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@nitsua60 nods sidenote -- are there any systems you're interested in playing as a player?
@Shalvenay I've heard things I like about Ars Magica, and have never tried but am interested in some variant of Cthulhu.
@nitsua60 Ah. I have heard good things about Ars Magica as well -- but the fluff is very hard for me to penetrate
I also don't do Cthulhu-esque horror well at all
Q: What types of food are typically grown in the Underdark?

RobertI'm currently working on a story arc where a bunch of Drow have just had their major food supply threatened by a demon of the Underdark, and as a consequence they are rising to the surface and usurping the food trade of the upper world. The only problem is I don't know what they would have eaten...

@Momonga-sama what about it?
Interesting question.
@Momonga-sama Sooth. Wisely, wisely.
In my campaign there is war with drows. I wasn't sure what kind of supplies would they have (not including those stolen). I was surprised that some vermin were turned into livestock.
@Momonga-sama don't be
@Momonga-sama (I have an elf druid who gripes about inedible giant termites :P)
@Shalvenay Create a stereotypical chinaman and haunt stray dogs?
@nitsua60 album cover for Sweet Dog Eat needs a couple of roulette machine type displays between the words with a blur of punctuation options whizzing past
@Momonga-sama :P
@doppelgreener this sounds like it would definitely be perfectly horrible, and therefore horribly perfect XD
Dear Feedly app: I told you to be quiet. Why aren't you quiet?
@BESW [I'm lonely...]
(I considered changing my username to "Feedlyapp" for the moment, but forgot to.)
It'd take too long to propagate anyway.
oh. okay. Then I totally didn't forget to execute the joke properly. It just hasn't propagated yet.
@nitsua60 you can only change your name once every 30 days also
you would be committed to the joke, shall we say.
it's likely we should all be committed
@doppelgreener Hmm... committed to 30 days of sporadically inserting moderately-interesting tidbits with no discernible connection to the existing conversation? Methinks I can pull this off... =)
@nitsua60 oh no XD
@BESW it's like greener and shalvey had an avatar-child
(diagonal green rectangular forms, that is)
Q: Downvoting without a reason

Momonga-samaIt makes me upset, that actually good answers get downvotes without actual reasons. It's like some users overuse it, just to make sure that their answers will be the most scored ones. I am aware, that for every downvote folks receive -2 reputation points, but I feel like it's not enough. Shouldnt...

@Momonga-sama Are you talking about that recent question we both answered, or is something else bugging you?
would you prefer to see downvoting-with-reasons, the way you have to specify a reason to close a question?
Q: Downvoting without a reason

Momonga-samaIt makes me upset, that actually good answers get downvotes without actual reasons. It's like some users overuse it, just to make sure that their answers will be the most scored ones. I am aware, that for every downvote folks receive -2 reputation points, but I feel like it's not enough. Shouldnt...

Q: Why deleting a bad question/answer doesn't return reputation points?

Momonga-samaIt appears that after a bad question/answer removal the reputation points are not returned to the downvoters. Why is it so? Shouldn't it be different?

@Momonga-sama Lashing out against the system isn't gonna get you anywhere. Presenting a specific situation that's frustrating you is much more likely to get your problem addressed.
If you want to get the system changed, Role-playing Games Meta can't help. That's an issue for Meta Stack Exchange.
Although it's worth mentioning that this is the single most common request on MSE, and it's always met with "No, this will never happen."
Well, yes. As always any request for a change to the system is best led with an attempt to research why the system is the way it is and whether the change has been requested before.
@doppelgreener hehehe and this will never bother me, because I don't intend to
as long as I can change my Avatar as often as the mood takes me I am good
ooh... that reminds me... I've got to think of something to feed BESW...
but I am still really really loving the one I have right now XD
uhh... @BESW you might like the new album from Sweet Dog Eat: Loving the One I Have Right Now. -love, Feedly
@JoelHarmon Yeah, it is abused af and sadly mods cant see it...
@BESW Ty for claryfing that.
@Momonga-sama downvoting without a comment isn't "abused" because there is no abuse in doing it.
@Momonga-sama downvotes are abused? Possibly, but I think you're also limited in the number of downvotes you get in a day.
@doppelgreener I mean that users want to boost out their own answers and dump the others.
@Momonga-sama maybe those other answers just suck, which is the reason that person felt compelled to provide their own.
the problem is how do you know whether someone downvoted because they:
- legitimately think it deserved it
- wanted to increase visibility on their own stuff
- have a vendetta against you
@doppelgreener No they don't...
that's just, like, your opinion, man
(it's also leaping to conclusions to suppose that they were the ones that downvoted. i've regularly found myself enter into a new question and downvote multiple answers, maybe upvoting one.)
Oh yeah, best to pretend nothing bad is going on.
if you required a comment, you'd just end up with one or two useful comments, and dozens of "what @someusername said"
@Momonga-sama This is where your general "Don't downvote without a reason" thing falls apart: there's a specific situation you have in mind that you're not telling us about, and so when we respond about the general topic it doesn't make any sense to you.
Okey, there you go
A: What is the highest possible number of attacks per round for a creature with four arms?

Momonga-sama84 attacks One must have Claws or Talons. It could be granted by a maneuver, spell or race. One must be under effect of Sakkratar's Triple Strike spell to make this work. They could cast the spell via a magic item, or get it from their ally. Feats Multiweapon Fighting, Greater Multiweapon Figh...

What's the problem there?
A: How can I give a druid better armor?

Momonga-samaDungeon Master Guide, page 165 Dragon Scale Mail Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement) While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to one ...

Please tell me why are my answers downvoted?
The only reason i see is vendetta from other answerers.
@Momonga-sama Why would this not be? You answered a question, that answer turned out to be incorrect or inaccurate, it got downvoted.
I mean you put a lot of effort into it, but at the end of the day...
The problem boss, is that it is not inaccurate.
More than one person, as well, downvoted that.
@doppelgreener I also have irrationally thought an edit I made to a post I made caused an upvote to happen, even though it probably was not entirely related
@trogdor Probably coincidence yeah.
One downvote is often just an anomaly; somebody had a bad day or mis-clicked and didn't notice until the undo period ran out.
excactly XD
I can guarantee you that KRyan wouldn't downvote an answer just to boost the appearance of his.
@Momonga-sama That answer has sixteen upvotes but only one downvote. Did you mean to link to something else?
He's quite happy to downvote things, but not for that reason.
Two downvotes, well. That's more likely to indicate something about your answer that folks see as problematic.
I don't see anything that could be wrong.
If I had to guess about that one, it's that you present a single definitive numerical answer without any support that your solution is exhaustive, in a system notorious for infinity-loop holes.
I would guess the same.
Can you give support for why your answer must be the maximum possible number? That'd improve the question.
You asked how many attacks a four-armed person can get in one round and how they can do it. One answer said "infinite, lots of ways to do it" and provided an example of a pretty simple build to do that. Another answer said "84, here's the build," but this is a problem when it turns out the answer is actually "infinite".
@doppelgreener But answer is invalid.
@Momonga-sama In what way? If it's invalid, you should leave comments requesting clarification or pointing out why it hasn't satisfactorily answered your question yet.
worse, it looks like your answer of a finite number came after KRyan's infinite example, making yours factually less good than his
@doppelgreener He doesn't like "infinite" as an answer because he requests, in the question, a fixed number of guaranteed attacks.
@Momonga-sama When you change the question to invalidate existing answers, it rarely turns out well.
The last time I tried to ask for an update he got quite mad.
I see that you are quite experienced with D&D. Could you update your answer please? — Momonga-sama 57 secs ago
@Momonga-sama You'll want to ask what you want it updated with.
If I received that comment I'd be confused and just ask that anyway, or flag it for removal if it wasn't from the OP.
Yeah, as it stands that's both passive-aggressive and vague.
He answered the question, and you modified the question so his answer was invalid. That's not uncommon, but don't be That Guy by accusing him of bad faith.
Yeah, answer that was published a few minutes afte I posted question. I made incomment discussion, stating what I've told.
A simple "Your answer helped me realise some requirements that I hadn't explained fully in my question, can you see if you want to edit it in response?" would be quite gracious.
But this is totally unrelated to your downvotes.
Your downvotes are, I suspect, simply due to a lack of support for why that's the maximum number possible.
@BESW @Momonga-sama Also, don't be surprised if he's uninterested in trying to hit a moving target. If he updates his answer to be valid for the question as it stands, it's quite likely that you'll change the question once again to invalidate the updated answer. This is a fairly common thing, but it's not one people like to deal with.
> The solution should be a fixed number that doesn't depend on hit chances or other statistical outcomes, even if they're statistically consistent in theory.
This requirement is quite strange as well.
In practice I'd be interested in how many I'm probably going to make, or making some minimum number.
Actually it was like he outraged, commenting under other questions of mine...
You might recall that you've run into this before: I've noticed your questions and answers semi-regularly rely on information or some understanding you have which everyone else doesn't, making your posts difficult for anyone else to understand.
If it is, on the other hand, a theoretical question where actual practice doesn't matter, why does statistical outcomes suddenly become a problem?
Or if it's a thought exercise, why is a fixed number of attacks better than infinite attacks?
(eg, your answer to my map question which implies your experience is useful to my situation, but the only support is that you've produced similar end products when I'm asking a process question.)
(There, as here, I think you've got a great answer if you can make explicit your assumptions.)
@BESW Could you make a further explanation?
" the only support is that you've produced similar end products when I'm asking a process question"
Are you familiar with the idea that different processes can have similar results?
As I mentioned in answer it isn't different process.
My question is about making the DFRPG city creation process work online. Your answer says that you've used [tools] with [unknown process] to create results similar to what the DFRPG process creates.
You don't give any details about how the (presumably) DFRPG-like part of your process works (you give details about the other parts of your process which aren't DFRPG-like, but for the tool you're recommending I use, you only say what it can do--not how you use it).
And you don't show any of the results of the tool you're recommending: you show the final result after you've run the tool's output through other tools.
"First of all, I want to inform that City Creation system in Dresden Files is not something unique. Similar methods are used by more experienced developers for nearly everything. I used nearly identical rules while creating or helping with setting and their worlds, with unique cities, wilds, charactercs, etc. Dresden Files is not a special snowflake."
So there's nothing in your answer I can see which supports your claim that the tool will work for me: you've given me great detail about how your process is unlike mine, and how you use tools that won't specifically help my situation, and then told me that it's all the same.
Even if your process were identical to mine, you haven't shown me how that tool is used in it.
May I suggest a breather and a change of subject? This is straying far afield of the original issue, and I'm seeing no improvement in its wake or in its future.
Seriously it is like 3rd time i hear it and still I don't understand what do you mean.
@Momonga-sama Yes, you've quoted that to me several times. It's not only kinda rude ("not a special snowflake"?), it's a claim, not support for a claim.
I mean this part " you haven't shown me how that tool is used in it", which I simpy don't understand.
Here's what I feel is going on. BESW is asking "I need to perform this welding method, in this special situation, to make this sword."

Several answers are saying "here's how to do that welding method in that special situation."

Your answer says "psh, I've made lots of swords, here do it like this" (describes something that may have nothing to do with welding, and certainly doesn't help with that welding method, and although it produces a sword in the end, it doesn't look like the kind of sword BESW was asking about)
I really think, that I covered this part.
The person who is asking the question is telling you that you did not.
.... I suddenly consider that this is may be sort of like an inverse of the situation with KRyan on your many-attacks question.
That's the problem.
As a person who is going to be playing in that game, I know that there isn't much in that answer that's helpful to me.
You go on and describe some other kind of map-making which isn't even the kind of map-making needed for DFRPG.
This is mainly because D&D and Fate care about different things, so D&D has certain kinds of maps to achieve certain goals, while Fate cares about different goals. DFRPG in particular just wants us to be able to have some locations, some faces for them, and know roughly where they are with regards to each other. Those are fundamentally different answers from anything that goes into D&D's mapmaking.
This tool will be helpful to write down overall ideas and sketches for points 1-9 of City Creation in Dresden Files.
This is also wrong?
Because I feel like you skip some parts of my text :(
@Momonga-sama You say it's the same process. What you describe doesn't seem like the same process.
@Momonga-sama You say Deekit is a good tool, but you don't say how/why its features are better for the process than another tool's--like, why you don't just use Google Docs for everything, since the Deekit features you list are also available in GDocs.
Your solution may be good, but the answer is incomplete, confusing, and at times contradictory, and when I asked for an example of what Deekit can do--you gave a GIMP-edited map.
I have no idea how that tells me what Deekit can do.
@BESW Google Drawings, not Google docs :p
Either has that functionality.
And, frankly, all of the answers which assume I'm creating a new map from scratch are kinda missing the point of DFRPG city creation.
(I upvoted Ringo's because it's rooted in DFRPG experience so I found it useful as a counterpoint, but only because his opinion is supported by experience with my specific situation.)
@Momonga-sama I read a lot of your answer looking very hard for a solution. I didn't find much in there I could use, and it seems like you decided DFRPG "city creation" and D&D "city creation" involve the same method and same result, just 'cause they have the same name, and thus gave a different method to a different result.
@Momonga-sama I do think you're getting more worked up than it's worth. We all write answers that we think are great but get downvoted anyway. You're steadily earning an average of 61.15 rep per day. That's quite respectable. You're not getting any more downvotes than expected.
Why do you assume that it is " D&D "city creation""?
@BESW Aye.
(For comparison, I have the most rep on the site and the slope on mine is 64.25 rep per day, only 3.1 more than you at the moment.)
@Momonga-sama You produce a big detailed pretty map at the end. That's the kind of map I see in D&D games. It is not the kind of map I see in Fate games.
@doppelgreener He's read the stuff I linked, but that's not intended to teach someone the process. I linked it explicitly to help people remember what they already knew.
That's part of the problem, really: trying to answer a question by assuming similar experience is identical.
@BESW Yeah. Not having played DFRPG or Fate would mean the reason why things are so different is obscured.
It can sometimes work out well (I get upvoted for it sometimes!) but whenever I answer based on hopefully-parallel experience to a question about something I haven't actually done, I go in knowing that I may be way off the mark.
Oh gee, it is identical. I have worked with actual Publishers of Board games and systems.
@Momonga-sama ... It is not.
Sarcasm doesn't help anyone.
Ok, topic change time. @Momonga-sama, when you get back from the time-out that means you too.
Here, have a new villain:
Always a bridesmaid, never the Brideslord, summoning the nation's brides to war with a mighty blast of the brideshorn.
(I mean, I assume the sullen bridesmaid becomes a villain out of envy over being shunned for the role of Brideslord.)
@SevenSidedDie where'd you get the per-day counts?
@BESW Mawwage: the wolepwaying game of howy matwimony
@nitsua60 I did it manually. Well, manually as in python's import datetime.
ahh... wasn't sure if I'd missed a way...
Dec 9 '15 at 3:11, by nitsua60
I'm constantly amazed by the Stack's ability to socially-engineer me
@nitsua60 I could probably do up a Data Explorer query for it, come to think. It'd be neat to be able to check one's own rep "velocity".
@SevenSidedDie I did one a while back, I'll see if I can find it. I might not have bothered to sign in though.
@SevenSidedDie I definitely did that a lot by eye in my early days.... Yeah, I totally don't spend any time now poring over the rep league. Yeah.
(Korvin Starmast was always the one who left me feeling like I'd not quite peaked.)
@nitsua60 Reputation, the source of so much motivation and so much angst. :)
@SevenSidedDie "Let them eat cake"?
@nitsua60 I recognise the irony when I say these things!
Alright, time for the Orphan Black season 3 DVD finale. Later!
@SevenSidedDie ah cool, I only knew I could look up my own on my profile page
that being said I don't need to use it often
when I get rep it is in short bursts XD
@Miniman that's kinda neat.
(Congrats on the silver medal, btw)
@nitsua60 Heh, thanks.
@nitsua60 It always fascinates me how easy SQL makes some things.
Especially in contrast with how difficult it makes some things.
It's nice when you say to a computer "hey, can I know this?" and it says "sure! here you go!"
they do not always give the information so willingly
that is for sure
@nitsua60 It's slightly unfair, though - there's a few users who were around long before D&D 5e but only started really gaining rep once 5e came out. By only making an account when I was actually ready to start posting I've artificially inflated my per-day rep.
[yanks back silver-medal congrats]
[initiates rep-league inquest]
how rude
some of us don't care quite so much about rep :P
@trogdor I shouldn't. But I can't help being petty and shallow.
I mean sure, rep is cool, but I do not thirst for more
@Miniman surprised there's no "flash in the pan" who started today with one nice answer.
I am kinda surprised I even got so close to 600
I would be really flabbergasted if I get to 1000 any time soon
@trogdor It's likely a bit that I'm a youngest child.... Always punching a little above my weight, so unreasonably delighted by any measurable success.
@nitsua60 It's been pretty quiet lately, but yeah, 200 rep on a user's first day is reasonably common.
@nitsua60 opposite there for me, my siblings are both younger than me
there aren't enough 4E questions left for me to be too worried about looking for any to answer
and most questions I have are most likely asked by BESW or Greener first
@trogdor is 4e your significant overlap with big-impact tags around here?
@nitsua60 I used to be a literal wizard at 4E stuff
I would still say it is probably my strongest tag, but I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a literal wizard in the present tense anymore
and the 4e tag has become quite scarce since 5E hit it big
heck, my most upvoted answer has been in 4e since,... my whole time on the site
which one it has been has changed relatively recently, but still
@trogdor still the 4th-ranked tag...
@nitsua60 4e is the 4th-ranked tag? Illuminati confirmed.
@nitsua60 I believe that is slightly inflated by duplicate questions, but also being fair, I don't have an especially high amount of time to search 4e questions out even if that is the case
Wait, I completely failed to notice 5e becoming the top tag!
I am not surprised
Must have been a day or two ago
however, I wouldn't know because I have hidden 5e
during any point in time in which I even am looking for questions to answer, I certainly don't need 5e or Pathfinder cluttering said search XD
@trogdor That explains why I haven't seen it lately. Would you mind telling me where you hid it? I have a game in a few days, and that's going to be really inconvenient.
@Miniman I only hid it for myself smarty pants
I cannot bear to look upon its success at the expense of 4e any longer XD :P
@trogdor That's okay, I hid 4e, personally. Not that many new 4e questions have been coming in, but it makes browsing a little easier.
@Miniman nothing wrong with that
@trogdor You're forgetting, Internet law states that we now have to flame each other to death.
@trogdor I do wonder who at WotC decided that losing simple edition identifiers on books was a good idea. Stepping back into a game store after twenty years out all I saw on the shelf were a bunch of different D&D logos, with no idea which went with what.
@Miniman HAHAHAHA, that is hilarious good sir
@trogdor I'll start: I don't think BURNINATING peasants is morally acceptable.
Yeah, I went there.
@nitsua60 you have just admitted to going to said places more times and more recently than me :P
@Miniman I feel that your opinion is sacred and you have every right to it
@trogdor I should have been clearer--last summer I entered a game store for the first time in two decades. I've been back more-than-weekly since =)
@trogdor I don't know how to deal with this. You may just have revolutionised the flame war.
@nitsua60 still, that does not help your case in this matter :P
@Miniman I would like to think so, but I am afraid my impact on that is sadly negligible
...is there a way to see how many downvotes I've gotten, ever?
@Momonga-sama Yeah, Stack Exchange exposes a public interface for querying a cached copy of their database, because they're awesome.
@Momonga-sama That's how many downvotes you've given, not received.
Looks like I'm handing out about one downvote every three days.
@BESW I think this is that, but I can't guarantee it at all.
...if so, I get downvoted once every two and a half weeks.
(Or once for every 5 or 6 times I downvote.)
@Miniman Why I can't find myself in results? o.o
@Miniman huh, that says I have one, wonder when that happened XD
@Momonga-sama Probably because I based the query on a guess as to what the PostFeedback table was for.
I did a quick sanity check just now and I don't think it's right at all.
@Miniman OH
Lol, there's a Votes table. That just makes it sad.
Ok guys, try this one‌​.
...that can't be right. Can it?
@BESW It sort of looks right. More specific criticism?
I feel like I've been downvoted more than that.
Observer bias, I guess.
I've been downvoted once more than BESW! \o/
would it happen not to show me if the number is 0? or is it more likely I just can't find my name in there?
@trogdor If you've never been downvoted, you wouldn't appear.
but the earlier one did show me with one,....
@trogdor It was garbage.
oh XD
You can use this one to check the results.
'unknown' means it's a tag wiki, in case anyone wonders.
oh, ok then, guess I actually do not
must be because I like, posted literally 10 things ever
@Miniman you have 35 downvotes, i have 28
@doppelgreener GG.
@trogdor it sorts names by A-Z then a-z (so uppercase and lowercase are separate). this makes sense in computing terms. sort of.
Somebody count to five and ping me, please. (I'm testing my sound.)
@BESW ping
@Miniman i roll for sound
That works.
that seemed a little faster than 5 seconds
I still don't have the popups, but I got sound back.
i take LOUD NOISES! 2
@doppelgreener I think this was meant for BESW, who has 35 - I have 93.
@Miniman oh. uh. sort of. that was a reply to the link you provided.
oh yeah
yeah that was for BESW haha
it's ok, everything is for BESW
BESW is four different people after all
probably be more than that before the end of the year
It's a little scary that I've been downvoted 93 times, but I did a downvotes per post query a while back and I remember feeling pretty good about the results.
@Miniman I do believe it may have a lot to do with white noise, I do really think I have been extremely lucky to avoid any downvotes just due to the sheer low amount of things I have put out there to have the opportunity
@Miniman KRyan's got 482. And about a billion upvotes.
Exposure has a lot to do with it.
doesn't mean all 93 are completely illegitimate, but I would be inclined to think most of them are
The more you post in more popular tags and on more controversial topics, the more downvotes are inevitable.
@BESW I definitely think this is the case
I think it was Mxy who first told me (and I've since found my experience supports this) that a single downvote on an answer can be regarded as white noise from the cosmos.
@BESW I think you echoed that back to me before at some point
And a lot of the times when I have more than one downvote, I feel that they're reasonable--but also that I stand by my answer anyway.
I mean, it is the internet, someone is going to come onto this site and immediately start downvoting things with no context
certainly that doesn't mean that is all downvotes are, but there are still plenty that do fit that bill too
@trogdor they cannot, without reaching 125 rep first, tho
@doppelgreener yes but,.... does that matter THAT much?
not really
125 rep was not hard to get to, as I recall
there's also protections in place that reverse serial voting of any kind, and a rate limit of like 40 votes per day to limit the damage that can be made before those mechanisms really kick in
still, it is a good buffer to at least some degree
@Magician That reminds me, I've been considering adopting the divine portfolio of Messy But Functional SQL Select Statements.
@doppelgreener that is all well and good, I am happy that exists, I stand by my point though XD
we have an account on rpg.se named "dodgethesteamroller"
not everyone who gets on this site fully understands the way the community here expects them to act
very useful advisory
@doppelgreener Especially with the important note that should be unnecessary but sadly isn't: Dodge sideways. Don't run away in a straight line.
still, not trying to badmouth the features we have in place, they just can't catch all of the misunderstandings/straight up malice all of the time
nothing can in my experience
afk for an hour or two
@Miniman i feel this is bad advice somehow and will be sticking to my run-in-a-straight-line method.
@doppelgreener Don't blame me if you end up like Zamboni Guy.
@Miniman Given his avatar, I'm assuming @doppelgreener will be running toward the steamroller.
@BESW I hate to admit it, and I keep meaning to change it, but I haven't actually played Katamari.
Neither have I.
@BESW Maybe I should have just gone with "I have no idea what this means."
@Miniman Katamari is about your character rolling up everything in his path to create an ever-larger ball of junk that eventually gets ridiculously large.
A steamroller is just more fodder for the ball.
@BESW Oh, right.
Ugh, I think I just royally screwed up LastPass.
@BESW That sounds potentially awkward.
I think I managed to make two LP accounts attached to the same email address.
@BESW Well, that's definitely less awkward than the scenario I had in mind where you lost all your randomly-generated-and-therefore-impossible-to-remember passwords.
I'm trying to use it to port my saved passwords from Chrome to Firefox.
But I'm having a horrible time getting them from Chrome into LastPass.
...why is my extension download being measured in kbs?
...in bytes!?
This is horrifying.
Firefox is happily predicting it'll download 100+MB of data in "a few seconds" at rates of 375kbs. It's like watching the clueless cheerleader skipping into the dark alley where you know there's a monster.
Internet troubles? :(
I guess?
This is why I don't want the cloud.
@BESW in the grand scheme of things, five minutes is more or less "a few seconds"
I never quite got the point of marketing cloud stuff to consumers anyway. Isn't it, like. mostly useful for people who make internet services. :(
@doppelgreener It's timed out three times now.
@doppelgreener (give or take an order of magnitude or three)
When the speed finally dips into single-digit kbs, for some reason Firefox decides maybe it won't work.
That happens sometimes on my computer too for downloads in general when my connection's really bad. I have no idea what causes it.
For the rest of my Internet use, it's mostly fine (eg I can watch YouTube videos at reasonable quality), but I've been getting random drop-outs all today and yesterday.
Like when I'm updating packages and my internet decides to crap out. Strangely enough, other stuff like IRC or downloads happening in parallel work just fine.
@BESW firefox has an addon called DownThemAll which acts as a download manager which can intelligently resume downloads.
firefox itself has a lot more trouble with that concept
Yeah, but can DTA handle "install an extension" links?
This isn't just a download.
@BESW oh... no.
Allright, I think i got the problem. How does it look now @BESW?
A: DFRPG city creation via telepresence

Momonga-samaFirst of all, I want to inform that City Creation system in Dresden Files is not something unique. Similar methods are used by more experienced developers for nearly everything. It is not my own words, but from many other developers and even publishing companies. I used nearly identical rules whi...

Web browsers in general have terrible handling of downloads failing
Chrome decides to delete partial downloads whenever the smallest error occurs.
Even though it's totally capable of pausing and resuming downloads in other conditions.
A Retry/Abort dialog might have been useful. But, OK. I'll restart this 10 GB download from the start. :c
That's a lot clearer. I'm going to re-read it again, but first:
I still don't know why you insist on leading with the statement that DFRPG city creation is not unique; no one has made that claim. The only claim made is that you haven't been supporting the claim that your experience with city creation is close enough to my situation to be helpful. That's a very VERY different thing, and nobody likes being told they're wrong about something they never said.
Opening with an unnecessary and unnecessarily condescending paragraph is a good way to get folks expecting the rest of your answer to be equally unrelated to the question being asked, and to be uncharitable about evaluating it.
Your new example image is a lot more apropos. The previous one was so very unlike anything that comes out of a DFRPG city creation session that it cast great doubt on your claims of similarity.
Yeah, I was too vague.
I'm going to remove my downvote, but I can't really upvote an answer that itself admits it's not a great fit for my situation.
" itself admits it's not a great fit for my situation" wha?
I do appreciate your hard work on the answer.
@Momonga-sama That's always been a challenge with your answer. I thought you knew.
> Generally speaking, the best possible solution would be if everybody had their own computer(not a tablet, as they are pretty limited).
And what is later?
"If you think that a few people would work over one machine, then another solution will be better. "
Gotcha :D
If there weren't better solutions available, yours would certainly be workable.
@doppelgreener this is both true and unhelpful XD
M'rr. Seems like I can't mass-import passwords from Chrome to LastPass.
You may have already seen this... any help?
> Oops, I just realized you're on a Mac. Only our Windows installer supports importing.

You should still be able to import directly within Chrome, as long as the binary version is installed. When you go to LastPass button -> Tools -> Import From, do you see "Google Chrome Password Manager"?
While that worked for the querent, I don't see "Google Chrome Password Manager" in the Import From options.
And you have both the binary and the extension installed?
Hrm. Maybe I uninstalled it at some point.
brb running installer again
It's a fairly old topic, I wouldn't be surprised if things had changed by now... either by Chrome or LastPass
I do get the impression that Chrome regularly breaks its LastPass functionality.
Hah! That worked! Thanks.
...now I have to click "Allow" for every password I've ever saved on Chrome.
Awesome. No problem.
This chat has been more helpful to me, tech-support-wise, than any other site, service, community, or individual, since one of my college friends who helped me dual-boot my MacBook with Linux.
(He was also a great guy to have in my RPG groups, and invited me to play with him in the first game I ever didn't GM.)
@Aether Password migration: successful.
@BESW Hurrah!
I hope you haven't been sitting there for an hour just clicking "allow" over and over!
No, I also made dinner.
(Though, at least it's a once and done thing...)
Good good.
(Made waay too much food Tuesday night and am still sprucing up leftovers for dinner two days later.)
> Experts have more expertise than nonexperts, according to experts. (source)

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