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The DM sent out an email detailing his policy on table talk (namely, let's start enforcing that exactly one person talks at a time, and if you have questions during turn-based play they need to wait until your turn) that is sufficiently thorough and compelling that I'll see how that affects the dynamic before proposing anything else.
A: How do I handle large conversations with multiple NPCs?

BESWRelease the Wombat of Discourse! This is my default strategy for the first time a group starts talking over each other so much it hinders play: I bring a stuffed animal to the session, and name it The [Animal] of Discourse. The GM may speak at any time, but only the player with the Animal can ta...

That basic idea minus the wombat, yeah.
It's promising that your GM has recognised a problem and is proposing solutions.
Up until now there's been a lot of chatter - one person asking me a question about rules, another asking the DM a question about the room so they can plan their turn while the player whose turn it is debates out loud what to do - the effect of which I was probably underestimating and so failed to convey before.
That can be disruptive to cohesion, yes.
If folks don't even know all the information available or hear the plans being proposed, it makes a lot of sense to get divergent action.
@BESW Yeah he's actually super experienced, just hasn't had to deal with either a new group or new players in a while, and doesn't know 5e as well as I do
Hoping that last will stop being true soon, though
@BESW I think people usually hear the plans as we argue about them for a bit, but they may miss some description, and also just the chaos contributes to frustration and slowness which leads to further frustration.
The GM also made an interesting point about letting people make mistakes and letting that drive the drama of the story if need be instead of having players tell each other what to do, so he's going to keep communication between players to what you could shout over a battle in six seconds (in character). Otherwise everyone's on their own during combat.
While I think that in the short term, when the question is not "what is the optimal tactical move" but "I want to do X, what do I roll again?" it is a bit faster to have us advise our neighbors so they can plan their turn during others' turns, after thinking about it I think it'll probably stick better if they can be on the spot a little and deal with the consequences of their actions, as well as hear the answers to other similar questions.
We're also through the introductory dungeon and into more of a sandbox mode (he'll still provide plot options, but we're free to ignore them). All in all it'll be a different game next session, that's for sure.
I hope it works out for you! Let us know.
2 hours later…
hey @nitsua60
@nitsua60 what's up?
just got in from AL, and I actually got to play =)
@nitsua60 nice
Pulled a high elf pregen wizard and basically played her as Katherine Hepburn from The Philadelphia Story.
@nitsua60 don't get the ref, but OK
Which meshed marvelously with my failed save (evenwith advantage and proficiency) against compulsion by the incubus we ran up against.
[time to findoout if imdb gets oneboxing...]
Kate's a wealthy socialite being sought after by both Clark Gable (eminently suitable) and Jimmy Stewart (not at all suitable).
So I had her treating the incubus like Clark, our party face like Jimmy, and my very best mid-Atlantic posh accent on display.
@nitsua60 I wonder what she'd think of being introduced to who just happens to be my richest char -- he's more of a cross between roguish fighter pilot and Texas oil patch baron than anything a socialite would find familiar though ;)
"Sounds horrid... he earned his money...."
@nitsua60 winks You don't just inherit six billion ISK....and I'm not even that rich, relatively speaking, just well to do you know?
"Where do you summah?"
@nitsua60 Ah, a C5/C5 makes a good vacation spot I find -- bonus points for roomies on va-ca to shack up with, capital escalations take more than one pair of hands you know?
There was that one time I took a little overnight trip to Nova, though....*winks*
IRL, I'm pretty sure my Parks&Rec department is actively trying to make it impossible to find out where my son's baseball game is....
like, actively as in on purpose?
and it's only now dawning on me as to just how blown that elfess' mind would be by the time it was over....
@trogdor [hyperbole--just overstating how hard it actually is to figure things out. Our P&R page has links to maps to the other towns' locations, but those don't provide names or addresses, just a screenshot of a Google Map someone pulled up once.
The other town's P&R page has a calendar of events which doesn't indicate at which of the eleven parks any event is being held.
our park has that all pretty well taken care of,... but then we only have this small island here so they can't mess up too badly
and somehow I've ended up on MapQuest, which I didn't even think still existed.
I'm realizing now that our P&R page's map/snapshot isn't actually to any park, but to the town center of the other town.
night, all
(Cary Grant, btw, not Clark Gable.) [facepalm]
10 hours later…
So I am playing with a new idea for a combat system.
For a game where it is not possible to play someone of great martial skill, nor great toughness.
How does D&D manage to represent the fact that people who train in their downtime get better and people who slack don't?
Very poorly.
Do I see some new (to me) people? Hello @Asteria, @JoelHarmon, @DaveRandom
Consider the wizard who remembers as a new youngling (lvl 1) being absolutely useless in a knife fight. Picks on up 40 years later (having never touched one since) at lvl 20. Now with his BAB 10, he can defeat all but the finested knife fighters in the rogues court.
But that is cos DnD does not treat weapon use as a skill, but rather part of your ... idk.... fundermental nature
@Oxinabox Exactly my point. I want to RP my character as "I need to train hard, I have no time for fun" but when everybody else in the party is slacking and they improve the same, it's hard to justify without going "I'm worse than you, I need to train to keep up".
DnD does not at all have mechanicsfor this.
At the same time if I went "let's slack" I couldn't stand those who say "he's talented, think what he might be if only he trained".
> Very poorly.
Yeah, that's not a story D&D is interesting in helping you to tell.
There are a number of other systems which are happy to fill that niche.
I agree, so go find a good system.
DnD is one of the only systems with this kinda flaw **(other systems have different flaw)**
where there are things that are affected solely by your Level and not by training. In DnD this is your BaB and Saves.
L5R is the other systems I can think of that does this, and it is does it with defense.
Oh, it's not that I want to tell it. It's that it's there, implicit in the notion of "let's roleplay while playing D&D".
Tonight we played Lasers & Feelings. By the end of the session we'd cured the crew of cyber zombism by shooting the cyborg bits off with medical laser guns, in the process smashing all of the ship's power crystals. Unfortunately the cyber virus adapted to the medical laser just after the doc who invented it got infected, so he can't help us figure out how to cure him.
Also our alien pilot is careening through space in an escape pod, being chased by a ship of his own people who want him for war crimes. They're unaware that he filled their ship's hold with alien cyber zombies.
Now we're drifting, powerless and without communications. But we stopped the cyber zombies from using the ship's crystals to rip a hole in the fabric of the reality, so we've got that going for us.
I think we went 1-1 there
I mean, the hole in the fabric of reality would have probably screwed us just as much as no power to the engines
Yesterday me (clr17) and a wizard (wiz10 master of the sevenfold veil 5) fought against a bunch of yuan-ti abominations (six CR7 and two CR15). Meanwhile, a level 24 barbarian/warrior is fighting against six yuan-ti abominations acting as slow-him-down mooks, two mariliths casting defensive spells between the boss and the party and one of those youan-ti demigods with six heads, whose falchion alone is now 12m long.
I have no idea if I should feel underperforming or not. Maybe I should decide which magic weapon to get.
@Zachiel That begs the question "What is roleplaying?" Gaining talents through study is a common simultationist goal, not one necessarily inherent to roleplay.
@BESW I guess my environment likes simulationism, but with a sane dose of just enough abstraction to let D&D work (we're playing in the Forgotten Realms, not in the Tippyverse, after all).
Basically, I need motivations for my character to be believable and the character to be pleasurable to play with (for other players, acting jerky to others is ok as long as it doesn't do much harm to their characters or overall plot and it feels like it belongs in the fiction).
@Zachiel which edition?
And once again my character is slowly drifting towards "who cares, there's too much evil in the world, we can't win this war anyway and we're going to die anyway sooner or later, let's just relax until the apocalypse happens" (basically, real-life me)
@nitsua60 3.5e
(okay, then I'll just lurk since I've played exactly 1 session of 3.x/PF)
It is different systems for different folks, and different games.
Like the system I am currently working on takes DnD's inability to get better at combat by training to the next level. It is outright impossible for you to get better at combat,
or even for anyone to be better or worse at combat.
All that matters is weapons and if you are ganging up on a person (/beign ganged up on)
@Oxinabox There is no such thing as D&D, as @Magician would tell you.
That is true, I have read that article
It makes a fine point.
(several actually)
@Oxinabox Looks like a good idea for a survival/horror/common folks game
Zachiel: Exactly what it is. Horror/Common folks.
What is the point representing fine detail of combat skill when there are so many things that are literally invincible and/or can kill a person by looking at them
And more so, when the player characters have the ability to create such monsters, easily.
/me is off to bed.
Goodnight, Oxonabedinabox
2 hours later…
@SevenSidedDie This question isn't really a duplicate, because it includes "that the effect will last for a whole day", which isn't addressed anywhere in the dupe target.
anyone know if markdown works in bounty-descriptions? I'd experiment, but it's an expensive proposition... =)
sorry, just found it
Q: What markdown formatting features are available for Bounty remarks?

Rob WAccording to the community FAQ, backticks and inline links are available for the bounty remark. What other formatting features of Markdown are also supported on Bounty remarks?

hey there @nitsua60
hiya. Wanna repcap? There's a 200-pt bounty out there, system independent =)
@nitsua60 haha -- link?
Q: How to randomly generate a village or town for old school D&D game?

Adam FlynnThere is a lot of material written on random generation of dungeons for play. But inevitably characters have to return from the to spend those ill-gotten gains. And where else but a nearby settlement, be it village, town, or city? Obviously the larger the settlement the more involved or recurs...

(it's tagged dnd, but I can't imagine it really needs any system knowledge)
1 hour later…
@SirTechSpec on your question about picking a 5e module, I've had some real writer's block on my promised answer. So I'm going to just post some notes/thoughts over in the Not a Bar if you want to take a look.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 That all looks great, thank you so much!
It doesn't directly address "how do I find an adventure that has these qualities" but I'm guessing the answer to that one will turn out to be "go to progressively less-friendly, less-local game stores until you find one big enough to have a selection you can flip through and check"
Anyway, if you want to throw that in as an answer, I'd certainly upvote (looking for one or two more before I accept).
1 hour later…
@Momonga-sama [wave]
What are some good ways for mechanical things to fail forward? I'm creating a "The Mechanic" character. One ability is that he can fix anything, however grand, but that ability will always fail forward and the thing he fixed will need even more fixing afterwards.
Most Stack sites have found that "shopping" style questions are a very poor fit for this site's format, while other sites do it pretty well. We tried doing game recommendations for several years, but eventually the noise-to-signal ratio got too great.
So for example, he could get a car running in no time even if it's been out for years, but doing so breaks the car and it's unlikely to be repairable afterwards.
The car in the example would work for plot hours obviously.
@Momonga-sama If you'd be willing to answer some more questions about what you're after, the folks in this chat can probably make some suggestions.
Yeah... So I wanted to ask a question if, there is a setting in a specific convention...
I want to try some Tabletop system in which characters can be like Altair, Ezio Auditore, Zorro, Musashi Miyamoto. However it doesn't matter how powerful you are, when somebody holds a knife against your throat. All they need is one cut and this is your end. The best option would be, if there was no magic or the magic was weak.

Is there a system matching my demands?
Well, sure. There's a ton of them.
What level of "crunch" are you looking for in the system?
That is, how detailed or abstract do you want the rules to be?
I'd prefer more detailed ones. Some of my players may abuse more abstract ones. Things like Fate or Dungeon World aren't going to work.
I didn't think Fate were very abusable.
@WilliamMariager It's a system that doesn't respond well to wheedling.
GURPS is pretty detailed, hard to find anything that doesn't have an explicit rule in some way.
Not sure how it covers your needs though.
@Momonga-sama Are you looking for action movie type storytelling with this game?
Declaring a story detail is abusable af
I'd prefer something more strict. One of my players would probably kill boss, his minions, destroy his castle and get the princess with a single wag of his whip...
All of your examples of characters are loners who don't tend to roll with a group. Is that something you're looking to duplicate in the game?
Well, I think that Assassins were bound with their brothers ;)
And they were definitely not "loners".
[shrug] The only example you gave that I know well is Zorro. I'm going on quick Googles here.
And none of them seem to fit the "traditional" RPG party concept.
Some systems cater to that more than others.
Like, The Princes' Kingdom is about a group that can succeed on most anything if they work together, but it's designed to present moral challenges which divide the group's focus and makes them get in each others' way.
I gave their examples, because of their "heroism". They could go 1 v 10 without a special problem. They run over roofs jumping from one building to another. etc.
So you want someone who can take on an army, but also dies from a knife to the throat?
Nonono, not an army.
A squad, a division yes.
Outnumbered 1 to 10 or 1 to 20
But definitely not 1 to 100.
I mean heroic, not epic.
I am looking at GURPS lite. Looks nice.
I think GURPS might do the trick. It's only as abusable as you make it.
You scale the encounters to fit your idea. And it still has mechanics for snapping a persons neck to kill them.
@WilliamMariager your "The Mechanic" is really a jury-rigger -- he can improv fixes, but they don't last long
@Shalvenay You're absolutely right.
Feng Shui is the obvious game to suggest. It's an action-film game.
I remember when someone was talking about Feng Shui. I remember throwing a firtruck against somebody who makes 50 feet high somersault and a few buildings behind him explode.
So, I am feeling a bit insecure about this idea :D
It's difficult to narrow down what you're looking for.
Certain kinds of superhuman feats are desirable and others aren't.
Are interpersonal relationships an important part of the game?
They may be, but they don't have to.
Unisystem, maybe?
Probably Classic rather than Cinematic Unisystem.
If you're focused mostly on using the engine to model combat, d20 Modern or one of its offshoots might work.
You might like its wounds/vitality setup.
Okey, I will summarize:

-Mechanics more dependant on one's skill, not luck.
-Be able to perform amazing dodges, staunts, attacks.
-Characters may be powerful, but still they are mortals and will die in a hopeless situations.
Can't find Unisystem samples. I mean something more detailed about skills etc.
I am afraid, that d20 is too luck dependant.
@Momonga-sama rpg.net reviews are usually pretty great.
@Momonga-sama I agree, now that I know that's an important thing for you.
(See why this would be really hard to make fit on a strictly Q&A site? This sort of back-and-forth is required to make suggestions that are anywhere close to helpful, but the Stack proper doesn't do that.)
Burning Wheel is coming to mind now, but I'm not personally experienced with it.
@Miniman I suppose it could be shortened to just asking how long it lasts and then reopened, though the other Q's answers do say it works just like the spell so I'm not sure it's necessary.
Can't find unisystem review on rpg.net :/
@Momonga-sama I linked you to one.
I mean, the Classic one, that you mentioned.
Unisystem is like the d20 System or pre-Core Fate: it exists only as applications to settings or conceits, not on its own as a generic engine with the serial numbers filed off.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten is Classic Unisystem.
Oh, okey. I misunderstood.
@Momonga-sama This sounds like Blade of the Iron Throne, especially the part about player skill/tactics rather than luck.
oh dear.
I"m not sure I've got the ability to turn that wall of text into an answer =(
I've already tried a few times and fallen short. But I hope it helps, and I guess I misread your question as "what are the things to look for...?" Sorry.
Burning wheel might be the thing.
One more thing: a system with "more realistic adancement"?
You improve your fighting skills while both training and opposing a challenging opponent.
Your charisma becomes greater the more you talk with people, bargain and try to solve problems in an other way.
Any ideas?
There are several old questions like that from before game-rec went off topic.
You'll find them useful, I think.
Allright, GURPS and Burning Wheel will probably become my favourtie systems :)

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