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the bees can read?
un-bee-lievable =)
I love the smoke mephit idea
Cool, I have an ark
Do they work well in the cold?
Or do they get sluggish?
Do crops start to fail when she's around, because she's altering bee-havior?
That might be a bit more logistic/moral complexity than a D&D game is interested in.
@BESW I guess I was thinking more in a slapstick sort of way--she has to stay outside the inn while everyone else eats, or leaves an unmistakable swath of failed crops as a trail (no wilderness Stealth for you!)
Those are all great ideas, Especially if she loses the Bag of Beeholding
They keep rebooting 80s cartoons just in time for my daughter to discover them. She just found the new Voltron series on Netflix.
[ponders] A character who leaves a wake of wilted crops as they pass by might make for a compelling character in the right scenario.
It actually works really well in my favor
Like a misunderstood (or very well understood) supernatural antagonist, or a protagonist part-time god who got a bit of a raw deal in some ways.
I'm planning on the 3rd segment of this campaign being the aftermath of these characters
They all made evilish characters, or at the most characters who give 0 fucks
So if they end up being the 6 riders of the apocalypse, it just makes for such easy design
@SevenSidedDie I just put it on my list to watch earlier this week. (Although I'm of the right demographic for late 80s/early 90s cartoon nostalgia, I hardly watched any of them at the time, so I'm discovering them through the reboots too!)
@Skathix "give 0 hoots" would bee nicer
@BESW I missed the Voltron cartoon (but not coveting the toys), so I have no idea what's happening on the screen. ^^
My bad :)
oh man are we doing bee substitution puns now
this is great :D
@doppelgreener Comb join us!
Too many and we become a hive mind
@doppelgreener Wait... isn't it Thursday? Where's... waxy?
@Skathix that would bee just super terrible
Honey, don't worry about it. It's all too beeasy to get sucked in.
Thanks for all the help guys, I'm going to get back to work. See you around :)
@Skathix I would say that an idea that has some substantial cost appeals to me for... some reason? Perhaps a one-level dip into Rogue to grab expertise in Animal Handling? Or grabbing Magic Initiate at L8 to pick up a some Druidic magic for your EK? (Poison Spray becomes a blast of stinging bees, you get Speak with Animals but re-skin it to speak with swarms, &c?)
What did I miss?
◆ Bag of Bee-Holding
Once per day say a specific code-phrase and send your trained bees after any enemies in a 10ft radius. They deal 4d4 damage and cause the enemies to be restrained for one turn, The enemies must save on a constitution saving throw of 13 or become poisoned for 1 hour.
Is the ten-foot radius centered on the bag?
Hmm, good question
Do the bees differentiate between enemies and allies?
I had thought more She shouts and it's like a ranged weapon
@Skathix restrained or frightened?
and I think initially no, but like evoc wizards the more DT she spends training them the better she gets at commands
I'd say restrained, do people run from bees? I'd think soldiers would just be swatting at them. What do you think?
I would ask if I can toss the bag, but it's my precious bag of bee-holding. I don't want to lose it!
@Skathix I compel thee to later feature at least one bee-holder.
@Skathix I ran. (So far away.)
Coincidentally, I'm also running a game where the players decided to theme everything around bees. Lead character is a dragonborn paladin the breathes bees: sfw.furaffinity.net/full/19334890
We also rebranded a potion of Haste as "The Mead for Speed".
@Sebkha I'm feelin' it.
It's 4th edition, so pixies are a PC race. Our ranger just swapped the usual butterfly-winged fairy styling out in favor of being bee-styled. Militant bee-pixie amazons totally work.
@Sebkha certainly makes sense to me
@Sebkha [takes notes]
@Sebkha bee-sprite I'd think?
(I'd think pixies and sprites come in both genders, no?)
That might be more apt in 5e, yes.
I will be always miffed at why people in countries with wolves and bears and other large carnivores are so terrified of Australian wildlife in particular
@doppelgreener Bears you can generally see a good way off, and you can easily stay out of bear country. The terror of Australian wildlife is that it's often small, innoccuous-looking to a foreigner, potentially everywhere, and sometimes deadly. Australian wildlife has a reputation for being very “swingy” and ambushy. ;)
@SevenSidedDie ahhhh
This explains a lot
Also, bears and wolves are pretty much bears and wolves everywhere. The biological exceptionalism of Australia makes everything unfamiliar, while someone from Russia would probably expect Canadian wolves to hold no surprises. There's definitely some “unfamiliar” = “danger” in unexamined thoughts going on.
@SevenSidedDie you know, having grown up around them I never considered them strange and unique. And then a foreigner finds out there's a small aquatic animal that looks like a duck and an otter (both harmless!) but has a poison barb in its legs.
For a more local example, Canadians are generally terrified of the thought of scorpions and poisonous spiders and snakes, because we have none of the former and next to none of the latter two. Meanwhile, people live in US states like Arizona and somehow don't die every day! *wonderment*
@SevenSidedDie you know, having grown up around them I never considered them strange and unique. And then a foreigner finds out there's a small aquatic animal that looks like a duck and an otter (both harmless!) but has a poison barb in its foot.
Just the one. In its rear left foot, nowhere else.
And, as I recall, only the males.
@doppelgreener I thought I knew about their barbs, but just one on one specific leg? See, they can't be trusted! They defy expectations. ;)
See. I'm safe from bears because I don't go outside enough to run into such things.
Spiders, on the other hand...
I've never been bothered by spiders, myself.
I live on an island where no animal or plant on land is liable to kill you unless you go out of your way to give it the opportunity. The instant you hit water, all bets are off.
Spiders I understand. USA spiders are terrifying. Australia has spiders that look just like them except bigger. I can understand this being scary. Except our spiders are far easier to deal with and less dangerous.
@doppelgreener hahaha, less dangerous? xD
@Shalvenay huntsmen look like brown recluses but are completely harmless to humans. Redbacks look like brown widows but you only get one at a time, they don't appear in swarms that make burning the house down seem worthwhile. Funnel-web spiders are dangerous but by their namesake, have a completely obvious web you just stay away from.
@doppelgreener ah.
Our spiders range from "big and harmless" to "small and itchy." Our snakes are pathetic--they have to chew on you to get their venom in because they have no fangs, and the venom is only a problem for people who are allergic or infirm anyway. Make noise in the jungle and the wild boars will leave you alone.
@doppelgreener We have a week or two of swarming termites. You have swooping season.
@BESW yeah -- we don't get it too bad where I live -- most of the spiders that show up are pretty chill, and we don't have poisonous snakes either, just constrictors. worst that shows up probably is the occasional stray mountain lion?
@BESW tasty tasty termites? xD
Our spiders are nearly all harmless, so the worst part is getting them to stay still long enough to rescue them from terrified humans.
@BESW fair cop
@SevenSidedDie hahahahahahaha :D
@Shalvenay Not really part of the local cuisine.
(oh, and don't forget geese and swans)
@BESW We have swooping season too, but from crows rather than magpies. I've made a point of making friends with the neighbourhood crows.
(because geese are bullies man)
@Shalvenay Geese and swans are jerks.
Urgh, geese. [snip] geese.
Also ducks. Ducks can get [snipped] too.
werewolves, weretigers, wereboars, wererats....weregeese?!
@BESW ducks can get turned into bacon man
All of Guam's nastiest land creatures were brought by outsiders.
@BESW Our ducks are pretty chill. Still jerks, but they seem to be just on the wrong side of the jerk/size curve to bother people.
Giant African Land Snails, cane toads, wild pigs, [snipping] geese.
My mother remembers when buildings would be covered with snail slime and roads would be squishy with dead toads.
(Meanwhile, somewhere a bunch of animals are complaining about all the humans cluttering up the place.)
@BESW Cane toads were a terrible idea. Who decided those should be a thing.
@Sebkha “Lemme tell you, humans! Total jerks. And aggressive! And some of them are poisonous! And a filthy bite.”
@SevenSidedDie We've now got a couple of kinds of frogs that are so loud (and have so few predators here) that they're violating noise pollution limits.
@Sebkha to be fair, it is also humans fault those invasive species live here now XD
Humans spread cats, it's true. ;)
Cats are a bigger problem than snakes here now.
yeah, cats are starting to be a freaking huge problem
@BESW In case it's relevant: there's a group of people in North Queensland who have started to hunt toads, freeze them, then dispose of them once frozen (so as to be humane in their perspective). They say it's pretty effective and ongoing efforts marked a major decline in cane toad population in their area. They also said everyone told them it couldn't be done, but they couldn't find evidence of anyone having actually tried it before.
Both were introduced (Guam had no snakes prior to the 20th century), and the snakes wiped out most of our local birds.
@BESW Cats are a problem in most of North America too, but it's not a widely-accepted fact.
Now the snakes are getting under control, but attempts to re-introduce captive-bred birds are being foiled by the cats.
@SevenSidedDie yeah -- I'm not sure what native North American small felids are extant these days...
apparently -- the answer is the bobcat and the Canadian lynx, and that's it....
@Shalvenay It's unspayed domestic cats and feral domestic cats that are the problem. They're bird-killing machines. Lynx and bobcats have bigger prey, and much less population.
@SevenSidedDie yeah -- F. catus' ancestry is all Old World
(F. silvestris if you're wondering, btw)
@Shalvenay So odd to see a face that feels domestic on a wild animal.
@SevenSidedDie yeah -- F. catus is still very close genetically to F.silvestris -- (in fact, wild and feral cats in Europe interbreed routinely)
I have always proposed that cats are the demon spawn of hell that just also happen to be cute animals
and somehow the universe does not implode despite this glaring contradiction
@doppelgreener Anecdotal evidence from my ex-Qld'er wife says that cane toads' biggest natural enemy is children.
They've been killing them in cruel & inventive ways for decades. (Probably since they were introduced)
Cars must've run a close second, though.
Yes, apparently it's not uncommon for cars to swerve onto the wrong side of the road just to run over cane toads
1 hour later…
@Adeptus This is slightly horrifying for me. But I'd estimate mainly cars.
@trogdor Well if they are the demon spawn of hell, taking on the guise of a cute animal would just be naturally devious, wouldn't it?
to be fair, I have met the occasional cat that was actually nice to me
like one of the ones at the house I was pet sitting at earlier in the month
one of the others was insane, and the third one was antisocial
then there are the ones that stalk you in your own house and give you the creepy impression they are just biding their time till they decide to murder you
I promise I'm not biding my time to murder anybody!
@LymiaAluysia a death i'm happy to have
@LymiaAluysia also, I was not talking about you, I meant my tuxedo cat who can't leave me alone for any length of time
1 hour later…
Well, turns out Fate is ridiculous and awesome.
What surprised you about the system?
it would be nice to get a fresh perspective of it
AFK taking my dad to the sunset, but I hope to read about it when I get back!
I hope it goes well
@BESW Well, one of our friends is moving to Japan in a few weeks, so we came up with a setting where near future Taiwan (and only Taiwan) is subject to a breakdown of the three laws of robotics, shortly after government sponsored robotic servants find their way into every home. At the same time, magic suddenly showed itself, and no one really knows what to make of it. The campaign is going to be to get this guy's PC out of Taiwan so he can (presumably) resume a normal life.
This system feels like someone looked at Exalted's stunt system and said, "Let's build a game based on that."
2 hours later…
@Asteria maybe it's the mountain lion cubs? :P
@Fibericon it turns out that the zeroth law of robotics is really important.
4 hours later…
Anyone on?
@Skathix Whaddya need?
Q: Let's make Stack Exchange into an RPG game!

narawagames TL;DR: Let’s make Stack Exchange into an RPG game! =CURRENCIES= There’re 2 currencies in the game: gold and diamonds. Gold Gold is the most common currency. It’s very similar to the existing “reputation.” You’re able to earn most of it the same way you earn reputation. Up-vote on a que...

Q: I'm curious, why are comments talking about views and some equations I don't understand ok, while asking for what they mean isn't?

ZaibisSimply put: Does Water Breathing + a full waterskin = infinite “air”? in this post of mine, where alot of discussion started about chemistry, what is absolutely not what my post was aiming for. While another comment appeared and is saying: At a glance, I misread "7k views" on this question a...

1 hour later…
Q: Where is Myrkul's return detailed?

ThamiarDue to the Sundering, old Gods have returned in the Forgotten Realms. I know that my favourite god from AD&D, Myrkul, has become alive once more. Now I'm looking for any available official informations about him and his comeback. Basic informations can be found in the main D&D 5ed manuals, but d...

How do Drow feel about Half-Elves that are half Drow?
@Skathix Probably depends on the half-drow's sex. Generally in drowish society.
dat matriarchy
Probably no better than any other non-drow creature: prey.
@SevenSidedDie I just giggled at the cheers at the end of your answer to the make rpg.se a game
@JoshuaAslanSmith That post. Just… that post.
when I got to diamonds being a p2w currency I just glanced through the reest
@JoshuaAslanSmith There are some bits worth reading further down. Pay2Play stuff, mods get to be the heads of guilds, and being able to kill and loot other user-accounts, er, “players”.
some of that sounds almost too close to some to our SE's contentious issues of the past lol
@JoshuaAslanSmith Downvoting with a Flame Sword would be an instant kill (perma-ban) for a new user. I suspect that would not serve the site's goals especially well.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
[UKcons](http://www.philmasters.org.uk/RPGs/conventions.htm "List of RPG conventions in the UK.").
@SevenSidedDie ...they also seem to be drawing on video game RPG concepts. Which, yanno, go bother Arqade.
Q: Is it possible to dual wield two double weapons with two hands for four attacks?

Momonga-samaIs there any race, template, feat, class feature, spell, power or other character option that would allow to use a double weapon (might be a natural weapon) with one hand and yet be able to make attacks with both ends as if it were being held with 2 hands? How attacks would be resolved? Would it ...

Hur hur haterz gonna hate
If you're going to assume that four different people chose to downvote you purely out of spite, that's your business. But you might get more value out of asking yourself what legitimate reason they might have had, because it could help you improve this question and/or future ones.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest Follow](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
@Momonga-sama If you aren't showing that you've done any research beforehand, you're having trouble expressing your questions clearly (note how many more characters of detail had to be added), if you get flippant or offended when people challenge your posts, then--yeah, I wouldn't be surprised that some folks write you off as a help vampire.
Fair or not, it's everyone's prerogative to vote how they like.
If you're consistently getting multiple downvotes on multiple posts, consider whether there's a behaviour you can change--unless you're happier assuming a conspiracy, but if that's the case then chat isn't going to be a good place to vent about it.
@BESW Thank you for notyfing that I should always note about my research about the question. I will definitely keep it in mind for the future.
It helps avoid answers duplicating work that has already been deemed unfruitful.
If you don't tell us what you've tried that didn't work, you're just asking us to duplicate useless effort.
@Momonga-sama Both the how to ask guidance and the downvote button tooltip are pretty clear on that.
So, I know it's not really what this question is about, but the title has me know thinking about treating the role of GM as a character. I suspect this way lies Lovecraftesque.

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