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@PremierBromanov yay!!
That's pretty amusing. :P sounds like you were both good sports in that case
hey @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya--how's life?
@nitsua60 alright. any updates on that potential Traveller or w/e game we were thinking about pulling together btw?
I'm about three weeks away from finishing my current course, and I think this Monday my mini-campaign with the group auditioning me as DM/I'm auditioning as players will come to an end. That is, time may start freeing up in the coming weeks.
I'm glad you asked--I'd been thinking of it every once in a while, but wasn't sure if you'd moved on....
Gotta run for a little bit--I'm waaaaay behind on bedtime stuff with the kids. My wife's out of town, so they've got the JV squad (me) running things!
@Polyducks I LOVE it. Please post your ruleset and such logs as exist when you get the chance!
@nitsua60 Yey!
My group got a new player last night. Her PC is a Naturalist bionic survivor who was raised by wolves.
She's joined our team because it's a good way to get revenge on a mutual enemy.
(She's the one who shot Shatner in the leg, but we're pretty sure he's not the mutual enemy.)
I'm very amused by this, because of how close this gets to Cassandra.
Cassandra: Grumpy scientist who works with BRAC/Amaterasu in part because they helped save her and are good to work with, but also because BRAC/Amaterasu has the leverage to undermine and destroy her family.
Levie: Gruff scientist(?) who works with BRAC to get revenge on her enemy.
Elves have been entirely driven out of the city because of intense and growing fear and anxiety. "I want to play an elf."
@Emrakul "Okay, here's your false beard and your ear-tip-covering beanie."
@Emrakul "Okay, I hope you enjoy watching our urban-intrigue game. We can conduct your navel-gazing via play-by-post."
@BESW are you the author of "Sherlock Holmes is an..."?
Probably not, as I'm unsure what that is.
It was a 200-word submission from last year. (I've omitted the expletive from the title.)
Ah. No, I only heard about the 200 Word RPG Challenge this year.
@Polyducks have you seen schirduans.com/david/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/…? (Again, from last year's 200-word contest.)
@nitsua60 Any particular reason you suspect me?
@BESW I thought the author's name was yours... =\
Oh. One of my online aliases is Eric Merit Fairchild.
Eric M. Farmer is reasonably close, but no BESW.
So... we've got a Doppel-BESWer?
Brb, writing slash fiction and signing it as BESW.
@Magician [read "singing" at first]
Brb, posting an SO question about using regex to parse HTML and signing it as BESW. Singing while doing so.
@BESW you do a lot of layout/typesetting work, yes?
@nitsua60 Rather.
I'm thinking of putting together my first DM's Guild offering. Don't want to use their Word template 'cause... Word. Don't want to use LaTeX 'cause.... Do you suggest a freely-available middle-ground?
Scribus is the free equivalent of InDesign, the industry standard. A lot of indie RPG publishers use it.
I've never used it myself. It apparently has a kinda steep learning curve, but there are RPG-specific tutorials available.
What do you use?
I use InDesign. It is not free.
True. It's possible we've got available seats through work, but (a) if I'm going to climb a learning curve I'd rather it be on something I know I'll have sustained access to, and (b) it'd be stretching my professional ethics a bit to claim that just 'cause I run an RPG club for students I should get one of the institutional seats for my publishing side-project.
@BESW Both RPTips and Batintheattic seem to have "Scribus 101" pages.
That ought to give you an idea of whether it's the right thing for you.
@BESW great--thanks!
hmm... looks like RPTips and BitA are both re-posts of genesis of legend.
@BESW can I ask a Surgadores question?
A co-worker asked me and I knew my answer, but I'm curious about yours:
Is the conceit of lucha-libre vs. Death literal and in-world, or is it a two-layer fantasy structure? I.e. are the surgeons literally stepping away from the table to suplex a skeleton in a cloak, or are the surgeons operating while, in the fantastic parallel reality they're in full luchadore garb wrestling with a skeleton?
(Think "Sucker Punch" or... I can't think of another example.)
They're literally tag-teaming each other in and out of the surgery to wrestle Death in the operating theatre.
That's what I'd been thinking, too.
This is why you have to choose one or the other to do each round.
("Don Juan de Marco", IIRC?)
If surgery were a metaphor for wrestling Death, you'd be able to hold him at bay with a successful surgery check, or you'd be able to stabilise the patient with a wrestling check.
I liked the idea of the parallel reality, but felt like the absurdity of the sterile field plus wrestling match fit the 200-word structure well.
If I expand on the system in the future, there'll be a "success at cost" option that involves drawing blood spatter on your mask which makes it harder to operate because you're less sterile.
@BESW his thought was this could be the metaphor for a surgeon having to spend time handling a complication rather than progressing toward the original objectives.
@nitsua60 Are you looking to publish digitally, or print the product?
@BESW unknown? I'm not sure I understand correctly the distinction you're drawing. Not intending to send it off to a publisher, if that's what you mean. But would hopefully produce two .pdf versions, one prettier and one printier.
Basically, do you intend the final product to ever be a physical thing people can hold, or will it always be a file viewed on a computer or tablet?
'cause for digital-only publication, there's a lot more options.
@BESW I think it'd be good to be printable. I think there are still enough of us who like to put things into a binder or tuck supplements into the back endsheet of a corebook that it's worthwhile.
(And exporting as a epub or similar file is almost painless at a certain point on the walk toward a physical product.)
Esp. as this is a D&D supplement, so we know dead-tree corebooks are a thing.
So, Word or LibreOffice aren't awful for small, simple layouts.
See also Storyist, Scrivener.
@BESW I feel like I've heard Scrivener mentioned around here....
@nitsua60 It's a very powerful composition tool with some solid export-to-file options.
Not free, but often on sale and not really expensive even at full price.
A lot of RPG writers use it; I used it for Colonypunk.
Looks optimized for being helpful during the creative process?
It doesn't support fancy end-product layouts, but it does the basics quite well.
@BESW what sorts of features hit "fancy" for you?
Polyline text-wrap boundaries?
Auto ToC?
Sidebars, changing margins mid-page, controlling page flow...
Scrivener isn't really great at stuff like insetting pictures either.
@BESW that's scrivener?
The majority of the program is focused on content. When you compile to export, you get the layout options for whatever format you've chosen (PDF, epub, HMTL, etc).
Thanks for the pointers. 'night, all.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Been a long time since I hit the rep cap! Longer since it was off a single post.
I think I hit rep cap once XD
or perhaps that was just the first time I voted as many times as I could XD
2 hours later…
@BESW Answering 3.x/PF/4/5 questions will get you there in a hurry....
I'm surprised we've only got one act utilitarianism answer weighting the GM's happiness as higher than the players'.
Right--and XY problems =)
My rep breakdown by top five tags:
Much better spread than mine...
1 hour later…
I hate when it happens. A PC in one of my games is threatening another to open a gate midtown, bringing havoc, unless she kills him before he does.
That's either an awesome game, or a pretty horrible one.
I don't think he's really going to. Maybe he just wants to prove her that she shouldn't have sworn to protect the city, because she can't. Maybe he just wants to prove that being evil is better.
For her it's pretty horrible. She doesn't want to PvP.
I love how PvP has become a verb.
I think he's trying to go for a Zugzwang. This is probably the easiest Xanathos' gambit ever: would you rather try killing me or let me kill someone else? He must be pretty confident he wouldn't die.
@nitsua60 That is an impressive specialisation.
Okay, so the blue-circled number that just popped up was for flag review on a chat message, right?
And that might have come from any room stack-wide?
I guess that explains why it disappeared--was handled--so quickly, right? Anyone in any room could have reviewed it?
I start hating this 5e thing.
You gathered almost as much rep as me in just 9 months.
@BESW It's not really intentional--I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but three of my standing games moved to 5e within the last year. So I've become a default expert trying to explain to people at my table(s) that "yes, you can take a five-foot step. It moves you five feet away. Next?"
I know it says nothing about me being good at this "job" or not but...
Yes, well. My sixth-highest tag is in Pathfinder, a game I've technically never played.
(As is my sixth-highest-voted single answer.)
It mostly just matters if the questions we answer go viral, and that's got a lot to do with their tags.
....although there are some kinds of answers which just pull in a small but reliable stream of upvotes over a very long time.
Those are the ones where I feel voting best reflects high quality.
@Zachiel Part of that is because last semester I had a schedule that made it possible for me to have chat open a lot, which let me know when questions came in, and there are a lot of stupid-simple 5e questions out there.
@nitsua60 That's exactly what I mean.
(The other part is that the Stack has turned me into its slave by telling me that "Epic" is the next thing I should accomplish, so I've been paying way too much attention!)
Since I got a job - and since the IT manager told me that I can't even use the guest wi-fi to connect my laptop during lunchtime - my time here was considerably reduced.
Plus, KRyan, I-Can-Chan and several others are faster and better at writing about 3.5e rules than I am.
I'm ultimately fine with that, but it increases my perception that I'm best at nothing.
@BESW badge(r)s?
And with better I mean, they actually do research and quote manuals, most of my knowledge is "I think I've been reading somewhere that..."
Also, I'm always pleased to see your answers on social-related questions. You bring a perspective that the site wouldn't usually get otherwise.
Writing for months in a forgite forum helped with the "system matters" approach.
Unfortunately, they mostly moved to G+ chats and it's killing the knowledge sharing.
There's potential for a Stack question in there somewhere, about how to stay abreast of the current social-media-centric dev communities.
If you're comparing yourself to the likes of KRyan and ICanChan then gird yourself against a steady stream of disappointment punctuated by occasional flashes of exultation. (That's why I don't compare myself to Miniman!)
OTOH, I find I can pretty-consistently achieve a medium level of satisfaction by comparing myself to my last-month-self.
@BESW In Italian.
@Zachiel ...yes.
@nitsua60 My life is Envy-driven, just as much as Lord_Gareth's is Rage-driven.
Apr 14 at 14:15, by Polyducks
If you guys were a God, what would your domain be?
@nitsua60 Procrastination.
I believe that's unclaimed territory =)
@nitsua60 Indeed, nobody ever actually tried to put their hands on it.
@nitsua60 Having Opinions.
Didn't get around to filing the claim?
@BESW for you?
Oh aye.
@nitsua60 You know what? I'll do it. Tomorrow.
@BESW That's one... what're the other three =D
Between the 4× notion and the procrastination thing, I think I'm gonna die of laughter.
@nitsua60 Verifying Before Committing, Curating Social Environments, and Making Fancy Teetotal Drinks.
Seconded, all three. As part of Curating Social Environments are you going to list these all in a google doc and permalink it for all of us on the starboard?
[sips cranberry-pomegranate lemonade and encourages others to take part in the curation of the chat's jokes]
Gotta run. Cross your fingers that the small-town hardware store has 1/2" x 2 1/2" shoulder bolts for the sake of our bell tower. Don't hold your breath, though!
Fingers crossed, lungs still pumping.
No shoulder bolts. But...
(our charcoal-making venture has crossed a huge threshold.)
(We're now liberating enough hydrogen gas from our stock that it feeds back into the fire, liberating more hydrogen gas, &c. &c &c.)
@eimyr what do you mean with "more of the game"?
@Zachiel sneaking didn't magically make the game have more content. It just feels longer.
@eimyr Ok, no more content. But easier, at least?
That's because I keep taking months or years to play titles like Dark Souls, while some people just rush at enemies and skillfully kills them #YOLO style
I'm wondering if I'm just been wasting my life while playing Oblivion
hey @Zachiel
how're things going?
I'm pretty distracted at the moment
Here I am, more or less.
2 hours later…
hey there @nitsua60
@Zachiel everyone has their own preferred gaming style, be it sneaking, magic, heavy armour, whatever. Add long as it's fun it is your choice. That said, sneaking makes you slower, so all in all you would tend to take longer to complete the same content.
I am excited
another player is starting a new PF campaign
I'm going to roll an Inquisitor
Deus Vult
@Zachiel I'm just saying that sneaking in skyrim can be marvelously abused, but is in general quite complicated and tedious approach that can give exactly the same result as other approaches BUT all other things equal, it makes the combat last longer, without there being "more" of it.
@Golokopitenko what kind of Inquisitor?
I eh
no idea
I'm looking at the details now
PF is a glorious mess
It is.
Just one smallish suggestion. The best Pathfinder Inquisitor build starts with "Take 20 levels of Wizard..."
what does "taking X levels of Y" mean?
as in, when building your character, when you gain a level and select X class, it's often shortened to "take a level in X"
you gain a level... and you must... spend? that level... in a certain class... that can be one that you're...not?
especially when people plan 10-20 levels ahead at character generation, they tend to say stuff like "I'm taking 1 level of Cleric for those sweet Domains" or "I take at least 4 levels in Druid"
you can totally multiclass, though it's often as advantageous as it is costly
Jesus F. Christ
e.g. you can have a lvl 10 character that takes 5 levels of Fighter, then 1 level of Cleric and 4 more levels of fighter.
PF just became exponentially more complicated
haha lol
I can barely handle one class, like I will multiclass
arrghhh why do they make it like that
caveat: multiclassing is less attractive in Pathfinder than it is in DnD 3.5
Generally all classes are designed for the player to take 20 levels of it straight.
Yeah, they all have gamechanger abilities at roughly the same level, they have "capstone" ability at lvl 20 etc.
then why bother with multiclassing?
taking levels from other class makes you start from that class level 1
well, sometimes it can work better.
so if I'm a level 2 Inquisitor and I take a level on a Paladin, I suddenly am a level 1 paladin?
e.g. you can take a Paladin but add just one level of Cleric. You'll get access to more orisons (lvl0 spells) and grab two Domains immediately. You'll only slow already sluggish Paladin progression by 1.
no, you're a lvl 3 character that has 1 and 2 levels respectively
In D&D 3.5, my catfolk Ranger took his first level in Barbarian, for the speed boost, certain proficiencies, the ability to rage if he was forced into melee, and a bigger hit die on the level you get max HP from it (to compensate for the ECL on the catfolk).
Then he took Ranger levels until he qualified for his desired prestige class.
Another of my PCs took 3 levels in cleric, 3 levels in wizard, and then a prestige class which advanced the spellcasting ability of both each level.
eg, at level 12 he had access to spells as if he were a level 9 wizard AND a level 9 cleric.
this is overwhelming
that is
you have to have a deep knowledge of every class to make it work
"System mastery" is definitely a thing.
d20 System games tend to be filled with "trap" choices that seem good in flavour but are mechanically very poor, and if you want a build which meets your flavour desires AND is mechanically interesting/effective, system mastery becomes pretty vital.
well, that's crap in my book
that is, it detracts from the players
way to encourage metagaming
Metagaming is not objectively bad.
But you're right in that the system is better suited to certain kinds of play.
The d20 System is very good for people who like "individual play," the part of the game that takes place away from the table. Character design has become a minigame of its own in this context.
as you might know I am a big fan of Shadowrun, I don't think there's any flavor or build that is inherently bad
@gOLOKOPITENKO i'd say there is a certain type of play where system mastery and complicated ways to build your char (an optimise it too!) is the very essenc eof player reward
For years I have been trying to play a game of DnD that's fast paced, with frequent level ups and dire opponents which would test your ability to create a combat beast
but as a new player this is a tsunami of information
It is.
have you succeeded?
@Shalvenay heya; back in the house.
I have not played such a game.
@Golokopitenko Back when we had game-recommendation questions, there would occasionally be a big argument over whether d20 System games were good for new players. The general consensus would usually turn out as "Well, a very large number of people successfully played it as their first game."
huh, then that's a system probelma
oh well, once you've swam the sea of information
but check this
I have, a huge number of classes
a not very small number of races
then there are hybrid classes
and archetypes
there are also traits and feats... and builds you have to check lest you build something inviable
but wait, if you're an inquisitor there are also inquisitions, which are like... hell if I know, flavors?
And multiclasses, and templates, and... yes, nobody's arguing it's not a gloriously sprawling morass.
yeah yeah, I'm just baffled
I'm trying to decide if I'm ok or not with all this mess
@Golokopitenko this is often a criticism leveled at some systems, that the system knowledge required scales with the square of options
I started with D&D 3.5, which is probably slightly more complex than Pathfinder but for exactly the same reasons.
I guess the game wouldn't be as deep and popular if it were simpler
Stuck with it for many years, and eventually moved to 4e in part because it required less system mastery on the part of everyone involved.
These days I don't touch anything with a D&D-like mechanics set with a ten-foot pole, because it's just not interested in supporting the kind of story I want to tell. But I'm also very much allergic to any game which needs me to read triple digits of pages before I can start playing.
@Golokopitenko I have got into Pathfinder info not too long ago and I say: pick a class you like, read everything about it. Then read stuff you don't understand about that class. Then read stuff about that stuff etc. don't go to deep at first in your link-clicking, as soon you'll be reading options for leveling a pet from a totally different class that's completely unrelated.
"But I'm also very much allergic to any game which needs me to read triple digits of pages before I can start playing"
I can relate
@Golokopitenko I'm a fan of recognizing that at a table of n players there are usually at least 2n+1 separate and overlapping games being played; some of those games thrive on complexity, some do not.
we currently have... 3 campaigns
1 might be stalled
we are 6 players, but only 4 regulars
So I'm thinking of the game where I play a character, the game where I play a character in a way to try to interact with another player, the game where I try to make the table laugh, the game where I try to achieve more kills than any other player, the game where I try to make the most of some obscure spell, the game where I try to build in in-jokes that only one other at the table will catch, ...
can someone sum what is an inquisition? just a small explanation
I'm just not getting it
You're Spanish, eh?
How can you not expect it?
hehehe I am
I totally walked into that one now didn't I
chat-powered high-5!
high 5's
Inquisition in-game, flavour, mechanics, real-life?
Whaddya need?
they are "domains"
for the Inquisitor class
There are, they can be same as Domains for the clerics or there are inquisitorial domains which are slightly more suited to the Inquis progression.
They idea is that you'll be a member of religious police for a god you choose, that god has some "Domains", or areas of rule and can give you access to Domain powers, depending on what you choose.
so, in short, they are just free bonuses for me to pick
@eimyr My advice for starting Pathfinder is to find a class that seems interesting to you (and, if you're playing with more experienced folks who know what they want to do, ask what they might need in the party). Read over its options. Then, look for an optimization guide or two for the class.
Do not fret about following the optimization guide by rote; they are the opinion of the author, they can't account for all situations you'll run into, and rarely does your character have to be "perfect" to be successful, if "perfect" even existed. But they can at least tip you off to basic strategies and things that only look good on paper.
Each domain says what it does on what level, as well as it more often than not grants you access to spells you don't have access to (or they can be available, but Domain makes them cost less)
+1 for reading a guide
@Golokopitenko Pathfinder is not about making your character a hugely effective killing machine. It's about making your character a hugely AWESOME killing machine. If you can choose to have -4 to STR, but you can make a goblin die by frowning at it, it's worth it.
wtf, how does that even happen?
Well, this is an example from DnD 5e, but...
Feb 12 at 23:05, by eimyr
My character basically Viciously Mocked a goblin to death, finishing him off with a Yo Momma joke.
My 4e game had a guy who just yelled at his friends so hard, they would get extra actions or would spontaneously heal their wounds.
My GM disallowed it, but I managed to heal a paladin by slapping his ass and telling him to chipper up.
Even when an enemy provoked an attack of opportunity from him, he'd have someone else take it for him.
Benefit from the experience of others when you have no experience of your own. I've been playing with PF for years, and I still like to scan a guide when I play a class for the first time. xD I just have a better frame of reference for the guide's advice now. And, again, it's not about making your character "the best" whatever-they-are. For me, I just want to know that I'm going to be able to have fun and effectively support my party.
Yeah. @MarcDingena has a shadow-based Sorcerer, which is totally awesome, but not optimal at all, as he preferred flavour choices in many aspects.
If you wanted to play the best character ever you'd have to play a wizard each time.
what the hell
how does that even work in-lore?
which bit?
...lore. Right.
D&D 3.5/Pathfinder have a very loose relationship between their mechanics and the implications of those mechanics on the world.
Boom, there, it was said.
Economics, physics, politics--it's not a game for modelling those things.
I'd add common sense to the list for good measure.
It's a game for modelling adventuring in a dungeon under certain basic assumptions. Those assumptions include the inherent superiority of casters over non-casters.
(One of the big challenges in grasping d20 System games is that the d20 System made claims to universality which it really has difficulty backing up. A lot of games which use that engine try anyway.)
I really like playing casters, but I've honestly started to enjoy it less as gulfs between caster and non-caster classes become apparent. It feels bad when my character usually has cool stuff at their disposal, but my party members are struggling to do anything. This also happens sometimes because I do have a lot more PF experience under my belt than some of the people I play with. If I know how to "work the system" and they don't, they wind up missing out on opportunities.
Agreed. This is one reason we moved to 4e, where caster/non-caster divides just don't exist.
Same with DnD 5e where that divide in utility is present, but not overwhelming
A Wizard can no longer replace all other characters easily.
@Golokopitenko I heard the heavy math in D&D was a great selling points for kids. They saw D&D as an adult's game that smelled of emancipation.
Or at least that was true in the 70s-80s
@eimyr I mean, how can you heal someone by slapping him in the ass? That's the opposite of common sense
interesting point, Zachiel
It all depends on what are HP. HP (except if you consider that some poison needs you to wound your enemy with the weapon it was smeared on and that is "whanever you hit the enemy") is not necessarily damage. It's more like stress. Too much stress and the next hit might connect really badly and kill you.
If you want common sense, look elsewhere. D&D is the land of the absurd, triply so in the d20 System.
So, words can help make you fight longer (they don't heal wounds, they just make you endure the pain better)
But, what BESW said.
I see I see
And, yes, HP is a massive abstraction of at least three different kinds of "wearing down."
HP is inherited from wargames where it was a representation of the endurance of large groups.
a thing I do hate about PF are HP rolls when you level up
@Golokopitenko It was a "touch" spell, which requires physical contact. I just made the contact really awkward.
lmao eimyr
It included morale, wounds, exhaustion, and so forth.
btw I want to make my inquisitor Polish-like
His name is Grzegorz.
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
When D&D used wargames as the basis for its game about the adventures of individuals, HP came along for the ride despite not being a great fit.
Now it's a legacy concept.
wow had no idea about that BESW
so wargames are the parents of RPG games?
The simplified narrative is that D&D came about by using wargames props and modified wargames rules to tell the stories of individual heroes rather than of units of troops.
I think I read about the origin of D&D
that... some guy made a small "attack the castle" game
that evolved into a dungeon explorer
@eimyr gimme tips on how to make my character Polish
There's no one single moment of inception; the concept arose organically over time across the interaction of several wargamers and their groups.
@Golokopitenko avoid stereotypes.
good, I barely know any Polish stereotypes
apart from the broken English, but that's not Polish-exclusive
@Golokopitenko stereotype #1: needlessly complicated surname XD
oh crap
I have sinned
@Golokopitenko Build your character to be slightly more distrustful of everything than normally, expect others to be equally distrustful.
he is already an inquisitor
@Golokopitenko Have a name that's either Slavic or biblical.
01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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