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Q: I'd like to ask a question to explore a topic

JoeI'm interested in finding out if this hack for Dungeon World (DW) works well or not. Asking "Hey, what do you guys think about X?" is definitely not a good fit for this site. Instead, maybe I could ask questions like: Would this rule work well in DW? What repercussions would this rule have in...

Does anybody here use Discord, and if so, do you know if it automatically connects you to the voice channel when you join a new room? It does so when I create a room, but I'm wondering if it's when you join someone else's, too.
@Pixie yes, and yes if it's a voice room.
@doppelgreener Can you... entirely get rid of the voice room attached to your server?
Actually, probably should check that...
[pokes around]
@Pixie Yes, but then you might rather be using Telegram instead
actually no discord is better in a lot of situations
No, I don't want anything that bases its friendlist on phone numbers.
Which is sadly a lot of Skype alternatives.
Yeah I have that misgiving about telegram too.
"Telegram is about privacy and security!" "Yay!" "So your contacts know your phone number!" "Y...what?" "And your contacts on your phone who also have telegram will appear on your friends list!" "Whaaaaaaat????"
I want full control over who I add and who adds me.
I still use telegram tho
Otherwise, Discord seems pretty okay, though.
I'm going to try out slack soon, don't know how that one works
I really hope they add a setting for you to disable yourself autojoining voice channels when you connect to a server in Discord, but otherwise, lots of nice features.
@doppelgreener Hadn't heard of that. It looks nice, but since it's a paid platform, I'm not sure it'd be great for general communication for me.
It does have a free tier, but I'm a little unclear on what the limitations are.
@doppelgreener still you are in control of who will see your messages, when you're using secret chats. And AFAIK contacts that wasn't added from your phonebook won't see your number.
We've been using Slack (I think it's free?), it's pretty decent. Multiple chat channels, notifications, etc.
Anyway I use Telegram because it's perfomance is awesome.
@Magician as far as I remember it has different subscriptions plans, including free, each one of them with it's own limitations.
Yeah. A player in our group had set it up for us. I hope they're not paying for it, that'd be awkward.
I hope that Telegram will add voice chat in near future. They say that they already have technology, but it's not their priority now.
@Magician Likely free. It does seem to be pretty usable on the free tier. I just can't tell exactly what the limitations are, and the site overall is really business-oriented.
As I see it: at the moment Durov try to grab piece of market from mobile messengers: whatsup, viber and such. I hope later he will try to make Telegram viable replacement for Skype too :)
My ideal is something that does text chat primarily (though voice and video are nice options), has a desktop client, utilizes usernames or numeric IDs rather than personal information like real name/phone number, performs decently, and preferably allows some level of theming or adjustments.
Or at least keeps the text reasonably large. Because Skype has no program theming, my boyfriend hasn't been able to update it in a really long time... because they made the contact font list smaller, and he can't read it.
I will research this topic later, but I'm pretty sure that apart from mandatory exposing your phone to Telegram and notifying people who have Telegram and have your number on their phones, your phone number is not exposed that much and wouldn't be shown to people who added you not via search by phone number.
Yeah, but that's the thing. They can search by phone and add me. I don't want people to add me to IM just because they know my phone number.
@Pixie if you have discord, i'll set up a channel, make sure it has a voice channel, then invite you
@Pixie I'm playing a cleric in my 3.5e game, so of course he's the primary healer. But he doesn't specialise in it - his domains are fire & sun, and his chosen feats boost turning & summoning.
and you can see if you auto-connect
@doppelgreener That works!
@Pixie I understand that. Of course It's major inconvinience(or we may say downside) of the Telegram. Apart from that it satisfies every other condition you mentioned earlier.
@Pixie What about IRC?
Clearly, the answer is burner phones.
@RollingFeles Nah. I don't mind IRC, but getting other people to use it is nigh-impossible. xD
it doesn't support voice/video at all, but there are plenty of decent clients.
@Magician it's actually a good idea, because desktop client doesn't bother to check authentification regularly. I can't remember if I ever needed to enter my credentials after first login.
@Pixie Raidcall? It's not perfect but it has pretty good voice chat, it has decent chat, channels with configurable access.
Imagine Team Speak with more convinient chat.
You can block voice chat for the room easily.
@RollingFeles I haven't tried that one. Will look into it. Thanks. :)
Post-MSN messenger, everyone I know has wound up on Skype, and every one of us hates it, so finding a replacement has been my eternal quest.
You're not alone :)
I bet on Telegram, but we discussed that already.
@Pixie This resonates with me on a deep level
@Pixie And now I have Discord stuck in my head.
Actually, it may not be Telegram, but it must be popular and must have open API, so anyone could make at least client implementations.
I would be content with Skype if I could use some custom client app.
@Pixie Keep us in the loop when you do!
@BESW Will do!
so i have a new team project that requires i choose an avatar, because i will also get little magnets made of this avatar
i am considering: jake the dog, aang (because he's the avatar hurr), or Rick from Rick & Morty. (another teammate has Bird Person.)
@doppelgreener your SE avatars are awesome too. Moustache batman would look great :)
@RollingFeles thaaat's truuueee....
i could use king of all cosmos for an avatar :D
@Pixie To potentially save you some time - Mumble is probably not the answer.
it's an agile project too. so i could make jokes about that. "this task is too small. it must be bigger, yes."
@Miniman Thanks!
@Pixie like Team Speak, like Ventrilo. All of them great for voice, but chat is less appealing.
@BESW fascinating!
@BESW I always enjoy these
somewhat related, I just found this:
@BESW [falls over] spaaaace
NASA's Picture of the Day feed is a highlight of my RSS.
> Take this katamari. Roll it over everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar", every "supreme leader", every saint and sinner in the history of our species.
@doppelgreener "I'm gonna roll over this task in no time!"
@BESW Wha... I... how can that be real? I accept that it is, but...?
@Adeptus long exposure
yes, the cat in the background is puuuurrrrrfect
Seriously though airglow is wild.
Update on the messenger situation: I actually like Discord. I think I could use this. BetterDiscord should let me fix the font size/color, and (thus far) it doesn't seem to automatically add you to voice channels if you join someone else's server. Maybe just a weird thing it does when you make one.
2 hours later…
that seems like a weird thing to automatically do when you make your own channel
@trogdor well it did start out as a gaming chat service, and one big thing in gaming is voip
it would still be good to be able to turn it off
for some reason I couldn't type anything for a sec
until I closed and re opened the chat
some kinda "unknown error"
@nitsua60 another great idea that now is stored in my inspirational document. Thank you again :)
You know, it's sometimes really hard to merge into this chat
Reference your previous conversations, folks!
@Polyducks Which previous conversations need referencing?
i think he means use the pointy arrow thing for direct message replies if it wouldn't be immediately obvious what you're responding to, which is a good thing to do in general
That, but also in your reply you can give context
for example, instead of replying 'lol, I do that too', you can reply with 'lol, I like using jellybabies as miniatures too'
-shrug emoji-
Otherwise you get reply chains that don't actually have any context until the forth or fifth jump.
@doppelgreener how do you think a Katamari RPG would play out?
@Polyducks Story time!
OR ELSE I will subject you all to an essay about Slav Squatting.
@eimyr That sounds interesting, what does it mean?
No shh don't
It's a slavic way of sitting.
Rest the wrists on the knees and squat.
@eimyr Yeah, I saw the LMGTFY link :P
Which, btw, was entirely fair.
@Miniman I didn't realise it was that... not nice.
@Miniman I used it once in the past and it had less passive aggressive notes and no animation
@eimyr : "Camelot."
@BESW : "Camelot!"
@waxeagle : "Camelot!"
@trogdor : "It's only a model."
@BESW @Eimyr @waxeagle : "Shh!"

@BESW : "Knights, I bid you welcome to your new home. Let us ride... to Camelot."

A silly scene unfolds wherein everyone is dressed as @Miniman, singing about how mental Camelot is.

@BESW : "Well, on second thought, let's not go to Camelot -- it is a silly place."

ALL: "Right."
It missed me by a mile.
@Polyducks I have no idea how to react to this.
Is that Monty Python?
Also, what does it mean to be dressed as me?
@eimyr lmao. 12 years a slav
@eimyr of course it's Monty Python
@miniman Everyone is dressed as you. Wearing the same clothes.
@Polyducks most of the depictions are actually of russians, particularly of Gopnik subculture. Russians are not Slavs.
@Polyducks But you have no idea what I'm wearing! It could be orange and blue stripes.
@RollingFeles Please confirm!
@eimyr >implying I'm culturally aware
@Miniman I like to imagine it's lacy lingerie.
If you're female that imbues a +5 AC
@Polyducks thinks Fu Manchu must be from Manchester.
@Polyducks Nah, truth is I look like my avatar.
@eimyr Isn't that a chinese takeaway?
@Miniman weak in the joints?
@Polyducks ... actually it probably is.
@Miniman Magmar fused with Lucario?
@Polyducks Lol, I can see how you'd get that.
And Evangelion robot.
@miniman Did you draw your avatar? Is this the fabled internet OC I've heard so much about?
@eimyr Interesting.
@Polyducks Nope, my ability to draw is roughly on par with my ability to fly.
Every day I leave this chat content only to see that by the next day all my stars are pushed back by @BESW quotes. The struggle is real.
Ain't no rest for the wicked.
@Polyducks hmmmm.... i am not sure. i'm not sure i WOULD do it as an RPG. the fun of the game is in the curve balls the developers threw at you, making you collect on all sorts of scales, in different circumstances, sometimes with different balls or different obstacles ("once you collect a cow, you've finished" for instance)
@doppelgreener I'm not sure; if someone's done it, then...
@BESW hmm. well it's bloomin' unclear what he wants out of the second one at least.
I assumed that someone familiar with both PF and Palladium would understand what he's talking about.
@eimyr That star there? We call that irony.
@BESW that's why it's darker, it's more irony than goldy
@BESW No, it's just @polyducks. I can always count on him starring.
Wasn't me this time
It is now.
@eimyr I can't really understand what depictions you are talking about :) And why Russians are not Slavs.
@RollingFeles In my understanding Slavic people and Russian people form close but distinct groups.
In, say, Kiyevan Rus I would expect to see Slavs, but not around Stalingrad or Moscow.
@RollingFeles Apparently Wikipedia disagrees with me. Huh. I need to Czech my sources.
@eimyr I think it's a big topic for another discussion. It depends on what do you mean by "Slavic". We can use some historian references as basis and build terminology from there.
"Czech my sources" :D
oh god, someone is moving into the pun territory
it's overcrowded here as it is :P
See, Wikipedia base it's definition of Slavs on some aggregated historian works. It's just somehow was acepted as general. There are many theories that can also be based on the same works/artifacts, but in which authors came to diffirent conclusion.
"General" just have much greater support among historians, I think.
@RollingFeles Sorry to ask, but what do you do in real life?
You seem knowledgeable and I wonder if it's not tangential to your area of professional interest.
@eimyr I'm software developer.
Well, me too.
@eimyr I'm flattered. Thank you. But I'm not well knowledgeable really. At the work I need to support every decision with arguments and I try to follow this way in real life too. And in discussion this way demands to not only support my statements with logical conclusions and facts, but also research and understand arguments behind other's statements.
You see I could say "No-no-no! Russians are Slavs. Period. Read wikipedia!"
but even though this statement has some basis, it could just be wrong to use
because your point of view may be in different scope and can be perfect from arguments and logics inside this scope.
And it's not a rare ocassion when a little misunderstanding and ignorance leads to useless debates.
Too many times you can see two people vehemently agreeing with each other.
Welp, its my last day at age 35. So there's that.
@DavidWilkins Happy birthday?
Many happy returns of the day!
Thanks @eimyr
Thank you, @BESW
@DavidWilkins Happy Birthday! Be Happy :)
Thanks @RollingFeles
@DavidWilkins but your birthday is today or tomorrow? Should we hold our horses?
tomorrow, but I might not be able to make it to chat. feel free to hold off, because SE will let me know if I missed it
Happy Birthday, @DavidWilkins! I'm all about putting the horse before the cart.
@polyducks explain that saying
Isn't the horse supposed to be in front of the cart?
I mean, pushcarts are probably a thing, but...
Thanks @Polyducks, and I too am confused
The standard idiom is "to put the cart before the horse," meaning doing things in the wrong order.
That's much clearer.
This should not be confused with "Put Descartes before the horse," which would probably frighten both him and the horse.
On the other hand, putting the cart before the hoarse would likely result in some very rough complaints.
...Unfortunately, although YouTube has accumulated an impressive library of Square One TV episodes, the skit I'm looking for seems to be missing.
Would putting escargot before the horse impress the horse?
@BESW or the famous reddit joke, 'Putting Descartes before the whores'
That's not in very good taste.
Don't black it out. It's a legit cultural reference
A redditor was in a philosophy class and wanted to know if one of his fellow classmates is someone he'd seen online
the reccomendation was to message her online persona so as to put 'Descartes before the whores'.
It's not a nice word, but it completes the joke nicely and relates to current discourse
Also I may have got the order of the cart/horse wrong when I replied, @DavidWilkins
I'm going to take my conversation killing self back to work. Later!
Reddit's kind of relephance doesn't always improve a conversation.
@nitsua60 [wave]
Oh snap. Forgot to include @nitsua60 in today's story
@Polyducks No worries--turns out I'd been accidentally been hanging out in Fate Chat rather than General... so that's what I get =)
@BESW morning. Did you see the little Lorne Michaels tidbit?
@nitsua60 I did! I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'll keep it in mind.
(Partly because when I think "Lorne," I tend to think of this guy more than this one.)
@Golokopitenko Hi!
@BESW same XD
@nitsua60 Awesome pick.
@Shalvenay @JoshuaAslanSmith @Grubermensch no game this week, have to work tomorrow night :(
2 hours later…
Anyone here?
I have a campaign gen question that's not suited to mainsite
Here, but not sure I'd be able to help
so I'm having this campaign that I'm only setting up in a ballistic approach
ballistic approach?
i.e. I set up plot and a couple introductory scenes, then I have no plans as to what happens, but there is an objective for the players to achieve.
It's not a complete sandbox, but close.
Ah, I see
similar to the way I'm running one of my games
I'm using Justin Alexander's layer cake approach.
I have so far a list of possible places with faces.
I'm trying to assign them narrative functions that I can safely predict and the other way around - see what else I need to have a narratively functional steup.
So far I have 1. safehouse/downtime place 2. Mainline quest place/macguffin with "progress bar" 3. Social/faction hub 4. Knowledge dump/resource trading place
heh, you're already into stuff I don't think I can really help with
What else do I need?
its really not an approach I'm familiar enough with
I see.
How do you approach it?
I've not really seen it done with narrative functions like that before - it sounds interesting actually
My approach is a lot more haphazard and scattergun
(I'm doing to avoid a situation when the PCs say "OK, so where around here can we rest?" or "We need to talk to people, but no idea where?")
(this has been an issue in the past)
yeah I can see that being a problem
And then I have a lot of meaningless places and faces that come and go and make a mess
I tend to come up with factions, their resources and general motivations/desires and how they relate to eachother and then let the PCs loose to cause mayhem
I am aiming for a compact setup, like in video games: you have one shop, one inn, one training place etc.
its an interesting approach
Thanks. I'll let you know if it works in a larger scheme of things.
I think I'd find it too constraining
but then I'm getting quite comfortable with improv
Well, there's nothing stopping me from making up a new place if I need one.
Or a new character.
But for faction-heavy games it becomes difficult to track everything and at times I end up with outliers whose current attitude I haven't accounted for. I run the risk of having a minor NPC becoming a cornerstone of confusion.
I'm not good at improvising, I think.
Takes a lot of practice, and you have to be diligent with note taking
(its the second bit I fall down on)
Not my habit to make lots of notes.
In between the sessions, yeah, but not during.
I find it hard to write and talk at the same time.
I get caught up in the moment and tend to forget to write stuff down
Aaaand if I write too much my players lose immersion.
yeah, a tricky tightrope to walk
hence a narrative-function based lineup of faces and places with some pregenerated addons I can pull in when I need to.
sounds like a cunning plan indeed
The key to it is defining that basic lineup well.
E.g. where should the players go if they need information? Or equipment? Where can they catch up on current events? Where would they run to in trouble?
I'm currently working out how to make the next bit of my campaign less railroady
And why is it too railroady?
@waxeagle Aw too bad. Hopefully next week!
I've slipped into it without realising
only really noticed at the end of the last session
been gradual I think
Well, if you noticed it it's all good! It would be worse if players requested a change.
Devil's advocate: maybe players prefer it as it is?
Right, so any particular symptoms?
@Grubermensch hopefully. We'll be more regular once AX goes live and I can get back to a more normal work schedule. (hopefully the 11 if not then hopefully the 25th)
I sensed them getting frustrated
need to relearn to sacrifice by babies
as it were
I have all these cool things that can happen, but I need to give my players the chance to stop it
or what's the point of their involvement
Yeah, no agency there.
I try to think the other way. Instead of having cool things happen if players fail, I want to have cool things happen if they succeed.
I've got that too, but it makes too many assumptions about what will have happened to get to a certain point
E.g. A meteor with an eldritch beast will fall on the capital city. That's cool as hell! Now, sadly, players will try to stop it. Bummer.
How about: A meteor with an eldritch beast will fall on the capital city. If the players succeed, they will be there to fight it. (yay!) If not, it kills my two favourite characters before it's put down by local militia. (bummer)
I'll be sure as hell to give players the freedom to stop it!
heh thanks - you've just given me an idea for how to change up my mini-climax to make it player focused
haha, awesome
I'm still learning to fail forward, but I'm doing my best.
hello, any dnd 5e players here?
could anyone help me with this: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/77612/…
@Tijnkwan there yah go.
could i use my "normal action" to attack with a spell and hasted action to multi attack (or vice versa if that works)
@Tijnkwan nope
thought so
was worth a try :D
if you're hasted you can multi-attack and then attack again (single) or cast and then single attack
2 hours later…
@eimyr Any chance you can link to that? I really like Justin Alexander's work, but hell if I can find my way around his site. (Damn him for Jaquaying the Blog!)
4 hours later…
@nitsua60 What do you need? Layer Cake design on his blog?
@nitsua60 thealexandrian.net/wordpress/7949/roleplaying-games/… this is the beginning of his Node Design thing. Apart from a lot of technical conceptualisation of techniques we all know and love and have been using for a long time, he offers some great end results. I'm actually using the Layer Cake alternative from Part 6 of this serie.
@nitsua60 Unfortunately narrative-function-based design is not from his site- that's my own approach which I haven't tested enough to be as authoritative as JA.
@eimyr thanks--that's a whole series of his that I've apparently not seen =(
this series has two parts, note
this is the advanced part
@eimyr That approach sounds good. The only suggestion I might have would be to draw some interesting slices and rearrangements. What's the setting like, that I could give you an example?
for complete list you can always click Gamemastery 101 on the right menu
It's Mage: Ascension, so urban fantasy
@eimyr ah, so apparently it's the two posts that bracket the one (Jaquaying) I claim is maybe the best in all of the blogosphere =)
I didn't find Jaquaying as engaging, maybe because my adventures tend to happen outside of a dungeon
hey there @nitsua60 and @eimyr
@eimyr So then maybe the local watering hole is the place to catch up on current events, but it's also the place to buy pretty-mundane weaponrywhile staying "off the grid". (The bouncer disarms people when they get rowdy, and runs himself a nice little side-business out of a storeroom.)
Hey @Shalvenay
hey @Shalvenay
how're things going?
Or if a university library is a go-to for researching, it's also frequented by one of the factions such that one could carefully do some eavesdropping. At a risk, of course....
come on
let's do this together if you have some time
a little time--maybe ten minutes
guide: the italics are for me, normal is for the players. So far it's not player-facing but I will write it up, print it and give to the players
underlines are how the place fulfills and communicates it's narrative purpose to the players
this has nothing to do with JA's layer cake design - this is a step before I get to design any scenes or encounters
@eimyr (having never played nor seen M:tA) what sorts of resources might a player be looking for? Or information?
I'm also not quite sure what you mean in game-context by "progress bar."
It will serve to show player's their progress in the plot, as they know there are 8 floors to unlock, as they go about it they will have a sense of how quickly it goes.
Resources: energy to cast the magicks (called Quintessence), information, knowhow about magic leylines, info about who's who, some adventuring gear, money, weapons, contacts and allies
the first 4 in that list are quite limited, and PCs are newcomers to the area
So when I say "slicing and rearranging," I might have mixed and matched some elements of your safehouse with a social hub. Let's say someone's providing them cover/protection/alias, but the "front" is of a working produce distribution center. The players can "rest" by taking eight-hour shifts unloading ships (perhaps discover some faction-specific info?) or making deliveries (interact with lots of people in an unseen way).
Or it's just known that the vampires have the best equipment, so obtaining gear is also a light-touch interaction with that faction.
Oh, I don't mean these distinctions to be definitive.
I mean for them to be enabling - the vampires might have best weapons but if the players don't know what to do or how to obtain vamps' favour, they can always default to the Poly Sanctum and get something reasonably appropriate.
It's not supposed to rigidly funnel player activity into known places, but prevent a situation of players saying "we need X and there is nowhere to look for it!"
Anyway, that was really my only thought when I saw you listing narrative nodes--"well, what about making something 80% social but 20% gear?" &c.
Gotta run and do the kids' bath now. (My son got pretty dirty this afternoon, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
haha awesome!
@nitsua60 It will inevitably happen (e.g. werewolves hang out in the Social Hub, not only in their hidey hole, Sanctum can under certain circumstances be a safehouse) but these should provide a framework of agency to the players.
Lovely thing learned from my local owl sanctuary: wild owls worry about the tame show owls & sometimes leave them shrews & mice as presents.
@Tumin Hi!

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