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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

I'm not very good at reading people or their reactions and it's made even harder on chat. I'll stop the ping-stories.
I guess it came across more weird than friendly ;)
@Polyducks I didn't find them weird--I was flattered to be included =)
@Polyducks I liked the stories as well. I think BESW objects to you making up stories targeted specifically at him, namely the BESW as Chuck Norris of D&D.
@Polyducks Also, it seems to me that @BESW observes a large amount of mythologisation even without your stories - about every half a year we have a huge discussion about what BESW should stand for if it's an acronym, some entries are more amusing than others.
I dunno man. It feels weird now
It's not too unusual that BESW might get tired of having stories, rumours and half-truths circulating around about him. He is a prolific chatter, but I take he would prefer to be taken for what he stands for, instead of serving as a fictionalised dispersonalised entity.
@Nitsua60 <3 Even when you're a teletubby? Haha
@Polyducks eh, maybe that means its time has come and gone. It was a lovely little thing, and that can be its existence.
Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks, @Eimyr
I guess so. I'm going to start looking for an IRC to join
Considering I'm frequently off topic, somewhere to shoot the breeze would do me good!
Why would you join an IRC?
"Shooting the breeze" would be a great name for a band.
Especially a trombone quartet.
It's also the name of an achievement for shooting an invisible enemy in tf2
does burninating count as shooting?
You know, "spycheck"
I think there's a biurinating one for putting one someone on fire with Jarate :p
man, TF2 times were the good times
man, back in the day...
well, the day for me was like 2011 or so
I remember I played until Mann and the Machine came out
then got sorta tired
After TF2 I tried LoL, but it didn't work out. Too many of my mom's exes play it.
that took me a while to figure out
I appreciate it more
Yeah, you're right. It's a toxic environment
Exacerbated by the fact I'm not very good at it.
So I was reading about bitcoin today and it's a really interesting self-insulated community
@Polyducks are tehre any multiplayer games you enjoy?
for the fact that you earn bitcoin by processing transactions made with bitcoin
but less and less every bitcoin mined
@eimyr I've really got back into Minecraft recently, but I play that single player. Since getting a job I enjoy my alone time much more. Other than that, i really love gauntlet. it's got a small community and I can login and join a game and see names I recognise and people I've fought alongside before.
Gauntlet was an arcade machine from the 80s. They did a remake recently for modern day with modern graphics. An endless dungeon delve game where you can play elf / wizard / barbarian / valkyrie or necromancer
You work together as a team to get through the dungeons
The way the mechanics interlace are pretty gorgeous
I may have tried to sell it to you on Skype before
I don't think so
and if you did I completely missed it
I'm quite a non-indie person.
Shame. I'll link you up when I'm home
This is a commercial game
I don't have anything against it principle, but it rarely works out for me.
Indies are often commercial.
I mean... er...
Large studio? Triple A.
I think it's a Polish studio too
They made helldivers which was a spinoff but in space, but I still much prefer Gauntlet
The guys from Magicka?
Swedish, btw
Oh okay
Anyway, that's my jam. I should find a Minecraft server to join, but typically any minecraft servers I've played on have ended in massive amounts of drama and grief.
Or find something else entirely
What are you building atm?
In MC? I'm trying to reach the end. So far I've succeeded in building a small farm, starting a mine and digging on the wrong layer for diamonds for four hours and building a fishing shack
I really enjoy architecture so it's fun to see how buildings can develop naturally
I see.
I tried to build a castle organically once.
It failed.
Did the seeds not sprout? ;)
No, the amount of work made me realise I don't really enjoy it.
haha when you enjoy it it's not work
I'm also trying to build a goldfish bowl simulator so I can feed virtual fish at work
I liked figuring out the portcullis, but endless stone stacking was tiring
that might give me some sort of virtual friend I need at work
@Polyducks I thought that was me =/
@Polyducks have you tried the world's best Sims game?
@Eimyr no?
@nitsua60 haha it's why I come to this chat every day at work, but I'm feeling more of a nuisance recently.
@Polyducks It's called Crusader Kings 2.
Oh lol
I have it, but I haven't played it
@Polyducks You're always welcome to come to chat. Whether people get on with you is influenced by what you say and not whether you're here :) the Be Nice principle grows deep here.
Thanks @Eimyr. I just need to be less of a erm
In a sense it's the opposite of reddit.
How so?
On reddit or God forbid 4chan occasional confrontation is often welcome.
Arguments can be won, people can be told.
Here - not so much.
I would say that on reddit hurting someone a little bit to make a point is OK. Here a point is not worth making if you have to hurt someone even a little bit.
I guess we're more of a community here
Hmm... [processing]
Both are nomad communities with people coming and going as they please... When I look at Reddit I see a crowd-like behaviour with the loudest and bluntest voices being heard first. Here I see more of a family living room or village community center.
Yeah, so more of a community than a hive
Haha, I would say 4chan is a hive, namely because everyone has a sting and when the users swarm out, bad things happen.
@Polyducks I don't really play computer games. But that's a game I have sunk hours into.
@eimyr I've not played that myself, but my SO plays it a lot and tells me about all the ways he breaks history
Which entertains me
@AshleyNunn Ask him if he has read the CK2 story about the time a dude made a horse become the Roman Emperor.
I cried from laughing too much when I've read it.
^^ Here it is in all its glory
@eimyr Oh, yes, I remember him telling me about that. I haven't read the whole story for myself, but the idea cracked me up.
can someone tell me the name of that extension that turns the dice rolled here into fate dice?
2 hours later…
Feb 6 '15 at 13:40, by doppelgreener
Q: RPG.SE Chat Fudge dice: a userscript for Fate & Fudge games

doppelgreenerAvailable on Greasy Fork: RPG.SE Chat Fudge Dice RPG.SE's chat rooms support dice rolls as an easter egg. This script will convert d6 rolls into Fudge dice, using the ordinary conversion rules: 1–2 = minus, 3–4 = blank, 5–6 = plus You can enable or disable these dice on a per-room basis. It wil...

Thank you @nitsua60
@waxeagle sorry you have to work but I hope you are doing well
@Polyducks I have a server (though I need to get it set back up). It's free of drama, but it's also generally free of people, too, somewhat defeating the point of a server (just for personal friends and acquaintances, most of whom are like me and wander off and forget things). :P But you are welcome to it if you would like, once it's running again.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm doing all right. It's getting down to crunch time on our project. Release got pushed back another two weeks. Hopefully at least by the end of this month we'll be live.
yeah definitely
2 hours later…
Me: "Ok, kids, how does the princess know the hippo is an enchanted prince?" Small Boy: "He's stress-eating!" Me: "..."
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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