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@Momonga-sama Burning Wheel is fantastic.
2 hours later…
@BESW That gun's... breathtaking.
And the car ships with a price list of replacement parts. Pure brilliance.
hey again @nitsua60
(A very delayed hello to you as well, @Zachiel)
@JoelHarmon [wave]
hello again, @BESW
What's new?
lots and nothing, simultaneously, which is pretty par for the course
Played Lasers & Feelings for the first time last night. We had a blast.
The crew turned into cyber zombies that were licking the ship's drive crystals.
I haven't heard of that game
but somehow I'm already interested
It's a free one-page pdf game here.
hey there @JoelHarmon
hey @Shalvenay
I think the "play to find out" line may have sealed it for me
We wound up with a Dangerous Doctor analysing a mostly dead zombie and figuring out how to make laser guns that would only blast the technological bits, leaving the organic host behind.
@Shalvenay hiya--what's up?
this link is definitely getting forwarded
@nitsua60 quiet here
@JoelHarmon There are several hacks, like Swords & Scrolls for a D&D style adventure.
@Shalvenay Had dinner with a possible major donor tonight, which is always a somewhat-uncomfortable experience. That sort of schmoozing's generally above my pay grade, and I prefer it stay there.
@nitsua60 yeah, it's above mine as well
@BESW about half the verbiage is straight out of * Worlds
(yes, that means I like it)
Lasers & Feelings can be seen as AWE's super-lite spiritual child.
Although mechanically, it's got more history with All Outta Bubblegum and Trollbabe.
(But then, it seems like everyone tries to trace lineage back to Trollbabe.)
@BESW Trollbabe was my great-grandmother twice removed, through my stepsister's uncle-in-law.
@SevenSidedDie you too!?
I wonder if there's a way to frame a question for main-site about exactly how much Trollbabe is a progenitor and how much it's a flagship for concepts that originated elsewhere.
@BESW I have a localfriend who already claimed Hot-Shot Scientist as code for "INSUFFERABLE KNOW-IT-ALL" in any future L&F game we play
"Dangerous Doctor" turned out to be a cross between Archer's Krieger and TF2's Medic.
@BESW something like "what common RPG concepts/themes/mechanics/vocabulary originated with Trollbabe?"
yeah, you may have to split it up into 2+ questions
Distinguishing between "Trollbabe invented this," "Trollbabe codified this," and "Trollbabe popularised this" may be difficult to ask in a way that won't devolve into hair-pulling and speculation.
I'm not quite sure which way I'd want to go on the stat, but conveniently I have a way to make decisions based on a very limited set of options...
I used All Outta Bubblegum as part of the inspiration for Colonypunk.
then again, I once had players roll d8+1 in Dungeon World for level, individually
@JoelHarmon -- I've been wanting to give DW a shot actually
I ended up DMing twice before playing it as a character, but it worked out well every time
The only SplatWorld I've ever participated in was GMing Monster of the Week, which was quite lovely.
it's a much looser system than, say, D&D, but that can be good
the total time spent discussing rules was under 10 minutes for each 4+ hour game
whereas I recently played 5e and we spent ~20 minutes trying to figure out which magic items should be available for purchase (spoiler: the DM should have dictated it)
@JoelHarmon perhaps we can do a one-shot of it sometime?
my schedule is pretty inconsistent
@JoelHarmon ah -- because it's the kind of system I suspect I won't know if it'll work for me until I try it
I seem to recall that I have about 6 free weekend days between now and October
@JoelHarmon holy cow.
it's definitely a different flavor rules wise than D&D is
@JoelHarmon yeah -- and looser rules can help or hurt me, I suspect it depends on the DM as well as I don't buy into the same trope-set many do
Mmm. DW doesn't have looser rules.
@BESW just different?
Its rules are very tight in different places compared to D&D, and most of them are about enforcing tropes.
@BESW ah, mind explaining further?
The Apocalypse World Engine, for example, shoots Rule 0 in the face and tosses it out the window: the GM has a strict set of things he can do and what triggers his being able to do them.
I didn't define my terms; by 'looser', I mean there are fewer and each rule covers more situations than D&D
(that's clearly my own opinion)
But that list is basically a list of tropes common to the game's genre.
easily 2/3 of the rules are for the DM, not the player
Similarly mechanics for the players push tropes hard.
Like... [digs up Monster of the Week for examples]
many of the names on the Barbarian character sheet are direct references to Conan the Barbarian
A player's available actions in Monster of the Week (which is based on ensemble cast monster-hunting stories like Buffy and Supernatural) include: help out; investigate a mystery; manipulate someone; protect someone; read a bad situation; and kick some ass.
If you want to do something that's not on the list, it probably falls under the blanket action "act under pressure."
In other words, an Apocalypse World Engine game tries to prevent participants from breaking genre conventions.
in DW, there's a move called Defy Danger, which covers everything from parrying a blow to climbing a dangerous cliff to dodging a spell
It leaves a lot of room open for participants to describe the exact nature of what they're doing without any mechanical restriction, so long as the kind of thing they're doing is within genre.
When we played Monster of the Week, our "paladin" (class called "the divine") was a policeman who spontaneously manifested divine blessings and became one of the New Knights of the Round Table.
you're also never allowed to invoke a move on your own by declaring that's what you're doing. You MUST describe what you are doing and let the DM tell you that your narration triggered a move (and which one)
You don't try to use Hack and Slash by saying "I Hack and Slash him!". You say "I sneak up behind him and shank him!"
Aye, and the GM never gets to make a move without the players' actions triggering it either.
the DM then looks at the moves, considers, and tells you that hack and slash requires some kind of back and forth; this is just dealing damage. Roll damage.
@BESW or inaction
@JoelHarmon I could see that working fairly well -- however, I could see serious scope problems popping up
lots of it depends on the GM and how much you think they're being reasonable
I'm not sure how much I agree with @BESW saying that it forces genre tropes. I'd say the classes are based on the tropes, but it doesn't necessarily prevent you from doing other things
Sure, you can do other things.
if you can even say "this game is Fantasy" or "that one is Sci-Fi", then you've already assigned it dozens of tropes
But the players' moves, the class options, and the GM's moves, all push for a certain genre-specific experience.
Dungeon World has moves like Make Camp and Carouse that just don't fit into Monster of the Week.
for what games isn't the "genre-specific experience" true?
D&D 3.5 comes immediately to mind, and the DMG talks about that explicitly.
I could see Make Camp reskinned to Rest Up, and Carouse to Party Time! (though for some reason I can't find my book right now)
@JoelHarmon Right, but "rest up" isn't a trope of monster-hunting narratives the way "make camp" is a trope of journey adventures.
AWE limits its moves to the things central to the chosen narrative.
@JoelHarmon what I've been known to do (more as a DM than a player though) is throw characters into situations that lie far outside their normal course of experience -- the paladin and her wyrmling companion suddenly finding themselves in a busy airport, for instance
I'd say it's a weaker trope for monster-hunting; I'm thinking fortifying a church against a vampire or something
but my gut says it's still there
@Shalvenay I don't think I've ever played an RPG where something that far out was explored (though mentioned, yes)
sounds like it could be either interesting, or frustrating, in large part based on the DM
@JoelHarmon yeah -- Fate is the system that strikes me as ideal for such crazy stuff.
if the SWAT team gets called for your wormling, because the DM teleported you there, it breaks player agency hard and tends to be less fun (for me)
maybe a bare minimalist one, such as Roll For Shoes (disclaimer: never played it)
@JoelHarmon RFS I find is a bit hard to narrow down, if you will
there aren't enough tropes there to create expectations you can violate?
@JoelHarmon more like I have trouble figuring out when to invoke the system and when not to
that can be a problem in DW as well, though at a guess less so
@JoelHarmon I'd say it'd be much less a problem in DW
I'd believe you, but I lack the experience in RFS to assert that myself
RFS is hardly even a system. It's a toolset.
I just threw it out there as the simplest thing I knew anything about
A: How can I use roll for shoes to introduce someone to roleplaying?

BESWI recently did exactly what you're talking about, and RFS was awesome for the job: its open structure let me model many different play strategies and styles quickly and easily just by applying different philosophies to different actions and scenes. First, the big pitfall I encountered: Roll For ...

Anyone online a gun-nerd?
@Oxinabox just throw your question out there :)
So my combat system has 3 level of damage that you can take (plus none, and dead).
And every weapon is rated at a particular level of damage.
On a d6, roll a 1 (fumble) and it does on level below, roll a 6 (crit) and it does one level higher.
Damage does not stack, and really trying to take someone down with a weapon that doesn't have the rating is crit fishing.
But fast crit fishing since it is only a one in 6.
Every combat round represents like 20 seconds of combat, so serveral blows/shots.
The 3 catagories of damage are:
- Bruised: you might feel this tomorrow, but probably not.
- Beaten: People say "You should go to hospital", but you don't *really* need to go to hospital.
- Broken: You actually need to go to hospital in the next 2-3 hours or you will die. You are unable to take yourself to hospital.
So I am trying to place weapons on the scale.
Right now I am most happy with:
Baseball Base: Beaten (so Broken on a Crit)
Nerf Mallet: No Damage (so Bruised on a Crit).

But I know very little of guns.
ah. welcome to the wonderful world of terminal ballistics @Oxinabox
Broken represents that after being hit by a rounds of damage from it, the fight is over for your.
So I guess guns with "high stopping" power make you Broken?
what would a serious wound to a limb count as in your system?
because based on what I've read on the topic -- a gun's ability to put you in a world of hurt depends a lot more on where you hit someone than what size round you hit them with
or at least somewhat more
A fractured bone is probably Beaten,
Even a non-bad break like a greenstick is probably Beaten.
A bad break, or a limb removal is Broken -- you are at very least in too much pain to fighrt
I'd say that subsonic handgun rounds (22LR comes to mind) are Beaten, and anything supersonic is going to be straight-out Broken at least temporarily -- there is some evidence that points towards dynamic effects being a significant factor in the terminal ballistic performance of a given round
Consider WRT location, that a single attack role probably represents many shots from the gun (so hits many location).
Even on a break-action shot gun, you probably get multiple shots.
well, shotguns are special because they are multiple wounds with 1 shot
(unless you're loading slugs)
I guess the bigger assumption is "are you assuming people are just firing as fast as they can, or taking their time and sighting shots?"
I guess that kind of depends on the gun.
@Oxinabox what time period are you dealing with anyhow?
alright then.
Bruised: Airsoft, Paintball
Beaten: Pistols (eg Police Glock), Air Rifles, Rubber bullets
Broken: Heavy Pistols (eg Magnum), Rifles, Shotguns, SMGs,
Are there guns that belong in the Dead category?
oh heck yes
I'd say that small caliber pistols fall in the Beaten category
like I said, .22LR or something like that
subsonic rounds
So would that include standard police guns?
your average police sidearm is going to be a Glock -- but chambered in something like .357 SIG, .40 S&W or .45 GAP
and those are designed to be much harder-hitting rounds -- they make a .22LR look pretty wimpy in comparison
about 2-3x the muzzle energy
heck, I'd even call a .22LR Broken at least if you're shooting a decently hot version of it
and the heavier handgun rounds are uniformly supersonic
so -- Bruised: airsoft or paintball
Beaten: air rifle, rubber bullet, borderline on subsonic .22LR or equivalent low-velocity cartridges
Broken: any supersonic handgun load (incl. SMGs), shotguns, anti-personnel only rifles/machineguns (7.62mm and down)
well, 8mm and down
Dead: heavy anti-material rifles/machineguns -- 10mm and up
So the only place I'ld be seeing Dead rated weapons is if the actual military was involved.
And even then most of the equiptment they have would leave you Broken.
for the most part. obviously, something like a 40mm grenade pegging you in the face is going to leave you very Dead.
grenades come in calibers?
yes -- the 40mm is the NATO standard launched grenade -- it's what's used with the old M79 bloop tube and the underslung M203
ah ok so a launched grendade.
besides, leaving an enemy soldier Broken takes up more of their resources than leaving them Dead
I am still trying to work out AOE mechanics.
but yes -- there are civil weapons that can leave you Dead, but they're used for two things: 1) long range target shooting as you need lots of velocity to do that, and that requires enough propellant to use at least a borderline anti-material cartridge
I ran a game where one of the players was an olypic pistol shooter.
So I learnt about the "Pistol that shoots a single rifle round"
and 2) hunting dangerous game (i.e. ye olde "elephant gun") -- these use large calibers as well but with lower-velocity rounds (probably to avoid overpenetration issues, and to achieve matched performance from the shorter barrels on big-game rifles vs. long range pieces)
Olympic shooters are actually interesting as PC's as it is one of the only olypic sports where almost all the competitors have day jobs.
And where being the world champion still makes you almost entirely unknown, outside of the particular community
although if you want the really nuts stuff -- of course, look to the military
also -- how do you plan to handle accuracy vs. range?
because there are some surprises there as well
I was going to not handle it at all.
Consider the system does not have a "to hit" roll.
You just hit.
is there some sort of maximum range on weapons?
Yeah, when the GM says "Nah"
as a general rule -- handgun cartridges are only good at short ranges
(i.e. handguns, SMGs)
rifle cartridges can be good out to a fairly long range though -- and this includes machine guns. a MG can be just as accurate as a good rifle under the right circumstances.
I'll probably have a section on range, and fleeing.
Full WIP rules are online at docs.google.com/document/d/…
Combat starts on page 3
One of the key notions I wanted to cover with the combat system was that unless you outnumber the knife wield 3+ vs 1. You are not leaving without stitches.
@Oxinabox that's mostly a matter of distance
In that line, I was talking about melee range.
right -- yes.
I'm sure there is a level of training (and perhaps armour) that makes it not true, but that isn't something the PC's have.
And given the police (in setting) are a joke, not something they have either.
Hmm I am wondering if , any melee weapons counts as Broken.
Maybe swords and machetes?
Sledge hammers and axes while more dangerious per hit, are also much slower.
1 hour later…
We've got a few few folks working out how the site works. Please help them by gently pointing them toward appropriate meta and help posts and guiding them in how they can improve their posts.
4 hours later…
I admit I haven't kept up with the various RAW-related drama on Meta over the last few months, but I'm still surprised I managed to sneak in a decidedly non-rule-related answer to a D&D question without incident.
If it's not asking for RAW, and you can give a reasonable reason not to rely on rules, it's no biggie.
"The rules say nothing about that" is reasonable.
And, of course, "You can do X" is nice, but "You can do X, we've done it before, and it turned out Y" is even better.
Oh indeed.
A healthy dollop of "I've done this" will make up for a LOT of deficiency otherwise.
I am continueing to enjoy the drama free life with all DnD tags blocked.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 I mean, if you added some headings and bolding and conjunctions to tie the paragraphs/points together, that's about what most of my answers look like. XD You may have higher standards, though.
@Momonga-sama If you use GURPS I suggest using the suggestion to require players to spend points on things that have actually come up or get training. Burning Wheel does this automatically IIRC - the only way to improve at skills is using them to attempt difficult challenges.
@momonga-sama BTW, there's a GURPS Swashbucklers supplement with more detail on fencing and chandelier-swinging if that's the style you're going for.
Also, good $TIME_OF_DAY, everyone! Today is the final session of my current favorite game. I'll be sad to see it go (and trying to figure out some way to continue with that character - lots of unexplored psychological territory) but super excited to find out the reasons for all the mysterious things the DM's been doing to us. :D
@AncientSwordRage How's things?
1 hour later…
@SirTechSpec I just can't find the organizing principle(s) for all those thoughts =\
No worries, I've bookmarked the chat so I've got the benefit, anyway ^__^
Also, I'm knee-deep in prep for Monday's session. That is to say: I've been procrastinating a lot and I should be knee-deep in prep =)
3 hours later…
@BESW I think Trollbabe has a list of its inspirations on the last pages and anyway the author talked a lot in blogs about its creation process and why he made it that way, IIRC
@SirTechSpec echo 'Good '.$TIME_OF_DAY.' to you';
2 hours later…
@Oxinabox I don't know about drama, but life improved greatly after hiding the dnd 3/3.5/pathfinder questions.
@Zachiel hullo :P nice to meet you

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