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00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

Maybe I can divide my workflow between FF and Chrome.
That wouldn't be so bad.
What's the latest/greatest scriptblockery thingummy for Firefox?
@BESW Do you mean something like Adblock, something like Flashblock, or something that actually blocks Javascript?
@Miniman ....what are the cool kids doing these days?
(Should I start a "BESW Knows Nothing" chat for this stuff?)
@BESW Generally you want an adblock and another one for Youtube ads. Flashblock is necessary if you are concerned about security. Javascript blocker, such as NoScript would be perfect for security, but it does block an awful lot of beneficial site activities
@BESW I would recommend running both Adblock and Flashblock.
I don't know anyone who runs a Javascript blocker, though.
Make that AdBlock Plus.
I used to use a javascriptblocker, and except for some trusted sites I'd enable individual scripts by hand until a site worked.
After a while it was pretty straightfoward: a lot of that sort of thing was pretty much the same across many sites so I slowly developed a whitelist that enabled most functionality on most sites.
My google-fu has failed me. I'm trying to find a Finnish runestone (at least I think that's what it is). I've been at the site a long time ago, and don't recall much. But I've been wearing a replica of it around my neck since, and wanted to recall at least what it's called. Anyone eager to stare at old carvings?..
Staring at rocks? Where's Pixie when you need her?
All I remember is it standing in the middle of nowhere, definitely in Finland, with a tiny museum/shop near it. Here's a cropped photo I just took. Google thinks it's a snake, which is reasonable.
@BESW lol
From what I recall, yes.
Like a monolith with the pattern carved on it?
People at the site claimed the runes on it couldn't be translated, but that could have been touristy bs.
Like a stone tablet, a bit shorter than an adult, from what I recall.
certainly interesting
I was 16 or so...
but I cannot claim any kind of knowledge of this kind of thing
Really intricate shallow carving?
@BESW Sounds about right, yes.
Sorta like this?
The amulet is basically a copy of it in its entirety.
So less intricate than that. But the snake motif is there.
However instead of a cross there's a.... elemental wheel thingo.
Less intricate. Hmm.
@Magician are you sure they are finnish?
@eimyr It was in Finland. Whether or not it was made by Finnish people is a different question.
I'm getting Finnish/Swedish/Viking pings.
And a lot of new age spacemen-built-stonehenge nonsense.
Those guys are really bad at citation, so it's usually a dead end.
@BESW The spacemen who built stonehenge? Yeah, unreliable, shoddy workmanship, would not hire again.
Was the stone covered or protected?
Might you know a name if you read it?
No idea and no :(. Half-a-lifetime ago.
It may have had a shelter over it?
@Magician Do you know where in Finland that might be? North, South etc.?
How tablet-shaped was it? Really rectangular, or kinda pointy?
@BESW Really rectangular.
That helps.
@eimyr Start from St Petersburg and move into it. That's what we did.
Yeah... I bounced around these images for some time, but couldn't find the matching one.
@Magician So we;re looking at a rectangular runestone, possibly in the bits of Finland near Piter, likely pre-christian...
That about covers the extent of my knowledge, yes.
were the carvings stained or plain?
gtg, sorry. Back... eventually.
I'm deep into pages in languages I don't know which are too long for Google to translate.
Try not to summon anything!
too late
So far, I'm okay with this summoning:
We've established that Guam is the nearest inhabited land mass to R'lyeh, right?
No, that's in the South Pacific
Guam is the closest inhabited island to the Challenger Deep.
(A Lovecraftesque adventure is being designed to take place in/around the Challenger Deep, and I've been consulted on Micronesian culture.)
Well, that image search went off topic fast.
> Waterwalking stipulation: If the spell is cast underwater (or while the subjects are partially or wholly submerged in whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are borne toward the surface at 60 feet per round until they can stand on it.
If the subject is at a depth where human divers on Earth get into health issues if they rise that fast to the surface without interruption (like bubbles in their blood etc), should the GM also include that or would that be an acceptable break from reality?
or am I overanalyzing a world with dragons and magic again?
Totally depends on the style of game the group is playing.
There is no answer except "what works for the group."
@BESW and "how evil is the GM?"
...there are also probably no rules for the bends, which is a good hint that if your group is playing a game where the bends are a thing, you might have a system/goal mismatch.
Sounds like this thing:
yeah, maybe it's not really a good idea to base your DM style on a Penny Arcade comic
I'd go with Up To Four Players, Once Upon a Table, or Darths & Droids for model GMing, myself.
I've played with Up To Four Players' GM. He's good. :)
@Magician So far as I can tell, there is only one rune stone in Finland and it's not yours. Does that match your findings, @eimyr?
@BESW No idea.
Yeeeah, I concede on this search, at least for now.
But I offer that the circle might be a Viking round shield or "pinwheel," so there's some more terms to add to searches.
What Firefox extension should I use for my SE scripts?
@BESW you don't have tampermonkey?
That's what I'm using right now on Chrome.
@BESW if that's available in FF, I would use it as well
@Magician don't use Adblock Plus, it lets through ads that bribed the producer
I personally use µblock Origin
With a much stricter configuration of rules.
@Nzall [citation needed] I've never seen that, and I've used it for a very long time.
and it's opt-out, so it's enabled by default for ABP users
@Nzall There's a big difference between "don't use Adblock Plus, it lets through ads that bribed the producer", and "Users can support this less extreme version of ad blocking by allowing the Acceptable Ads option to remain enabled."
For example: "Participants cannot pay to avoid the criteria. Every ad has to comply with the criteria."
@Miniman Many companies that tried to get on the list claimed otherwise
At least 10% of "acceptable ad" websites have paid for that privilege
"asks for a fee in addition to adhering to the "Acceptable Ads" criteria before it allows a company to be whitelisted."
I'm not seeing the issue here.
@Miniman Many providers are rightfully comparing this to an extortion racket: "oh, you took steps to please us? please, pay some so our business can continue".
There's definitely a potential standards-and-practices problem when advertising requires an extra fee to get through; it unreasonably favours large companies which are already dominating the market.
And my problem is that the "acceptable ads" criteria do NOT expressly exclude malvertising
But "bribed the producer" is pure hyperbole that obscures the problem rather than calls attention to it.
@Nzall Blocking ads in the first place is far harsher on businesses. It's a little weird to draw the line at charging a fee that costs the companies in question far less than not having customers see their ads.
@BESW I find that hyperbole sometimes is needed to start discussion. Many discussions start with dismissing the hyperbole, then another party saying there's some truth to it
@Miniman The problem is that it's not the advertisers themselves that need to make their ads acceptable. it's the website providers. And as long as the advertisers aren't regulated enough, malvertising in the broadest definition will continue
[shrug] I'm a lot less likely to listen to someone who doesn't seem to know what he's talking about, or seems to be deliberately skewing information to incite a response.
ads that download malware, ads that download tons of extra resources throughout the entire time they're on the page, fake download buttons,...
My problem itself is not really ads. It's that many advertising companies don't have any problems with their ads giving out malware, with their ads being nested 7 iframes deep, with their ads interrupting the user, with their ads taking 20-30% of the user's bandwidth,...
@BESW et al, thanks for trying. I'm starting to suspect the whole thing is an overproduced hoax. Which would also be interesting. But it doesn't appear to be called a runestone, that's certain.
Migrating slowly to Firefox, starting now and over the next week.
How do I move scripts from Chrome to Firefox? Do I have to track them down in the wild again?
@BESW Does tampermonkey support say anything about this?
@BESW Otherwise you might have to hunt them from scratch, just like your tofu.
@eimyr Somehow, that comic assumes that A) the US congress actually cares about ads; B) the audience isn't horrified enough by these ads for massive outcry; C) the entire world follows after what the USA does. You could make VERY strong arguments against all 3
@Nzall Somehow you assume there is some all-encompassing purpose to the comics apart from causing a snicker at the idea.
@BESW What do you think of Moana?
@eimyr Pretty much the usual. Starts out "Ooh, a Pacific thing." Then the cynicism kicks in--"Starring Dwayne Johnson." Then I'm pleasantly surprised they have a Kiwi on the script. Then I'm disappointed they've got white guys pretty much everywhere else.
The Rock? I thought they'd go for Momoa.
Right now I'm in "Well, it's Disney. So it'll probably be fun, and a lot of other studios will make Pacific films too, and that way lies progress."
@BESW Did it work after Lilo & Stitch?
The overall style is very similar, but without a cross. It seems like knowing the right terms would help immensely with the search in this case.
....I'm not getting desktop notifications when people ping me.
@Magician Would you look at that: gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/…
almost perfect, but the cross is persistently there
The cross features in so many of the runic inscriptions... especially the ones that are of that kind of style
Is there a way to disable the RSS feed popups?
I think there's a script out there somewhere.
Urgh, my fudge dice are ugly again.
@BESW real dice in the color of fudge? Or edible dice made of fudge?
@JohnB probably neither
sounds like they'r dice @BESW uses to generate biased numbers
oh, hahah. Okay I'm hungry and it shows
ah, so it works like that
Is there a limit to how many dice it may roll?
I still haven't figured out how to get pop-up chat notifications in Firefox.
Looks like that dice roll tool works fast
I just rolled 9d20 3 times and it didn't even flinch
If you roll too many times in a row it'll start to impose increasing delays before you can roll again.
But that's an anti-spam feature.
yeah, I just typed 9d20 9d20 9d20
rolled 27 dice without a hiccup
@BESW I am not a fan of the recent wave of abuse of this feature. I guess I wish Chrome would display the permission prompt a little more subtly/passively. But no, I do not ever need notifications from a recipe website, why are you even asking?!
I do, however, like seeing what folks are saying to me.
Anywho, sleep time. ttfn
@JohnB If they'd introduce a HTTPS requirement, at least we'd have a bunch of websites that stopped doing it, plus a bunch of websites that improve their security so they don't lose the feature
true. I'd like to check out Let's Encrypt for my personal server, just to test it out
@JohnB What OS are you running it on?
Ubuntu 14.04, I currently have an SSL cert for a single domain. But I'd like to encrypt other domains without buying more certs
@JohnB they got a bot that can help you with that, Certbot.
oh cool, thanks for the link!
oh man what a pleasure this website is to use. I whitelist JavaScript, this is what they show: "No javascript? See all setup instructions here. Read the full documentation here."
@JohnB Was that sarcasm or not?
not at all, too many websites just completely break because they rely too heavily on JS for layout or content
to see something that caters towards UAs with no JS is a diamond in the rough
@JohnB well, it IS the EFF, one of the few companies that completely orients their structure and actions towards improving the web
They're fantastic
6 hours later…
Today’s page of Atomic Robo and the Temple of Od shows what it looks like to an NPC when your crew gets all crits. http://www.atomic-robo.com/atomicrobo/v11ch2-page-13
@IlmariKaronen Hi!
@BESW Hi! :)
What's new?
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
[UKcons](http://www.philmasters.org.uk/RPGs/conventions.htm "List of RPG conventions in the UK.").
(Judy Post) Joe's beginner D&D table is booked tonight, but you can play Atomic Robo with me next week! It's an... http://fb.me/141OxAcef
1 hour later…
Sweet, Dog Eat Dog has a new co-publisher that's actually looking at distribution again!
"Sweet Dog Eat" would be a good name for an album.
is that not something a lot of people would get mad at them for?
Is what?
implying you eat dogs, as far as I am aware, really makes a lot of people uncomfortable
Probably a Philippine band.
aww you went there, for shame :P
Oh, I was digging the ambiguity in what it might mean.
Like "Sweet Dog-Eat" = good dog food.
Or "Sweet, dog, eat!" = being encouragement at meal-time.
Or "Sweet: dog, eat." = allowing your dog a treat.
there is certainly a lot of ambiguity
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 what's up?
My wife's at a church council meeting and my son's having a sleepover. Time to see how the JV squad holds it together! (So far, 0-for-1: typing on internet rather than supervising bath.)
@nitsua60 :p
(Strike that: 0-for-2: wrote a student's recommendation rather than cleaning up the kitchen.)
were you able to poke the FLGS btw?
@Shalvenay yup. When I was there it wasn't a terribly RPG-knowledgable clerk--he couldn't figure out whether the thing he was seeing was MGT 2e or MGT Book 2. So we've left a note for some of the RPG-heavyweights who're working this evening and should be giving me a call.
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