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@nitsua60 [wave]
hey there @nitsua60
hello, @BESW, @Shalvenay
long time no chat =\
What's new?
@nitsua60 how're things going?
Back to classes, after spring break. The day before resumption two colleagues' fathers fell ill (one died, one multiple strokes), so we've all been scrambling to help out.
It is nice working at a place where I know if anything blew up in my life, thirty people would pick up anything I dropped.
That is nice.
I'm sorry to hear about your colleagues, though.
That's rough.
thank you
Speaking as someone with two relatives who need daily care, I'm sure your colleagues appreciate your support.
I've succeeded at applying for a permanent position, which is replacing my temporary position (and at a higher pay rate) - but someone has appealed the selection process. Unlikely to change the outcome, but it does delay it.
@BESW I believe our state has recently passed legislation providing a tax credit for those who document time caring for close relations. Though I wish the tax code weren't this country's primary expression of commonly-held values and priorities, I do appreciate it making the list.
That's an improvement, at least.
@Adeptus Congratulations, mostly?
Guam culture is very big on caring for the elderly at home, but sadly that means there's very little infrastructure to support any other options.
maybe cong rats?
Hmm. [tests]
Nope, doesn't work.
Sloth Bucket would be a good name for a band.
@BESW that photo could be the cover of their debut album, "Little Infrastructure."
@BESW It should be in a style that's slow. Stoner rock? (unless they're using the name ironically, in which case, upbeat ska-punk)
I was imagining a Zox kind of feel.
For those who are interested, the OGL-ification of #ARRPG continues apace. Nearly there.
@BESW Hadn't heard of them before. Not bad
@Adeptus Not really slow, but very laid-back.
@BESW Favorites highlighting is working again!
@doppelgreener Yes!
@Magician I've found another Laughcraftian summoning ritual.
Yes, yes you have.
From now until the end of April Fools, the coupon code NOFOOLING will get you 10% off on everything at http://evilhat.com/store
re: cyberpunk dystopia; living in it; neat: Lost Satellite Just Reappeared and No One Knows What Happened to It http://gizmodo.com/japan-s-lost-black-hole-satellite-just-reappeared-and-n-1768036648
@BESW current theories include a gas leak or an exploded battery onboard
also, potential hijacking by the space nazis based on the dark side of the moon
Every system on the lost satellite is worn out, the internal clock shows the year to be 2130.
@SevenSidedDie There's a mod-attention flag I left on one of your comments to call your attention to something it seems you might've forgotten to do. It can be cleared away now.
Q: Editing someone else's answer vs. commenting

SirTechSpecSo here's what the Editing Help says: When should I edit posts? Any time you feel you can make the post better, and are inclined to do so. Editing is encouraged! Some common reasons to edit are: to fix grammatical or spelling mistakes to clarify the meaning of a post witho...

@doppelgreener It took me a few seconds to understand the flag, but yeah, there were a few minutes delay between me leaving the comment and following up with a close. Thanks!
@SevenSidedDie haha, when the question was still open i figured it'd read as "you forgot to close this", but when it was closed i became alarmed it'd read as "did you really mean to close this??"
@doppelgreener Yep, I went through those possibilities backwards, looking at the flag and then looking at the context it would have been flagged in. Thank goodness for timestamps on comments and post edits!
3 hours later…
But plausible.
I wish to see this,... morning thing
I don't think it exists
Guys... you know what day it is today.
The first day of!
This is my day.
Oh, Unicorn Day.
there's a unicorn game on the front page of RPG
I like Unicorn Day!
Me too!
I saw that and kinda decided I didn't want to click on something that only popped up on April first
It was quite fun :)
I can't believe I have no pranks planned :(
I think I'll disconnect the social media manager's keyboard today ;)
I don't prank people on this day, just isn't my thing
I only trick people when I am playing a game that requires it, like certain board games and card games XD
Someone put an april fools sticker under my computer mouse :)
It made me feel included :)
I was thinking about Cage-ing the printer at work (resp. the scanner on top)
If a coworker doesn't show up is that a prank?
I called in sick today,... but I am actually sick XD
I was not even thinking about what day it is
BTW who is that in the unicorn game?
looks like 2 people, not counting the unicorn
almost noon
That makro runs for like 5 minutes already, it makes me insane
what makro?
eh, work stuff.
what do you do?
35k entries to reformat, and whoever wrote it used Cell.Select statements...
So you are a database engineer
Not exactly, I'm a Trainee, and most things I currently do involve Excel in some form or another
its either Excel Makros or Jedox BI
it's cool
Not sure if I like it enough to be doing this for years tho
well, you're not supposed to be a trainee for years
yeah, but the work is the same
or rather, will be if I stay.
@Pixie You like Icona Pop too?
I'll probably add some minor SQL stuff, as thats required for what works beneath that surface layer
@DoomedMind Well, it's for you to decide. Grab what useful skills&experience you can and move on.
that I do.
Either to a different place or the same :)
Still, I'm waiting for that makro to finish, how long can it take?
no idea
that was just rethorical, I'm complaining :D
infinity time, perhaps?
So, whatcha doing RPG-wise atm?
Uh, Mage the Ascension once a month
as a pc
Guys, speaking of tech I just bought myself a new screen :D
It will be portrait size! I'll have three screens! So excited :D
and i'm preparing to gm a Call of Cthulhu adventure.
Morning @eimyr!
Hey @DoomedMind :)
@Polyducks I want that for Star citizen :) gonna get trackIR too :)
/me goes into a rampage
@DoomedMind M:tA! which edition? What is the game about? How long do you play? How do you like it? TELL ME EVERYTHING.
@Polyducks I have just one and could live with two, but I won't get three. I only have two eyes...
mmhh, I dont know exactly, its old WoD though, perhaps 2nd edition
@eimyr its a great game about magic, without having actual spells
@DoomedMind OK, investigation time them! Is going into Umbra a) hard but doable b) possible, but you can die in the process?
both :P
@DoomedMind I am probably the biggest M:tA junkie around. Not because I know it best, but because I'm so excited about it.
@eimyr like the way the magic works. No spells, just the will of the character
Erm... ok, does the Gauntlet has razor-like shards of broken avatars in it? Is Doissetep still relevant?
I mean, like, your particular scenario. I know the game :)
Even though our GM isn't really going hard on us, we're already paranoid
Ah well, figures
Mostly investigation stuff, we're still very weak
we.... dont really try to directly confront anyone with magic, which probably is very healthy
For your characters, yes.
We had an event where an ancient warehouse of those crazy mage-hunter constructs were stored, and a machine tried to poison a whole town with biological agents, all while one of the constructs tried to kill people (and us)
the warehouse is still there though
we just cant get in
Though the most fun I've ever had as a M:tA player was when I made a "soft sphere" character (Euthanatos with Entropy/Spirit/Prime/Life) that used it to create advantageous situations, even in combat.
My character is a Virtual Adept with Entropy, Forces, Matter and Correspondence
Used some of these to create an invisibility spell with just 3 points of arete
I'm not familiar with the term, we're a german group
or rather, i might have forgotten
but yeah, i think its those things
@eimyr It's not like you have one eye on each monitor. I work with a lot of files at once. Need moar space!
I have three displays at work
its great
@DoomedMind I'm so excited for mine to arrive next week!
I can't wait to have a vertical display again. It makes so much sense for code.
yeah, it does
though I still prefer horizontal 4:3 monitor for work
@DoomedMind What Arete levels are you guys?
@eimyr just three
@DoomedMind That seems to be the average level
Games with 4+ tend to feature godlike beings capable of anything
@eimyr doesn't seem like that's going to be the case, at least not at first
@eimyr especially we try to refrain from magic most of the time
Do you use the rule that says you can't have a sphere with a higher dot-value than your Arete?
The type of magic we actually use most of the time is "Time" to view the past happenings...
does it always work?
yes. Although we had a being that could not be seen by time view
things just happened, and everything else was shadowy-foggish dark
Aquiring the information isnt the problem most of the time, even though it may be difficult, its more what to do with it afterwards
Q: Two players are leaving, and there are conflicting desires for what to do with their PCs. How do I make everyone happy?

KetchupIn the D&D group I currently GM, a couple players left recently, and I've been wondering how exactly to handle the situation. The two who left did so on rather negative terms with at least seven of the other ten players, so many of our proposed solutions conflict with the wishes of some in the gr...

Am I right in understanding he had 12 players ...?
@WilliamMariager WTF, how does one manage so many players in the same session with only one GM? >_>
@DoomedMind That's what I'm thinking. :P I find my 6 players more than enough and I even employ a co GM when trading.
I better stay away from this question.
@WilliamMariager That's mind blowing
Well, I've seen a successful group with 10 players and 2 gms
I've seen similar numbers at some tables, and they 'claim' to be managing. However, it always seems to be detrimental to player enjoyment to me
I once played in a game of 12. We had to split the group into two DMs. Eventually we split to three dungeons and I became a DM. The party would split between the dungeons and reunite at the end. It was epic
@eimyr oh no, I accidentally clicked on that makro again T_T
But they've had huge provisions for that, they were basically two separate parties that mixed up as needed.
@DoomedMind haha you've just bought another hour of free time ;)
Gotta go and pretend I'm working again. later!
Yeah, I'd say about 6 is the maximum one can handle normally...
@Polyducks but it was not my intention >_<
have fun
I don't GM with more than 5, and depending on the system that can drop to 4
I agree. More than 6 and you need to consider if you'd be better off splitting up. Naturally everyone would like to be in the limelight, but with too many players, it gets difficult to balance and it becomes inevitable that someone gets bored.
I prefer groups of 4-5 myself. I have 6 currently, with the occasional non-regular that makes it 7, but that's only when I need the non-regular to drive some part of the story.
if the game is heavily story/narrative/rp oriented, even 5 may be too many
@Wibbs yeah, 4-5 is my sweet spot for GMing
Basically, the 7th is just a more interesting NPC in most cases. Premade with some set goals.
Unbound RPG's new update is all kinds of meaty. There's video of actual play, which I haven't seen yet; a giveaway contest; and some excerpts from the rules.
They're doing something really cool that I haven't seen done before: when you pick abilities for your character, you have to answer related questions, e.g. how you used those before.
So if you take Wall of Steel, you have to answer the following: "One time, you protected someone with this ­and you wish you hadn’t. Who was it?"
@BESW I don't get how that new skill can actually be applied, or more accurately, I don't see any limitations on it other than not affecting people's free will
@trogdor It's similar to using Notice to establish that things are true about a scene.
Notably, though, it's not as good for timely stuff. Nudge is about setting up dominoes. If you choose the wrong things to manipulate, you don't get the results you wanted.
And it only works for things that actually have a random element; if nothing's left to chance, Nudge is useless.
So the more careful your enemy is, the harder it is to use Nudge in big ways.
And the less likely a particular outcome is, the more difficult to roll to make it happen.
it's certainly interesting at least
EG, if you're up against someone who's careless with his gun, you can easily use Nudge to make it misfire or jam.
But you can't do that in response to him firing; you have to do it on your turn before he tries to shoot you. And if he's a professional, or if he just checked the weapon, your roll will be harder, if not outright impossible.
I'd add the Mage entropy limitation clause: the simpler the thing is, the harder it is to Nudge.
Think... Final Destination.
@eimyr Absolutely.
A hammer will barely Nudge, a prototype quantum ElonMuskovite mainframe is a piece of cake
Yeah, the more random elements in a situation the easier you can nudge it. More complex things tend to contain more randomness.
@BESW I never watched those movies,....
(And notice that she only has a +3 in Nudge. Her Cheater mode blew all her skill points so she couldn't improve anything that wasn't just reinforced by another mode.)
@trogdor Rube Goldberg death traps.
wow, cheater costs 12
that is pretty dang high
It has all the skills.
LOL indeed it does
though in ARRPG I thought the total trapping cost of all the skills is 20?
If you wanted to have ALL THE SKILLS mode?
it doesn't have literally all the skills
it has most of the ones the character actually wants at a high score though
21, I believe, if you took every default skill once.
I didn't count Science in this.
You get 30 skill points to spend at chargen, and you can take skills more than once by putting them in multiple modes. Each extra mode it's in gives you +1 to the skill and the skill's cap is 2 higher than the rank of the highest mode it's in.
And then you spend freebies to focus or specialise them.
This character gave up all her freebies in order to be able to afford Cheater.
It seemed appropriate.
What is the default physical healing skill in ARRPG?
You know, the one you use to remove physical consequences, like Empathy for mental ones?
Usually something medically-sciencey.
There isn't one in the default skill list.
Other than Physique for naturally overcoming the consequence on your own.
I don't think that's actually a default trapping of the skill.
You're right. Weird.
No, it's not.
I was very surprised to see that there is no default healing trapping and/or Special in ARRPG or Fate Core
Unless you're supposed to use Empathy for your broken bones?
Kiss the pain away?
It's about narrative permissions.
The nature of the consequence defines the actions (and skills) needed to help ease it.
Since we're allowed to define consequences so broadly, it makes sense that we'd be the ones to also define how to fix 'em.
It's a tiny little fruitful void.
("Fruitful Void," of course, is the name of Amy Lee's newest band.)
Well then
Maybe indeed there should be no physical/generic consequence healing stuff
and that trapping gets dissolved into "you can do it with anything"
In all seriousness, "fruitful void" is an RPG design term for a narrative space the game leaves free of mechanical influence.
The idea is that sometimes you get better play when you leave a particular thing open for free-form creativity on the part of the players.
In D&D, "why do you adventure?" is usually a fruitful void. In Masters of Umdaar you're asked specifically to mechanise it in the form of an aspect phrase which starts I must...
I guess...
I think many oldschool systems have character motivation as a void
but not necessarily just as many modern ones
Fruitful voids aren't necessarily deliberate.
On the other hand, Dogs in the Vineyard's fruitful void is the centrepiece of the game: the nature of justice and mercy.
Is Dr Light @trogdor's?
Does he usually play non-human characters?
So far I know of Dr Light and Brooklyn, so 100%
Let's see.
Often, yes.
Human warrior turned undead.
Human thief turned werecat priest(ess).
Lizardfolk. Lizardfolk. Lizardfolk.
Cyborg dragon.
Is that three consecutive Lizardfolks or three at once?
Not quite consecutive, but close.
Human monk turning into a dragon.
Human ex-gladiator bodyguard.
....yeah, humans are the minority in his playstyle and they're usually transformative.
Dr Light was human once.
my first D&D character ever was a human fighter, technically at least
but that was only a few sessions
first actual campaign was a half elf sorcerer I think
@eimyr I don't tend to decide to play a human without something being weird about them
@BESW I left a comment.
when other races/species are an option, the choice to play a human is usually boring to me
We seem to share that attitude,.
Though I'm usually reluctant to play as a totally inhuman character.
by totally inhuman what do you mean?
like, Lizardfolk would count but Elf wouldn't?
No terrigen mist backstory!
(Mutants are okay though.)
well, totally inhuman would be Brooklyn, cyborg dragon and demon.
not sure what shardmind is
a shardmind is a humanoid made of crystals
@BESW Is her "choose who goes first" stunt modelled off anything?
@doppelgreener It's an alien stunt in Knights of Invasion.
There's also an ARRPG stunt which says "you go first."
their bodies are held together by their minds, and said bodies are made of the shards of the Gate that exploded to create them all
hence the name
Is that the lightning reflexes one?
they seemed like a very interesting semi alien concept for a character race
@doppelgreener Yes.
Very interesting
Ok. I like the first two stunts. I am... not sure that Raycia always getting the choice will be fun for me.My primary concern will be: we go from mechanic to mechanic and I'm wondering "??? wait what's going on, how does that person get to go first" - lightning reflexes at least means "you go first because you're very quick to react." Makes sense, I can understand that one in the narrative.
My secondary is that it's fun seeing the athletic person go first in physical conflict and etc.
I'm totally down to see it play out and see if I don't have to be concerned at all.
But I'm keen to know what's happening that means X is going first instead of the normal choice, Y.
eyyy wassup my fellow Dungeon Dwellers
/me never has been to a... no wait. I totally was in a dungeon once.
@Golokopitenko +1
tell me your story
ooooooh I saw this one on TV
actually... I think it was my English teacher who told me about it
worth it, but the guides speak with a deep midlands accent and I swear one of them must be east anglian, because of all the y'ars and bes.
ye olde English is fun IMO
must be cringey for native speakers but to me it sounds absolutely badass
I'm defo not a native speaker.
where from, might I ask?
I might go to Poland this September
to Szczecin
Why Szczecin?
A concert or something?
it's a university exchange program
I might spend a semester
Never been there though.
I've been in Poland quite a few times
when i used to hitchhike
Yeah. Noticed you're Lithuanian.
@doppelgreener You may have noticed that she's got only a high concept. We're trying that "play to discover the character" thing, and that includes not hashing out every detail about how she does what she does until she does it. If there's a problem in the execution, I should hope you feel free to say "I'm not happy about how that's working, can we fiddle with it?"
[insert Commonwealth joke here]
Are you the Glorious Past camp, the Political Occupation camp or neither, if you don't mind me asking?
I can only guess what you mean...
@eimyr lol
OK, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is usually portrayed by our media as stirring huge controversy still, on both sides of the border.
I never had an opportunity to get a Lithuanian opinion first-hand on how the commonwealth is treated there in reality.
good question
Though if you are willing to discuss it, we should probably move to Not A Bar

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
how to introduce new plot development without it being forced?
If you'd want to design character sheets for your own system/gameworld, what'd you use and why?
depends on what your system/world needs
@DoomedMind Depends. If I have 700$ to pay for Adobe InDesign... then if I have 70 hours to learn Scribus or LaTeX... then anything really.
I have InDesign and am proficient with it. So that's what I'd use.
@eimyr i dont have that kind of money :D
currently I tend towards latex
If I had no current proficiencies, and time but not money, Scribus.
If I had neither time, nor money, nor proficiencies... LibreOffice?
I did not know about Scribus
ugh... I'd rather not xD
@DoomedMind I've been running across it a lot lately while researching RPG game development. It's the GIMP of InDesign.
@BESW thank you, that might actually be really helpful
@Golokopitenko The "Pirate" package comes complete with malnutrition, communicable diseases, a severely non-OSHA-compliant workspace, constant paranoia, and a lifelong exile from your homeland. You get what you pay for.
absolutely worth it [not]
@BESW Sounds like you get a lot.
@DoomedMind A lot of self-publishing devs use it.
@BESW How do you feel about MS Publisher? I used it to do some basic DTP for a semi-professional periodical.
@eimyr I avoid MS Office as much as possible, given that I'm often paid to teach the use of several of its programs.
@DoomedMind At least 4 people I know who publish/intend to publish RPGs want to use or use Scribus.
@BESW That's a side of BESW I have never thought exists.
I just looked at it yesterday.
what's better, that my players see a smoke column from a siege or that they are told by fleeing merchants/whatever?
@BESW I understand. As a german, what especially irks me (though thats also the case with Open/Libre Office) is that the formulas are language bound. In the german version, I cannot use "=Sum()" and need to use "=SUMME()"
@eimyr I've spent far too much time trying to help people navigate that system to be charitable about its flaws.
@Golokopitenko sorry! Show don't tell is a good rule of thumb.
@eimyr Yes, but that's not quite applicable here.
I thought about doing both
they see the smoke (they are like dozens of miles away)
Fleeing merchants are the GM showing the human effects of the siege.
and coming back they find fleeing people
but it might be redundant to do both?
@BESW I concentrated on the "told by NPC" bit.
Redundancies are good?
Maybe indeed doing both is best.
@Golokopitenko In most live performances that are trying to convey information (radio in particular), the rule is "Tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em. Tell 'em. Tell 'em what you told 'em."
OK. Redundancy is good.
btw has anyone played Numenera? is it really as good as hyped?
@BESW [scribbles notes]
@nitsua60 Dig ho!
@Sejanus I've been told good things by some of my old D&D 3.5 players, but I can't really vouch for what that means.
@nitsua60 Yopp!
aah also, how do you guys feel about taking "inspiration" from sources my players will never check?
immoral? risky? totally ok?
because I've been ripping a TON from Dune
So long as you're not planning to publish the setting or anything like that, it's totally up to you and your group.

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