jazz hands, myself.
its pretty good
I just thought mermaid on the rocks so classic and enjoyed the strategic placement of pearl necklaces and hair strands
....also, my brain is now insisting that Aretha Franklin's I Will Survive can be done entirely in D&D conditions.
I now have the orchestral breakdown from that stuck in my head, not bad though
> [frightened] At first I was afraid
[petrified] I was petrified
[charmed] [incapacitated] Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
[prone] [unconscious] But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
[advantage] And I grew strong and I learned how to get along
....Huh. I don't know why my brain went for Aretha Franklin instead of Gloria Gaynor. [shrug]
2 hours later…
Just logged in after a few days traveling for work, and right away got to post my first "native" MathJax answer!
@nitsua60 hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 Grats!
@mınxomaτ that would be interesting to take a look at, then... hmm.
@BESW thanks
I've been away long enough that I got an automated e-mail from SE with my inbox messages... I didn't know that was a thing!
so, how're things going?
Oh, yeah, you can set it for given intervals like daily/weekly/monthly.
Wait, no.
@Shalvenay minor explosions both at work and at home, but all manageable. No rest for the weary, though.
@BESW Every 3 hours!?
@nitsua60 Miner explosions!
@BESW that woodcut-artist sure works fast...
@nitsua60 I think he had incentive to work quickly.
@BESW I also assume he wasn't getting paid much--it was only a miner piece =\

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