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@Shalvenay it depends on the timing of a houseguest--I haven't heard back from her yet when she's arriving/departing. (Messaged a few hours ago.)
I think a lot of is just in disguise.
@BESW According to Jeff, probably just-about all of them =)
(Apparently you can't put * into tags, even imaginary tags, and even using \.)
@nitsua60 I think RPG.SE does have some subjects that are irretrievably shoppy, but probably a lot fewer than we think.
I should start with my own!
@BESW Your question about 5e "showcase" adventures is how I got to ENWorld's competition, which led me to "Mind Blast," which I punched up into an "audition" adventure, which went really well and which group has turned into my firmest current RP group. So: years later, I thank you for posing that off-topic question =)
@nitsua60 Yey!
...I have to go be professional with Don't Start Unbelieving stuck in my head.
@doppelgreener I started watching this just yesterday XD
@Shalvenay be back a bit after kids' bedtime
@trogdor it's so enjoyable
I have only seen the first 2 episodes, but it is so good so far
I was afraid they wouldn't be able to make it interesting considering the fact that the main character is who he is
but so far they are handling it well
@trogdor it has surprised other friends of mine who thought a story with this premise could not be dramatic
well, just to be fair, I am coming from the perspective of the closest thing I have seen to this is like, DBZ,... and while that was fun in it's own way there was a lot of BS involved in it too
oh yeah this is more like superman
one punch man is like superman if it just stuck to its guns with him just being the most powerful person on the planet
"let's create a villain who can beat superman!" no "let's give him a critical weakness that threatens to destroy him!" let's not
I am glad they have the courage so far to not shy away from the fact that he just beats everything he hits, inject humor into it, and so far have at least one other interesting character (though they also poke fun of that in itself XD)
@doppelgreener yeah that too, I am pretty sick of the hero who suddenly has to develop a weakness, or fight some villain who has three power level forms to keep things dramatic,.... or charge his attack for three episodes and miss
so One Punch Man is actually hitting the spot right now, as concerned as I was before starting it that it might not be the best thing to have a show where the main character defeats opponents really easily.
@JoshuaAslanSmith @Grubermensch @Shalvenay @KMallory gonna be a bit late as copy is just now booting
@waxeagle should we expect further connectivity difficulties from our DM tonight?
@waxeagle k
@Shalvenay hopefully not, our new to s been reasonably reliable of late, just dont use my desktop much and didnt realize it was off
@waxeagle ah. changed ISPs or?
Nah, may just be we've had better weather
Don't actually have any meaningful choice in isp
Gah must have been installing updates :(
mmm... climate derived reliability, so much fun
brb mixing a beverage
K may have to go fine 2nd beer already if this boot cycle makes much longer :(
I should have food inbound in ~10 minutes that I'll need to briefly step away to grab fyi
@waxeagle remember, friends don't let friends DM drunk
@Shalvenay that sounds like terrible policy, I don't want to imagine DMing me without booze
seems like a great policy to me
our group doesn't typically allow alcohol at all
GM or otherwise
I support. Although in an entirely remote game I care much less.
during sessions I mean, obviously during any other time I don't care if someone wants to enjoy some
I'm not one prone to excess anyways :) 2 is about my sweet spot, I get a bit too chatty to game with any more than that :)
I just don't drink alcoholic stuff
Sorry - late
@RobertF no worries
Not in practice @RobertF we haven't started at all
it's cool if other people want to, during their own time obviously, but I agree with a policy of not going in for that during an RPG session I am involved in
it can be disruptive if not handled absolutely perfectly
That's cool - are we all drinking alcohol instead? :)
@RobertF I'm having computer issues (old and slow not connectivity)
Well I'm eating delicious delicious Indian food.... if it ever gets here :(((((((((((((((
if I used my desktop for more than this I'd probably invest in some upgrades, but this is basically the only thing it gets used for until my office gets cleaned up pretty heavily
Bay Area traffic is pretty bad isn't it
@RobertF It can be, there are a lot of highways, only tolls are on bridges, but also some mega-employers and a lot of choke points
The sheer number of google employee's makes things exciting
Ok getting my microphone hooked back up...
yeah, it's not letting me join for some weird reason.
@waxeagle the Hangout or r20?
Someone taunted murphy, didn't they
hangout, finally let me in
3 hours later…
@Grubermensch this is where I would put my indian food... IF I HAD SOME.jpg
this is where I would put my BURNINATION trophy, IF I HAD ONE
do some one here have followed the neuroscience
@trogdor do you
neuroscience? not particularly
@trogdor it is really intresting..
@doppelgreener are you online
@kalash i'm here, hi
any particular reason you're asking?
do you play coc
might need to de-abbreviate that
i want you to follow it
uh, are you sure you're in the right room?
its a general chat
it's the RPG general chat, specifically, and i'm pretty confused. you're asking people if they follow neuroscience because it's interesting and saying you want us to follow it?
i mean, i hear news about developments in the field, but that's a weird request.
its not wired at all
it is a bit. (maybe something's being lost in translation.)
if you don't want to follow it its your problem
Alright then.
@BESW @trogdor Hey, do you have access to those betrayal at house on hill fan rules you use?
@doppelgreener I don't, but BESW pulls it up every time we play so I see no issue there
do someone know how to send colored text in chat
@Dr.ZOMBOOS you cannot.
@doppelgreener ok
@trogdor Hmm. @BESW Would you be able to send those custom rules to Dan's skype or my own?
@Fibericon Hello!
realisation drops OH IT's A THUMBS UP!
Yep. And it's sticking out the side of my head.
+1 for the left hand sass
So, I think I've decided to bail on my Exalted group. After I took a step back from the whole "GM metagamed to kill my character" bit, I realized that entire story arc was just awful, and it got worse with each passing session. We were basically doing chump work for some NPC's epic redemption arc, then standing around and watching her kill the death lord (who suddenly forgot how to fight when confronted with the NPC).
It's an awful thing to judge a campaign by two sentences of a disgruntled player, but it does sound like the a Mary-Sue would-prefer-to-play-instead GM magical realm
WoD seems strangely prone to that kind of thing.
Yeah, we did switch GMs every few months. I was the only other player doing it since everyone else was newer to Exalted. He may have not wanted to GM at all - hard to say.
Well, a large part of the 2nd and Revised edition rulebooks were treatises about how to manipulate players into doing what you want in a huge adventure about this awesome world you are running
Exalted has so many solutions to any situation that if you don't manipulate the players in some way, you have to be very good at making something up on the fly. There was one session where an enemy burned an important note in front of us, and another PC just took a small amount of the ashes and used a charm to read the whole message as if it was fully intact. GM didn't anticipate that one. We were supposed to go on an epic adventure to figure out what the note was about.
1st World God Tier Problems
Same with high level Wizards in D&D
Or smart players in Mage
In my current campaign (starting tonight!) I'll have the main plot location prevent magic in a mysterious and scary way, just to have a way to limit super-quick progress
Pretty much. Or ride charms that can potentially get your horse to 150mph for a day at a time. In a setting with no cars.
What system are you running?
Mage: the Ascension, 20th Anniversary edition
this is kinda my thing
Ah. I guess my thing is Exalted, though Shadowrun is a close second. I cobbled together a star wars homebrew with SR3. It's such a mess.
I'd say interesting Fate incarnation is my second choice
I've been attempting to put together a custom system lately. It's... pretty deadly so far. Armor is almost a must.
@Fibericon Do you know why combat in RPGs is more like cinematic, stage combat or sporting bouts than real combat?
Because getting shot in the face and dying immediately isn't much fun?
@eimyr Mages who aren't allowed to use their magic?
I attended a few classes of HEMA too. A swordfight ends in 5-15 seconds with one side dying, wounded helpless or yielding.
@Aether only in a certain location which they are going to have to revisit a couple times.
Yeah, by my math, it turns into less of a meat grinder at higher levels. I just need to find a way to mitigate it at lower levels.
@BESW Ever heard of Terralith Dice ?
Sounds like an Umdaar location.
...and looks hard to read.
It is hard to read
Also, quite expensive.
I saw your Metal Dice link and thought of these
I'm not a big fan of metal dice myself.
I can see the appeal, but since I'm used to moving my venue unexpectedly I like props that are light to carry and won't gouge up the surface.
My Fate tokens are about the only vanity prop I have.
@eimyr They actually look pretty cool to me, but super-impractical...
I agree.
And i though regular d4 caltrops were bad!
@BESW I like your Fate tokens. One of my friends bought a large bag of Firefly coins - unfortunately, they are as tough as sequins and about as thick
(Though they do seem to have moved to something that looks more like an octahedron for the d4 - it's certainly less spiky than it could have been)
Every game he loses some to forces of entropy.
Heh, yeah.
And for travel in uncertain conditions, I still have a bag of plastic poker chips.
@Aether d8/2
@eimyr Exactly. I've seen them used before; easier to read, less painful to step on.
@eimyr My minis were like that, back when I used minis. But that's because they were just copier paper printed and folded.
(Also easier to pick up the wrong die, though)
...hm. I don't think I've ever stepped on a d4, or maybe ever any die.
When we drop 'em, we usually pick 'em up immediately.
'cause, yanno, we were using them at the time and still need to roll.
It's the time when you drop it under your chair, and you scoot back to look for it, and in the process of scooting your foot comes down...
Having said that, I don't think I've actually done it either. It's just a thing I hear a lot. Might just be a lot of people passing anecdotes that never happened to them...
@Aether That's why you need a spotter.
@Aether Hah! A long time ago in a comic shop back room far away...
This one guy stepped on a d4, and it was legendary.
@BESW Dice Wars Episode d4: A New Hope
Scrolls up
We have a player in our D&D group with the metal dwarven dice. He's not allowed to roll them on the table.
@Aether I think you mean A Noob Hops.
@BESW Yes!
I'd be tempted to get the brass d10s if I didn't need so many of them. They're too expensive for me to pick up 40 dice, but they do look thematically appropriate for solars.
I'm glad Evil Hat made awesome Fate dice just as I was getting into the system.
And that they're plastic.
I just googled them, and screamed internally at the valentine dice.
Is that scream "EEEE," "AAAA," or "RRRR"?
@BESW Yeah, those dice are awesome. I have the blue/green/purple pearlescent ones, which are among my favourite dice
Definitely an "AAAA"
Yeah, I got the Core and Spirit of the Century dice.
Troggy got Atomic Robo and Eldritch.
And I'm looking at dice that cost more than anyone should spend on dice. D20 systems are alright, because you generally only need one or two sets. Dice pool systems though...
...I kinda want to buy a brick of d6s.
But I'm unlikely to ever seriously use a system that would require bricks of dice.
I tend to have a few sets of d20 dice, plus extra d6s, d10s (for things like ORE), and Fate dice...
As a 5e Paladin in my latest game, I'm thinking I may also need extra d8s
Critical longsword smites vs. Undead can be a problem...
Here you go, you just need tens of thousands of dollars to spend on dice: fashiontribes.typepad.com/main/2005/11/a_pair_of_bacca.html
I think this count is out of date by about two dozen d6s:
May 21 '15 at 9:06, by BESW
9d4, 69d6, 24dF, 22d8, 44d10, 11d12, 17d20
...no, it's accurate. That was shortly after I bought the small brick.
@Peeps Hi!
Welcome to chat. Anything in particular on your mind?
Nothing in particular. I just noticed for the first time that there's an actual chat, thought I'd come check it out.
Fair enough. We're surprisingly on topic right now, but so long as things stay nice the discussion ranges pretty far afield.
We always prioritise RPG stuff, though, if someone wants to bring it back.
You're welcome to hang out and lurk or chat as you like.
Currently working, but I may stick around for a while and chime in if the mood strikes.
Hey, anybody got a good line on game manual design resources? Blogs, podcasts, etc, about layout and organisation and so forth?
@BESW Try boardgame design forums
Producing manuals is their bread and butter, you might get some inspiration there
boardgamegeek may have something relevant
Hmm, point. I'm so out of the boardgame loop I didn't even think of that.
I'm looking to make a nice fancy sheet for Colonypunk, and while I'm planning to use a lot of Pacific design influence, I don't want to re-invent the wheel on rule layout.
...maybe I should also be looking into information posters.
@Fibericon also just in case you don't want to be able to read the numbers very easily, on account of the dice being perfectly clear and full of dots from any angle
@doppelgreener You probably hire assistants to read them for you if you're spending that much on dice.
@Fibericon you can't afford the assistants because you've just spent that much on dice
Oh man, I had a player who thought he was going to be cool and paint dice for our Shadowrun game. Dark blue on black was too hard to read, so he soaked the dice in turpentine to get the paint off. The plastic dice. They melted. And of course, he didn't think to try it with one die - he melted his whole block.
At least it was a cheapo block from 7-11.
I'm yet to play a game with a HYP approach to dice - go out the place where you play and ask the first random person to name a number from 1-20 or whatever die you want to roll.
"Sorry, people around here really like the number 1. You all botch repeatedly and eventually die."
@Fibericon 7. Person-generated random numbers are always 7.
Eh, could be worse. You tend to have plenty of + to hit.
@nitsua60 I'm partial to 17.
@BESW I like to roll 17 on a d10.
It's totally possible in dnd 5e though
17 just feels more prime than any other number to me.
@BESW plus it's one digit away from 107, which is also prime
it's one digit from 137 which is just... magic
The most magical thing about that page is the iframe with HTML in plain text on the left.
@nitsua60 but... but why that equation in particular?
what's significant about it that 137 might be notable?
I'm also fond of 9 and 19, for spiritual reasons.
one of those isn't very prime though
@BESW there are all these terms for "x numbers" and i'm sure they're important for something but i wish i knew why
you don't just define a set called perfect numbers that extends to tens of digits within the first ten members of the set and not have a reason for it... i hope
@doppelgreener In all honesty... nothing. The fine structure constant is super-important. The fact that it's equal to \frac{1}{something really close to the integer 137} doesn't, in my mind, make 137 terribly special. But for some reason people who know just a little bit of physics take this as a hint to go look for that number everywhere and point to any instance of it as confirmation of their personal/whackadoo theories of the universe.</rant>
I'm reminded of 1729.
The mathematician G. H. Hardy, remembering a visit to fellow mathematician Srinivasa:
> I remember once going to see him when he was ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi cab number 1729 and remarked that the number seemed to me rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavorable omen. "No," he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways."
@waxeagle thanks for running last night
good bit of story
@nitsua60 oh. well. but i mean like. why (q^2 / h)*c? Why not (c/h)*q^2? Why not q^3 or just q?
or (q^2/c)*h
what's so significant about that particular equation they chose to go with it?
@doppelgreener you mean things like amicable, deficient, abundant, lucky, apocalyptic, almost-perfect, hoax, sad, unhappy, vampire, chicken mcnugget, idempotent, pentagonal, joyous, narcissistic, evil, charismatic, undulating, odious, sociable, antisocial, sublime, weird, frugal, sexy, weak, wasteful, or large numbers?
FYI, three of those are not things =)
@nitsua60 [googles 'joyous number', not a thing. googles 'evil number', it is a thing, and 'odious numbers' are numbers that are not evil. frowns.]
@doppelgreener Clearly Ming the Merciless had a hand in the naming process.
[is amused by apocalyptic numbers]
anything to make maths sound exciting ;op
Maths are exciting. I'm constantly amazed at how standard education manages to squish all the joy out of it.
@doppelgreener I don't really remember much, but that it (the fine-structure constant) arises as our analysis of spectral emission/absorption lines gets better and better. So it's likely a legacy artifact of the way someone in the late 1800s or early 1900s set up their particular experiment.
@BESW Maths are exciting to some people.
I need to lurk on Board & card cgame stack exchange more
Many of my friends are totally nonplussed about maths, even the exciting bits.
It's the same sort of question, I think, as asking why we measure velocity as length per time... why not time per length? You could make all the math work just fine....
@BESW Yeah I know. I was being silly
<- Good at maths but put off of it for life at university
But the excitement arises when this constant involved with fundamentally-quantum experiences (absorption/emission) has factors of the electron's charge (naturally), Planck's constant (naturally), and the speed of light (wait- what? How'd relativity get in here?) It points to deep connections between theories that, at the time, were viewed in completely different realms.
@BESW maths as investigation into the fundamental nature of the universe is kinda awesome.
@besw I feel like applied math is exciting and or mathematical concepts shown within their historical reasoning
(Keep in mind that when the fine structure constant's first described Einstein's statement of special relativity is only a few years old, Michaelson-Morley's only a decade or so past, so to suddenly see c pop up in spectral analysis... spooky!)
but I am in general for a holistic pedagogy (why divide into discrete subjects when in truth history, literature, math and science co-exist on a spectrum)
@nitsua60 think about the existential dread when wave-particle duality wasn't accepted yet but the electron still went through BOTH slits.
I remember at my university at physics classes some students were asking if that's divine, if the micro and nano is where freedom of will lies. The lecturers responded that the apparent spike in conversion to faith lessens as the understanding of the subject increases. Cheeky but that's exactly what happened.
@eimyr it's dwarfed by the existential dread that arises when I think too hard about what w-p duality means for my notion of self/body =\
@nitsua60 Isn't the centre of consciousness/consciousness as ephemeral state debate doing that for you already?
@eimyr I'm just talking about my enduring faith that my body will continue on as a coherent ensemble through the rest of the day, as opposed to just... dissipating =\
^^ if one lacks ennui
@nitsua60 don't worry about that! you are constantly observing yourself so you have to collapse into one state at all times :P
@nitsua60 As an engineer I like practical answers. As in solving the Ship of Theseus easily by introducing a serial number on an arbitrary essential part.
@eimyr I dont think that actually solves it the ship of Theseus is more of a question of how you view it than a right answer
@JoshuaAslanSmith It doesn't solve it from an epistemological point of view, but it's a nice joke to poke fun at philosophy majors.
very nice I accept your statement then
If the 'Ship of Theseus isn't a fanfic community yet, why not?
Ship of Theseus slashfic
@JoshuaAslanSmith Also, that's exactly how it's solved in real life re: e.g. gun or car IDs
@BESW What should Ship of Theseus carry?
Oh-oh-oh! @nitsua60 Let's combine Ship of Theseus with Banach-Tarski theorem for EXTRA CREDITS
@eimyr but it doesn't resolve the question so much as just be a way we arbitrarily track ownership. I could do a complete tear down to the Frame on a car and then a rebuild using wholly new parts and legally yes it is the "same car" but the philosophically the same question is there
@JoshuaAslanSmith Indeed, it's an avoidance measure not a true answer.
Thats what Im getting at though, the ship of Theseus is more of a litmus test for how you personally view identification of objects Serial numbers are simply how the legal system has decided to determine it
Mm. Cutting the Gordian knot isn't exactly a display of one's ability to handle rope.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Personally I find it reasonably easy with most day-to-day objects. E.g. The Axe part is the head of the axe, because it's more expensive and essential. The Computer part is the motherboard, because breakdown of it is most likely for me to shell out for a new one etc.
I appreciate that others might value, dunno, processor more and have an entirely different opinion and that's fine.
@JoshuaAslanSmith And coming back to RPGs, if you change GMs mid-campaign and the other GM runs the remainder for different people, which campaign is the original one? What if you replace the players? Go.
@BESW The gordian knot is indelibly linked to batman for me after New 52's Zero year
@JoshuaAslanSmith I remain happily ignorant of such things.
Will the real ship of theseus please stand up?
....I named my quarterling shade Gordian.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm crying.
@besw actually was really good batman character moment with the riddler and quite a good story line, i fyou are into comics
@eimyr The opportunity presented itself and I could not turn away from it, no matter how much of a dad joke it was
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm reading Dents, Paper Girls, Injection, Atomic Robo... generally I'm ignoring what the Big Two are printing.
Q: Can you convert characters from 1st to 2nd edition?

Momonga-samaIs it possible to convert characters from previous edition to current one? How is it achieved?

@Momonga-sama Convert? HERESY! BLAM!
@besw I got into New 52 for a year or so on DC theres a bunch of indie stuff I want to read but Ive stopped buying comics in leiu of other pursuits
(Ms. Marvel's been looking interesting, though.)
@eimyr Hail Horus.
(And I've got my eyes on Cry Havoc and Yohancé.)
@BESW Is Yohance like Beyonce?
Im mostly at DC for the batman well see how rebirth shakes out
@Momonga-sama WAAAAAGH!
@eimyr Not really, no.
It's most commonly described as Afrofuturist Star Wars.
From what I can tell, that's doing it a disservice.
@BESW I'm still waiting for your opinion on stories by Jacek Dukaj.
What do you recommend?
@eimyr sorry, just getting back from a meeting. And I believe you just leveraged advanced mathematics to claim ownership of all the world's navies, public and private. (Which I'm fine with. Just wanted to make sure everyone else saw it, too.)
@BESW Literally anything. His works are so diverse it is incredibly hard to pick something representative - but it all deals with technomystical posthumanist hard sci-fi with slavic cultural roots.
@nitsua60 Where's Trogdor when you need a table flipped?
@eimyr I'm not sure that's exactly in my wheelhouse, but Lord of Light wasn't bad so...
@eimyr how would you compare him to Richard Morgan?
or his works I should say
@nitsua60 No, I just crashed the ship construction market with a flotilla of clone ships and no one knows which one is mine.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Sadly, I'm unfamiliar with Richard Morgan. I need to google to even find what he wrote
@BESW Then grab a short story - perhaps something out of King of Pain anthology.
@JoshuaAslanSmith The following, from wiki, is very accurate:
"Linia Oporu" (Line of Resistance) - Singularity will come or will not come, but anyway we all already live in its shadow. In a society of free luxury based on the creative economy the only scarce, priceless commodity is the meaning of life. The main character is a creative "producing" the meanings of life: creating for people their "lines of resistance". What do you live for, when you can have everything at will, including immortality? The novel is written in a unique style of "ADHD narration", reflecting the way we perceive rea
It sounds really tacky, forced and trivial, but I assure you it's not. ADHD narration is really a thing, I've never seen as many neologisms
haha Sci-fi blurbs are some of the worst
there are so many sci fi books I avoided reading for years because the synopsis on the back cover or the 1 sheet trying to sell it came off so crass but when I eventually gave it a go I found the book to be of value
And there are terrible books with great blurbs.
Would a question about specific criteria systems be allright or is it considered as shopping question?
No idea. What is the question? I often ask Qs here to proof it before going mainsite
A quickie system in which game lasts 30 min-1 hour
dozens of such systems off the top off Chat's head
it's hard to ask question of "what should I play?"
Example plz then :v
better one would be "I want to play Sci-Fi, with pregenerated characters, with people who like author stance and diceless, I only have 1 hour" but it still might get closed
@eimyr I believe things like this may once have been considered "good game-rec", but is now considered off-topic.
RFS, Everyone is John, Great Ork Gods could do it too, PbtA games of all sorts with pregen
Problem is that if you have just 30-60 minutes then it might be better to play a boardgame instead
Q: Are Game Recommendation Questions On Topic, Revisited

mxyzplkGame recommendation questions are sadly NOT on topic here on RPG.SE. History In 2011 we embarked upon a brave experiment. "Shopping," or recommendation, questions are generally banned on all SEs given specific meta.SE guidance on the topic in Q&A is Hard, Let's Go Shopping. RPG recommendatio...

@eimyr "PbtA"?
Powered by the Apocalypse: Apocalyse World, Dungeon World and miscellanea
Ahh. I wouldn't have immediately thought of * World, but I've got very little experience with them.
(hmm... chat needs a zero-width space to make that work, I guess)
Surgadores is always an option =)
Surgadores: "Players are a team of luchadore-surgeons who have to operate on their patient while simultaneously holding Death at bay with professional wrestling."
Wait... what?
surgeon + wrestler... what's not to like?
@nitsua60 Did... did you just find this picture, or did you have to edit it together?!
this was my two-minute hack-job putting the two together
@nitsua60 Awesome
again... "Senor Doctor! Yo estoy el Muerto! Tengo que hacer mi trabajo!"
yay, a new user answering loads of questions and adding nothing new to existing answers
@Momonga-sama There's also the whole genre of role playing poems / nanogames / etc (I can find a list somewhere), you might be able to play 4 of them in that time.
@Anaphory What is a role-playing poem?
@Anaphory Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Thank you :]
@Aether A tiny role playing game (or something similar, many are not easily categorized), traditionally designed with a very tight focus on a situation, emotion, type of story etc., and lasting some 15 minutes.
Maybe I can find the definition of the person originally coining the term.
@Anaphory Interesting. I've not come across this before...
I think it was coined by Tomas HV Mørkrid, maybe around the the Nørwegian Style book (can't check, don't have it it my new flat yet), and consequently, one of the first stops for that game type is the blog to the book.
There's a few other places in the Web that have published games like that.
I have played a few, because many of them are quite quirky it depends on having the right type of people around.
Does that chat link at the top of rpg.se take anyone else to a world of hurt? chat.stackexchange.com/?host=rpg.stackexchange.com
By “world of hurt”, you mean something different from the page listing all 8 rpg.se's chat rooms? Because that's what I see.
@okeefe I don't see a chat link at the top of rpg.se (it's at the bottom), and all I get is the favourites tab and my two favourited rooms...
I assumed you meant the link besides “Role Playing Games” under “Current Community” when you click the StackExchange button to pop down communities?
@Anaphory Oh, I see that. Another thing I didn't know. :) I get the same result.
2 hours later…
Hello everyone
I've got a question that doesn't really fit anywhere else on the site that I'm hoping someone here might be able to help point me in the right direction
I've started a homebrew campaign with friends playing over the phone.weve tried using this one campaign manager site but iys wiki section is really clunky and missing a lot of functionality. Can you suggest a site that offers a web based (non downloaded) wiki, personal journals for each player and other additional options?
Not much of an online player myself, but that looks like a thing where chat should be able to help.
(Although in the past I have felt that me poking the chat about non-main-capable questions I have depends a lot on who's around, because in a lull like this, a question gets lost.)
Nah we play over the phone. This would just be for days storage, fun journals that everyone can read, etc.
It's still that notes I had were generally offline, apart from the one time when I tried to keep a blog as GM about places and people, but that campaign was not very resilient and died after a few sessions.
@nitsua60 there is nothing, it is perfect XD
@BESW what now?
@trogdor This.
the heck?
Math jokes.
@waxeagle WHOA beer wine and spirits made it to beta
time to rack up some rep
ok all the tables are flipped over now
and get all up in that meta
hope everyone is happy
math jokes made me do it
> Evil can be dealt with as long as you work in a well ventilated area and lock it up while you sleep. (source)
@sharur Hi!

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